Essential Understandings Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills

STANDARD 3.1 GRADE LEVEL 3 The student will explain the term “civilization” and describe the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, in terms of g...
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The student will explain the term “civilization” and describe the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, in terms of geographic features, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art, religion, sports, and roles of men, women, and children.

Essential Understandings A civilization is a group of people who come together to share and develop language, arts, and sciences and to organize the culture society.

Essential Questions What is a civilization? What are some characteristics of a civilization? In what ways were Greece and Rome civilized?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of • Civilization: a group of people who come together to share their culture, to develop and use written language, to make advances in the arts and sciences, and to form a government Geographic features of Greece and Rome • Lands next to the Mediterranean Sea • Located on the European continent

Essential Skills Locate and use information from print and non-print sources. (R) Use resource materials. (R) Use technology references. (R) Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R)

Governments of Greece and Rome Greece: Birthplace of democracy (government by the people) Rome: Republican (representative) form of government Agriculture of Greece and Rome • Food products: olives, grapes • Farming practices: small farms, terraced hillsides, irrigation systems I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material



STANDARD 3.1 (continued)

The student will explain the term “civilization” and describe the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, in terms of geographic features, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art, religion, sports, and roles of men, women, and children.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

Architecture of Greece and Rome • Greece Parthenon • Rome Coliseum Aqueducts Music and art in Greece and Rome • Musical instrument: lyre • Art: mosaics, pottery, sculpture, architecture Religion of Greece and Rome • Multiple gods and goddesses Sports in Greece and Rome • Olympic Games (Greece) Roles of men, women, and children in Greece and Rome • Only men were citizens and could vote.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material


STANDARD 3.1 (continued)


The student will explain the term “civilization” and describe the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, in terms of geographic features, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art, religion, sports, and roles of men, women, and children.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

• Women were the caretakers of children. • Only boys were educated. • Girls were taught handicrafts and household chores by their mothers.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material




The student will describe the discovery of the Americas by Columbus and other European explorers and also the first permanent Spanish, French, and English settlements in North America, with emphasis on the people (explorers and their sponsors), their motivations, the obstacles they encountered, and the successes they achieved.

Essential Understandings America was discovered by European explorers. The first explorers had different motivations, different sponsors, faced different obstacles, and met different successes. Permanent Spanish, French, and English settlements were a result of early exploration.

Essential Questions

Who were some of the important European explorers from Spain, England, and France? What were the names of the first permanent Spanish, French, and English settlements in North America? What were the different motivations of these early European explorers?

Essential Knowledge

First Permanent Settlements in North America

Country (Sponsor)



St. Augustine, Florida

Ponce de Leon


Jamestown, Virginia



Quebec, Canada


Essential Skills

Locate and use information from print and nonprint sources. (R)


Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. (R) Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R)

What obstacles did these early European explorers encounter? What were the successes of these early European explorers?


STANDARD 3.2 (continued)


The student will describe the discovery of the Americas by Columbus and other European explorers and also the first permanent Spanish, French, and English settlements in North America, with emphasis on the people (explorers and their sponsor), their motivations, the obstacles they encountered, and the successes they achieved.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

European Explorers Explorer

Country (Sponsor)



Successes/ Achievements



To find a western sea route to Asia

Small ships Weather Disease

First European to discover a sea route America. Discovered “New World.”

Ponce de Leon Spain

To discover riches and land to conquer

Poor weather Indians Poor maps

Landed at St. Augustine, Florida.

de Champlain France

To colonize the New World

Poor maps War with Iroquois Indians

Established the first successful French settlement at Quebec, Canada.


To find a direct route to Asia

Small ships Poor weather Poor maps

Explored the coast of North America and Newfoundland. Gave England claim to North America.





The student will describe the settlement of Jamestown and the Virginia colony, with emphasis on economic and other reasons that brought settlers to Virginia, the establishment of representative government, the economy, settlers’ interactions with American Indians, and the introduction of slavery into Virginia.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement.

Why did the settlers come to Virginia?

Settlers came to the New World for economic, social, and political reasons.

In what ways did settlers adapt to the new life in Jamestown?

The Jamestown settlers established the representative form of government in America. Relationships of settlers and Indians varied during different events in Virginia. Slavery was introduced to Virginia.

How did the Jamestown settlers govern themselves? How did the Powhatan Indians interact with the Jamestown settlers? Why was slavery brought to America?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of • Indentured servants: people who agreed to work for seven years without pay in exchange for passage to America • Slave: a person who is owned by another person and can be sold at the owner’s will

Essential Skills Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R) Explain cause and effect relationships. (R)

People to know • King James I • Pocahontas • Captain John Rolfe • Chief Powhatan • Captain John Smith • Powhatan Indians Jamestown Settlement and the Virginia Colony • King James I sponsored the first Jamestown settlement. • John Smith was the leader of the first Jamestown settlement. • Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material


STANDARD 3.3 (continued)


The student will describe the settlement of Jamestown and the Virginia colony, with emphasis on economic and other reasons that brought settlers to Virginia, the establishment of representative government, the economy, settlers’ interactions with American Indians, and the introduction of slavery into Virginia.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

• People came to make a better life for themselves. • Trading companies wanted to make money. • Settlers established a representative form of government. (A form of government in which people elect a group of citizens to represent them in making and establishing public rules and laws.) • Powhatan Indians taught settlers how to survive in a new land. They helped them grow crops, fish, and hunt. • As a result of John Rolfe’s discovery of a better tasting tobacco, indentured servants and slaves were needed to harvest the crop.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material




The student will identify historical cause-and-effect relationships such as colonists establishing governments similar to those that governed those colonists in Europe.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Historical events have cause (reason) and effect (result) relationships.

