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Mary D. Nelson S. REPrORT CATE August 1971

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Miscellaneous Publication 32

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Department of the Army Fort Detrick Frederick, Maryland 21701


ýThis volume contains a sequential bibliographic listing of 799 translations from the files of the Technical Library, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, and the call numbers by which they can be Complete subject and requested from Defense Documentation Center. author indexes are included.

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Unc 1assi fied

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Fort Detrick Frederick, Maryland 21701



Mary D. Nelson

I DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


August 19/1


This volume completes the bibliographic listing of translations from foreign publications held in the Technical Library, Fort Detrick. These translations are listed numerically as they were acquisitioned by the Library. In addition to the present volume, the series includes: Miscellaneous Publication 42, covering translations numbered 800 through 1199; Miscellaneous Publication 43, 1200 through 1699; Miscellaneous Publication 44, 1700 through 2199; and Miscellaneous Publication 45, 2200 through 2741. Subject and author indexes dre available for all volumes; each volume includes translations from about 20 different languages. Complete information was not available for a few citations, but all available information has been included. Most of these translations have been incorporated into the Defense Documentation Center (DDC) holdings, and eligible readers may obtain copies from there. The DDC accession number is shown with each translation available there. An occasional translation will be shown with a JPRS or Technical Translation number; these may also be obtained by that number from DDC. Mrs. Ethel M. Gretzinger was of invaluable help in researching the citationc in the Technical Library and offered many constructive suggestions. Her extensive knowledge of source materials made possible a much more accurate bibliography than would otherwise have been realized. The author also is grateful to Mrs. Carol L. Brown, who typed the final copy. Her willingness to undertake this tedious task, and to perform it so well, was most helpful in completing this assignment.

ABSTRACT This volume contains a sequen.ial bibliographic listing of 799 translations from the files of the Technical Library, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, and the call numbers by which they can be requested from Defense Documentation Center. Complete subject and author indexes Lre included.


Foreword ....................



Abstract ....................



TRANSLATIONS .................... SUBJECT INDEX ................. AUTHOR INDEX .............. DD Form 1473 ................


....................... .....................



...................... ........................






Preceding page blank 5 TRANSLATiONS


841 621

Haas, H. 1952. Construction elemnent-s of the modern vacuum drying indura~ry. (in German.) Ver. Deut, ing. Z. 94:13:'j58-359. 2

AD) 841 622

Hoder, F. 1932. The variability of dysentery iacteria in the lighit of new research. (In German.) Med. Klin. (MuniLch) 49:1-5.

12 Bergamini, L.


A 0 84 1 610 lysoz3 ie on

Action of

B. anthracis. (In Italian.) Sie-roter. Milan. 32:257-260.

Boll. Ist.


A[) 06


Imshenetakii, A.A.; Ruhan, L.JL. 1954. Noncellular nitrification; growth of c~ui~tres of Nitrosomonas and formation of cý-'-i auijolysates. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologlya 23: 27 1-274.

3 AD 841 602 Jannasch, H.W. On~ the method of quantitative analysis of bacteria cultures Jn fluid media. (In German.) 4 AD 841 601 Apparatus for the separation of solid and liquid particles from "gas stream with the aid of some radioactive ionizers. (In German.) Patent 280824. 5 AD 676 350 Gorienko, M.V. 1953. Chaptf--r 1: Blrief historicthi notes, p. 9-13; -hapter 10: Methods ot fighting bacterial diseases, p. 78-87. (in Russian.) In Bacterial diseases of plaints. 6

AD 841 623 Scholtens, R.Th. 1937. I'heswooth to rough form change in Bactaýriu, -ty-phi. (In German.) Zeotralbi. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Imfektionskr. il~yg. Abt. I Orig. 139:467-476.

14 WO~li 611 Oz, T.V. 1940-1941. Tularemia cuidutcjxin. (In German.) Turk Hifzisbihhe. lecitibi Biol. Mecm. 2:191. 15 Schlossberger, HI.; Grill, J. 1936. Experimental investigations of mixed and secondary infections: Vi. Further studics of the effect of a mixed infection of tht: spirocha!,tes of relapsing t~ver on the effect of germanin on trypanosomnes [ sjjnjmnmryj . (Iii(;eIrainv,) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasiteak. Infektionskr, 135:415:203-215. 16 All 841. Findelsen, W. 1935. Onl lung deposits, breathing, of small particles su6ývncdid air. (In German.) Arch. Ges. Physiol. 367-379.

b12 through in the



Thompson, W.R. 7 Rocard,

AD 841 624 Y.





sarion th*eory, vapor equi.librium in the presence of drops. (Iii French.) C. R. Acad. Sci. 238:11:1L98-l"00.

1924. The marUIl .jica LLdI T-heory of the action of entomophagous paiasitvý and t~,'v'hance




Sci. Marseille, Ila Ser. Vol.

Ai ,


li, Xii.,-






Rosin, P1' 8 AB, ý,41 b07 Streng, 0. !i2U9. Furthcr diiierence~S between congLitinamtion and agglutirdLion. (In Gertnon. /I ',en!tr mib I. Baktertol. Parasitemn1. Iof,2ktioncýkr. 30:,'7-8U.


A L 84 1 -98a SchoJ I, L. ! 146 Pure chi~lttmpyeparat i-n from ijoletus rVoL iS. (In GQrman.) Monatsh. Charm. '9:1'02-3- 103o. It0

lwel , F !9J2. Fundameni-als and IiMitatioIS 0, CYý Lcoi dusting. (In (;ernian. V,,r. D~uri. 1.L /b:18:43.3-437. C)U1 Falcuet~tl.




espe; *Lto ti~ I

II .i


Ao b'o 352

Ismmchenko , ni.1 94 5. Mr-tib1:Irojog in, USSR Academy of S'0ieimoe. (Ou IPucsin.) Mlkrobiolmogiya






W. i 916.

11 A:) ?441 6U9 ,:rmo1,,how ;l~ , vo 191i. Studv of a atmamtheil t I th le . V yt Ior thme coagul at -t% of (0):.


VOIv~ ill.



11he CAIýC 1%t i, iim

of Asb-ca~ttdilltri r: o1.m pig. 0I Frvnch)ý C. .F. F~it 29-452-454,

tuberculosi., ac.d



oplalmy I, toxin, aceinpmled by thc z obuit;C with: horse setum,; pass~ ye tei the gijlr~ea pIv.'hIi Ftdml--' E.

vtnt ioil, w itth

. 'IVA




21 AD 676 353 Karaerov, P.G. 1952, Planned partial change of varieties in produced grain and the control of rust. (In Russian.) Selek. Semenovod. (Moscow) 19:16-21. 22 AD 676 357 Karchenko, K.A. 1923. Mixed infection of (exanthematic) typhus and relapsing fever. (In Russian.) Klin. Med. (Moscow) 1:2:10-12. 23 AD 841 617 Bekierkunsc, A.; Szulga, T. 1952. New method of evaluating the rate of groith of TB bacilli. (In Polish.) Pol. Tyg. Lek. 7:817-820.

31 Helmcke, J.G. 1953. Studies with the electron microscope of the structure of various membrane filters. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. 159:4:308-310. 32 AD 841 598 Hausmann, G.; Pietsch, H. 1949, The electron microscopical picture of the surface of membrane filters. (In German.) Naturwissenechaften 36:8: 250-251. 33 AD 676 334 Novotelnova, N. 1937. Influence of temperature and humidity on germination of Phytophthora infestans conidia, (In Ruscian.) Zashch. Rast. 12:79-08.

24 AD 676 358 Zaporozhchenko, A.Ya. 1943. Cases (4) of Intestinal anthrax. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 8:7:44-46.

34 AD 841 634 Lowenthal, K. Organs of circulction [excerpts]. (In German.)

25 AD 841 618 Kellenberger, G. 1954. Electron microscope. (In German.) Institute of Physics, Dept. of Biophysics, Univ. of Geneva.

35 AD 841 600 Leroux, _.; Amphoux, _.; Billaud, .; Bouillaud, .; Cadoret, G.; Pelord .; Duhamel, Y.; Lobrichon, .; Baldrich, .; Audouy, _.

26 AD 841 619 StAhelin, H. 1954. A method for direct cell counting: III. (In German.) Z. Hyg. Infektionskr. 139:527-540. 27 AD 841 620 Prar,dtl, L.; Bets, A. 1927. On the resistance 3f streaming air. (In German.) Results of the Aerodynamic Research Station at Gottingen. 3, Pt. 1. 28 AD 841 442 Lorenz, H. 1929. The resistance of pipe bends. (In German.) Phys. Z. 30:228-230. 29 AD 841 596 Davis, R. 1955. Relationuhip of steroids and proteire in the animal organisme. (In Tran~t.)





563-Sq&. 30 AD 641 597 Wirth, J.; Barak&, G. 1947. Pure ,pltht•-ial cultures on placsic meubtatkvq wt~.hout tra.lpleating and without plasma: PaF!J preparation of colorable cultutc. as smears. (In French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 73: 10: 97-1002.


Smallrnx epidemic iii

Vannes from December 1954 to March 1955. (In French.) Presse Med. 63:31:639-642. 36 AD 630 724 Kazberiuk, N.A.; Litvinova, Z.I.; Sadovnikova, R.N..; Pevsner, G.L. 1956. A test of the suitability of dry live tularemia vaccine and tularin ior the erection of a skin reaction. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobial. 21:6:58-61. 37 AD 841 599 Levaditi, C.; Veillet, J. 1947. Role of phagocytic defense in the mechanism of action of streptomycin in vivo. (In French.) Rev. Immunol. 11:206-221. 38

Fitibich, R.N.; Ta:ý&,


AD 676 33!



*lviti#t'lareala vaccine of N4I1LG ot the Red Ari.iy. i. (In Russian.) Zb. Mlkrobiol. Epidealol. lumunobiol. 17:7:59-63. 39 AD 676 33A Falblch. M.H.; Tamarit|a. T.S. 1946. Dry living r•tresmia vaccine or UXIE of th. Red Army: -I. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobl©| EpJiIeoiol. Immunobiol. 10:10:23-27.


40 AD 676 337 ludenich, V.A. J954. Revaccination against tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mi robiol. Epidemicl. Immunobiol. 25:2:31-36.

50 AD 673 304 Bocharova, F,V. 1943. On the epidemiology of tick spotted fever. (In Rubsian.) Zh. Mikrob:.ol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 14:1-2: 68-72.

41 AD 676 338 No antho, 1936-1946. Tularemia (19441946). (In Russian.) [Excerpts from the published literature on tl.- development of NIIEG vaccines.] 42

No author.

51 Savitskaya, E.P. 1943. On the etiology of tick Qpotted tever in the Khabarovsk Pictrict. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Innunobiol. 14:1-2:87.



Summary of ca..


from Soviet monograph entitled "Efi , vaccination against tulareinia." (In K CCIA Contr. w/797-C.

52 Korshunova, O.S. 1943. Preservation of the tick spotted fever virus in the organism of white rats. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 14:1-2:88.

.. )

43 AD 63 7. Ka 'tlna, T.A. 1956. On the studying of an allergic skin reaction as an indication of immunity to tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. linmiunobiol. 27:6:61-67.

53 AD 673 228 Khacenever, L.M. 1943. Cercain characteristics of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory diagnosis of typhoid forms of tularemia. (Ir. Russian.) Klin. Med. (Moscow) 21:28-35.

44 AD 630 726 Miasnikov, Y.A. 1955. Occupational cases of tularemia and their pre2vention. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 26:11:91-94.

54 Chumakov, M.P. 1939. Cultivation of the viruses of seasonal encephalites. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.

Itmmunobiol. 45 AD 676 341 The influence ot tissue therapy on the bubo of rabbits during tularemia. (In Russian.) Monograph, 6-52. 46 Nevsky, L.S. B. anthracis. 1:18:-22o

55 Solv'yev, V.D. 1941. Mamials and birds as reservoirs of the virus of seasonal (Jap.) encephalitis in nature. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobio). Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 12:4; 20-25.

AD 676 342 1953. On atypical forms of (In Russian.) Agrobiulogiya

56 AD 676 359 Shubladze, A.K. 1940. Experimental material on the etiology of the autumnal form of encephalitis: 1. (ln Russian.) ?h. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Inaunobiol. 11:8:29-35, 87-90.

47 A) b 16 343 Shkorbatov, V.I. 1944. On Lhe results of work by the cpideinioJu&A.l division of the WE!IM1 on the study of ticlý spotted f.ver in t.|e Flta~aiovsk. (It: Russi;an.) ? h.Iikrohiol. Epid'.•ol.




AD o06 1943. Etiolugy of tlk stkitled t-, 1iiz; in the Krasnoyo•'-Ak F~stricc. antl Kuosi+in.l /-li, hxtkrob;,1L. kpidtmiA|. Korshutiova,



4 :o -1 :


49 AD 676 .,44 Krontovskavy, A.K. Shtamikov, M.D. 1943. On thiw dety of tick spotted (ever of ,r¢ntrdl Sibe I.&. ýll Ktý%"Zan.) 4h. :!,r~bol.,•1tds~i|. r;•obil. &1-2:6544.-'



57 AD b76 360 SUtrbladae, A.K. 1943. Experimental studies of ýuuunity Agait"SL sae*flnal eik;4ahi'is fod Smmtaary. (I4 KRasLan.) Zb, Mikrobilo. Evldertic-. l.n,2.bjol, 4-:-"9-t7. AV 66 3t..I Ui ,K.F.; Savikl.'. 1.L. i1"4 J. Ont the qua*LLEn u, tonaervativu ot 'i)'LU of Japane•e onctphsalitts it natt.,cra lRussia•.5 Th. Mikroblol, Lpiw-,hiol. I,;1. 14: 10- 1:44 - .



59 Chagin, K.P. 1946. The causes which dtipulate the seasonality and disproportionality of the aitumnal (Japan.) encephalitis: I. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 17:3:73-79.

67 AD 676 370 Timakov, V.D.; Ska'ronskaya, A.rG, 1956. A contrvlled change of microorganic characteristics. 1. (In Bussinn.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobjol. 27:6:19-24.

60 Chagin, K.P. 1946. Epidemiological -'rognosis in autumnal (Japan.) encephalitis for the given season: II. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Imtnunobiol. 17;12:54-64.

68 AD 676 371 Graphchenkov, N.I.; Gla,.unov, I.S.; Robinson, I.A. 1945. Hirtologically comparative characteristics :' autumn encephalitis of the Prtmcry, :rnd Japanese encephalitis. (In Russian-) Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 17:1:5-13.

61 Drobyshevskaya, A.I. 1946. Antigenic peculiarities of virus of seasonal encephalitis (in reaction to the complement.fixing). (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunohbiol. 17:11:65-69. 62 AD 67ý 362 Shubladze, A.K.; Ananina, M.M. 1943. Effect of external factors on virus of seasonal encephalitis. (Iu Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Ihinmnobiol. 14:10-11:44-48. 63 AD 676 363 Drozhevkina, M.S.; Kharitonova, T.I. 1956. A test of specific serums for an extraordinary prophylactic for brucelloses. (In Russian.) Zh, %iirubiol. Epidemiol. I•ounobiol. 27:3:73-79. 64 AD 676 366 Vershilova, P.A.; Semcheva, N.S.; Fanderflit, E.P. 1956. On the quesftion of further improvement of the technology of producing dry live vaccine (brucellosis). (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. hpidemiol. Imnunobiol. 27:6:51-57. 65 AD 676 368 Smorodintsev, A.A.; Neustroev, VD.; Chagin, K.I. 1941. On the etiology of theiautumnal outbreaks of encephalitis in the DVK of USSR. (Il Russian.) Th. Mikrobiol. Epideiol. Iuunubiol. 12:2:1-13. 6b AD 616 369 SnooVdin'tv, A.A. --. Aivancc i 6 Suvict mti-rouiologitlts L.nthc stud. of 0I, viruS t}! encephalitvs and t,- A-it xripe, (In qu#;i~n.)


4b. mtkrobt,,,



69 AD 841 625 Glazunov, 1.S.; Kartasheva, V.V.; Khvan, P.M. 1948. Vlinical characteristics of Japanese -ncephalitis in the reconvalescence stage and residual phenomena. (In Russian.) Nevropatol.



70 AD 676 372 IOhe-min, Li. 1953. Study of the Japanede encephaliLis in China. (In Russian.) Priroda (Moscow) 42.7:75-76. 71 AD 676 374 Sokolov-Taezhnii, N.I. 1948. An outbieak of epidemical encephalitis of an unknown etiology in the Drogobych Region. (in Russian.) Nevropatol. Psikhi.t. 17;5:21-26. 72 Petrishcheva, P.A. 1948. On the vectors of Japanese encephalitis, periods and characteristics of antieoidemical means o, haying lands. (Irn Rtssian.) In Pavlovski, E.N. (ed.) Epitemic-parasitological expedition to Iran and parasitological studies. 73 AD 676 345 Dyschenko. S.S.; Khyzhytis'ka, O.P.; Buyalo, S.H. 193. Allergy reactions in persons inoculated cutaneously with live egg-yolk tularemi.;: vaccine. (In Russian.) Mykrotioi, Zh. Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR 15:1:27-32. 74 AD 616 346 Vashkov, V.I.; Pronina, Ye,V. 195. Fmundamental antitularemia measures and rten~s in Oth work of tularemia control qtotions. (In Russian.) Zlh.Hikrubiot,. Epide,-iol. lInumoblol. 26:1:91-91. 75

AD 676 X. l'ovrnlski,


. M.I.


Coplexes of 1"(iUunO* vi4,uf with orlaaic (In tuesen0.) tbsu. and tutimic detergents. fiokbimi•ta .3:4"7-48!.


AD 676 348 }6 Bacreriological agents Finn, E.A. 1951. as weapons of imperialistic aggression. Voenno-Hed. Zh. 6:88-92. (In Russian.'

AD 676 994 85 Goncharov. G.U. 1939. ActiGn of lufrared (In Russian.) rays on microorganisms. Mikrobiologlya 8:1:95-99.

AD 842 509 ;7 Investigations of natural Mail, 0. 1904. L•nd artificial itrmunity against anthrax: Z•Utralbl. BakteriGl. X3. (In German.) Parasitenk. lnfektionskr. Hyg. 37:270-280.

AD 676 995 86 1956. Clinical characterKireeva, R.Y. istics oi the tick typhus of Northern Asia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Ismunobiol. 27:8:73.

AD 842 510 78 1956. Cohen, G.N.; Rickegberg, H.V. Specific reversible concentration of amino acids in E. coli. (In French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 81:693-720.

AD 676 996 87 1955. Cultivation of Ivauenko, A.I. neurotrGpic viruses in the ascitesByull. carcinoma of mice. (In Russian.) Eksp. Biol. ied. 39:6:48-51.

AD 677 013 79 1956. Nekiudova, L.I.; Kovelova, E.H. On the questicn of the effectiveness of anti-grippe vaccinatian. (In Russian.) "1op. Virusol. 1:2:13-16.

AD 676 997 88 Kern, V.G.; Yakovlev, B.V. 1956. Ln experiment en the disinfection of surfaces (In Russian.) with chloramine aerosols. Zh. Mikrob~ol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:4:112-115.

AD 677 014 80 Zeytlenok, N.A.; Pille, E.P.; Konosh, n V. 1956. The influence of acridine compounds on the propagation of smallpox vaccine virus. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 1:2: 16-20,

AD 676 998 89 Zubkova, R.I.; Fedorova, N.I.; Kalwykov, N.L. 1956. Test on mass vaccination Zh. (In Russian.) against Q fever: I. Hikrobiol. Epidemiol. ITmmunobiol. 27:7:24-28.

AD 677 016 81 1956. The study of Sarmanova, Ye.S. virusemia in white mice and rats infected with viruses of tick spring-summer and (In Russian.) Vop. Scotch encephalites. Virusol. 1:2:27-31.

AD 676 980 90 Zubkova, R.I.; Fedorova, N.I.; Kalmykov, N.L. 1956. Experiment on mass vaccinpzion (In Russian.) Zh. against Q fever: II. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:11: 18-20.

AD 677 017 82 1956. Etiology of Kantorovich, R.A. raging disease of animals in the Arctic (diseases resembling rabies): 1. (Ia Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 1:2:32-37.

AD 630 727 91 Fedorova, N.I.; Bektemirov, T.A.; Tarasevich, I.V.; Kerbabaev, E.B.; On the question of Semashko, L.L. 1956. the degree of dissemination of Q fever among the workers of the cotton industry. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. (In Russian.) Immunobiol. 27:11:27-30.

AD 677 %118 1956. M.A.; Semenova, E.V. Culturing rabies (hydrophobia) viruses in (In Russian.) a developing chicken embryo. Vop. Virusol. 1:2:37-43. 83


AD 677 019 84 1956. Experimental Zhevandrova, V.I. evaluation of new laboratory methods for the study of virus of poliomyelitis with (In Russian.) the aid of tissue zultures. Vop. Virusol. 1:2:43-47.

AD 630 728 92 1956. Kekcheeva, N.G.; Kokorin, I.N. Vaccination and chemo-vaccinotherapy of (In Russian.) Q fever in white mice. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:11:46-49. AD 676 981 93 On the dissemination Trofimov, V. 1956. (In Russian) of the Dermacentor tick. Veterinariya 33:8:28.


94 AD 842 473 Wollman, E.L.; Jacob, F. 1955. On the mechanism of transfer of genetic material in the course of rec',mbination with Escherichia coli K 12. (In French.) C. R. Acad. Sci. 240:25:2449-2451.

104 AD 680 375 Zhmaeva, Z.M.; Pchelkina, A.A. 1957. Domestic fowl as carriers of rickettsiae and Q fever in the Znrkmen SSR [summary]. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidewiol. Immunobiol. 28:3:39-41.

95 AD 676 982 And.haparidze, O.G. 1955. Cultivation of virus of spring-summer and Japanese erci.%alites on developing chicken embryo. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epideiniol. Immuuobiul. 26:7:64-69.

105 AD 680 376 Burgansky, B.Kh.; Kaplinsky, M.B.; Vygovsky, A.P.; Berdnikov, I.F. 1957. Q fever in the Urals [summary]. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:3:41-46.

96 AD 673 497 Drobkov, A.A. 1949. Influences of radioactive elements upon the lives of plants. (In Russian.) Sov. Agron. 7:9:75-79.

106 AD 630 730 Dyadichev, N.R. 1957. Data on epidemic processes: III [summary]. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:3: 9-14.

97 AD 677 076 Aleksandrov, N.I.; Geten, N.Ye. 1956. On ways of further developing chemical vaccines. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:5:6-13.

107 •'iMcsik, J.; Swongott, N. 1933. A specific protein of the capsule of the anthrax bacillus. (In German.) Z. Immunitaetsforsch. 78:86-100.

98 AD 676 983 Morozkin, N.I.; Lebedeva, O.P. 1955. Problems of the clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapy of human listerellosis. (In Russian.) Soy. Med. 19:3:27-37,

108 Tomcsik, J.; Bodon, G. 1934. Serological identity of the capsule substance of anthrax bacilli cultured in media and animal anthrax bacilli. (In German.) Z. Immunitaetsforsch.

99 AD 67b 984 Shipitsina, G.K. 1955. On the chemical composition of antigenic substances of the agent of tularemia. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 105:2:315-318.

109 Schockaert, J. 1928. The anthracic antigen in Ascoli's reaction. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 99:1242-1244.

100 AD 676 985 Bobovich, V.T. 1952. Dry bacteria cultures for combating rodents. (In

110 Schockaert, J. 1929. Anthrax aggressine and residual antigen. (In French.) C. R. Soc.





101 AD 67b 986 Belyaev, A.A. Thermo-stable smallpox vaccine (preliminary report). (In Russian.) 102 Al) 630 729 Dyadichev, N.R. 1957. Some contributions to the problem of the epidemic process: II. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiot. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:2:44-50. 103 Al) 842 4ý4 Cury, A.; Portellada, P.C.L.; HuLnur, S.H. 1954. Studies on vitamin nutrition of Listeria moalocytogenes. (in Poi'tuguose.) An. Microbiol. 3:11-13.



il Ascoli, A. 1908. Working mechanism of anthrax serum: antiblastic immunity. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasirenk. Infektionskr. Orig. 46:178-188. 112 Ascoli, A. 1911. The precipitin diagnosis in anthrax. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. infektionskr. 58:63-70. 113 Ascoli, A. 1906. Evaluation of anthrax serum. (In German.) Z. Hyg. 35:44-80.


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AD 682 633 123/2 Krasnova, V.G.; Moroz, O.P.; Batrak, F.G.; 1957. Unusual case of Slinchenko, O.A. complications after the introduction of antiZh. Mikrobiol. (In Russian.) rabies vaccine. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:2:129.

AD 676 987 115 1943. Experimental Shubladze, A.K. material on the etiology of the aitumnal form of encephalitis: II and sumiiary. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 14:1-2:87-90.

124 Tularemia in P pregOvasapyan, O.V. 1957. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. nant woman. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:2:132.

116 AD 842 475 Velu, H.; Gavaudan, P.; Soulie, P. 1943. Histological and pathogenic studies of experimental pulmonary anthrax. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 137:573. 117 AD 842 476 Helmcke, J.G. Demonstration of the pore system of some membrane filters. (In German.) 118 Kaweh, M.; Entessar, F. 1947. of accidental infection of man attenuated (vaccine) strain of anthracis. (In Arabic.) Arch. Hessarek 5:73-77.

AD 843 832 Two cases by an Bacillus Inst.

