European Politics

European Politics 2005-6 European Union 3rd Edition – Textbook The Basics European Union Alex Warleigh, University of Limerick, Ireland Power a...
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European Politics 2005-6

European Union

3rd Edition – Textbook

The Basics

European Union

Alex Warleigh, University of Limerick, Ireland

Power and Policy-making

Covering all the basics and more, this book is a concise and accessible introduction for students new to the study of the European Union, and for the general reader wanting to understand this increasingly important subject. Including useful boxes, tables and a glossary of all theoretical terms used, each highly structured chapter contains key learning points, making it an ideal guide for those with no prior knowledge of the subject. Key content includes: ´ the evolution of European integration ´ institutions and decision-making in the European Union ´ key policies of the European Union ´ current controversies in European integration ´ which future for the European Union? Contents: Introduction 1. The Evolution of European Integration 2. Institutions and Decision Making in the EU 3. Key Policies of the EU 4. Current Controversies in European Integration 5. Which Future for Europe? Glossary Appendix I: Internet Sources of Information Appendix II: List of Member States, with Voting Weights and Number of MEPs References July 2004: 198x129: 160pp illus. 5 tables and 10 line drawings Pb: 0-415-30330-3: £9.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Editied by Jeremy Richardson, University of Oxford, UK A best-selling comprehensive introduction to the policy-making processes at work in the European Union. Written by some of the leading authorities in the field, this new edition has been significantly improved to make it even more accessible for second and third year undergraduates. Addressing some of the more contentious areas in order to stimulate students interest, this book continues to cover the vital elements of EU courses including: theory; history; institutions; policy; relations with member states; external relations; enlargement. A companion website also supports this edition, featuring some of the more technical material such as statistics, as well as regular updates. Contents: Part 1: Theoretical and Historical Perspectivesm 1. The EU as a Policy-Making State: Agenda setting, issue processing and policy outputs 2. European Integration: Unfinished journey or journey without end? 3. Europeanisation of Public Policy 4.Theorising the Union Part 2: Institutional Processes 5. The European Commission: Policy-making in turbulent times 6. Parliaments and the European Policy Process 7. The Council of Ministers: The politics of institutionalised Intergovernmentalism 8. The European Court of Justice and Constitutionalisation 9. How much scope for reform? An institutional analysis of the EU budget 10. The Process of Enlargement Part 3: Channels of Representation 11. European elections and the European voter 12. Barbie Goes to Brussels: The institutionalisation of lobbying 13. Bypassing the nation state? Regions and the EU policy process Part 4: A Supranational State? 14. The EU as an International Actor 15. European Regulation 16. European Economic Governance 17. The Challenge of Implementation 18. Democracy and Accountability in the Union October 2005: 246x174: 352pp Hb: 0-415-35813-2: £85.00 Pb: 0-415-35814-0: £20.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

2nd Edition

The European Union as a Global Actor Charlotte Bretherton, Liverpool John Moores University, UK John Vogler, University of Keele, UK This comprehensive, up to date and theoretically informed text examines the full range of the European Union’s external relations including the Common Foreign and Security Policy. It looks at the increasingly important part the EU plays in global politics. The authors argue that the EU’s significance cannot be grasped by making comparisons with traditional states. Issues covered include: ´ the status, coherence, consistency and roles of the EU as an actor, and what being an actor means in practice ´ how the field of trade relations forms the basis of the EU’s activities ´ the EU in global environmental diplomacy, North-South relations and in relation to the Mediterranean and East/Central Europe ´ the EU’s controversial relationship to the Common Foreign and Security Policy and defence. Contents: 1. Theorizing Actorness 2. The EU as Economic Power and Trade Actor 3. International Environmental Policy 4. Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance 5. Relations with ‘Near-Abroad’ 6. Common Foreign and Security Policy 7. The EU as a Provider of Security 8. Constructing an EU Identity? January 2006: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 0-415-28244-6: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-28245-4: £18.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY


Companion to the European Union Alasdair Blair, Coventry University, UK An accessible, user-friendly guide providing students with information and analysis on the political system and key policies such as the single market and budgeting. It also explores recent developments involving the introduction of Economic and Monetary Union and the Treaty of Nice. With the accession of ten new member States, the EU is experiencing dramatic changes and this is a comprehensive and thematic guide to the most recent developments. This book is an essential purchase for students getting to grips with the complexities of the EU and also for lecturers and professionals.

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Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Chronology 3. Political System 4. Policies 5. Member States 6. Summits 7. Biographies 8. Glossary 9. Further Reading 9. Maps and Diagrams 10. Documents Appendix: Revised Treaty Useful Addresses December 2005: 234x156: 224pp illus. 6 line drawings Hb: 0-415-35896-5: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-35897-3: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

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Clive H. Church, University of Kent, UK and David Phinnemore, Queens University, Belfast, UK A clear introduction to the European Constitution that explains all the required areas of study including its history, rules and procedures, policies, and institutions. The impact of the European Union is deepening on the lives of people not only in Europe but also across the globe. However, it is often misunderstood and many western Europeans have mixed feelings about its role. This book tackles the key issues to give the reader a clear sense of what is happening. Chapter headings include: ´ thinking about the Constitutional Treaty ´ the official text ´ an analysis of the Constitutional Treaty’s basics ´ coming to a decision. Suitable for those with a keen interest in the EU and for those studying European politics, it also contains useful learning aids including a glossary of the key terms as well as boxed summaries of the main points. This fully arms the reader with a comprehensive understanding of all the main areas. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Context 3. Thinking About the Constitutional Treaty 4. Part 1: The Official Text 5. Part 2: An Analysis of the Constitutional Treaty’s Basics 6. Parts 3-4: IV and Beyond: An Overview 7. Coming to a Decision October 2005: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-36339-X: £60.00 Pb: 0-415-36340-3: £19.99

European Constitution Political Analysis Michael O’Neil, Nottingham Trent University, UK The European Union (EU) Constitution is one of the most important developments in the history of the EU. The Constitution aims to make the EU more transparent, relevant and accountable to the citizens of its member states. European Constitution provides the most comprehensive account of why the Constitution developed and what its implications are. It explains: ´ the political crisis behind the Constitution ´ the power politics at work in the negotiations ´ how the Constitution will affect EU policymaking ´ the impact on the EU’s citizens This is essential reading for all those wishing to understand the background to one of the key areas within European politics. Contents: Part One: Why a Constitution For Europe? Part Two: Constitutionalising The Union Part Three: The Convention On The Future Of Europe Part Four: Drafting The Constitutional Treaty Part Five: The Politics Of Ratification Conclusion: Whither Finalite: Towards a EU Superstate or a Union of States? March 2006: 234x156: 224pp illus. 6 line drawings Hb: 0-415-37800-1: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-37801-X: £18.99



The European Union’s New Democracies

The Future of Europe

Politics of the Accession States

Edited by Fraser Cameron, European Policy Centre, Belgium

Karen Henderson, University of Leicester, UK The enlargement of the European Union (EU), with the accession of ten new member states, is probably the most important moment in its history. This textbook is specifically designed to introduce students to the politics of the post-communist states which are now part of the EU. It explains the political systems of the states of Central and Eastern Europe within the framework of European integration. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book: ´ provides comprehensive coverage of Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania ´ explains the historical background to the transition process ´ compares the political systems, institutions, party systems and constitutions ´ examines the conflicts between ‘old’ and ‘new’ Europe over foreign policy ´ analyses the development of the EU’s enlargement policy. Contents: Introduction: Eastern Europe under Communism 1945-1985 Part 1: The Transition to Democracy, 1985-1992 1. The Fall of Communism 2.The Course of the ‘Revolutions’: Country studies 3. Redefining Statehood 4. Constitutional Choices Part 2: The Struggle to Consolidate Democracy, 1993-1998 5. Building Democracy, 1992-1998 6. Alternation of Government: Country studies 7. Economic and Social Transformation 8. Building Party Systems Part 3: The Return to Europe, 1999-2004 9. Negotiating with the European Union 10. The New Democracies: Country studies 11. The Political Systems of the New Member States 12. The New Democracies in the Wider Europe Conclusion: Europe reunited Bibliography Index September 2006: 246x174: 288pp illus. 10 tables Hb: 0-415-33263-X: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-33264-8: £17.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Integration and Enlargement

