End of Year Objectives Year 1: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1) 2)

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Spells words containing each of the 40+ phonemes already taught correctly or with plausible GPC. Correctly writes simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using the GPCs and common exception words taught so far (including first 100 key words and Phase 5 Letters and Sounds). Begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place (but size may be inconsistent). Knows the names of the letters of the alphabet and can say them in order. Talks /discusses what they are going to write about and can compose a sentence orally before writing it. Uses the spelling rule for adding –s or –es to spell the third person singular form of verbs (e.g. he/she walks, pushes etc). Can use the prefix un- to change verbs and adjectives (e.g. undo, untie, unkind). Can add suffixes –ing, -ed and-er to verbs appropriately where there is no change to the spelling of the root word (e.g. helping, helped, helper)


Can add suffixes -est and-er to adjectives appropriately where there is no change to the spelling of the root word (e.g. quicker, quickest). 10) Applies simple spelling rules with increasing success (e.g. Vowel digraphs and trigraphs, -tch, ph, wh, use of k, ending with -y) (Phase 5 Letter and Sounds). 11) Use syllables to divide words when spelling. 12) Spells common exception words correctly. 13) Sits correctly at a table and holds the pencil appropriately. 14) Can spell the days of the week correctly. 15) Forms capital letters correctly (but size may vary). 16) Forms digits 0-9 correctly but size may vary. 17) Can identify letters that are formed in similar ways and is starting to show evidence of similar accurate formation. 18) Uses the spelling rule for adding –s or -es to spells plurals (e.g. chairs, boxes). 19) Sequences sentences to form short narratives. May only be simple sentences but meaning flows. 20) Re-reads writing to check it makes sense and makes some corrections to it. 21) Can read own writing aloud clearly, and can discuss what they have written with others (peers or teachers). 22) Leaves gaps between words. 23) Joins words and clauses using ‘and’ (then, because for greater depth). 24) Is beginning to punctuate 50% of sentences using a capital letter and full stop, question mark or exclamation mark (75% for greater depth). 25) Uses a capital letter for proper names (people, places, days of the week) and for personal pronoun ‘I’.






End of Year Objectives Year 2: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1)

Segments spoken words into phonemes and represents these by graphemes, spelling correctly (Phase 6 Letters and Sounds).


Knows phonemes for which there are more than one way to spell.


Consistently uses spaces between words that reflect the size of the letters.


Can plan writing appropriately, by writing down ideas and / or key words, including new or relevant vocabulary. Uses full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, and commas for lists 75% of the time correctly.

5) 6)

Can form and spell correctly adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, -less.


Can use suffix –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs.


Correctly writes simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using phonetically plausible and common exception words and punctuation taught so far (Phase 6 Letters and Sounds).


Uses some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and understands which letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left unjoined. 10) Capital letters, lower case letters and digits are consistently of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters. 11) Knows a few common homophones, and distinguishes between homophones and near-homophones (there/ their/ they’re, here/ hear, quite/ quiet, see/ sea, bare/ bear, one/ won, sun/ son, to/ too/ two, be/ bee, blue/ blew, night/ knight). 12) Has stamina in writing, can write at least 3 parts. 13) Writing is appropriate for different purposes, follows form of narrative (real and fictional), recount and poetry. 14) Talks, and discusses ideas, about what they are writing about before starting to write. 15) Can spell common exception words (Phase 6 - 300 words) and more words with contracted forms. 16) Can proof read own writing and make relevant corrections, e.g. can check verb tense consistency, spelling, grammar and punctuation. 17) Reads own writing aloud with appropriate intonation to make meaning clear. 18) Can evaluate their own and others finished writing with teacher and/ or peers. 19) Can form and spell correctly nouns using suffixes such as –ness, -er, -ment and by compounding. 20) Apostrophes for contracted forms and the possessive (singular) mainly correct. 21) Uses a variety of subordination (conjunctions – when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (conjunctions – or, and, but) in writing. 22) Can use sentences of different forms: statements, questions, exclamations and commands. 23) Uses expanded noun phrases to describe and specify (e.g. blue butterfly, plain flour). 24) Uses present and/ or past tense correctly and consistently, including the progressive form to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting). 25) To attempt to interest the reader through creating characters and settings.