119 Delpy, L.P.; Kaweh, M. 1946. Animal and human anthrax in Iran: Method of preparation and use of stabilized spore vaccine, (In Arabic.) Arch. Inst. Hessarek 4:3-48. 120 Medina, D. de S. 1956. fare. (in Portuguese.) Nay. 17:60:4731-4744.

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121 Olsuf'cv, N.G.; Emel'ianova, O.S. 1954. Mixed epizootic tularemia, lisreriolosis and streptococcal infection among voles during the wintcr. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikvobiol. Lpidtniol. lihununobiol. 25:2:36-4]. 122 AD 676 988 Sokoyov, N.j. 1956. Courreat problems of virologiy. (in Kussian,.) VcsLn. Akad. Mrd. Nauk •SLR 11:4J31-J.

12311 loskt~tova,

N.N.; Nulovbvkadva,




Epidemiol .

125/2 Gorfunkel, D.M.; Gordienko, E.G. 1955. Standardization of the physico-chemical properties of the carbolized antirabies vaccine. (In Russian.) Material on a variety of tests, Moscow Dept. Health, USSR 2:5:157-165. 126 On the infilShitikova-Rusakova, A. 1927. tration of rust into the Amur region. (In Russian.) Mater. Mikol. Fitopatol. 6:13-47. 127 1938. Recent wheat rust Beilin, I.G. epiphytics in the Caucasus and factors favoring their outbreak and development [conclusions]. (In Russian.) Source unknown. 128 1927. Cereal rust in the Far Rusakov, L. Eastern USSR ;.ccording to a 1925 question(In Russian.) Mater. Mikol. naire. Fitopatol. 6:96-122. AD 676 9A9 129 Shlyakhov, E.N. 1955. Anthrax. (In Russian.) SaniLary.Epidemiological Station, Moscow, Medgiz 3:261-270. 130 AD F42 479 Chambun, L.; Fournier, J. 1956. Antigenic properties of Malleomyces pseudomailli: I. (in



Inst. Pasteur 91:355-362. AD 842 480


AD 682 633 E.


Several cases Uf

(In Russiun.) Zh. 4lktkob;ol. 28: 2:1 29.

Irmintob ih.

1956. Dry antirabies vaccine, (In Russian.) In Live vaccines.

Chambon, L.; Fourrler, J. 1956. Antigenic constitution of Malleomyceb pseudomallei: II,

nervous compl ceat ions a i tuvr antirabies

vac inmltionl.

125/1 Hanin, S.G. p. 115-130. Moscow.




Pasteur 91:4:472-485.



132 1955. Rust of Geshele, E.E. in the Priishlmya Steppes, p. In Achievements of Russian.) Plant.Protection Station, Vol.

AD 676 990 cereal grains (In 347-351. the Republican 2.

AD 678 239 133 Kivman, G.Ya.; Pryadkina, M.D.; Gutorova, N.M. 1955. Preparations for the exposure and stimulation of growth of plague microbes. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Ismmunobiol. 26:12:61-66. AD 677 680 134 1956. Zdrodovskii, P.F.; Golinevich, Z.M. Chapter V: Tick-borne rickettsiosis or tick-borne spotted typhus of Northern Asia (Ixodo-rickettsiosis asiatica), p. 254-271. In Study of rickettsiae and (In Russian.) rickettsioses. Medgiz, Moscow. AD 844 957 135 Stapp, C.; Spicher, G. 1954. Research on the activity of 2,4-D in the soil: IV. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. (In German.) Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. II 108:4/7:113-126. AD 843 944 136 1956. Lutz, A.; Grootten, 0.; Wurch, Th. Study of cultural and biochemical characteristics of bacilli of the type "Haemophilus haemolyticus vaginalis": Their (In French.) sensibility to antibiotics.

AD 678 245 141 Clinico-epidemiologic Radkevich, G.P. 1947. characteristics of the outbreak of Japanese (In encephalitis in the summer of 1946. Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 16:1:17-23. Russian.) tD 678 249 142 Several peculiarities 1947. Volokh, B.S. of the acute period of Japanese encephalitis Nevropatol. Psikhiat. (In Russian.) in 1946. 16:1:23-27. AD 678 250 143 Clinical characterAperyanov, I.A. 1947. istics of a Japanese encephalitis outbreak. (In Russian.) Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 16:1: 27-30. AD 678 251 144 Clinics Sergeeva, U.S.; Drigo, E.V. 1947. of Japanese encephalitis (from observations of the summer of 1946 on the Kuantung (In Russian.) Nevropatol. Peninsula). Psikhiat. 16:1:30-36. AD 678 252 145 Therapy of Jzanese Almshuller, I.S. 1947. Nevropatol. (In Russian.) encephalitis. Psikhiat. 16:1:47-49. AD 678 254 146 Semenova, E.L.; Ponamareva, N.A.; Tolstukhina, E.N.; Kartashova, A.L.; Abramova, G.F.; Lopatukhina, L.G.;

Rev. Immunol. 20:3:132-138.

Durasova, M.N. 1956. On the therapeutic effects of certain protein fractions of

AD 678 240 137 1955. On the history of Sil'chenko, V.S. (In vaccination against tularemia. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Russian.) Immunobiol. 26:10:83-86.

(In Russian.) anti-plague serum. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol.

AD 678 243 138 Fomicheva, A.S.; Uraleva, V.S.; 1956. Attempts to use Chernenkova, N.A. antiphage serums in order to improve the bacteriological diagnosis of brucellosis Zh. Mikrobiol. in humans. (In Russian.) Epidemiol. Iumunobiol. 27:10:57-62. 139

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The question of Pijper, A. 1949. (In German.) bacterial flagellae. Schweiz. Z. Pathol. Bakteriol. 12:681-691. AD 678 244 140 Pathogenesis, 1947. Crashchenkov, N.I. clinical symptomatology and therapy of (In Rusnian.) Japanese encephalitis. Nevropatol. Psjkhiat. 16:1:3-17.

Zh. 27:2:78-83.

AD 843 929 147 Gaehtgens, W. 1906. Contributions to the (In technique of agglutination tests. Muench. Med. Wochenschr. 53:1351. German.) AD 678 255 148 Laboratory characDuuaevskii, 1.I. 1947. teristics of Japanese encephalitis (differential diagnosis between Japanese encephalitis and infectious nephrosonephritia). Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 16:1:36-42. (In Russian.) AD 846 737 149 1949. Laboratory infections in Wayer. F. relation to the question of etiology and epidemiology of epidemic typhus fever and Z. Tropanmed. (In German.) trench fever. Parasitol. 1:1:2-30.



150 AD 678 256 Grashchenkov, N.I. 1947. H'stopathologlcal characteristics of Japanese encephalitis in Manchuria in 1945: II. (In Russian.) Ncvropa~ol. Psikhiat. 16:1: 43-47.

160 AD 84- 87 Gargani, G.; Lo Monaco, G.B. 1955. Sensitivity test in vivo of Brucella to antibiotics. (In Italian.) Bull. Soc. Ital. Biol. Spar. 31:904-905.

151 AD 678 257 Galant, I.B. 1947. Psychiatric observations over Japanese encephalitis. (In Russian.) Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 16:2: 68-70.

161 AD 842 488 Hoder, F. 1931. The bacteriophage content of chickcn droppings and the influence of feeding of dysentery bacteria on the origin of bacteriophages. (In German.) Z. Immunitaetsforsch. 73:1/2:137-148.

152 AD 678 258 Al'perovich, P.M. 1941. Catamnestic study of persons having had Japanese encephalitis. (In Russian.) Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 10:4: 79-84. 153 AD 843 930 Laboratory of Research, Solvay & Co. 1937. The drying of gas by calcium chloride. (In French.) Chim. Ind. (Paris) 38:3-12. 154 Meisel, M.N. Some contributions on the study of yeasts with the aid of new optical methods. (In Russian.) 155 AD 842 896 lerusalimsky, N.D. The problem of developmental stages of growth of microorganisms. (In Russian.) 156 AD 676 952 Imshenetskii, A.A. 1953. Variability and selection of microorganisms. (In Russian.) Int. Congr. Microbiol. Proc.

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162 No author. A956. Poisonous substances, p. 19-23. (In Russian.) In Textbook on local antiaircraft defense. Foscow. 163 AD 675 954 Spirin, A.S.; Belozerskii, A.N. 1957. Comparative study of composition of ribonucleic acids in various bacteria. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 113:3:650-651. 164 AD 125 683 Kazanskii, A.B.; Monin, A.S. 1956. Turbulence in surface inversions. (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Geofiz. 1:79-86. 165 AD 842 489 Hanson, H.; Tannert, S. 1951. Intermediary sulfur metabolism: I. (In German.) Z. Vitamin. Hormon. Fermentforsch. 4:278-304. 166 Izmaylova, S.S. 1955. Treatment of brucellosis patients with Uvarov serum. (In Russian.) Klin. Med. (Moscow) 33:4:86. 167 AD 677 265 Drobinskii, I.R. 1954. On several remote sequelae of tularemia (chronic tularemia). (In Russian.) Ter. Arkh. 26:5:81-83. 168 AD 677 077 Mazurin, A.V. 1955. On the residual phenomena in children having had epidemic hepatitis. (In Russian.) Pediatriya (Moscow) 33:2:67-69. 169 AD 67? 078 Khr1stova, A.S ; Stoyachev. N.N. 1956. Portable sanitary-epidemiologicil kit. (In Russian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 8:80-83.


170 AD 676 955 Bashkirov, S.D. 1956. Bathing, laundry and decontamination train. (Ir Russian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 8:76-79. 171 AD 676 956 Shcetinina, 1.1. 1955. Clinical aspects and treatment of Q fever. (In Russian.) Sov. Med. 19:7:56-60. 172 AD 676 957 Zdrodovskii, P.F. 1955. Q fever (clinics, diagnosis and treatment). (Yn Russian.) Klin. Med. (Moscow) 33:5:13-19. 173 AD 680 344 Shlyakhov, E.N. 1957. Siberian ulcer anthrax. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:5:130-133. 174 AD 838 261 Weidenmuller, H. 1954. Progress in anthrax diagnosis. (In Germda.) Monatsh. Tierheik. 6:8:186-192. 175 Fink, V. 1956. Morphological findings in connatal listeria infections and study on the way of infection [summary]. (In German.) Zentralbl. Allg. Pathol. Pathol. Anat. 95:5/6:246-263. 176 AD 842 490 Dold, H.; Weyrauch, F. 1924. On the practical usefulness of the urea method after Dold for the isolation of bacterial spores, especially for determination of anthrax. (In German.) Z. Hyg. Infektionskr. 103:1:150-156. 177 AD 685 363 Shlyakhov, E.N. 1957. The spreading of anthrax: Its epidemiological characteristics and organization for prevention abroad. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:11:137-142. 078 AD 685 364 Levine, E.N. 1958. Antibodies marked by fluorescein for the cxposure of anthrax bacteria: I. (In Russian.) Zh. Hikrobiol. Epidemiol. Imnunobiol. 29:1:5-8. 179 AD 678 259 Punsky, E.E.; Zheglova, D.V. 1958. On the role of camels in the epidemiology of anthrax. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemlol. Imunobiol. 29:2:78-82.

180 AD 843 931 Fankhauser, R. 1953. Liquor cerebrospinalis in veterinary medicine. (In German.) Zentralbl. Veterinaormed. 1:2: 136-159. 181 AD 845 962 Bruckner, V.; KaJtar, M.; Kovacs, J.; Nagy, H.; Wein, J. 1958. Synthesis of the immune-specific polypeptide-like hapten of the anthrax-oubtilis bacilli group. (In German.) Tetra)'edron 2:211-240. 182 AD 843 932 Kartagener, M.; Mully, K. 1955. Bronchiectasis with situs viscerum inversus. (In German.) Schweiz. Z. Tuberk. Pneumol. 13:3:166-191. 183 AD 843 934 Flamm, H. 1958. The pathology of listeriosis. (In German.) Zentralbl. Veterinaermed. Suppl. 1:61-65. 184 AD 672 433 Kolesov, S.G.; Mikhaylov, N.A.; Borisovich, Yu.F. 1957. Aluminum hydroxide vaccine against anthrax. (In Russian.) Veterinariya 34:10:39-45. 185 AD 843 933 Listeriosis in man. (In Potel, J. 1958. German.) Zentralbl. Veterinaermed. Suppl. 1:70-78. 186 AD 843 951 Seeliger, H.P.R. 1958. The serodiagnosis of listeriosis. (In German.) Zentr~lbl. Veterinaermed. Suppl. 1:20-33. 187 Ivanov, N.M.; Nikiforova, N.M.; Bazylev, N.M. 1956. Isolation of living agents from hyperimmune serums. (In Russian.) Dokl. Vses. Akad. Sel'skokhoz. Nauk 21:&:42-44. 188 AD 680 377 Sil'chenko, V.S. 1957. Mase studies of the immunological effect of vaccination against tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Iminobiol. 28:'98-501. AD 680 626 189 Kashinteeva, N.S.; GLl'gut, L.A.; bulanova, I.V. 1957. A study of tetanus toxins and toxoids prepared in casein media. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 28:474-478.



AD 681 3Z2


195/. Khristova, A.S.; Gylybov, K.S. Immuncigenesis in anLi-cholera vaccination with the usual and with shorteried inta1, 'gh. (In Russian.) between inoculations. Mikrobiol.



AD 843 954


1953. Testiug of the mutaKaplan, R.W. genicity of nucleic acids exposed to ultraNaturwissen(In German.) violet rays. schaften 41:25.


AD) 843 945 191 Pallaske, G. 1958. Pathological anaiomy of listeriosis, especially in the animal. Zentralbl. Veterinaermed, (In German.) Suppl. 1:49-56. AD 843 946 192 Dedie, K. 1958. Additional findings in connection with experiments Uith and (Iu examinations of animal listeriosis. Zentralbl. Veterinaermed. Su0,pl. German.) 1:99-104. AD 843 94/ 193 lthe role of Lister'la Nyfeldt, A. 1958. (in Gernm i.) in infectious mononucleosis. Zentralbl. Veterinaermed. Coppl. 1:86-88. AD 84'1 948 194 ExioeriGassner, G.; Straib, W. 1929. ments with the reaction of wheat varieties jn German.) to Puccinia iuviarmim. Phytopachol. '. 1:3:21i-255. AD 843 949 195 Schulze, E.; Bosshard, E. 136. Of, a new In German.) nitrogenous plant component. Z. Physiol. Chemn. 10:80-89.

AD 843 940 200 InvestiSchneider, W.; Clibben, 0. 1914. gatio'is )f mustard oil glycosides: IV. Ber. Dcut. Chem. Ges. 47: (In Cerman.) 2218-2224. AD 846 822 201 InvestiSchneider, W.; Wrede, F. 19,4. gations of mustard oil glycosides: V. (In Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 47:2225-2229. German.) AD 846 823 202 1944. Quantitative studies of Ipsen, J. typhus fever rickettsiae pathogenic for Schweiz. Z. PEthol. (In German.) mice. Bakteriol. 7:3:129-151. AD 682 553 203 The spread of 1957. Petrov, R.V. leptospirae in the body and antibody formation in experimentally induced leptospirosis Zh. (In Russian.) in irradiated animals. Mikvobiol. 2pidemiol, Immunobiol. 28:5: 103-107. AD 846 821 204 Schneider, W.; Gille, R.; Eisfeld, K. 1928. Sulfuric sugars and their derivatives: XII. (In Gernan.) Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 61: 1244-1259.

AD 8643 952


ini the question of 1926. .aoolotny, S.S, the diagnostic Slgllifi•alCe Of reactions and clemnothcrapy in haimau, 71umtz bL. (in Germaii.) glanders. Bakteriol. Pardsitenk. 1mifcLtionskr. Hyg. Abt. I, Orig. )7:2/3:Th5-l]j.

AD 848 247


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AD 843 9'W, 197 1,1 Lie caistS dLd 1919. Brunn, W. von. incidence of glanders in huitiius, a: w ll ab on the measures for tho prvventiou ot oon tagion. (hI (Geitman.) Vivr telI dit ess tit. ,%•i•t , 58:1: GeriChtl. Med. 0(•fi

the use of the 1958. Marennikova, S.S. hemag 6 lutir[ation-iinhibition reaction for the diagnosis ot smallpox (variola vera). Vop. Virusol. 3:2:-74-78. ( ib Russian.)


AD)b82 620 2,q The therapeutic 1957. MikhWalovskii, 8.N. in anim.~irit leptoipirosls. ule of pe niullin


AD 6. GorD•|;'Ki!ý


ý.t: Ik•/.Jvc•|'t


9 (tit

i% s: Iý os p~ dll~i I pigranet o t b.Lc 111 a.t, iI. ývntr.,lFt. Gere.tit.) !.o- 41. 7,1: 1 Inackc.ionski. klyg. Abt,. it


l'tsnitem), 20}$ P'riggu, K. kt.





l)41 .



De~lo 4:4j9-4j1.

in tubercu osLs.


AD 846 020 investi8ation (In German.)


209 AD 846 843 Matthes, A. 1951. The "filter constant" and its role in industrial filtration of viscose. (In German.) Chem. Tech. 3:13-22. 210 AD 846 819 Schnitt, F.; Rottger, I. 1939. Effect of alterations in the acid-base equilibrium on the lead content of the blood and the mineral content of plasma and erythrocytes in normal persons. (In German.) Deut.

Arch. Klin. Med. 184:286-295. 211

218 AD 837 438 Peter, H. 1939. Investigations concerning the nature of the pathogenic effect of Bacillus anthracis. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. 144: 463-471. 219 AD 843 943 Weidel, W.; Primosigh, J. 1957. The common root of lysis of Escherichis coli by penicillin or by phage. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch.

12b:421-427. AD 846 318

Keller, G. 1937. The cutaneous lymph vessels of the guinea pig. (In German.) Z. Infektionskr. Parasit. Krankh. Hyg.


AD 846 555

Czickeli, H. 1942. Anthrax and its treatment with large doses of serum. (In German.) Muench. Med. Wochenschr. 89:602-604.

Haustiere 52:250-266. 212 Orlova, T.C. genicity ,f


AD 682 595 Virulence and immuno-

typhoid microbe cultures,

immunogenicity of the corresponding vaccines and the content of Vi-antigen in them as determined by the hemagglutination reaction. (In Russian.) Zh. iikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 29:8:105-110. 213 Shevelov, A.S.


kD 682 596 Concerning the

character of intraspecific and interspecific relationships-between microroganisms. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 29:8:127-i32. 214 Ding, E.


AD 846 817 The protactive effect of

various typhus fever vaccines in man and the course of the disease following immunization. (In German.) Z. Hyg. Iufektionskr. 124:670-682. 215 AD 682 557 Burshtein, A.I. 1954. Methods of testing for dust-smoke pollution of the air, p. 257313. (In Russian,) Kiev. 216 AD 682 597 Rudiev, G. 1946. Anthrax. (In Russian.) The Great Medical Encyclopedia 5;108-114. 217 Jacotot, H.; Virat, B.



against anthrax infection by injection of killed U. anthracis in ol excipient. (In


Ann. Inst. Pasteur 98:297-300.

AD 682 598 221 Litoschenko, L.N. 1937. Concerning the calcinm and potassium level in blood serum in physiological and pathological conditions.

(In Russian.)

Klin. Med.

(Moscow) 15:1:90-98.

222 AD 843 955 Fischer, E. 1914. The synthesis of new glycosides. (In German.) Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 47:1377-1393. 223

AD 630 731

4 Rodov, M.N. 1957. The problem of tularem in children. (In Russian.) Pediatriya 8:39-44.

224 Borisov, V.D. 1957. Some serological data on Q fever. (In Russian.) Zdravookhr. Kaz.

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AD 6/8 309

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AD 843 936 228 Parnas, J. 1957. Investigation of diagnostic allergens in brucellosis, tularemia, (In German.) glanders and erysiploWd. Z. Immunitaetsforsch. 114:186-205. AD 843 937 229 Neumann, K.; Matz, G. 1955. Methods and (In German.) utilization of freeze-drying. Chein. Ing. Tech. Z. 27:9-10.

AD 845 816 238 Mercier, R. 1958. Aerodynamics - a marked phenomenon of hysteresis in aerodynamics. (In Fr'nch.) C. R. Acad. Sci. 246:5:698-701. AD 680 479 239 1930. Treatment of Cheremushkina, L.I. anthrax with large doses of specific serum. (In Russian.) Odess. Med. Zh. 3:3:295-300. 240

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AD 843 938 230 Schulz-Utermoehl, H. 1957. Biological weapons from the physician's point of Wehrmed. Mitt. 3:26-28. (In German.) view.

Stilling, H. 1886. On the connection between hyaline and amyloid degeneration Virchcws Arch. (In German.) in the spleen. 103:21-38.

231 Elbs, H. 2 Feb 1959. The Fringe Acetator No. 11j7, Type V 100, used by the firm of (In German.) Ernst Gebhardt, Sommerhausen. Personal communication to Dr. R. Allgeier.

AD 84ý 835 241 On the nature of the Herxheimer, G. 1917. Berlin. (In German.) small splenic vessels. Klin. Wochenschr. 4:82-84.

AD 843 939 232 Gotschlich, E,; Golem, S.B.; Berkin, T. Experimental immunization with 1940-1941. live strains of Bacterium tularense of low Turk Hifzissihha virulence: I. (In German.) Tecrubi Biol. Mecm. 2:145-156. AD 843 942 233 The Mundry, K.W.; Gierer, A. 1958. development of mutations of tobacco mosaic virus by the chemical treatment of its Z. (In German.) acid in vitro. nucleic Vererbungslehre 89:614-630.

AD 680 480 242 1957. Listerellosis of Mamedov, A.A. (In Russian.) cattle in Azerbaijan. Veterinariya 34:7:38-41. AD 680 481 243 Kiktdnko, V. 1957. Auto-laboratory (AL). (In Russian.) The Great Medical Encyclopedia 2:1:115-117. 244 Krasil'nikov, N.A.; Kofanova, N.D. 1957. upon phages. Effect produced by antibiotics (In Russian.) Antibiotiki 2:1:5-10.

AD 678 261 234 Observations on 1935, Novotelnova, N.S. the germination of the spores of Puccinia (In graminis and Puccinia triticina. Zashch. Rast. 4:98-105. Russian.)

245 1956. Live antiplague Korobkova, Ye.I. (In vaccine Cliterature], p. 199-206. Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow.

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1955. The influence of Safarov, K.M. environmental factors upon th6 genesis and (In Russian.) spread of leptospirosis. Veterinariya 8:33-36.

AD 846 828 236 Pathogenicity and Daranyi, J.v. 1926. (In classification of staphylococci. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. German.) Infektionskr. Abt. I Orig. 99:74-79.

AD 846 556 247 Vallat, M. 1882. On fibrinous or hyaline degeneration in the tubercle and gumma. Virchows Arch. 89:193-227. (In German.)

AD 680 478 237 Rusakov, L.F. 1927-1930. An experiment on classifying winter wheat by their infecbolez. (In Russian.) tion by wheat rust. Rast. 1.6-19:54-65.

Junge, C. 1952. The constitution of (In German.) Ann. atmospheric aerosol. Meteorol. Suppl. p. 12-18.



AD 680 420

AD 845 893

AD 845 168 249 Equations of movements for Sell, W. 1931. Ver. Deut. dust particles. (In German.) Ing. Forschungsh. ed. B, 2:347:2-8.


250 AD 846 833 Junge, C, 1950. Growth of condensation nuclei with relative humidity. (In German.) Ann. Meteorol. p. 129-135. 251 AD 846 834 Mischler, H. 1959. To conquer the invisible enemy (a visit to the school for atomic, biological anJ chemical defense of the West German army). (In German.) Soldat Technik. 252 AD 680 482 Olsuf'ev, N.G.; Emel'ianova, O.S. 1951. Detection of Listerella infection in wild rodents, Insectivora and Ixodes ticks. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 22:6:67-71. 253 AD 480 141 Mochmann, H. 1958. Tularemia infections emanating from a game shop. (In German.) Deut. Gesundsheitsw. 13:47:1532-1533. 254 AD 846 832 Wecker, E. 1959. Properties of an infectious fraction of nucleic acid from chicken embryos infected with the virus of encephalitis. I. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 14b:370-378. 255 AD 680 483 Vereninova, N.K.; Denisenko, L.K.; Kontorina, A.A. 1943. A comparative study of the efficiency of vaccines in tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 14:7-8:32-35. 256 AD 846 831 Monod, J. 1950. Theory and application of the technique of continuous culture. (In French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 79:390-410. 257 AD 846 845 Haber, P. 1935. Encephalo-herpetic virus referred to as "virus B". (In French.) C. R. Soc Biol. 87:136-138. 258 AD 846 827 Zeidler, H.; Taubeneck, U. 1956. A method of simultaneous registration of dissolved oxygen. redox potential, hydrogen ion concentration a,,Z relative turbidity of bacterial cultures. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Abt. II Orig. 109:516-523.

