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Author: Doris Hines
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r Pu Layout und Illustrationen: Cornelia Koller, Schierhorn

y – Tel. +49 700-48220000


O If you think your pet would benefit from chiropractic treatment, please contact a qualified chiropractor or veterinarian who has completed appropriate additional training in animal chiropractic. For further assistance contact the IVCA at

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Fo Equine Chiropractic Care




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Fo Contents

What is chiropractic care?


What is a vertebral subluxation complex (VSC)?


Common causes of vertebral subluxation complexes


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What are the symptoms?


How can vertebral subluxation complexes be corrected? 8 How to recognize back problems


How to prevent spinal problems


Chiropractic treatment



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“according to the original paper of Sharon L. Willoughby DVM, DC”





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What is



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Chiropractic Care?



Chiropractic care is a manual therapy, which can be used for many health and performance problems. Chiropractic focuses on the biomechanical dysfunction of the spine and its effect on the entire nervous system throughout the body. Chiropractic treatment does not replace tradi-

tional veterinary medicine; however, it can provide additional means of diagnosis and treatment options for spinal problems as well as biomechanical related musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractic can often eliminate the source of acute or chronic pain syndromes.

Uses Of Chiropractic Treatment:

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Chronic musculoskeletal problems

Acute problems such as tension or stiffness

As a complementary treatment for chronic lameness such as bone spavin, navicular syndrome or tendon problems

The Spine

Maintain soundness in older horses

The spine consists of bones called vertebrae. It is made up of 7 cervical vertebrae, 18 thoracic vertebrae (that connect with the ribs), 6 lumbar vertebrae, 5 sacral vertebrae (which are fused called the sacrum) and 16 to 18 coccygeal vertebrae. Where one vertebra connects with another is called a joint (there are approximately 200 joints in a horse’s spine). Joints are held together by a vast number of ligaments.




Numerous muscles are attached to the vertebrae enabling the spine to move. Even though individual vertebral joints have little mobility, the back and neck as a whole is very flexible. Without this flexibility a horse cannot move fluently, jump obstacles or perform properly. The spinal cord runs through the vertebral


• A framework of support • Attachment for many muscles • Protection of the spinal cord • Protection of internal organs


A horse’s spine is a very complex structure consisting of bones, ligaments, muscles and nerves. It fulfills various functions in the body providing:


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Enhance performance ability of sport horses

Prophylactic treatment to maintain fitness


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canal in the centre of the vertebrae. Nerves branch off from the spinal cord and leave the spinal canal in pairs. These nerve branches (called spinal nerves) leave the spinal canal through small spaces formed by adjacent vertebra (called Intervertebral Foramen - IVF). Nerves transfer


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information between the brain, spinal cord, organs, muscles and other parts of the body. As the central nervous system monitors and controls all organ and tissue function, the transmission of information to and from it must flow freely to allow proper function.

What is a

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Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC)? possible by synchronizing many muscles. If the function of the nerve fibers, which innervate these muscles, is altered, coordination deteriorates. Small disturbances are usually only caused by a slight interference; however, they can keep the horse from performing at its best in demanding exercises. Missteps resulting from lack of coordination may cause injury to other joints and tendons or ligaments in the legs. An animal with a subluxation will change it posture to compensate for the restricted mobility of its spine and to avoid pain. This triggers increased mechanical strain on other parts of the spine and extremity joints, causing secondary restrictions and deterioration of the condition.

spinal nerve



intervertebral disc

VSC: Restricted mobility of facet joints affects the function of the exiting nerve. The result is a disruption in the flow of information.


spinal cord


facet joint




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Chiropractors define a VSC (referred to as a "subluxation”) as the functional misalignment of a vertebra or the limited mobility of its facet joint. If a subluxation exists, the horse loses normal flexibility of its spine, affecting performance and resulting in stiffness and muscular tension. Reduced mobility between two vertebrae can affect the nerves that leave the spinal cord between these adjacent vertebrae. Negative alteration in the nerve’s function can lead to interference in the flow of stimuli or information, which is necessary for smooth coordination of body functions and muscle contractions. Every movement, from a slight twitch of the tail to the complicated piaffe in dressage is made

Illustration of a VSC. The spinal cord is the "information highway” allowing the transmission of information between the brain, muscles, skin and all organs.


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Different Equestrian Disciplines Can Cause

Specific Subluxation Patterns:

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For example:

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Dressage horses with subluxations in the lumbar spine have difficulty bending correctly and executing lateral movements. Further consequences include poor engagement of hind limbs and a lack of suppleness.

Show jumpers with subluxations in the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae have difficulties rounding their backs. They often land in cross canter and have problems changing the lead in canter.


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Gaited horses with subluxations of the sacroiliac joint have an unleveled gait rhythm and difficulty with transitions. They also have a tendency to lean into the bit and run off. Their backs may be tense, muscular atrophy may also be evident.



Endurance horses with subluxations in the thoracic and cervical spine often demonstrate soreness in the back and an unleveled gait rhythm. Further effects are a noticeable drop in performance as well as a stiff neck.



