Frequency: How often Intensity : How hard Time : How long Time : What type

    Frequency: How often Intensity : How hard Time : How long Time : What type  Resistance training: 3-5 days a week  Cardiovascular: at ...
Author: Gordon McBride
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Frequency: How often Intensity : How hard Time : How long Time : What type

Resistance training: 3-5 days a week

Cardiovascular: at least 5 days a week

* Your Intensity of exercise will dictate how often you should exercise for overall health benefits.



Moderate: 40-60% HRR

Moderate: 40-60% HRR

Vigorous: > 60% HRR

Vigorous: > 60% HRR

Age predicted max HR: 40 years old at 70% intensity 220-age= 180 180 x percent desired (70%)= 126

Karvonen Formula: 220-age=180 180-RHR (70) x percent desired (70%) + RHR 180-70=110 x .70 =77+70=147



Moderate: 150 minutes 40-60%

Moderate: 300 minutes 40-60%

Vigorous: 75 minutes >60%

Vigorous: 150 minutes >60%


training •Cardio type of exercise •Sports •Dance •Hiking

Planned exercise segments that vary in exercise volume and intensity.

What is the purpose of Periodization?

To maximize the potential to hit peak performance before race day.

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is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training. Increase in frequency Increase in Intensity Increase in Time

A triathlete might be on a weekly schedule that includes 3 swims, 4 bikes, and 2 runs. When beginning a training program, frequency should be the first domain of the FITT principle that is increased. Doing more workouts for a shorter duration is much better than doing fewer workouts for a longer duration. Get the body used to training and don't try to do too much in a single session.

Intensity can be increased by increasing speed, distance, and resistance . Intensity should be the final domain that is increased in your training program. Depending on the distance you are training for, you may not increase intensity at all. You should probably have 2 or 3 months of steady training under your belt before actively increasing intensity.

This should be increased after frequency and before intensity. Time should gradually increase from the beginning of the training program until you decide to begin increasing intensity. Duration should remain steady (or even decrease) during the period of intensity increase. For example, you may start each run at 20-minutes and add 5-minutes each week. This will gradually increase the aerobic base. This will prepare you for the intensity period.

This part of the FITT principle refers to the type or mode of training. We know that we are going to swim, bike, run, and strength train; where casual exercisers may do other types of workouts. Cross-training is popular for endurance athletes. For triathletes, the crosstraining should automatically be built in to the program.

Functional training is a classification of exercise which involves training the body for the activities performed in daily life. Triathletes need to make sure that their training regimen is geared to improve performance in their sport and not lead to hindering their progress.

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Overall endurance Bike time Swim time Run time CORE STRENGTH Can strength training be detrimental to my overall performance in a triathlon?

Yes and No. It all depends if you are training in a way that will increase overall speed and endurance. Stay away from exercises that will slow you down.

A. B.

High percentage of body fat. To much muscle.

Ideal Person: decreased BF%, functional strength and increased flexibility. Dynamic Stretching Static Stretching Ballistic Stretching PNF stretching: C.

Increase passive & active ROM

Core stability & mobility Increased strength in the muscles used to increase stroke development Water training

Rotator cuff muscles

-Supraspinatous -Infaspinatous -Teres Minor -Subscapularis 

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Anterior/posterior deltoids Deltoids Chest muscles Core muscles Legs

The Rectus Abdominus muscle is commonly known as the "sixpack" muscle of the abs. Thin bands of connective tissue give it that appearance. The most outer muscle of the stomach. The Transverse Abdominus is the deepest muscle of the core (meaning it's underneath all the other muscles). It wraps laterally around the abdominal area. The External and Internal Oblique's run diagonally on the body, allowing for angled movement.

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Rectus Abdominus

Flex of the spine . This is seen in the abdominal crunching movement. Transverse Abdominus Acts as a natural weight belt, keeping your insides in. This muscle is essential for trunk stability as well as keeping your waist tight.

Internal and External Obliques Works to rotate the torso and stabilize the core. 

The rectus abdominus is the outter most muscle of the abdominal area and is considered the muscles for 6-pack abs, models, movie stars….and those who enjoy long term back problems. “There are only so many bends or a ‘fatigue life’,” in your spinal disks,” says Stuart M. McGill, a professor of spine biomechanics. Inside each disk is a mucus-like nucleus and “if you keep flexing your spine and bending the disk over and over again, that nucleus slowly breaches the layers and causes a disk bulge.

Exercises: Abdominal Crunches or sit-ups.

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Picking objects up example Crunches can cause those seeking to loose weight to actually develop a bigger stomach.

The inner most deepest muscles of the abdominal area. Responsible for keeping the spine straight and stable. The transverse abdominus will give one that long lean look. Exercises: planks, side planks, pushups, glut bridges, superman's. “Work from the inside out.” The intrinsic core is responsible for overall health, balance, strength, posture, freedom of pain and many more important components.

You may not “see” the progress from these exercises, but you will definitely feel them….you may not see the core of an apple, but that core is responsible for the apples shape, size, and quality.

Athletes will often target these muscles as they play a very big role in the performance of sports that require rotation. The oblique's play an important role in stabilization and rotation of the abdominal muscles. Exercises: cable rotation, wood chops, reverse wood chops, medicine ball throws, medicine ball throws

Stability exercises: - Planks - Side Planks Mobility exercises: -Cable rotations -Med ball throws

TRX Training Other exercises that incorporate the core: -squats -Deadlifts

90% nutrition STOP thinking SPOT REDUCTION

STOP wasting valuable time doing crunches

Start working the transverse abdominus and oblique's


HIIT can lead to an increase VO2 Max. A higher VO2 max can help improve endurance .

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Decreasing BF% Increasing Flexibility Increasing Endurance: Combo of HIIT/Long distances Increasing Functional Strength Increasing Core Strength Improved nutrition