Easter Sunday March 31st, 2013

6725 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL. 60631 Easter Sunday March 31st, 2013 St. Thecla Staff: Pastor: Rev. Gene Dyer Associate Pastor: Rev. Artur Marat Pa...
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6725 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL. 60631

Easter Sunday

March 31st, 2013

St. Thecla Staff: Pastor: Rev. Gene Dyer Associate Pastor: Rev. Artur Marat Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Gerald Rogala Deacons: John X. Rottman, Robert Cnota, Steven Wagner and Michael McManus Choir Director: Mrs. Ewa Kowcz-Fair Business Manager/Ministry of Care: Mrs. Joan Czerlanis School Principal: Mr. Dan Gargano Religious Education Coordinator: Mr. Ron Mazzoni Parish Admin. Asst./Bulletin Editor: Miss Kathy Dusza School Secretary: Mrs. Bea Sansone

Office Hours and Addresses: Parish Office: 6333 N. Newcastle Ave. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:15a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (773) 792-3077, e-mail: [email protected] School: 6323 N. Newcastle, (773) 763-3380 Visit us on the web at: www.saintthecla.org

Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Mass in Polish) Monday through Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: Please see the bulletin Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Tue. - Sat. following 8:30 a.m. Mass Confessions: 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Sat. or by appointment

“I am the resurrection and the life. The

one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.”

A VISION FOR ST. THECLA Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this parish. He is the unseen but ever-present teacher as well as the source of our inspiration.

Weekly Parish Information Mass Intentions Mon, April. 1, 8:30 am +Steven Schaefer 10:00 am +Jolanta Tekien (Mass in Polish) 6:00 pm For the People (Mass in Polish) Tue. April 2, 8:30 a.m. + John +Sophie Ochab Wed. April 3 8:30 a.m. +Dorothy Bochnia Thu. April 4, 8:30 a.m. +Mary Snider Fri. April 5, 8:30 a.m. +Michael Winfred Lowery Sat. April 6, 8:30 a.m. +Al Bryk 11:30 am. Gen Anders Polish School Mass 35th Anniversary 5:00 pm +Gruper Family +Henryk Janicki (10 yr. Anniversary) Sun. April 7, 8:00 a.m. +Edward Saraniec 10:00 a.m. +Amanda Maki +Catherine McCann +John Roggi +Stanislawa Boksa 11:30 a.m. Mass in Polish +Jolanta Tekien +Jan i Aniela Mateja +Czeslaw Grela +Jozef Kadlub W dniu urodzin dla Ryszard Widlak o Boze Blogoslawienstwo, Dla Angeliki w Dniu Urodzin z Prosba o Boze Blogoslawienstwo 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Service + denotes deceased, SI - denotes special intention

Parish Calendar for this week Monday- Easter Break, Note: The office is closed to today. Tuesday- Easter Break, W/C Board mtg. - PDR 7:15pm – 9:15pm, Knights of Columbus First Degree/Business mtg. QP-7:30pm – 9:00pm Wednesday- Easter Break, Eucharistic Adoration 1:00pm – 6:45pm, 6pm – 8pm Cub Scouts Wolf Den meetings, Benediction -C 6:30pm – 6:45pm Thursday—Easter Break, Al-Anon Mtg.-SJW 9:30am – 11:00am, Leisure Club - QP 11:30am – 2:30pm Girl Scouts Daisies mtg. - SJW 3pm – 4pm, Rel. Ed.(Polish) Confirmation Confession 7pm – 8pm Church, Friday- Easter Break, Knights of Columbus 7pm – 8pm church basement Saturday— General Anders Polish Language School - S, QP, SJW, P, C 9:00am – 12:30pm, General Anders Polish Language School 35th anniversary Mass - church 11:30am – 12:30pm Sunday- Family Mass 10:00am., Divine Mercy Sunday church, 3:00pm

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts on heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacri-ficed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Luke 24:1-12 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35).

Weekly Contributions: March 17th, 2013

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 2

Total Collection…....…................................................$8,685.00 Maintenance Fund…………………………...……...........$20.00 School Fund………………………………..……...……..$62.00 Children’s Envelopes……………………………………...$7.89 Parking Lot Fund……………………………….............$158.00 Sharing Parish…………………………...….....………..$115.00 Thank you for your generosity to help meet our weekly financial goals. Please remember St. Thecla in your Will. Sign up for Automated Giving by visiting www.parishpay.com or by calling 1-866-parish-1.