259 AD 680 379 Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N.; Faddeeva, T.D. 1938. Plague immunology: VI. (In Russian.) Vestn. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol, Parazitol. 16:54-63. 260 AD 845 817 Geks, F.J. 1952. On the incubation time of experimentally infected animals. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Abt. I Orig. 158:323-325. 261 AD 845 938 Kloene, W. 1958. The viruses of equine encephalomyelitides (types West, East and Venezuela). (In German.) Handbuch Virusforsch. Suppl. III. 4:266-268. 262 AD 845 937 Schuster, H.; Schramm, G. 1958. Chemical determination of the biologically active factor in the rlbonucleic acid of tobacco mosaic virus. (In German.) Z. Naturforach. 13b:697-704. 263 AD 850 396 Donatien, A.; Lestoquard, F. 1940. The evolutional cycle of certain Rickettsia. (In French.) Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 18:2:203-205. 264 AD 680 484 Yashenkina, M.I. 1957. The opsonophagocytic reaztion in iUsterellosis in swine. (In Russian.) Sb. Rab. Vees. Inst. Eksp. Vet. p. 106-108. AD 845 934 265 Fuchs, E. 1956. The status of race specialization in yellow rust, Puccinia glumarum (Schmm.) Erikss. et Henn. in Europe. (In German.) Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. (Braunschweig) 8:87-93. 266 AD 845 894 Lang, K.; Siebert, G. 1955. Treatment of tissue and cells, p. 567-571, 573. (In In Handbuch der physiologischGerman.) und pathologisch-chemisch.:n Analyse, 10th ed., vol. II, pt. II. 267 AD 845 895 Kudrjaschow, B.A.; Petrowskaja, 0,A. 1937. Vitamin E and vitality of the germ cells of insects. (In German.) Bull. Biol. Med. Exp. URSS 4:490-492.


268 AD 683 014 Popov, V.I. 1957. Experimental airborne infection with Lsteria of some species of animals. (In Russian.) Sb. Rab. Vses. Inst. E'.sp. Vet. p. 95-105. 269 AD 845 896 Thielmann, E.; Lang, W.; Kiiser, H. 1953. Contributions to the quantitative analysis of ergot alkaloids. (In German.) Arch. Pharm. 286:379-387. 270 AD 845 8r7 Poehm, M. 1954. A method for rapid and serial analysis of the two alkaloid in ergot, (In German.) Mitt. Chem. Forschungainst. Wirt. Oesterr. 8:33-36. 271 AD 845 898 Donatien, A.; Lestoquard, F. 1936. Existence of premunition in natural or experimental rickettsiosis of the dog. (In French.) Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 29:378-383. 272 AD 673 206 Berezina, Ye. 1958. Histoplasmosis. (In Russian.) The Great Medical Encyclopedia 7:407-408. 273 AD 845 899 Enigk, K. 1944. The occurrence of canine piroplasmosis in the occupied eastern areas. (In German.) Deut. Tropenmed. Z. 48:88-93. 274 An unpublished laboratory method of arsenic determination [in] purified cacodylic acid: Analytic notes. 4In French.) 275 AD 845 900 Regendanz, P.; Reichenow, E. 1933. Contribution to the mode of transmission of Babesia canis by ticks. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. AbL. I Or:g. 124:471-47d. 276 AD 683 t,,2 Shitskova, A.P.; Kalinina, K.A. 1958. The effect of ultraviolet irradiation on thL mineral and nitrogen metabolism of adolescents. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 23:11:37-43. 277 AD 683 Ol Fedorova, N.I. 1958. The survival rate of Rickettsia burneti in an external envir nment, its resistance to the action of physical and chemical agents, and methods of dizinfection. (In Russian.) Gig. Santi. 2 •: 11:53-58.

278 AD 680 346 Viazhevich, V.K. 1958. Several remarks concerning the work of SanitaryEpidemiological Councils at the SanitaryEpidemiological Stations. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 23:11:71. 219 AD 845 901 Germer, W.D. 1955. The hemorrhagic fevers, with particular reference to the hemorrhagic fever found in Korea. (In German.) Deut. Med. Wochenschr. 80: 1717-1721. 280 AD 845 902 J,'rchel, D.; Moehle, W. 1944. The determination of the reduction potential of (In German.) Ber. tetrazolium compounds. Deut. Chem. Ges. 77:591-601. 281 AD 680 485 Blyuger, A.F. 1957. Concerning sn investigation of the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood serumn as an indicator of the reactivity of the organism in the infectiously ill. (In Russian.) Tr. Inst. Mikrobiol. Akad. Nauk Latv. SSR 5:57-65. AD 672 102 282 Stolmakova, A.I. 1956. The capacity of intestinal staphylococci to produce encerotoxin. (In Russian.) Vop. Pitan. 15:5: 85-86. AD 673 307 283 Nagirna, 1.0. 1956. The generation of staphylococcal enterotoxin in sausage meat and prepared meat products. (In Russian.) Vop. Pitan. 15:5:86-87. AD 672 103 284 Stolmakova, A.I. 1957. Staphylococcal enterotoxin. (In Russian.) Vop. Pitan. 16:2:56-58. AD 680 486 285 reukerman, N.A.; Vekbler, Ya.I. The effect of early necrectomy on the evolution of burns in experimental conditions. (In Russian.) AD 845 935 286 Investigations of Lehmnann-Grube, F. 1959, the thermostability of the virus of lymphocytic choriomenirgitie. (In German.) Arch. Ges. Virusforsch. 9:56-63.


287 AD 845 936 Schramm, G. 1954. The biochemistry of viruses, p. 103-107, 199-204. (In German.) Organ. Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen 5. Springer, Berlin.

296 AD 680 343 Vainberg, B.G. 1958. Problem of active immunization with associated vaccines. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 29:11:151-153.

288 AD 680 48d AbramovR, G.F.; Kartashova, A.L.; Semenova, E.L. 1956. The question of the intensity of immunity in experimental animals which recovered after treatment with streptomycin and serum. (In Russian.) Zh. Nikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:1:54-57.

297 Korostelev, V.Ye.; Reutov, F.M. 1957. Conference on problwus of foci and epidemiology of especially dangerous infectiona. (In Russian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 3:94-96.

289 AD 680 489 Zuykova, E.Yu. 1959. Filtration as a method of removing microbes from the air. (In Russian.) Gig. Saiuit. 24:6:72-73. 290 Hatveev, K.I.; Bulatova, T.I,; Sergeeva, T.I. 1958. Immunization of miinks against botulisim. (In Russian.) Veterinariya 35:8:42-46. 291 Trenina, G.A.; Gause, G.F. Preobrazhenskaya, T.P.; Brashnikova, H.G.; Sharova, Iu.A. 1956. Antivirubin - antivirus antibiotic produced by Actinomyces lonxisporus ruber. (In Russian.) Antibiotiki 1:4:9-13. 292 A. 680 345 Batiuk, I.F. 1958. Virulent and imnunogenic propErties of the culture of the anthrax pathogrn grown at 45*: II. (In Russian.) Zh. Hikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 29:8:101-105. 293 Moroz, A.F. 1956. The dynamics of formation in vitro of resistant bacterial forms t'-the antibiotic grisemin. (In Russian.) Zh. Hikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 27:12:65-71. 294 Crinbaum, F.r. 1956. Some impending taskw in the development of the problem of variability iu microbes. (In Russian.) Zh. Hikrobiul. Epidemiol. Imauutoublo. 27:2: 3-7. 295 No author. Conferevice on filtcrable forms of microbes at the I nstltute of lxperimental biology of the Academy o( Medical Science lf USSR. (I Russian.) 4h. Hikrcblol. Eptd:•io.

•:1•6-17,97:151-161, '-msnet•,l

298 AD 680 341 Vlodavets, V.V. 1958. To the question ccncerning the mechanism of the spread of aerial infection. (In Russian.) Zh. Hikrobiol. Epidemiol. lumunobiol. 29:9:73-78. 299 Timakov, V.D. 1958. medical microbiology. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.

AD 680 381 Forty years of Soviet (In Russian.) Zh. Immunobiol. 29:10:3-9.

300 AD 680 495 Nakonietchnaya, A.K. 1923. On the pathological arterial changes in the spleen. (In German.) Virchows Arch. 245:564-577. 301 AD 680 496 No author, 1958. Chapter 3: The nonstationary evaporation and growth of droplets. (In Russian.) Itogi Nauki 1:79-87. 302 AD 8,,6 557 Hatsuno, G. 1923. On the changes in the walls of the small srlenic arteries. (In Gegran.) Virchows Arch. 240:69-80. 303 AD 845 740 Matteaheimer, H. 1959. A micro-method of protein analysis. (In German.) HoppeSeylers Z. Physiol. Mhom. 316:202-208. 304 AD 845 741 Becker. J. 1928. Investigation of viahility of uredospores of Puccina i&lumarum. (In German.) Kuehn Arch. 19:353-411. J35 Olevskiy, V.A. 1948. balls for ball mills. Zh.


AD 682 558 The preferred site of (In Russian.) Gorn.

J06 AD d34 262 Dresel, E.G.; Keller, W. 1922-1923. Bactericidal poUWrs in Ln* seria of healthy and diseased persons. (in German.,) Z. Hyg.


307 Lapin, B.A. 1958. Problems of infectious pathology in -experimentd on monkeys. (In Russian.)

317 AD 682 942 Markov, M.N. 1956. Lead-bismuth alloy bolometers. (In Russian.) Doklo Akad. Nauk SSSR 108:3:428-431.

308 AD 673 205 Kalinina, V.I. 1958. A contribution to the clinic of acute lymphocytic meningitis. (In Russian.) Zh. Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 58:11:1354-1358.

318 AD 848 251 Kiepenheuer, K.O. 1950. An influence exerted by the sun on the human blood serum. (In German.) Naturwissenschaften 70:10: 234-235.

3C9 Maystrak, K.V. 1956. The organization of public health in the USSR. (In Russian.) 4th ed., Medgiz, Moscow.

319 AD 682 843 Pelipeichenko, h.N. 1957. Ground-beetles, destroyers of ixodid ticks. (In Russian.) Pr.roda (Moscow) 46:1:117.

310 Konstantinov, G.F. 1957. Public health in (In the USSR: a statistical handbook. Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow.

AD 682 564 320 Rozentsveig, S.A.; Ershler, B.V.; Shtrum, Ye.L.; Ostanina, M.M. 1953. Electrochemical properties of cadmium in alkaline Tr. Soy. (In Russian.) solutions. Elektrokhim p. 571-587.

311 AD 682 559 Vasil'yev, A.I. 1957. A device for air sampling. (In Russian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 3:81-82. 312 AD 838 263 Kehren, M.; Roesch, M. 1956. Electronmicroscope examination of freeze-dried solutions of alkylpolyethylene oxides and other detergents. (In German.) Melliand Textilber. 37:(90-685. 313 Nikitin, V.M.


AD 682 560 The role of vaccination-

321 Ishii, S.; Urushibara, H. 1951. Studies on the host plant of cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis L.): XII. (In Japanese.) Oyo Kontyu 7:2:59-60. JPRS-DC-L-223 322 Solomin, N.N. 1957. Etiology and epidemiology of infectious nephiosonephritis in Voenno(In Russian.) the Cis-Ural region. Med. Zh. 7:40-43.

immunity in protecting the organism against inhalatory infections: II. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 29:2: 130-131.

AD 683 207 323 Korobkova, Ye. 1956. Live antiplague vaccine, p. 73-85, 86-92, 99-106, 140-146. (In Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow.

AD 682 561 314 loffe, A.F.; Airapetianc, S.V.; loffe, A.V.; 1956. Kolomoyec, N.V.; Stil'bans, L.S. Increasing the efficiency of semiconductor thermocouples. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 106:6:981.

AD 680 266 324 Balagovezhskiy, E.N. 1949. The scrub (In Ruasian and barrens of Central Asia. chinese.) Proc. 2nd. Soy. Geog. Congr. vol. 3.

315 AD Usmanov, Kh.U.; Kargin, V.A. 1952. sorption and structural differences (In Russian.) cellulosic materials. Fiz. Khim. Vysokomol. Soedin. Dokl. 7th p. 169-181.

682 562 Water in Khim. Konf.

316 AD 682 563 Dodonova, N.Ya.; Sobolev, V.V. 1956. Infrared emission of nitric oxide in electric discharge. (In Russian.) Vestn. Leningrad. Univ. 10, Fiz. Khim. 2:3-5.

AD 683 364 325 Various authors. 1958. Radlobiology in the USSR [abstracts]. (In Russian.) AD 682 567 326 Larina, M.A.; Sakhatskaya, T.S. 1958. The content of corticosterone in suprarenal blood of rats at various periods after irradiation. (In Russian.) Probl. Endokrinol. Gormonoter. 4;4:21-24.



AD 682 568 327 Grodzenskiy, D.E.; Rabkina, A.Ye.; Bagramyan, E.R. 1958. The prophylactic and therapeutic action of somatotropic hormone in radiation affection. (In Russian.) Probl. Endokrinol. Gormonoter. 4:4:31-37. 328 AD 682 569 Timakov, V.D.; Skavronskaya. A.G. 1958. The role of nucleic acids in heredity and (In Russian.) variability of microorganisms. Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR 13:4:12--27. 329 AD 683 038 Agababyan, M.M. 1959. The production of radioactive anthrax bacilli: I. (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR Biol. Sel'skokhoz. Nauki 12:1:69-73. 330 AD 680 421 No author. 1959. Foreign medical workers about the achievements of Soviet public health. (In Russian.) Vrach. Delo 11: 1221-1224. 331 No author. 1959. Table of contents. Russian.) Khim. Prom. 8.


AD 846 824 3A2 Forster, F. 1955. New electromagnetic methods for destruction-free testing of materials. (In German.) Ind. Anz. 77: 220-227. 333 AD 682 570 Razumov, A.S. 1955. Membrane filters and their use in microbiological studies of water. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologi.ya 24:2: 234-246. 334 AD 683 016 Obukhov, A.M. 1949. Structure of the temperature field in turbulent flow. (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Set. Geogr. Geofiz. 13:1:58-69. 335 AD 683 067 Kanunnikova, Z.A. 1954. Filtrable forms of lactobacilli. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 23:6:641-647. 336 AD 682 844 Tunicki, N.N. 1946. Diffusion processes under conditions of natural turbi'Wnce. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Khim. 20:10:113/-1141. 337 AX)b82 845 No author. 1950. A rapid method of poLds.sium determination. (In Russian.) Vestu. Akad.

Nauk SSSR 5:112-11j.

338 AD 682 846 Roginski, S.Z.; Celinskaya, T.F. 1948. Experimental testing of the supersaturation theory: III. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Khim. 22:11:1360-1373. 339 AD 682 847 Kurbatov, L.N. 1948. Dielectric pruoerties of adsorbed vapors. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 63:5:557-560. 340 AD 682 848 Kalabukhov, N.I.; Shubladze, A.K. 1946. On the problem of the focal character of spring and summer (tick) encephalitis. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolez. 15:2:68-75. 341 AD 682 849 Petriayev, Ye.D. 1946. Tick fever in the Transbaikal. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolez. 13:2:84-85. 342 AD 682 850 Zotova, A.A.; Boldicina, K.S. 1943. Experimental infection of ticks with brucellosis under laboratory conditions. (In Russian.) Izv. Kazakh. Fil. Akad. Nauk Ser. Zool. 2:48-49. AD 682 851 343 Ryvkina, D.Ye. 1949. On the chemical mechanism of impulse transmission in the afferent nerves. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 64:3:425-428. 344 AD 682 852 Serkov, F.N. 1947. On the question of the mechanism of impulse transmission from nerve to muscle. (In Russian.) Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 23:1:32-35. 345 AD 682 853 Savel'yev, N.P. 1951. Nerve-blocking of the stellate ganglion in pleuropulmonary shock. (In Russian.) Soy. Med. 15:2:21, 346 AD 662 854 Grobov, A.G. 1946. On the question of the vectors of Crimean hemorrhagic fever. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Boles. 15:6:59-63. 347 AD 683 068 Ohagin, K.P. 1946. Duration of the development cycle of the mosquito vectors of autumn (Japanese) encephalitis virus. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Boles. 15:2:76-83.


AD 683 050 348 Denisova, Z.M. 1943. On the comparative (In ecology of the bloodsucking Diptera. Russian.) Zool. Zh. 22:4:214-221. DRBC-T-70-R 349 Glotova, Ye.V.; Chebotareva, S.V. 1938. Effect of lactic acid bacteria on B. botulinus on toxigenesis in lacti: acid soy food products. (In Russian.) Vop. Pitan. 3:132-139. AD 682 571 350 1950. Psychosis Kulik, D.M.; Indikt, G.P. (In Russian.) due to mushroom poisoning. Zh. Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 19:3:61-62. AD 682 572 351 1943. Dukhanina, N.I.; Smetanina, M.A. The influence on malaria incidence of distance from Anopheles breeding places, (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolez. 12:83-84. AD 682 573 352 Rodopulo, A.K. 1941. The nature of the (In Russian.) toxin of Bacillus botulinus. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 12:10/11:68-71. 353 AD 682 574 Kozlova, Ye.N.; Dvorcova, Ye.I. 1952. Toxification of plants by organic insecticides. (In Russian.) Dokl. Vses. Akad. Sel'skokhoz. Nauk 17:4:41-48. 354 AD 682 575 Roikh, I.L. 1950. Vertical distribution of photographically active particles emitted by metals in atmospheric corrosion. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 70:2: 253-256. 355 DRBC-T-104-R 1947. Electrical disKonstantinov, V.A. (In Russian.) Dokl. charges in cavitation. Akad. Nauk SSSR 56:3:259-260. DRBC-T-105-R 356 Trapeznikov, A.A.; Belugina, G.V. 1952. Effect of pH during precipitation of aluminum soaps on the vi:rosity of the oleogels. Effect of temperature on the properties of aluminum soaps. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 87:4:635-637. 87:5:825-827. AD 682 856 357 Tunic'_, N.N.; Petrianov, I.V. 1943. On (In the theory of aerosol filtration. Zh. Fiz. Khim. SSSR 17:5-b: Russian.) 408-413.

AD 682 857 358 Khaskind, M.D. 1945. Translatory motion of bodies below the free surface of a heavy fluid of finite depth. (IrnRussian.) Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 9:67-78. DRBC-T-116-R 359 1953. On the Kamai, G.; Baatanov, E.M.-Sh. first members of the series of cacoiyl (cacodyl-phosphonic) esters. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 89:4:693-695. 360 AD 682 859 Savicki, A.V. 1952. Empirical formula for calculating the cissociation energy of organic molecules. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 87:4:631-634. AD 682 860 361 1953. The Pikel'ner, S.B.; Chuvayev, K.K. probable mechanism of the night sky lumin(In escence in the continuous apectrum. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 88:4:661-663. Russian.) AD 682 861 362 Ginzburg, O.F. 1953. On the dissociation (In Russian.) of the triarylcarbinols. Zh. Obshch. Khim. 23:9:1504-1509. AD 682 862 363 Kamai, G.; Khisamova, Z.L. 1953. On the esters of ethylene glycol arsenous acid. (In Russian.) Zh. Obahch. 10im. 23:8; 1323-1330. AD 682 863 364 Tatarskaya, R.I. 1952. Replacement of the coenzyme of thiaminase by certain nitrogen Biokhimiya 17:5: compounds. (In Russian.) 598-609. AD 682 864 365 Gar, K.A.; Mel'nikov, N.N.; Fadeyev, Yu.N.; Shvecova-Shilovskaya, K.D. 1954. Structure and insecticidal activity of some mixed (In esters of dithiophosphoric acid. Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 94:2: 241-244, AD 682 865 366 1955. Arctic ice-islands and Zubov, N.N. Priroda (In Russian.) how they drift. 44:2:37-45. AD 682 865 366 The origin of the Dibner, V.D. 1955. Priroda floating ice islands. (In Russian.) 44:3:89-92.


AD 682 866 367 Fedotev, N.P.; Vyacheslavov, P.M.; Gntisin, N.P. 1952. On the question of the electro(In Russian.) deposition of "black nickel." Zh. Prikl. Khim. 25:3:322-324.

AD 848 489 377 Koizumi, M.; Nakatsuka, K. 1951. A research on the vinyl chloride photopolymerization (In Japanese.) Nippon Kagaku reaction, Zasshi 72:5:431-434.

AD 682 867 368 1954. The coagulation of Levin, L.M. charged cloud-droplets. Size distribution function for cloud-droplets and raindrops. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 94:3: 94:6:1045-1048. 467-470.

AD 848 490 378 Ishibashi, M.; Fujinaga, T.; Ichikawa, T. 1952. Researches on polarography in analytical chemistry: X. (In Japanese.) Nippon Kagaku Zasihi 73:4:263-265.

AD 848 469 369 Pavlov, P.N. 1927. The swelling of acti(In German.) Kolloid Z. vated charcoal. 42:112-119.

Umezu, M. 1940. The chemistry of Bacillus mallei: I. The lipoids of Bacillus inallei. Rpt. Inst. Scd. Res. (In Japanese.) Manchukuo 4:15:273-282.

AD 848 467 370 lHuettia, G.F.; Theimer, 0. 1952. Gas (In adsorption and surface structure. Z. Elektrochem. 56:5:490-496. German.)

AD 848 491 379 Motida, T.; Nakagawa, T.; Umezu, M. 1940. The chemistry of Bacillus mallei: II. Injectior in animals (prelim. rpt.). (In Rpt. Inst. Sci. Res. Manchukuo Japanese.) 4:16:no p.

AD 848 468 371 Wartenberg, H.v.; Brzezinski, M. 1932. The theory of adsorption from a streaming gas. (In German.) Z. Tech. Phys. 13: 501-504. AD 682 875 372 Schilow, N.; Lepin, L.; Wosnessensky, S. 1929. The adsorption of a foreign gas from Kolloid Z. (In German.) an air stream. 49:288-296. AD 848 A66 373 Syrkin, JIK.; Kondraschow, A.J. 1931. The kinetics of adsorption of vapours from Kolloid Z. (In German.) an air stream. 56:295-299. AD 848 488 374 Layer filtration: Mecklenberg, W. 1925. A contribution to the theory of the gas Z. Elektrochem. 31: mask. (I1, German.) 488-495. AD 848 885 375 Mecklenberg, W. 1930. Layer filtration: A contribution to the theory of the gas Kolloid Z. 52: mask: II. (In German.) 88-103. AD 682 886 376 Yusfin, A.I.; Francen, B.S.; Rautian, G.N. 1953. Influence of hypoxia on color vision. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 92:6: 11I3-1156.


AD 848 491

AD 848 493 380 Miyamoto, S.; Sasaki, T. 1953. Resin (In electrodes for pH determination. Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 74:2: Japanese.) 122-124. AD 848 494 381 Kobayashi, T.; Wakabaya.. , K.; Nishizawa, K. 1952. Specificity of beta-glucosidase J. Fac. (In Japanese.) in Irpex lacteus. Textiles Sericult. Shinshu Univ. Ser. E 2:102-105. AD 848 492 382 Sugino, K.; Yamashita, M. 1949. A research on the electrolytic reduction of nitroNippon guanidine: I, II. (In Japanese.) Kagaku Zasshi 70:3:71-76. AD 848 499 383 Effect of solvent on Suetaka, W. 1953. carbonyl valence vibration of katones. Nippon Kagaku Zasahi 74:4: (In Japanese.) 318-322. AD 848 550 384 Sone, Y. 1948. Air oxidation of polyvinyl (In alcohol in alkaline aqueous solution. Japanese.) Kobunshi Kagaku 5:54-56:16-18. AD 848 553 385 Slotta, K.; Primosigh, J. 1951. Chemical studies on snake venoms: VI. (In Portuguese.) Hem. Inst. Butantan 23:51-63.


386 AD 683 015 Berman, V.M.; Slavskaya, E.M. 1945. A contribution 4.o the investigation of barrinr fixing manifestations of immunity in dysen.. tery and cholera. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 16:10-11: 16-20. 38P AD 683 013 Andreyev, S.V.; Martens, B.K.; Stepanov, A.S.; Trushinskiy, A.N. 1959. An artificial climate chamber for investigating crop protection. (In Russian.) Zashch. Rast. (Moscow) 4:6:17-18. 388 AD 846 829 Meldolesi, G. 1950. Burnet's rickettsia disease (Q fever). (In Italian.) G. Mal. Infet. Parassit. 2:2:61-91. 389 AD 673 204 Popkova, B.G.; Abramovich, L.A. 1940. Serotherapy of anthrax. (In Russian.) Vrach. Delo 22:6:447-450. 390 AD 337 846 Malbrant, R. 1939. Canine rickettsiosis in the French Congo. (In French.) Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 32:908-913. 391 AD 845 949 Vieuchange, J. 1948. Psittacosis and ornithosis, p. 1151-1198. (In French.) In C. Levaditi (ed.) Les ultravirus des maladies humaines (2nd ed.). 392 Baltiyskiy, V.A.; Starobinskiy, I.M. 1957. Curricula of the higher medical schools. (In Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow. 393 AD 682 578 Stolmakova, A.I.; Pyaskovskaya, A.P. 1957. Food poisoning of staphylococcal etiology in the hone. (In Russian.) Vrach. Delo 8:848-852. 3b, AD 845 947 No author. 1959. The bacteriological weapon. (In Bulgarian.) Voenno Znan. 9:3:20-21. 395 AD 673 308 Maslov, A.I. 1959. A contribution to the question concerning the efficacy of inhalation vaccination: I. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Imnunobiol. 30:11: 15-18.