In 2004, the European Union’s Intergovernmental Conference finalised the historic process of enlarging the EU from fifteen to twenty-five members. This book is the most detailed and up-to-date account of the state of the European Union’s biggest enlargement so far, and also considers its future prospects in several key areas. It exaplains why the ten applicant countries wanted to join the EU and how they succeeded after lengthy negotiations. Each chapter is a cutting-edge overview by a leading figure in the field and subjects covered include: ´ the enlargement-integration debate ´ the politics of the EU’s new member states ´ the role of the European Convention ´ the political economy of an enlarged Europe ´ the challenges of developing common European foreign and security policy ´ the EU’s relations with its neighbours ´ EU-American relations. Contents: Preface Foreword 1. Widening and Deepening Fraser Cameron 2. The Convention, the IGC and the Constitutional Treaty David Allen 3. The Enlargement Negotiations Graham Avery 4. The Newcomers Heather Grabbe 5. The Political Economy of an Enlarged Europe Andrew Scott 6. The Wider Europe Geoffrey Harris 7. European Security in Flux Antonio Missiroli and Gerard Quille 8. The Transatlantic Dimension Simon Serfaty 9. The Future of Europe Fraser Cameron Glossary February 2004: 234x156: 184pp illus. 2 line drawings and 12 tables Hb: 0-415-32483-1: £75.00 Pb: 0-415-32484-X: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Rethinking Europe Social Theory and the Implications of Europeanization Gerard Delanty, University of Liverpool, UK and Chris Rumford, University of London, UK Rethinking Europe broadens the terms of the debate on Europeanization, conventionally limited to the supersession of the nation-state by a supranational authority and the changes within member states consequent upon EU membership. Dominant approaches to the transformation of Europe ignore contemporary social theory interpretations of the nature and dynamics of social change. Delanty and Rumford argue that we need a theory of society in order to understand Europeanization. In doing so the book advances the case that Europeanization should be theorized in terms of: ´ globalization ´ major social transformations that are not exclusively spear-headed by the EU ´ the wider context of the transformation of modernity. May 2005: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 0-415-34713-0: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-34714-9: £19.99

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Understanding the European Constitutional

European Security

The Political Economy of the European Integration

The Politics of Contemporary Spain

An Introduction to Theory and Practice

Arguments and Analysis

James Sperling, University of Akron, USA and Graham Timmins, University of Sterling, UK

Edited by Erik Jones, Johns Hopkins Bologna Centre, Italy and Amy Verdun, University of Victoria, Canada

Edited by Sebastian Balfour, London School of Economics, UK

This text provides a comprehensive account of the key theoretical and practical issues in post-Cold War European Security. In the opening section, the authors explain the main dimensions of the debates on the nature and concept of security in the European context. In Part 2 of the book, the authors consider in greater depth, key specific components of the concept of security, such as economics, the military and society. In Part 3, the authors explore key identified debates, issues and dimensions of security through a number of case studies of states and regions in, or with an interest in, the security of Europe.

This book provides a balanced introduction to diverse political economy perspectives on different aspects of European integration, demonstrating both the importance and the potential of research in this area.


Contents: Preface Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Selective Chronology of Events: 1945-Present European Map Part 1: Understanding Security Part 2: Key Components of Security in the Contemporary Setting Part 3: Europe Today: Security in Practice Conclusions July 2006: 246x174: 320pp Hb: 0-415-31229-9: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-31231-0: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

European Union Security From Cold War to Terror War David Broughton and Steve Marsh, both at Cardiff University, UK This book provides a comprehensive guide to the European Union’s role and development in European security since the end of the Cold War and explores the interface between the EU and other organisations and other states, specifically NATO, the US and Russia. Engaging in key debates in international security, the authors trace the history of the EU as a security actor and explore a broad range of contemporary security issues concerning the EU. ´ Part 1 examines the post-Cold War security evolution of the EU, focusing on the German, British and French foreign policies. It explores the Anglo-Franco-German relationship, the AngloAmerican relationship and the EU-US relationship ´ Part 2 investigates contemporary EU security issues such as legitimacy, immigration and asylum, environmental security, interventionism, and internal and external institutional synergy ´ Part 3 explores four case studies of the EU in action: Iraq, the Balkans, the ‘war’ on terrorism and the stabilisation of Central and Eastern Europe.

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September 2006: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 0-415-34122-1: £70.00 Pb: 0-415-34123-X: £19.99

The volume includes three types of chapters: broad literature reviews, narrower applications of existing arguments, and new syntheses of competing claims. The authors also present a critical appraisal of how scholars in the EU and US use theory to understand European integration, and examine issues such as citizens’ attitudes, perceptions and preferences of actors, the role of non-state actors, principleagent questions, and the role and the autonomy of European institutions. This empirically informed and methodologically rigorous volume will be of great interest to students and researchers in the fields of comparative political economy, EU studies, international political economy and international organisations. October 2004: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-34063-2: £70.00 Pb: 0-415-34064-0: £19.99


Contemporary Spanish Politics Josè M. Magone, University of Hull, UK Contemporary Spanish Politics gives fresh insight into the formal and informal workings of this dynamic southern European democracy. It thoroughly discusses the history, politics, institutions, parties, economy and foreign policy of Spain at an introductory level ideal for an undergraduate audience. Each chapter provides a research-based overview of the studied topic which can then be used as the basis for further research by students. The key themes of the book are: ´ recent history of Spain after Franco’s death ´ the political culture of the country ´ the institutional framework ´ foreign policy including the reaction to the global anti-terrorist coalition ´ the policy making process and the system of interest intermediation ´ the party system and electoral process ´ the dynamics of regional politics (emphasising Catalan, Basque and Galician nationalism) ´ the political economy ´ the external relations of the country within and towards the European Union, the Mediterranean and Latin America. March 2004: 234x156: 296pp illus: 53 line drawings and 29 tables Hb: 0-415-30335-4: £75.00 Pb: 0-415-30336-2: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

The Politics of Contemporary Spain charts the trajectory of Spanish politics from the transition to democracy through to the present day, including the aftermath of the Madrid bombings of March 2004 and the elections that followed three days later. It offers new insights on the main political parties and the political system, on the monarchy, corruption, terrorism, regional and conservative nationalism, and on Spain’s policies in the Mediterranean and the EU. It challenges many existing assumptions about politics in Spain, reaching beyond systems and practices to look at identities, political cultures and mentalities. It brings to bear on the analysis the latest empirical data and theoretical perspectives. Contents: Introduction: Spain since the transition to democracy: an overview Sebastian Balfour 1. From Consensus to Competition: Changing conceptions of democracy in the spanish transition Jonathan Hopkin 2. The Monarchy of Juan Carlos: From Dictator’s Dreams to Democratic Realities Paul Preston 3. Corruption, Democracy and Governance in Contemporary Spain Paul Heywood 4. The War against Terrorism: the Spanish Experience Paddy Woodworth 5. Terrorism and Nationalist Conflict: the Weakness of Democracy in the Basque Country Josè Manuel Mata 6. Convergència i Unió, Catalonia and the new Catalanism Andrew Dowling 7. From National Catholic Nostalgia to Constitutional Patriotism: Spanish Conservative Nationalism since the early 1990s Xosè-Manoel Núñez 8. The Reinvention of Spanish Conservatism: The Popular Party since 1989 Sebastian Balfour 9. The Spanish Socialist Party in Power and in Opposition Monica Mèndez-Lago 10. Between Ambition and Insecurity: Spanish Politics and the Mediterranean Richard Gillespie 11. Spain in the New European Union: In Search of a New Role and Identity Mary Farrell December 2004: 234x156:272pp: illus: 8 line drawings and 13 tables Hb: 0-415-35677-6: £75.00 Pb: 0-415-35678-4: £19.99