End of Year Objectives Year 3: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1)


Correctly writes simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using the GPCs and common exception words and punctuation taught so far (Spelling sheets 3.3). Uses the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or vowel (e.g. a box, an open box, an egg).


Is beginning to structure a sequence of events organised into paragraphs.


Creates basic settings, characters and simple plot in narratives with appropriate detail. Uses simple organisational devices in non- narrative writing (headings and sub-headings). Can find words in a dictionary using the first two letters to check meaning.

5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Can spell and use further prefixes and suffixes and understand s how to add them and their meaning (e.g. re-, sub-, inter-, super-, anti-, auto-). Is beginning to join letters accurately with appropriate diagonal or horizontal strokes. Writing is mostly neat, well-spaced and generally of a consistent size.

10) Can discuss writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar (e.g. identify some basic features of text). 11) Can discuss and record ideas for writing in simple forms of planning. 12) Can read and use word families to help determine spellings (e.g. solve, solution, soluble, solved, dissolve). (Spelling Sheets 3.3). 13) Spells correctly words that are commonly mis-spelt (Sheets 3.4). 14) Uses adverbs (Slowly, Rose stepped into the dark tunnel),adverbial phrases (With a heavy heart, Blue Kangaroo hopped down the stairs) and Ing starters (Smiling, Jack turned to Rose). 15) Recognise and spell additional homophones (Spelling sheets 3.5). 16) Can proof read own writing and make appropriate corrections to spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary in respect to aspects learned this year. 17) Can evaluate the effectiveness of own or others’ writing and suggest improvements. 18) Reads aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. 19) Uses apostrophes consistently for contractions and possessive (singular and plurals) correctly 50% of the time. 20) Uses conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs to convey time, place and manner (before, after, during, then, soon, some time later, eventually, seconds after that etc). 21) Uses conjunctions to convey cause and effect (because, although, so). 22) Is beginning to use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech but is not always accurate. 23) Presentation of characters to interest the reader through use of some detail and dialogue. 24) Can write a range of sentences using subordination such as because, which, where, if, after and when. 25) Can identify and use correct terminology for preposition, conjunction, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech, consonant, vowel, inverted commas(speech marks).






End of Year Objectives Year 4: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1)

Writing has clear structure across a range of genre.


Paragraphs are used to organise ideas around a theme or event (topic sentence).


Can proof read own writing and make appropriate corrections to spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary in respect to aspects learned this year. Correctly writes simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using phonetically plausible and common exception words (refer back to list 3.3 if needed) & punctuation taught so far. Uses adverbials and determiners appropriately (e.g. a, an, this those, that, etc) in a sentence. Writing is of consistent size and neat.


5) 6) 7) 8)

Can analyse writing similar to that which they are planning to write and can reproduce features that they have identified. Can discuss and record more detailed ideas for writing in the form of planning.


Spells correctly words that are commonly misspelt and can spell multi-syllabic words (Spelling lists 4.1). 10) Can spell and use further prefixes and suffixes and can spell words with common letter strings (e.g. mis-, dis-, in- , ill-, im-, ir- etc) (Spelling lists 4.2). 11) Uses detail to build character descriptions and provoke a response and integrate dialogue to convey characters. 12) Write a complete story with a full sequence of events in narrative order. 13) Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositional phrases eg ‘The teacher’ expanded to ‘The strict maths teacher with curly hair’. 14) Uses fronted adverbials (e.g. start with time connective or adverb). 15) Uses appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition. 16) Can use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary. 17) Can evaluate the effectiveness of own or others’ writing in connection to purpose and suggest improvements. 18) Reads aloud their own writing to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. 19) Uses Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms (e.g. we were instead of we was). 20) Uses the possessive apostrophe in words with regular plurals *for example, girls’, boys’+ and in words with irregular plurals. 21) Punctuates direct speech accurately (e.g. comma after reporting clause: end punctuation within inverted commas). 22) Uses commas after fronted adverbials or to demarcate clauses, not always accurately. 23) Uses the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters correctly and understands which letters are best left unjoined. 24) Begin to use similes to add description to the writing. 25) Can identify and use correct terminology for adverbial, determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun.