March 31, 2013

Marca 31, 2013

“While it was still dark.”

“Gdy jeszcze było ciemno”.

By sharing in the Eucharist, how do I bring Christ’s “light” to the world?

Poprzez uczestnictwo w Eucharystii, czy i w jaki sposób przynoszę „światło” światu?

Give Dawac

The second part of the Mass is called “the Liturgy of the Eucharist.” The key action that runs throughout this part of the Mass is giving and receiving. During the preparation of the gifts, representatives of the community bring up water and wine and give them to the priest, who, in turn, offers or gives them in thanksgiving to God. Later, in the Eucharistic Prayer, Jesus gives us his body which we then receive in Holy Communion. Before Communion, we give and receive from each other—and from God—the gift and sign of peace. What happens in signs and sacrament at Mass reveals the whole direction of our lives in God. God so loved us that he gave us his Son. And the Son so loved us that he gives us himself. And what does God want of us? Only one thing: that we give ourselves back to him in love. That is the sum and substance, the very heart, of our worship at Mass and, indeed, of our entire lives in God.

Po obrzędach wstępnych i Liturgii Słowa, kolejną częścią Mszy św. jest Liturgia Eucharystyczna. Jej głównym składnikiem są zaś takie czynności jak: dawanie i otrzymywanie. Podczas przygotowywania darów ofiarnych, przedstawiciele danej wspólnoty parafialnej przynoszą wodę i wino, które to wręczają kapłanowi. Kapłan następnie ofiarowuje te dary w formie dziękczynienia Panu Bogu. Podczas Modlitwy Eucharystycznej sam Jezus oddaje nam swe Ciało, które otrzymujemy w Komunii Świętej. Wcześniej jednak, przed Komunią Świętą, rozdajemy i otrzymujemy od siebie nawzajem — jak i od samego Boga — dar i znak pokoju. To, czego doświadczamy podczas czynionych znaków i Sakramentów w trakcie sprawowania Mszy św., odkrywa przed nami całą prawdę o kierunku naszego życia w Bogu. Bóg tak nas umiłował, że dał nam swego Syna. Syn tak nas umiłował, że daje się nam cały. W związku z tym, czego od nas oczekuje Bóg Ojciec? Jednej rzeczy, a mianowicie, że całkowicie i z miłości oddamy się Naszemu Stwórcy. To jest sumą i treścią — „duszą” kultu oddawanego przez nas podczas Mszy św., a przede wszystkim — „duszą” naszego życia w Bogu.