Driving horses with subluxations in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae drop one shoulder, move on two tracks and tend to pull or show gait abnormalities.


Western horses with a restriction in the lumbar vertebrae and the sacroiliac joints have difficulty in bending laterally and show singlesided problems in turns and spins, as well as undefined lameness in their forelimbs.


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Common causes of Vertebral Subluxation complexes The following examples could cause VSCs (subluxations):

• Trauma:

• Performance:

Caused by falls, trips, slips or being cast in the stable.

Every event strains the spine in a different, specific way.

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Every day most horses are exposed to situations which can cause damage to their spine.

• Rider:

• Narcotics:

Problems with the rider’s seat (e.g. a crooked seat) can lead to back problems in the horse.

The entire general anaesthetic process can cause back problems.

Long transportation times, accidents, poor shock absorption in the trailer and unsympathetic driving can cause damage.

As age increases the effects of previous small and/or large traumas to the spine become more apparent.



• Age:


Lack of space in which to move does not give the horse enough opportunity to ease tension by bucking or rolling.

Poorly fitting saddles are one of the most frequent causes of back problems.


• Lack of movement:

• Saddle:


Difficult births where the foal is forcibly extracted can cause problems in both the mare and the foal.

Poor hoof care and incorrect shoeing interfere with the horse’s movement resulting in subluxations of the spine.


• Birthing difficulties:

• Shoes:


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• Transportation:

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What are the



Horses with VSCs may present with many symptoms, the most common of which is pain. Horses with back pain often express this in their posture or in their refusal to work.

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The horse attempts to compensate for the pain by changing its posture and way of going, but this can result in other problems such as joint changes. The following symptoms may indicate pain caused by a subluxation:

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Symptoms • Stiffness when bending and in its general posture • Muscular atrophy • Brushing or interfering • Difficulty engaging the hindquarters • Difficulty working "long and low” • Shortened stride in one or more legs • Overall decreased range of motion in gait • Difficulty flexing the poll • Lameness • Horse pulls against one rein • Rider is seated off centre due to the horse • The back does not swing A major effect of a VSC (subluxation) can be impairment to the flow of information in the nerves which exit the spinal cord between the vertebrae. As these nerves innervate the skin, certain glands and blood vessels, such neurological disturbance can lead to the following symptoms:


This list of symptoms is certainly not exhaustive; however, it does demonstrate the many effects a VSC can have.



• Abnormal gait rhythm • Irregularity of gait which cannot be assigned to a particular leg or gait • Stiffness when the horse leaves the stable


The following symptoms may occur:

• Unusual itching at the base of the tail or other parts of the body • Increased sensitivity to heat and cold • Asymmetrical or reduced perspiration


Subluxations in the spine can affect muscle coordination and mobility of the horse, thereby causing decreased performance.


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• Reduced performance • Abnormal posture • Snapping and pinning back its ears when being saddled • Insubordination when being ridden • The attempt to free itself by throwing its head back or up or by hollowing the back • Swishing its tail and pinning back its ears • Disobedience when jumping • Difficulties with collected or lateral gaits • Changes in behavior • Frightened or painful facial expression • Sensitivity to touch



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How can a



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Verterbral Subluxation Complex be corrected?

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When a chiropractor or veterinarian, professionally trained in animal chiropractic, identifies a subluxation, he or she aims to correct the misalignment of the spine and restore mobility to the facet joints. Realignment is made via a quick, short thrust along the plane of the joint. This is called an adjustment. The adjustment is a very specific, high speed, low force maneuver that moves the affected joint beyond the normal physiological articular range of movement, without exceeding the boundaries of anatomical integrity. It is done by placing the hands directly on the affected

vertebra (previously identified in the examination). Only subluxated vertebrae are adjusted. Even though horses have a very large, thick muscle mass over the spine, the vertebral joints are flexible and relatively easy to manipulate with minimal force. If the correct technique is used the ligaments are not adversely affected. "Straightening” the spine by pulling on the legs or tail is "non specific” as it affects a number of joints before reaching the vertebra (i.e. when using the leg as a lever the fetlock, hock, stifle and hip joints will all be affected). Non-specific techniques, if not done properly, can damage the ligaments and joints, so it is important to avoid unspecific procedures in favor of safe methods of treatment. A complete chiropractic treatment also includes the examination (and if necessary treatment) of limb joints and the temporomandibular joint. One question often asked of chiropractors is "How many treatments will the horse require?” This question must be answered on an individual basis for each patient. In most cases, a single treatment is not enough to eliminate the pro-


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blem. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to address neurological dysfunction in the spine and restore mobility. It is then the task of muscles and ligaments to support the spine and maintain this new realigned position. This process and the role of the chiropractor is similar to that of an orthodontist. The orthodontist applies braces to the teeth and over a period of time makes regular adjustments and corrections to realign the teeth, so that in time they will maintain their correct position. A chir-

How to


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opractor adjusts the spine to restore normal motion in the joint. This may need to be done a number of times, until the body accepts the normal motion and the muscles and ligaments support and maintain that motion. Most horses show significant improvement after one to four treatments. Chronic problems usually take longer to resolve requiring more chiropractic treatment, whereas horses with acute problems often respond more quickly.

