Epidemiology of Brain Tumours

Epidemiology of Brain Tumours Brigitte Schlehofer Unit of Environmental-Epidemiology German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg Electromagnetic Field...
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Epidemiology of Brain Tumours

Brigitte Schlehofer Unit of Environmental-Epidemiology German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

The Brain The brain is a soft, spongy mass of nerve cells and supportive tissue.

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Regions of the Brain

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Functions of the Brain

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Primary and Secondary Brain Tumours Primary Brain Tumours • A tumour that starts in the brain (cerebrum, cerebellum, meninges or brain nerves) is a primary brain tumour. • Primary brain tumours are classified by the type of tissue in which they begin (e.g. glioma, meningioma, neurinoma). • Primary brain tumours can be grouped into: - "benign" tumours (e.g. meningioma, neurinoma) and - "malignant" tumours (e.g. glioma)

Secondary Brain Tumours • Tumours that begin in other parts of the body may spread to the brain and cause secondary tumours (e.g. metastases) Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Schematic Figure of Tumours of the Brain

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Meningioma Meningioma is a general name for tumours arising from: - the arachnoidal cells of the meninges or - the tela choriodea of the plexus chorioideus • usually benign, slowly growing tumours • in 1%-3% maligne transformation to anaplastic meningioma • are tumours of middle and old ages • female : male = 2 : 1 • 25% of all primary brain tumours

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008


Meningioma (lateral view of the right convexity). Large extracerebral tumour strongly depressing the prefrontal region.

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Genetic Aspects in Benign Brain Tumours Genetic changes associated with meningioma progression arachnoidal cell NF2 gene mutation/ chromosome 22q loss ? other loci meningeoma, WHO grade I losses of 1p, 6q, 10q, 14q and 18q gains of 1q, 9q, 12q, 15q, 17q and 20q atypical meningeoma, WHO grade II Losses of 6q, 9p, 10 and 14q 17q amplification Rare mutations: TP53, PTEN Rare deletions: CDKN2A anaplastic (malignant) meningeoma, WHO grade III

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Glioma Glioma is a general name for tumours arising from the neuroglia (glia is the supportive tissue of the brain which help keep the neurons in place and functioning well ). • unlike nerves, glia can reproduce itself

astrocyte cell

There are three types of glial cells that can give rise to different tumours: (astrocytoma, glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma, ependymoma) • usually malignant, fatal tumours • tendency to recur • male : female = 1.5 : 1 • 40% of all primary brain tumours

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008


Glioblastoma (frontal section). Massive necrohaemorrhagic tumour occupying a large portion of the left hemisphere.

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Genetic Aspects in Maligne Brain Tumours Genetic pathways operative in the evolution of primary and secondary glioblastoma:

Differentiated astrocytes or precursor cells P53 mutation (>65%) PDGF-A, PDGFR- overexpression (~60%) Low grade astrocytoma LOH 19q (~50%) RB alteration (~25%) Anaplastic astrocytoma LOH 10q PTEN mutation (5%) DCC loss of expression (~50%) PDGFR- amplification (=46 month


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for Meningioma due to short /long (< / >= 10 years) use of mobile phones 100,0

_ _

long latency

Relative Risk (95% CI)


short latency



Christensen 2004 HG-Glioma

Lönn 2005

Schüz 2006

Klaeboe 2006 analog

Klaeboe 2006 digital


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Hours 2007 long: >=46 month

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for ACN by regulary use* of mobile phones (* once a week for >= 6 month) 100,0

_ digital and / or analog _ digital only _ analog only

Relative Risk (95% CI)




Lönn 2004

Christensen 2004

Schoemaker 2005

Takebayashi 2006

Klaeboe 2006

Schlehofer 2007

Hours 2007


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for ACN due to short /long (< / >= 10 years) use of mobile phones 100,0

_ _

short latency long latency

Relative Risk (95% CI)




Lönn 2004

Schlehofer 2007

Schoem aker 2005

Christensen 2004

Klaeboe 2006 Klaeboe 2006 analog


short Takebayashi 2006

Hours 2007 long: >=46 m onth


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for Glioma due to short /long (< / >= 10 years) use of mobile phones 100,0

_ short latency _ long latency

Relative Risk (95% CI)




Hardell 2002 digital

Inskip 2001 Hardell 2002 analog

Hardell 2005 digital Hardell 2005 analog

Lönn 2005 Christensen 2004 HG-Glioma

Klaeboe 2006 digital

Schüz 2006 Hepworth 2006

Klaeboe 2006 analog

Lahkola 2006 analog


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Auvinen et al. (2002) FIN (a register-based study)

Results: Ever had a mobile phone contract: all: OR 1.3 (95% CI 0.9-1.8) Glioma: OR 1.5 (95% CI 1.0-2.4) Meningioma: OR 1.1 (95% CI 0.5-2.4) Parotid cancer: OR 1.3 (95% CI 0.4-4.7) Analogue mobile phones: Glioma: OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.3-3.4) Digital mobile phones: Glioma: OR 1.0 (95% CI 0.5-2.0)

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for Meningioma due to short /long (< / >= 10 years) use of mobile phones 100,0

_ short latency _ long latency

Relative Risk (95% CI)




Hardell 2002 digital

Inskip 2001


Hardell 2002 analog

Hardell 2005 digital Hardell 2005 analog

Klaeboe 2006 analog

Lönn 2005 Christense n 2004

Schüz 2006

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Klaeboe 2006 digital

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for ACN due to short /long (< / >= 10 years) use of mobile phones 100,0

_ _

longer latency



Relative Risk (95%

short latency







2001 short/long

2002 analog short/long

2005 analog short/long

2006 analog short/long

Lönn 2004

Schoem aker

Schlehofer 2007

2005 short/long



Cohort M uscat 2002 short



2002 digital short/long

2005 digital short/long

Klaeboe 2006 digital

Christense n


2004 h t/l

Takebayashi 2006 short/long


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Risk for Glioma by ipsi- and contra-lateral use of mobile phones 100,0

_ ipsilateral _ contralateral

Relative Risk (95% CI)




Hepworth 2005

Klaeboe 2006

Lahkola 2007

Lönn 2005

Hours 2007


Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

Brain tumours / The Brain Oh, my goodness!

My brain is gone!

I am hungry!

Electromagnetic Fields and Epidemiology / Descriptive Epidemiology of Brain tumour / B. Schlehofer, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Erice, March/April 2008

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