“THE ANGELO DEL TORO” SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS 2008 The New York State Assembly-Senate Puerto-Rican/ Hispanic Task Force and Somos El Futu...
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The New York State Assembly-Senate Puerto-Rican/ Hispanic Task Force and Somos El Futuro Inc. are planning to sponsor twenty (20) $500 scholarships for high school seniors participating in the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute to be held in Albany, NY, April 26-April 28, 2008. Scholarship Eligibility 1. Seniors in High School in New York State: Candidates must be seniors enrolled in a NYS registered public or non-public high school. Candidates must have already applied to college. 2. Attendance at the Youth Leadership Institute: Candidates should have successfully participated in the Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute training sessions and must attend the 2008 Institute in Albany, NY. 3. Satisfactory Academic Standing: Candidates must have an overall satisfactory academic standing. (Candidates should request the school to forward an academic transcript directly to the Scholarship Committee.) Selection Criteria 1. Recommendations: Candidates must submit three letters of recommendation describing their academic achievement, outstanding personal characteristics and involvement in community services such as: senior citizens’ center, youth programs, school related activities, church outreach programs, etc. Letters should be in a sealed envelope, submitted with the application. Letters should preferably be from: • • • • •

The Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute trainer A teacher A counselor The high school principal or a department chairperson A community leader

2. Written Essay: Candidates must submit a 200-250 word essay written in either English or Spanish. The essay must address the question “What do you believe are the major challenges in becoming a Latino/a leader in contemporary American society?” The essay should include a cover page with the following information: student’s name, principal’s name, name and address of high school attended. The postmark deadline for complete applications is Friday, April 4, 2008. Please mail all documentation to Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute Scholarship Committee: Dr. Andres Rodriguez, Jr., Director BETAC at Long Island University-School of Education 9 Hanover Place, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, New York 11201


THE 2008 ANGELO DEL TORO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Please Type or Print Clearly) Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Sex: ( ) Male Last First Middle Initial

( ) Female

Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Apt: ___________ (Number and Street) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (City/Town/Village) State Zip Code Assembly District Number Student’s school ID number: ________________________________ Home Telephone # (

) ____________________________

School District: _______________________________________________________________________Grade:____________ School Name: _____________________________________________________Principal’s Name: ______________________ School Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Number and Street) State Zip Code Assembly District Number School Telephone Number: (

) ________________________ Fax Number: (

Participant in last year’s Youth Leadership Institute: (

) Yes


) _____________________________

) No

General average in high school _____________ (If you are not sure, ask your guidance counselor) College(s) and/or universities you have applied to? (Please list) Name of College and/or University


Not Heard Yet

List the names of the individuals who are submitting letters of recommendation with this application: Name Position Address

Telephone (






Principal’s Signature: _________________________________ Student’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Date: ______________________________


HYLI Essay Rubric Quality Understanding the Theme (meaning)



Language Use

Conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, etc.)

5 Presents a clearly focused main idea that is imaginative and interesting *Develops all ideas clearly and fully *Uses specific and relevant details and examples Shows good planning and demonstrates a clear and logical organization

4 Presents a main idea that addresses the theme

3 Presents an adequate, somewhat focused main idea

2 Addresses the theme but doesn’t stay focused

1 Vaguely addresses the theme

*Develops most ideas clearly and fully *Uses enough specific details and examples

*Develops some ideas more fully than others *Uses some details and examples

*Develops ideas briefly *Uses few details and examples

Shows planning and demonstrates an identifiable organization

Shows evidence of planning and organization but may have some inconsistencies

*Uses a sophisticated style with language that is appropriate, varied and engaging *Uses sentences that vary in structure and length Demonstrates control of the conventions with essentially no errors

*Uses language that is appropriate and varied *Uses sentences that vary in structure and length

*Uses language that is somewhat varied and appropriate *Uses sentences with little variation that may contain some structural errors Demonstrates control of the conventions with occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension

*Shows a basic organizational structure *May have irrelevancies, may be less focused, may have ideas out of order *Uses language that is repetitive and at times, inappropriate *Contains simple and/or inaccurate sentence structure

*Demonstrates little development *Lacks details or examples or presents irrelevant information *Shows little planning or organization *Sentences are not in order, ideas are not explained and/or are irrelevant *Uses language that is weak and/or inappropriate *Contains inaccurate sentence structure

