FITTING OF NONLINEAR STATISTICAL MODELS USING SAS Savita Wadhwa I.A.S.R.I., Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012 [email protected] 1. The fol...
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FITTING OF NONLINEAR STATISTICAL MODELS USING SAS Savita Wadhwa I.A.S.R.I., Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012 [email protected]


The following data gives proportion of area under High yield varieties (HYVs) of wheat for the State of Punjab during the years 1966-67 to 1985-86: t: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 yt: 0.0365, 0.3542, 0.4851, 0.6549, 0.6520, 0.7259, 0.7837, 0.8430, 0.8839, 0.9003, 0.9213, 0.9370, 0.9627, 0.9826, 0.9804, 0.9883, 0.9964, 0.9942, 0.9987, 0.9994.

Fit the following Monomolecular Model using SAS9.2 software package for the above data using Levenberg - Marquardt’s method: yt = 1  (1  a) * exp(b * t ) +et 2.

Wheat productivity data (in quintals/hectare) of the country during the years 1973-74 to 1996-97 is as follows: t: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 yt: 11.72, 13.38, 14.10, 13.87, 14.80, 15.68, 14.36, 16.30, 16.91, 18.16, 18.43, 18.70,20.46, 19.16, 20.02, 22.41, 21.21, 22.81, 23.97, 23.27, 23.80, 25.59, 24.93, 26.59.

Fit Logistic and Gompertz growth models to above data using ‘Levenberg-Marquardt’ nonlinear estimation procedure available in SAS 9.2 package. Carry out residual analysis and forecast the values for the year 2010 by each model. Logistic Model yt = c /(1  b * exp(a * t )) +et Gompertz Model yt = c * exp(b * exp(a * t )) +et

SAS Commands for Nonlinear Statistical Models Title 'Monomolecular Model'; data hyv; input t yt; cards; 0 0.0365 1 0.3542 2 0.4851 3 0.6549

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

0.6520 0.7259 0.7837 0.8430 0.8839 0.9003 0.9213 0.9370 0.9627 0.9826 0.9804 0.9883 0.9964 0.9942 0.9987 0.9994 ; proc nlin best = 10 method = marquardt data = hyv; parms a = 0 to 1 by .1 b = 0 to .1 by .01; model yt = 1-(1-a)*exp(-b*t); output out = resultmono p = pred r = resid; proc print data = resultmono; run;

proc sgplot data= resultmono; scatter x=t y=yt; series x=t y=pred/lineattrs=(color=blue pattern=1); run; quit ;

Title'Logistic Model'; Title1 'wheat yield 1973-74 to 1996-97(24 years data in q/ha)'; data wheat; input t yt; cards; 0 11.72 1 13.38 2 14.10 3 13.87 4 14.80 5 15.68 6 14.36 7 16.30 104

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

16.91 18.16 18.43 18.70 20.46 19.16 20.02 22.41 21.21 22.81 23.97 23.27 23.80 25.59 24.93 26.59

; proc nlin best=10 method=marquardt data=wheat; parms c=30 to 80 by 10 b=0 to 1 by .1 a=0 to .1 by .01; model yt=c/(1+b*exp(-a*t)); output out=reslogistic p=pred r=resid parms=c b a; proc print data=reslogistic; run; data forecast; set reslogistic (obs = 1 keep = c b a); forecast = c/(1+b*exp(-a*37)); run; proc print data = forecast; run;

To test the Normality of given data Proc univariate data=reslogistic normal; var resid; run; Title 'Gompertz Model'; proc nlin best=10 method=marquardt data=wheat; parms c=30 to 50 by 10 b=0 to .5 by .1 a=0 to .5 by .1; model yt=c*exp(-b*exp(-a*t)); output out=resgompertz p=pred r=resid; proc print data= resgompertz ; run;


Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS

To test the Normality of given data Proc univariate data=reslogistic normal; var resid; run;

To test the Randomness of given data /*The MEAN=0 option in the PROC STANDARD step below centers the variable resid about its mean. */ proc standard data=reslogistic out=two mean=0; var resid; run; /*The following DATA step computes the total number of runs (RUNS), the number of positive runs (NUMPOS), and the number of negative runs (NUMNEG). */ data runcount; keep runs numpos numneg n; set two nobs=nobs end=last; retain runs 1 numpos 0; prevpos=( lag(resid) GE 0 ); currpos=( resid GE 0 ); if _n_=1 and resid GE 0 then numpos+1; else do; if currpos and prevpos then numpos+1; else if currpos and ^prevpos then do; runs+1; numpos+1; end; else if ^currpos and prevpos then runs+1; end; if last then do; numneg=nobs-numpos; 106

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS n=nobs; output; end; run; /*Finally, these steps compute and display the Wald-Wolfowitz (or Runs) test statistic and its pvalue. */ data waldwolf; label z='Wald-Wolfowitz Z' pvalue='Pr > |Z|'; set runcount; mu = ( (2*numpos*numneg) / (numpos+numneg) ) + 1; sigmasq = ( (2*numpos*numneg) * (2*numpos*numneg-numneg-numpos) ) / ( ( (numpos+numneg)**2 ) * (numpos+numneg-1) ); sigma=sqrt(sigmasq); drop sigmasq; if N GE 50 then Z = (Runs - mu) / sigma; else if Runs-mu LT 0 then Z = (Runs-mu+0.5)/sigma; else Z = (Runs-mu-0.5)/sigma; pvalue=2*(1-probnorm(abs(Z))); run; title 'Wald-Wolfowitz Test for Randomness'; title2 'H0: The data are random'; proc print data=waldwolf label noobs; var z pvalue; format pvalue pvalue.; run; Some more steps on fitting of non-linear models are also available at


Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS

RESULTS Practical 1: Monomolecular Model Parameter Estimates: Parameter Estimate Standard Error a .090 .023 b .264 .011

95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound .042 .139 .241 .286

Correlations between Parameter Estimates a b a 1.000 -.610 b -.610 1.000 M.S.E. = 0.001

Graph of observed and fitted series of 'Monomolecular Model'


Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS

Practical 2: Logistic Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimate Standard Error a .062 b 2.260 c 40.391 M.S.E.=0.48

.012 .574 7.849

95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound .037 1.065 24.069

Upper Bound .086 3.454 56.713

Run Test Wald-Wolfowitz Z Pr > |Z| 1.044


Tests for Normality Kolmogrov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic Sig. Statistic df Sig. df Residuals 0.123 24 0.200 0.963 24 0.511 Forecast value for year 2010 = 32.86 (quintals/hectare) Practical 2: Gompertz Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimate Standard Error

95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound

a b c M.S.E. = 0.479

.030 1.527 56.820

.011 .385 23.023

0 .006 0.727 8.942

Upper Bound .053 2.327 104.699

Run Test Wald-Wolfowitz Z Pr > |Z| 1.044


Tests for Normality Kolmogrov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Residuals 0.109 24 0.200 0.968 24 0.627 Forecast value for year 2010= 34.04 (quintals/hectare) 109

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS






FITTING OF NONLINEAR STATISTICAL MODEL(NLMIXED) USING SAS 3. The data below arose from the five orange trees grown at Riverside, California, during the period 1969-1973. The response y in the body of the table is the trunk circumference in millimeters, and the predictor variable t is the time in weeks, with an arbitrary origin taken on December 31, 1968. Fit the logistic model  to this data.    x  2e 3 Response variable (y) Week 1 2 3 4 5 16.86 30 33 30 32 30 69.14 58 69 51 62 49 94.86 87 111 75 112 81 143.43 115 156 108 167 125 175.86 120 172 115 179 142 196 142 203 139 209 174 226 145 203 140 214 177 1 estimates the upper horizontal asymptote, 1/(1+2) estimates the y-intercept, and 3 indicates the shape of the curve (the biggest the value, the steeper the curve).

SAS COMMANDS data trees; input tree week y; datalines; 1 16.86 30 1 69.14 58 1 94.86 87 1 143.43 115 1 175.86 120 1 196 142 1 226 145 2 16.86 33 2 69.14 69 2 94.86 111 2 143.43 156 2 175.86 172 2 196 203 2 226 203 3 16.86 30 3 69.14 51 3 94.86 75 3 143.43 108 3 175.86 115 3 196 139 3 226 140 110

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS 4 16.86 32 4 69.14 62 4 94.86 112 4 143.43 167 4 175.86 179 4 196 209 4 226 214 5 16.86 30 5 69.14 49 5 94.86 81 5 143.43 125 5 175.86 142 5 196 174 5 226 177 ; /* Graph of the data to see the change in circumferences over time and to get the idea of initial values for the parameters */ proc sgplot data=trees; series y=y x=week / group=tree; Title ‘Orange Trees Growth Curve’; run; title;

/* To group the data by trees */ proc sort data =trees; by tree; run; /* Fitting of the nonlinear mixed model (Logistic growth model) */ proc nlmixed data=trees; parms b1=180 b2=8 b3=0.6 s2u=10 s2e=5; num=b1+u; den=1+b2*exp(-b3*week); pred=num/den; model y ~ normal( pred, s2e); random u ~ normal( 0,s2u) subject=tree; predict pred out=preddata; run; /* Graph of the predicted curve along with data */ proc sgplot data=preddata; scatter y=y x=week / group=tree; series y=pred x=week /group=tree name="fit"; keylegend "fit" / title= 'Tree'; title ‘ Predicated Orange Tree Growth Curve’; 111

Fitting of Nonlinear Statistical Models Using SAS run; title; RESULTS:

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Estimate Standard Error b1 192.05 15.6584 b2 8.0950 0.8566 b3 0.02011 0.001565 s2u 1001.61 649.62 s2e 61.5069 15.8813

DF t Value 4 12.27 4 9.45 4 12.85 4 1.54 4 3.87

Pr > |t|

Alpha Lower



0.0003 0.0007 0.0002 0.1980 0.0179

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

235.53 10.4733 0.02445 2805.23 105.60

1.507E-6 0.000082 -0.10576 2.568E-7 4.924E-6

148.58 5.7167 0.01577 -802.02 17.4132

b1 b2 b3 (Betas) are significant. The variance of upper horizontal asymptote among trees is 1001.61, shows that there is a large amount of variation among the trees, suggesting a fairly large amount of variation among the trees regarding the ultimate circumference a tree approaches.


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