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Thesis to Get Master Degree at Master Program on Environmental Science Postgraduate Program Udayana University




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First Supervisor

Second Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Redi Aryanta, M.Sc. NIP. 19431011 196902 1 001

Dr. Takahiro Osawa

Knowing, Chief of Master Program of Environmental Science Postgraduate Program Udayana University

Director of Postgraduate Program Udayana University

Prof. Ir. M. Sudiana Mahendra, MAppSc, PhD. NIP. 19561102 198303 1 001

Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S(K) NIP. 19590215 198510 2 001


The Decree of Examiner Committee

This Thesis Has Been Examined On July 13, 2011

The examiner committees, based on letter of agreement from Rector Udayana University, No: 1208/UN.14.4/HK/2011

Head of Examiner: Dr. Takahiro Osawa Members


Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Redi Aryanta, M.Sc Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Kasa, M.Rur.Sc Prof. Dr. N.K. Mardani, M.S Dr. Ir. I Wayan Arthana, M.S



First of all, the author would like to express sincere gratitude to the Almighty God, Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa for the Great, Kindness and Blessing so that this thesis entitled: “Estimation of Fish Production Around Indonesia Archipelago using Satellite Data” could be completed. In this opportunity, the author would like to acknowledge: 1.

Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S(K) as Director of Postgraduate Program Udayana University


Dr. Takahiro Osawa, as first supervisor, for helping, guiding, supporting and providing many information and literatures for the author, until the completion of this thesis.


Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Redi Aryanta, M.Sc. as second supervisor for helping, supporting and providing many information and literatures for the author until the completion of this thesis.


Prof. Ir. M. Sudiana Mahendra, MAppSc, PhD as chief of Master Program of Environmental Study Udayana University


Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Kasa, M.Rur.Sc, Prof. Dr. N.K. Mardani, M.S, and Dr. Ir. I Wayan Arthana, M.S as examiners, for spending time to criticize and give feedback for improvement of this thesis.


Prof. Yasuhiro Sugimori who is gives all the kindness and support for the author.


The author’s families and all friends who pray, help, support, and give many information and literatures for the author until the completion of this thesis. The author realizes that this thesis needs improvement, so the author

would appreciate any criticisms and suggestions from the readers.

Denpasar, July 2011 Author



ESTIMATION OF FISH PRODUCTION AROUND INDONESIA ARCHIPELAGO USING SATELLITE DATA Indonesia as an archipelagic country has the potentiality of a huge fishery resources and high biodiversity. Fish resources in the waters can be estimated by knowing the content of the primary production (PP) of these waters. The aims of the research are to estimate the variability of environment parameter (SST and Chl-a concentration) and to estimate of PP and fish production (FP), derived from satellite around Indonesia Archipelago. The research was conducted in nine of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area from 2004 to 2006. The PP was calculated by Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM), which was introduced by Behrenfeld and Falkowski (1997a). The model introduced by Pauly and Christensen (1995) calculated the FP. The estimation of FP from model was compared to the FP data from the Department of Marine and Fisheries Resources of Indonesia. In the territorial waters of Indonesia Archipelago the highest variations of average SST and Chl-a was estimated at Arafuru Sea, whereas the lowest variation was estimated at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean. The total annual fish production from the model showed the highest and the lowest values were estimated at Indian Ocean (1,614,135.44 tons) and Malacca Strait (268,305.64 tons), respectively. On the other hand, the total annual fish production from Department of Marine and Fisheries Resources of Indonesia showed the highest and the lowest values were estimated at Java Sea (850,151 tons) and Banda Sea (198,078 tons), respectively. The highest correlation between fish production from satellite data and the data from Department of Marine and Fisheries Resources of Indonesia was found at Arafuru Sea with R = 0.97. The nine fisheries areas of Indonesia during 2004 to 2006 were categorized as fully until over exploited fishing zone.

Keywords: Primary Production, Fish Production, Indonesia Fisheries Management Area



ESTIMASI PRODUKSI IKAN DI WILAYAH KELAUTAN INDONESIA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN DATA SATELIT Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memiliki potensi sumberdaya ikan yang sangat besar dan keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi. Sumber daya ikan pada suatu perairan dapat di estimasi dengan mengetahui kandungan produktivitas primer perairan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkirakan variabilitas parameter lingkungan (suhu permukaan laut dan konsentrasi Chl-a) di seluruh Kepulauan Indonesia melalui data satelit dan untuk memperkirakan produksi primer dan produksi ikan di seluruh Kepulauan Indonesia. Lokasi data penelitian mencakup seluruh wilayah perairan laut Indenesia yang meliputi sembilan Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia (WPPI), dari tahun 2004 sampai 2006. Untuk menghitung produktifitas primer digunakan Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) yang diperkenalkan oleh Behrenfeld and Falkowski (1997a), sedangkan untuk menghitung produksi ikan digunakan fish production model yang diperkenalkan oleh Pauly dan Christensen (1995). Estimasi produksi ikan hasil perhitungan dibandingkan dengan data produksi ikan yang didapat dari Departemen Perikanan dan Kelautan Indonesia. Dari seluruh wilayah perairan laut Indenesia Variasi rata-rata SST dan chl-a tertinggi diperkirakan di wilayah Laut Arafuru, sedangkan variasi terendah diperkirakan di wilayah Laut Sulawesi dan samudra Fasifik. Produksi ikan total tahunan dari model menunjukkan nilai tertinggi diperkirakan di Samudera Hindia (1.614.135,44 tons) dan terendah diperkirakan di Selat Malaka (268.305,64 tons). Di sisi lain, produksi ikan total tahunan dari Departemen Perikanan dan Kelautan menunjukkan nilai tertinggi dan terendah masing-masing diperkirakan di wilayah Laut Jawa (850.151 tons) dan Laut Banda (198.078 tons). Korelasi antara produksi ikan data satelit dan data Departemen Perikanan dan Kelautan Indonesia tertinggi ditemukan di Wilayah Laut Arafuru dengan R = 0,97. Sembilan wilayah pengelolaan perikanan Indonesia selama tahun 2004 sampai 2006 dikategorikan sebagai zona penangkapan ikan yang tereksploitasi penuh sampai berlebihan.

Kata kunci: Produktifitas Primer, Produksi Ikan, Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia


SUMMARY ANAK AGUNG AYU PUTRININGSIH. 2011. Estimation of Fish Production

around Indonesia Archipelago using Satellite Data. First supervisor : Dr. Takahiro Osawa and Second Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Redi Aryanta, M.Sc As a maritime state, Indonesia is rich in fish in term of quantity and variety. The country's maximum sustainable yield of sea fish is estimated at 6.4 million tons per year, spreading in nine major maritime zones. Fish production and hence fisheries yields depend on production of plankton and there is a largescale relationship between the satellite view of ocean colors, the production of zooplankton and the average annual landings of fish species. Pauly and Christensen (1995) described that there is a high correlation between primary production and Fish abundance and attempt to obtain a more accurate estimate of the primary production required to sustain the world fisheries catches. This research focused on how is the variability of environment parameters (SST and Chlorophyll-a concentration) around Indonesia Archipelago derived from satellite data and how is the estimation of primary production and fishery production around Indonesia Archipelago. This studies in around Indonesia Archipelago from 2004 to 2006. Monthly average of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a data are derived from Aqua MODIS satellite. To know the seasonal variation of environment parameters, the satellite data were processed using SeaDAS software to have the average value of the each parameter in each month. Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) purposed by Behrenfeld and Falkowski (1997) is employ to estimate the depth integrated primary production from surface to the euphotic depth, parameters inputted to the model were derived from satellite data. Fish production was estimated using modified primary production required model purposed by Pauly and Christensen (1995). The comparing fish production estimation from the model with fish catch data has conducted to know the utilization rate of fish resources in around Indonesia Archipelago (9 fisheries management areas) catch data were provide by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.


The annual Chl-a in Indonesia nine fishing areas show high values in August and become lower values in January. The annual mean of highest Chl-a was estimated at Arafuru Sea in August 2005. Meanwhile lower mean chlorophyll-a was estimated at Banda Sea in May 2006. The highest SST was estimated in January and the lowest in August. The highest average SST was estimated at Malacca Strait in April 2004. Meanwhile lowest average was estimated at Arafuru Sea in August 2006. Monthly the patterns of SST and Chl-a in Indonesia are influence by geographical status, monsoon patterns, ENSO and IOD event (Susanto et al., 2006) which they showed that ocean color variability in the Indonesian Seas will also be strongly influenced by the ENSO phenomenon. Estimation of Primary Production (PP) in nine fishing areas show the highest PP was estimated at Arafuru Sea on August 2005. The lowest PP was estimated at Banda Sea in May 2006. The highest mean monthly of fish production also estimated at Arafuru Sea area and the lowest at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean. Primary Production has high relationships with chlorophyll-a. The high correlations indicate that the areas with highly chl-a concentration produce higher PP. The validation results showed the fish production from VGPM was higher than the FP from DKP data in South Chinese Sea, Banda Sea, Seram Sea, Tomini Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Pacific Ocean, Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Arafuru Sea and Indian Ocean. On the other hand, the three areas such as Malacca Strait, Java Sea and Makassar Strait showed the lower FP from the model than from the FP from DKP data. The total annual fish production from model that showed the highest and the lowest values was estimated at Indian Ocean (1,614,135.44 tons) and Malacca Strait (268,305.64 tons), respectively. On the other hand, the total annual fish production from DKP that showed the highest and the lowest values was estimated at Java Sea (850,151 tons) and Banda Sea (198,078 tons), respectively. The highest correlation between fish production from satellite data and the data from DKP was estimated at Arafuru Sea with R = 0.97. The 9 fisheries area of Indonesia during 2004 to 2006 were categorized as fully until over exploited fishing zone.



Page COVER ............................................................................................................... i PREREQUISTIE ............................................................................................... ii SUPERVISOR AGREEMENT SHEET .......................................................... iii THE DECREE OF EXAMINER COMMITTEE ............................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. v ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... vi ABSTRAK........................................................................................................ vii SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... viii LIST OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xiii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ xvii LIST OF APPENDIXES............................................................................... xviii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1 1.1 Background .................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problems Formula .......................................................................... 5 1.3 Aims and Objectives ...................................................................... 5 1.4 Benefit of the Research .................................................................. 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................... 6 2.1 Indonesian Archipelago .................................................................. 6 2.1.1 Territorial Waters ................................................................. 6 2.1.2 Exclusive Economic Zone .................................................... 7 2.2 Fisheries Management Area of the Republic Indonesia................... 7 2.2.1 Malacca Strait ...................................................................... 8 2.2.2 South China Sea ................................................................... 9 2.2.3 Java Sea ............................................................................. 10 2.2.4 Makassar Strait and Flores Sea ........................................... 10 2.2.5 Banda Sea .......................................................................... 11 2.2.6 Seram Sea and Tomini bay ................................................. 11 2.2.7 Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean ......................................... 12 2.2.8 Arafuru Sea ........................................................................ 12 2.2.9 Indian Ocean from West Sumatera to South Nusa Tenggara Timur ................................................................. 13 2.3 Remote Sensing ........................................................................... 14


2.3.1 MODIS .............................................................................. 15 2.3.2 SeaWiFS ............................................................................ 16 2.4 Primary Production ...................................................................... 17 2.4.1 Chlorophyll-a ..................................................................... 17 2.4.2 Photosynthetically Available Radiation .............................. 18 2.4.3 Sea Surface Temperature .................................................... 18 CHAPTER III FRAME WORK OF RESEARCH ......................................... 20 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 22 4.1 Research Area .............................................................................. 22 4.2 Data Source.................................................................................. 22 4.3 Research Instruments ................................................................... 23 4.4 Calculation of Primary Production ............................................... 23 4.5 Estimation of Fish Production (FP) .............................................. 25 CHAPTER V RESULTS ................................................................................. 27 5.1 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions ............................................ 27 5.1.1 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006.............................................................. 27 5.1.2 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions in South Chinese Sea from 2004 to 2006 .......................................... 30 5.1.3 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 ...................................................................... 33 5.1.4 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006 ............................. 36 5.1.5 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006.............................................................. 39 5.1.6 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006 .......................................... 42 5.1.7 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006................................. 45 5.1.8 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006.............................................................. 48 5.1.9 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006.............................................................. 51 5.2 Estimation of Primary Production and Fish Production in 9 Fisheries Management Areas of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006. .... 56 5.2.1 Primary Production and Fish Production from Satellite....... 56 5.2.2 Validation of Fish Production from Satellite and Observation Data ............................................................... 66 CHAPTER VI DISCUSSIONS........................................................................ 70 6.1 Variability of Chl-a and SST ........................................................ 70 6.1.1 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait ................... 70 6.1.2 Variability of Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea ............. 71 6.1.3 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Java Sea ............................ 72