396 AD 837 847 Krogh, C. von 1936. Morphology of the primate spleen. (In German.) Anthropol. Anzeiger 13:89-100. 397 AD 845 948 Haban, G. 1936. A peculiar change in the spleen (fibrosis circumscripta liendis). (In German.) Zentralbl. Allg. Pathol. Pathol. Anat. 65:291-294. 398 AD 846 844 Koch, A. 1949. The bacteria symbiosis of the roach. (In German.) Mikrokosmos 38: 121-126. 399 AD 838 264 Troitzkaja-Andreewa, A.M. 1931. Contribution to the knowledgi of senile arterial changes (on the senile fibrosis of the arterial wall). (In. German.) Frankfurt. Z. Pathol. 41:120-135. 400 AD 680 859 Yakubz~ner, M.M. 1959. A contribution to the knowledze of the wheats of China. (In Russian.) Eot. Zh. (Leningrad) 44:10:1425-1436. 401 AD 837 848 Moritsch, H.; Krausler, J. 1959. Early summer meningo-encephalitis in lower Austria, 1956-1958. (In German.) Deut. Med. Wochenschr. 84:1934-1939. 402 Ke-wei, T. 1949. The effect of some organic acids on the duration of the vernalization phase in winter wheats. (In Russian.) Bat. Zh. (Leningrad) 44:10:1437-1444. 433 AD 837 849 Feser, _. 1879. Experimental anthrax infection of rats on different diets. (In German.) Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Viahz. 23:197-201. 404 AD 673 303 Shubladze, A.K.; Gaydamovich, S. Ya., Gavrilov, V.I. 1959. Virological study of laboratory infections with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 4:3:305-310. 405 AD 682 579 Alpat'yev, B.A.; Kondrat'yova, I.N. 1959. Registration of the respiratory movements of man by means of a thermobattwry during physical exertion. (In Russian.) lyull. Eksp. aiol. Mod. 24:9:129-130.


406 AD 838 266 Karman, T. von 1956. Dimensionless magnitudes in the marginal areas of aerodynamics. (In German.) Z. Flug; xss. 4:3-5. 407 AD 673 305 Slepushkin, A.N. 1(,9. Epidemiological study of a laboratory infection with the Venezuelan equine encephaiomyelitis virus. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 4:3:311-314. 408 AD 846 558 Hallauer, C. 13,9. Cultivation of yellow fever virus in human explants. (In German.) Arch. Ges. Virubforsch. 9:428-441. 409 AD 838 267 Cohrs, P.; Jaffe, R.; Meessen II, 1958. The blood and the blood-form ig organs of the monkey, p. 221-228, 271-474. (In German.) Ln Pathology of laboratory animals. Springer, Berlin. 410 AD 838 268 Mejbaum, W. 1939. The determination of small quantities of pentose, especially in derivatives of adenylic acid. (In German,) Z. Physiol. Chem. 258:117-120. 411 AD 838 271 Weiler, E. 1956. Change in serologic specificity oL rat liver cells during carcinogenesis with 2-dimethylaminoazobtnzol. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. llb:31-38. 412 AD 682 581 Olsuf'ev, N.G. 1958. Epicutaneous skin test with tularin from vaccine strain to determine immunity in those inoculated against tularemia and for diagnosis of this infection, p. 156-158. (In Russian.) In Problems of epidemiology and prophylaxis of tularemia. Medgiz, Moscow. 413 AD 682 582 Olsuf'ev, N.G. 1958. Combination of tularemia control measures in zone of construction of Stalingrad hydroelectric station and districts (rayons) adjacent to it, p. 184-185. (In Russian.) In Problems of epidemiology and prophylaxis of tularemia. Mudgiz, Moscow. 414 AD o83 045 Borodin, V.P. 1958. Study of effectiveness of antitul remia vaccination in zone of construction of Stalingrad hydroelectric station, p. 152-155. (In Russian.) In Problems of epndiuluh0jy and prophylaxis of tularemia, Medgiz, Moaltow.

415 Rubtsov, I.A. 1957 Conference on the problems of the biological method Pf controlling pests. (In Russian.) Isv, Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Biol. 6:770-772. 416 AD 682 907 Driving, A.Ya.; Mironov, A.V.; Morosov, V.M.; Khvostikov, I.A. 1943. The study of optical and physirsl properties of natural fogs. (In Russian.) isv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Geogr. Geofiz. 2. 417 AD 682 583 Artemov, I.S. 1945. Influence of surfaceactive substances on the coagulation of aerosols. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 50:289-291. 418 AD 846 560 Otto, W. 1960. The communication facilities of the new NATO Headquarters. (In German.) Soldat Techn. 3:124-125. 419 AD 846 561 Tomcsik, J.; Bodon, G. 1935. Passive immunization of mice with anticapsular anthrax immune serum, p. 114-116. (In German.) In W. Kolle, Problems of bacteriology. 420 AD 680 348 Klemparskaia, N.N.; Alekseeva, O.G.; Petrov, R.V.; Sosova, V.F. 1958. Problems of infection, immunity and allergy in acute radiation sickness. (In Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow. 421 Leakareva, lomyalitis, Infectious Selkhozgiz,

AD 682 584 V.M. 1954. Infectious encephap. 269-290. (In Russian.) In and invasive diseases of horses. Moscow.

422 AD 673 207 Alekseeva, A.A.; Lebedeva, N.V.; Dubniakova, N.M. 1959. The clinic of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis in man. (In Russian.) Zh. Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 59:3:313-320. 423 AD 682 621 Isachenko, B.L. 1954. The problem of studying virus diseases of plants. (In Russian.) 424 Medvin'sks, L.Yu. 1957. Republic conference on problems in the microbiology cf fermentation processes. (In Russian,) Mikrubiol. Zh. (Xiev) 19:1:65-71.


425 AD 676 958 Aleksandrov, N.I.; Gefen, N.Ye.; Garin, N.S.; Gapochko, K.G.; Sergeyev, V.M.; Smirnov, M.S.; Tamarin, A.L.; Shlyakhov, E.N. 1959. Experiment of mass aerogenic vaccination of people against anthrax. (In Russian.) Voyenno-Med. Zh. 8:27-32. 426 AD 837 850 Beushausen, W. 1959. Fine grinding with mechanically actuat6d impactors. (In German.) Chem. Ing. Tech. 31:553-560. 427 AD 838 272 Renyi-Vamos, F. 1956. New contributions and principles applicable to the lymphatic system. (In German.) Virchows Arch. 328: 503-512. 428 AD 838 273 Troger, C. 1932. Demonstration of anthrax bacilli after immunization with carbozoo. (In German.) Z. Innunitactsforsch. 76: 187-201. 429 AD 838 274 Habermehl, K.O.; Diefenthal, W. 1960. Production of a variant of enceplalomyelitis virus by its adaptation to extraneural (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 15b: tissue. 143-152. 430 Petrov, V.G.


AD 676 959 Experimental study of

Dermacentor marginatus Sulz. and itcephalus rossicus Jak. et K. Jak. ticks as vectors of tularemia, p. 117-123. (In Russian.) In Problems of epidemiology and prophylaxis of tularemia. Medgiz, Moscow. 431 AD 838 275 Mureshanu, A. 1956. A coutribution to the picture of the pathomorphological changes in histoplasmosis. (In Russian.) Arkh. izol. 18:7:84-92. 432 AD 673 203 Zaporozhchenko, A.Ya. 1959. Epidemiology of rarely encountered clinicil forms of (In Russian.) Vrach. Delo 11: anthrax. 12C5-1206. 433

AD 673 157 1957. The clinical aspects, diagnosis and epidemiology of histoplasmosts. (In Russian.) Soy. hed. 21:11:89-94.

Kiseleva, M.L.

434 AD 838 277 Brumpt, E. 1938. Identification of Piroplasma of dogs, of the type Piroplasma canis; transmission of the French otrain by the South African tick, Haemaphysalis leachi; doubtfAl value of the proofs of crossed immuni..y with the piroplasmoses. (In French.) Ann. Parasitol. 16:2:97-116. 435 Teichholz, M. 1954. (in Portuguese.)

AD 842 457 Biological warfare.

436 Ambartsumyan, V.A. 1945. Point source of light in a scattering medium. (In Russian.) Byull. Yerevan. Astronom. Observat. 6:3-9. 437 AD 673 156 Bass, I.A., Il'yashenko, B.N. 1959. Phage reproduction in penicillin-treated enteric bacilli cells. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 28:5:730-735. AD 672 104 438 Korotyayev, A.I. 1959. The mechanism of action of chloramphenicol. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 28:5:697-702. AD 842 456 439 Nikolic, M. 1952. Cases of fatal hydrophobia in man in the absence of injuries and contact with rabid animals or animals suspected of rabies. (In German.) Arch. Hyg. Bakteriol.


440 AD 672 105 Petrova, G.P.; Ponomarev, K.A. 1959. The use of dark-field illumination in the electron microscope for microorganism structure study. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 28:5:777-782. 441 A.D 672 106 Drozdov, L.S. 1959. A course to bolster (In Russian.) the crop protection service. Zashch. Rast. 4:6:4-5. 442 AD 836 143 Peters, D.. 1959. The morphology of virusas pathogenic for man and animals. (In German.) Zentraltl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 176:259-294. AD 837 851 443 Kienits, M.; Prsuner, R. 1958. The demonstration of staphylococcal enterotoxin: II. Zentralbl. bakteriol. (In German.) Parasitenk. Infsktionekr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 173:203-212.



kD 673 302 444 Malakhov, Yu.A. 1958. The relation of the saccharolyt-c properties of Listeria to the pH of the medium. (In Russian.) Lab. Delo 3:44-46. 445 No author. 1960. Table of contents. (In Russian.) Zashchita Rastenii [Crop Protection] 5:2. 446 AD 672 730 Zasukhina, G.D. 1959. A study of the development of the tick-borne encephalitis virus in human and animal tissue cultures, (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 4:2:198-204. 447 AD 837 003 Kienitz, M.; Preuner, R. 1959. The demonstration of staphylococcal enterotoxin: III., (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 174:56-70. 448 AD 673 020 Karpovich, L.G.; Zasukhina, G.D. 1959. The cultivation of viruses of the tickborne encephalitis group on monkey-heart cells. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 4:2: 213-218. 449 AD 673 019 Tsi-min, F. 1959. The growth of Japanese and West Nile encephalitis vicuses in tissue cull ýs. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 4:2: 208-zO3. 450 AD 837 205 Sachse, H.; Potel, J. 1957. Cross reactions between streptococcal and listerial hemosensitins. (In German.) Z. Immunitaetsforsch. Exp. Ther. 114:472-485. 451 AD 673 018 Ostrovskiy, N.I.; Kryukova, M.A. 1959. The field culture of ergot in the USSR. (In Russian.) Med. Prom. SSSR 13:12:11-15. 452 A) 673 309 Revo, M.V.; Abdullin, Kh.Kh. 1939. B. anthracis in colloid sacs in the rabbit organism. (In Z~ussian.) Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 8:3-4:226-227. 453 Albrecht, J. (In German.)

AU 837 853 1960. Biological warfare, Speech at Fort Detrick.

AD 676 960 454 Blokhov, V.P.; Markelov, I.M.; Mukhin, V.F. 1959. Accelerated detection of the pathogens of certain diseases by the fluorescent antibody method. (In Russian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 6:71-75. 455 Frossling, N. falling drops. 52:170-216.

AD 837 854 1938. On the evaporation of (In German.) Beitr. Gewphys.

456 AD 673 310 Vlodavets, V.V. 1956. Mold fungi in the air of Moscow. (In Russian.) Priroda 12,95-97, 457 AD 837 857 Mayr, A.; Herrlich, A. 1960. Cultivation of variola virus in the suckling mouse. (In German.) Arch. Ges. Virusforsch. 10:226-235. 458 AD 676 961 Yampol'skiy, A.S. 1958. Changes in the composition of gastric fluid from the effect of pain stimulus. (In Russian.) Patol. Fiziol. 2:6:51-52. 459 AD 676 962 Andreyev, S.V.; Molchanova, V.A.; Martens, B.K. 1960. The use of radioactive isotopes for marking insects. (In Russian.) Zashch. Rast. 5:2:45-47. 460 AD 673 311 Korobkova, Ye.I. 1940. A contribution to the increase of the efficacy of killed plague vaccines: II. (In Russian.) Vestn. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Parazitol. 19:450-468. 461 AD 673 312 Korobkova, Ye.l. 1950. The spread factor of plague bacillus: II. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 21:10:66-73. 462 AD 837 856 Kolb, E.; Seidel, H. 1960. Contribution to the knowledge of the metabolism of Listeria monocytogenes (type 1) with special consideration of oxidation of carbohydrates and metajolites of the tricarbonic acid cycle and its response to inhibitors. (In German.) Z. Veterinaermed. 7:509-518. AD 837 859 463 Petuely, F.; Lindner, G. 1959. A method of analyzing the intestinal flora by means of antibodies labeled with fluorescence (labeling with l-dimethylamino-naphthalenesulfonic acid-5). (In German.) Schweiz. Z. Pathol. Bakteriol. 22:747-751.



464 AD 836 144 Uehleke, H. 1959. Investigations with fluorescence-labeled antibodies: IV. (In German.) Schweiz. Z. Pathol. Bakteriul. 22: 724-729. 465 AD 836 145 Gaedeke, R. 1959. Localization of an ECHO-9 virus in tissues of infec'ed suckling mice by means uf fluorescent antibodies. kIn German.) Schweiz. Z. Pathol. Bakteriol. 22:751-758. 466 AD 842 491 Zanker, V. 1952. On the demonstration of defined, reversible associates ("reversible polymers") of acridine orange by mcans of absorption and fluorescence measurements in aqueous solution. (In German.) Z. Phys. Chem. 199:225-258. 467 AD 836 146 Mayr, A. 1960. Behavior of fowl, pigeon and canary pox viruses in chicks following intravenous inoculation. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 179:149-159. 468 AD 836 147 Herzberg, K.; Kleinschmidt, A.; Lang, D. 1960. Additional studies of microtomic sections of canary pox virus: IV. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abs. I Orig. 179:308-332. AD 672 107 469 ½aumova, N.A. 1958. Development of Puccinia glumarum Erikss. & Henn. in wheat seed. (In Russian.) Tr, Vses. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast. 3:134-154. 470 AD 672 731 Naumova, N.A. 1958. The spread of Puccinia glumarum Erikss. & Henn. along the wheat head. (In Russian.) Tr. Vses. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast. 3:155-169. 471 AD 837 004 Delbrueck, A.; Zebe, E.; Buecher, Th. 1959. On the distribution patterns of enzymes of the energizing metabolism in the flight muscle, leaping muscle and fatty substance of Locusta migratoria, and their cytological coordination. (In German.) Biochem. Z. 331:273-296. 472 Mashkov, A.V. Russian.)


AD 672 729 Anithrax, 36 p. (In

473 AD 837 005 Berger, K. 1956. The viruses of cowpox and vaccinia. (In German.) Z. Hyg. 143: 151-1.58. 474 Kashaeva, A.A.; 01'shteyn, S.E.; Libinzon, A.E. 1954. Regeneration of filtrable forms of various bacteria [summary]. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 25:8: '9-84. AD 837 006 475 Poletayev,-M.I.; Andreyeva, N.A. 1959. Colorimetric method for determining ammonia in the air with phenol and sodium hypochlorite. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 24:73-74. 476 AD 672 732 Stepanova, M.Yu. 1958. The development of the stripe rust pathogen Puccinia &lumarum in wheat leaves during the incubation period. (In Russian.) Tr. Vses. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast. 3:170-176. 477 AD 837 206 Moritsch, H. 1957. The virulence and pathogenicity of cowpox virus. (In German.) Z. Tropenmed. Parasitol. 8:333-348. 478 AD 673 017 Adamova, A.A.; Krivetskaya, M.A. 1939. A study of the microorganisms in the air of Leningrad. (In Russian.) Soy. Vrarh. Zh. 479 Yakovlev, A.I. 1959. Further observations on the properties of an altered strain of the Japanese encephalitis virus [summary]. (In Russian.) Nasledstv. Izmench. Rast. Zhivotn. Mikroorg. 1:331-337. 480 AD 837 578 Herrlich, A.; Mayr, A. 1955. Differentiation of animal pox viruses in the incubated hen's egg. (In German.) Arch. Hyg. 139:444-466. 481 AD 837 579 Bleyer, J.C. 1922. On the occurrence of variola among monkeys of the genera Mycetes and Cebus in the wake of a pox epidemic on the tributaries of the Alto Uruguay in the jungles of Pouthern Brazil. (In German.) Muench. Med. Wochenschr. 69:1009-1010. 482 AD 837 207 Gassner, G.; Straib, W. 1936. Studies for determination of wheat harvest losses due to yellow and black stem rust infection. (In German.) Phytopathol. Z. 9:479-505.


483 AD 837 208 Gassner, G.; Straib, W. 1932. On mutations in a biological race of Puccinia glumarum tritici (Schmidt) Erikss. et Henn. (In German.) Z. Indukt. Abstamm. Verebungsl. 63:154-180.

493 AD 837 059 Pfanzagl, J. 1960. Tests and confidence intervals for exponential distributions, and their application to some discrete distributions. (In German.) Metrika 3:1: 1-25.

484 AD 480 140 Braun, A. 1958. Anthrax in Wuerttemberg. (In German.) Doctoral Dissertation, Justus Liebig Univ., Giessen.

494 AD 678 262 No author. 1953. Instruction on the preparation and control of tularemia diagnostic serum. (In Russian.) Handbook published by State Control Inst. for Sera and Vaccines.

485 AD 672 863 Stoyanova, I.G.; Nekrasova, T.A. 1960. A study of living microorganisms in an electron microscope by the gas-microchamber method. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 134:2:467-470. 486 AD 672 862 Yelkin, 1.1. 1958. Chapter 6: Wars and epidemics, p. 51-57. (In Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow.

495 AD 837 010 Enderlen, E. 1889. On penetration of anthrax spores through the intact pulmonary surface of the sheep. (In German.) Deut. Z. Tiermed. 15:50-56. 496 AD 837 011 Buchner, H. 1888. Special conditions for the penetration of infective pathogens through the intact pulmonary surface. (In German.) Ark.. Hyg. 8:217-245.

487 AD 837 860 Grundmain, W. 1952. The germ content of the air and its measurement. (In German.) Ann. Meteorol. 5:3-5.

497 Fluegge, C. (In German.)

488 AD 837 007 Reifferscheid, H. 1952. The germ content of the atmosphere. (In German.) Ann. Meteorol. 5:7-12:363-367.

498 AD 837 864 Lange, B. 1928. Infection by the aerial route through droplets and dust. (In German.) Ergeb. Hyg. 9:237-294.

489 AD 837 008 Arkhem-Arkhemovich, R.M. Clinical forms of brucellosis and their treatment, p. 3-20. (In Russian.)

499 Fraenkel, E. (In German.)

490 AD 837 861 Woratz, H. 1957. Growth of Leptospira canicola in the presence of fatty acids, (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 169:269-274.

500 AD 837 889 Henke, F.; Lubarsch, 0. 1926-1929. Anthrax bacillary meningitis; rarer forms of acute and subacute lymphadenitis; anthrax; anthrax, charbon bacteridien, spleuic fever; anthracic meningitis; anthracic pneumonia. (In German.) Handb. Spez. Pathol. Anat. Histol. 1:84, 1267-1270; 2:734; 3:803-820; 4:359-360, 806-808.

491 AD 837 863 Woratz, H. 1955. Protein-free media for Leptospira canicola. (In German.) Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 162:106-111. 492 AD 843 9i8 Olaf, J. 1960. Grain size analysis with the slit ultramicroscope. (In German.) Staub 20:6.

AD 837 012 1897. On aerial infection. Z. Hyg. 25:179-224.

AD 83b 278 1925. Inhalation anthrax. Virchows Arch. 254:363-378.

501 AD 843 962 Wigand, R.; Nielsen, G. 1960. Concerning the existence of soluble and virus-linked fractions of complement-fixing antigen and hemagglutinin of vaccinia virus. (In German.) Arch. Ges. Virusforsch. 10:215-225. 502 AD 843 978 Alivisatos, G.P.; Violaki-Paraskeva, M. 1959. Duration of viremia following vaccination and smallpox. (In German.) Z. Immunitaetsforsch. Exp. Ther. 117:230-243.


503 AD 837 905 Tomcsik, J. 1960. An attempt to analyze my own experimental work. (In Cerman.) Basel, Benno Schwabe. 504 AD 673 210 Kaverin, N.V. 1961. The utilization of tissue cultures for production of vaccines against Venezuelan and American western equine encephalomyelitis viruses. (In Russian.) Vop. Virusol. 2:156-160. 505 AD 843 964 Nasemann, T.; Deubner, B. 1953. Contribution to the viral etiology of milker's cowpox. (In German.) Hautarzt 4:210-212. 506 AD 837 906 Kemenes, F.; Lovrekovich. L. 15 Nov 1958. Degradation of fat by pathogenic lepLospirae. (In German.) Personal communication. 507 AD bjO 279 Thunberg, T. 1933. Knowledge of the specificity of dehydrogenases. (In German.) Biochem. Z. 258:48.-64. 508 AD 838 260 Westphal, 0., I. deritz, 0. 1960. 3,6Didesoxy-hexoses - chemistry and biology. (In German.) Angew. Chem. 72:23:881-891. 509 AD 843 966 Poetshke, G.; Uehleke, H.; Killisch, L. 1959. Studies with fluorescence-labeled antibodies: V. (Ii German.) Schweiz. Z. Pathol. Bakteriol. 22:758-765. 510 AD 836 281 Schramm, G.; Roettger, B. 1959. Studies of tobacco mosaic virus with fluorescent antibodies. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 14b:510-515.

513 AD 838 282 Garmazova, A.D. 1959. The importance of the plague microbe's capsule in thL probiem of live vaccines. (In Russian.) Izv. Irkutsk. Gos, Naucl.-Issled. Protivochumnogo Inst. Sib. Dal'nego Vost. 20:199-206. 514 Tereatiev, FA. and its control. 25-32. Moscow.

AD 673 154 1946. Anthrax of animals (In Russian.) Monograph,

515 AD 838 283 Bulanova, G.V. 1959. Some epidemiological and clinical peculiarities of plague in its natural nidi in the territory of Bayan Hongor Aymak of the Mongolian People's Republic. (In Russian.) Izv. Irkutsk. Cos. Nauch.Issled. Protivochumnogo Inst. Sib. Dal'nego Vost. 20:77-85. 516 AD 673 155 Bocharov, A.A.; Lushchitskiy, M.A.; Lisitsyn, K.M.; Revskoy, A.K. 1961. Some problems of tissue heterutransplantation. (In Russian.) Nov. Khir. Arkh. 4:37-42. 517 AD 672 108 Naumova, N.A. 1937. Natural fluctuations of temperature and the duration of the incubation period of Puccinia glumarum f. tritici. (In Russian.) Zashch. Rast. 12:51-66. 518 AD 672 109 Brumberg, Ye.M.; Krylova, f.N. 1953. The use of interference separatory reflectors in fluorescent microscopy. (In Russian.) Zh. Obshch. Biol. 14:461-464. 519 AD 672 110 Larionov, A.P.; Kuz'min, N.A. 1959. Detection of the pathogens of paratyphoid roxinfections witl. the aid of fluorescent antibodies. (In Russian.) Veterinariya 36:68-73.

511 AD 678 261 Levkovich, Ye.N.; Ivanova, L.M. 1955-1956. The status of the problem and the task of the organs of the Sanitary-Epidemiological Service on the prophylaxis of tick-borne spring-summer encephalitis. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. 25:1:28-32.

520 AD 678 266 Drozhevkina, M.S. 1945. Liquid egp yolk culture medium for Bacterium rularense. (In Russian.) Tr. iostov.-na-Donu Cos. Nauch.-Issled. Protivochumnogo Inst. 4:1)-63.

512 AD b78 264 Levkovich, Ye.N.; Sarmauova, Ye.S. 1956. New developments in the epidemiogly, proýhylaxis and diagnosis ot tick-borne sltingsummer encephalitLis. (In KUsaudn.) Soy. M!d. 20al:23-29.

521 AD 678 267 Drozhevkina, M.S. 1947. A liquid egg yolk cultnre medium for gr3w-mj: Pasteurella tularensis: IV. (In Ruessian.) Tr. Goo. Nauch.-Issl-*I. Protivochumnogo Inst. 6:89-94.


522 AD 678 268 Drozhevkina, M.S. 1947. A liquid egg yolk culture medium for growing Pasteurella tularensis: III. (In Russian.) Tr. Goo. Nauch.-Issled. Protivochumnogo In,

532 AD 290 176 Gassner, G,; Pieschel, E. 1934. Investlgations on uredostage hibernation of cereal rusts in Germany. (In German.) Phytopatbol. Z. 7:355-392.

. 6:82-88.

523 AD 678 269 Dro,-ievkina, M.S. 1947. A liquid egg yolk culture medium for growing Pasteurella tularensis: II. (In Russian.) Tr. Gos. Nauch.-Issled. Protivochumnogo Inst. 6:71-81. 524 AD 672 111 Kolberg, B.H. 1957. Mechanization development of chemical weed control. (In Russian.) Zashch. Rast. 2:5:12-14. 525 AD 673 209 Lepeshinskaya, O.B. 1951. The cell and its origin. (In Russian.) State Publishing Housc for Agricultural Literature, Moscow. 526 An 678 270 Mostova, R.S. 1959. The effect of bactericidal irradiation on the virulence of microorganisms. (In Russian.) Sb. Tr. Inst. Radiat. Gig. p. 150-157. 527 AD 838 284 Pimentel Gomes, F.; Rangel Nogueira, I. Tables of polynomials for graduation by Mitscherlich's Equation. (In Portuguese.) 528 AD 672 112 Pasynakii, A.G. 1957. The theory of open systems and its significance for biochemistry. (In Russian.) Usp. Sovrem. Biol. 43:3:263-279. 529 AD 836 148 Bucher, K. 1960. Observations regarding the sterilizing effect of ethylene oxide/ carbon dioxide mixtures on bacteria and bacteria spores. (In German.) Proc. Int. Congr. Microbiol. Stand. 6th p. 397-401. 530 AD 284 563 Urbaneck, D. 1961. A contribution to experimeitcal listerellosis in laboratory and domestic animals: I. (In German.) Arch. Exp. Veterinaermed. 15:542-556. 531 AD 290 171 Urbaneck, D. 1961. A contribution to experimtntal listerellosis in laboratory and domestic animals: II. (In German.) Arch. Exp. Veterinaermed. 15:557-595.

