EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 eop shining star The Ed ucational Opportunity Program is know n for the support and services i...
Author: Norman Johnston
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eop shining star The Ed ucational Opportunity Program is know n for the support and services it provid es for stud ents. SUN Y Cobleskill EOP alumni rem ain connected to the program w ell after graduation. We find this story to be unique in that, a form er EOP stud ent has d ecid ed to return to SUN Y Cobleskill and give back to the institution that in his w ord s, “gave him so m uch.” Jad e Setias, a young m an w ho started his life journey at SUN Y Cobleskill in the fall of 2004, has succeed ed to such heights. H e is currently an Econom ics Adjunct for the business school at SUN Y Cobleskill. H ere, Jad e Setias d escribes his acad em ic journey and ad vice to current and future stud ents of the Ed ucational Opportunity Program at SUN Y Cobleskill.

My nam e is Jad e Setias and seven years ago, I attend ed SUN Y Cobleskill as freshman as a Business Ad ministration m ajor. At that tim e, like m any EOP stud ents at SUN Y Cobleskill, I had a hard tim e ad justing to college life. Although as tim e w ent on at SUN Y Cobleskill I m ad e great friend s and received a quality ed ucation from the faculty there. Like m any young stud ents I had a hard time in m y acad em ic stud ies. During m y tim e here I alw ays got the sense that m y teachers alw ays cared about how w ell I w as d oing in their class; on top of that, many of the EOP counselors alw ays kept track of me. I rem em ber w hen I w as in SUN Y Cobleskill m y ad visor Mr. Sim pson cam e to one of m y classes telling m e he need ed to see m e about m y grad es. The fact that he confronted m e show ed me he w as concerned and w anted to help m e. I know that m ost of the faculty at SUN Y Cobleskill alw ays care about their stud ents. The people at SUN Y Cobleskill helped m e d iscover w ho I am as w ell as gave m e the support I need ed to further m y ed ucation. With the support EOP and the faculty at SUN Y Cobleskill gave me, I transferred to SUN Y Albany w here I received m y bachelor’s in Econom ics. At UAlbany, I had a hard time ad justing to the bigger school because of the class sizes. Com pared to SUNY Cobleskill w here the average class is 40 stud ents, at UAlbany they have classes w here there are about 60 or m ore stud ents d epend ing on the class. During this time, I turned to the only people I knew w ho could help me ad just better, so I turned to EOP faculty at UAlbany. Once again I found the support I need ed to encourage m e and help m e focus w hat I need ed to d o. After I received m y bachelor’s, I found out that I w as eligible for a grant that w ould help pay for grad uate school because I w as an EOP stud ent. Thanks to the support I received from EOP I currently am finishing up m y m asters d egree in Econom ics and is now preparing for applying for a PhD in public policy. “My advice to EOP students is, no matter how hard it gets you can get through it and do better, no matter w ho you are!”

achievements and awards SUNY Empire State Diversity Honor Scholarship Each year eight stu d ents are chosen as recip ients of the Em p ire State Diversity H onors Scholarship . We are p rou d to annou nce EOP is w ell rep resented am ong this year’s recip ients:

Josh Glick

Africa Harper

Sarah Kurland

Laurence Wong

Awards Convocation 2011 On Frid ay, Ap ril 15, the Office of Acad em ic Affairs hosted its annu al Aw ard s Convocation recognizing the acad em ic and social achievem ents of this year’s anticip ated grad u ates. Acad em ic Achievem ent Aw ard s are granted to stu d ents w ith the highest cu m u lative average of 3.0 or better in their m ajor. Elishia Morocco received the Child Care and Fam ily Services Aw ard . Samah Vargas received the Excellence in Writing Aw ard for the stu d ent “w ho has d em onstrated excellence in creative w riting throu ghou t their college career.”