6.1.4 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea .......................................................................... 73 6.1.5 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea ......................... 75 6.1.6 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay .................................................................................... 76 6.1.7 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean .............................................................. 77 6.1.8 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea ....................... 78 6.1.9 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST at Indian Ocean ........ 79 6.1.10 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST around Indonesia Archipelago ....................................................... 80 6.2 Estimation of Primary Production and Fish Production ................ 82 CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 85 7.1 Conclusions ................................................................................. 85 7.2 Suggestions .................................................................................. 86 REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 87 APPENDIXES .................................................................................................. 91



Page Table 2.1. Specification of MODIS .................................................................... 16 Table 4.1 Data Source in Detail ......................................................................... 23 Table 5.1. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006 ........................................ 57 Table 5.2. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in South China Sea from 2004 to 2006 ..................................... 58 Table 5.3. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 ................................................. 59 Table 5.4. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006 ............... 60 Table 5.5. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006 .............................................. 61 Table 5.6. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006 .................... 62 Table 5.7. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006 ............. 63 Table 5.8. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006 ............................................ 64 Table 5.8. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006 .......................................... 65 Table 5.9. Comparison between Fish Production from satellite and Fish Production from DKP (from 2004 to 2006) ...................................... 67


LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Area of Indonesia Archipelago (Wikipedia. 2008b) ............................. 1 Figure 1.2 Nine Fishing Area in Indonesia Archipelago (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2001).................................................................................. 2 Figure 2.1 Nine Fisheries Management Area of the Indonesia (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2001) ................................................................. 8 Figure 3.1. Frame Work ..................................................................................... 20 Figure 4.1 Research Area in 9 fisheries management areas of Indonesia (Bakosurtanal, 2006)........................................................................ 22 Figure 5.1 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2004) ........... 28 Figure 5.2 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2005) ......... 29 Figure 5.3 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2006) ........... 30 Figure 5.4 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (from 2004 to 2006) ....................... 30 Figure 5.5 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (February and August 2004)..... 31 Figure 5.6 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (February and August 2005)..... 32 Figure 5.7 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (from February and August 2006) ............................................................................................... 33 Figure 5.8 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (from 2004 to 2006) ................. 33 Figure 5.9 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (February and August 2004) .................... 34 Figure 5.10 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (from February and August 2005) .......... 35 Figure 5.11 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (February and August 2006) .................. 36 Figure 5.12 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 ................................. 36 Figure 5.13 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2004) ................................................................................... 37 Figure 5.14 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2005) ................................................................................... 38 Figure 5.15 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2006) ................................................................................... 39 Figure 5.16 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006 ................................................................................................ 39 Figure 5.17 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2004) ............... 40 Figure 5.18 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2005) ............... 41


Figure 5.19 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2006) ............... 42 Figure 5.20 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006 .............................. 42 Figure 5.21 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2004) ................................................................................... 43 Figure 5.22 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2005) ................................................................................... 44 Figure 5.23 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2006) ................................................................................... 45 Figure 5.24 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006 .................................................................................... 45 Figure 5.25 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi sea- Pacific Ocean (February and August 2004) ................................................................................... 46 Figure 5.26 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean (February and August 2005) ............................................................................ 47 Figure 5.27 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi sea-Pacific Ocean (February and August 2006) ................................................................................... 48 Figure 5.28 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea- Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006 ........................................................................... 48 Figure 5.29 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2004) ............. 49 Figure 5.30 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2005) ............. 50 Figure 5.31 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2006) ............. 51 Figure 5.32 Variability of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2005 ...... 51 Figure 5.33 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2004) ........... 52 Figure 5.34 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2005) ........... 53 Figure 5.35 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2006) ........... 54 Figure 5.36 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006 ................................................................................................ 54 Figure 5.37 Variability of Chl-a in All Regions from 2004 to 2006 .................... 55 Figure 5.38 Variability of SST at All Regions from 2004 to 2006 ...................... 55 Figure 5.39 Standard Deviations of SST and Chl-a at All Regions from 2004 to 2006 ............................................................................................ 56 Figure 5.40 Estimation the patterns of primary production and fish production at Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006............................... 57 Figure 5.41. The estimation variability of primary production and fish production at South China Sea from 2004 to 2006 ........................... 58 Figure 5.42 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 ..... 59


Figure 5.43 Estimation patterns of primary production and fish production at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006 ........................... 60 Figure 5.44 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006 ................................................................................................ 61 Figure 5.45 Estimation patterns of primary production and fish production at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006 ................................ 62 Figure 5.46 Estimation of PP and FP at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006 ........................................................................... 63 Figure 5.47 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006 ................................................................................................ 64 Figure 5.48 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006 ................................................................................................ 65 Figure 5.49 Estimation of PP in all regions from 2004 to 2006 .......................... 66 Figure 5.50 Estimation of FP in all regions from 2004 to 2006 ........................... 66 Figure 5.51. Comparison between Estimation FP from Satellite Data and FP from DKP Data in 9 Fisheries Management Area of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006 ........................................................................... 68 Figure 5.52. Correlation FP from Satellite Data and FP from DKP Data in 9 Fisheries Management Area of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006 ........... 69






Degree Celcius American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer


Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional




Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan


Exclusive Economic Zone


Earth Observing System


Fish Biomass


Fish Production


Hierarchical Data Format


Indonesia Trough Flow


Multiangle Imaging Spectro Radiometer


Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Photo synthetically Available Radiation


Primary Production


SeaWiFS Data Analysis System


Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor


Sea Surface Height


Sea Surface Temperature


Tropic Level


Vertically Generalized Production Model


LIST OF APPENDIXES Page Appendix 1 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2004............................................................................ 92 Appendix 2 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2005............................................................................ 93 Appendix 3 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2006............................................................................ 94 Appendix 4 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Malacca Strait (2004-2006) ..................................................................................... 95 Appendix 5 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2004 ............................................................... 96 Appendix 6 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2005 ............................................................... 97 Appendix 7 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2006 ............................................................... 98 Appendix 8 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in South Chinese Sea (2004 - 2006) ........................................................................... 99 Appendix 11 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Java Sea from January to December 2006.............................................................................. 102 Appendix 12 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Java Sea (20042006) ............................................................................................. 103 Appendix 13 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2004 .............................................. 104 Appendix 14 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2005 .............................................. 105 Appendix 15 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2006 .............................................. 106 Appendix 16 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (2004-2006) ........................................................... 107 Appendix 17 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2004.............................................................................. 108 Appendix 18 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2005.............................................................................. 109 Appendix 19 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2006.............................................................................. 110


Appendix 20 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Banda Sea (2004 - 2006) ................................................................................. 111 Appendix 21 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini Bay from January to December 2004 ................................. 112 Appendix 22 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini Bay from January to December 2005 ................................. 113 Appendix 23 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini from January to December 2006 .................................................... 114 Appendix 24 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini (2004-2006)............................................................. 115 Appendix 25 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pasifik Ocean from January to December 2004 ......................................... 116 Appendix 26 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pasifik Ocean from January to December 2005 ......................................... 117 Appendix 27 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from January to December 2006 ......................................... 118 Appendix 28 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean (2004-2006) ...................................................... 119 Appendix 29 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2004.............................................................................. 120 Appendix 30 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2005.............................................................................. 121 Appendix 31 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2006.............................................................................. 122 Appendix 32 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Arafuru Sea (2004-2006) ................................................................................... 123 Appendix 33 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2004.......................................................................... 124 Appendix 34 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2005.......................................................................... 125 Appendix 35 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2006.......................................................................... 126 Appendix 36 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Indian Ocean (2004-2006) ................................................................................... 127



1.1 Background Indonesia as an archipelago country (also known as a maritime country) has very large waters, where 75% from the Indonesian area is sea waters with the length of shores reaches 81,000 km. The total maritime area of Indonesia is 5,800,000 km2, with Archipelago Water Territory Wide is 2,300,000 km2, territorial sea of Indonesia is 800,000 km2 and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 2,700,000 km2 (DKP, 2007). If compare with other countries, the width of Indonesian waters constitutes a second largest after USA. The area of Indonesia Archipelago shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Area of Indonesia Archipelago (Wikipedia. 2008b)

As a maritime state, Indonesia is rich in fish in term of quantity and variety. The country's maximum sustainable yield of sea fish is estimated at 6.4 million tons per year, spreading in nine major maritime zones. The potency



includes demersal and pelagic fish catch, sea cultured fishery, brackish cultivated fish, and marine biotechnological fish as well as fresh-water cultured fish (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, 2007). Indonesia Sea within Indonesian archipelago is divided into 9 fisheries management areas or WPP (Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan). The 9 fisheries management areas in Indonesia Archipelago could be shown in Figure 1.2. Those WPP’s are area 1 is Malacca Strait, area 2 is South China Sea, Area 3 is Java Sea, Area 4 are Flores Sea and Makassar Strait, Area 5 is Banda Sea, Area 6 are Seram Sea and Tomini bay, Area 7 are Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean, Area 8 is Arafuru Sea and finally, Area 9 is Indian Ocean from West Sumatera to South Nusa Tenggara Timur (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2001).

Figure 1.2 Nine Fishing Area in Indonesia Archipelago (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2001)


The realization of national fishery production on the average of only 45%, or about 3 million tons per year. Indonesia is not yet able to fully exploit its marine resources for being behind in technology and skills. Indonesia could only produce 6.7 million tons of sea fish including 2.3 million tons from the 2.7 million km2, exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In 2000, sea fish production was 4.06 million tons or 60.6% of the annual sustained yield.

The efforts to use

archipelago fishery resources optimize in fact still face many obstacles, such as fund (capital) problems, catching techniques, cultivation (technology and skills): processing technology; and providing fish catching boat fleet (SIPUK - Bank Sentral Republik Indonesia, 2007). Beside technological constraint caught, level of exploiting of fishery resource still be low, especially, because minim information of season time catches and fish arrest area. Researches about oceanic and fishery increasingly improved in optimal business of exploiting of sea resource. Research of primary production in ocean becomes of vital importance, because can give much information required. Primary production is the production of organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic carbon dioxide, principally through the process of photosynthesis, with chemosynthesis being much less important. All life on earth is directly or indirectly reliant on primary production. The organisms responsible for primary production are known as primary producers or autotroph, and form the base of the food chain (Wikipedia, 2008c)


Fish production and hence fisheries yields depend on production of plankton and there is a large-scale relationship between the satellite view of ocean colors, the production of zooplankton and the average annual landings of fish species. Pauly and Christensen (1995) described that there is a high correlation between primary production and Fish abundance and attempt to obtain a more accurate estimate of the primary production required to sustain the world fisheries catches. The primary production can be calculated from Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST), and all of these parameters can be derived from satellite data. Recently, the most technology used to help finding the high probability area for fishing activity is remote sensing technology and acoustic technology. Based on the specification of the instrument, present remote sensing technology enable to detect the sea surface chlorophyll-a using an ocean color satellite such as SeaWiFS and Terra and Aqua MODIS, detect the sea surface temperature (SST; using thermal infrared satellite such as NOAA and MODIS), detect the sea surface height (SSH ; Satellite Topex Poseidon and Jason), detect speed and direction of surface current, detect speed and direction of wind, while the acoustic technology (fish finder or echo sounder) that usually installed on fishing vessel can detect fish shoaling at the water column and also can use to detect the topography shape and depth of ocean (NASA, 2007 ).


1.2 Problems Formula 1.

How much is the variability of environment parameters (SST and Chl-a concentration) around Indonesia Archipelago derived from satellite data?


How much is the estimation of primary production and fish production around Indonesia Archipelago?

