FCS Unit Planning Organizer

WS/FCS Unit Planning Organizer Subject(s) Grade/Course Unit of Study Unit Title Pacing Social Studies 7th Grade Unit 5 Industrial Revolution & Societ...
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WS/FCS Unit Planning Organizer Subject(s) Grade/Course Unit of Study Unit Title Pacing

Social Studies 7th Grade Unit 5 Industrial Revolution & Society’s Response 20 Days

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Conceptual Lenses Technology Change Power

Unit Overview This unit focuses on the Industrial Revolution, which brought huge changes to societies.

While French and others were rebelling, the English who had already experienced the English Revolution, were experiencing urban growth and industrialization due to their Agricultural Revolution (better farming methods less need for farmers) Cottage Industries Industrialization: Britain is the model Needs: Land, labor force, natural resources (raw materials), capital, energy/power, markets • Due to Exploration, British have access to these things. Inventions • Spinning Jenny: speeds production demand for cotton demand for slaves • Steam Engine: used in locomotives, ships, and pumps for water out of mines. • Bessemer Process: industrial process to mass produce steel using iron led to expansion of railroads and helped connect more people ♦ Speeds up trade process Factory System Built close to and powered by water Pull factor for people to move into cities. Unskilled labor used -- need for skilled laborers Use of child labor Conflict led to improved conditions Poor working conditions ECONOMIC CONFLICT Capitalism Profit Making without Profit Sharing Greed Adam Smith & Laissez-Faire economics • Government should stay out of the economy Urbanization Growth of the Middle Class and working class Environmental Consequences/results of # of factories & in # of people living in cities – housing and family issues

Quality of Life: factory owners, middle class, working class Society’s Response Middle class wants right to vote Working class wants better working conditions, labor rights/protection, and better pay/shorter hours Fertile ground for new ideas • Socialism/Marxism Philosophies that level playing field and • Communism ideally help equalize the population End with comparison between new ideas (socialism/communism) and capitalism

Unit Enduring Understanding(s) • •

Improvements in technology can bring changes to all aspects of society. Vast economic inequalities can spark the desire for change.

Unit Essential Question(s) • •

How does technological change affect people, places and regions? How are economic systems structured to meet the needs and wants of different societies?

Essential State Standards Priority Objectives •

7.H.2.1 Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations, regions and groups.

7.H.2.3 Explain how increased global interaction accelerates the pace of innovation in modern societies.

7.G.1.2 Explain how demographic trends lead to conflict, negotiation, and compromise in modern societies and regions.

7.E.1.3 Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems.

7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

Supporting Objectives •

7.G.1.1 Explain how environmental conditions and human response to those conditions influence modern societies and regions.

7.G.1.3 Explain how natural disasters, preservation efforts and human modification of the environment affect modern societies and regions.

7.E.1.2 Explain the implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs.

7.C.1.2 Explain how cultural expressions influence modern society.

“Unpacked” Concepts (students need to know) 7.H.2.1 the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict 7.H.2.3 how increased global interaction accelerates the pace of innovation 7.G.1.2 how demographic trends lead to conflict, negotiation, and compromise

7.E.1.3 the main characteristics of various economic systems.

7.C&G.1.1 the ideas that have shaped political thought

7.C.1.2 how cultural expressions influence modern society.

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Essential Vocabulary industry/industrial capital raw materials supply & demand class (social, working, middle, etc…) yield (crops) entrepreneur urban demographics union (labor)

“Unpacked” Skills (students need to be able to do) • 7.H.2.1 Analyze social, economic, military and political conflict • 7.H.2.3 Explain the connection between global interaction and the pace of innovation • 7.G.1.2 Explain the connection between demographic trends conflict, negotiation, and compromise • 7.E.1.3 Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems. • 7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought • 7.C.1.2 Explain cultural expressions influence

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7.H.2.1 Analyze 7.H.2.3 Understand 7.G.1.2 Understand

7.E.1.3 Understand 7.C&G.1.1 Understand 7.C.1.2 Understand

Enrichment Vocabulary cottage industry population explosion Proletariat Bourgeoisie Militarism sanitation Enrichment Factual Content “enlightened despot” Communist Manifesto Social Darwinism Luddites

Unit “Chunking” & Enduring Understandings While the World Revolts…

Suggested Lesson Essential Questions

Potential Factual Content

North Carolina Essential Standards

What changes in farming methods created the “Agricultural Revolution”?

• Enclosures • Selective breeding • Crop rotation • Tools- plow, seed drill, hoe

7.E.1.2 Explain the

How did the Agricultural Revolution create an increase in industrialization?