533 AD 837 580 Gassner, G.; Straib, W. 1934. Investigations on the occurrence of biological strains of the stripe rust of wheat during Lhe year 1932. (In German.) Arb. Biol. Reichsanst. Land-Foretwirt. Berlin-Dahlem 21:1:59-72. 534 AD 290 174 Gassner, G.; Hassebrauk, K. 1934. Two-year experiments in the field on the influence of fertilizer on the susceptibility to rust of cereal plants. (In German.) Phytcpathol. Z. 7:1:53-61. 535 AD 290 172 Gassner, G.; Straib, W. 1934. Further investigations on biological strains and the specialization of stripe rust (Puccinia glumarum). (In German.) Arb. Biol. Reichsanst. Land-Fo-stwirt. Berlin-Dahlem 21:1:121-145. 536 AD 290 175 Straib, W. 1935. Experimental infection of grasses with biological strains of stripe rust. (In e-erman.) Arb. Biol. Reichsanst. Land- Forstwirt. Berlin-Dahlem 21:483-497. 537 AD 29' Straib, W. 1935. Occurrence and dise tion of biological strains of stripe i 1934. (In German.) Arb. Biol. Reichsan.-.. Land- Forstwirt. Berlin-Dahle.n 2;:455-4o6. 538 AD 283 258 Schlipkoter, H.W.; Steiger, H.; Esser, H.F.; Beck, E.G. 1959. Electron microocope studies of mine dusts by means of membrane filters. (In German.) Staub 19:9:320-322. 539 Ar 284 621 Velu, H.; Soul~e, P.; Bellocq, B. 1941. Pulmonary anthrax and contributory factors. (In French.) Bull. Acad. Med. 125:159-161. 540 AD 284 641 Velu, H.; Bellocq, B. 1941. Pathogenicity of anthrax spores in white mice. (In French,) C. R. Soc. Biol. 134:1352-1353. 541 AD 284 642 Velu, H.; Soulie, P.; Courtade, R. 1941. Experimental pulmonary anthrax throvglh intastital entry. (In French.) c. R. Soc. liol. 135:1354-1355.

542 AD 284 643 Velu, H.; Soulie, F.; Courtade, R.; Gavaudan, P. i942. Diplococcus in mice, pulmonary infection and contributory causes. (In French.) C. R. Soc Biol. 136:371-372. 543 AD 284 644 Velu, H.; Soulie, P.; Bellocq, B. 1943. Receptivity of the lung to anthrax subsequent to irritation by chlorine. (In French.) Bull. Acad. Med. 127:175-176. 544 AD 284 637 Velu, H.; Balozet, L. 1943. Transmissibility of Brucella abortus by air. (In French.) Bull. Acad. Med. 127:235-236. 545 AD 284 645 Velu, H.; Soulie, P.; Bellocq, B. 1943. Experimental pulmonary anthrax of mice: Initial bacteremia or septicemia. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 137:159-160. 546 AD 284 646 Velu, H.; Soulie, P.; Bellocq, B. 1943. Duration and risks of Latent infection of the lung by Bacillus anthracis. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 137:224-225. 547 AD 284 635 Velu, H.; Soulie, P.; Bellocq, B. 1943. Pulmonary anthrax and chlorine pcisoning: M4inimum infectious dose of spores. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 137:160-161. 548 AD 285 441 Araviyskiy, A.N.; Kashkin, P.N. 1960. Coccidioidomycosis. (In Russian.) Medgiz, Leningrad. 549 AD 680 490 Various authors. 1962. Soviet ferrous metallurgy (24). (In Russian.) Translaticns on Soviet Industrial Development. 550 AD 680 383 Various authors. 19b2. Soviet ferrous metallurgy (25). (In Russian.) Translations on Soviet Industrial Dev-lopment. 551 AD 846 565 Kohlrausch, F. 1897. Concentration changes due to electrolysis inside solutions and solution ,ixtures. (In German.) Ann. Phys. Chem. 6'1:209-239.

552 AD 845 742 to Beisenherz, G.; Boltze, H.J.; Bucher, Th.; Czok, R. 1953. Diphosphofructose aldolase, phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase, lactic acid dehydrogenase, glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase from rabbit musculature in one operation. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 8b:10:555-577. 553 AD 840 006 Rezzesi, F.D. 1932. A method for the cultivation of tissues in vivo. (Tn German.) Arch. Exp. Zellforsch. 13:258-281. 554 Sisakyan, N.M.; Bezinger, E.N.; Garkavi, P.G.; Kivman, G.Ia. 1954. Simple method of separation of amino acids by listributive paper chromatography. (In R.ssian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 96:2:343-346. 555 Berger, E.; Roulet, F. 1952. Contributions to the elimination and animal pathogenicity of the Coxsacklevirus. (In German.) Schweiz. Z. Allg. Pathol. Bakteriol. 15:4:462-468. 556 Menut, G. 1952. Five cases of serious neurological affections in children, one of them a Guillain-Barre'syndrome; demonstration of the Coxsackie virus. (In French.) Arch. Fr. Pediat. 9:978-985. 557 AD 680 423 Vershigora, A.Yu. 1960. Microbiological methods of testing the atmosphere. (In Ukrainian.) 133 p. Kiev. 558 Christen, J.P. 1953. Remarks on the Coxsackie disease. (In French an, German,) Ann. Pediat. 180:4/5:279-281. 559 Germer, W.D.; Schauber, W. 1953. Q fever meningitis in an endemically infested district. (In German.) Deur. Med. Wochenschr. 78:36:1209-1210. 560 Yamada, A.; Hirose, F.; Miyanishi, M. 1953. An autopsy case of lung cancer observed in a patient with occupational mustard gas poisoning. (In Japanese.) Gann 44:2-3:216-218.



561 Cassano, A.; Solinas, L.; Lo Sardo, S. 1951. Antibiotics and phagocytic activity studied in vitro. (In Italian.) Riv. Ist. Sieroterap. Ital. 29:4:309-315.

AD 678 128 571 Rutberg, R.A. 1953. Application of high frequency sonic waves to the treatment of plasma. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 89:2:265-267.

562 Gerlach, F. 1946. Experimental infections with tularemia which remain latent. (In German.) Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. 58(N.S. vol. 1):47:757-758.

572 AD 678 129 Bashilov, I.Ya. 1962. Soviet rare metals (1). (In Russian.) Translations on Soviet Industrial Development.

563 Laucikova, 0.; Jakubovic, A.; Keil, B.; Sorm, F. 1954. Concerning viruses: I. Isolation and chemical properties of the Rous sarcoma virus. (In Russian.) Chekh. Biol. 3:5:298-307. 564 AD 682 585 Amelin, A.G.; Belyakov, 4.I. 1955. Regulation of the degree of dispersion of liquid aerosols obtained by the condensation method. (In Russian.) Kolloid Zh. 17:10-17. 565 AD 682 586 Kremnev, L.Ya.; Kuibina, N.I. 1955. Phase reversal in emulsions. (In Russian.) Kolloid Zh. 17:34-37. 566 AD 682 587 1955. Conditions for sponSpivakova, E.M. taneous formation of highly dispersed, concentrated emulsions: I. (In Russian.) Kolloid Zh. 17:50-56. 567 AD 679 253 Teitelbaum, B.Ya.; Osipov, O.A. 1955, Investigations of the surface layer of liquid systems: VII. (In Russian.) Kolloid Zh. 17:57-62. 568 AD 678 901 Ak$,-Izer, F.I. 1954. On some coupled mnt gral equations. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 98:3:333-336. 569 AD 678 900 Avazashvili, D.Z. 1953. Three dimensional diffraction problems for electromagnetic oscillations. (In Russian.) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 14:6:321-328. 570 Fuks, N.A. 1949. size in oil fogs. 11:4:280-282.

AD 678 899 Determination of droplet (In Russian.) Kolloid Zh.

573 AD 678 132 Various authors. 1962. Soviet nonferrous metallurgy (17). (In Russian.) Translations on Soviet Industrial Development. 574 AD 678 127 Soviet chemical Various authors. 1962. (In Russian.) Transmachine building (4). lations on Soviet Industrial Development. AD 104 422 575 Sir, Z.; Komers, R. 1956. Determination of halogen associated with silicon. (In Russian.) Chem. Listy 50:162-163. 576 AD 682 879 Khlopin, V.G.; Kiokman, V.R.; Pekel'naya, E.G. 1953. The determination of the distribution coefficient of radium and of its isotope THX between fused and crystalline (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. calcium nitrate. Nauk Otd. Khim. Nauk 2:250-252.' AD 682 880 577 Korshunov, I.A.; Kuznetsova, Z.B.; Shchennikova, M.K. 1949. The reduction of weak acids at the dropping mercury cathode. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Xhim. 23:11:1292-1298. AD 682 881 578 Korshunov, I.A.; Kusnetsova, Z.B.; Shchennikova, M.K. 1951. The polarographic determination of the concentration of weak acids. (In Russian.) Zh. Anal. Xhim. 6:2: 96-100. 579 AD 848 554 Franzen, Fr.; Pauli, H. 1955. Contributions to the determination of methylimide. (In German.) likrochim. Acts. 4:5:845-849. 580 AD 682 882 Smirnov, A.A. 1954. The diffusion of a solute in substitutional alloys. (In Russian.) Zh. Tekh. Fin. 24:10:1802-1811.


581 AD 86 501 Bogdanov, G.A.; Pastukhova, A.J. 1951. Concerning the combined action of catalysts in a solution: IV. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Khim. 25:12:1450-1454. 582 AD 682 884 Nesmeyanov, A.N. 1955 and 1956. The Annual Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, February 2, 1955 and 1956: Introductory address of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (In Russian.) Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 583 Pisarzhevski, (In Russian.)

AD 682 885 0. 1955. Higb-energy physics. Ogonek 'i:5-8.

584 AD 133 314 Erdey, L.; Jankovits, L. 1954. Use of bromanilic acid in analytical chemistry: Colorimetry of calcium with sodium bromanilate. (In German.) Acts Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung, 4:245-258. 585 AD 133 315 Kaganovich, R.I.; Gerovich, M.A.; Enikeev, E.Kh. 1956. Mechanism of liberation of oxygen from .oncentrated (aqueous) solutions of acids. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 108:1:107-110. 586 AD 682 883 Karyakin, A.J. 1956. Photoreactions of reversible bleaching of dyes absorbed on glass capillaries. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Khim. 30:986. 587 AD 137 984 Levy, R. 1956. Application of balanced potentials potentiometric argentometry to elementary organic microanalysis. (In French.) Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 3:497-527. 588 AD 8711 Dachtler, H. 1952. Microorganisms of the human skin and their effect on various textile fibres. (In German.) Melliand Textilber. 33:705-710. 589 AD 683 051 Bykov, V.V. 1956. On the equation of numerical prediction in relation to the non-divergence concept. (In Russian.) Meteorol. Gidrol. 11:11-14. 590 Entry withdrawn.

591 AD 203 680 Aksanova, L.A.; Preobrazhenskii, N.A. 1957. The synthesis of the alkaloid yohimbine. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 177:1:81-83. 592 AD 848 668 Scalise, M. 1957. Comparison of "qu-tometers" (quantitative spectrometers) with successive integration and those with parallel integration for spectrochemical analysis. (In :talian.) Mecallurg. Ital. 49:6:479-482. 593 AD 848 555 Pribil, R.; Wuinsch, L. 1952. The use of complexes in chemical analysis: XXIX. Acidimetric determination of boric acid. (In Czechoslovakian.) Chem. Listy 46:337-340. 594 AD 205 204 Frumkin, A.N. 1957. Some general problems of electrochemical kinetics and the theory of ion reactions. (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk Otd. Khim. Nauk 12:1429-1438. 595 "i:eller, R. January 18, 1933. The defense of Germany against chemical or bacteriological attacks. (In German.) Address, Cologne. 596 AD 848 556 Mayer, C.F. 1958. Experimental contributions to the lymphatic pathogenesis of anthrax infection. (In Czechoslovakian.) Cesk. Mikrobiol. 3:2:82-91. 597 AD 683 069 Savin, V.R. 1955. Detection of botulinum toxin, artifically introduced into food products by means of the phagocytic index determination. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Imnmunobiol. 26:8:44. 598 AD 848 557 Mayer, C.F. 1954. Effector action of endogenous insulin upon the activity of the alkaline phosphatase of the blood. (In Serbo-Croatian.) Lijec. Vjesn. 76:609-610. 599 AD 848 559 The Atlas Co., Copenhageu. 1958. A process and installation for the vacuum drying of materials sensitive to heat. (In Danish.) Danish Patent 86648. 600 AD 676 581 Deiniatkovskaia, Z,V.; Sudtdykova, N.K. 1950. Clinical aspect of infectious hemorrhagic fever, (In Russian.) Klin. Med. 28:69-71.



601 Vyshelesskii, S.N. 1951. Vaccines for brucellosis [abstract]. (In Russian.) Veterinariya 28:4:8-15. 602 Makarovskaia, Ts.D. 1951. Contribution to the question of iron exchange in Botkin's disease (acute infectious hepatitis). (In Russian.) Ter. Arkh. 23:4:30-37. 603 Mikhaylov, G.I. 1946. On epidemiology of an acute infectious hemorrhagic disease, (In Russian.) Klin. Med. 24:6:67-69.


611 AD 685 365 Ryzhkov, V.L. 1947. Thirty years of studying virus diseases in plants in USSR. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 16:5:375-380. 612 AD 685 366 Kravchenko, A.T. 1952. Recent USSR work on the modification of viruses. (In Russian.) Nauka Zhizn' 19:3:13-15. 613 Moshkovskiy, Sh.D. 1953. Principles of classification of the causative agents of virus infections. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya 22:3:325-337.

Kolachev, A.A.; Kosovskii, Iu.Iu. 1949. Clinical aspects of hemorrhagic fever in Bukovina. (In Russian.) Klin. Med. 27:8: 42-48.

614 Novakov, F.A, 1947. Center of research work on potatoes. (In Russian.) Sad Ogorod 11:72-77.

605 Savenko, S.N.; Ruzinova, Iu.G. 1951. Clinical aspects and histopathology of a disease of hemorrhagic fever type in Bukovina. (In Russian.) Nevropatol. Psikhiat. 20:2:56-60.

615 Terekhov, S.M.; Astakhova, P.S.; Nyamtsova, B.I. 1952. A study of preparations of diphtheria toxin and anatoxin purified and concentrated by precipitation at the isoelectric point. (In Russian.) Ukr. Biokhim. Zh. 24:2:149-157.

606 Vershilova, P.A. 1947. Immunogenic properties of tpe strain Brucella abortus 19 in experiments of guinea pigs and men. (In Russian.) Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 23:6;429-433.

616 Spivak, G.V.; Rozenfeld, A.M. 1951. A high-resolution emission electron microscope. (In Russian.) Isv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 15:3:317-322.

607 Bogoliubov, K.K. 1947. The unstable state of the vital capacity of bacteria as a reaction on the effect of deleterious agents. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 12:7:39.

617 Polyakov, A.A. 1954. USSR work on transmission of veterinary infectious diseases by rats. (In Russian.) Veterinariya 31:8: 44-47.

608 Marikovskii, P.I. 1945. New method of protecting man against tick vectors of springsuwner encephalitis. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Boles. 14:6:66-68.

618 Korshunova, O.S.; Anan'in, V.V. 1954. Recent USSR work on infectious diseases that have natural reservoirs. (In Russian.) Med. Parasitol. Parazit. Sol. 23:3:281-284.

609 No author. 1952. Properties of the USSR antibiotic albomycin. (In Russian.) Med. Rabot. 15:58:4.

619 Ihudyakov, G.N. 1953. On the motion of solid particles in gaseous suspension. (In Russian.) Isv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7:1022-1034.



AD 674 591

Mannov, G.M. 1948. The episootolo•ical characteristics of lo:ation of malignant anthrax and work on their differential antiepizootic measures. (In Russian.) Veaterinariye 25:2:42-43.

El'piner, I.E. 1954. The biological action of ultrasonic waves. (In Russian.) Zh. Obshch. Siol. 15:1:18-30.



621 Sarkisov, D.S. 1954. A method of producing experimental pneumonia. (In Russian.) Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 37:2:74-75. 622 Nesterov, A.I. 1954. USSR progress in the field of antibiotics during 1951 - 1953. (In Russian.) Vestn. Akad, Med. Nauk SSSR 9:1:26-27. 623 lablokava, M.L. 1949. On ways of spreading epidemic hepatitis. (In Russian.) Soy. Med. 13:4:7-8. 524 Lebedev, D.V. 1947. Herbicides - potential (In Russian.) weapon in chemical warfare. Priroda 36:6:50-52. 625 Ryzhkov, V.L. 1946. Table of contents and chapter 11: Virus diseases of the potato, (In Russian.) in Phytopathogenic viruses. 626 Zabaznyi, P. 1954. Wheat growing in the USSR. (In Russian.) Sots. Sel. Khoz. 25:6:37-47. 627 Alisov, P.A. 1952. Measures applied against influenza in the USSR. (In Russian.) Nauka Zhizn' 19:4:24-25. 628 Olsuf'ev, N.G.; Pronina, Ye.A.; Savel'yeva, R.A. 1953. Clinico-epideintological characteristics of tularemia in a focus of infection of the murine (southern) type. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Irmunobiol. 24:6:53-56.

631 Tsvetkova, Ye.M. 1953. Mechanism of the therapeutic action of streptomycin in e~inerimental tularemia in guinea pigs. (in Russian.) Zh, Mikrobiol, Epidemiol. Imnunobiol. 24:6:34..40. 632 Asatiani, V.S. 1952. Microbiological methods in biochemical investigations. (In Russian.) Usp. Soy. Biol. 33:3-365-379. 633 AD 691 303 Aleev, N.P. 1948. Experiments in changing the nature of wheat through vegetative hybridization. (In Russian.) Agrobiologiya 4:48-56. AD 676 597 634 Deryagin, B.V. 1948. A theory of the movement of droplets in an anabatic current of air subseturated or supersaturated with vapor, and Its possible meteorological applications. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 62:1:93-96. 635 AD 676 592 Baryshev, N.B. 1947. Experimental basis of a method of sampling and preparing laboratory samples for analysis. (In Russian.) Zavod. Lab. 13:5:521-532. 636 AD 676 593 Fuks, G.I.; Klitschnikov, V.M.; Ziganova, E.V. 1949. Adhesion of microscopic particles to solid surfaces in liquids. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 65:3:307-310. 637 Timako,,, V.D. 1954. Modifiability of microorganisms and the problem of obtaining live vaccines. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol, Inmiunobiul. 25:10:3-11.

629 Shafir, A.I.; Kouzov, P.A.; Paushiuskaya, N.M. 1953. Paper filters for the removal of microorganisms and dust from ventilating air. (In Russian.) Gig. Satuit. 18:9:23-28.

638 Tamarkin, J.; Friedmann, A. 1924. On the propagation of discontinuities in a compcessible fluid. .In Russian.) Zh. Russ. Fiz.-Khiin. Obshch. Chast Fir. 54:2:40-58.






USSR contere)itr


control of tick-transmitiud spring-swumer encephalitis. (In Russiau.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.. h1nullobiol. 25:9:1?4-126.




The family of influenza

viruses and of pneutniotropic animal viruses, p. 94-105. (In Russian.) In Handbook for the identification of human and animal virusesg.


640 Biochemistry of the proKleyn, B.I. 1954. cess of bacteriophage. (In Russian.) Usp. Soy. Biol. 37:3:291-308.

650 1948. Summary of chloriHabovich, R.D. nation of water in wells. (In Russian.) Gig. Sanit. 6:10-16.

641 Sukhov, K.S. 1954. Virus diseases of agricultural plants and measures for ýhcir control. (In Russian.) Izv. kkad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Biol. p. 49-51.

AD 682 908 651 Fang, Hsin-fang; Yao, Hua-shou; Lu, Tung-lci; Li, Ming-hula; Yang, Hui-fang. 1956. Experiments on the storage of industrial K'o Heueh (In Chinese.) microorganisms. T'ung Pao 7;73-75.

642 AD 680 477 Matveev, K.I. 0949. The pathogenesis of botulism. (In Russian.) Moscow. AD 845 903 643 Zanker, V.; Held, M., Rammensee, H. 1959. Recent findings on .he metachromasis of acridine orange thrxnug,: me"surement of absorption, fluorescence, and fluorescencepolarization of the cation. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 14b:789-801. 644 AD 845 904 Miescher, P. 1957. The experimental basis of the immunology of leukocytes and thrombocytes. (In German.) Immunopathol. Klin. Forsch. p. 79-84. 645 Entry withdrawn.

646 AD 678 131 Aleksandrov, N.I.; Gefen, N.Ye.; Ezepchuk, Yu.V.; Budak, A.P.; Runova, V.F. 1962. Study of optimal conditions for the formation of the anthrax extracellular protective antigen in a milk medium. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Imnunobiol. 33:4: 9.14. 647 AD 678 112 Bauman, V.M.; Yagodinskii, V.N.; Filippovich, Y.V. 1962. Clinical-epidemiological characteristic of an outbreak of botulism, connected wit' the use of canned flounder for food. lussian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. *biol. 33:7:92-95. 648 No author. Russian.) 405.

1959. Table of contents. (In Zashchita Rastenii (Crop Protection]

649 No author. 1959. Tablo of contents. (In Russian.) Zashchita Raestenit [Crop Protection] 4:6.

652 AD 682 909 Artemov, l.S. 1946. The influence of foreign vapors on the coagulation of aerosols. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. Rhim. 20:6: 553-560. AD 682 910 653 Deryagin, B.; Vlasenko, G.Ya. 1948. The flow method of ultramicroscope measurement of the particle concentration of aerosols and other dispersion systems. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Fis. Khim. 63:2:155-158. 654 AD 683 052 Drachev, S.M.; Zamyslova, S.D. 1950. Portable laboratory kit for water testing (In Russian.) Gig. under field conditions. Sanit. 7:45-48. 655 AD 682 911 M4artinevski, I.L. 1956. Characteristics of the NIIEG live tularemia vaccine in dry form, as related to duration of storage. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Iusunobiol. 9:20-22. 656 AD 672 864 Viasov, O.Ye.; Ceitlen, P.I. 1956. The question of the structural relationship between antigen and antibody molecules. Dokl. Akao. Nauk SSSR 110:1: (In Russian.) 119-121. 657 AD 848 560 Popovic, V. 1951. Poisoning with arsenical CW agents and heavy metals and the possibilities of treating it. (In Yugoslavian.) Vojnosanit. Pregl. 8:1-12:35-38. 658 AD 848 558 Hinko, E. 1952, Practical method of transporting mosquito eggs. (In Yugoslavian.) Higijena 2:4:319-321. 659 AD 682 588 Nesterenko, M.K. 1960. Particularly dangerous and rarely encountered infectious (In Russian.) diseases and their prophylaxis. Moscow,,



660 AD 683 882 Pastukhov, V.N.; Mironov, N.P. 1959. Natural focalization and the epideniology of the particularly dangerous infectious diseases. (In Russian,) p. 5-17, 40-96, 108-116, 181-187, 337-371, 437-451, 502513, 545-563. Saratov. 661 AD 685 367 Kordyum, V.A. 1961. Simple method for the continuous culture of microorganisms under stationary conditions. (In Ukrainian.) Mikrobiol. Zh. 23:2:73-75. 662 Olsuf'ev, N.G.; Rudnev, G.P. Tularemia. (In Russiait.) p. 207-241, 305-457. Moscow.

AD 674 903 1960. 5-23, 96-135,

663 AD 680 385 Korotkikh, G.I. 1957. Aerosol generators. (In Russian.) Zashch. Rast. 2:5:50-51. 664 AD 630 732 Apekhtin, V.N. Some problems in the epidemiology and parasitology of vector-borne outbreaks of tularemia. (In Russian.) 665 AD 630 733 Apekhtin, V.N. Some questions on the epidemiology a;..parasitology of vector outbreaks of tularemia. (In Russian.) 666 AD 676 672 No author. 1940. The bactericidal action of concentrated solutions of cane sugar on On the study P. pestia and other microbes. of the antigen structure of the filtrates (In Russian.) of broth cultures of P. pestis. Vestn. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Parazitol. 19: 2. 667 AD 676 594 Berlin, A.L, 1941. A concise handbook on plague control [table of contents]. (In Russian.) Moscow. 668 AD 843 837 Boquest, A.; Stamatin, N. 1939. The preventive action of inflammatory toci on the evolution of bacteriel anthrax. (In French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 63:22-24, 31-34, 37-39. 669 AD 676 674 Burkser, G.V. 1947. The influence of oligodynamic solutions of silver on microbes of the "Brucella" group. (In Russian.) Mikrobiologiya. 16:226-229.

670 Entry withdrawn.

671 Rudnev, G.P. 1944. The clinical aspects of tularemia [abstract]. (In Russian.) Klin. Med. 22:1-2:3-14. 672 AD 843 848 Diego, A.I. de. 1954. The behavior of the white rat vis-a-vis B. anthracia. (In Spanish.) Gac. Vet. 16:91:204-208. 673 Entry withdrawn.