Our Beloved Dead Zofia Pazik


When Christ converts. . . It is Easter Sunday and we renew our Baptismal promises in the faith of the Catholic Church. We reject Satan and his empty promises; and we believe in Jesus Christ who died, rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father. We believe He will come again to judge the living and the dead. We believe He is present in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and as His disciples we receive Him in the Most Holy Eucharist. We go forth sharing his Gospel accompanied with good works. The following story of a dictator’s conversion was not widely reported by the main stream media . . . I’ve put excerpts from the Catholic News Agency’s (CNA) web site. Caracas, Venezuela, Mar. 6, 2013: A reliable source in Venezuela has revealed to CNA that President Hugo Chavez died “in bosom of the Church” and received spiritual direction and the sacraments in his last days. In announcing Chavez’s death to the nation on March 5, Vice President Nicolas Maduro said the Venezuelan leader died “clinging to Christ.” The source in Venezuela told CNA that during the last weeks of his life, Chavez requested spiritual direction and asked to receive the sacraments. Ever since he assumed power in 1999, Chavez butted heads continuously with the Catholic Church over statements the bishops made warning their people about the risks and excesses of Chavez’s Socialist agenda. In 2002, Chavez accused the Venezuelan bishops of being a “tumor” for his revolutionary goals and demanded that the Vatican not intervene in the internal affairs of the country. Chavez who gained the reputation of ruling the people of Venezuela with an iron hand constantly mocked the Catholic Church into which he had been baptized. He demanded the Pope to remove Cardinal Urosa from office and claimed the Pope was "no ambassador of Jesus on earth. He proclaimed a concept that “the true Jesus is in the people and in those of us who fight for justice and the liberation of the meek." In sum he would convey, we don’t need or want the Catholic Church. A faithful Catholic could respond to Chavez saying: We are Christ’s baptized disciples (His representatives on earth) with the Holy Spirit living within us. We are members of His One Body and remain faithful to His teachings on faith and morals, and doing the corporal works of mercy –helping the poor; and sharing the goods news of Christ with them. However, Chavez surprised everyone in April 2012 when he showed up at the Catholic parish in his hometown of Barinas to attend Holy Week services. He wore a rosary around his neck and prayed for strength to fight a newly diagnosed illness. He sought help for his suffering in the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick, from none other than Cardinal Urosa. In July 2012, Chavez made public his request to meet with the Catholic bishops for reconciliation. What intervened to effect such a change in Hugo Chavez? The diagnosis of malignant cancer. Cancer’s devastating and painful effects in Hugo Chavez led him to see with clarity the deeper mystery of life. The one who was powerfully rich became very poor in spirit. His return to Christ and His Church shows the mystery of human suffering and the meaning of mercy. The Catholic Church which welcomed Hugo Chavez home to her Sacraments is the same Church which plunged him into those waters of Baptism at his infancy. We who bear the name Catholic are privileged to belong to that same Church and we respond with her mind and heart to the news of the return of one of our members. St. Josemaria Escriva wrote "The great Christian revolution has been to convert pain into fruitful suffering and to turn a bad thing into something good. We have deprived the devil of this weapon; and with it we can conquer eternity." (The Furrow #887) “The closer a creature comes to God, the more universal it feels. Its heart expands, making room for everything and everybody in its single great desire to place the whole universe at the feet of Jesus.” (The Forge #877) All of us can draw comfort from this report that the man, who once appeared so full of himself, was filled with grace, divine life, during those final days on earth. We at CNA have published several pieces on the horrid legacy of Hugo Chavez and the regime which he ruled. However, we welcome this news of his final reconciliation and the promise of hope which it holds out to the whole world. No-one is beyond redemption. The Mercy of God is offered to all. For this, we should all rejoice. Some conversation starters. . .  Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair. – Chesterton  Racism and violence are not political issues; they are sins which call for atonement and penance.  There is some lack of faith or paranoia in the nervous need to see the future.  Sin exists; it’s not just a matter of mere human weakness and/or errors. The war between God and Satan exists and is the reason why Christ poured out His life for us. It is the primary reason why we have the gift of the Catholic Church and the Sacraments.  It is proper and good to help the poor; but the goodness can turn into an injustice when we don’t share the Truth of Christ with them. Keep up the prayers, good works and example. We never know when Christ will use them to bring about someone’s conversion. May this Easter be a time of growing closer in our love and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. On behalf of Fr. Artur, our deacons, staff, faculty and support staff—a very Happy Easter to you and your loved ones. - Fr. Gene


Feast of Divine Mercy In 1931, Our Lord appeared to Sister Faustina Kowalska in a vision and gave her the mission of spreading His message of Mercy to the whole world. Jesus said to her: “Paint an image according to the pattern you see with the signature: “Jesus, I Trust In You” ---“Jezu, Ufam Tobie This Feast emerged from the very depths of My mercy, and it is confirmed in the vast depths of My tender mercies (420)…It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the First Sunday after Easter. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fountain of My mercy (699). Next Sunday, April 7th 3PM in church we will have a devotional hour to the Divine Mercy. A novena prior to the Feast of Divine Mercy starts on Good Friday. Pray the Chaplet of Divine with the suggested intentions for each day. Novenas are available at the entrances of the Church. From Sr. Faustina’s diary: On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls." The different souls prayed for on each day of the novena are: DAY 1 - All mankind, especially sinners DAY 2 - The souls of priests and religious DAY 3 - All devout and faithful souls DAY 4 - Those who do not believe in Jesus and those who do not yet know Him DAY 5 - The souls of separated brethren

DAY 6 - The meek and humble souls and the souls of children DAY 7 - The souls who especially venerate and glorify Jesus' mercy DAY 8 - The souls who are detained in purgatory; DAY 9 - The souls who have become lukewarm.