How were the colonists governed? How was it similar to the way they were governed in England?

Examples of Cause and Effect Relationships



Why were slaves introduced to the new colonies?

Colonists needed a government.

King of England appointed a royal governor to rule the colonies.

In England citizens were elected to help the king rule.

The Virginia colonists followed the English practice of representative government by electing citizens to help the royal governor rule.

Colonists needed to produce more tobacco to trade with Europe.

Slavery was introduced to Virginia to produce more tobacco to trade with Europe.

Essential Skills

Explain cause and effect relationships. (R)




The student will distinguish between meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude and use the equator and prime meridian to identify the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western hemispheres and the locations of the ancient civilizations, European nations, and American colonies which the student is studying.

Essential Understandings Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude indicate the absolute location of places on the Earth. The equator and the prime meridian divide the globe into hemispheres.

Essential Questions How are the meridians of longitude drawn on a map and globe? How are the parallels of latitude drawn on a map and globe? In which hemispheres were the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome located? In which hemispheres are the European nations (England, Spain, and France) and the United States located? What imaginary lines are used to create hemispheres?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of • Meridians of longitude: imaginary lines that are drawn from North to South on maps and globes • Parallels of latitude: imaginary lines that are drawn from East to West on maps and globes • Hemisphere: half of a sphere (globe) created by the prime meridian or the equator • Equator: imaginary line that divides the globe into the northern and southern hemispheres • Prime meridian: imaginary line that divides the globe into the eastern and western hemispheres • Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude are imaginary lines drawn around the Earth to help locate places.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material

Essential Skills Locate places, using longitude and the latitude. (I)



STANDARD 3.5 (continued)

The student will distinguish between meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude and use the equator and prime meridian to identify the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western hemispheres and the locations of the ancient civilizations, European nations, and American colonies which the student is studying.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

Find the following locations on a world map. • Ancient civilizations: Greece, Rome • European nations: England, Spain, France • American colony: Jamestown, Virginia • Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western hemispheres

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material




The student will use maps, tables, graphs, and charts to classify regions with common characteristics, such as deserts.

Essential Understandings Use maps, tables, graphs, charts, and pictures to classify regions. Regions are places that have common characteristics.

Essential Questions

What are regions? What visual aids are used to gather and classify information on regions?

Essential Knowledge

Understand the meaning of • Regions: places that have common characteristics; areas having no specific boundaries • Common characteristics: same features that belong to a place/region Pictures, maps, tables, graphs, and charts are used to gather and classify geographic information. Regions of the United States


East Coast






West Coast

Mountains and Valleys

Essential Skills

Make and explain bar and pie graphs. (R) Draw maps of familiar, objects or areas. (R) Construct and explain simple charts. (R)




The student will describe the economic specialization and interdependence involved in the production of goods and services in various types of communities in the past.

Essential Understandings Economic specialization and interdependence existed in the production of goods and services in past communities.

Essential Questions What is economic specialization? What is interdependence?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of • Economic specialization: individuals or groups of people that concentrate on one product or service • Interdependence: depending on others for providing goods and services that are needed

Essential Skills Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R) Draw conclusions and make generalizations about data. (R)

Economic specialization occurs when people concentrate on the production of selected kinds of goods and services. Economic specialization and interdependence of communities in the past • Ancient Greece and Rome both specialized in building ships, farming, and pottery. (Economic Specialization) • Greeks and Romans traded their goods with Egypt and other nearby communities. (Interdependence) I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material


STANDARD 3.7 (continued)


The student will describe the economic specialization and interdependence involved in the production of goods and services in various types of communities in the past.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

• Jamestown settlers specialized in growing a better tasting tobacco. (Economic Specialization) • In Jamestown, some settlers specialized in protecting the settlement while others specialized in growing food for the settlers. (Interdependence) • Jamestown settlers traded bettertasting tobacco with Europe for cloth. (Interdependence)

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material



STANDARD 3.8 The student will explain in simple terms how opportunity cost, scarcity, and price influence economic decision making.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

All choices require giving up something. (Opportunity Cost)

What factors influence economic decision making?

Because resources are limited (scarcity), people try to make careful decisions. The price of the good or service influences purchasing decisions.