Politics of New Germany Graham Timmins, University of Stirling, UK, Simon Green, University of Birmingham, UK, Dan Hough, University of Sussex, and Alister Miskimmon, University of London, UK This is the most comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date textbook on contemporary German politics. It covers the entire postwar era but has a particular focus on the post-reunification era. Subjects covered include:

5th edition – Textbook


The Government and Politics of France

The Politics of Northern Ireland

Andrew Knapp, University of Reading, UK

Arthur Aughey, University of Ulster, UK

Beyond the Belfast Agreement In this book, one of the leading authorities on contemporary Northern Ireland politics provides an original, sophisticated and innovative examination of the post-Belfast agreement political landscape. Written in a fluid, witty and accessible style, the

The Government and Politics of France 5th Edition continues to provide students with a comprehensive and incisive introduction to the intricacies of French politics and government. Written by two leading authorities on the subject, this widely used textbook has been fully revised and up-dated to take into account the many changes that have occurred since the last edition was published. Coverage includes:

´ german political history from 1945 to the present day

´ French political traditions

´ the effects of reunification

´ constitution and the Fifth Republic

´ structure and functions of key institutions

´ the executive

´ parties, elections and voting behaviour

´ the Parliament

´ identity and citizenship

´ parties and the party system

´ economic, industrial and social policy

´ the Administration

book explores:

´ Germany’s relations with the EU and the wider world.

´ interest groups

This is the ideal book for students of German politics and language, and European politics.

´ local politics

´ how the Belfast Agreement has changed the politics of Northern Ireland

´ the impact of the EU.

´ whether the peace process is still valid

Contents: 1. French Political Traditions in a Changing Context 2. The Constitution of the Fifth Republic 3. The Executive 4. The Parliament 5. Parties 6. The Party System 7. The Administration 8. Interest Groups 9. The PostJacobian State? Central-local Relations 10. The Juridification of French Politics 11. France and Europe 12. Conclusion?

´ the problems caused by the language of politics in Northern Ireland

March 2006: 234x174: 320pp Hb: 0-415-35365-3: £55.00 Pb: 0-415-35366-1: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY


Contemporary Italian Politics Simon Parker, University of York, UK and Paolo Natale, University of Milan, Italy This new study provides students with the most comprehensive and incisive introduction available to the intricacies of the Italian political system. Written in an accessible and student-friendly style, this up-to-date textbook features: ´ an introduction to Italian political history from 1943 to present day ´ an explanation of the governmental system, the constitutional framework, the core institutions, the electoral system and the key parties ´ analysis of the role of the contemporary pressure groups and social movements including environmental, labour and anti-globalisation organisations ´ discussion of important topical issues such as corruption, organised crime, the role of the media and freedom of the press ´ an exploration of Italian foreign policy towards the EU, the US and the ‘war on terrorism’ ´ innovative use of photographs, boxed biographies, figures, annotated further reading and lists of websites to enliven the text. This is the perfect introduction for students taking modules in Italian politics on politics, Italian studies and European studies degrees.

December 2005: 216x 138: 480pp Hb: 0-415-35733-0: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-35732-2: £17.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

´ the conditions necessary to secure political stability ´ the inability of unionists and republicans to share the same political discourse ´ the insights that political theory can offer to Northern Irish politics ´ the future of key political parties and institutions. Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Conditions 2. Fate and Choice 2.1 Iron Cage and Self-Construction 2.2 Process and Action 2.3 Conclusion 3. Means and Ends 3.1 Nostalgia and Imagination 3.2 Conservatism and Radicalism 3.3 Ends and Means 4. Winning and Losing 4.1 Insight and Vision 4.2 Transition and Transformation 4.3 Conclusion Part 2: Modifications 5. New Ideas and Old Arguments 5.1 Inwardness and Outwardness 5.2 Democratic Transformation 5.3 Historic Compromise 6. The Belfast Agreement: Archaeology and exposition 6.1 The Archaeology of the Agreement 6.2 Institutions of the Belfast Agreement 6.3 Conclusion 7. New Beginning and Modification of Circumstances 7.1 Agreement: Duck or rabbit? 7.2 A New Beginning 7.3 Modification of Circumstances 7.4 Conclusion Part 3: Consequences 8. Anxiety and Expectation 8.1 Unionist Expectation 8.2 Anxiety of Process 8.3 Anxiety of Influence 8.4 Nationalist Expectation 8.5 Anxiety of Frustration 8.6 Anxiety of Impatience 8.7 Conclusion 9. Lies Noble and Ignoble 9.1 The Noble Lie 9.2 Constructive Ambiguity 9.3 Axioms and Maxims 9.4 Conclusion 10. For Better and For Worse 10.1 A Narrative of Progress 10.2 A Narrative of Regress 10.3 Verschlimmbesserung: For better and for worse 10.4 Conclusion January 2005: 234x156: 224pp: illus. 5 tables Hb: 0-415-32787-3: £60.00 Pb: 0-415-32788-1: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Contents: 1. A Tale of Two republics 2.The Italian Party System and the Electorate 3. The Form and Reform of the State 4. Italy, Europe and the Wider World 5. Organised Interests and Social Movements 6. Political Corruption, Organised Crime and the Administration of Justice 7. Broadcasting and the Press 8. Conclusion July 2006: 234x156: 224pp: illus: 3 line drawings, 5 b+w photographs and 15 tables Hb: 0-415-32598-6: £60.00 Pb: 0-415-32599-4: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Textbooks marked ‘Available for Inspection Copy’ can be sent to lecturers considering adopting them for relevant courses. See the Inspection Copies Request form at the back of this leaflet for more information. Or call +44 (0)20 7017 6054 now.

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4th Edition – Textbook

Politics in the Republic of Ireland Edited by John Coakley, University College Dublin, Ireland and Michael Gallagher, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Politics in the Republic of Ireland is newly available in a fully revised 4th edition. Building on the success of the first three editions, it continues to provide an authoritative introduction to all aspects of politics in the Irish Republic. Published in association with the Political Studies Association of Ireland, and written by some of the foremost experts on Irish politics, it explains, analyses and interprets the background and processes of Irish government. Crucially it provides the student with the very latest developments. Coverage includes: ´ all aspects of the Irish political system, including the constitution, electoral system, parties, the links between members of parliament and their constituents, the government, the President, and the Taoiseach

Comparative Federalism

Irish Republicanism in the Twenty-First Century

Theory and Practice

As a consequence of Sinn Féin’s connection with the IRA, the military side of the republican movement has tended to overshadow the political, both in terms of its internal operation and strategic choices and in terms of the attention that it has attracted from scholars, writers and journalists. However, since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, Sinn Féin has experienced substantial growth, in terms of electoral results and party support, both in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland. This book assesses the importance and relevance of Sinn Féin within the changing configurations of Irish politics, studying it as a political party on both sides of the Irish border. It investigates whether Sinn Féin can sustain the progress made over the last decade, retain its identity as the voice of radical republicanism, and ultimately, whether its vision of a united Ireland can prevail. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Historical Overview, 1905 – 1981 3. The Story of the Hunger Strikes 4. New Image, New Language, New Style 5. Role of Sinn Féin in the Republic of Ireland 6. Role of Sinn Féin in the North 7. Logistics 8. International Dimension 9. New Issues 10. Future Prospects 11. The Legacy of the IRA October 2004: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-32196-4: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-32197-2: £16.99