Honorees Samah Vargas and Elishia Morocco

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Lambda Gamma Chapter Induction Ceremony Carrie Conklin of East Worcester, N Y w as am ong the stu d ents ind u cted into Phi Theta Kap p a (Lam bd a Gam m a Chap ter) International H onor Society on Frid ay, Ap ril 15. Phi Theta Kap p a is an internationally recognized honor society for colleges offering tw o-year acad em ic p rogram s. Phi Theta Kap p a p rom otes acad em ic excellence and stu d ent lead ership . Stu d ents eligible for ind u ction are enrolled in an associate d egree p rogram , com p leted at least 12 sem ester hou r of cou rsew ork tow ard s an associate d egree and have a cu m u lative average of 3.0 or better. Carrie Conklin with induction sponsor and EOP counselor, Elizabeth Weir.



honors FALL 2010 DEAN ’S LIST AN D H ON ORABLE MEN TION DEAN ’S LIST Fall 2010 D ean’s List

Fall 2010 Honorable Mention D ean’s List

Carrie Conklin Josh Glick Michelle Jim enez Ju n Jie Liang Rebecca Rad liff Lau rence Wong Shane Carop p oli

DJ Bevis Africa H arp er Sarah Ku rland Carissa Lacko Elishia Marocco Erin Myhre Terri-Lyn N arvaez Ru th Rad liff Brittany Sanford K Rid ge Thom as Sarah Thom p son Gerald Villarreal Brittany Wineglass


The EOP fall Recognition Dinner w as held on N ovem ber 2, 2010. H onored d u ring the evening w ere seven stu d ents w ho m ad e the Dean’s List and thirteen stu d ents w ho gained H onorable Mention Dean’s List statu s, and one stu d ent w ho w as ind u cted into Chi Alp ha Ep silon. Recognition d inners are held each sem ester.

Fall 2010 Chi Alpha Epsilon Elishia Marocco Ju n Jie Liang (Em erald Up grad e) Josh Glick (Ru by Up grad e)


D ean’s List Carrie Conklin Josh Glick Michelle Jim enez Rebecca Rad liff Lau rence Wong Shane Carop p oli

Honorable Mention D ean’s List Donald Bevis Africa H arp er Sarah Ku rland Carissa Lacko Elishia Marocco Erin Myhre Terri-Lyn N arvaez Ru th Rad liff Brittany Sanford K Rid ge Thom as Sarah Thom p son Gerald Villarreal Brittany Winegleass

fall 2010 graduates Samah Vargas of the Dom inican Rep u blic w ill be grad u ating w ith her associate in H u m anities. Sam ah is a m em ber of XOK and the International Clu b. She has p articip ated throu ghou t cam p u s as an Earth Day volu nteer and the H allow een Com m u nity Trick or Treat com m u nity event. Sam ah is cu rrently p u rsu ing Terri-Lyn N arvaez has grad u ated w ith her a BS in Com m u nications Technology at SUN Y AS d egree in Child and Fam ily Services. Cobleskill. She is from N eversink, N Y, and now resid es w ith her hu sband in Brooklyn, N Y. Whitney Boyce of Argyle, N Y received an AAS in Terri-Lyn is w orking for an afterschool Equ ine Stu d ies. Whitney has com m itted to w orking p rogram and p lans on continu ing her fu ll tim e in her hom e tow n. She w ou ld like to retu rn to school in the near fu tu re to p u rsu e her bachelor’s ed u cation near Brooklyn. d egree. Jinette Mena is from Corona, N Y and has com p leted her AAS in Early Child hood . Jinette is continu ing her bachelor’s d egree here at SUN Y Cobleskill and w orks p arttim e on cam p u s.

Ruth Radliff is a local stu d ent from Cobleskill, N Y. She has finished her BS in Co m m u n icat io n s a n d en joy ed h er exp eriences w hile here. Ru th is cu rrently m anaging a store in d ow ntow n Cobleskill.

Sasha Knight of Brooklyn, N Y received her BBA in Technology Managem ent. Sasha is contem p lating grad u ate school and is cu rrently em p loyed in N ew York City.

Miguel Rodriguez is from Schenectad y, N Y, and has finished his AAS d egree in Com p u ter Inform ation System s w ith a concentration of N etw ork Su p p ort. Migu el is com p leting his bachelor’s d egree here and is a Resid ent Assistant.

Katie Rushlo has com p leted her AA in H u m anities after a w ond erfu l su m m er exp erience in Italy. Katie is from Central Squ are, N Y, and w ill rem ain at SUN Y Cobleskill for one m ore sem ester before she transfers.

Brittany Wineglass has grad u ated w ith her BBA in Cu linary Arts and p lans on w orking in her field near hom e. She is from Rosed ale, N Y. Brittany is p lanning on attend ing grad u ate school. Brittany Challen of Eagle Brid ge, N Y earned her BT d egree in Anim al Science. Olga Rivera of Bronx, N Y w ill be grad u ating w ith her BT in Inform ation Technology. Olga has been very active on cam p u s, as a RA in Wieting H all.