Recognise Back Problems? • Examining Mobility

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Qualified chiropractors are trained to recognize and treat subluxations. However, riders, trainers and horse owners can monitor whether or not their horses have spinal problems. Inspecting the spine before purchasing a horse is just as important as inspecting the legs.

• Using a treat if necessary, ask the horse to


Consider your horse’s recent performance and demeanor:




shoes worn down on one side?


• Has your horse’s behavior or performance changed recently? • Does unusual or fluctuating lameness exist? • Does the rider have difficulty sitting straight on the horse? • Has the rider or trainer noticed changes in the various gaits? • Does the horse drag its feet or are the

turn its head and neck to the side so that it touches its flank with its nostrils. Less mobility one side compared to the other could indicate a problem in the cervical vertebrae. Test the lateral movement of the spine by placing one hand on the spine and with the other pull the horse’s tail carefully towards you so that its back bends around your hand. Is one side stiffer than the other? Place slight pressure on the back from above. The back should easily and evenly, spring and swing. It should not feel stiff and hard.


• Your Own Observations

The horse should be able to move freely in all directions without tension, with or without a rider.


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• Feeling The Spine

• Feeling The Muscles

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Examine the horse’s main muscle groups for pain, tension and asymmetry. The muscles of a trained horse should be symmetrical; feeling firmly elastic but not too hard or too soft. If you place the muscles under moderate pressure, the horse should not show signs of being in pain.

How to

Feel the spine from the withers to the tail, paying attention to any elevations and protruding areas of bone. Compare the two sacral tubercles (the bony points of the pelvis which protrude from the croup on both sides of the spine) these should be level. Look for any protruding areas of bone in the neck.

Prevent Spinal Problems xes tense muscles enabling them to function better. It can also promote healing in muscular injuries by loosening muscle fiber adhesions and increasing the flow of fluid and toxins from the tissue.

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The proper functioning of the back and neck is an important basis for maintaining the horse’s performance. For this reason, health care should be high on the agenda of any horse owner.

• Training

Horses have an increasing tendency to subluxate and damage the spine if ligaments, tendons and muscles have not been developed to cope with the demands they are placed under. Interval training, suitable warm-up procedures and variety in training can help optimally condition sport horses.



• Equipment And Saddle Massage encourages circulation and metabolism within the muscles, promoting the supply of nutrients and removal of toxins. Massage rela-


Ensure that your saddle fits your horse. If a saddle fits correctly, no thick padded saddle cloth/numnah or additional pads are necessary. Check your saddle regularly to see whether the flocking is evenly worn, there is asymmetry of


• Massage



When selecting your horse for a particular discipline, you should always pay attention to the horse’s build. Many breeds have been selectively bred for years to achieve certain goals and are therefore suitable for particular disciplines such as dressage, jumping or western riding. Horses with long backs often have a tendency towards muscle and ligament injuries, whereas horses with an upright shoulder often have problems in their forelegs.


• Confirmation And Build


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the panels or tree and that the saddle tree is intact. Any dampness under the saddle area after riding should be even in distribution.


• Shoes

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It is practically impossible for a poorly shod horse or a horse with badly fitting shoes to have or maintain a spine that functions properly. Heels that are too high or underrun, toes that are too long or uneven hoof wall length can negatively affect the mobility and posture of the horse. For the limb and spinal joints to function properly, it is necessary for the horse to be correctly trimmed or shod.

• Training Aids

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auxiliary reins. Used correctly, some of these aids can help in training; however, in the wrong hands they do the opposite. If a restriction in the spine already exists, these aids can make the problem even worse. Continual jerking and pulling on the lead rope or chain, especially with young horses, can lead to tension in the poll and neck area.

• Environment Most sport horses are still kept in stables with limited space in which to move about and turnout is often restricted. The more time a horse spends in the stable without freedom of movement, the worse its coordination becomes. Its natural balance suffers, leading to an increased danger of injury. Bucking and rolling are the horse’s natural means of mobilizing its spine. Make sure your horse gets enough exercise.


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Many horses are forced into a desired frame with side-reins, martingales, draw-reins and other



recommended as a preventative measure. Chiropractic treats the cause, not the symptoms of back problems. It restores joint mobility enabling the horse to maximize its performance potential. If you think your horse would benefit from chiropractic treatment, please contact a chiropractor or veterinarian who has completed additional training in animal chiropractic.




When done correctly, chiropractic treatment can be an effective way to maintain the health of your horse. It can be used for chronic as well as acute problems. With chronic joint diseases, such as bone spavin, navicular syndrome or tendon problems, complementary treatment can support recovery and prevent secondary back problems. Increasing the quality of life or health is important especially when treating older horses, but chiropractic treatment of younger horses is also


