Fr eem an Academy New s & Notes

M ay 2015 Fr eem an Academy New s & Notes ASS3MBLY FAITH- INSPIRED LEARNINGFORLIFE St udio Subscr ipt ion Ser ies - May 31at 7:30 p.m. Sal em- Zion...
Author: Edmund McDowell
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M ay 2015

Fr eem an Academy New s & Notes ASS3MBLY


St udio Subscr ipt ion Ser ies - May 31at 7:30 p.m. Sal em- Zion Mennonit e Chur ch (Nor t h) The Studio Subscr iption Ser ies pr esents the dynam ic new tr io ASS3M BLY in ?Hot Off the Pr ess? on Sunday, M ay 31 at 7:30 p.m . at Salem -Zion M ennonite Chur ch. Featur ing a unique com bination of flute, per cussion and piano, ASS3M BLY per for m s an exciting pr ogr am of four new ly-w r itten w or ks by living com poser s in this 70-m inute concer t.


- M ay M enu & Activity Calendar s ? subject to cha nge - Letter to Par ents of 12th and 8th Gr ade Gr aduates

ASS3M BLY is cham pioning the cham ber m usic of our tim e for flute, piano and per cussion. Com pr ised of flutist Lindsey ASS3MBLY Goodm an (pr incipal flutist, West Vir ginia Sym phony Or chestr a), per cussionist Scott Chr istian (pr incipal tim panist, West Vir ginia Sym phony Or chestr a), and Fr eem an native and Fr eem an Academy alum , pianist Anne Waltner (assistant pr ofessor, Easter n M ennonite Univer sity). Tickets: Adults: $15; Students: $8. FA students r eceive fr ee adm ission.

Those w ho w or k for peace w ill do best if they keep open the pr ocess of exchanging ideas, if they r espect the differ ing com m itm ents of other s, and if they give per sons of m any per suasions love and suppor t. Edwar d Ler oy Long, Jr.

Love does no w r ong to a neighbor ; ther efor e, love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13:10, NRSV

MCCPaper - Br ookly n Ries Br ooklyn Ries (daughter of Duane and Donna Ries) w as aw ar ded one of thr ee honor able m entions at the national level for her M ennonite Centr al Com m ittee (M CC) Public Policy Essay on m ass incar cer ation, entitled ?Steel Hear ts.? Ries?essay, along w ith the essays of the other r egional w inner s, Clar a Koer ner and Cicy Li, w as for w ar ded to the national com petition in Febr uar y. She r eceived a $100 pr ize for her w r iting. Excer pts fr om all the national w inning essays can be found online at w w w.w ashingtonm em o.or g. All the Fr eem an Academy senior M CC essays can be accessed on the Fr eem an Academy w ebsite.

Chamber Choir at MSC


Tur ner Count y Fair M ar k your calendar s for the annual Tur ner County Fair in Par ker, SD on August 17-20, 2015. Please note that the dates of the fair ar e later than usual; consequently, the FA school year w ill star t later as w ell, w ith our fir st day of classes on Thur sday, Aug. 27. That w as absolutely necessar y because w e need the help of all fam ilies Hannah Yoder and Clara Koerner to m ake the Running Track TCF Taco Booth a successful fundr aiser in our eleventh year. Last year $22,800 w as r aised...that m eans w e sold 820 pounds of taco m eat, aver aging over 200 pounds (or 10 full r oaster s) per day! W ith that kind of volum e, it takes m any people to oper ate the booth those four days in Turner County August. Please m ake it a pr ior ity in your fam ily Fair schedule to pitch in and Augst 17-20, help at this fun and pr ofitable fundr aiser. The 2015 gr eat thing about the TCF Taco Booth is that w e ar e pr oviding a ser vice and selling to a lar ger com m unity beyond our usual constituency. Specific tim es and jobs w ill be listed in futur e new sletter s. It w ould be gr eat to have 100% par ticipation fr om all fam ilies! Students in gr ades 7-12 ar e encour aged to sign up for shifts as w ell as par ents. TCF Com m ittee: Lois Wollm an, Sonja Waltner, Joline Thom as, and Lynnelle Allison

HIGHSCHOOL CONCERT ATTIRE Par ents of high school chor al and band students please note the for m al dr esses and tuxedos w ill need to be r etur ned to the m usic depar tm ent by Wednesday, M ay 20. They m ust be checked in w ith M r s. Hofer Vetch, or label them CLEARLY w ith your nam e should she be absent. Dr esses: wash on gentle cycle and hang dr y. Tuxedos: wash shir ts; pants and jackets need to be dr y-cleaned.

You m ay use the hom e dr y cleaning pr oduct Dr yel? . You w ill be char ged a cleaning fee if outfits ar r ive dir ty/sm elly. Choir folder s w ill also need to be r etur ned by M ay 15. Replacem ent fee is $25 per folder.

Fr eeman Communit y Baccal aur eat e ser v ice Wednesday, May 13, 8:00 p.m. The Fr eem an M inister ial Association is or ganizing and planning a joint ser vice to celebr ate the gr aduation of senior s fr om both Fr eem an Academy and Fr eem an Public High School. It w ill be held at the Fr eem an Com m unity Center on S. W ipf Str eet at 8:00 p.m . on Wednesday, M ay 13.