• Higher crop yields fewer farmers needed- available workforce • Successful farming enabled wealthy land owners to invest $ into new businesses • Push factor- former farmers moved to cities in search of jobsurbanization • Food surplus healthy people live longer which increased the workforce • Entrepreneur • Spinning Jenny • Steam Engine • Bessemer Process

What inventions sparked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution

Factory System

How did new inventions lead to the creation of the factory system in England?

• Machines sped up process of weaving/spinning • Machines powered by water- built close to water • Invention of steam engine led to an increase in the coal and iron industries • Bessemer process steel triggered the growth of many other industries In what ways did the • Machines made production factory system change the faster face of labor in England? • Large # of unskilled workers were needed to operate them • Decrease in need for skilled craftsmen • Use of child labor

implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs.

7.E.1.2 Explain the

implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs.

7.H.2.3 Explain how increased global interaction accelerates the pace of innovation in modern societies.

7.E.1.2 Explain the implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs.

7.G.1.2 Explain how demographic trends lead to conflict, negotiation, and compromise in modern societies and regions.

• Available jobs caused displaced farmers to flock to the cities- Pull factor Captialism


How did the Industrial Revolution spark the rise of capitalism and what are the main characteristics of that economic system?

• Market economy • Supply & demand • Private ownership • competition

7.E.1.3 Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems.

How did the economic conflict created by the rise of capitalism affect society?

• Profit making without profit sharing • Greed • Adam Smith- Laissez-Faire economics • Seed of discontent are planted among lower class

How did industrialization change the cities of England?

• Increased population • Bridges, canals, RR built to speed transportation • Construction of factories & housing • Quality of life/Living conditions • Leisure time opportunities

demographic trends lead to conflict, negotiation, and compromise in modern societies and regions.

What were the environmental consequences of urbanization and industrialization?

• Pollution- from factories & people- acid rain, water, air • Depeletion of raw materials & resourcescoal, forests • Diseases- unsanitary conditions

7.G.1.1 Explain how environmental conditions and human response to those conditions influence modern societies and regions.

7.H.2.1 Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations, regions and groups.

7.G.1.2 Explain how

7.G.1.3 Explain how natural disasters, preservation efforts and human modification of the environment affect modern societies and regions.

Society’s Response

How did society respond to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution?

• Middle class wants right to vote • Working class wants better living & working conditions • Women want equal rights with men as they are now working outside the home

How did industrialization change political ideas in society?

• Liberalism- influence by Enlightenment thinkersindividual rights, freedom of speech & press, limits on the power of the government • Socialism • Marxism • Collective ownership of factories, land, raw materials, & capital • No private ownership • Government should manage means of production • Wealth distributed evenly among all citizens

What are the main ideas behind socialism?

How did the ideas of Karl Marx lead to the development of communism?

How was the reality of communism different from the ideals of Karl Marx?

• Communist Manifesto • Haves/have nots • Anti-capitalism • Working class should revolt & overthrow capitalism • Classless society- wealth & power shared by all • State would wither away – pure communism • Lenin • Russian Revolution- very little industry & small working class • Lenin’s version of Marxism • Government control of production & economy • Not an equal reality

7.H.2.1 Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations, regions and groups.

7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

7.E.1.3 Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems.

7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

7.C.1.2 Explain how cultural expressions influence modern society. 7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

7.E.1.3 Summarize the main

characteristics of various economic systems.

What are the differences between capitalism, socialism and communism?

Compare the three looking for similarities and differences

7.C&G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and regions.

7.E.1.3 Summarize the main characteristics of various economic systems.

Sub Concepts HISTORY



Revolution Cooperation

Migration Population density Rural/Urban

Standard of Living



Competition Supply & Demand

Cultural Expression Social Systems & Class Quality of Life

Language Objective EXAMPLES •

Key Vocabulary LO: SWBAT define and explain the terms industry, capitalism, socialism.

Language Functions LO: SWBAT explain the causes of the Agricultural Revolution.

Language Skills LO: SWBAT read two passages about conditions in two cities during the Industrial Revolution and identify the similarities and differences between the two. (Reading passages should be chosen/modified in accordance with the LEP students’ zone of proximal development).

Grammar and Language LO: SWBAT use comparatives in writing assignments (more than, less than, greater, shorter, longer, etc.) by comparing quality of life before and after the Industrial Revolution.

Lesson Tasks LO: SWBAT read and summarize a passage about child labor conditions and explain this summary to a group.

Language Learning Strategy LO: SWBAT develop a cause/effect graphic organizer analyzing and identifying the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution. (The linguistic load will vary from LEP student to LEP student. Level 1-2 LEP students may need a word bank or other supplement to complete this activity using this strategy).