Essential Knowledge

Understand the meaning of • Opportunity cost :the next best choice that is given up when a decision is made • Scarcity: a lack of supplies occurring because wants are greater than resources can provide • Price: the amount paid for a good, service, or resource

Essential Skills

Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R) Make decisions. (R)

Economic decision making requires comparing the cost (both opportunity cost and monetary cost) of choices with the benefits. Scarcity*

I only have $1.00

Opportunity Cost

I want to buy ice cream for $1.00. I also want to buy a soda for $1.00. If I choose ice cream, the soda becomes the opportunity cost.


If the price of ice cream is $1.00 and the price of a soda is $0.75, I may choose the soda because of the lower price.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material

*Teachers may use examples other than ice cream and soda to teach the concepts of scarcity, opportunity cost, and price.




The student will explain the relationship between taxation and government services.

Essential Understandings Taxes help pay for services provided by the government.

Essential Questions How can government pay for public goods and services? What benefits do people receive from government provided services?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of •Taxation: money paid to the government to provide services

Essential Skills Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R)

Taxes provide the money to pay for these government services: • Public schools • Public police stations/armed forces • Public fire stations • Public libraries • Public streets/highways • Public parks

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material




The student will describe the impact of changing modes of transportation and communication on the distribution of goods and services.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Transportation and communication have changed over time and have influenced the distribution of goods and services.

What impact has transportation had on the distribution of goods and services? What impact has communication had on the distribution of goods and services?

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

Goods and services have been delivered to people and businesses in different ways:

Explain cause and effect relationships. (R)

Modes of Transportation and Communication Over Time

Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R)



Space stations





Space satellites


Postal service

Wagon trains





Pony Express


Handwritten letters


I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material



STANDARD 3.10 (continued)


The student will describe the impact of changing modes of transportation and communication on the distribution of goods and services.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

Impact of changing modes of transportation and communication on the distribution of goods and services • Speed • Dependability • Safety • Convenience • Cost • Savings

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material




The student will explain the fundamental ideals and principles that form the foundation of our republican form of government including inalienable rights (“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”), the rule of law, justice, and equality under the law.

Essential Understandings Some fundamental ideals and principles of a republican form of government include inalienable rights, the rule of law, and justice and equality under the law.

Essential Questions What is a republican form of government? What are inalienable rights?

Essential Knowledge Understand the meaning of • Government: people who make laws, enforce laws, and determine if laws have been broken • Republican form of government: people elect representatives to run the government • Inalienable rights: privileges that people are born with and that cannot be taken away (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) • Rule of Law: laws are made to help people know what they should and should not do. All people must obey laws. • Justice and Equality Under the Law: all people are treated the same.

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material

Essential Skills Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R) Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas, values, personalities, behaviors, and institutions. (I)




The student will explain the interaction between rights and responsibilities; why we have rules, laws, and constitutional mandates to protect rights and make sure responsibilities are carried out; consequences for violating them; and the role of citizenship in promoting them.

Essential Understandings Citizens have rights and responsibilities. Rules and laws protect rights and define the responsibilities of citizens. There are consequences for violating rules and laws.

Essential Questions

What is citizenship? What are rights? What are responsibilities? Why do we have rules and laws? What happens when people break rules and laws?

Essential Knowledge

Essential Skills

Understand the meaning of • Citizenship: the duties, rights and privileges of being a member of a nation • Rights: freedoms protected by the government • Responsibility: the duty to take care of ones self, respect the rights of others, obey rules and laws

Gather, classify, and interpret information. (R)

Reasons for rules and laws • Protect rights of people • Describe how people should behave • Keep people safe

Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas, values, personalities, behaviors, and institutions. (I) Explain cause and effect relationships. (R)

Consequences for breaking rules and laws: punishments based on the offenses Relationships between Rights and Responsibilities* Rights


Choose our jobs

To do our jobs well (take care of ourselves)

Freedom of speech

To use appropriate language (respect others)

To go where we want to go

To obey traffic laws (obey laws)

I = Initial Introduction R = Reinforcement of the Skill M = Mastery of the Skill MC = Mastery of Complex New Material

*Other examples may be used to teach the relationship between rights and responsibilities. Assessment items should focus on the essential understandings for this standard (the relationship between rights and responsibilities).




The student will identify examples from history of conflicts over rights, how those conflicts were resolved, and the important people who helped to resolve them.

Essential Understandings

Essential Questions

Essential Knowledge

People have worked to resolve conflicts over rights in many ways.

Did women have the right to vote in elections a hundred years ago?

Examples of Historical Conflicts

Did African-Americans have the same civil rights as other Americans fifty years ago? Who were three important people who helped resolve these two conflicts?



Leaders Involved

Women could not vote or hold public office.

Women formed groups to work towards being allowed to vote.

Susan B. Anthony

Essential Skills

Identify and state a problem. ( R) Draw conclusions and make generalizations about data. (R)

Laws were changed, allowing women the right to vote and to hold public office. AfricanAmericans were not treated equally.

African-Americans were allowed to vote in elections to bring about change in civil rights.

Rosa Parks Martin Luther King, Jr.

Non-violent means were used to bring about change. Civil Rights laws were passed, guaranteeing that all Americans would