Equality & Diversity in Service Provision Policy and Procedure

Introduction This policy on equality and diversity in service provision outlines how we will ensure that our services are relevant, responsive and sensitive to the needs of our existing and future customers and that all sections of the community in which we work have equal access to those services.

Background The locations in which we work are socially and ethnically diverse and we have a broad customer profile reflecting this diversity. We are committed to the principles of equality and diversity and to delivering excellent services, making sure that all of our customers, internal and external, are treated fairly and with respect.

We oppose all forms of discrimination and recognise that discrimination creates barriers to achieving equality for all people. We will ensure that our policies and procedures remove unnecessary or unlawful barriers and we will take action should any discrimination be identified.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

We are committed to working with our customers, staff and partners to develop and deliver excellent services which meet the needs of everyone in those areas in which we work.

Our Policy We will: 

Ensure all customers have equal opportunity and treatment in the provision of services

Not tolerate harassment or intimidation of any individual or group

Ensure services are inclusive and meet the needs of all of our customers

Recognise, respect and respond to the diverse needs of customers

This policy complements our policy on Equality and Diversity in Employment, the policies we have in relation to flexible employment, our Equality and Diversity Strategy, the training undertaken on equality and diversity and the Diversity Matters Handbook series.

Taken together these demonstrate a very clear commitment to achieve equality and value diversity.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

Policy Outcomes Our policy aims to achieve the following outcomes:  Ensuring customers are respected and valued as individuals with individual needs  Ensuring staff do not directly or indirectly discriminate  Ensuring we provide easy to use services which are fair and accessible for all  Removing unnecessary barriers to our services, whether physical or otherwise  Ensuring that we use only objective, transparent and non discriminatory criteria in assessing our services  Raising levels of customer satisfaction and customer service  Challenging the behaviour of those who do not uphold our values and go against our principles on equality and diversity and reconsidering our continued relationships with any such person or organisation  Going beyond merely meeting the legal and regulatory requirements on equality and diversity and turning good practice into excellent practice  Listening to and actively encouraging our customers to have their say on the services they receive so that we can improve the services we provide  Providing training for staff, board members, customers and partners  Working with partners to ensure that the needs of all sections of the community are taken into account when providing our services

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

Contribution to Organisational Goals Our Vision and Values set the direction and culture of the Group. They ensure that the business is aligned around the desire to create sustainable homes and communities and to improve the lives of our customers. The Vision and Values ensure that all of our people understand Gentoo’s ethos and are clear about what is expected of them and the contribution they can make.


Great Homes - Strong Communities - Inspired People


Do the right thing Make a difference Work together Keep learning Give all you’ve got

This Policy operates within our Vision and Values.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

Procedure Staff All members of staff will receive training in issues of equality and diversity, in order to provide excellent customer service. Training will be provided as part of the induction process for all new starters and a mandatory course for all members of staff will also be provided throughout the year. Furthermore, additional work-place specific training will be made available to staff.

All members of staff will receive a copy of the Diversity Matters Handbook, a series of guides covering equalities. Copies of the Equality and Diversity Strategy will also be available for staff to access in every office and department. On joining the organisation all new starters will receive a copy of this policy.

Staff will receive additional information on equality and diversity via the internal communication channels in existence, e.g. staff newsletters, staff magazine, Group Brief and via the intranet.

Service Provision Access to our services will be operated in a non-discriminatory manner. Our services will not be restricted to or denied to any particular customer because of their personal circumstances.

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) are undertaken on all existing and any new services to ensure that we adhere to our values and Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

commitments. EIAs not only identify any areas of good practice, which can then be adopted more widely, they also highlight shortfalls in performance and areas for improvement and can help determine short and long term priorities for action.

There is a requirement on all Board Reports to have considered any equality and diversity implications. These considerations must be noted in the summary sheet.

Customers Customer profile data is systematically collected and stored within the ICT system so that services can be tailored to individual customer needs.

The recording and measurement of customer data is an integral part of the Performance Management Framework (PMF). Using the PMF as a basis for recording data ensures a structured and manageable approach to customer profiling our results in relation to customers’ specific needs.

Partners We work with our partners to ensure they are taking into account the needs of all sections of the community when providing services. Partners are provided with copies of our policies, Handbooks and Strategy. We encourage partners to contact us should we be able to provide assistance in relation to this agenda.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

Suppliers We require those who supply us with goods and services to signup to our commitment to achieve equality and value diversity. We provide opportunities for suppliers to access assistance from ourselves in relation to this agenda and we monitor compliance.

Equality- Overcoming Barriers As an organisation, we firmly believe that equality matters. We acknowledge that the society in which we live is changing and barriers are gradually coming down. However, certain groups and individuals still face disadvantage because of how society treats them and the barriers it puts in place.

Committed to removing barriers and challenging discriminatory behaviours and actions, we are dedicated to not only complying with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements (including Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998), but also going beyond these. Age Equality We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their age however there are some services that we provide which are designed to meet the specific needs of different age groups, for example sheltered schemes and supported housing schemes for young people.

We will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning age equality. Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

We will collate the age profile of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure age equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out.

We will involve and consult with customers representing different ages.

Disability Equality We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their disability and we will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning disability equality.

We will collate the disability profile of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure disability equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out. Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

We will involve and consult with customers representing different disabilities.

Gender Equality and Gender Reassignment We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their gender/gender identity and we will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning gender equality.

We will collate the gender identity profile of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure gender identity equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out.

We will involve and consult with customers representing different genders, including members of the trans community.

Race, Ethnicity Equality We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their race or ethnicity and we will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning race and ethnicity equality.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

We will collate the ethnicity of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure race and ethnicity equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out.

We will involve and consult with customers representing different races and ethnicities.

Religion or Belief Equality We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their religion or belief and we will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning religion and belief equality.

We will collate the religion or belief of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure religion or belief equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society

We will involve and consult with customers representing different religions or beliefs. Sexual Orientation Equality We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their sexual orientation and we will provide our staff and board members with training and guidance concerning sexual equality.

We will collate the sexual orientation profile of our customers and use the data we have to inform service provision and strategic direction.

We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and we will scan the external environment to ensure that we are complying with guidance and good practice.

We will ensure sexual equality is a consideration within all of the Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) we carry out.

We will involve and consult with customers representing different sexual orientations.

Last updated September 2007 Gentoo Sunderland Limited is a charitable community benefit society