Gerald Villarreal is from Law rence, N Y. Gerald has finished his BBA in Cu linary Arts and w ill w ork for a catering com p any near hom e. H e has been a Resid ent Assistant throu ghou t his tim e here at Cobleskill and m ay take that exp erience to the next level by becom ing a Resid ence H all Director. D onald Bevis of Valley Falls, N Y earned his BT d egree in Land scap e Contracting. Donald w as ind u cted into the Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program Acad em ic H onor Society, Chi Alp ha Ep silon in 2010. Donald w as a m em ber of the m en’s soccer team .



A N ote From the Director…… As I reflect on the fall sem ester of 2010 and the m any su ccesses ou r stu d ents and office has achieved at SUN Y Cobleskill, I rem ind m yself as I often d o, that com p lacency is not you r friend ; w e have sim p ly scratched the su rface of ou r tru e p otential. “There is so m u ch still to d o and never enou gh tim e to d o it.” H ow ever, ou r navigational p ath rem ains resolu te and d eliberate. The Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program at SUN Y Cobleskill is im p roving each and every d ay w ith a m ind set that “w e are confid ent, w e can d o better.” We are so p rou d of the efforts of ou r stu d ents this p ast fall, and w e ap p reciate all the su p p ort w e have received from across the college cam p u s. In fall 2010, seven stu d ents received Dean’s List honors and thirteen stu d ents received Dean’s List honorable m ention recognition. In early sp ring 2011, Elishia Marocco w as ind u cted into the acad em ic national honor society for op p ortu nity p rogram s, Chi Alp ha Ep silon, w hich brou ght her and her fam ily m u ch joy. Stu d ents receiving a 3.0 or better for tw o consecu tive sem esters w hile m aintaining a cu m u lative grad e p oint average of 3.0 or better are eligible for ind u ction. The ind u ction cerem ony is secret w here only m em bers and ind u ctees are allow ed to p articip ate. As p art of the ind u ction cerem ony stu d ents receive a lap el p in w ith the Chi Alp ha Ep silon crest and a blu e and w hite cord that p rou d ly ad orns their cap and gow n at college grad u ation. We are hap p y to annou nce w e have exp and ed are tu torial p rogram to inclu d e a Science tu tor, Margaret Liberti. In ad d ition, w e offered ou r stu d ents three su p p lem ental ed u cational w orkshop exp eriences d evelop ed and facilitated by ou r cam p u s’s Center of Acad em ic Su p p ort and Excellence (CASE). We anticip ate exp and ing ou r tu toring p rogram in fall 2011 to inclu d e a Social Science tu tor. The Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program at SUN Y Cobleskill is com m itted to p rovid ing qu alitative su p p ort services and creating an office cu ltu re that p rom otes scholarship , lead ership and service. The EOP Office w ou ld like to thank all of the ind ivid u als and offices that have extend ed a help ing hand of su p p ort, as w e m ake every effort to m ake a p ositive d ifference in the lives and acad em ic exp eriences of stu d ents. “ It is t hrough t he sum of all it s part s t hat t he Educat ional O pport unit y Program at SUNY Cobleskill w ill achiev e great ness!” A sp ecial thanks is extend ed to cou nselors, Stacey Reyes and Elizabeth Weir, and Chris VanGinhoven, ou r Keyboard Sp ecialist II, and tu tors, Dick You ng, Margaret Liberti and Jesse Fosm ire.

Derw in Bennett Interim Director, Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program


Natasha Casey, DezShonna Kinloch, Shannell Graham, Justine Sperbeck, Elishia Marocco and Shaquell Windley.

This p ast fall 2010, stu d ents from the Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program and across cam p u s com m itted to a night of tricks and m any treats for the local com m u nity’s you th. Each year the Office of Stu d ent Develop m ent and Collegiate Life lead s in a H allow een exp erience that is em braced by the entire cam p u s. Local kid s and their fam ilies are w elcom ed to the cam p u s for an evening of gam es, p rizes, hay rid es and a trad itional trick or treat exp erience. This year’s event exceed ed last years in attend ance by hu nd red s m aking it the m ost attend ed com m u nity trick or treat to d ate. One of the featu red attractions w as a hau nted hou se at Brickyard Point. Joining in on the su p p ort w ith an assortm ent of gam es and tasty treats are EOP’s N atasha Casey, Dezshonna Kinloch, Shannell Graham , Ju stine Sp erbeck, Elishia Morocco, Sam ah Vargas, Devora Barrios, Carissa Lacko and Shaqu ell Wind ley.