1.3 Aims and Objectives 1. To estimate the variability of environment parameter (SST and Chl-a concentration) around Indonesia Archipelago derived from satellite. 2. To estimate of primary production and fish production around Indonesia Archipelago 1.4 Benefit of the Research 1. To give new information about the variability of environment parameters (SST and Chl-a concentration) around Indonesia Archipelago. 2. To give the information about estimation of primary production and fish production in Indonesia Archipelago.


2.1 Indonesian Archipelago Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world with more than 17,500 islands. Indonesia has a total maritime area of 5,800,000

km2, with

Archipelago Water Territory Wide is 2,300,000 km2, territorial sea of Indonesia is 800,000 km2 and Exclusive Economic Zone is 2,700,000 km2, the length of coastline is more than 81,000 km (DKP, 2007), expected to be a substantial economic mover in the years to come, particularly to help accelerate economic recovery and simultaneously improve the people's welfare (Pramono, 2008). 2.1.1 Territorial Waters Territorial waters, or a territorial sea, as defined by the


Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), is a belt of coastal waters extending at most twelve nautical miles from the baseline (usually the mean lowwater mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below. The term "territorial waters" is also sometimes used informally to described any area of water over which a state has jurisdiction, including also internal waters, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and potentially the continental shelf. A state's territorial sea extends up to 12 nautical miles (22 km) from its baseline. If this would overlap with another state's



territorial sea, the border is taken as the median point between the states' baselines, unless the states in question agree otherwise. A state can also choose to claim a smaller territorial sea (Wikipedia, 2008d). 2.1.2 Exclusive Economic Zone Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a sea zone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources. An exclusive economic zone extends for 200 nautical miles (370 km) beyond the baselines of the territorial sea, thus it includes the territorial sea and its contiguous zone. A coastal nation has control of all economic resources within its exclusive economic zone, including fishing, mining, oil exploration, and any pollution of those resources (Wikipedia, 2008a).

2.2 Fisheries Management Area of the Republic Indonesia The Fisheries Management Area of the Republic Indonesia or WPP-RI (Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Republik Indonesia), which is a fishery management area for fishing, marine culture, conservation, research and development of the fishery that includes archipelago waters, territorial sea, additional zones, and exclusive economic zone of Indonesia. The Fisheries Management Area of the Republic Indonesia is divided into 9 areas, namely (1) Malacca Strait; (2) South China Sea; (3) Java Sea; (4) Flores Sea and Makassar Strait; (5) Banda Sea; (6) Seram Sea and Tomini bay; (7) Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean; (8) Arafuru Sea and (9) Indian Ocean from West Sumatera to


South Nusa Tenggara Timur. The 9 Fisheries Management Area of the Indonesia are shown in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 Nine Fisheries Management Area of the Indonesia (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2001)

2.2.1 Malacca Strait The Strait of Malacca is a narrow, 805 km (500 mile) stretch of water between Peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) and the Indonesian island of Sumatra (Wikipedia, 2009c). Waters of the Malacca is part of the Sunda Expose the relatively shallow. In the most narrow, the depth approximately 30 m and wide 35 km, the depth a gradual increase to 100 m before the Andaman Sea Continental slope. This passage in the basic flow pasut very strong case, and make sand ripples of the same, with the peak / end direction of the flow is pasut. The flow patterns and water mass circulation dominant flow from south to north in the two different seasons. However in the north (the width) of the strait in the


east of this is influenced by the mass of water from the Indian Ocean (Wyrtky, 1961) The water temperature range of Malacca strait is almost the same found in the homogeneous layer is found at 29oC for southwest monsoon and decreased up to 24oC in July-August at the time of the occurrence of upwelling is high. While salinity can occur with the annual maximum value, while the minimum value of a limited season. Salinity below 30.0 ‰ is not visible from April until September, but the salinity above 31.5 ‰ may occur during the year (Masrikat, 2003). The potential fishery resources that are in the waters of the Malacca is more dominated by a group of small pelagic fish and demersal fish with the potential of each 119.60 million tons and 82.40 million tons. Potential long-held about 0.24 million tons per year to the level of utilization of 135% (Boer et al., 2001). 2.2.2 South China Sea Geographically, the South China Sea has both a strategic review of resources and in terms of shipping traffic and have the border with Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. According to SCS, 1979; Cholik et al. (1995) in DKP 2006, the South China Sea is the Sunda shelf is relatively shallow with an average water depth of 70 m, because of the relatively flat and water productivity is strongly influenced by season. Around a third of the wide, including in territorial waters of Indonesia and EEZ. Area of the South China Sea signed in the Indonesia region estimated around 595,000 km2. With tropical climate and high


rainfall, the water has an ecosystem with high fish species diversity. Resources are abundant, especially groups small pelagic fish, demersal and penaeid shrimp. 2.2.3 Java Sea The Java Sea is a large shallow sea on the Sunda Shelf about 320,000 km². The Java Sea lies between the Indonesian islands of Borneo to the north, Java to the south; Sumatra to the west, and Sulawesi to the east. Karimata Strait to its northwest links it to the South China Sea. The environmental conditions are controlled by a monsoon cycle. Fishing is an important economic activity in the Java Sea. There are over 3,000 species of marine life in the area. The total catch of pelagic fish was estimated at 485,000 tons in 1991, captured in an area representing 7% of the marine territory of Indonesia (Potier and Sadhotomo, 1995 in Nugroho, 1995). 2.2.4 Makassar Strait and Flores Sea Makassar Strait is the region that has the characteristics of the habitat that is very specific with the complexity of the problems that are relatively high in terms of management of fishery resources (DKP, 2006) Potential fishery resources in Makassar Strait (the western part of South Sulawesi) are estimated to 307,380 tons per year and in Flores Sea (the southern part of South Sulawesi) is estimated to 168,780 tons per year. Thus the waters of Makassar and the Flores Sea into waters of the region is very important for the attention of quite serious, especially related to the exploitation of the fishery production and marketing (DKP, 2006).


2.2.5 Banda Sea The Banda Sea is the sea of the South Moluccas in Indonesia, technically part of the Pacific Ocean but separated from it by hundreds of islands, as well as the Halmahera and Ceram Seas. It is about 1000 km (600 mil) east to west, and about 500 km (300 mil) north to south. Islands bordering the Banda Sea include Sulawesi to the west, Buru, Ambon Island, Ceram, Aru Islands, Tanimbar Islands, Southwest Islands, and Timor. Although the borders of the sea are hazardous to navigation, with many small rocky islands, the middle of the sea is relatively open. Island groups within the sea include the Banda Islands (, 2008). Banda Sea as an ecosystem is a unit mix of three specialties is the sea that is a small continent, has oceanic waters and is located in the tropical area. Thus, the condition oceanography very dynamic and hydrographic provides ecological attributes that are very beneficial habitat for pelagic fish, especially tuna. Ecological conditions that are very beneficial for the water caused by the ocean, the warm temperatures and abundant availability of food in a relative narrow land (DKP, 2006). 2.2.6 Seram Sea and Tomini bay Tomini Bay is one of the largest bays in Indonesia with a more or less reaches the 6 million hectares. There are 3 provinces and 14 districts / cities with direct touch Tomini Bay, each province of North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo. The potential of marine and coastal resources in the Tomini bay


believed to still be enough to improve the local economy, regional and national (Muharam, 2009). Fisheries resources of Tomini Bay waters belong to three main groups, namely the large pelagic, the small pelagic fishes and demersal fish. In the past ten years, total landings of small pelagic fishes in the Central Sulawesi Province of Tomini Bay have more than doubled from about 11,000 tons in 1990 to 25,000 tons in 2000. This increase of total landings was in direct proportion to the increase of fishing effort (Widodo, 2004). 2.2.7 Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean The Sulawesi Sea of the western Pacific Ocean is bordered on the north by the Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea and Mindanao Island of the Philippines, on the east by the Sangihe Islands chain, on the south by Sulawesi, and on the west by Kalimantan in Indonesia. The Sea is in the form of a huge basin, and plunges as deep as 20,300 feet (6,200 m). It extends 420 miles (675 km) north-south by 520 miles (837 km) east-west and has a total surface area of 110,000 square miles (280,000 km²). The sea opens southwest through the Makassar Strait into the Java Sea (Wikipedia. 2009d). 2.2.8 Arafuru Sea The Arafura Sea lies west of the Pacific Ocean overlying the continental shelf between Australia and New Guinea. It is bordered by Torres Strait and through that the Coral Sea to the east, the Gulf of Carpentaria to the south, the Timor Sea to the west and the Banda and Ceram seas to the northwest. It is 1290 kilometers (800 miles) long and 560 kilometers (350 miles) wide. The


depth of the sea is primarily 50-80 meters (165-265 feet) with the depth increasing to the west. As a shallow tropical sea, its waters are a breeding ground for tropical cyclones (Wikipedia, 2009a). 2.2.9 Indian Ocean from West Sumatera to South Nusa Tenggara Timur The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's five oceans (after the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, but larger than the Southern Ocean and Arctic Ocean), covering about 20% of the water on the Earth's surface. The total area of Indian Ocean is 68,556,000 km2, includes Andaman Sea, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Flores Sea, Great Australian Bight, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Java Sea, Mozambique Channel, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Savu Sea, Strait of Malacca, Timor Sea, and other tributary water bodies. One component of the allencompassing World Ocean, the Indian Ocean is delineated from the Atlantic Ocean by the 20° east meridian running south from Cape Agulhas, and from the Pacific by the 147° east meridian. The northernmost extent of the Indian Ocean is approximately 30° north in the Persian Gulf. The Indian Ocean has asymmetric ocean circulation. This ocean is nearly 10,000 kilometers (6,200 mi) wide at the southern tips of Africa and Australia; its area is 73,556,0002 kilometers (28,400,000 mi²), including the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (Wikipedia, 2009c). The nature of the Indian Ocean has the unique and complex. Is unique and complex because the dynamics of this system is influenced by monsoon and trade wind system that moves on it. In Indian Ocean there are some phenomena that have important influence. This phenomenon, among others, Indian Ocean dipole, eddies and upwelling (Wrytki, 1961)


2.3 Remote Sensing Remote sensing is the science of deriving information about the earth’s land and water areas from image acquired at a distance, without actually coming in contact with it. It is usually relies upon measurement of electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from the features of interest (Campbell, 1987). Remote sensing of the Earth has many purposes, including making and updating plan metric maps, weather forecasting, and gathering military intelligence. Our focus in this booklet will be on remote sensing of the environment and resources of Earth’s surface. We will explore the physical concepts that underlie the acquisition and interpretation of remotely sensed images, the important characteristics of images from different types of sensors, and some common methods of processing images to enhance their information content (Smith, 2006). Remote sensing of the surface of the earth, whether land, sea or atmosphere is carried out using a variety of different instruments.


instruments, in turn, use a variety of different wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. The main source of radiation at the earth is from the sun. This radiation may be in the visible, near infrared (reflected-infrared), thermal infrared, microwave or radio wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum (Cracknel and Hayes, 1993).


2.3.1 MODIS The Earth Observing System (EOS) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) is a satellite based visible/infrared radiometer for the sensing of terrestrial and oceanic phenomena. With its sweeping 2,330-km-wide viewing swath, MODIS sees every point on our world every 1-2 days in 36 discrete spectral bands. Consequently, MODIS greatly improves upon the heritage of the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and tracks a wider array of the earth's vital signs than any other Terra sensor. For instance, the sensor measures the percent of the planet's surface that is covered by clouds almost every day. This wide spatial coverage will enable MODIS, together with MISR and CERES, to determine the impact of clouds and aerosols on the Earth's energy budget. The sensor has an unprecedented channel (centered at 1.375 microns) for detection of wispy cirrus clouds-believed to contribute to global warming by trapping heat emitted from the surface. Conversely, cumulus clouds and aerosols are thought to have a cooling effect on the Earth's surface by reflecting and absorbing incoming sunlight (NASA, 2007). MODIS is ideal for monitoring large-scale changes in the biosphere that will yield new insights into the workings of the global carbon cycle. While no current satellite sensor can directly measure carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, MODIS can measure the photosynthetic activity of land and marine plants (phytoplankton) to yield better estimates of how much of the greenhouse gas is being absorbed and used in plant productivity. The specifications of MODIS are shown in Table 2.1.