´ Ireland’s relationship with Britain and its role within the European Union ´ women and Irish politics

Exploring Post-National Governance

´ appendices providing demographic data, electoral data, political office holders, biographical notes on major political figures and a chronology of the main political events

Edited by Sergio Fabbrini, Trento University, Italy

Contents: 1. The Foundations of Statehood John Coakley; 2. Society and Political Culture John Coakley; 3. The Changing Constitution Michael Gallagher; 4. The Electoral System Richael Sinnot; 5. Party Competition and the Changing Party System Peter Mair; 6. Parties and Voters Michael Laver and Michael Marsh; 7. Parliament Michael Gallagher; 8. The Constituency Role of TDs Michael Gallagher and Lee Komito; 9. Political Leadership: the President and the Taoiseach Robert Elgie; 10. The Government and the Governmental System Eileen Connolly and Eunan O’Halpin; 11. The Role of Interest Groups in the Policy-Making Process Gary Murphy; 12. Women in Politics Yvonne Galligan; 13. Ireland: a small open polity Patrick Keatinge and Brigid Laffan; 14. Democratic Politics in Independent Ireland Tom Garvin

Michael Burgess, University of Kent, UK

Agnes Maillot, Dublin City University, Ireland

Democracy and Federalism in the European Union and the United States

´ an exploration of the foundations of statehood, Irish society and political culture

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New Sinn Féin

The European Union – a supranational system with its own institutional characteristics and autonomy – has a structure and functional logic which are more similar to those of the US than those of European nation states. Yet, by and large, the EU and the US tend to be analyzed more as potential geopolitical and economic rivals or allies than compared as institutional peers.

A new examination of contemporary federalism and federation, which delivers a detailed theoretical study underpinned by fresh case studies. It is grounded in a clear distinction between ‘federations’, particular kinds of states, and ‘federalism’, the thinking that drives and promotes them. It also details the origins, formation, evolution and operations of federal political interests, through an authoritative series of chapters that: ´ analyze the conceptual bases of federalism and federation through the evolution of the intellectual debate on federalism; the American Federal experience; the origins of federal states; and the relationship between state-building and national integration ´ explore comparative federalism and federation by looking at five main pathways into comparative analysis with empirical studies on the US, Canada, Australia, India, Malaysia, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the EU ´ explore the pathology of federations, looking failures and successes, and the impact of globalization. The final chapter also presents a definitive assessment of federal theory. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers of federalism, devolution, comparative politics and government. August 2005: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 0-415-36454-X: £70.00 Pb: 0-415-36455-8: £19.99

Evaluating Euro-Mediterranean Relations Stephen C. Calleya, University of Malta

By bringing together some of the most influential political scientists and historians to compare the European and American experiences of federalism, this book explores the future development, and seeks a better understanding, of a post-national European Union democracy. The book consists of three parts exploring:

What are the prospects for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean area and what relevant role can the EMP play in this future? This book focuses on international relations in the Mediterranean area with a particular examination of patterns of politics, security and socio-economic relations.

´ how the EU has developed and the implications of the process of European federalization

November 2004: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-7146-5412-4: £70.00

September 2004: 234x156: 528pp Illus: 9 line drawings and 50 tables Hb: 0-415-28066-4: £65.00 Pb: 0-415-28067-2: £18.99

´ the features of American federalism, tracing the intellectual debate that led to the approval of the American federal constitution in 1787


´ the future of European Union. Contents: Preface, Introduction Part 1: The EU from Federalist Projects to a Supranational Polity Part 2: Features and Problems of the US Federal Polity Part 3: Market, State and Social Rights in the EU and US Part 4: The Constitutional Challenges of a Supranational Polity November 2004: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-33392-X: £75.00 Pb: 0-415-33393-8: £20.99

Routledge Advances in European Politics

Swiss Foreign Policy Foundations and Possibilities Laurent Goetschel, University of Basel, Switzerland, Magdalena Bernath, Swiss Political Yearbook, Switzerland and Daniel Schwarz, Politools, Switzerland

New in Paperback

Outcast Europe: The Balkans, 1789-1989 From the Ottomans to Milosevic Tom Gallagher, University of Bradford, UK Examining two centuries of Balkan politics, from the emergence of nationalism to the retreat of Communist power in 1989, this is the first book to systematically argue that many of the region’s problems are external in origin.

Swiss Foreign Policy provides in-depth insights into the procedures and constraints of Swiss foreign policy, answering questions such as: ´ why is Switzerland not a member of the European Union? ´ what are the implications of staying apart and how important is neutrality in today’s Europe? ´ what are the implications of federalism and direct democracy on foreign policy? ´ how should conflicting interests in foreign policy decision-making be dealt with? The book is essential reading to all those interested in foreign policy analysis, the relationship between democracy and international relations, the significance of being a small state in contemporary Europe and the specificities of the Swiss political system. December 2004: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-34812-9: £70.00 Pb: 0-415-34813-7: £19.99

New in Paperback – Textbook

A decade of instability in the Balkan states of southeast Europe has given the region one of the worst images in world politics. The Balkans has become synonymous with chaos and extremism. Balkanization, meaning conflict arising from the fragmentation of political power, is a condition feared across the globe. This new text assesses the key issues of Balkan politics, showing how the development of exclusive nationalism has prevented the region’s human and material resources from being harnessed in a constructive way. It argues that the proximity of the Balkans to the great powers is the main reason for instability and decline. Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France and finally the USA had conflicting ambitions and interests in the region. Russia had imperial designs before and after the 1917 Revolution. The Western powers sometimes tolerated these or encouraged undemocratic local forces to exercise control in order to block further Soviet expansion. Leading authority Tom Gallagher examines the origins of these Western prejudices towards the Balkans, tracing the damaging effects of policies based on Western lethargy and cynicism, and reassesses the negative image of the region, its citizens, their leadership skills and their potential to overcome crucial problems. May 2005: 234x156: 336pp Pb: 0-415-37559-2: £19.99 Hb: 0-415-27089-8: £70.00

The Fall A Comparative Study of the End of Communism in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary and Poland Steven Saxonberg, Dalarna University, Sweden With a foreword by Seymour Lipset, Hoover Institution and George Mason University, USA The Fall examines one of the twentieth century’s great historical puzzles: why did the communist-led regimes in Eastern Europe collapse so quickly and why was the process of collapse so different from country to country? This major study explains why the impetus for change in Poland and Hungary came from the regimes themselves, while in Czechoslovakia and East Germany it was mass movements which led to the downfall of the regimes. October 2004: 234x156: 456pp Hb: 9-05823097-X: Price Pb: 0-415-36420-5: £20.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

New in Paperback

Developing a Constitution for Europe Edited by Erik O. Eriksen, John Erik Fossum and Agustín Menédez, all at the University of Oslo, Norway The European Union is presently at a crossroad. The prospect of enlargement has led to a project of comprehensive reform. Existing structures – originally designed for just six members – need to change. The Constitutional Convention has succeeded in forging a draft Treaty Establishing the Constitution for Europe but these developments raise fundamental issues of legitimacy and democratic accountability. This book aims to address the challenge of forging a legitimate Constitution for the EU and explores the questions: ´ does the EU need a constitution and, if so, what is to be constituted? ´ can such a constitution be made by a non-state entity? ´ how could the constitution be made and what is the role of the Convention on the Future of Europe? Developing a Constitution for Europe will interest students and researchers of European Politics. Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe

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May 2005: 234x156: 307pp Pb: 0-415-37534-7: £19.99 Hb: 0-415-32194-8: £70.00