674 Karpov, S.P.; Popov, V.M. 1944. The Ixodes tick as a reservoir of the agent causing tularemia under the natural conditions of Western Siberia. (In Russian.) Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolez. 2:75-79. 675 Kotlyarevskaya, E.N. 1940. The role of amphibians in the epizootiology of tularemia [conclusions]. (In Russian.) Vestn. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Parazitol. 19:2. 676 Kolmogorov, A.N. 1949. On the break-down of drops in a turbulent flow. (In Russian.) Dokl, Akad. Nauk SSSR 66:5:825-828. 677 AD 676 673 Iaisky, I.N. 1945. The types of epidemic outoreaks of tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 16:7-8: 32-38. 678 AD 676 595 Minervin, S.M.i Kotlyarevskuya, E.N. 1936. The sign'icance of non-specific sensitization in the pathogenesis of botulism. The phenomenon o" repeated sensitization by small doses of botulin toxin. (In Russian.) Ann. Mechnikov Inst. 4:1:93-117. 679 AD 676 596 Kotlyarevskaya, E.N. 1940. The possible role of the muskrAt (Ondatra gibethica L.) in the epidemiology of plague: Conclusions. (In Russian.) Vestn. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Paricitol. 19:2.



AD 676 597 680 1949. New Deryagin, B.A.; Vlasenko, G.Ya. concepts in the field of aerosol research, 126 p. (In Russian.) Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fiz. Khim. 681 Zeiss Company. (In German.)

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700 AD 293 207 Eder, H. 18 May 1962. Fluorochrome studies of microorganisms in liquid media. (In German.) Letter from Battelle Institute, Frankfurt, to CAP Co. 1AD 293 206

709 AD 400 971 Yoshii, H. 1936. Pathological studies on rice blast caused by Piricularia oryzae: 111. Patho-histological observations of diseased plants. (In Japanese.) Nippon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho 6:4:289-303.

Schuck, C. 9 May 1962. Report on the status of automatic and continuous warning equipment against biological warfare agents in the air. (In German.) Letter from CAP Co. to Federal Office of Military Engineering and Procurement, and report.

710 AD 296 261 Ryzhkov, Ye. 1962. Pneumomycoses. (In Russian.) The Great Medical Encyclopedia 25:107-120.

702 AD 296 015 Schonberg, I. von. 1962. Test of the portable water laboratory, Isopor type Model B, of the AG Chemical Corp., Pasadena, Calif. (In German.) Testing Order Pt. 3. 703 AD 297 740 Gubarev, Ye.M.; Ivanovskiy, N.N. 1958. Biochemistry of the plague bacillus (Pasteurella pestis). (In Russian.) Medgiz, Moscow. 145 p. 704 AD 293 481 Skrynnik, A.N.; Ryzhkov, N.V. 1939. Experimental investigation of Dermacentor silvarum ticks as carriers of vernal encephalitis virus. (In Russian.) Tr. Vses. Konf. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Infek. 705 AD 296 013 Schonbcrg, I. von. 1959. Test of portable water laboratory manufactured by Membranfiltergesellschaft. (In German.) Order ;o Perform Tests Pt. 3. 706 AD 841 873 Schonberg, 1. von. 12 July 1962. Test report on portable water-testing equipment of: Membrane-Filter Manufacturing Co., Goctingen; Type Isopor, f4odel B of Chemical Corp., Pasadena. (In German.) 707 AD 405 452 Eder, H. 20 August 1962. Fluorochromatic examination with micioorganisms in liquid media. (In German.) 708 AD 400 970 Yo8Lii, H. 1936. Pathological studies on rice blast caused by Piricularia orya.: II. On the mode of infection of the pathogen. (In Japanese.) Nippon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaihn 6:3:205-218.

711 AD 400 972 Baylet, R.; Quenum, C.; Ba, M.; Hocquet, P. 1962. Experimental histoplasmosis in monkey&. (In French.) Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 55:31-35. 712 AD 296 278 Girard, G. 1959. On the production of crystallomorph concretions of a proteidic nature by a strain of Pasteurella pestis. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 158:277-279. 713 AD 296 279 Manigault, P. 1959. Microscopic observation of the crystalline products derived :rom the EV (Girard and Robic) strain of Pasteurella pestis. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 158: 279-280. 714 AD 841 872 Ivanovics, G. 1938. Immunity to anthrax. Z. Immunitaetsforsch. 94: (In German.) 436-458. 715 JPRS-IO,003 Sinel'nikova, Ye.P. 1961. Methodology of determining the viability of microorganisms in an experimental aerosol. (In Ukrainian.) Mikrobiol. Zh. (Kiev) 23:2:45-48. 716 AD 672 664 Fedorov, Yu.V. 1956. Wild birds - hosts of tick larvae and nymphs in the Tomsk focus of tick-borne encephalitis. (In Russian.) Tr. Tomsk. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. Vaktsin, Syvorotok Tomsk. Med, Inst. 8:125-132. 717 AD 671 619 Fedorov, Yu.V. 1958. Further observations of the significance of wild birds as hosts of Ixodes ticks in the Tomsk focus of tickborne encephalitis. (In Russian.) Tr. Tomsk. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. Vaktsin. Syvorotok Tomsk. Med. Inst. 9:23-26. 718 AD 672 722 Fedorov, Yu.V. 1958, The role of ornithofauna in the natural foci 3f tick-borne encephalitis. (In Russian.) Tr. Tomsk. Nauch.-Isslad. Inst. Vaktsin. Syvorotok Tomsk. Med. Inst. 9:27-32. .



719 AD 837 581 Kleemann and Kaysser Medical Equipment. Instructions for use of aerosol room inhalation device 999. (In German.) 720 AD 299 096 Toumanoff, C. 1950. Hybridization of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti L. and Aedes (Stegomvia) albopictus Skuse. (In French.) Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 43:234-240. AD 299 068

721 Timofeyev, M.K.; Karelina, V.I.; Kolushev, I.P. 1962. An outbreek of anthrax along the Arzamas-Gorky cattle-driving trail. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.


729 AD 400 975 Girard, G. 1947. Characteristics of secondary cultures obtained by the action of bacteriophage on plague bacillus. (In French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 73:642-649. 730 AD 405 019 Kampelmacher, E.H. 1960. The fluorescent antibody method of diagnosing anthrax. (In Dutch.) Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. 85: 1802-1813.

731 Kleemann and Kaysser Medical Equipment. "Aerosol" room-air disinfector 869. (In German.)



AD 298 606

Makarov, N.I.; Saleev, N.A.; Akhundov, M.G.;

Zyuzin, A.S.; Nadahafov, A.F.; Perepelkina, T.P.; Odinoch ako, 0.i.; Dzebizashvili, Yu.I.; Chkonia, M.M.; Zil'fyan, V.N.; Mnatsakanyan, A.G. 1962. Incidence and prevention of anthrax in the Ciscaucasian and Transcaucasian Republics. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemicl. Immunobiol. 33:9:105-111.

732 Kleemann and Kaysser Medical Equipment. "Aerosol" rooin-air group-inhalator 999.

(In German.) 733 AD 402 782 Goto, K.; lmanaka, T. 1961. Research on physiological races of Piricularia oryzae (preliminary report). (In Japanese.) 734

723 AD 299 067 Zaporozhchenko, A.Ya. 1962. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of anthrax. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.

Lorincz, F.; Kneffel, P. 1958. Salmonellosis and the meat industry. (In German.) Fleiechwirtschaft 10:162-164.


735 AD 407 465 The theory of acid Izmaylov, N.A. 1954. dissociation in solution. (In Russian.) Zh. Fiz. IMim. 28:11:2047-2066.


724 AD 674 884 Kleemann and Kaysser Medical Equipment. "Medi" medication atomizer with membrane

compressor 443.

(in German.)


736 AD 400 973

Alentsev, M.N. 1951. Calorimetric measurement of fluorescence yield. (In Russian.) Zh.

Eksp. Teor. Fiz.

726 Novikov, Ye.A. from an aerosol [summaryl. (In SSSR Ser. Geof.


JPRS-L-1354-D 1957. Settling of particles stream on an obstacle Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk 8:1034-1044.

(In Russian.)



AD 405 018 738 SpiLays H.; Skrube, H.; Muller, K. 1961.

Natural smallpox.

RAdiochemical investigation of the behavior

Vop. Virusol.


of inorganic ions under Sephadex-gel filtra-

tion: 728 AD 400 974 lamon, Y.; Peron, Y. 1962. On the kinetics of the liberation of the antibiotics content

of the various types of bacteriocinogenle microbes. (In French.) 255:17:2210-2212.

AD 405 451

Kulagin, S.M.; Fedorova, N.I.; Ketiladze, E.S. 1962. Laboratory outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with a renal syndrome (clinicoepidemiological characteristics). (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol, Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 33:1:121-126.

AD 685 368


Marennikova, S.S.

AD 840 428

Various authors. 1961. Tsitologiya [Cytology]. (In Russian.) 3:3.

C. k. Acad. Sci.

Application to the microchemical

determination of PSI (Protein-bound iodine) in blood serum. (In German.) Mikrochim. Act& 2:296-307.


739 AD 405 031 b'rgold, G. 1947. isolation of the polyhecral virus and the nature of polyhedrals. (In German.) Z. Naturforsch. 2b:122-143. 740 AD 405 461 Albrecht, J. 1962. Danger due to infectious aerosols in the laboratory. (In German.) Fortschr. Biol. Aerosol-Forsch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 148-152.

748 AD 841 866 Oudin, .M. 1946. Immunology - method of immunochem!cal analysis by specific precipitation in a geled medium. (In Frwnch.) C. F. Acad. Sci. 222:115-116. 749 Various authors. in farm animals. 38:7.

AD 676 582 1961. On various diseases (In Russiau.) Veterinarlya

741 AD 405 454 Muller, F.; Gerhard, G.; Ricken, D. 1961. Studies on the specificity of the detection of bound complement by means of fluoresceinlabeled anticomplcment. (In German.) Z. Hyg. 147:434-446.

750 AD 404 735 Lukas, B. lq62. Cultivation of Pasteurella tularensis on a simple liquid medium. (In Czechoslovakian.) Ceask. Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. immunol. 11:246-253.

742 AD 405 100 Prowazek, S. von. 1907. Chlamydozoa: II. Jaundice of silkworms. (In German.) Arch. Protistenk. 10:358-3,64.

751 AD 404 553 Pigoury, L.; Michel, C.; Chabessol, C. 1962. The role of water in the etiology of animal botulism method of detection of botulismus toxin C in water. (In French.) Rev. Corps Sante Armees 3:3:649.

743 AD 404 790 Beumer, J.; Dirkx, J. 1960. Isolation of bacteriophage receptor substances from Shigellae. (in French.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur 98:5:910-914. 744 AD 404 791 Aleshina, Ye.!.; Puchkova, T.I. 1947. Fibrinolytic properties of the tularemia pathogen. (In Russian.) Tr. RosLý.-naDonu Nauch.-Issled. Protivochum. Inst. Gos. 6:96-102. 745 AD 030 734 Uzbekova, B.R.; Shmuter, M.F.; Abdullina, G.A. 1962. Simultaneous vaccination by the epicutaneous method against plague, brucelloais, and tula--emia. (In Russian.) Zdravookhr. Kai. 22:7:63-68. 746 AD 674 907 Guseva.• W). Fitonova, L.I. 1962. The Lilaremia outbreak in Astrakhan it,19571958 and its catses. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol, Itmunobiol. 33:7:19-22. 747 AD 404 792 Krevchenko. A.T.; Yakovlav, A.I.,, Gudima, O.S.; Polosov, A.i. 1963. A change of the properties of t!c 9-fever causative agent: I. Biological properties of variants D and B1-1I of the grit strain of Rickettsla burnetit. (In Russian.) :%. Nikrobiol, Epidemiol. Imounobiol. 40:1:152.

752 AD 674 941 Mashkovskiy, M.D. 1958. Novarsenol, p. 520-523. (In Russian.) In Pharmaceuticals. 753 AD 673 021 Krichevskiy, Yu.A. 19G1. Electrophoresis of serum proteins of spotted fever. (In Russian.) Lab. Delo 7:19-20. 754 AD 673 498 Various authors. 1959. Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Elistinskoy Protivochumnoy Stantail [Collection of Scientific Works of the Elista Plague-Control Station]. (In Russian.) 1:1-252. 755 AD 405 099 Kolomoytsev, L.I.; Kazarynova, N.F.; Heonya, N.I.; Sheynkman, A.K. 1962. Antibacterial effect of some N-substituted pyridine derivatives: I. (In Ukrainian.) Mikrobiol Zh. (Kiev) 24:-:23-26. 756 AD 404 736 Grupea..h, A. 1962. On the demonstration of bactericidal substances in coemonly used culture media. (In Gernn.) Pathol. Microbiol. 25:5,07-%16. 757 AD 405 068 Foul, 1. 1962. !.nata ptoceins of swine dut ing hyperimuiniaation against swine peat. (In trench.) Arch. lost. Pasteur AlGer.



AD 414 840 768 Korobkova, Ye.I.; Samoylova, L.V. 1962. On the nature of immunity against plague. (In Russian.) Zh. tiikrobiol. Epideniol. Immunobiol. 33:11:76-82.

AD 406 686 758 Kullenberg, B. 1947. Propagation and migra(In German.) tion of four species of Sterna. Ark. Zooi. 38A:17:1-80. AD 837 287 759 No author. 89 mm bazooka training launcher, description and operating instructinas. (In German.) NATO Identification 127-4477; Supply 6920-12-127-4477.

AD 405 021 768 ' 'A. 1959. Krasil'nikovi A.P.; Izraite irradiated Experimental anthrax infect.animals. (In Russian." Med. . -±ol. 4:6: 56-60o

ADP 405 020 760 Soeparwi, 14. 1921. About an outb'ceak of (In anthrax in human beings and animals. Dutch.) Ned.-Ind. Blad. Diergenoesk. Dierent. 33:163-172.

AD 837 209 770 Nester, L.; Maczar, E.; Ivanovics, G. 1962. Biochemistry - on the terminal groupings of the immunospecific polysaccharide of Bacillus anthracia. (In French.) C. R. Acad. Sci. 254:5:944-945.

AD 405 101 761 Moulin, 1937. The significance of the white d)ood corpuscles in anthrax infections. (In D.'.ch.) Ned.-Ind. Blad. Diergeneesk. Dierent. 49:199-208.

AD 404 78i 771 Wecker, E. 1962. Virus and nuclcic acid. (In German.) Ergeb. liikrobiol. Immunitaetsforsch. Exp. flier. Sonderdr. !.35:1-38.

AD 414 843 762 Bosman, _.; Kirschner, _. 1937. Anthrax infections in human beings. (In Dutch.) Geneesk. Tidjschr. Ned.-Ind. 77:3:1639-1640. AD 405 102 763 Basset, J1. 1925. The pathogenic power of pure spores of Davaine anthrax. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 77:92:1515-1517.

AD 843 S30 772 Meislin, A.G.; Lee, S.L.; Wassrrman, L.R. Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase activity in hematopoietic disorders: A correlative study by biochemical and cytochemica] techniques [SUnmmaryl. (In German.) rpor complete report in English, see Cancer 12:4:760-766, 1959.1

AD 405 453 764 Baaibet, J. 1925. Pure spores of Davaine anthrax in damaged tissuel microbial associations. (In French.) C. R. Soc. Biol. 77:92:15i7-1519.

AD 678 174 773 Miuge, S.c. 1956. On the physiology of feeding by the root-knot nematode. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad, Nauk SSSR 108:1-3: 164-165.


AD 674 936



AD 412 606

Bunin, K.V.; Rashba, N.I. 1962. The clinical aspects of bo~ulisM. (In Russian.) Soy. Med. 26:80-84.

Radomaný"'a, K. 1961. Enterotoxic staphylococci in upper respiratory tract diseases. (In Polish.) Pol. TýYg. Lek. 16:18:671-673.

AD 414 841 766 Aleksandrov, N.I.; Gefen, N.Ye.; Gapochko, K.G.; Garin, N.S.; liaslov, A.1.; Mishchenko, V.V. 1962. Aerosol iimmnization with dry powder vaccines and toxoids. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 33:11: 31-37.

AD 837 210 775 Rouband, E.; Grenier, P. 1942. Some notes on the nourishment of Culicidae larvae (B factors and proteinic substances). (In French.) Bull. Soc. Exot. Pathol. 35:6-8: 215-219.

AD 405 017 767 Zhidanov, V.14.. Ritovas. V.V.; Geften, N.Ye., Zhu~rvl-kiy, A.M.; Berlyant. M.L.; Yevstigncyeva. 14.A.j Yegorova, 14.8.; Kreynin, L.S.; L~otttdova, S.L.; Sergeyev, V.14., Smulrrov, M4.S. 1962. A comparative study vf the ititranasal and saerosul methods ofi V4,cinatLief A~gainst influensa. (In

AD 413 137 776 Troitskiy, V.1. 1957. Ic'nizing radiation in the production of bactsrial preparations. (It: Russian.) Moed. Radiol. 2-5:80-88. AD 412 602 777 Schroeder, K.; Tollefarud, A. 11)62. Botuliem from tormented trout. (In Norwegian.) Nor. U e6ezo%*n. "Pidaskr. 82:1084-1086.


AD 837 211 778 1937. Moulin,; Zoemanegara, R.M. About the lifetime of anLhrax bacilli in the animal body. (In Dutch.) Ned.-Ind. Blad. Nergeneesk. 49:276-293. AD 414 842 779 1960. Alboiu, M.; Cormus, D.; Roman, F. Results of simultaneous vaccination against blackleg, anthrax, and tetanus in guinea pigs. (In Rumanian.) Lucr. Stuint. Inst. Seruri Vaccinuri Pasteur Bucuresti 4:139-144. AD 414 831 780 Isopescu, I.; Grasoiu, Gr.; Danescu, A. 1960. Study of scme factors infliencing the (In stability of anti-anthrax immunity. Ri.'anian.) Lucr. Stiint. Inst. Seruri Vaccinuri Pasteur Bucuresti 4:147-153. AD 428 663 781 Isopescu, I.; Grasoiu, Gr.; Stanca, M.; Danescu, A. 1966. Observations on duraticn (In of imi.lity agairst anLhrax infections. Rumarian.) Lucr. Sriint. lust. Seruri Vac..inuri Fasteu: Buzuresti 4:157-165. AD 428 701 782 Gheorghiu, I.; Albu, T.; Nitoiu, 1. 1960. Preservati`on of the properties of the hog cholera viras in virulent defibrinated blooe treatatJ with 0.3Z phenol and buffereu Lucr. Stitnt. at 5.5 pHi. (In Rtmanian.) Inst. Seruri Vaccinurl Pasteur Bucuresci 4:193-201. AD 837 212 783 Uehleke, H. 1958. New possible methods of (In making fluorescence-marked proteins. 7. Naturforsch. 13b2722-724. German.) 784




AD 837 013

IFIMr~cen..t •nnti)--dies

in rhe diagnosis of herpetiq illnesses. (!a- German.) Ophthalmologica 141:278-282. AD 678 .34 785 ?Yaynshteyn, B A. 1960. The criteria of (I Russ:an,) Zool. taxonomic categories. 7.h.39-12:1774-1778. AD 414 906 786 Fast laboratory diagnosis Gerbec, M. 1961. (in by means of fluorescent antibodies. Croatian.) Vojnesanitet. Pregl. 18:6/7: 574-579.

AD 837 213 787 Husmann, K.H. 1962. Influence of disease irritants in aerosol form: Etiology, apideoses of some miology, and laboratory d acute virus diseases in the respiratory Fortschr. Biol. Aerosol(In German.) rasct. Forsch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 137-147. AD 837 014 788 Weltzien, H.C. 1962. The propagation of plant diseases through the air, (In German.) Fortsclir. Biol. kerosol-Forsch. Jahren 19571961 p. 154-159. AD 837 015 789 Goetz, A.; Kallai, T. 1962. Effects of artificial aerosols: Methods of synthesis (In and analysis of submicror, aerosols. Fortscnr. Biol. Aerosol-Forsch. herman.) Jahren 1957-1961 p. 264-274. AD 837 016 790 Cauer, H. 1962. The biological significance of the mechanisms of reaction of gases and chemical agents suspended in air in industrial (In German.) Fortschr. Biol. atmospheres. Aerosol-Forsch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 275-282. AD 837 017 791 1962. Discussion. (In Various authors. German.) Fortschr. Biol. Aerosol-Forsch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 296-303 AD 837 018 792 Schraub, A. 1962. Biop'iysical investigations on the inhalation of radioactive aero(In German.) Fortschr. Biol. Aerosolsolr. Forsch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 317-334. AD 837 019 793 Stcbwasser, H. 1962. The use of aerosols of in everyday life pest control by -eL aerzzols: Usc .f

a,-crosol_- In


?lant pests using ground equipment and airFortschr. Biol. .-aft. (In German.) Aerosol-Fordch. Jahren 1957-1961 p. 335-348. AD 837 021 794 HoefImayr, J. 1962. Inhalation therapy using bacteriophages in therapy-resistant infections. Fortschr. Biol. Aerosol-Forsch. (Ir Gern-an.) Jahren 1957-1961 -. 403-409. AD 837 020 /95 1962. Discu3sion - aerosol Various authors. therapy; List of parLicipants and their adiresses, 4th Aerosol Congrese, 1961. (In Fortschr. Biol. Aerosol-Forsch. German.) Jahren 1957-1961 p. 418-419; 468.



AD 630 735 796 Aleksandrov, N.I.; Gefen, N.Ye.,; Garin, N.S.; Gapochko, K.G.; Daal'-Berg, I.I.; Sergeyev, iV.M. 1958. Reactogenicity and effectiveness of aerogenic vacctnation against certain zoonoses. (In Ruesian.) Voenno-Med. Zh. 12:51-59. 797 AD 843 967 Cauchy, L. 1951. Cases of staff member becoming infected with tularemia in the laboratory. (In French.) Concours Med. 72:50:3931. 798 AD 843 835 Drobinskii, I.R. 1943. Substances for the immuno-biological diagnosis of tularemia: Subcutaneous allergy test for tularemia. (In Russian.) Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immun.,biol. 14:7-8:13-22. 799 AD 409 981 Agababyan, M.M. 1959. Studying the distribution of anthrax vaccines in an organism by using radioactive indicators. (In Russian.) Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR 12:12: 63-71.