Table 2.1. Specification of MODIS



Scan Rate : Swath Dimensions:

705 km, 10:30 a.m. descending node (Terra) or 1:30 p.m. ascending node (Aqua), sunsynchronous, near-polar, circular 20.3 rpm, cross track 2330 km (cross track) by 10 km (along track at nadir)

Telescope :

17.78 cm diam. Off-axis, afocal (collimated), with intermediate field stop

Size : Weight : Power: Data Rate :

1.0 x 1.6 x 1.0 m 228.7 kg 162.5 W (single orbit average) 10.6 Mbps (peak daytime); 6.1 Mbps (orbital average) 12 bits

Quantization: Spatial Resolution:

Design Life:

250 m (bands 1-2) 500 m (bands 3-7) 1000 m (bands 8-36) 6 years

(Source : NASA, 2007) 2.3.2 SeaWiFS SeaWiFS is the only scientific instrument on GeoEye's OrbView-2 (AKA SeaStar) satellite, and was a follow-on experiment to the Coastal Zone Color Scanner on Nimbus 7. Launched August 1, 1997 on an Orbital Sciences Pegasus small air launched rocket, the instrument began scientific operations on 18 September 1997. The sensor resolution is 1.1 km (LAC), 4.5 km (GAC). The instrument has been specifically designed to monitor ocean characteristics such as chlorophyll-a concentration and water clarity. The instrument is able to tilt up to 20 degrees to avoid sunlight from the sea surface. This feature is important at


equatorial latitudes where glint from sunlight often obscures watercolor (Wikipedia, 2008e).

2.4 Primary Production Primary production is the production of organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic carbon dioxide, principally through the process of photosynthesis, with chemosynthesis being much less important. All life on earth is directly or indirectly reliant on primary production. The organisms responsible for primary production are known as primary producers or autotrophs, and form the base of the food chain. In terrestrial ecoregions, these are mainly plants, while in aquatic ecoregions algae are primarily responsible. The factors limiting primary production in the ocean are also very different from those on land. The availability of water, obviously, is not an issue (though its salinity can be). Similarly, temperature, while affecting metabolic rates, ranges less widely in the ocean than on land because the heat capacity of seawater buffers temperature changes, and the formation of sea ice insulates it at lower temperatures. However, the availability of light, the source of energy for photosynthesis, and mineral nutrients, the building blocks for new growth, play crucial roles in regulating productivity in the ocean (Wikipedia, 2008c). 2.4.1 Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) is a green pigment found in plants. It absorbs sunlight and converts it to sugar during photosynthesis. Chl-a concentrations are an indicator of phytoplankton abundance and biomass in coastal and estuarine


waters. They can be an effective measure of tropic status, are potential indicators of maximum photosynthetic rate (P-max) and are a commonly used measure of water quality. High levels often indicate poor water quality and low levels often suggest good conditions. However, elevated chlorophyll a concentrations are not necessarily a bad thing. It is the long-term persistence of elevated levels that is a problem. For this reason, annual median chlorophyll a concentrations in a waterway are an important indicator in State of the Environment (Australia’s Online Coastal Information, 2007) 2.4.2 Photosynthetically Available Radiation Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) is the amount of light available for photosynthesis. It is the amount of light in the 400 to 700 nanometer wavelength range, which is what plants use for photosynthesis. PAR is reported as milimoles of light energy per square meter (Foundries-Environmental Monitoring Products, 2008). 2.4.3 Sea Surface Temperature Sea surface temperature (SST) is the water temperature close to the surface. Sea surface temperature is affected by many things, including local weather, currents, and seasonal changes. One of the easiest ways to track changes in sea surface temperature is to view the temperature anomaly, that is, the difference between the expected temperature and the actual one. (The expected temperature is the average temperature for that day of the year, based on data from the last several decades). Slight differences between the expected and actual sea surface temperature are to be expected, but more severe anomalies can affect


fisheries and the health of coral reefs. Anomalies in sea temperatures can also lead to anomalies in weather. An example of this is El Nino, in which unusually warm waters in the tropical Pacific result in unusual storm patterns in North America and unusually dry weather for Australia. In this way, SST anomalies can serve as a kind of early warning system for weather phenomena (Global Climate Change Research Explorer, 2002).


The research scheme is shown in Figure 3.1. The remote sensing data used as input parameters to calculate primary production and fish production.

Satellite Data






Vertically Generalized Production Model (Behrenfield and Falkkowski, 1997a)

Primary Production

Fish Production Model (Pauly and Christensen, 1995)

Figure 3.1. Frame Work



Comparison n

Estimation of Fish Production


This research used two satellite data, MODIS (Chl-a and SST) and SeaWiFS (PAR). The Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) proposed by Behrenfeld and Falkowsky (1997a) employed to derive primary production. Firstly, the calculating process start to process Chl-a and SST data from MODIS satellite and surface PAR data from SeaWiFS satellite. These process produced data of Chl-a, SST and PAR. The all parameters was employed the VGPM. The fish production model (Pauly and Christensen, 1995) was calculated to obtain the Fish Production. The results of Estimation of Fish Production compared to Fish data (in-situ data from Ministry of Marine and Fisheries).


4.1 Research Area The research area was around Indonesia Archipelago divided into 9 fisheries management areas at 8ºN to -14ºS and 91ºE to 141ºE. The research boundary location has coverage in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Indonesia (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 Research Area in 9 fisheries management areas of Indonesia (Bakosurtanal, 2006)

4.2 Data Source The data source (Chlorophyll-a, SST, PAR and fisheries data) are shown in Table 4.1.



Table 4.1 Data Source in Detail



Data Source






Monthly Composit, 9 km resolution





Monthly Composit, 9 km resolution

2004 - 2006




Monthly Composit, 9 km resolution

2004 - 2006


Fisheries Data

Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (DKP)

Yearly Data


4.3 Research Instruments Research instruments were used to process satellite data: 1. One unit PC (Pentium 4, HT 3.0 GHz, RAM 1GB, HD 80 GB, OS : Linux, Provide by Computer Center of CReSOS – Udayana Sudirman Campus 3rd F). 2. One unit PC (Pentium 4, HT 3.0 GHz, RAM 1GB, HD 250 GB, OS : Windows XP Profesional SP2). 3. Software SeaDAS (Under Linux OS) 4. Software Surfer 8 5. Software Arc View 3.3 6. Microsoft Excel 2007 7. Microsoft Word 2007 4.4 Calculation of Primary Production For calculation of PP, it necessary to prepare the satellite data. The data set are :


1. Processing data MODIS for Chl-a monthly composite 2004 – 2006 2. Processing data MODIS for SST monthly composite 2004 – 2006 3. Processing data SeaWiFS for PAR monthly composite 2004 – 2006 The average of each data is putted to the VGPM to estimate PP depthintegrated model from the surface to the euphotic depth (depth only receiving 1% of the surface irradiance). The core equation of VGPM described by Behrenfeld and Falkowski (1997a) as follows:

…………. (1)

where : PPeu : Daily carbon fixation integrated from the surface to Zeu , (mg C/m2) PBOpt : Opt rate of daily carbon fixation within water column [mgC(mg Chl)-1 h-1]. PBOpt can be modeled according to various temperature-dependent relationships.


: Sea surface daily PAR (mol quanta/m2/d)


: Sea Surface Temperature (°C)


CSAT : Satellite surface chlorophyll concentration as derived from measurements of water leaving radiance (mg Chl/m3). VGPM calculations of global primary production were based on monthly average CSAT . Zeu

: Physical depth (m) of the euphotic zone defined as the penetration depth of 1% surface irradiance based on the Beer-Lambert law. Zeu is calculated as follows (Morel and Berthon, 1989):

where CTOT

4.5 Estimation of Fish Production (FP) Pauly and Christensen (1995) proposed the FP model that can be estimated based on 10% mean transfer efficiency between tropic levels. The energy produce by producers organism assume produced 100% energy from their PP, energy transfer due to process predation is only 10% to the upper level group. Following to theory about the energy transfer during the food chain process, the FP estimation can be approximated by equation below (Pauly and Christensen, 1995): FP = PP × (ET)(TL – 1) …………………………………..... (2) Where: FP

: Fish Production (mg C/m2)



: Primary Production (mg C/m2)

ET : Efficiency Transfer (10%) TL : Trophic Level Pauly and Christensen (1995) described the conversion from carbon to wet weight using the conservative 9 : 1 ratio, thus the equation for approximately the fish biomass become : FB = FP × 9 ……………………………………………… (3) Where: FB : Fish Biomass (tons) FP

: Fish Production (mg C/m2)


5.1 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions The distributions of Chl-a and SST are divided into nine areas in the two seasons (northwest and southeast monsoons). Generally in northwest monsoon, the Chl-a concentration are lower than the southeast monsoons. On the other hand, the SST in northwest monsoon are higher than the south east monsoons. Figures 5.1 to 5.36 show the monthly average value of Chl-a and SST in nine fisheries management areas of Indonesia. 5.1.1 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Malacca Strait were 1.31 mg/m3 and 29.0 0C, the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.69 mg/m3 and 31.00 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.15 mg/m3 and 27.95 0C, respectively. Appendix 4 showed the variability of Chl-a concentration and SST in 2004. Figures 5.1 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 1.


Chl-a (February 2004)

Chl-a (August 2004)








SST (February 2004)

SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.1 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Malacca Strait were 0.36 mg/m3 and 28.71 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.81 mg/m3 and 31.04 0C and the minimum Chl-a concentration and SST were 0.18 mg/m3 and 27.99 0C, respectively. The variability of Chl-a and SST in 2005 at Malacca Strait are shown in Appendix 4. Figure 5.2 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variability of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 2.


Chl-a (February 2005)

Chl-a (August 2005)





SST (February 2005)

SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.2 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Malacca Strait were 0.78 mg/m3 and 28.76 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 31.23 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.10 mg/m3 and 26.72 0C, respectively. The variability of Chl-a and SST in 2006 at Malacca strait are shown in Appendix 4. Figure 5.3 shows the distribution of Chl-a concentration and SST at Malacca Strait in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 3. The variability of SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.4


Chl-a (February 2006)

Chl-a (August 2006)





SST (February 2006)

SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.3 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.4 Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait (from 2004 to 2006)

5.1.2 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions in South Chinese Sea from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at South Chinese Sea showed 0.78 mg/m3 and 27.41 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.85 mg/m3 and 32.00 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.08 mg/m3 and 24.30 0C, respectively. The values of Chl-a and SST for the other month


could be shown in Appendix 8. Figure 5.5 shows the distribution of Chl-a concentration and SST at South Chinese Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chla and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 5.


Chl-a (February 2004)


SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)


SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.5 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at South Chinese Sea showed 0.59 mg/m3 and 27.41 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.82 mg/m3 and 31.63 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.08 mg/m3 and 25.15 0C, respectively.

The variations of Chl-a and SST are shown in

Appendix 8. Figure 5.6 shows the distributions of Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 6.


C4 Chl-a (February 2005)





SST (February 2005)

Chl-a (August 2005)

SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.6 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at South Chinese Sea showed 0.46 mg/m3 and 26.92 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 31.11 0C and the minimum Chl-a concentration and SST were 0.11 mg/m3 and 21.50


C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a

concentration and SST at 2005 at South Chinese Sea are shown in Appendix 8. Figure 5.7 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 7. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.8



Chl-a (February 2006)

SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)



SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.7 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (from February and August 2006)

Figure 5.8 Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea (from 2004 to 2006)

5.1.3 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Java Sea were 0.96 mg/m3 and 29.66 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.81 mg/m3 and 33.95 0C and the minimum Chl-a concentration and SST were 0.12 mg/m3 and 27.46 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST in 2004 are shown in Appendix 12. Figure 5.9 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Java Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon


in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 9.


Chl-a (February 2004)


SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)


SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.9 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Java Sea were 0.82 mg/m3 and 29.47 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 8.92 mg/m3 and 32.22 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.10 mg/m3 and 27.76 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST in 2005 are

shown in Appendix 12. Figure 5.10 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Java Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 10.