Enlargement and the Nature of the Euro-Polity

The European Union and the Public Sphere

Norway outside the European Union

Edited by Helene Sjursen, University of Oslo, Norway

A Delibrative Democratic Perspective

Norway and European Integration from 1994 to 2004

Can the enlargement process help us to achieve a better understanding of the nature of the EU? In this book we ask what kind of understanding of the EU the enlargement process speaks to. Does it mainly suggest that the EU is a free market, focusing on potential economic gains? Does it indicate that there is a sense of common European identity, which guides the selection of candidates? Or is the focus primarily on securing respect for democratic principles and human rights? Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe March 2006: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-37657-2: £65.00

Making the European Polity Reflexive integration in the EU Edited by Erik O. Eriksen, University of Oslo, Norway Today’s Europe is marked by an amazing pace of integration and major changes have taken place within a short period of the time. The European Union now consists of 25 member states, however there is confusion and disagreement about its future design. This new text investigates how the European Union should develop and organize itself and offers a reflexive approach to integration based on the theory of communicative action. It conceives of the EU as a law based supranational polity lacking the identity of a people as well as the coercive means of a state and argues that it is a polity with an organized capacity to act, but no sole apex of authority. Making an important contribution to the theoretical discussions on the EU, these contributors explore a range of issues including legitimacy, post-national democracy and integration and provide in-depth analyses of social and tax policy, foreign policy, identity formation, the reform process and the constitutional effects of enlargement. This book will appeal to political scientists and particularly to students and researchers of European Politics. Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe August 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-36301-2: £65.00

Editied by Philip R. Schlesinger, University of Stirling, UK and John Erik Fossum, University of Oslo, Norway This is a new examination of the prospects for a ‘Citizens’ Europe’, with particular emphasis on the notion of a European public sphere. The European Union is often attacked with reference to its ‘democratic deficit’, namely its deficiencies in representation and representativeness, transparency, accountability, and support. This new book addresses these issues, showing how they reveal the absence of a viable European public sphere. It assesses the possible formation of a communicative space that could enable and engender the formation of a transnational or a supranational public. It also shows how a viable public sphere is a central precondition for democracy because it enables the elaboration of widespread public debate. This text lays emphasis on a ‘deliberative democratic’ perspective, a theoretical conception of democracy particularly well suited to discuss the question of the public sphere and how it relates to democracy. From this position the book addresses key questions: ´ what are the prospects for a European public sphere? ´ should we think in terms of a single public sphere, or are there good theoretical and empirical grounds to consider that overlapping public spheres are a more viable option? ´ what do our findings on the question of the public sphere tell us about the EU as a political entity? This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars of international politics, political discourse and of European democracy in particular. Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe January 2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 0-415-38456-7: £65.00

Clive Archer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK In November 1994 the Norwegian electorate rejected membership of the European Union. Archer examines the background to this decision both in terms of an expression of interests within Norway and in terms of national feeling. He then investigates the subsequent interaction between Norway and the EU through the European Economic Area (EEA) – which allowed Norway access to the EU’s markets; the Schengen agreement – dealing with justice and border matters and the Common Foreign and Security Policy. It includes discussion of policies that have had a particular effect on Norway, such as those of the gas directive, fisheries and the sale of alcohol and looks at how Norway has adapted itself to EU policy, noting the cases where the country has dug in its heels and when it has been acquiescent. This book will appeal to students and researchers with an interest in European integration and Nordic studies in general. Europe and the Nation State October 2004: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-28279-9: £70.00

The Geopolitics of Euro-Atlantic Integration Hans Mouritzen, Danish Institute of International Affairs and Anders Wivel, University of Copenhagen, Denmark This unique book looks at the impact of European integration – and, in particular, the institutional challenges it involves – from the perspective of the smaller member states. This is an important new contribution to the future of the Union, generating a fresh and constructive debate. Europe and the Nation State June 2005: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 0-415-28280-2: £55.00

Romania and the European Union From Marginalization to Membership?

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Dimitris Papadimitriou, University of Manchester, and David Phinnemore, Queens University, Belfast, UK This is a new overview of Romania’s relationship with the European Union since the collapse of the Ceausescu regime in 1989, and of its efforts to gain EU membership. It presents the reader with a clear sense of the debate, with full coverage of all the key issues involved. Europe and the Nation State December 2005: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 0-415-37326-3: £65.00

Switzerland and the European Union

Normative Foundations of the Welfare State

Welfare States and the Challenge of Unemployment

Edited by Clive H. Church, University of Kent, UK

The Nordic Experience

Edited by Jochén Clasen, University of Stirling, UK, Maurizio Ferrera, University of Pavia, Italy and Martin Rhodes, European University Institute, Italy

Europe and the Nation State May 2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 0-415-37199-6: £65.00

Economic and Monetary Union and Euro-outsiders The Fusion Perspective Lee Miles, University of Liverpool, UK Not only is this a comparative study of nation states’ policies towards one of the European Union’s leading policies, it tackles directly the challenges presented by the European project and its key monetary aspects. Europe and the Nation State August 2006: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 0-415-38020-0: £65.00

Welfare State Reform in Southern Europe Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal Edited by Maurizio Ferrera, University of Pavia, Italy This new study delivers a detailed analysis of the efforts being made to reduce poverty and social exclusion in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. After an initial discussion of the ‘southern model’ of the welfare state, the situation of each country is clearly illustrated. This book also discusses how the experience of southern Europe might bear upon the situation of the East European accession countries. This is excellent reading for those interested in social change across Europe and beyond. Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State February 2005: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 0-415-32409-2: £70.00

This is a sharp analysis of the unique Nordic welfare system with urgent lessons for governments and societies across the globe. Welfare programs and institutions tend to be analyzed as instrumental arrangements, overlooking the fact that welfare programs are essentially expressions of moral conceptions and values. This book recognises this distinction and offers analyses, perspectives and interpretations of the normative foundation of the ‘Nordic welfare state model’. Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State April 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-34943-5: £65.00

Regulating New Forms of Employment Local Experiments and Social Innovation in Europe Edited by Ida Regalia, University of Milan, Italy Using a comparative framework, this new volume focuses on how non-standard employment can be regulated in very different social, political and institutional settings. After surveying these new forms of work and the new demands for labour-market regulation, the authors identify possible solutions among locallevel actors and provide a detailed analysis of how firms assess the advantages and disadvantages of flexible forms of employment. The authors provide six detailed case studies to examine the successes and failures of experimental approaches and social innovation in various regions in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State August 2005: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 0-415-36056-0: £65.00

Post Industrial Welfare States Politics and Policies Edited by Klaus Armingeon, University of Berne, Switzerland, and Giuliano Bonoli, University of Fribourg, Switzerland This new study assesses the welfare state to deliver key questions and conclusions about its place in modern society. This book will be of great interest for all students and scholars of politics, sociology and the welfare state in particular. Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State December 2005: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 0-415-38072-3: £65.00

This book provides a systematic analysis of the changing profile of unemployment benefit systems across 12 European countries. December 2005: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 0-415-34898-6: £65.00

Metropolitan Governance in the 21st Century Capacity, Democracy and the Dynamics of Place Editied by Hubert Heinelt, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Daniel Kübler, University of Zurich, Switzerland This book offers a cross-national analysis of contemporary issues and challenges for the governing of urban regions. The case studies on Germany, Spain, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Finland, the UK, Switzerland, Australia, the US and Canada, place particular emphasis on the tensions building on metropolitan governing capacity and democratic legitimacy. The authors develop and use an analytical framework focused on the dynamics of place and make an original contribution to the debates on the nature of metropolitan governance. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science February 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-33778-X: £65.00

Health Governance in Europe Issues, Challenges, and Theories Edited by Monika Steffen, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France Health constitutes a core element of welfare states and a vital nerve in the trust relation between citizen and their governments. Focusing on the health sector, this book analyzes the closely interwoven relationship between the European Union and Member States. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of health, european integration and policy-making. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science March 2005: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-36452-3: £60.00

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This book demonstrates the range, depth and complexity of Switzerland’s developing relations with Europe and provides detailed and up-to-date information on Switzerland itself.