Fr eeman Academy Schol ar ship Essays Due May 15, 2015 Cur r ent students in gr ades 9-11 have the oppor tunity to apply for 4 differ ent scholar ships gifted by for m er students of Fr eem an Academy. Essays need to be tur ned in to M r s. Gw en Or tm an by M ay 15, 2015 and w ill be aw ar ded dur ing school convocation on August 23. Detailed infor m ation on each scholar ship is available on the FA w ebsite at http://w w eem anacademy.or g/r esour ces/ par ents-students/ at the bottom of the ?par ent & student? page. Contact M r s. Or tm an or Ver netta Waltner w ith any questions you m ay have.

TRIPNEWS M ay is the next scheduled tim e for calculating tuition cr edits. All ear ned cr edits w ill be aw ar ded now unless you let Bar b know by M ay 8 that you w ish to hold your cr edits until the beginning of the new fiscal year in July or later. TRIP continues thr oughout the sum m er ! This m ay even be a good tim e for new fam ilies to sign up and join in r eceiving tuition benefits by using TRIP for com m on, ever yday expenses. Feel fr ee to contact Bar b w ith questions at m byoder @goldenw or 605-610-7729. The schedule for the next sever al w eeks follow s: Or der s Due / Pick Up Days Fr iday, Apr il 24 / Fr iday, M ay 1 Fr iday, M ay 8 / Fr iday, M ay 15 Fr iday, M ay 22 / Fr iday, M ay 29


Gr aduat ion f or senior s and eight h gr ade Gr aduation w ill be held Satur day, M ay 16 at 6:00 p.m . in Pioneer Hall for senior s and eighth gr ader s. Pa r ents of gr a duates, plea se r ea d the enclosed letter of instr uction fr om senior cla ss a dvisor s, M r s. Gr a ber a nd M r s. Hofer Vetch, which wa s a lso ma iled to your homes pr eviously. Your r eser ved seating tickets w er e m ailed in a separ ate envelope. Please be sur e to br ing these w ith you for gr aduation. Pa r ents of 8th gr a de gr a duates plea se fill the ba ck of the r eser ved section leaving the fr ont r eser ved r ows for the 12th gr a de pa r ents/gua r dia ns. Tha nk you.

Above: Grades 1 & 2 perform in chapel eemanacademy.or g

Right: Service Trip students work on campus Below: Senior Skip Trip

RIBS AT THERANCH Sat ur day, June 27, 2015 Ar ea specialty chefs w ill par ticipate in the eighth annual bar becue r ib cook-off contest at the Academy's Pioneer Hall par king lot Satur day, June 27. Official judging w ill take place in the after noon, w ith m eals ser ved to the public fr om 4:30-8:30 p.m . M usical enter tainm ent thr oughout the evening w ill featur e a var iety of excellent gr oups fr om the Fr eem an ar ea. Baby back r ibs, pulled por k sandw iches, r oot beer floats, sno cones and other side dishes w ill be sold ala car te. Par ents and students ar e needed to assist w ith set-up

Fr iday evening, June 26, and hosting, ser ving and cleaning up on Satur day. Please contact Ver netta Waltner if you ar e able to help. Pr oceeds fr om Ribs at the Ranch w ill go to the Ster ling Hall Building Fund. Entr ies ar e still open for inter ested BBQ Chefs. Contact Ver netta Waltner at vw altner @fr eem anacademy.or g or 605-321-7351. All infor m ation is also found on the FA w ebsite at http://w w eem anacademy.or g/events-calendar / cam pus-events/



Middl eSchool Vocal and Inst r ument al cont est - Fr iday, May 1

Summer Par ent Vol unt eer Hour s

All Fr eem an Academy students in gr ades 5-8 w ill be attending the Fr eem an Public Elem entar y M usic Contest on Fr iday, M ay 1. Though w e do not have the schedule yet, students can anticipate being at the contest for the w hole day unless other ar r angem ents ar e m ade. Please see attached par ent letter.

Par ents have sever al oppor tunities to ear n volunteer hour s dur ing the sum m er m onths. Help is needed w eekly for law n m ow ing and yar d w or k . Ther e ar e also a few painting pr ojects. Please contact M ar cia P.E. Class Schr ock at m schr ock@fr eem anacademy.or g or 925-4237, ext. 229 if you ar e able to assist w ith any of these jobs. Get a head star t on your volunteer hour s for the 2015-16 school year !

Financial Aid Financial aid packets for the 2015-16 school year ar e only available online. Please go to w w . Plea se r emember the a pplication is due at the FACTS office in Lincoln, NE by June 1. The $30.00 pr ocessing fee w ill be char ged to the fam ily?s account in the fall.