Chl-a (February 2005)

Chl-a (August 2005)





SST (February 2005)

SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.10 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (from February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Java Sea were 1.13 mg/m3 and 29.05 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 32.81 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.13 mg/m3 and 23.13 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2006 at Java Sea are shown

in Appendix 12. Figure 5.11 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Java Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST figures in 2006 are found in Appendix 11. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.12



Chl-a (February 2006)

SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)



SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.11 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.12 Chl-a and SST at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006

5.1.4 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea were 0.36 mg/m3 and 29.68 0C, with the maximum Chl-a concentration and SST were 9.99 mg/m3 and 33.20 0C and the minimum Chl-a concentration and SST were 0.09 mg/m3 and 25.49 0C, respectively. The


variations of Chl-a and SST in 2004 are shown in Appendix 16. Figure 5.13 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 13.


Chl-a (February 2004)


SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)


SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.13 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea were 0.36 mg/m3 and 29.97 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.19 mg/m3 and 33.87 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.09 mg/m3 and 25.94


C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a

concentration and SST in 2005 at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea are shown in Appendix 16. Figure 5.14 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast


monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 14.


Chl-a (February 2005)


SST (February 2005)


Chl-a (August 2005)


SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.14 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea were 0.37 mg/m3 and 29.50 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 32.76 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.06 mg/m3 and 24.02 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2006 at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea are shown in Appendix 16. Figure 5.15 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 15. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.16.



Chl-a (February 2006)


SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)


SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.15 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.16 Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006

5.1.5 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Banda Sea showed 0.15 mg/m3 and 29.85 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 0.89 mg/m3 and 32.39 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.08 mg/m3 and 27.73 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2004 are shown in


Appendix 20. Figure 5.17 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figure in 2004 are shown in Appendix 17.


Chl-a (February 2004)


SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)


SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.17 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Banda Sea were 0.17 mg/m3 and 29.74 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 1.39 mg/m3 and 32.02 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.08 mg/m3 and 28.31 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST 2005 at Banda

Sea are shown in Appendix 20. Figure 5.18 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 18.



Chl-a (February 2005)


SST (February 2005)


Chl-a (August 2005)


SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.18 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Banda Sea were 0.14 mg/m3 and 29.74 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 2.56 mg/m3 and 33.17 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.04 mg/m3 and 26.19 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2006 at Banda Sea are shown

in Appendix 20. Figure 5.19 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 19. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.20.



Chl-a (February 2006)


SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)


SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.19 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.20 Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006

5.1.6 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay are showed 0.30 mg/m3 and 29.67 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 8.92 mg/m3 and 32.99 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.07 mg/m3 and 27.89 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in


2004 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay are shown in Appendix 24. Figure 5.21 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 21.

Chl-a (February 2004)

Chl-a (August 2004)





SST (February 2004)

SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.21 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay were 0.31 mg/m3 and 29.83 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 8.32 mg/m3 and 32.51 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.08 mg/m3 and 27.68 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2005 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay are shown in Appendix 24. Figure 5.22 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 22.



Chl-a (February 2005)


SST (February 2005)


Chl-a (August 2005)

SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.22 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay were 0.27 mg/m3 and 30.04 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 33.70 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.07 mg/m3 and 25.34 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2005 at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay are shown in Appendix 24. Figure 5.23 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 23. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.24.




Chl-a (February 2006)


SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)


SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.23 Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay (February and August 2006)

Seram Sea – Tomini Bay

Figure 5.24 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006

5.1.7 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean were 0.18 mg/m3 and 29.33 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 8.91 mg/m3 and 32.28 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.04 mg/m3 and 27.50 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2004 are shown in Appendix 28. Figure 5.25 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in northwest monsoon in


February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 25.


Chl-a (February 2004)

SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)



SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.25 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi sea- Pacific Ocean (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean were 0.19 mg/m3 and 29.08 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 5.66 mg/m3 and 32.34 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.04 mg/m3 and 24.45 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2005 at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean are shown in Appendix 28. Figure 5.26 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 26.



Chl-a (February 2005)


SST (February 2005)


Chl-a (August 2005)


SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.26 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean were 0.19 mg/m3 and 29.08 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 5.66 mg/m3 and 32.34 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.04 mg/m3 and 24.45 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2006 at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean are shown in Appendix 28. Figure 5.27 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 27. The SST and Chl-a concentration during three years from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.28.



Chl-a (February 2006)

SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006 )



SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.27 Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi sea-Pacific Ocean (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.28 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea- Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006

5.1.8 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Arafuru Sea were 1.03 mg/m3 and 30.01 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.90 mg/m3 and 34.19 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.10 mg/m3 and 27.47 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2004 are shown in Appendix

32. Figure 5.29 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea in


northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 29.


Chl-a (February 2004)

SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)



SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.29 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Arafuru Sea were 0.96 mg/m3 and 29.65 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.78 mg/m3 and 34.39 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.11 mg/m3 and 26.03 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST 2005 at Arafuru Sea are shown

in Appendix 32. Figure 5.30 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figure in 2005 are shown in Appendix 30.


Chl-a (February 2005)

Chl-a (August 2005)





SST (February 2005)

SST (August 2005)

Figure 5.30 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Arafuru Sea were 0.98 mg/m3 and 29.65 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 9.71 mg/m3 and 34.10 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.05 mg/m3 and 26.46 0

C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST in 2005 at

Arafuru Sea are shown in Appendix 32. Figure 5.31 shows the distribution of Chla and SST at Arafuru Sea in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 31. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.32.



Chl-a (February 2006)


SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)


SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.31 Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.32 Variability of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2005

5.1.9 Chlorophyll-a and SST Distributions at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006 The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2004 at Indian Ocean were 0.15 mg/m3 and 30.18 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 3.85 mg/m3 and 32.02 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.03 mg/m3 and


28.32 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2004 are shown in Appendix 36. Figure 5.33 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean in northwest monsoon in February 2004 and southeast monsoon in August 2004, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2004 are shown in Appendix 33.

Chl-a (February 2004)

SST (February 2004)


Chl-a (August 2004)


SST (August 2004)

Figure 5.33 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2004)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2005 at Indian Ocean showed 0.14 mg/m3 and 30.11 0C, with the maximum Chl-a and SST were 5.79 mg/m3 and 33.00 0C and the minimum Chl-a concentration and SST were 0.04 mg/m3 and 27.54 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST in 2005 at Indian Ocean are shown in Appendix 36. Figure 5.34 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean in northwest monsoon in February 2005 and southeast monsoon in August 2005, respectively. The variations of Chl-a and SST figures in 2005 are shown in Appendix 34.


Chl-a (February 2005)

Chl-a (August 2005)





SST (February 2005)

SST( August 2005)

Figure 5.34 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2005)

The average of Chl-a concentration and SST in January 2006 at Indian Ocean were 0.17 mg/m3 and 29.33 0C, with the maximum Chl-a concentration and SST were 4.98 mg/m3 and 33.25 0C and the minimum Chl-a and SST were 0.03 mg/m3 and 23.62 0C, respectively. The variations of Chl-a concentration and SST in 2005 at Indian Ocean are shown in Appendix 36. Figure 5.35 shows the distribution of Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean in northwest monsoon in February 2006 and southeast monsoon in August 2006, respectively. The variations of Chla and SST figures in 2006 are shown in Appendix 35. The SST and Chl-a concentration from 2004 to 2006 are shown in Figure 5.36.



Chl-a (February 2006)

SST (February 2006)


Chl-a (August 2006)



SST (August 2006)

Figure 5.35 Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean (February and August 2006)

Figure 5.36 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006

The variability of Chl-a and SST in all regions around Indonesia Archipelago are shown in Figures 5.37 and 5.38. The largest variability changes of Chl-a is found at Arafuru Sea with standard deviation 0.36 and the lowest variability changes of Chl-a are found at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean with standard deviation 0.01. The largest variability changes of SST is found at Arafuru Sea with standard deviation 1.77 and the lowest variability changes of


SST are found at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean with standard deviation value 0,41 (Figure 5.39). Chlorophyll-a

Figure 5.37 Variability of Chl-a in All Regions from 2004 to 2006

Figure 5.38 Variability of SST at All Regions from 2004 to 2006


Figure 5.39 Standard Deviations of SST and Chl-a at All Regions from 2004 to 2006

5.2 Estimation of Primary Production and Fish Production in 9 Fisheries Management Areas of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006. 5.2.1 Primary Production and Fish Production from Satellite Estimation of PP around Indonesia Archipelago (9 fisheries management areas) calculated using VGPM. The estimation of FP is calculated using relationship between primary production and fish production proposed by Pauly and Christensen (1995) and the conversion from carbon (fish production) to wet weight (fish biomass) is using the conservative 9:1 ratio. The estimation patterns of PP and FP at Malacca Strait showed the highest value generally found during North West monsoon (January 2004, January 2005 and December 2006). The lowest value estimated in August 2004, September 2005 and September 2006 (Figure 5.40). The highest value of PP and FP at Malacca Strait estimated in December 2006 are 1,297.42 mg C/m2 and 32,106.51 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP estimated in September 2006 are 529.12 mg C/m2 and 13,093.74 tons, respectively (Table 5.1).


Figure 5.40 Estimation the patterns of primary production and fish production at Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.1. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Malacca Strait from 2004 to 2006

PP (mg C/m2) January February March April May June July August September October November December

2004 1225.80 1068.05 897.89 990.21 1100.84 921.44 785.44 721.89 792.95 1115.99 1079.44 1061.63

2005 1180.68 894.80 868.28 890.57 812.79 848.13 846.93 868.63 800.29 903.07 899.71 1028.32

2006 910.31 1085.23 921.88 793.40 832.69 991.26 982.60 817.12 529.12 878.75 1160.06 1297.42 Total :

FP (ton) 2004 30334.29 26430.48 22219.66 24504.13 27241.9 22802.38 19436.97 17864.12 19622.63 27616.77 26712.37 26271.61 291057.32

2005 29217.73 22142.99 21486.84 22038.48 20113.69 20988.11 20958.39 21495.47 19804.25 22347.89 22264.62 25447.19 268305.64

2006 22526.99 26855.67 22813.18 19633.75 20606.16 24530.07 24315.81 20220.74 13093.74 21746.04 28707.24 32106.51 277155.91

The estimation of PP and FP at South China Sea showed the highest value that generally found during North West monsoon (December 2004, December 2005 and February 2006). The lowest value are found in September 2004, September 2005 and October 2006 (Figure 5.41). The highest value of PP and FP at South China Sea found in December 2004 are 1,124.90 mg C/m2 and


108,144.93 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in October 2006 are 389.43 mg C/m2 and 37,438.55 tons, respectively (Table 5.2).

Figure 5.41. The estimation variability of primary production and fish production at South China Sea from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.2. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in South China Sea from 2004 to 2006

January February March April May June July August September October November December

PP (mg C/m2) 2004 2005 2006 1034.19 859.05 740.53 814.61 710.11 1111.44 736.25 692.63 629.13 738.71 700.09 661.76 818.04 825.19 745.56 924.64 811.46 810.74 720.64 836.37 868.46 683.27 832.45 821.56 594.82 635.00 542.28 659.66 758.99 389.43 660.60 834.42 593.41 1124.90 919.58 770.07 Total :

2004 99424.47 78314.43 70781.39 71018.02 78643.7 88892.64 69280.67 65688.12 57184.81 63418.29 63508.73 108144.93 914300.19

FP (ton) 2005 2006 82586.22 71192.24 68267.79 106851 66587.54 60482.97 67304.85 63619.92 79331.78 71676.2 78011.47 77942.37 80405.84 83490.99 80029.63 78982.19 61046.83 52133.59 72967.52 37438.55 80218.63 57049.06 88406.35 74032.66 905164.45 834891.78

The estimation of PP and FP at Java Sea showed the highest value that generally found during North West monsoon (February 2004, February 2005 and January 2006). The lowest value are found in October 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Figure 5.42). The highest value of PP and FP at Java Sea found in January 2006


are 1,152.36 mg C/m2 and 72,601.11 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in October 2004 are 612.89 mgC/m2 and 38,613.16 tons, respectively (Table 5.3).