Samah Vargas and Devora Barrios

DezShonna Kinloch and Justine Sperbeck



My Life as a Student Abroad by Fanny Fabre In fall 2010, I had the op p ortu nity to stu d y abroad . The exp erience changed m y life and becau se of it, I w ill never see the w orld as I once d id . My exp erience as an exchange stu d ent in Mexico City w as very d ifferent from w hat you w ou ld exp erience as a vacationer in another cou ntry. I can rem em ber w hen I first started on this jou rney in sp ring of 2010. I attend ed a p rogram on the SUN Y Cobleskill cam p u s that encou raged stu d ents to stu d y abroad and that it w ou ld be an exp erience like no other. I w as intrigu ed and after sp eaking to several p eop le abou t the p ossibility of attend ing college in Mexico City, I w as convinced this w as the right op p ortu nity for m e. I can rem em ber w hen I sent m y ap p lication and registration p ap ers to La Universid ad d e las Am ericas Pu ebla (UDLAP), I w as so excited . I w ent hom e for the su m m er, and sp oke to som e of m y loved ones. They all said they w ere going to m iss m e d early. I knew I w as going to m iss them as w ell. As the su m m er p rogressed and the tim e to leave grew near, I began to have second thou ghts becau se I w ou ld be in a foreign land , d esp ite sp eaking Sp anish flu ently, and I w ou ld really m iss m y loved ones. I told m yself that if I d id not take this leap of fate now , I m ay never have the op p ortu nity to stu d y abroad ever again. I also thou ght abou t the regret I w ou ld feel years from now if I d id not take ad vantage of this op p ortu nity. It w as settled w ithin in m e, “I w ou ld go” and so I d id . When I arrived in Mexico City, I w as am azed at the sights, sou nd s and colors of the cou ntry. What I enjoyed m ost w as the ed u cational exp erience afford ed m e the op p ortu nity to travel to several d ifferent cities w ithin the cou ntry of Mexico. I took ad vantage of every op p ortu nity to travel arou nd the cou ntry. I visited Taxco, Acap u lco, Igu ala, Xalap a, and Cancu n. In each of these p laces I had the good fortu ne of p articip ating in activities I had never before exp erienced . Bu ngee ju m p ing, sw im m ing w ith d olp hins, going to the beach, and w ater rafting w ere ju st a few of the m any activities. The p lace I w ill m iss the m ost is Cancu n. Cancu n is one of the m ost beau tifu l p laces I have ever been. What I enjoyed m ost w as the clear blu e w aters. I fou nd the sea to be a very calm ing and relaxing exp erience.


I really liked and enjoyed the au thentic food of Mexico as w ell. There w as a clear d ifference betw een food from hom e and Mexican cu isine. Althou gh Mexican food is greasy, it has a lot of Mexican sp ices and jalap enos w hich I enjoyed . Tortillas are alw ays p art of the Mexican m eal. What I w ill m iss the m ost are the d eep fried sm all tacos. At the end of the d ay, I am extrem ely hap p y and p rou d of m yself for taking the op p ortu nity. I believe I received tw o ed u cations w hile in Mexico, one in the area of bu siness and the other in Mexican cu ltu re. I w ill recom m end to m y p eers that stu d ying abroad is a a life changing exp erience that shou ld be consid ered . I ap p reciate the op p ortu nity and the encou ragem ent I received from the Stu d ent Su ccess Center, the Office of International Ed u cation and EOP. I recom m end that every stu d ent of every m ajor, that if they have the op p ortu nity to stu d y abroad , they shou ld take it.




press play


multiculturalism Sarah Kurland prepared & presented pastries from Israel

Cuisine from the D ominican Republic was prepared and presented Fanny Fabre, Samah Vargas, Adolphina Rodriguez, Jennifer Payano Elaine Vargas and friends.