Nanna Kildal and Stein Kuhnle, both at University of Bergen, Norway

Democracy and the Role of Associations Political, Strutural and Social Contexts Edited by Sigrid Rossteutscher, University of Mannheim, Germany Voluntary associations have been presented as a solution to political apathy and cynicism towards representative democracy. The authors collected in this volume, however, argue that these claims require more robust substantiation and seek to critically examine the crucial link between the associative sector and the health of democracy. Focusing on the role of context and using diverse approaches and empirical material, they explore whether these associations in differing socio-political contexts actually undermine rather than reinvigorate democracy. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science March 2005: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 0-415-32548-X: £70.00

The Territorial Politics of Welfare Edited by Nicola McEwen, University of Edinburgh, UK and Luis Moreno, Unidad de Polticas Comparadas, Spain The Territorial Politics of Welfare considers, both empirically and theoretically, the relationship between state welfare and territorial politics from a European perspective. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science June 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-34859-5: £65.00

Delegation in Contemporary Democracies Edited by Dietmar Braun and Fabrizio Gilardi, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Written by leading specialists from Europe and the US, this unique text presents a unified view of political delegation, bringing together a wide range of literature to provide a complete and synthetic analysis of delegation in political systems. November 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-35343-2: £65.00

Cultural Diversity and European Integration

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Daniele Caramani, University of Birmingham, UK This book deals with the impact of the diversity of political cultures on European integration.The book includes several dimensions of cultural diversity: 1) ethnicity, language, religion, 2) regional, national, transnational identities, 3) state traditions and types of citizenship, 4) styles of participation, traditions of self-government, civicness. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science December 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-37467-7: £65.00

Governance and Democracy

Transnational European Union

Comparing National, European and International Experiences

Towards a Common Political Space

Edited by Arthur Benz, University of Hagen, Germany and Yannis Papadopoulos, University of Lausanne, Switzerland This volume explores the issues of governance and democratic legitimacy comparing different types of governance at national, European and international levels. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science December 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-36291-1: £65.00

Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies Edited by Katrin Voltmer, University of Leeds, UK Using a comparative approach, this book examines how political communication and the mass media have played a central role in the consolidation of democratic institutions around the globe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science December 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-33779-8: £60.00

Participatory Democracy and Political Participation Can Democracy Reform Bring Citizens Back In? Edited by Thomas Zittel, University of Mannheim, Germany and Dieter Fuchs, University of Stuttgart, Germany This volume examines a range of initiatives governments are exploring to reform the institutions and procedures of liberal democracy in order to provide more opportunities for political participation and bring citizens back in. February 2006: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-37186-4: £65.00

Government Formation Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases Edited by Rudy B. Andeweg, Leiden University, The Netherlands and Lieven De Winter, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belguim This comparative volume brings together a rational choice theory perspective and the empirical testing of these theories to study government formation. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science December 2006: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-35982-1: £65.00

Edited by Wolfram Kaiser, and Peter Starie, both at University of Portsmouth, UK This multi-disciplinary volume explores the importance of these structures, actors and relations for EU and European governance in the context of the theoretical debate about European integration in the social sciences. This book delivers: ´ Theoretical chapters examining and discussing the main conceptual perspectives to studying the transnational EU to provide a current overview. ´ Empirical case studies of transnationalism in practice on transnational party, trade union and police cooperation to transnational education policy-making and transnational consensusbuilding in EMU governance. Routledge Research in Transnationalism July 2005: 234x256: 228pp Hb: 0-415-36512-0: £65.00

The Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement Edited by James Anderson, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK, and Warwick Armstrong, Oxford University, UK This book reveals the processes of re-bordering and social change currently taking place in Europe and explores issues such as security, immigration, development, geopolitics, and changing social and political attitudes. Routledge Research in Transnationalism January 2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-33939-1: £65.00

Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe Convergence or Divergence? Edited by Bertrand Fort, ASEF, France and Douglas Webber, INSEAD, Singapore Apart from also providing a comprehensive issuebased overview of political integration in the past and present in the two regions, the volume would provide a useful reality check to integration theorists who have developed their theories based exclusively or largely on the analysis of the European case. Routledge/Warwick Studies in Globalisation November 2005: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 0-415-36747-6: £65.00

The Politics of Regional Identity Meddling with the Mediterranean Michelle Pace, University of Birmingham, UK The Politics of Regional Identity draws on the field of critical IR and critical geopolitics to examine both the theoretical and empirical manifestations of these changing geopolitical images and discourses. New International Relations August 2005: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-33396-2: £65.00

The Europeanization of National Environmental Policy Edited by Andrew J. Jordan, University of East Anglia, UK and Duncan Liefferink, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands The continuing development of the European Union (EU) is transforming policy and politics in its member countries, and possibly in an even larger number of potential members. This book offers a detailed investigation of the Europeanization of national environmental policy in ten western European countries since 1970. By blending state-of-the-art theories with fresh empirical material on the many manifestations of Europeanization, it sheds new light on the dynamics that are decisively reshaping national environmental policy. It also offers an original assessment of how far Europeanization has produced greater policy convergence in western Europe. Throughout, the approach taken is genuinely comparative, drawing on the insights provided by leading country specialists. Routledge Research in Environmental Politics November 2004: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 0-415-33941-3: £70.00

Governance Stories Mark Bevir, University of California, Berkeley, USA and Rod Rhodes, Australia National University, Canberra, Australia This book: ´ provides a theoretical defence of situated agency located in the historical context of British political science ´ compares their approach to British political science with others including, post-structural and institutional analysis ´ provides a general account of governance as the context for ethnographic analyses of governance in action ´ includes studies of the consumers of public services, the National Health Service, government departments and policy networks. Routledge Advances in European Politics October 2005: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 0-415-37660-2: £65.00

Women, Quotas and Politics Edited by Drude Dahlerup, University of Stockholm, Sweden This book offers the first global comparative analysis of the recent trend to introduce gender quotas in public elections to improve women’s representation in national parliaments and political institutions. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics October 2005: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 0-415-37549-5: £65.00

European Governance and the New European Commission

A Human Security Doctrine for Europe

Thomas Christiansen, European Institute of Public Administration, The Netherlands and Mark Gray, White & Case LLP, Belgium

Project, Principles, Practicalities

This book provides an excellent in-depth study of the European Commission. Using new conceptual and empirical work, the authors explores the links between the Commission and other European institutions, governments and administrations. Routledge Research in European Public Policy December 2005: 216x138: 208pp Hb: 0-415-15826-5: £65.00

Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey Edited by Faruk Birtek, Bogazici University, Turkey and Thalia Dragonas, University of Athens, Greece Citizenship and the Nation State in Greece and Turkey brings together papers on a transdisciplinary dialogue on nation formation in Greece and Turkey as successor states of the Ottoman Empire, and on aspects of civil society in the two countries. November 2004: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 0-415-34783-1: £70.00

European Union’s Mediterranean Enlargement Roderick Pace, University of Malta This book explores the attempts of Cyprus and Malta to negotiate membership of the EU from a comparative and ‘small state’ perspective. It provides an historical overview of Cypriot and Maltese relations with the European Union, analysing their political and economic aims for joining, the challenges that they face in doing so, the similarities and contrasts in their national perspectives and the way in which their applications are viewed and treated by the EU. Routledge Advances in European Politics August 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-34790-4: £65.00

A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity Stefania Panebianco, University of Catania, Italy