Figure 5.42 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 Table 5.3. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Java Sea from 2004 to 2006 2

January February March April May June July August September October November December

PP (mg C/m ) 2004 2005 2006 1092.98 988.21 1152.36 1138.11 997.75 1023.70 881.42 941.99 948.28 846.78 823.64 704.26 788.42 881.40 841.31 821.81 862.99 934.45 823.88 854.63 880.86 911.60 795.42 802.46 719.87 691.82 710.80 612.89 614.79 661.19 707.94 819.01 682.47 875.64 979.23 741.13 Total :

2004 68860.43 71703.28 55531.48 53348.99 49672.31 51776.03 51906.49 57433.09 45353.5 38613.16 44602.02 55167.36

FP (ton) 2005 62259.69 62860.8 59347.5 51891.36 55529.96 54370.51 53843.41 50113.36 43586.54 38733.31 51599.21 61693.49

2006 72601.11 64495.13 59743.6 44369.88 53004.2 58872.22 55495.99 50556.7 44782.26 41656.24 42997.04 46692.73




The estimation of PP and FP at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea are showed the highest value in August 2004, April 2005 and January 2006. Meanwhile the lowest value are found in November 2004, November 2005 and December 2006 (Figure 5.43). The highest value of PP and FP at Makassar Strait


Sea found in August 2004 are 706.75 mg C/m2 and 71,032.31 tons, respectively. The lowest value PP and FP found in December 2006 are 440.25 mgC/m2 and FP 44,247.63 tons, respectively (Table 5.4).

Figure 5.43 Estimation patterns of primary production and fish production at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.4. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from 2004 to 2006

PP (mg C/m2) FP (ton) 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 January 558.95 556.32 573.68 56177.61 55913.87 57658.43 February 582.35 519.22 542.72 58529.75 52184.84 54547.04 March 610.99 535.61 561.42 61407.94 53832.27 56426.52 April 545.09 559.16 481.47 54784.58 56198.91 48390.74 May 459.47 511.59 451.93 46179.16 51417.76 45422.14 June 507.59 484.25 492.23 51015.6 48669.88 49472.16 July 585.56 504.79 527.04 58852.36 50734.27 52970.27 August 706.75 534.04 570.79 71032.31 53674.36 57367.86 September 579.20 465.57 524.09 58212.59 46792.57 52673.7 October 470.38 462.65 463.30 47276.06 46499.28 46564.4 November 452.02 454.07 446.92 45430.99 45636.37 44917.81 December 493.92 486.19 440.25 49641.62 48864.63 44247.63 Total : 658540.56 610419.00 610658.71

The estimation of PP and FP at Banda Sea showed the highest value that generally found in August 2004 to 2006. The lowest value are found in May 2004, April 2005 and May 2006 (Figure 5.44). The highest value of PP and FP at


Banda Sea estimated in August 2006 are 1,023.78 mg C/m2 and 68,248.97 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP estimated in May 2006 are 262.70 mg C/m2 and 17,512.47 tons, respectively (Table 5.5).

Figure 5.44 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.5. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Banda Sea from 2004 to 2006 2

PP (mg C/m ) 2004 2005 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December

312.08 383.04 344.85 292.52 284.12 510.91 816.31 907.00 754.20 426.52 339.76 295.72

335.21 320.83 305.89 277.77 396.51 505.45 631.59 769.25 590.53 398.13 310.43 290.43

295.38 316.56 319.46 287.12 262.70 474.69 720.57 1023.78 879.11 641.29 409.71 325.98 Total :


FP (ton) 2005


20804.31 25534.66 22988.67 19500.2 18940.3 34059.26 54418.56 60463.94 50277.92 28433.62 22649.89 19713.77 377785.07

22346.65 21387.81 20392.1 18517.32 26432.52 33695.12 42104.23 51281.3 39366.96 26540.56 20694.52 19361.42 342120.51

19691.34 21103.32 21296.38 19140.32 17512.47 31644.68 48035.89 68248.97 58604.45 42750.83 27313.03 21731.32 397073.02

The estimation of PP and FP at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay showed the highest value that generally are found in August 2004, August 2005 and August 2006). Meanwhile the lowest value are found in April 2004, October 2005 and April 2006 (Figure 5.45). The highest value of PP and FP at Seram Sea and


Tomini Bay found in August 2004 are 806.10 mg C/m2 and 56,022.73 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in April 2006 are 423.63 mg C/m2 and 29,441.56 tons, respectively (Table 5.6).

Figure 5.45 Estimation patterns of primary production and fish production at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.6. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Seram Sea and Tomini Bay from 2004 to 2006

January February March April May June July August September October November December

PP (mg C/m2) 2004 2005 2006 493.33 504.06 451.13 476.38 506.39 452.64 470.20 478.00 450.27 435.14 516.22 423.63 503.57 583.82 450.65 658.31 538.47 497.56 669.61 603.01 627.82 806.10 620.20 745.54 577.03 513.67 585.52 509.31 458.84 509.49 440.67 471.60 460.42 439.86 487.27 438.29 Total :

2004 34285.83 33107.74 32678.39 30241.64 34997.41 45751.68 46537.06 56022.73 40102.71 35396.34 30625.49 30569.26 450316.27

FP (ton) 2005 35031.23 35193.29 33219.91 35876.47 40574.58 37422.58 41908.37 43102.65 35699.48 31888.56 32775.68 33864.58 436557.39

2006 31352.66 31457.64 31292.73 29441.56 31319.58 34579.74 43632.31 51813.54 40692.91 35408.9 31998.15 30460.52 423450.26

The estimation of PP and FP at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean showed the highest value in June 2004, February 2005 and October 2006. Meanwhile the lowest value are found in November 2004, June 2005 and


December 2006 (Figure 5.46). The highest value of PP and FP at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean found in February 2005 are 383.33 mg C/m2 and 67,254.18 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in December 2006 are 290.49 mg C/m2 and 50,964.44 tons, respectively (Table 5.7).

Figure 5.46 Estimation of PP and FP at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.7. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2006

January February March April May June July August September October November December

PP (mg C/m2) 2004 2005 344.69 344.36 329.64 383.33 335.85 355.46 319.40 342.11 321.64 328.83 361.09 304.14 335.73 318.97 333.76 320.49 326.45 325.86 329.53 314.08 298.24 326.46 301.33 324.22

2006 305.29 301.22 314.88 325.80 312.37 325.17 324.46 331.66 317.14 332.20 291.08 290.49 Total :

2004 60474.46 57834.56 58924.22 56036.98 56430.98 63351.73 58901.96 58555.99 57273.55 57814.37 52324.98 52867.01 690790.79

FP (ton) 2005 60416.87 67254.18 62364.69 60022.17 57691.19 53360.53 55961.30 56228.10 57171.30 55103.85 57276.68 56883.04 699733.88

2006 53561.06 52848.09 55245.15 57159.84 54803.48 57049.05 56925.30 58188.76 55641.55 58283.90 51068.11 50964.44 661738.72

The estimation of PP and FP at Arafuru Sea showed the highest value that generally found in August 2004, August 2005 and August 2006. The lowest value found in May 2004, November 2005 and March 2006 (Figure 5.47). The


highest value of PP and FP at Arafuru Sea found in August 2005 are 2,036.24 mg C/m2 and 108,257.70 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in March 2006 are 812.50 mg C/m2 and 43,196.82 tons, respectively (Table 5.8).

Figure 5.47 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.8. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Arafuru Sea from 2004 to 2006

PP (mg C/m2) 2004 2005 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December

1115.04 1251.50 1177.10 1214.89 939.10 1401.73 1824.46 2007.87 1856.94 1247.06 1116.26 943.65

1106.35 1106.98 1221.80 1297.72 1271.06 1358.96 1609.35 2036.24 1857.05 1206.31 1066.54 1111.25

1116.92 1084.03 812.50 1157.36 1032.43 1469.97 1632.89 1954.94 1834.28 1900.78 1177.90 1195.20

Total :


FP (ton) 2005


59281.97 66536.54 62581.09 64590.29 49928.05 74523.75 96998.69 106749.8 98725.35 66300.6 59346.83 50169.66

58819.9 58853.14 64957.53 68994.06 67576.58 72249.78 85561.99 108257.7 98730.96 64134.2 56703.47 59080.47

59381.64 57633.2 43196.82 61531.51 54889.94 78151.78 86813.75 103935.7 97520.44 101056.2 62623.52 63543.29




The estimation of PP and FP at Indian Ocean from West Sumatera to South Nusa Tenggara Timur showed the highest value in September 2004, August 2005 and September 2006. The lowest value found in March 2004, February 2005 and April 2006 (Figure 5.48). The highest value of PP and FP at Indian Ocean


from West Sumatera to South Nusa Tenggara Timur found in September 2006 are 1,067.35 mg C/m2 and 253,525.10 tons, respectively. The lowest value of PP and FP found in March 2004 are 288.61 mg C/m2 and 68,552.40 tons, respectively (Table 5.9).

Figure 5.48 Estimation patterns of PP and FP at Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006

Table 5.8. Monthly Average Primary Productions (PP) and Fish Productions (FP) in Indian Ocean from 2004 to 2006

January February March April May June July August September October November December


PP (mgC/m2) 2005

317.77 326.99 288.61 303.26 326.14 386.05 451.53 555.60 580.66 436.77 385.95 303.51

296.45 290.74 305.36 292.82 341.70 342.03 376.04 487.39 409.68 384.31 354.63 359.65



FP (ton) 2005


332.13 306.28 303.06 301.13 335.56 519.99 592.00 805.16 1067.35 854.92 869.06 508.92 Total :

75477.9 77669.63 68552.4 72033.67 77468.16 91698.18 107250.9 131969.4 137923.5 103744.4 91673.03 72091.83 1107553.04

70415.41 69059.28 72532.12 69552.33 81162.46 81240.91 89320.15 115768.5 97309.7 91284.24 84234.08 85427.13 1007306.29

78890.43 72751.04 71986.18 71527.07 79705.38 123512.6 140615.6 191246.7 253525.1 203067.9 206425.1 120882.5 1614135.44

Based on the results of PP and FP in each areas, the highest estimation of primary production found at Arafuru Sea in August 2005, and the lowest estimation of PP found at Banda Sea in May 2006 (Figure 5.49). The highest


estimation of FP found at Indian Ocean in September 2006 and the lowest estimation of FP found at Malacca Strait in September 2006 (Figure 5.50).