End of Year Objectives Year 5: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1)

Can join writing legibly and fluently.


Uses devices to build cohesion within a paragraph (e.g. then, after that, firstly etc).


Length and focus of sentences vary and includes embedded subordinate clauses. Use stylistic devices to create effects in writing. For example – simile, metaphor. Can proof read own writing and make appropriate corrections to spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary in respect to aspects learned this year.

4) 5) 6) 7)

Can spell and distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confused (Suggested list 5.6). Can write words using suffixes (e.g. –ate, -ise, -ify) Spelling list 5.2.


Understands that different types of handwriting may suit different tasks eg quick notes, letters.


Can identify and use other writing as a model for their own.

10) Identify the audience for and purpose of the writing selecting the appropriate form. 11) Can write words with prefixes and suffixes understanding the meaning and effect they convey (e.g. –ible, -able, ably, ibly etc) Spelling list 5.2. 12) Knows age appropriate spelling rules and can spell words with common letter strings ( see Y5 spelling list and 5.3). 13) In narrative describes settings, characters and atmosphere using expressive or figurative language (words and phrases). 14) In narrative can use dialogue to help convey character and advance the action. 15) Imaginative detail and precise vocabulary used for effect, for example to engage as well as inform. 16) Uses a range of expanded noun phrases. 17) Knows that some words have silent letters and can spell them correctly . e.g knight, psalm Spelling lists 5.4 18) Uses modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility (e.g. might, should, will, must). 19) Uses relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied (i.e. omitted) relative pronoun. 20) Can mark relationships of time and cause, through the use of perfect form of verbs. 21) Can use a dictionary to check meaning and spelling of words and a thesaurus to find synonyms using the first three or four letter of a word. 22) Can perform own compositions, with growing confidence, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. 23) Uses brackets or commas to indicate parenthesis. 24) Uses commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity. 25) Can identify and use correct terminology for modal verb, relative pronoun, relative clause, parenthesis, bracket, dash, cohesion and ambiguity.






End of Year Objectives Year 6: Writing


NAME: 1 Objective 1)


Selects appropriate form of writing for a task and other similar writing as models for their own. Ideas organised into a planned coherent set of paragraphs, which are varied in length and structure and the overall direction of the text is supported by clear links between paragraphs. Ensures the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing.


Writes legibly, fluently and at appropriate speed.


Can use the semi-colon, colon and dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses (e.g., It’s raining; I’m so fed up) and use a colon to introduce a list and semi-colon within a list. Can identify the audience for and purpose of a piece of writing.


6) 7) 8)

Can add prefixes and suffixes and knows more complex letter strings. Spelling Lists 6.1. Develops initial ideas by drawing on reading and research where necessary.


Can précis longer passages conveying key information.

10) Uses passive voice to affect the presentation of information in a sentence. 11) Can recognise and use the different vocabulary typical of informal speech or formal speech and writing (e.g. find out – discover, ask for – request). 12) Understands how words are related as synonyms and antonyms. Spelling Lists 6.2.

13) Use grammatical structures/ features and choose vocabulary appropriate to the audience, purpose and degree of formality to make meaning clear and create effect. 14) Links ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices (e.g. using adverbials such as on the other hand, in contrast etc) 15) Uses layout devices to structure text appropriately (e.g. headings, columns, bullets or tables etc). 16) Can use ellipsis appropriately to omit words and to help build suspense. 17) In narrative advances action through a range of literary devices (e.g. dialogue, description, flashback etc). 18) Uses personification to add imaginative detail. 19) Uses knowledge of morphology and etymology in spelling to attempt new words mainly successfully. Spelling lists 6.3. 20) Ensures the correct subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural. 21) Can effectively evaluate and edit their own and others’ writing. 22) Can perform their own compositions confidently, using appropriate intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is clear. 23) Chooses the type of handwriting/writing and implement that is best suited for a task e.g quick notes or letters. 24) Can use hyphens to help avoid ambiguity (e.g., man eating shark : man-eating shark). 25) Can identify, understand and use terminology accurately and appropriately in discussing their writing and reading.