Demonstrates control of the conventions with occasional errors with sophisticated language

Demonstrates emerging control of the conventions with occasional errors that hinder comprehension

Demonstrates a lack of control of the conventions with frequent errors that make comprehension difficult

Prepared by: Inés Loveras, Assistant Principal Elizabeth Yarbrough, Teacher of Spanish

HYLI Essay Checklist After completing your essay, make sure you have included the following: Y Is the main idea clearly stated in the introduction? Does the main idea answer the essay question? Does each body paragraph start with a main idea that supports the theme of the essay? Do the details in each paragraph support the topic sentence? Are the sentences in a logical order? Are the sentences varied in length and structure? Have extraneous details been excluded? Are there smooth transitions within the paragraph? Are there smooth transitions between paragraphs? Is the main idea clearly restated in the conclusion? Check the essay for: • spelling • grammar • punctuation • capitalization • paragraphing • usage Prepared by: Inés Loveras, Assistant Principal Elizabeth Yarbrough, Teacher of Spanish


HYLI Rúbrica para el Ensayo Categoría Comprensión del tema (Significado)

5 *Expone una idea central claramente *Se expone de una forma creativa e interesante *Desarrolla las ideas con claridad *Usa detalles específicos y da ejemplos

4 Expone a una idea central que va dirigida al tema

3 Expone una idea central más o menos adecuada, pero en cierta forma va dirigida al tema

2 Expone la idea central a veces y en ocasiones no va dirigida al tema

1 Expone la idea central vagamente

*Desarrolla la mayoría de las ideas con claridad y en su totalidad *Usa suficiente detalles y ejemplos

*Desarrolla algunas ideas, unas más que otras *Usa pocos detalles y ejemplos

*Desarrolla las ideas brevemente *Usa pocos detalles y ejemplos


Muestra buena planificación y tiene una organización clara y lógica

Muestra cierta planificación y una organización más o menos clara

Muestra evidencia de cierta planificación, y organización, pero hay ciertas inconsistencias

*Muestra una organización estructural básica *De vez en cuando hay ideas que no están en orden o/y fuera de lugar

*Desarrolla las ideas de una forma mínima *Le faltan detalles o/y ejemplos *Da información fuera de lugar *Muestra poca organización *Las oraciones no están en orden, no se explican bien las ideas o/y están fuera de lugar

Uso del lenguaje

Demuestra un profundo conocimiento y dominio del uso del idioma Demuestra un buen dominio y buena precisión de todas las reglas

Demuestra el uso del lenguaje de una forma apropiada y variada Demuestra dominio de las reglas, pero de vez en cuando comete errores que no impiden la comprensión o el significado

Demuestra el uso del lenguaje de una forma apropiada, pero limitada Demuestra cierto dominio de las reglas, comete errores, pero impiden la comprensión del texto o el contenido del ensayo

Usa un lenguaje repetitivo y a veces inapropiado Demuestra muy poco dominio de las reglas y comete muchos errores que dificultan la comprensión del texto o contenido del ensayo


Reglas gramaticales, ortográficas, de puntuación, y de acentuación.

Usa un lenguaje totalmente inapropiado. Carece del dominio de las reglas y comete errores que impiden la comprensión del texto o el contenido del ensayo

Prepared by: Inés Loveras, Assistant Principal Elizabeth Yarbrough, Teacher of Spanish


Lista de control (lista de revisión) Después de terminar el ensayo asegúrese de haber incluído: Sí


¿Expresé la idea central claramente en la introducción?

¿Contesté la pregunta del ensayo? ¿Empecé cada párrafo con una idea central que apoya el tema del ensayo? ¿Puse mis oraciones en un orden lógico? ¿Varían mis oraciones estructuralmente? ¿Incluí ideas o detalles que no tienen que ver con el tema? ¿Es precisa y clara la transición de un párrafo a otro, de una oración a otra? ¿Utilicé palabras transitorias en mis párrafos? ¿Volví a incluir la idea central en la conclusión? Revise su ensayo y tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: • el deletreo correcto de las palabras • la gramática • la puntuación • el uso de las letras mayúsculas • el orden de los párrafos • el uso del lenguaje Prepared by: Inés Loveras, Assistant Principal Elizabeth Yarbrough, Teacher of Spanish

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