St. Baldrick’s Day I extend a heartfelt thanks to our principal, Mr. Dan Gargano, for organizing an incredible event that raised money for childhood cancer research. I am proud of our student body, their parents and parishioners who came out an help raise close to $20,000 St. Baldrick’s is an organization very close to Mr. Gargano’s heart, and he too extends his thanks to everyone for all their hard work. He said, “This is a day that I will forever remember, not only because we raised money and awareness for childhood cancer research, but because we all came together as a community and shared a common goal for a greater good. God bless the St. Thecla community!” And God’s blessings to you Dan for your great work as principal of our school. -Fr. Gene



Our Parish St. Thecla Women’s Council News The STWC annual dinner/theater outing is planned for Thursday, April 18th. We will attend the Tony award winning musical, Oliver at the Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook. Tickets which include dinner, the play and transportation are $70 for Council members, and $73 for non-members.

  

St Thecla Women’s Council’s Rummage Sale Spring clean & donate… Looking to clean out your closets? Donate gently used or new articles to the St Thecla Women’s Council’s Annual Rummage Sale! We are counting on your support. If you have any empty boxes we can use them. Fill them with donated items for the rummage sale, too! If you are looking for volunteer hours….yes, we need your help

We need volunteers to sort out the donations— The donations can be brought to the church basement

 Monday April 1st to Friday April 5th 9:00am-11:00am and 6:30pm-9:00pm  Saturday April 6th 9:00am-11:00am  Monday April 8th to Thursday April 11th 9:00am-11:00am and 6:30pm-9:00pm We need sellers - cashiers for the Rummage Sale days

 Friday April 12th 8:00am-1:30pm and 1:00pm-6:00pm  Saturday April 13th 8:00am-12:30pm and 12:00pm-4:00pm  Sunday April 14th 8:00am-12:00pm and 11:30am-3:00pm Please call Maribeth Ruehlmann 773.266.3831 or email [email protected] with dates and times you can work and for any question about the event. THANK YOU for all you are able to do for the sale! (Note: The church basement will be used solely for the Rummage Sale March 25 through April 20th.)

The Taste of Thecla is Saturday, April 27th in Falcon Hall Raffle Tickets and Admission Tickets will be on sale again next weekend or you can stop in the Parish office this week (note office is closed on Monday). See the back page for more info. The Saint Thecla School Advisory Council has three vacancies for the term beginning May of 2013. Any person wishing to serve on the Council must be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in St. Thecla School or a registered parishioner. Council members must be at least twenty-one (21) years old. Full and/or part-time employees of the School or members of their immediate families shall not be eligible to serve on the Council. The term of each voting member shall commence upon the end of the May meeting. Each voting member shall hold office for a term of three years. Interested candidates should contact Mr. Gargano at [email protected] for more information. Dan Gargano St. Thecla School, Principal 773-763-3380

Polska Szkola im. Gen. Wł Andersa serdecznie zaprasza na Jubileusz 35-lecia. W sobote 6-go kwietnia, 2013 o godz 5:00 pm. White Eagle Banquets Hall 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave Niles, IL 60714. Jubileuszowa Msza Sw. celebrowana przez bp Andrzeja Wypycha w kosciele Sw. Tekli o godz 11:30 am. Orkiestra De Facto. Rezerwacje do 15 Marca, tel 847.298.7349 Wanda Penar, 847.644.2477 Andrzej Lewczuk.


General Anders, Polish Language School cordially invites you to its “35th Anniversary” Saturday, April 6th, 2013 at 5:00 pm. White Eagle Banquets Hall 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave Niles, IL 60714 Jubilee Mass celebrated by Bishop Andrzej Wypych at St. Thecla church at 11:30 am Orchestra De Facto. Reservation by March 15, tel 847.298.7349 Wanda Penar, 847.644 .2477 Andrzej Lewczuk.