In Febru ary 2011, the cam p u s celebrated its d iversity by offering an international d inner that cou ld rival Ep cot Center in Orland o, Florid a. EOP, the International Clu b, Dining Services and the Cu ltu ral Diversity Com m ittee collaborated to p rod u ce au thentic cu isine from all over the w orld . The entrees, d esserts and salad s w ere p rep ared and p resented by SUN Y Cobleskill stu d ents for SUN Y Cobleskill stu d ents. The stu d ents p rep ared the offerings w ith p rid e. SUN Y Cobleskill stu d ents rep resenting Egyp t, Jord an, Israel, Morocco, Ru ssia, Dom inican Rep u blic, Brazil and m any m ore p rep ared each entrée w ith d etail to cap tu re the au thentic essence of their native land s. (N ot pictured are EOP participants, Brittany Sanford and Laurence W ong)



A d ream A dream. So deeply implanted, it now flow s through my veins as hidden streams. Enchanting, entw ined, my dream and I. D estined and w ritten you shall surely thrive. Pick it up, dust it off Hold dear to my heart. Snatch it, then throw it You no longer know it. This dream that I have is intangible to me. This dream that I have is no longer real you see. Like the perfect w orld w e once had, this dream has come and gone.

Black History Month Commemoration Black H istory Month has been celebrated in Febru ary in the United States since its beginning in the 1920s. From the start, it has been a celebration of blacks' achievem ents on the national scene, and w as set in Febru ary to coincid e w ith the birthd ays of Fred erick Dou glass and Abraham Lincoln. In Febru ary 2011, m em bers of the Ed u cational Op p ortu nity Program collaborated w ith the Cu ltu ral Diversity Com m ittee and Dining Services to p rod u ce an event to com m em orate Black H istory Month. The event inclu d ed an au thentic sou l food d inner and com p rehensive p oster gallery exhibit. "Sou l Food " is its ow n sp ecialty cu isine in contem p orary enjoyed by Am ericans and p eop le arou nd the w orld . For m any African Am ericans, sou l food connects them to their African heritage. Cam p u s caterer, Vinny Garu fi and staff, researched and review ed several sou l food cookbooks to create a m enu that cap tu red the historical essence of African Am erican Cu isine and the contem p orary flavors of sou l food tod ay. The Cu linary Arts Program ’s Professor Sielaff and his p astry class agreed to p rep are an assortm ent of cu stom ary sou l food d esserts. EOP contributors: Elaine DeVargas, Samah Vargas and William Littman.

One of the m ost im p actfu l contribu tions cam e from the EOP stu d ents. They created a p oster gallery hou sed in one of the sm aller d ining room s. The p osters d ep icted the achievem ents and societal contribu tions of 75 African Am ericans, p ast and p resent. In ad d ition, they p rovid ed several historical reference p anels to d escribe the origins of each entrée and d essert. N early 800 facu lty, staff and stu d ents attend ed the event.


sport and exercise AFRICA HARPER N AMED FIGHTIN G TIGER ATHLETE-OF-THE-WEEK The SUN Y Cobleskill Dep artm ent of Sp ort & Exercise annou nced that freshm an Africa H arp er, Bronx, N Y, John F. Kenned y H igh School, a m em ber of the w om en’s ind oor track & field team , has been nam ed the Fighting Tiger Athlete-of-the-Week. The freshm an sp rinter set a new p rogram w om en’s ind oor record in the 200 Meter Dash at the H arvard Op en Invitational hosted by H arvard University on Satu rd ay in Cam brid ge, MA. H arp er p osted a tim e of 26.98 second s at the non scoring event for the Fighting Tigers. D AMION LON GMORE LEAVES LASTIN G IMPRESSION ON THE FIGHTIN G TIGERS BASKETBALL TEAM Senior Dam ion Longm ore recently com p leted his third season of varsity athletics as a p art of SUN Y Cobleskill’s m en’s basketball p rogram . While p laying over 30 m inu tes p er gam e as a sop hom ore he averaged 7 p oints and 5 rebou nd s w hile starting 23 of 24 gam es. For his consistent effort, loyalty, and d iscip line Dam ion received the coach’s aw ard for the 2008-2009 season p resented by head coach, Matt Allen. Du ring the 2009-2010 season Dam ion continu ed his consistent p lay as the Tigers im p roved their overall record by tw o gam es and reached the sem i-finals of the N EAC conference tou rnam ent. Im p rovem ents in field goal p ercentage, from 41% to 45%, and free throw p ercentage m arked Dam ion’s stead y p rogress. Statistically he averaged 25 m inu tes p er gam e, scoring 6 p oints and p u lling d ow n 4 rebou nd s p er gam e. As a senior Dam ion help ed the Tigers m atch their w in total from the p reviou s year w hile averaging 5 p oints and 4 rebou nd s p er gam e. While p laying 20 p lu s m inu tes p er gam e d u ring the 2010-2011 season Dam ion once again w as a m od el of consistency on the cou rt. Over his three year career he has am assed 486 p oints, 347 rebou nd s, 89 assists and 45 steals. While starting 60 of 76 career gam es Dam ion averaged 26 m inu tes p er gam e and shot a solid 44%. Dam ion is exp ected to receive a BBA in Bu siness Technology at the end of the fall term . Article contributed by SUN Y Cobleskill’s Head Men’s Basketball Coach., Matt Allen .