Dr ess Code Reminder Spr ing-like w eather is the tim e w hen w e tend to have som e issues w ith student dr ess. W hile Fr eem an Academy does not have a ver y str ict dr ess code, w e don?t w ant clothing to becom e a distr action to the lear ning envir onm ent. Students in violation of the dr ess code w ill be given clothes to w ear fr om an assor tm ent at the pr incipal?s discr etion. We ar e asking for the help of par ents/guar dians/host fam ilies w ith this issue so that FA continues to have a good lear ning envir onm ent for all students. (Please see pg. 5 of the Student/Par ent Handbook for m or e details.)

FA Spr ing Concer t - Thur sday, May 7 The FA M usic Depar tm ent w ill have their spr ing concer t on M ay 7 at 7:30 p.m . in Pioneer Hall. The high school vocal depar tm ent, concer t band (7-12), and per cussion ensem bles w ill pr esent a var iety of m usic, and m usic aw ar ds w ill also be pr esented dur ing the evening. Com e join us!

Cr eat iv e Ar t s Recit al - Fr iday, May 8 The FA Cr eative Ar ts Depar tm ent is hosting a r ecital Fr iday, M ay 8 at 7:15 p.m . featur ing students fr om sever al pr ivate studios that occur on cam pus and/or w ith instr uctor s that teach on cam pus. The r ecital is open to the public and w ill take place in the band r oom .

Spr ing Awar ds Night and Pep Band Concer t - Thur sday, May 14 Please join the pep band for their outdoor concer t Thur sday, M ay 14 beginning at 6:30 p.m . w eather

5th-6th Classroom

per m itting. (The concer t w ill be m oved indoor s in inclem ent w eather.) A lite picnic supper w ill be ser ved as you ar r ive for the concer t. Follow ing the concer t the ar t, year book , academ ic and spr ing spor ts aw ar ds w ill be r ecognized. Please note this date on your fam ily?s calendar and plan to attend!


UpcomingEvent s - Subj ect t oChange

Cal endar

Apr il 30

Er v Ptak Relays-M enno 3:30 Golf ? Alcester /Hudson Invite @ Alcester 10:00 30-3 Inter national Students to Bethel College thr ough Sunday

May 7 HS Vocal & 7th-12th Spr ing Band Concer t

May 1 1-2 4 5 7 8 9 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 18-19 19 20 21 22 27 29-30 31

M iddle School Vocal/Instr um ental Contest @ FES How ar d Wood Relays W izar d Relays JH @ FHS 4:00 Com m M tg. 9:15 CH Don Diede Relays FHS 1:00 TVC Golf M eet @ Yankton 9:00 Spr ing HS Vocal/JH-HS Band Concer t 7:30 Cr eative Ar ts Recital 7:00 Band r oom Yankton JH Tr ack 9:30 Regional Golf M eet @ Yankton 8:00 M enno JH Relays 4:00 Ear ly Dismissal 2:50, Staff M tg. 3:00 TVC Tr ack @ Gayville 1:00 Golf Ir ene/Wakonda Invite 7th -9th @ Ir ene 11:00 Developm ent Com m M tg 7 pm ADM Kitchen Gr ades 5/6 Field Tr ip to Yankton ar ea 8:00-4:30 Com m unity Baccalaur eate 8:00 p.m . @ Com m unity Center Pep Band Concer t w / Lite Picnic Supper and Aw ar ds night 6:30 Ir ene JH Tr ack 3:30 Pr v Res-Vis Ctr Gr aduation 6:00 pm Pr v Res-Vis Ctr Pr v Res-FH Pr v Res-FH 5-8 Gr ades 5 - 8 Declam 12:30 CH Boar d M tg 7pm ADM State Golf M eet @ Yankton Gr ades 5/6 Field Tr ip 1:00 East Fr eem an ar ea LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 12:30 Dism issal Pr v Res-Vis Ctr 1-4 Region Tr ack M eet @ Gayville 9:30 Pr v Res Gazebo Ar ea Enr ollm ent M tg 7:30 am Adm in Kitchen FACC M usical PH State Tr ack M eet Rapid City SSS Ass3m bly @ Salem -Zion M ennonite Chur ch 7:30 pm

May 12 2:50 Dism issal; 3:00 Saff M g.

May 13 Com m unity Baccalaur eate 8:00 pm Fr eem an Com m unity Cener

May 14 Pep Band Concert w/ Lite Picnic Supper & Awards Night 6:30

May 16 Graduation 6:00 PH

May 20 Last Day of School

May 25 Offices Closed - Memorial Day

June 1- 5 Driver's Ed. - FHS

June 1-5 14 18 25 27

Dr iver s Ed @ FHS 9-4 Pr v Res-Vis Ctr Fin M tg 7:30 CH Boar d M tg 7:00 Adm in Kitchen Ribs @ the Ranch 4:30-8:30


Administr ation (Classr oom Building)




Fr ontier Hall (dor mitor y)


M usic Hall


Pioneer Hall


Ster ling Hall


Visitor Center

Ar bor

Ar bor etum



W her e Faith and the Ar ts Br ing Lear ning to Life

FREEMANACADEMY 748 S. M ain PO Box 1000 Fr eem an, SD 57029 Phone: 605.925.4237 FAX: 605.925.4271 info@fr eem anacademy.or g w w eem anacademy.or g