Figure 5.49 Estimation of PP in all regions from 2004 to 2006

Figure 5.50 Estimation of FP in all regions from 2004 to 2006

5.2.2 Validation of Fish Production from Satellite and Observation Data Estimation of FP in nine fisheries management areas of Indonesian (from 2004 to 2006) based on satellite data compared with FP from DKP are shown in Table 5.9. Based on the comparison between FP from satellite data and DKP, in nine Fisheries Management Areas of Indonesia during three years (from 2004 to


2006) found that generally satellite data results are higher than DKP except in three area such as Malacca Strait, Java Sea and Makassar Strait. The highest estimation of FP found at Indian Ocean (1,614,135.44 tons) and the lowest of FP found in Malacca Strait (268,305.64 tons). Meanwhile the highest of FP data from DKP found at Java Sea (850,151 tons) and the lowest FP found at Banda Sea (198,078 tons) shown in Figure 5.51. The estimation of FP the highest correlation found at Arafuru sea with R = 0.97. The lowest correlation of FP estimation found at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea with R = - 0.99 (Figure 5.52)

Table 5.9. Comparison between Fish Production from Satellite and Fish Production from DKP (from 2004 to 2006) Fish Production from Satellite (ton)

Fish Production from DKP (ton)







Malaka Strait







South Chinese Sea Java sea













Makasar Strait and Flores Sea Banda Sea













Seram Sea and Tomini bay Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean













Arafuru Sea







Indian Ocean







* = minimum value ** = maximum value


Figure 5.51. Comparison between estimation FP from Satellite Data and FP from DKP Data in 9 Fisheries Management Area of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006


Figure 5.52. Correlation FP from Satellite Data and FP from DKP Data in 9 Fisheries Management Area of Indonesia from 2004 to 2006


6.1 Variability of Chl-a and SST 6.1.1 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Malacca Strait The SST variability at Malacca Strait in February 2004 was from 28.14 0

C to 31.80 0C and in August was from 26.64 0C to 31.83 0C. This means that the

variability of SST at Malacca Strait in 2004 showed the colder temperature found in February (North West Monsoon) rather than in August (Southeast Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Malacca Strait in February 2004 was from 0.13 mg/m3 to 7.23 mg/m3 and in August was from 0.09 mg/m3 to 5.01 mg/m3. The chl-a variability in Malacca Strait 2004 show the reverse patterns with the SST distribution in February produce a higher chl-a concentrations than in August. In February and August 2005 and 2006 showed the same patterns, except a little differences of chl-a variability at Malacca Strait found in February 2005 was from 0.12 mg/m3 to 7.64 mg/m3 and in August was 0.12 to 9.37 mg/m3. On the other hand, the average value of monthly data at Malacca Strait in the three years showed the highest average value of Chl-a at Malacca Strait found in January 2004, April 2005 and December 2006. The lowest average value of SST found in January 2004, 2005 and 2006. The considerable discharge from Malacca Strait shown the higher chl-a concentration found in the inner part of the Malacca Strait and in the Riow Archipelago down to the island of Banka. Yousif (2009) also revealed the same conditions that chl-a distribution was higher in the



central and the southern parts of Malacca Straits compared to the northern parts. The culminated concentrations of chl-a were prevailed during the northwest monsoon. These phenomenon revealed the same pattern that in the Malacca Strait the period of strongest flow is from January to April, during the northwest monsoon. The frequently strong tidal current from the bottom and the small wave form of sand ripples influent the water mass transport from south to north produce the higher chl-a concentration almost found at the tighter area (Wyrtky, 1961). 6.1.2 Variability of Chl-a and SST at South Chinese Sea The SST variability at South Chinese Sea in February 2004 was from 25.39 to 33.27 0C and in August was from 27.16 to 31.95 0C. This means that the variability of SST at South Chinese Sea in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in February (Northwest Monsoon) rather than in August (Southeast Monsoon). The chl-a variability at South Chinese Sea in February 2004 was from 0.08 mg/m3 to 9.23 mg/m3 and in August was from 0.07 mg/m3 to 8.45 mg/m3. This indicates that the chl-a variability in South Chinese Sea in 2004 show the reverse pattern of SST in February and produce a higher concentrations than that in August. In 2005 and 2006 also showed the same patterns. The exception found in the variability of chl-a at South Chinese Sea in 2005 which give a little differences of Chl-a concentrations in February was from 0.07 mg/m3 to 9.95 mg/m3 and in August was from 0.06 to 9.52 mg/m3. The average value of monthly data at South Chinese Sea in three years showed the highest average value of chl-a found in December 2004, December 2005 and February 2006. While the lowest average value of SST found in January


2004, 2005 and 2006. Those highest concentrations of chl-a and the reverse of SST distribution at South Chinese Sea still found in the range of northwest monsoon period (November-April). The highest fertility rate found in the west monsoon and the lowest fertility rates occurred at the end of southeast monsoon (September–October). The higher fertility rate in this region are almost found around the coastal of West Kalimantan and Bangka Archipelago. It brought by the accumulation of colder water from Indian Ocean (Qu et al., 2005) or Pacific Ocean downstream diversely to the area that located close to the equatorial current. 6.1.3 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Java Sea The SST variability at Java Sea in August 2004 was from 26.81 0C to 30.92 0C and in February was from 25.15 0C to 32.57 0C. This means that the variability of SST at Java Sea in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (Southeast Monsoon) rather than in February (Northwest Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Java Sea in February 2004 was from 0.16 mg/m3 to 9.98 mg/m3 and in August was from 0.19 mg/m3 to 9.99 mg/m3 almost along the coastal area at northern Java and southern Borneo. In 2005 and 2006 also showed the same pattern. Those indicated that the Chl-a variability in Java Sea shown in February (Northwest Monsoon) produce a higher concentrations than that in August (Southeast Monsoon). The average value of monthly data at Java Sea in three years showed the highest average value of Chl-a at Java Sea found in February 2004, February 2005 and January 2006. The highest average value of SST found in November


2004, April 2005 and December 2006 and the lowest average value of SST found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006. Those result indicated that the highest concentrations of Chl-a were along with the highest SST at Java Sea which found in Northwest monsoon. The existence of the same patterns between SST and Chla in this region shown by almost no significant temperature changes in the Java Sea (Putri, 2007) due to the depth of the Java Sea is relatively shallow and flat. The highest fertility rate found in the west monsoon and the lowest fertility rates occurred at the end of Southeast monsoon (October). 6.1.4 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea The SST variability at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in August 2004 were from 24.650C to 32.270C and in February were from 24.620C to 33.610C. This means that the variability of SST at Java Sea in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (Southeast Monsoon) rather than that in February (Northwest Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in August 2004 were 0.11 – 9.37 mg/m3 and in February were from 0.09 mg/m3 to 9.82 mg/m3. This means that the Chl-a variability at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in 2004 shown in August produced a higher concentrations than that in February. In 2005 and 2006 also showed the same patterns. The exception found in the variability of Chl-a at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in 2006 which give a little differences of chl-a concentrations in February was from 0.07 mg/m3 to 9.71 mg/m3 and in August was from 0.04 to 9.71 mg/m3. The average value of monthly data at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in three years showed the highest average value of Chl-a found in August 2004,


April 2005 and January 2006. The lowest average value of Chl-a found in November 2004, 2005, and 2006 (Northwest Monsoon). The highest average value of SST found in December 2004, November 2005 and December 2006 (Northwest Monsoon). The lowest average value of SST found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Southeast Monsoon). Those results indicated that the highest concentration of chl-a at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea found in different range of season in each years. The current in the Macassar Strait is supported from February to September almost exclusively by water from the Celebes current system. But from October to January, when north winds prevail over the Celebes Sea, the eddy, in which the Mindanao Current turns back to the east, is displaced to the east, and water from the Sulu Sea flows through the western part of the Celebes Sea into the Macassar Strait (Wrykti, 1961). Those current system well known as Indonesia Trough Flow (ITF) which impact to the northwest monsoon system become shorter and the southeast monsoon become longer. By the peak pattern of chl-a, it can conclude that the fertility rate at Makassar Strait can be found in a longer period from the middle of northwest monsoon (January 2006) to the Transitional Wet to Dry Season (April 2005), frequently reach the valley at the beginning of Dry Season (May or June), and then culminate again in Southeast Monsoon (August 2004). Those highest rate found clearly at coastal of western Borneo and southern to southeastern of Sulawesi by the influenced of downstream water brought by the weak current around meanders coastline area.


6.1.5 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Banda Sea The SST variability at of Banda Sea in August 2004 was from 23.700C to 31.580C and in February was from 25.070C to 30.720C. This means that the variability of SST at Banda Sea in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (South East Monsoon) rather than that in February (Northwest Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Banda Sea in August was from 0.19 mg/m3 to 9.99 mg/m3 and in February 2004 was from 0.16 mg/m3 to 9.98 mg/m3. The same patterns of SST and Chl-a variability also found in 2005 and 2006. This means that the Chl-a variability in Banda Sea 2004 showed that in August (Southeast monsoon) produce a higher concentrations than in February (Northwest monsoon). Those higher concentration were almost found at the southern coastal of Buru, around Ambon Archipelago, southern Seram and eastern part of Banda Sea by the upwelling processes blown by strong wind a line with the coast area and the ocean circulation at the open ocean of Banda Sea. The average value of monthly data at Banda Sea in three years showed the highest average value of chl-a at Banda Sea found in August 2004, August 2005 and August 2006. The lowest average value of chl-a found in May 2004, April 2005, and May 2006. While the highest average value of SST found in December 2004, December 2005 and December 2006. The lowest average value of SST found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006. Those results indicated that the highest fertility rate found in the southeast monsoon and the lowest fertility rates occurred in the Transitional Season 1. Suniada (2008) reported the chl-a concentration at Banda Sea during 2004 to 2006 always started to increase from


May and reaching the highest value in August. Gordon And Susanto (2001) in Suniada (2008) reported that the Ekman upwelling at Banda Sea reaches a maximum in May and June and it will be well distributed by wind blowing until maximum wind speed in August. The cooler water going up from bottom layer will appearance as a colder water from satellite. This is the reason the sea surface temperature in August is colder than the other month. 6.1.6 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay The SST variability at of Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in August 2004 was from 25.910C to 31.62 0C and in February was from 27.800C to 33.140C. This means that the variability of SST at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (South East Monsoon) rather than in February (North West Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in August 2004 were from 0.09 mg/m3 to 9.07 mg/m3 and in February were from 0.06 to 9.22 mg/m3. The same pattern also found in 2005 and 2006. This means that the Chl-a variability in Seram Sea and Tomini Bay 2004 in August (Southeast monsoon) produced a higher concentrations than that in February (Northwest monsoon). Those higher chl-a found around eastern coastal of Center and North Sulawesi, and around Banggai Archipelago. The average value of monthly data at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay in three years showed the highest average value of chl-a at Seram Sea and Tomini Bay found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006. The lowest average value of Chl-a found in April 2004, October 2005, and April 2006. While the highest average value of SST found in April 2004, November 2005 and April 2006. The lowest


average value of SST found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006. Those results indicated that the highest fertility rate found in the Southeast Monsoon and the lowest fertility rates occurred during the beginning (October) to the end (April) of Northwest Monsoon (end of Transitional Season 1 to begin of Transitional Season 2). 6.1.7 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean The SST variability at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in August 2004 was from 26.87 0C to 31.81 0C and in February 2004 was from 25.29 0C to 32.07 0

C. In 2005 and 2006, the lower SST found in February than that in August. This

means the variability of SST at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in 2004-2006 were unstable to shown the colder temperature found in the same season. The Chla variability at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in August 2004 was from 0.03 mg/m3 to 8.71 mg/m3 and in February was from 0.03 mg/m3 to 7.11 mg/m3. This means that the Chl-a variability at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean 2004 and also occurred in 2005 and 2006 in August (South East Monsoon) produce a higher concentrations than in February (North West Monsoon). There are no reverse pattern can be found in the correlation between SST and Chl-a variability at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean. The average value of monthly data at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean in three years showed the highest average value of Chl-a found in June 2004, February 2005 and April 2006. The lowest average value of Chl-a found in November 2004, June 2005, and November 2006. While the highest average value of SST found in May 2004, October 2005 and November 2006. The lowest


average value of SST found in January 2004, February 2005 and February 2006. Those results showed the highest concentration of chl-a at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean found in different season but mostly in Northwest Monsoon. This indicated that the chl-a concentration was not influenced by the monsoon. According to Sukresno (2010), Sulawesi sea is one of Indonesian water which have a high correlation between ENSO and SST in February. Wrykti (1961) mentioned that in the other parts of the Southeast Asian Waters the circulation is more irregular and seems to be frequently disturbed, in any case a large scale pattern is lacking. Through the Molucca Sea, the Philippines and the Sulu Sea an exchange of water with the Pacific Ocean takes place. The Sulawesi Sea is so widely open to the Pacific, that its circulation invades this region. 6.1.8 Variability of Chl-a and SST at Arafuru Sea The SST variability of Arafuru Sea in August 2004 was from 23.75 0C to 30.55 0C and in February was from 24.37 0C to 33.88 0C. This means that the variability of SST at Arafuru Sea in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (South East Monsoon) rather than in February (North West Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Arafuru Sea in August 2004 was from 0.26 mg/m3 to 9.89 mg/m3 and in February was from 0.12 mg/m3 to 9.94 mg/m3. This means that the Chl-a variability in Banda Sea in 2004 showed in August produced a higher concentrations than in February. The same pattern of SST and Chl-a variability showed in 2005 and 2006 The average value of monthly data at Arafuru Sea in three years showed the highest average value of Chl-a at Arafuru Sea found in August 2004, 2005 and


October 2006. The lowest average value of Chl-a found in December 2004, November 2005 and March 2006. The highest average value of SST found in March 2004, March 2005 and February 2006. The lowest average value of SST found in August 2004, 2005 and 2006. Those results indicated that the highest concentration of chl-a at Arafuru Sea was influenced by the monsoon. The highest fertility rate at Arafuru Sea occurred in Southeast monsoon and the lowest fertility found in Northwest monsoon. 6.1.9 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST at Indian Ocean The SST variability at Indian Ocean in August 2004 was from 24.270C to 32.250C and in February was from 23.210C to 33.800C. This means that the variability of SST at Indian Ocean in 2004 shown the colder temperature found in August (South East Monsoon) rather than in February (North West Monsoon). The Chl-a variability at Indian Ocean in August 2004 was from 0.06 to 9.98 mg/m3 and in February was from 0.05 mg/m3 to 6.65 mg/m3. This means that the Chl-a variability at Indian Ocean in 2004 showed in August produced a higher concentrations than in February. This condition is caused by upwelling process in the south of Java and western of Sumatra occur during the southeast monsoon (June to August). The same patterns of SST and Chl-a variability also showed in 2005 and 2006. The average value of monthly data at Indian Ocean in three years showed the highest average value of chl-a at Indian Ocean found in September 2004, August 2005 and September 2006. The lowest average value of Chl-a found in December 2004, February 2005 and April 2006. The highest average value of


SST found in January 2004, March 2005 and March 2006. The lowest average value of SST found in August 2004, August 2005 and September 2006. Those results indicated that the highest concentration of Chl-a at Indian Ocean was influenced by the monsoon. The highest fertility rate at Indian Ocean occurred in Southeast monsoon and the lowest fertility found in Northwest monsoon. Susanto et al. (2001) explained an upwelling process in coastal west area of Sumatra and south of Java is response of wind during southeast monsoon. The Chl-a concentration increased in 2006 because in that year occurred the positive IOD phenomenon, so that the Indonesia Area that includes the eastern part of the Indian Ocean become cooler than the western of

Indian Ocean.