SUN Y COBLESKILL N AMES SHAQUELL WIN D LEY FIGHTIN G TIGER ATHLETEOF-THE-WEEK The SUN Y Cobleskill Dep artm ent of Sp ort & Exercise annou nced tod ay that sop hom ore Shaqu ell Wind ley, Bronx, N Y, John Bow ne H igh School, a m em ber of the m en’s ind oor track & field team , has been nam ed the Fighting Tiger Athlete-of-theWeek. The talented second -year p erform er exp lod ed from the third heat to w in the 400 Meter Dash at the 2011 Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Division III Ind oor Track & Field Cham p ionship s hosted by N ew York University (N YU) at the Arm ory Track & Field Center in N ew York, N Y over the w eekend lead ing the Fighting Tigers to a team score of 10 p oints to p lace tied for tw enty-third p lace of the 53 team s that scored in the 70 team field . Wind ley entered the event seed ed fou rth in the third of six heats w ith a qu alifying tim e of 50.16 second s then exp lod ed to p ost a p rogram record tim e of 49.11 second s to w in his heat and better the field of 27 com p etitors. H e becom es the first Fighting Tiger team m em ber to w in the ECAC 400 Meter Dash in p rogram history as w ell as becom ing SUN Y Cobleskill’s third ECAC Ind oor Ind ivid u al Cham p ion u nd er the d irection of cu rrent Fighting Tiger H ead Coach Brad Fichthorn since the college’s m ove to the fou r-year level of athletic com p etition in 2008. Articles contributed by Mitch J Tomaszkiew icz, SUN Y Cobleskill Sports’ information D irector.

On Senior Night, Damion Longmore is joined at center court by VP of Student Development and Collegiate Life, Steve Ackerknecht, and Derwin Bennett .


campus recreation Colton Cap p iello is cu rrently p u rsu ing his BBA in Cu linary Arts, bu t in his SPARE tim e he enjoys taking on all com ers in the “Beat the Pro” intram u ral bow ling com p etition. To d ate, Colton has bow led a p erfect gam e of 300 m ore than 20 tim es. This sp ring, he bow led over the com p etition for the second tim e to rem ain u nd efeated . H e attribu tes his su ccess to com p lete concentration. H e consid ers the lanes to be his refu ge and stress reliever. POOL B VOLLEYBALL CHAMPION S

Jackie Steria (center) and Amauris Ortiz (far right)


Taylor Drake (second from left) 13

leadership Resident Assistants 2010-2011 Gerald Villarreal Brittany Wineglass Mertle John Migu el Rod rigu ez Josh Glick Shaqu ell Wind ley Kad id iatou Keita Olga Rivera

Intercollegiate Athletics 2010-2011 Women’s Basketball Katora Brow n, Sam antha Davis Men’s Basketball Dam ion Longm ore, Tarik Payton, N icholas Banks Men’s Indoor/Outdoor Track & Field Taylor Drake, Ju stin Ezell, Daqu an Colem an, Shaqu ell Wind ley Women’s Indoor/Outdoor Track & Field Africa H arp er Women’s Cheerleading Alisia Isaac, Dezshonna Kinloch, Olga Rivera Women’s Soccer Sarah H offm an Men’s Soccer DJ Bevis, Sou leym ane Kone Volleyball N ancy Step hens




D erw in Bennett Interim Director bennettd d @cobleskill.ed u


Stacey Reyes Senior Counselor [email protected] u


Elizabeth Weir Counselor w eirem @cobleskill.ed u


Chris Van Ginhoven Keyboard Specialist II [email protected] u


EOP STAFF AN D CON TACT IN FORMATION Bouck Hall, Room 116 M - F 8 am - 4:15 pm T: 518.255.5836 F: 518.255.6221 [email protected] 15


Josh Glick: Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser

SUNY Cobleskill EOP Office Bouck Hall, Room 116 107 Schenectady Ave Cobleskill, NY 12043