Easter Flower Offering Mrs. Josephine Anderson Mrs. Lester Markwart Mr and Mrs John Kielar Mr and Mrs Stanley Skura Mrs. Carmen Grau Mrs. Jozef Murtas Mr and Mrs marek Dudzinski Mr and Mrs Jan Weglarczyk Mrs Monika Chabrowski Mrs Joseph Bochula Mrs Aurelia Swiat Mrs Wanda Zbikowski Miss Carmen Grau Mrs Catherine Vender Mr and Mrs David Schimpf Mrs Patricia Miccuci Mrs Barbara Ryan Mr and Mrs Zbigniew Maciaszkiewicz Mr and Mrs Walter Rozanski Miss Lilian Czyzewski Mrs Josephine Grela Mr and Mrs John Savage Mrs Nancy Haran Mrs Eileen McGovern Mrs Loretta Golubski Mr and Mrs Roger Stachnik Mr and Mrs Alan Lasch Mrs Lucille and Anne Wujcik Mr and Mrs Stan Niedzwiecki Miss Eleonor Masiarz Mr and Mrs Edwin Zychowski Mrs Lilian Schreiman Mr and Mrs Michael Tomeczko Mr and Mrs John O’Grady Mr and Mrs Joseph Palmert Miss Joanne Maris Miss Paula Biernacki Mrs Mary Schack Mr and Mrs John Pappone Mr and Mrs Kazimierz Brozyna Mr and Mrs William Labuz Mr and Mrs Angelo Cottini Mr Robert Pistario Mr and Mrs Borghi Albina Humanicki Mrs John Szaflarski Mr and Mrs Raymond Prybil Ms Rose Ligeza Mrs Beverly Kisiel Mr and Mrs Robert Rudny Mrs Evelyn Meyer Mrs Theresa and Lottie Krajewski Mrs Catherine McLoughlin

Mr Wladyslaw Zajac Mr and Mrs Jerzy Kniazewski Mr Ronald Wisniewski Mr and Mrs Kris Gielniewski Mr and Mrs Bogdan Krupa Miss Lenore Grow Mr and Mrs Stanislaw Zajac Mr and Mrs John Edens Mr and Mrs Thomas Kernan Mrs Mary Lopeman Mr and Mrs Karl Varga Mrs Pelagia Mietek Mr and Mrs Kenneth Buck Mr and Mrs Richard Kufner Dr. and Mrs Anthony Lam Mrs Susan Baird Mrs Stella Kielar Mr and Mrs Robert Bryant Mrs Edwina Skolmoski Mrs Mildred Lewan Mrs Wanda Marshall Mr and Mrs Joseph D’Andera Mr and Mrs Gino Belcaster Ms Eileen Campbell Mrs Jadwiga Chudzynski Mrs Severine Alongi Mrs Maria P. Arevalo Mrs Mary Dugan Mrs Lois Kuksuk Mr and Mrs Robert Mader Miss Rosemarie Wolski Mr and Mrs Joseph Cwik Mrs Gisele Piekarski Geraldine and Deborah Barnun Mrs Stephanie Hill Mr Wladyslaw Zajac Mr and Mrs Joseph Colello Mr Richard Bukowski Miss Ursula Angielski Mr John Haley Mrs Lorraine Kapela Miss Diane Olejnik Mr and Mrs Frank Wach Mr and Mrs Marian Pekala Mrs Geraldine Cuny Mrs Rita Rattin Mr and Mrs Henry Zembal Mrs Olga Serafin Mr and Mrs John Nelson Mr and Mrs Andrew Lewandowski Mrs Arlene Prugar Mr and Mrs Brandenburg Miss Therese Kennedy