Edited by Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor, both at London School of Economics, UK This new study explores the actual needs of individual people in conflict areas, rather than using a conventional institutional or geo-political perspectives. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics July 2005: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 0-415-36745-X: £65.00

Governing Europe Discourse, Governmentality and European Integration William Walters, Carleton University, Canada and Jens Henrik Haahr, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark Governing Europe is the first book to systematically link Michel Foucault’s hypotheses on power and ‘governmentality’ with the study of European integration. Through a series of empirical encounters that spans the fifty-year history of European integration, it explores both the diverse political dreams that have framed means and ends of integration and the political technologies that have made ‘Europe’ a calculable, administrable domain. Routledge Advances in European Politics November 2004: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 0-415-32198-0: £60.00

The Politics of the European Union Enlargement Theoretical Approaches Edited by Frank Schimmelfennig, University of Mannheim, Germany and Ulrich Sedelmeier, Central European University, Hungray Developed and significantly expanded from a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, this volume draws on the insights from the recently emerging theoretically-informed literature on the EU’s eastern enlargement. Routledge Advances in European Politics June 2005: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 0-415-36129-X: £65.00

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership was formed in 1995 in Barcelona. In this volume, concepts of democracy, civil society, human rights and dialogue among civilizations in the Mediterranean region are addressed in the context of the new EuroMediterranean Partnership. November 2004: 241x164: 256pp Hb: 0-7146-5411-6: £65.00 Pb: 0-7146-8477-5: £19.99

For futher information on any of these books, please email: [email protected]

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Environmental Policy in Europe

The European Union and E-Voting (Electronic Voting)

The Changing Face of European Identity

International Relations in Europe

Edited by Alexander H. Trechsel, University of Geneva, Switzerland and Fernando Mendez, European University Institute, Italy

A Seven-Nation Study of the (Supra)National Attachments

Edited by Henrik Larsen and Tonny Brems Knudsen, both at University of Aarhus, Denmark

This is the first book to systematically evaluate e-voting from the wider European perspective. It focuses on the European experience, thereby raising key issues at the heart of the social sciences, legal scholarship and technology studies in a penetrating and interdisciplinary manner. It coincides with a crucial juncture for European integration in which the Convention on the Future of Europe and the 2004 Intergovernmental Conference will discuss measures to further democratize the EU. Routledge Advances in European Politics December 2004: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-32879-9: £70.00

European Union Neogiations Processes, Networks and Instiutions Edited by Ole Elgstrom and Christer Jonsson, both at Lund University, Sweden The EU policy process is dependent on negotiations as a mode of reaching agreements on, and implementing, common policies. The EU negotiations differ from traditional international negotiations in several respects and this book presents a detailed analysis of the processes while examining their distinguishing features. Routledge Advances in European Politics November 2004: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 0-415-34124-8: £65.00

Conflict and Change in EU Budgetary Politics Johannes Lindner, European Central Bank, Germany The book presents an interesting case study of the interplay between rules and conflict in the still evolving political system of the EU. Moreover, by identifying precise conditions for the occurrence of institutional change and by linking political performance of institutions to their stability the book makes a significant contribution to institutionalist research in social science.

Edited by Richard Robyn, Kent State University, USA Drawing upon systematic research using Q Methodology in seven countries – Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands and Sweden – this volume presents the results of the most extensive effort yet at cross-cultural, subjective assessment of national and supranational identity. The studies attempt to explain how the European Union, as the most visible experiment in mass national identity change in the contemporary world, influences how Europeans think about their political affiliations. Routledge Advances in European Politics August 2005: 234x156: 224pp: illus. 28 tables Hb: 0-415-34815-3: £70.00

Europeanizing Social Democracy? The Rise of the Party of European Socialists Simon Lightfoot, Liverpool John Moore’s University, UK Presenting a detailed explanation of party politics in the European Union, this new book uses the Party of European Socialists (PES) as a key case study, and tests the relevance of existing theoretical work on the meaning, significance, and prospects for realising other Europarties. Routledge Advances in European Politics August 2005: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-34803-X: £65.00

The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union An Empirical, Conceptual and Institutional Analysis John O’Brennan, University of Limerick, Ireland

Routledge Advances in European Politics

This book examines the Eastern expansion of the EU through a tripartite structure, developing an empirical, conceptual and institutional analysis to provide a rounded and substantive account of EU enlargement, with new theoretical insights.

October 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-35679-2: £65.00

Routledge Advances in European Politics

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December 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-36126-5: £65.00

Traditions, Perspectives and Destinations

This book examines the discipline of international relations in Europe. It presents the state of the art, focusing particularly on IR theory and theoretical debates in Western and Central European countries. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics December 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-35983-X: £65.00

Nationalist Movements and European Integration The Case of Catalonia Elisa Roller, University of Manchester, UK The major aim of the book is to examine the effect of the process of European integration on both regional goverments and nationalist/regionalist governments in Western Europe. Routledge Advances in European Politics December 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-34800-5: £65.00

Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy Edited by Sonia Lucarelli, University of Bologna, Italy, and Ian Manners, Malmö University, Sweden This book examines the values and principles that inform EU Foreign Policy, conveying an understanding of the EU as an international actor. This volume explores the implications of these values and principles on the process of the construction of the European Union identity. Routledge Advances in European Politics December 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-37136-8: £65.00

Policy Transfer in European Union Governance

Popular Protest in East Germany

Gibraltar, Identity and Empire

Regulating the Utilities

Gareth Dale, University of Swansea, UK

Edited by Simon J Bulmer, University of Manchester, UK, David Dolowitz, University of Liverpool, UK, Peter Humphreys, University of Manchester, UK and Stephen Padgett, University of Strathclyde, UK

An incisive new study of dissent and protest in the German Democratic Republic, focusing on the upheaval of 1989–1990.

This volume explores the influences which have helped created a Gibraltarian sense of identity, focusing on geographical; environmental; political; economic; ethnic and religious factors; as well as Britain’s imperial presence.

This book focuses on case studies from five EU states; Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium and Spain. Countries are selected to exemplify contrasting policy norms and institutional settings, and to include a range of policy “leaders” and “laggards”.

Routledge Advances in European Politics March 2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 0-415-37488-X: £65.00

Public Support for European Integration Rory Domm, European University Institute, Italy

Routledge Advances in European Politics

Routledge Advances in European Politics

March 2005: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 0-7146-5408-6: £65.00

October 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-34796-3: £65.00

Germany’s Foreign Policy Towards Poland and the Czech Republic

Territory and Terror

Ostpolitik Revisited

Jan Mansvelt-Beck, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Karl Cordell, University of Plymouth, UK and Stefan Wolff, University of Bath, UK This is a new exploration of how the events of the twentieth century still cast a shadow over relations between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Using social constructivism theory, it provides a comparative assessment of Germany’s postreunification relations with the Czech Republic and Poland within the framework of the contemporary alliance structure. This pioneering study will be of particular interest to students of European politics and international studies.

Conflicting Nationalisms in the Basque Country

Territory and Terror confronts the imagined and actual territorial dimensions of nationalism, shedding new light on the Basque conflict. The study provides a rich description of territoriality analysed from a comparative perspective and explores the relation between territoriality and regional differences in conflict intensity. Routledge Advances in European Politics December 2004: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 0-415-34814-5: £70.00

Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism

The broad consensus is that mass support for integration is largely a function of utilitarian, or payoff, calculations. This study instead demonstrates empirically that explanations of mass support for integration are complemented by the inclusion of variables that account for so-called “affective” or more emotive attitudes.

Routledge Advances in European Politics

The Northern Ireland Peace Process

Ferran Requejo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Routledge Advances in European Politics

Choreography and Theatrical Politics

March 2006 Hb: 0-415-36688-7: £65.00

Paul Dixon, University of Ulster, UK

This book addresses the issue of whether or not federalism be a fair and workable way of articulating multinational societies according to revised liberaldemocratic patterns.