A Absorption Academy of Sciences of the USSR Acid-base equilibrium Acids

weak Acridine compounds Acridine orange Actinomyces longisporus ruber Adenylic acid Adhesion Adolescents Adsorption

Aedes aegypti iedes alDopictus

Aerodynamics Aerosol

Aerosol generators Agglutination Agglutination test Air

466 643 582 210 402 585 735 577 578 80 466 643 291 410 636 276 370 371 372 373 720 720

238 406 88 248 357 417 564 652 653 680 686 715 719 726 740 766 767 787 789 791 792 793 795 663 3 147 215 268 298 456 475 478 487 497

Air (culnt'd)


Air Air Air Air

544 629 634 788 790 796 289 16 311 27 372 373 609 552 281

organisms particles sampling stream

Albomycin Aldolase Alkaline phosphatase Alkaline solutions Alkaloids Allergens Allergy

772 320 269 270 591 228 43


Allergy test Alloy Aluminum hydroxide Aluminum soap Amino acids Armonia Amphibians Amyloid degeneration Analysis

chemical immunochtmical microchemical Analysis preparation Anatomy, pathological Animals farm Animal diseases Anopheles

420 694 798 317 580 134 356 78 554 475 675 240 3 269 210 274 303 593 748 738 bJ5 191 749 617 351




24 77

109 110 112 116 129 159 173 174 176 177 179 205 216 217

Anthrax protective antigen Anthrax serum

646 111

Anthrax spores

113 419 495 540

Anthrax vaccine Antibacterials Antibiotics

220 226 239 389 403 425 432 472 484 499 500 514 539 541 543




545 547 596 610 668 683 689 714 721 722 723 730 760 761 762


hig,j j I pjeln Aw•hi,iw 1,(44


/79 780 781 696 697 107 108 178 181 292 329 428 696 778

763 764 119 184 799 755 136 160 244 291 561 622 728 178 203 225 656 730 784 786 61 99 109 110

130 131 212

Antiserum Antitoxin Antivirubin Argentometry Arsenic Arsenicals Arteries Ascites carcinoma Ascoli's reaction Atmosphere

Atomic defense Atomizer Auto-laboratory Autolysates

501 646 656 666 696 697 19 684 251 587 274 65P 300 302 399 87 109 248 354 488 557 790 251 724 243 13



Biological strains Babesia canis Bacilli, enteric Bacillus Bacillus anthracis

Bacillus mallei Bacillus prodigiosus Bacteremia Bacteria

Bacterial preparations Bacterial samplers Bacterial spores Bactericides

Bacteriological agents Bacteriological defense Bacteriological weapon Bacteriophage

Bacterium tularense Bacterium tyhi Ball mills Barrens Bases, organic Bathing Bazooka Beetles, ground Biochemistry

Biological defense

275 437 1Ei 12 46 118 217 218 452 546 672 770 379 198 545 3 5 100 164 258 349 398 474 529 607 776 235 176 306 526 666 756 76 595 394 161 219 244 437 640 729 743 794 232 6 305 324 7 170 759 319 287 528 632 640 703 251

Biological systems Biological warfare Biological weapons Birds

Bismuth Blackleg "Black nickel" Bleaching Blood

Blood plasma Blood serum

Boletus edulis Bolometers Boric acid Botkin's disease Botulinum toxin


Breathing Bromanilic acid Bronchiectasis Brucella Brucella abortus Brucellosis

533 535 536 537 528 120 435 453 230 55 716 717 718 317 779 367 586 210 326 409 598 782 210 221 281 318 689 738 9 317 593 602 352 597 678 684 751 290 642 647 678 682 687 751 765 777 16 584 182 160 669 544 606 20 63 138 166 228 342 489 601 745

Brucellosis vaccine Bubo Burns

64 45 285

C Cacodyl esters Cacodylic acid Cadmium Calcium

359 274 320 221

Calcium chloride Calcium nitrate Callosobruchus chinensis Camels Canary pox virus

584 153 576 321 179 467

Cancer Cane sugar Capillaries, glass

468 560 666 586 107 108 513 529 383 428 411 87



Carbon dioxide Caboylvaene Carbonyl valence vibration Carbozoo Carcinogenesis Carcinoma Cardiac insufficiency Casein Catalysts Catalysts Catamnesis Cathode, mercury Cattle Cavitation Cebus Cell

Cell culture

Cell line Cell medium Cellulose Cereal rust

Chemical indusary

574 158 378


584 92

Chicken droppings Children Chitin Chlamydozoa Chloramine Chloramphenicol Chlorination Chlorine Cholera

lass666386 Chromatography, paper Circulation Classification ibaton613

Climate chamber Clostridium botulinum Cloud droplets Coagulation


Cell counting

Cerebrospinal fluid Chance factor Charbon bacteridien Charcoal, activated Chemical defense

Chemical machine building Chemical research Chemical, analytical


554 34 236 237 387 349 368 11 417 417 695

189652 581 152 577 242 355 481 266

Color vision Communication facilities


Concretions Complement

26 30 408 446 448 449 457 411 491 315 21


128 132 532 534 180 17 500 369 251 595 331

207 161 168 168 223 742 88 8 650 543 547 190 190

Coccidioidomycosis Colloids Colloid sacs Colorimetry

Conglutination Corrosion Corticosterone Cortisone Cotton Cowpox industry Cowpox virus Coxiella burnetii Coxsackie disease Coxsackie virus Crop protection

548 11 452 475 584 376 418 741 712 7 250 564 8 354 326 692 91 505 473 477 477 277 77 558 555 55 387 441 445 648 649



Crystalline products Culicidae Culture, continuous Culture medium

Culture method Cyclone dusting Cytology

712 713 775 256 520 521 522 523 700 707 750 756 661 18 736

Disinfector Dispersion Dissociation Dissociation energy Distribution (mathematical) Dithiophosphoric acid esters Dog Droplets

Drops Drying Dust

D Decontamination Dehydrogenase Dermacentor Dermacentor marginatus Dermacentor silvarum Detergents Diagnosis

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 3,6-Didesoxy-hexoses Dielectric properties Diet Diffraction Diffusion E-Dimethylaminoazobenzol l-Dimethylamino-naphthalenesulfonic acid-5 Diphosphofructose aldolasef Diphtheria anatoxin Diphtheria toxin Diplococcus Diptera Diseases, animal bacterial dangerous infectious

plant virus Disinfection

170 507 552 93 430 704 75 312 53 159 196 454 135 508 339 403 569 336 580 411 463

Dusting Dyes Dysentery Dysentery bacteria

E Eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus ECHO-9 virus Ecology Education Eggs, mosquito Electrical discharges Electrochemical properties

552 615 615 542 348 749 5 659 660 617 618 659 660 611 788 611 787 88 277 607

731 564 362 735 360 493 365 271 301 369 498 570 634 455 676 1 153 215 249 498 538 629 698 18 586 386 2 161

Electrodeposition Electrodes Electrolysis Electromagnetic method Electromagnetic oscillations Electrophoresis Elements, radioactive Emulsion


261 465 348 392 658 316 355 320 594 367 380 382 551 332 569 753 96 565 566 567 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65




Encephalitis (cont'd)

Encephalitis virus

Encephalo-herpetic virus Encephalomyelitis, infectious Encephalomyelitis virus Endotoxin Energy

68 69 70 71 72 114 115 140 141 142 143 144 145 148 150 151 152 340 401 511 512 608 630 699 716 717 718 61 62 66 81 95 254 347 446 448 449 479 704 257 421 429 14 360

Entomophagous parasites Environment Enzymes

583 282 283 284 17 246 471


552 35

Epidemiological kit

102 106 481 4O6 169



Epithelium Epizootology Equation integral Mitscherlich's numerical prediction Equipment aerosol atomizer portable

warning Ergot Erysipeloid Erythrocytes Escherichia coli Ethylene glycol arsenous acid esters Ethylene oxide Etiology


47 49 50 177 179 297 322 407 432 433 512 515 603 660 664 665 723 30 610 249 568 527 589 169 719 731 732 724 654 702 705 706 701 269 270 451 228 210 78 94 219 363 529 e 51 56 65 82 115 322 301 455

F Farm animals Fat Fatty acids Fatty substance Fermentation Fertilizer Fibers, textile Fibrinolysis Fibrosis Fibrosis circumscripta liensis Filter

Filterable forirs Filter constant Filtration

Flagellae Flora, intestinal Flounder, canned Fluids Fluorescein Fluorescence Fluorescent antibody

749 506 490 0171 424 534 588 744 399 397 31 32 117 333 538 629 295 335 474 209 209 289 357 374 375 738 139 463 647 358 638 178 741 466 643 725 178 454 463 464 465 509 510 519

Freeze drying Friction Frings Acetator Fungi,

229 27 231 456

G Game shop Ganglion, stellate Gas Gas adsorption

Gaseous suspension Gas mask Gas mnzrochamber Gas stream Gastric fluid Generators, aerosol Genetic transfer Germanin Germ cells Germination Glanders p-Glucosidase Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase Glycoside' Grain Grasses Grinding Grisemin Growth rate Growth stages Guillain-Barre syndrome Guinea pig Guxmna

253 345 153 370 371 372 373 619 374 375 485 4 458 663 94 15 267 33 234 196 197 228 381 552 200 201 222 21 492 536 426 293 23 155 556 211 247


Fluorescent labeling Fluoruchrome Fog Food

Food poisoning Fowl, domestic Fowl pox virus


730 784 786 741 783 700 707 41b 570 597

HaemAphysalis leachi Haemophilus haemolyticue vaginalis Halogen Rapten Haying lands Health, public

393 647 104 467

Heat-sensitive materials Hemagglutination-inhibition reaction

434 136 575 181 72 309 310 330 599 206


Hemagglutinin Hematopotetic disorders Hemorrhagic fever

Hemosensitins Hepatitis Herbicides Heredity Herpes infection Hibernation Histology Histoplasmosis

Hog cholera virus Hormone, somatotropic Horse Humidity Hyaline Hybridization Hydroelectric station Hydrogen-ion concentration

Hypoxia Hysteresis

501 772 279 346 600 603 604 605 737 450 168 602 623 524 624 67 328 784 532 I16 272 431 433 711 782 327 421 33 240 247 633 720 413 414 258 356 380 444 376 238


Immunogenesis Immunogenicity Immunogenic properties Immunology Impactors Impulse transmission Incubation peLiod Infection

accidental aerial inhalatory mixed mixe4 and secondary virus Infectious dose Influenza

214 225 232 290 296 419 428 686 757 766 190 212 292 606 259 644 748 426 343 344 260 517 226 260 268 281 297 298 420 692 118 497 498 313 15 22 15 613 547 79

627 Influenza virus

I Ice islands Illhfination, dark-field


366 440




57 77 111 288 313 386 412 420 434 503 714 768 780 781

767 66 75 639 85

Inhalation Inhalation therapy Inhalator Inhibitors Insect Insecticide Insectivora Insulin Integral equations

792 794 795 719 732 462 17 267 459 353 365 252 598 568



Integrati on Interfercimeter Intestinal flora Intestine Intracutaneous reaction Inversion Iodine, p-otein-bound Ion reactions Iron lactsaus


592 681 463 282 685 164 738 594 549 550 602


Jaundice (silkworm)


Isotope Ixodes

K Keratitis Ketones Kidney Kinase L a22 -aLysotyme Labcratory, autoLaboratory research Laboratory risks

lactic acid Lactic acid dehydrogenase Lactobacilli Laundry Lead Leg Leptospira canicola Leptospirae Leptospirosis LeuIkocytsa

Light Lipoids

Listerial hemosensitin Listeria monocytogenes Listeriosis (Listerellosis)

784 383 737 552

4 567 193 252 268 444 450 103 462 98 121 175


203 326 526 769 459 576 252 674 717 319


Liquid particles Liquid systems Listeria (LisLerelia)

Locusta migratori Luminescence Lung

Lymph Lymphadevitis Lymphatic system Lymphocycic choriomeningitis virus Lysis

183 185 186 191 192 242 264 530 531 471 361 16 495 496 542 543 546 560 225 500 211 427 596 286 219

243 158 740

349 552 335 170 210 317 225 490 491 203 506 203 207 246 644 761 072 436 379

Malaria Malleomyces paeudomallai Mamwls Materials testing 4_prhenaticas method Mathematical theory Meat industry Meat products Medic 1 microbiology Madical schools Medium, casein Membranes

351 130 131 55 332 493 11 17 734 263 299 392 189 30 31 32 117 )33 538


Meningitis Meningoencephalitis Metabolism Metachromasis Metallurgy, ferrous nonferrous Metals heavy rare Methylimide Microbiological method Microbiology

Microorgat ism culture Microorganisms

Microorganism storage Microscope, electron

slit ultraMicroscopy, electron fluoresceuc ultraMigration Nilker's cowpox Milk mer'u Hills dusts Mine Minerai8 Mink Mitaherlich's uquation Hold Molecular structure Holecules

308 500 559 401 165 276 462 643 549 550 573 354 657 :•72 579 557 632 10 299 424 503 661 67 85 155 156 157 213 294 295 478 487 488 588 629 651 728 651 45

31 32 440 485 538 616 492 Cirscpaelcro 1 312 -'" 653 758 505 646 305 0 138 1 276 290 527 56 656 360

Monkey Mononucleosis, infectious Mosquito mosquito eggs Motion, translatory muscle


307 409 193 347 658 358 344


Musculature Mushroom Muskrat Mustard gas Mustard oil

502 ,350 679 560 200

MutagenicitY Mutation

201 199 2336 483 481


NATO Headquarters Necrectomy Nematode, root-knot Nephrosonephritis Nerve Nerv'ue system Neural tissue, extraNeurological disturbances Neurotropic virus Nickel, "black" Nitric oxide Nitrification Nitrogen Nitrogen compounds Nitroguanidine Nitrosomonias Nondivergence concept Novarsenol Nucleic acid

Numerical pra4iction

285 285 148 32k 343 343 344 345 123/1 429 556 87 367 3 13 195 276 364 332 13 589 752 199 254 233 2 8 328 771 589

5,'.0 Oil Oleogeis OncolysiC dtra abethica Open sAte" Opsonofphaaocytlc reaction

356 688 328 264


Optical pxopertias Optics Organic microanalysiF Organic molecule7 Organs, blood-formirg Ornithosis Oscillations, electromagnetic Oxidation Oxides, alkylpolyethylene Oxygen

41i 154 587 360 409 391 369 384 462 312 258 583

Physics Thytophthora infestano Pigeon pox virus Pigment Pipe bends Piricularia oryzae

Pitoplasma Piroplasmosis Plague

P i?a in raper Parasites Paratyphoid pathogen Particle concentrat' in Particle moLion Particles

Particle separation Pasteurella pestis

Pasteurella tularensis

Pathogenicity Pathology, infectious Pathomorphology Penicillin Pentose Pest control, biological Phagocytes Phagocytic index Phase reversal Phenol Phosphatase, alkaline Phoaphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase PhotoFolymerization Photoreactions Physical exertii

458 629 17 A19 653 619 16 249 354 636 726 4 666 691 703 712 713

Plant viruses Plasma



520 521 522 523 750 236 477 307 431 207 219 437 410 415 37 561 597 565 475 281 598 772 552 377 586 405

Plague bacilli

Plague vaccine Plant diseases Plant pests Plants

Pneumonia Pneumotropic animal viruses Pcint source Poisoning

Poisons Plarography Poliomyelitis virus Pollution Polyhedral virus Polymerization Polymers Polynomials Polysaccharide Polyvinyl alcohol Pore system Potassium Potato Potentiometry Pox viruses Precipitation

583 33 467 198 28 708 709 7!3 434 273 146 245 259 323 515 667 679 745 754 768 133 461 513 729 460 611 788 793 96 423 641 625 571 710

500 621 639 436 350 547 560 657 162 378 578 84 215 739 377 466 527 691 770 384 117 221 337 614 587 480 748




Precipitin diagnosis Pregnancy Premunition Propagat.on Prophylaxis Proteins

Psittacosis Psychiatry Psychosis Publications, scientific Puccinia Puccinia glumartnn

Puccinia glumarum tritici Pyridine derivatives Pyruvate kinase

112 114 -'71 758 511 512 29 10 146 303 753 757 783 391 151 350 503 234 194 265 304 469 470 476 535 483 517 755 552

Q fever agent Quantometers

Radioactive ionizers Radioactive isotopes Radioactive tracer Radioactivity Radiobiology Radiochemistry Radium Raindrops Rat Reaction, cross Redox potential Reduction Reduction potential Reflectors Relapsing fever Relative humidity iResearrh, scientific Reservoirs Resin Resistance

_ Q fever

Races, physiological Race specialization Radiation, ionizing Radiation sickness

89 90 91 92 104 105 171 1/2 224 227 388 559 68i 694 747 592

Respiration Respiratory failure Respiratory tract diseases Rhipicephalus rossicus Ribonucleic acid Rice blast Rickettsia Rickettsia burnetii Rickettsiae Rickettsiosis Roach Rodents

R Rabbit Rabies

Rabies vaccine Rabies virus

733 265 776 327 420 4 459 799 96 329 792 325 738 576 368 617 672 450 258 382 577 280 518 15 22 2A0 503 618 674 380 27

28 293 405 682 774 787 430 163 262 708 709 263 277 747 104 134 271 390 398 100 4 J2

452 82 123/1 123/2 439 125/1 125/2 83

Rough form Rous sarcoma virus Rust, cereal

6 563 21 126 128 132 532 534




Saccharolysis Salmonella tvE•josa Salmonellosis Samplers Sampling Sanitary-Epidemiological Sanitation Saturation, superSausage meat Sch(Dls, medical Scrub barrens Sensitization Septicemia Serodiagnosis Serology Serotherapy Serum

antiphage antiplague hyperimmune immune Uvarov Serum proteins Sheep Shigellae Shock, pleuropulnonary Silica Silicon Silkworm Silver Situs viscerum inversus Skin Skin reaction Skin test Sky luminescence Smallpox

Smallpox virus Smoke Smooth form Snake venom Soap, aluminum Sodiumi bvomanilate Sodium hypochlorite Soil Solid particles


444 6 734 235 311 635 278 511 169 338 283 392 324 678 545 i86 224 411 389 63 220 239 288 306 494 138 146 187 419 166 753 757 495 743 345 698 575 742 669 182 58C 36 43 412 361 35 101 206 502 727 80 215 6 385 356 584 475 135 4

Solvent Sonic waves Sorption Soy food products Space conquest Species relationships Spectrochamical analysis Spectrum Spleen

Splenic Splenic Spores, Spotted

fever vessels bacterial fever

Spotted fever virus Staphylococcal enterotoxin

Staphylococcal poisoning Staphylococci

Statistical method Stem rust Sterilization Sterna Steroids Streptococcal hemosensitin Streptococcal infection Streptomycin String-of-pearls test Stripe rust

Sugars Sulfur Sulfuric sugars Sun Supersaturation theory Suprarenal blood Surface-active agents Surface structire



581 585 383 571 315 349 690 213 592 361 240 300 302 396 397 500 241A 176 -47 48 49 50 51 134 753 52 282 283 284 443 447 695 393 236 282 774 493 482 529 758 29 450 12i 37 288 631 159 535 536 537 204 666 165 204 318 338 326 417 370



Swine Swine pest Symbiosis Syndrome, Guillain-Barre

264 757 757 398 556

T Taxonomy Temperature

Tetanus Tetanus antitoxin Tetanus toxin Tetanus toxoid Tetrazolium compounds Textile fibers Thermobattery Thermocouples Thermodynamics ThermosLability Thiaminase coenzyme Thrombocytes Tick fever Ticks

Tissue Tissue culture

Tissue heterotransplantation Tissue therapy Tobacco mosaic virus Toxification Toxigenesis Toxin


Train Transformation Transplantation, hetero-

785 33 334 356 517 779 19 189 189 280 588 405 314 7 528 286 364 644 341 275 319 342 608 716 717 718 266 83 84 87 95 504 553 516 45 233 262 510 353 34 189 352 615 678 684 189 684 686 766 170 67 516

Trench fever Triarylcarb~nols Tricarbonic acid cycle Trout Trypenosomes Tubercle Tuberculosis Tuberculosis bacilli Tularemia

Tularemia endotoxin Tularemia organism Tularemia serum Tularemia vaccine

Tularin TTobudence

Typhoid organismf Typhoid vaczine

149 362 462 777 15 247 20 208 23 40 41 42 43 44 45 53 74 121 124 137 167 188 223 228 253 255 412 413 414 430 562 628 631 662 664 665 671 674 675 677 745 746 797 798 14 99 744 494 36 38 39 73 655 36 412 164 334 336 67b 212 212


Typhus fever

22 48 86 134 149

Typhus Typhus

202 214

fever rickettsiae fever vaccine

U Ultrasonic waves Ultraviole= Urea Uredospores Uredostage USSR Academy of Science

Vaccine (coi t'd)

655 686 766 Vaccinia virus

620 199 276 176 304 532 10

Vacuum drying Vapor

Vapor equilibrium W.riability

V Vaccination

40 42 79 89 90 92 123/1 123/2 137 188 190 217 313 395 412 414 425 502 745 7,7 779


796 36 38 39

41 64 73 80 97 101 119

125/1 125/2 184 212 214 245 255 296 323

460 504 513 601 6M7

Variant ' Tariation Variola Variola virus Vectors Venezuelan equine encephalmyelitis

Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus Venom Vernalization Veterinary medicine Viability Vinyl chloride Viremia Virology Virulence


799 473 501 1 599 339 634 652 7 2 156 157 294 328 429 67 481 457 346 430 404 407 422 504 261 385 402 180 j04 715 377 81 502 122 212 292 477 526

52 54 55 58 61 62 83

84 87 95 114 261 262 286 287 291


Virus (cont'd)

Virus B Virus diseases

Viscera, inverted


408 429 442 446 448 449 4j7 465 467 468 471 477 479 480 501 505 510 555 556 563 612 613 625 639 688 739 771 782 257 423 611 641 787 182


Viscosity Vision, color Vital capacity Vitamin Vitamin E Voles

356 376 607 103 267 121

Warfare biological

120 435 453 701 624 657 701 486 315 333 650 751 702 705 706 654

chemical Warning equipment Wars Water

Water laboratory Water testing



Weed control Weevil, cowpea Well water Western equine encephalomyelitis Western equine encephalomyelitis virus Wheat

Wheat rust Wheat stripe rust

230 394 524 321 650 504 261 194 237 400 402 469 470 476 482 626 633 127 237 533

Y Yeasts Yellow fever virus Yohimbine

154 408 591





Ba, M. 3ahudieri, B. Badak, A.P. Bagramyan, L.R. Bail, 0. Bakhrakh, Ye.E. Balagovezhs.Kiy, E.N. Baldrich, -. Balozet, L. Baltiyskiy, V.A. Barski, C.. Bartoshievich, E.N. Baryshev, N.B. Bashilov, I.Ya. Bashkirov, S.D. Bass, L.A. Basset, J.

Alentsev. M.N. AleL'Iina, Ye.I. Alisov, P.A. Alivisatos, G.P.

452 745 146 *288 389 *479 329 *799 314 *568 722 *591 *770 *453 *740 782 *633 * 97 *425 *646 *686 *766 .1796 420 *422 *725 *744 *627 *502

Almshuller, I.S.


Bekierkunst, A.

Alpat'yev, B.A, A1'perovich, P.M. Altgauzen, A.Ya. Ambartsum 'van, V.A. Anmelin, A.G. Amnphoux, _. Anan'in, V.V. Ananina, M.M. Andreyeý,, S.V.

*405 *152 *158 *436 *56454 35 61854 62 1387 *459 475

Bektemirov, T.A. Belloc-q, B.

Abdul~lin, Khi.ih. Abdullina. G.A. Abramova, G.F. Abzainovi:h , L.A. Adamova, A.A. Agabalbyan, M.M. Airapetianc, S.V. Akhiezer, N.I. Akhcndov, M.G. Aksanova, L.A. Alboiu, M. Albrecht, J. Albu, Aleev, N.P. Aleksandrov, N.I.

Alekseew., A.A.

Andreyeva, N.A. 0.G. Andzhaparidz Apekhtjn, V.N. Aperyanov, I.A. Araviyokiy. A.N. Arkhem-Arkheinovich. R.M. Artem.ov. 1.S. AsattLal$, V.S. As,.oli. A.

Astakhova. P.S. Audou--Ava za shv tIIiDZ' Indicattcs senitor author


*664 ,1665 1,143 '1548 *489 -'417 *65 *632 *III .4 *113 615 35i ' 569

Bast~anov, E.M. -Sh. Batiuk, I.F. Batrak, F.G. Bauman, V.M. Baylet, R. Bayl'ozov, D. Bazylev, N.M. Beck, E.G. Becker, J. Beilin, I.G. Beisenherz ' G.

711 *685 646 327 *77

*691 *324 35 544 *39' 30 *227 *635 *572 *170 *437 *763 *764 359 *292 123/2 *4 *7)1. *695 187 538 *304 *127 *552 *23 91 539 540 543 546

Belozerskii, A.N. Belugina, G.V. Belyat'.v A.A. f~elyakov, M.I. Berdnikov, I.F, Be-ezirna, Ye. Bergemini. L. Berger, E.55 Rerger, K. Bargold. G. Backi't, r. Berlin, 4~.L. Berlyovit, M.L. Berman. V.4. es.t A. Beusaheien, W. Eetg~ .N. Bi 11avd,-.3

1,63 356 *101 564 iG5 *272 *12

'1473 '739 232 0667 767 *386 27 1'~iJ 743 1426 554


Bleyer, J.C. Blokhov, V.P. Blyuger, A.iY. Bobovich, V.T. Bocharov, A.A. Bocharova, F.V. Bodon, G. Bogdanov, G.A. Sogo1iubo-, K.K. BoldiLina, K.S. Bolta.c, H.J. Boo'uest, A. Borisov, V.D. Borisovich, Yu.F.

*481 Chwnakov, M.P. *44Chuvayev, K.K. *281 Clibben, D. *100 Cohen, G.N. *516 Cohrs, P. *50 Cormus, D. 108 Courcado, R. 419 *581 Cury, A. *607 Czickoli, H. 342 Czok, R.

* 54

361 200 * 78 *409 779 541 542 'q0j *220 552

552 *668 *224 184 *696

D Daal'-Berg, 1.1. Dachtler, H1. Danescu, A.

796 *588 780

Daranyi, J.v. Dedie, K. Delbrt--ck, A. Delord, _. Delpy, L.P.


*236 *192 *471 35 *119

Domiatkovskaia, Z.V.


*197 371 *529 552 *496 *515 189 290 *765

Denisenko, L.K. Denisova, Z.M. Deryagin, B.V.

255 *348 *634 *653 *680 505

Burganaky, B.IKj.


Burkser, G.V. Burshtoin, A.I. Buyalo, S.H.

Diego, A.I. do

*669 *215 73

Ding, E. Ilirkx, J. Dodono-wa, N.Ya.


Dold, H. Donation, A.

Borodin, V.P. Bosman, _. Bosshard, E. Bouill1iud, _. Brashnikova, M4.G. Braun.. A. Bruckner, V. Bruznberg, Ye.M.

*762 19578 35 291 *484 *181 *518

Brumpt, E. Brunn, W. von Brzezinski, M4. Bucher, K. Bu~cher, Th. Buchner, H. Bulanova, G.V, Bulanova, I.V. Bulatova, T.I. Bunin, K.V.

Bykov, V.V.


C Cadoret, G. Cassano, A. Cauchy, L.. Cauer, H, Ceitlen, P.I. Celinskays, T.F. Chabaaaol, C. Oiagin,. K.P.

35 *561 *797 *790 656 338 751 a 58 a 59 * 60

Doubrer, B. Davis, R. Dibner, V.D. Diefentha1. W.

Qhampbon, L. Clbotarava, S.V. Qhoreaushkina, LI.1 Chernankoii,*, N.A. COiionia, N.H. Chris~t*%, J.P..

*366 429

*672 *214 743

Drachavj SJH. Dresol, E.G. Drigo, E.V. Drivin~g. A.Ys. Drobinskii, I.R. Drobkov. AA. Drabyuhevsayay,


Droadov, L.S. Ovothevoinst H.S.


*347 0130 *1 349 0239 138 722 ass$


Dubalakova, MN.K 11ql V. Dbu~hlns 11.1. bumaevkii-, H.I. Nuiv .M. . 1.. totcv

*316 *176 *263 *271 *654 0306 144 *416 *15~7 #798 0 96 * 61 0114 *441 * 63 0520 '521I 0522 02 422 35 W '* 146



Dyachenko, S.S. Dyadichev, N.R. Dzebizashvili, Yu.I.



Eiafeld, K. Elbs3, H.' *Ellpiner, I.E. Eme1'ianova, 0.S, Enderlen, E. Enigk, K. Eniketvv F..Ih. Entessar, F. Erdey, L. Ershier, B.V. Esser, H.F. Ezepchuk, Yu.V.


