Financing. Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans. Bulletin No UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bulletin No. 1483 Financing Supplemental Unemployment Benefit P...
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Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bulletin No. 1483

Financing Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans


Arthur M. Ross, Commissioner

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans

Bulletin No. 1483 May 1966


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 20 cents Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Preface This bulletin provides a review of the financial c h a ra c te ristic s and recen t operations of supplem ental unem ploym ent benefit (SUB) plans. The analysis w as con­ ducted on two levels, the f irs t involving com piling w orker coverage and selected financial sta tistic s for the period 1960—63, and the second an analysis of SUB experience to determ ine and ap p raise the nature of plan operations. The in terrelatio n sh ip s betw een benefit experience and other financial item s, such as contributions and fund a sse ts, w ere of p a rtic u la r in te re st. The in itial im petus for this study w as provided by the U.S. D epartm ent of Health, Education, and W elfare. The data w ere obtained from financial re p o rts filed by SUB plan ad m in istra to rs w ith the D epartm ent of L ab o r's Office of L abor-M anagem ent and W elfare-P en sion R eports. A lim ited am ount of additional inform ation w as obtained from a few com panies and unions. BLS is grateful for the cooperation and a ssista n ce received from these p a rtie s. R eaders in te re ste d in the detailed provisions of SUB plans a re re fe rre d to a recen t BLS study, M ajor C ollective B argaining A greem ents: Supplem ental U nem ploym ent B en­ efit P lan s and W age-Em ploym ent G uarantees (BLS B ulletin 1425-35 — one of a se rie s analyzing collective bargaining provisions in detail. This bulletin w as p rep ared by E m erso n B eier, a ssiste d by H arry E. Davis and R obert C. Jo in er, under the supervision of Donald M. Landay, in the B u reau 's D ivi­ sion of Indu strial and Labor R elations, Joseph W. Bloch, Chief, under the general direction of L. R. L insenm ayer, A ssistan t C om m issioner, Office of Wages and In d u strial R elations.


Contents In tro d u c tio n ________________________________________________________________________ T he SUB p l a n ______________________________________________________________________ Scope and m e th o d ______________________________________________________________ C o v e ra g e ___________________________________________________________________________ F unding a rra n g e m e n ts _____________________________________________________________ C o n trib u tio n s ______________________________________________________________________ In v e stm e n t in co m e_________________________________________________________________ D isb u rse m e n ts_____________________________________________________________________ B e n e fits_________________________________________________________________________ O th er p lan d is b u rs e m e n ts _____________________________________________________ A s s e ts ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 7 10 12

A ppendix. Scope and m ethod of stu d y ___________________________________________


T a b le s : 1.

C o n trib u tio n s, b e n e fits, and a s s e ts of SUB p la n s, by type of funding, 1960—63____________________________________________________ 2. C o n trib u tio n s, b e n e fits, and a s s e ts of SUB p la n s, by in d u stry , 1960—63_____________________________________________________ 3. C o n trib u tio n s, b e n e fits, and a s s e ts of SUB p la n s, by union, 1960—63_________________________________________________________ 4. A v erag e y e a rly e x p en ses c h a rg ed to SUB funds on a p e r em ployee b a s is , by type of ex p en ses p aid , 1960—63____________________________

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Financing Supplem ental U nem ploym ent Benefit Plans, 1960—63 In tro d u ctio n B oth p u b lic and p r iv a te b e n e fit p ro g ra m s aid in red u cin g the im p a c t of te m p o r a r y and lo n g - te r m w o rk lo s s . The n ation w id e, S ta te -a d m in is te re d u n e m ­ p lo ym en t in s u ra n c e s y s te m p ro v id e s te m p o r a r y fin a n c ia l a s s is ta n c e th ro u gh the p a ym en t of w e e k ly b e n e fits . Its p r iv a te c o u n te rp a rt is the su p p le m e n ta l u n e m , p lo ym en t b e n e fit (SUB) p lan . T h e ir com m on o b je c tiv e is fu rth e rin g the s ta b ility

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