Positive IODM causes intense upwelling in the south of Java and western of Sumatra (Holiludin, 2009) 6.1.10 Variability of Chlorophyll-a and SST around Indonesia Archipelago Based on the results of Chl-a variability in 9 fishing areas of Indonesia, four regions shown the Chl-a variability was high in August (Southeast monsoon) and become lower in February (Northwest monsoon). Those regions are Seram Sea and Tomini Bay, Banda Sea, Arafuru Sea and Indian Ocean, which are mostly located at the southern part of the equator line and have a very deep ocean. Meanwhile, Malacca Strait, Java Sea and South China Sea showed the higher Chl-a distribution in Northwest monsoon. There are three regions namely Makassar Strait, Sulawesi Sea, and Java Sea show that no significant fluctuation on Chl-a distribution that give the considerably response to the SST pattern. Generally, it seems that the Northwest monsoon looks more


fertile areas concentrated in the northwestern part of Indonesia that is around the Malacca Strait, Natuna Sea, Karimata Strait and Java Sea. While on the Southeast monsoon more concentrated in the south-eastern of Indonesia (Realino et al., 2006). The annual mean of highest chl-a was found at Arafuru Sea in August 2005. Meanwhile, lowest mean chl-a was found at Banda Sea in May 2006. The opposite condition was found in monthly SST. Generally, the highest SST was found in January and the lowest in August. The highest average SST was found at Malacca Strait in April 2004. The lowest average was found at Arafuru Sea in August 2006. According to Realino et al. (2006) the Arafura Sea is the most fertile regions when compared with the entire region of Indonesian waters. The highest variability of chl-a and SST distributions found at Arafuru Sea with standard deviation for Chl-a= 1.77 and for SST=0.36, where the southeast monsoon begins in May blow easterly winds from Australia and veer southwesterly to the north of the equator. This zone blown by maximum wind spread and intensify until July and August, considerably arise cooler high nutrient, create significant changes of temperature and Chl-a concentration. While the lowest variability of Chl-a value and SST distribution found at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean with standard deviation for Chl-a = 0.41 and for SST = 0.01, where at this region mainly consists of group of islands that affect ocean currents and wind distribution becomes more stable without significant variations. Monthly the patterns of SST and Chl-a in Indonesia are influenced by geographical status, monsoon pattern, ENSO and IOD event (Susanto et al., 2006)


which they showed that ocean color variability in the Indonesian Seas will also be strongly influenced by the ENSO phenomenon. The variation of Chl-a distribution in sea is depend on the geographic and the depth of sea. This variation is caused by different of day length and nutrient concentrate that found in the sea. On the ocean, the concentrations of chl-a distribution is high in seashore and lower in the depth water of the sea. The high Chl-a in seashore is caused by higher nutrient supply from the run-off. Meanwhile, the lower Chl-a in the depth water of the sea is caused by lower supply of nutrient from the land (Valiela, 1984). 6.2 Estimation of Primary Production and Fish Production The highest estimation of PP in 9 fishing areas was found at Arafuru Sea on August 2005 with value of 2,036.24 mg C/m2. The lowest PP value was found at Banda Sea in May 2006 with value of 262.70 mg C/m2. The highest average monthly of FP occurred at Arafuru Sea area and the lowest at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean. Primary Production has a high relationship with Chl-a, this phenomenon is shown by the same condition between PP and Chl-a concentration. This high correlation indicated that the area with highly Chl-a concentration produced higher PP (Macfyden, 1998 in Suniada, 2008). Primary production could estimate the FP. The highest FP at Indian Ocean in September 2006 was 253,525.08 tons. In the same month, the lower FP was found at Malacca Strait with value of 130,93.74 tons. The fluctuation of FP estimation is caused by the fluctuation of PP and the fluctuation of PP is caused by the fluctuation of chl-a concentration due to seasonal changing (Suniada, 2008). In this research, FP that derived from satellite data, are influenced by PP,


and the large territory area. High fishery in large fisheries area of Indian Ocean is caused by intensively of upwelling in southern Jawa and Bali seashore (Wyrtki, 1962; Gordon et al., 2004). Meanwhile, lower FP is caused by smaller fisheries area and lower chl-a concentration (Suniada, 2008). Based on the total annual FP from satellite, the highest and the lowest values was found at Indian Ocean (1,614,135.44 tons) and Malacca Strait (268,305.64 tons) due to the large and the smallest territory area, respectively. Based on the total annual FP from DKP, the highest and the lowest values was found at Java Sea (850,151 tons) and Banda Sea (198,078 tons), respectively. The validation results showed the estimated fish production from satellite data by VGPM were higher than the FP from DKP data at South Chinese Sea, Banda Sea, Seram Sea, Tomini Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Pacific Ocean, Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Arafuru Sea and Indian Ocean. Almost all of those areas approximately have the utilization rate close to 80% - 100 % which (based on the General Information of Indonesia Marine and Fishery) this indicated that those rate categorized as fully exploited fishing zone. At glance the utilization rate visibility at Arafuru, Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean were below 80% which namely as under fishing zone. Furthermore, the fishing activity needs to be more carefully controlled in order to maintain the sustainability of fish resources at those areas. The three areas such as Malacca Strait, Java Sea and Makassar Strait showed the lower FP estimation from satellite data rather than that the FP from DKP data. These phenomenons indicated that the fish resources at those areas has


been over exploited. As one of 9 fishery management areas established by the Directorate General of Fisheries, potential sustainable owned approximately 0.24 million tons per year with 135% utilization rate (Boer et al., 2001). The utilization of fish resources in the Malacca Strait has been fully exploited for all groups of species of fish resources, except for the large pelagic (DKP, 2007). During East season at Banda Sea, there are two periods of phytoplankton bloom, in June and in August/September (Vosjan and Nieuwland, 1987). According to Nontji (1975), the results of chl-a distribution study at Banda Sea conducted in the late phase in September, found that the highest concentration of Chl-a was found in the eastern part of Banda Sea, particularly around the island of Kei and Tanimbar. These waters are one of 9 fishery management areas established by the Directorate General of Fisheries. Potential sustainable owned approximately 0.24 million tons per year with 135% utilization rate (Boer et al., 2001). The highest correlation of fish production was found at Arafuru sea with R = 0.97. This indicates that the VGPM that applied into these areas can estimate the growth of fishing utilization pattern from observation result. Meanwhile, the lowest correlation of fish production estimation was found at Makassar Strait and Flores Sea with R = - 0,99. This indicates that the parameters the estimate the fish production at this area needs to be added to adjust the physical conditions of the ocean dynamics in the region.



7.1 Conclusions 1.

The variability of SST and Chl-a concentrations around Indonesia Archipelago showed the highest Chl-a along with the lowest of SST in southeast monsoon at Seram Sea - Tomini Bay, Banda Sea, Arafuru Sea and Indian Ocean. The highest Chl-a in northwest monsoon found at Malacca Strait, Java Sea and South China Sea. Makassar Strait and Sulawesi Sea showed no significant Chl-a fluctuation in response with monsoon. The highest variability of chl-a and SST distributions found at Arafuru Sea with standard deviation of Chl-a = 1.77 and SST = 0.36 influenced by monsoon. Otherwise, the lowest variability of Chl-a and SST there were no significant changes in response with monsoon, found at Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean with standard deviation of Chl-a = 0.41 and for SST = 0.01.


The estimation of primary production showed the highest value at Arafuru Sea in August 2005 with value 2,036.24 mg C/m2 and the lowest value was 262.70 mg C/m2 at Banda Sea in May 2006. The highest fish production is 253,525.08 tons at Indian Ocean in September 2006 and the lowest fish production found at Malacca Strait with value 13,093.74 tons. The validation results showed that South Chinese Sea, Banda Sea, Seram Sea, Tomini Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Pacific Ocean, Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Arafuru Sea and Indian Ocean categorize as fully exploited fishing zone. The Malacca Strait,


Java Sea and Makassar Strait were over exploited. 7.2 Suggestions 1. The development of appropriate algorithms to calculate the fish production with oceanographic conditions in Indonesian waters 2. It need to takes monthly validation such as SST, Chl-a and fish production data of the Indonesian archipelago. 3. The government should to give an appeal, tightening fishing regulations, conduct a study and evaluation of efforts to use sustainable marine fisheries resources in order to avoid over exploitation of fisheries so that the whole area can be preserved by considering the welfare of the community. 4. The fisherman whose catches the fish at Arafuru Sea, Seram Sea, Tomini Bay, Banda Sea and Indian Ocean will obtain the higher yield during southeast monsoon period. On the other hand, the fisherman whose catches the fish at Malacca Strait, South China Sea and Java Sea, will obtain the higher yield during northwest monsoon period.


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APPENDIXES ( 1 – 36 )



Appendix 1 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2004


Appendix 2 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2005


Appendix 3 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Malacca Strait from January to December 2006


Appendix 4 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Malacca Strait (2004-2006)


Appendix 5 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2004


Appendix 6 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2005


Appendix 7 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in South Chinese Sea from January to December 2006


Appendix 8 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in South Chinese Sea (2004 - 2006)


Appendix 9 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Java Sea from January to December 2004


Appendix 10 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Java Sea from January to December 2005


Appendix 11 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Java Sea from January to December 2006


Appendix 12 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Java Sea (2004-2006)


Appendix 13 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2004


Appendix 14 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2005


Appendix 15 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea from January to December 2006


Appendix 16 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (2004-2006)


Appendix 17 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2004


Appendix 18 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2005


Appendix 19 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Banda Sea from January to December 2006


Appendix 20 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Banda Sea (2004 - 2006)


Appendix 21 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini Bay from January to December 2004


Appendix 22 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini Bay from January to December 2005


Appendix 23 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini from January to December 2006


Appendix 24 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Seram Sea and Teluk Tomini (2004-2006)


Appendix 25 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pasifik Ocean from January to December 2004


Appendix 26 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pasifik Ocean from January to December 2005


Appendix 27 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean from January to December 2006


Appendix 28 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean (2004-2006)


Appendix 29 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2004


Appendix 30 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2005


Appendix 31 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Arafuru Sea from January to December 2006


Appendix 32 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Arafuru Sea (2004-2006)


Appendix 33 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2004


Appendix 34 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2005


Appendix 35 Distribution of Chl-a and SST in Indian Ocean from January to December 2006


Appendix 36 The values of Chl-a and SST concentration in Indian Ocean (2004-2006)

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