*102 *106 722

*700G *707 2CWi: *231 *620

121 252 *495 *273 585 118 *584 320 538 646

*455 *594 '1265 37R *636 *570

Gaedeke, R. Gaehtgens, W. Calant, 1.3. Gannushkin, M. Gapochko, K.G.

*465 *147 *151 687 425 686 766 796 *365 *160 425 686 766 796 554 *513 *194 *48 2 *483 *532 *533 *534 *535 291 W1 542

Gar, K.A.

Gargani, G. Garin, N.S.

Garkavi, P.G. Garmtuzova, A.D. Gassner, G.

F Faddeeva, T.D. Fadryev, Yu.N. Fribich, M.M.

Fro,'saling, N, Frumkin, A.N. Fuchs, E. Fujinaga, T. Fuks, G.I. Fuks, N.A.

259 365 *38


Faichetti, E. Fanderflit, E.P. Fang, lisin-fanjj Fankhauser, R. Fedorelie, L.B.


64 *651. *180 123/1

Gause, G.F. Gavaudan, P.

Fedorcv, Yu.V.

*716 *717

Gavrilov, V.1. Gaydamovich, S.Ya.

Fedorova, N.I.

*718 89 90

Gefen, N.Ye.


Fedotev, N.P. Ftser, -. Ftlippovich, Yu.V. Findeisen, Wi.

404 404

97 425 646 686



737 '367 403 to.-7

767 796


Gaks, F.J.


Gerbec, M.

*7Sf6 741

Corhard, C. Gerlach, F. Garner V;LD.

Fink, V. Fin", L:A. Fischer, E. Fironova. L.!. Flamm. H.ý

'175 * 76

Flucr4O,. CL


F91mmicheva, A.S. For:'ttr. F,. Fournie.r .J.

'138 332 130

rraunkel, f. Fr;. icon, b.5. fr. fried.,~n... A.


Gerovith, N.A. G-40hole, I.E. Ghtorghiu, 1. Gleror, A. -233 GiI'Sut. 1,A. Ciii.. a. Ginaburg. 0.7. Girard, C.

316 *579 638

GladkIM , S.G. Claatuovi 1.8.


746 '183


*562 *274 '559

585 *132, '782 189 204 0362 '712 11129 '0630 be


Glotoma, Ye.V. Gm'ain, N.!'. Goetz, A. Golein, 5.3. Golinevich, E.M. Goncharov, G.D. Gorbach, G, Gordienko, E.G. Gorfunkel, D.M. Gorlenko, M.V. Goto, K. Gotachlicb, E. Grashchenkov, 1.1. Grasoiu, Gr.

*349 367 *7C9 232 134

Husmann, K.H. Hutner, G.H.



*198 125/2 *125/2 * 5 *733 *232

Iablokava, M.L. Ichikawa, T. Isrusalimaky, N.D. i1'yasherko, 3.1. lushanetskil, A.A.


Indikt, G.P.

*i40 1-150 780

Intelmean, W. Ioffe, A.F. loffe, A.V. lpsatnko, N.G. Ip91*n, J. Is,-Iiunko, B.L.

781 Grenier, P. Grill, J. Grinbauze, F.T. Grobov, A.G. Grodzenakiy, D.E. Grootten, 0, Grumbach, k. Uiundmazrn, W, Gubarev, Ye.M. Gudima, 0.5. Cuseva, N.A. Gutorova, N.M. Gylybov, K.S.

775 15 *294 *346 *327 136


h~.ntr. .

314 *689 *202 *10

*166 769


*2$7 *4293 *650 *408 *728 *125/1 *165 534 * 32 643 * 31 *117

Jacob, F. Jacotot, Hi. Jaffe, R. Jakubovic. A. Jankovitai, L. Jannasch, RU Jensen. J. Jerchel, D.

Junge, C.

94 *217 409 563 3 .1159 *2SO *

i '250

457 0480

Hertbvrx, K. IX~nu.E Hirvse, F. Ruc~uet, 1'.

*166 350 18 *314




Reonya. 1.1.75 Herr1lich, A.

4-37 *13

Ixmaybova, S.S.

Ito, M. !udenich. V.A. !van 4co, A.I. Iviaiov, N.M. Ivanova, L.M. Ivanovics, G.



Ivanovskiy, N.M. Izmaylov, N.A.

*756 *487 *703 747 *746

*623 378

*423 *378 3' *78C *~ *688 * 40 * 87 *1?7 511 *71,4 770 703 *735

Ishibashi, M. Ishii, S. ISOPescu, I.

H Kass, RI. Haban, G. Haber, P. Haberuzehi, K.0. Habovich, R.D. Hallauer, C. Ramon, Y. Hanin, S.C. Hanson, H. Hassebrauk, K. Hautiuunn, G. Held, M. PItelcke, i.G.

*787 103

'468 '6s8 $60 713



Kaganovich, R.L. Falser, N.i6 atarw, M. Kalsbubtiow, 11.1.

*KiX&-fitniu, 794 "l1Iinaa.




'340 216

Kiseleva, M.L. Kit-man, G.Ya.54 KyrrHdcl Kleemann and Ky~rMdcl

89 90

Kaizykov, N.L.

4359 *363

Kasai, C. Kaspel~acher, E.g. iKantorovich, R.A. Kanunnikova, Z.A. Kaplan, R.Ii. I~plnayII.105 IKaraerov, P.C. IKarcheuko, A.'22, Kae~aV..721 . elin . Vl.A *Kar Kagn .A. Karlina, M406 Karuuan, T.'v. I~arpv, SP. Karpovie, L.G. Kartagener, M. VV.69 Karasev3 Kartashava, A.L.


0335*199 '21

315 75

Kiepenheuer, K.O. Kikeno, Kjllisch, L. L.Y' Killeeva, Kirschner$


470Eu~eL724 *731 73 159 468 420 *6. 63 '261 576 381 7~ef.P 746Kef.P 381


Koch, A.



KoaoirMD Xohlrausch. F. oiuH.'7 Kokorin, 1.11. Kolachev, A.A. Kolb, E. .U Koleso'v, S.G. Kolwmogorov, A.M. KolomoycC, M.V. Kolowcq-,!ev, L.R. K~olushev. I.P.

4 '551

*684 '504 *118 '119 *164 A.B. Kazanskii, Ka~arnoV&,N.F.755 -36 Kazberiuka M.A. '312 Kzehren k, N.. 563 1Keil, B. -92 Kekcheeva, N.G. 25 Kellenberger, G. KelrG*211 1Ce11r, W.306 *506 Kemenes,9 F. 91 Kerbsbaev, E.B. '88 Kern, V.G. 737 YKetiladze, E.S. '402 Ke-wei, T. 63 Kharitonova, T.I. '358 Khaski~nd, M.D. * 53 Khatenever, L.M. * 70 Khe-min, L. 36 Khisamove. Z.L. '576 Khlopin, V.G. '169'5 Khristova, AS. Khudyakov, G.N. Khv~n P.M.69

*1 '1



283 *586 *474 '19K*18g

Karyakin, A.J. Kashaev4a, A.A. kashintsex-, N.S. .M.548 Kashin, Katic, R.V. Kaverin, N.V. Kaweh, M.

oIyahvns'ka, MI'. .*443 Kieil,

Kleeaeyer, H. Kleiaschuaidt. A. KleuparskaC Kleyn, . IZlitachnikov,- V.M. Kio ene, W. Kioksana V.1.

0433 *133

*619 73

Kieniz' *447 *31o * 243 509 86 762


K3er73.51 Kondraschow, A.J.I37 Kondrat'yeva, 1.M. Konosh, 03V.

92 920 4604 '6 54 '8 3676 *5 721

405 80

KonstanLinov. G.F. KonstantiflOv, V.A.-35 Kontorina, A.A.25 Kordyum, V.A. Koridze, G.G.68



245 *323 '460 *761 '6

.Y.~ Korotkjkh, G.I. Kuortyayev, Korshun')v, l.A.

9 *663eeV '6 438 *.. *577

Korshunova, 0.S.

458 *'48



'190 ul.604


Kotlyarevskaya, E.14.67 Kouzov, P.A. M.181 Kovacs, J. Kovaleva, R.V. Kovelova, E.M. Koziova, Ye.N.35 Krasil'nikov, A.P. Krasillnilkov, N.A.

'7 629 692 7 '769 '4


Krasnova, V.G. Krausler, J. Kravchenko, A.T. Krayer, 0. Fremnev, L.Ya. Kreynin, L.S. Krichevskiy, Yu.A. Krivetskaya, M.A. Krogh, C.v. Krontovskaya, M.K. Krylova, T.N. Fxyukova, M.A. Kudrjaschow, B.A. Kuibina, N.I. Kulagin, S.M. Kulik, D.M. Kullenberg, B. Kurbatov, L.N. Kuz'min, N.A. Kuznetsova, Z.B.

*123/2 401 *612 *747 *693 *565 767 *753 4Y8 *396 * 49 518 451 *267 565 *737 *350 *758 *339 519 577 578

L Lang, D. Lang, K. Lang, W. Lange, B. Lapin, B.A. Larina, M.A. Larionov, A.P. Laucikova, 0. Leakai ',a, V.M. If.bedL. D.V. Lebedeva, N.V. Leýbedeva, O.P. Lee, S.L. Lehmann-Grube, F, Leonidovw, S.L. Lepeshinskaya, O.B. Lapin, L. Leroux,



Levadite, C. Levin, L.M. Levine, E.N. Levkovich, Ye.N. Levy, R. Li, Ming-hsia Libinzon, A.E. Likhachev, N.V. Lindner, G. Lisitsyn, K.M. Litoschenko, L.N. Litvinova, Z.1. . Lobrichon, Lo Monaco, G.B.

468 *266 269 *498 *307 *326 *519 *563 *421 *624 422 98 772 *286 767 *525 372 *35 263 271 * 37 *368 *178

lopattikhina, L.G. Lorenz, H. Lcrincz, F. Lo Sardo, S. Loskutova, N.N. Lovrekovlch, L. Lowenthal, V. Lu, Tung-lal Lubarsch, 0. Luederitz, 0. Lukas, B. Lushchitskly, M.A. Lutz, A.

*734 561 *123/1 506 * 34 651 500 508 *750 516 *136

14 Maddalon, G. Maisky, I.N. Makarov, N;I. Makarovskaja, Ts.D. Malakhov, Yu.A. Malbrant, R. Mamedov, A.A. Manigault, P. Mannov, G.M. Marennikova, S.S. Marikovskii, P.I. Markelov, I.M. Markov, M.N. Markozashvili, I.N. Martens, B.K. Martinevski, I.L. Mashkov, A.V. Mashkovskiy, M.D. Maslov, A.I. Matauno, C. Mattenheimer, H. i4atthes, A. Matveev, K.I.

698 *677 *722 *602 *444 *390 *242 *713 *610 *206 *727 *608 454 *317 686 387 459 *655 *472 *752 *395 766 *302 *303 *209 *290 *642

Matz, G. Mayer, C.F. Mayr, A.

*511 *512 *587 651 474 *697 463 516 *221 36 35 160

146 * 28

Maystrakh, K.V. Mazurin, A.V. Mecklenberg, W. Medina, D. de S. Medvin'ska, L.Yu. Meessen, H. Meisel, M.N. MLislin, A.G. Mejbaum, W.

687 229 *596 *598 *457 *467 480 *309 *168 *374 *375 *120 *424 409 *154 *772 *410




Meldolesi, G. Mel'nikov, N.N. Mernut, G. Mercier, R. Mester, L. 14iaa~iikov, Y.A. Michel, C. Miescher, P. Hikhaylov, G.I. Mikhaylov, N.A. Mikbaylovskii, B.N. Minervin, S.M. Mironov, A.V. Mironov, N.P. Mischier, H. Mishchenko, V.V. Miuge, S.C. Miyamoto, S. Miyanishi, M. Mnatsakanyan, A.G. Mochmpann, H. Moczar, E. tloehle, W. Moichanova, V.A. Monin, A.S. Monad, J. Moritsch, H. Moroz, A.F. Moroz, 0.P. Morozkin, N.I. Morozov, V.M. Morozova, M.Yu. Moshkovskiy, Sh.D. Mostova, R.S.

Motida, T.

Moulin, Mueller, R. Mukhin, V.F. Muller, F. Muller, K. Mully, K. Mundry, K.W. Murata, H. Mureshanu, A.

*388 365 *556 *238 *770 *44

751 *644 *603 184 *207 *678 416 660 *251 766 *773 *380 560 722 *253 770 280 459 164 *256 *401 *477 *293 123/2 *98

416 *694 *613 11526 *1379 *761 *778 *595 454 *741 738 182 *233 226 *431

Nekrasova, T.A. Nemolovskaya, E. Nesmeyanov, A.N. Nesterenko, M.K. Nesterov, A.1. Neumann, K. Neustroev, V.D. Nevsky, L.S. Niel~sen, G. Nikiforova, N.M. Nikitin, V.M. Nikolic, M. Nishizawa, K. Nitoiu, 1. Novakov, F.A. Novikov, Ye.A. Novotelnova, N. Nyamtsova, B.I. Nlyfeldt, A.

485 123/1 *582 *659 *622 *229 65 *46

501 187 *31.3J *439 381 782 *614 *726 *33

*234 615 *193

0 Obukhav, A.M. Occella, E. Odinochenko, 0.N. Ogneva, N.S. Olaf, J. Olevskiy, V.A. 01'shteyn, S.E. Olsuf'ev, N.G.

*334 *698 722 692 *492 *3U5 474 *121 *252 *412 *413


Onaka, H. Orlova, T.G. Osipov, N.P. 0sipov, 0.A. Ostanina, M.M. Ostrovskiy, N.I. Otto, W. Oudin, J.M. Ovasapyan, 0.V. Oz, T.V.

*662 *225 *212 686 567 320 *451 *418 *748 *124 *14

N Nadahiafov, A.F. Nagirna, 1.0. Nagy, H. Nakagawa~, T. Nsikatstika, K lqakonietchnaya, A.K. Npseiiann. 1, Naumova, N.A. Nekiudova, L.Y.

722 *283 181 379 377 *300 *505 *469

Pallaske, G. Panayotova, M. Panshinakaya, N.M. Parnas, J. Pastukhov, B.N. Past khov, V.N. Pastukhova, A.J.

*191 695 629 *228 *683 *660 581


Pasyntikii, A.G.


*517 *79

Pauli, H. Pavlov, P.N.

579 *369



Paviova, L.P. Pavlovskiy, Ye.N. Pchelkina, A.A. Pekel'naya, E.G. Pelipeichenko, M.V. Perepelkina, T.P. Peron, Y. Peter, H. Peters, D. Petrianov, I.V. Petriayev, Ye.D. Petrishcheva, P.A. Pet:ýov, P.V.

691 *699 104 576 *3L9 722 728 *218 *442 357 *341 *72

*203 420 *430 Petrov, V.G. *440 Petrova, G.P. 267 Fetrowskaja, O.A. '463 Petuely, F. 36 Pevzner, G.L. *493 Pfanzagls J. 532 Pieachel, E. 32 Pietach, H. *751 Pigoury, L. *139 Pijper, A. *361 Pikel'ner, S.V. 80 Pille, E.P. *527 Pimental Games, F. Pisrzevsi,0.*583 686 Pischik, M.P. *270 Poehm, M. *509 Poetschke, G. *475 P~Aetayev, M.11. 747 Polozov, A.I. *617 Polyakov, A.A. 146 Ponamareva, N.A.

Ponomarev, K.A. Ponomareva, T.N. Popkova, B.G. Popov, V.I. Popov, V.M. Popovic, V. Portellada, P.C.L. Posobilo, l.A. Potel, J. Poul, 3. Prandtl, L. Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. Preobrazhenskii, N.t.. Preuner, R. Pribil, R. Prigge, R. Primoaigh, J. Pronina. Ye-A. Pronina, Ye.V. Prowazek, S. von Pryadki~na, M,D. Puchkova, T.I. Punsky, E.E. Pyaskoviskaya, A.P.

440 692 *389 *268 674 *657 103 686 *185 450 *757 *27

291 591 443 447 *593 *208 219 385 628 74 *742 133 744 *179 393

Quenum, C.


R Rabkina, A.Ye. Radkevich, G.P. Radomariska, K. Rammensee, H. Rammler, E. Rangel Nogueira, 1. Rashba, tN.I. Rautlan, G.N, Ravaioli, ~.685 Razumov, A.S. Rechmenskiy, S. Regendanz, P. Reichenow, E. Reifferacheid, H. Renyi-Vamsio, P. Reutov, F.M. Revo, M.V. Revskoy, A.K. Rezzesi, F.D. Ricken, D. Rickenberg, H.V. Ritova, V.V.76 Robinzon, l.A. Rocard, Y. Rodkevich, L.F. Rodopula, A.K. Rodov, M.N. Roesch, M.

Roettger, B. Roginski. S.Z. Roikh, I.L. Roman, F.79 Rosin, P. Ro'ttger, I. Rouband, E. Roulet, F. Rozenfeld, A.M. Rozentsveig, S.A. Ruban, E.L. Rubtsov, l.A. Rudiev, G. Rudnev, G.P. Rulnjevic, J. RuTnova, V.F. Rusakov, L. Rutbera, R.A.. Runinova, Iu.G. Ryvkina, D.Y*..34 Ryahkov, N.V. Ryahkov, V.L.

327 *141 *774 643 18 527 765 376 *333 *235 *275 2)5 *488 *427 297 *452 516 *553 741 78 68 *7

692 *352 *223 312

510 *338 *5


210 *775 555 *616 *320 413 *1 *216 662 *671 *682 6468 *1287 *3 *571

605 704 *611

*623 Ryshk')v, Ye.




S Sabolotny, S.S. Sachae, H. Sadcvnikova, R.N. Safarov, K.M. Sakhatskayn, T.S. Saleev, N.A. Samoylova, L.V. Sarkisov, D.S. Sarmanava, 1:e.S. Sarnowlec, W. Sasaki, T. Savel'yev, N.P. Savel'yeva, R.A. Savenk,,, S.N. Savicki, A.V. Savin, V.R. Savitakaya, E.P. Savoiskli, 1.1. Scalise, M4. Schauber, W. Schilow, N. Schlipkoter, H.W. Schijachow, E.N. Schioseberger, H. Schmitt, F. Schneider, W.

*196 *450 36 *246 326 722 768 *621 * 81 512 * 20 380 *345 628 *605 *360 *597 *51

Scholl, E. Scholters, R.Th.

58 *592 559 *372 *538 *205 * 15 *210 *200 *201 *204 *109 *110 * 9 * 6

Schonberg, I.v.


Schockaert, J.

Schramnm, G.

Schraub, A. Schroeder, K. Schuck, C. Schulze, E. Schulz-Utermoehl, H. Schuster, H. Seeliger, H.P.R. Seidel, H. Selimov, M.A. Sell, W. Scmashko, L.L. Semcheva, 14.5. Semenova, E.L.

Serkov, F.N. Shafir, A.I. Sharova, Iu.A. Shceltinina, T..1. Shchennikova, M.K.

*344 *629 291 -*171

Shevelov, A.S. Sheynlkman, A.K. Shipitsina, G.K. Shitikova-Rusakova, A. Shitskova, A.P. Shkorbatov, V.I. Shlyakhov, E.N.

Shmuter, M.F. Sbtamikov, M.D. Shtruin, Ye.L. Shubladze, A.K.

Shvecova-Shilovskaya, K.D. Siebert, G. Sil'chenko, V.S. Sinel'nikova, Ye.P. Sir, Z. Sisakyan, N. Skavronskaya,.A.G.

577 578 *213 755 *99

*126 *276 * 47 *129 *173 *177 425 745 49 320 * 56 * 57 * 62 *115 340 *404 365 266 *137 *188 *715 *575 *554 *690 67 328

Skrube, H.

*705 *706 262 *287 *510 *792 *777 *701 *195 *230 *262 *186 462

Skrynnik, A.N. Slavskaya, E.M. Slepushkin, A.N. Slitichenko, 0.A. Slotta, K. Smetanina, M.A. Snvirnov, A.A. Smirnov, M.S.


Sobernheim, G. Sobolev, V.V. Soemanagara, R.M. Soeparwi, M4. Sokolov, 14.1. Sokolov-Taeahrnii, 14.1. Solinas, L. Solomin, N.H. Solv'yev, V.D.

Smoluchowski, M.v. Smorodintsev, A.A.


*704 386 *407 123/2 '+85 351 *580 425 686 767 * 11 * 65 * 66 *-226

Semenova, E.V. -Sergeeva, T.I. Sergeeva, U.S.

*249 91 64 *146 288 83 290 *144

Sergeyev, V.14.


Sone , Y.


Sorm, F.



Sosova, V.F.



316 778 *760 *122 *71

561 *322

55 *384 *



Soulie, P.

Spicher, G. Spirin, A.S. Spitzy, H. Spivak, G.V. Sphvakova, E.M. Stahelln, H.

Stamatin, N.

Stance, M4. Stapp, C. Starobinakiy, I.M. Steiger, H. Stepanov, A.S. Stepanova, M.Yu. Stillbana, L.S. Stilling, H. Stabwasser, HI. Stolmakova, A.I. Stoyachev, N.N. Stoyanova, I.G. Straib, W.

Streng, 0. Sudtdykova, N.K Suetaka, W. Sugino, K. Sukhov, K.S. Svara, V., N, Syrkin. J.K. Szulga, T.

116 539 541 542 543 545 546 547 135 *163 *738 *616 *566

Theims2?, 0. Th1.elmann, E. Thompson, W.R. Thut~berg, T. Timakov, V.D.

Timofeyev, 14.K. Tollefarud, A. Tolstukhina, B.N. Tomcaik, J.


Toumanoff, C'. Tovarnitskil, V.I. Trapeanikov, A.A. Trenina, G.A. Trofimov, 17. Troger, C. Troitskiy, V.I. Troitzkaya-Andreelag A.M. Trushinskiy, A.N. Tel-min, F. Tsukerman, M4.A. Tsvetkova, Ye.M. Tunicki, N.N. Turov, V.P.

*299 *328 *637 *721 777 146 *107 *0 *419 *720 75 *356 *291 93 *428 *776 *399 387 *449 *285 *631 *336 *357 686



600 *383 *382 *641 682 107 *373 23



668 781 *135 392 538 387 *476 314 *240 *793 *282 *284 *393 169 *485 194 482 483 533 535 *537

370 *269 17 *507

Umezu, M4. .3raleva: V.S. Urbaneck. D. Uruahibara, H. Uauanov, K.U. Uxbekova, B.R.

*783 *379 138 *530 *531 321 *315 *745


Tamarin, A.L. Tasiarina, T.S. Tamarkin, J1. Tantlert, S. Tarasevich, L.V. Tatarakaya, R.I. Taubeneck. U. Teichholt, H. Teitulbaum, B.Ya. Tarekhov. S.M. Terentiey, F.A. Tereshchanko. M.P.

425 38 39 *638 165 91 *364 258 *435 4567 b61 0514 692

Vainberg, B.G. Vallat, 14. Vashkav, V.I. Vasi1'yevo A.1. Vay~&ahteyn, B.A. Vaill~et, J. Vek*erl~ Wa.I. Vowu, 1.

'9 * 74'311 *78S 37 285 OIA *3 *540) *541 '542 0544 0545 *Otr47

Vereninova, N.K.76 Verahigora, A.Yu. VeaijaPA Ver , hi .Aov

*255 57 *64

Veselinov, V. ~I'az hevi,Viahevch Y ý.(.695 V.K . Vie caz ov , O. . Vileuch3aaskev M.



Vi:-at, B.

Yegorova, Yegorova, N.B. VD. Y alkin, 1.1' Yvsiny'*8 Yoshii, H. vNA


V iodavet a,v.v.


VY a ho1vsky Iyheav, A, V010kh P .. .. Vy govae sk i, A .P * Vy k hi*601 la

B.S.kharova, *142 367


s~rq1 11Z


381 772


M.S. Zamyslovd, Zanker, 1% S.D. Zapor oahche k , A Y .* eiko A.Y .

, . .

*172vki 4 *134 4171 *258rH.47

Zebe, E. Zeidlero, H. Zeytlno k, N.A. .M Zheglovaj D.V. Zhevandrova, Zhmaeva, z.M. v.1.

Weyer, F. 0. We a~cpha, W e rauch, R .

*508 J4 176

Zhukovakiy, A.M.*0 h k v V r a n Ziga nova E .V. kov ,

W o.a l e :



W oones ,esh L.

Wrode, F.

72Z 209 1 136

YA'tovlOv, B.V. Yakubginer. MMH. Yamada, A.

Yalmeahita,Yamanka, H. U'3Pol'skly, A.S. YUnto Hut-fang yao, Ituashou YdAhtnkiuna, N.J.


uykova, E~ u A S


Wurch. Th.59

Yakovl a-v,

, A .A. , R.I.. Zbv

~y1 ;.I4 Y7

74 880 10 '560*


s 6458 651 2651

4 *24

* 446 *4

*771 *219 *174 *411 *788 181

30Zotova * 84Zubkova 94ov *490

6154 *546


Weidel, w. Weideinuller, H. Weller, E. Wein, J. We ltzienl, H.C Wetin ..

Wit er, R. Wol man E. .


*46 436

asukh ina

Wakabayashi, K. Wartenberg, H.v. Wacker,~ E.R We .*254 kr

YAgodinskil. V.N.

6 * 0 * 3769

*278 *656 Yu af in, A . I. *391 Yushcbenko, ,..*7 kI..502*692ara~ ev H 521

Vla aenko, G.Y&.

Woratz, H.


7691 *486

*5 * 80

*6d39, *767J 179 *84 767 25 636 722 *34 2 *.H 836 * 90 * 289