Multilateralism, German Foreign Policy and Central Europe Claus Hofhansel, Rhode Island College, USA Multilateralism, German Foreign Policy and Central Europe focuses on German relations with the Czech Republic and Poland in order to investigate the changes and continuities in German foreign policy following the Cold War. This book analyzes the ‘high politics’ of German foreign policy towards Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic and Poland, focusing on the main diplomatic agreements negotiated after 1945. Routledge Advances in European Politics February 2005: 234x156: Hb: 0-415-36406-X: £65.00

May 2005: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 0-415-36974-6: £55.00

The Spanish Case

This innovative volume uses a theatrical metaphor to offer a clearer framework for capturing the complex and contradictory politics of peacemaking in Northern Ireland.

Routledge series in Regional and Federal Studies February 2005: 216x138: 168pp Hb: 0-415-34951-6: £65.00

Routledge Advances in European Politics April 2006: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-34860-9: £65.00

Kosovo The Politics of Identity and Space

Gibraltar British or Spanish? Peter Gold, University of the West of England, UK The year 2004 marked three hundred years since Britain took possession of Gibraltar, a rocky promontory at the foot of the Iberian Peninsula sometimes referred to as ‘The Rock’. Gibraltar: British or Spanish? provides a detailed study of the attempts that have been made by Spain, especially since 1984 when Britain and Spain signed an agreement to discuss the future of Gibraltar, to regain the sovereignty of ‘The Rock’, despite the wishes of the Gibraltarians. Routledge Advances in European Politics January 2005: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 0-415-34795-5: £70.00

Denisa Kostovicova, London School of Economics, UK This new study explores the construction of the national identity of Kosovo Albanians, after Slobodan Milosevic’s rise to power, through the lens of the province’s educational system. Routledge Advances in European Politics June 2005: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 0-415-34806-4: £65.00

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This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of European Union politics and policy, comparative public policy and political economy.

E. G. Archer, Glasgow, UK

Britain and the Balkans Carole Hodge, University of Glasgow, UK This book traces the evolution of British policy in former Yugoslavia, from the onset of war in Croatia and Bosnia to the NATO action in Kosovo and beyond, examining the underlying factors which have governed Britain’s Balkans policy. Routledge Advances in European Politics December 2005: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 0-415-29889-X: £60.00

The Politics of Slovakia Voters, Parties and Democracy 1989-2004 Karen Henderson, University of Leicester, UK This book presents detailed factual information about the Slovak political scene and explains the underlying domestic political dynamics in the Slovak Republic that first became an internationally recognised entity at the beginning of 1993. Routledge Advances in European Politics March 2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 0-415-33394-6: £60.00


Edited by Aleks Szecerbiak and Paul Taggart, both at the University of Sussex, UK A series of EU accession referendums were held in nine candidate countries, eight post-communist states and Malta, between March and September 2003. These referendums provide us with an excellent comparative opportunity to deepen our understanding of the European integration issue and how it interacts with domestic politics, and of the dynamics of referendums in general and referendums on the European issue in particular. This book therefore provides a set of focused comparisons between these different cases. Each of the individual chapters provides an authoritative analysis of the referendum campaign and outcome in each of the countries concerned by a leading specialist on the politics of that country. This book was previously published as a special issue of the journal West European Politics. January 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 0-415-36007-2: £60.00

Britain’s Policy Toward European Community

Evolving Loyalties

Harold Wilson and Britain’s World Role, 1964-1967

John K. Cox, Wheeling Jesuit University, USA

Helen Parr, London School of Economics, UK

A clear and concise introduction to contemporary Slovenia. It examines the country’s rapid transition from a collection of provinces in the southern part of the Habsburg Empire, to a republic within Yugoslavia, to an independent state and analyzes the major political and economic developments since 1991. The perfect introduction to one of Europe’s most fascinating nations.

Harold Wilson’s apparent volte-face on European Community membership in the autumn of 1966 has long puzzled commentators and Wilson’s colleagues alike. Based on interviews, private papers and recently released evidence from the National Archives, this book provides a fresh interpretation of Wilson’s policy towards the European Community.

Postcommunist States and Nations

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May 2005: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 0-415-27431-1: £55.00

The Balkans in the New Millennium In the Shadow of War and Peace Tom Gallagher, University of Bradford, UK This book examines the politics and international relations of the Balkans during a decade of mounting external involvement in its affairs. Tom Gallagher asks what evidence there is that lessons have been learned and applied as trans-Atlantic engagement with Balkan problems enters its second decade. His book identifies new problems: organized crime, demographic crises of different kinds, and the collapse of a strong employment base. page 14 – European Politics 2005-6

EU Enlargement and Referendums

Southern European Parliaments in Democracy Edited by Christina Leston-Bandeira, University of Hull, UK Southern European Parliaments in Democracy looks into the development of the parliaments of Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey since the mid-1980s. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies. Library of Legislative Studies June 2005: 234x 156: 256pp: 10 line drawings and 28 tables Hb: 0-415-35888-4: £60.00

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Merging with Labour Focus on Eastern Europe from 2005 Editor: Gunter Minnerup, University of New South Wales, Australia Volume 13, 2005, 3 issues Print ISSN 0965-156X Online ISSN 1469-3712

German Politics Editors: Kenneth Dyson, University of Bradford, UK; Charlie Jeffery, University of Edinburgh, UK; Stephen Padgett, Strathclyde University, UK; Thomas Saalfeld, University of Kent, UK Volume 14, 2005, 4 issues Print ISSN 0964-4008 Online ISSN 1743-8993

Irish Political Studies Editors: Gary Murphy, Dublin City University, Ireland; Jon Tonge, University of Salford, UK Volume 20, 2005, 4 issues Print ISSN 0790-7184 Online ISSN 1743-9078

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Journal of European Integration

South European Society & Politics

Editor: Emil Kirchner, University of Essex, UK

Editors: Susannah Verney, University of Athens, Greece

Volume 27, 2005, 4 issues

Volume 10, 2005, 3 issues

Print ISSN 0703-6337

Print ISSN 1360-8746 Online ISSN 1743-9612

Journal of European Public Policy Editor: Jeremy Richardson, University of Oxford, UK

Editor: Barry Rubin, Global Research in International Affairs Center, Israel

Volume 12, 2005, 6 issues per year

Volume 6, 2005, 3 issues

Print ISSN 1350-1763 Online ISSN 1466-4429

Print ISSN 1468-3849 Online ISSN 1743-9663

Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans

West European Politics

Editor: Vassilis Fouskas, Kingston University, UK Volume 7, 2005, 3 issues Print ISSN 1461-3190

Editors: Klaus Goetz, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK; Peter Mair, University of Leiden, Netherlands; Gordon Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Mediterranean Politics

Volume 28, 2005, 5 issues

Editor: Richard Gillespie, University of Liverpool, UK

Print ISSN 0140-2382 Online ISSN 1743-9655

Volume 10, 2005, 3 issues Print ISSN 1362-9395 Online ISSN 1743-9418

Southeast European and Black Sea Studies

Editors: Spyros Sofos, Kingston University, UK; Brian Jenkins, University of Leeds, UK; Jeremy Leaman and Martha Wˆrsching, both at University of Loughborough, UK

Editors: Franz-Lothar Altmann, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Germany; Theodore Couloumbis, University of Athens, Greece; Shireen Hunter, CSIS, USA; Thanos Veremis, Tufts University, USA; Susan Woodward, The City University of New York, USA

Volume 13, 2005, 3 issues

Volume 5, 2005, 3 issues

Print ISSN 1478-2804 Online ISSN 1478-2790

Turkish Studies

Print ISSN 1468-3857 Online ISSN 1743-9639

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Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe



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