Mr and Mrs Roman Penar Mr Gary Swierad Jedrzejczyk Family Mr and Mrs Mitchell Boduch Mr and Mrs Timothy Horn Mrs Mary Kay O’Leary Mrs Lottie Niekrasz Mr and Mrs Eugene Ferraresi Mr and Mrs Wieslaw Przybyslawski Mrs Dianne Strobel Mr and Mrs Jozef Penar Mrs Wladyslawa Kielar Mr and Mrs Jan Winarski Mr Janusz Sobkow Mrs Malgorzata Akielewicz Mrs Teodozja Musialowicz Mrs Joanna Boksa Mrs Maria Laskowski Mrs Frances Golembieski Mr and Mrs Slawomir Grudzien Mr and Mrs John Celarek Mr and Mrs Jozef Skowron Joyce and Barbara Garb Mr and Mrs Bartosz Piecyk Mr and Mrs Mieczyslaw Pawlowski Mr and Mrs Chris Mangler Miss Joan Ptak Mrs Mary Borner Miss Eleonora Kulm Mr and Mrs Brigido Pingad Mr and Mrs Dennis Sonnefeldt Mr and Mrs Marek Weglarczyk Mrs Alina Rogosz Mr and Mrs Chester Szyska Mrs Elizabeth Mack Mrs Alina Lawson


Building our future


….Seniors receive 10% discount

Keeping in mind... Prayer List, US Military United States Air Force: AB Michael J. Archam, A1C Heather Bosh, A1C Shane Garrison, SSgt. Adam Krey, TSgt. Richard L. Larsen, Lt. Andrew May, 2ndLt. Peter A. Schroeder, SSgt. James E. Stay United States Army: MAJ. Terence W. Bacon, SGT. Sean Doherty, SGT. Rachel Hall, CPT. Gina Marie Healy, CPT. Michael J. Kaye, SGT. Robert Lach, CPT. Jared Lampe, WO. Steven Larmay, PFC. Thomas J. Lyons III, PFC. Raymond Rau, SPC Thomas Rohl, 1LT. Michael Spiwak United States Marines: LCpl. Philip E. Blais, 2ndLt. Kevin Bowler, PFC Michael T. Brennan, Pvt. James Dinela, LCpl. Kyle Elmer, SSgt. Benjamin Juhasz, LCpl. Nathaniel J. Juncer, Capt. Michael C. Mroszczak, PFC Brian Pasterczyk, Capt. Craig V. Platt, LCpl. Jose Rivera, MSgt. Richard L. Sroka, SSgt. James E. Stonehouse United States Navy: CAPT. Steven Stancy We keep those who are serving in the military in our prayers. Please print the name of your loved one and drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office. Their names will remain on the list until you notify us of their return.

If you know someone who has lost a child or grandchild to abortion, or was in any way responsible for an abortion, and now suffers from remorse or sadness or simply doubts that God can ever forgive them, please let your friend know about the Church’s post-abortion ministry, called Project Rachel. More information can be found at www.hopeafterabortion.com or by calling 1-888-456-HOPE.

Sick List - We pray for all those in nursing homes, homebound or who require extended care and those who care for them: Help us with the responsibility of keeping the sick list up to date and accurate. Please call the office when the status of someone’s health changes. Joseph Augustin, Charlotte Bartkowicz, Geraldine Barnum, Joseph Bednarz, Gino Belcaster, Rosemary Besyk, David Bergthal, Stella Bieniek, Frank Bieniek, Robert Blachowiak, Franciszek Bosak, Marian Brown, Kristen Formanski, Marian Brown, Ken & Bernie Buck, , Herlinda Castellanos, Eileen Cobb, Susan Christ, John Dooley, Donald Edsey, Kenneth Ellinger, Genevieve Erazmus, William Edwards, Nicolette Garrigan, Leon Gaska, Frank Gibbons, Joan Giuntoli, Ireta Gross, Patrick Hall, Dorothy Hennessey, Adeline Hickok, Regina Horak, Gerald Halvey, Teresa Jozefczak, Joseph Kaye, Theresa Kennedy, Tommy Kernan, Michael Kielbasa, Beverly Kisiel, Rita Koch, Mary Kozlowski, Stephanie Krupa, Norman Kwidd, Sophie Lally, Maria Laskowski, Arlene Lewandowski, Elizabeth Link, Joan Lomasney, Diane Marzano, Martin McCaffrey, Edward McGinniss, Lorraine McMahon, Edward McManis, Dolores Mick, Imleda Mizones, Lillian Morris, Katharina Mueller, Matthias Mueller, Kim Murphy, Julie Muza, Therese Neiman, Theresa Nitka, Kathleen Numec, Danuta Okrzesik, John Orloff, Patricia O’Toole, Zofia Pazik, Giselle Piekarski, Estella Plaza, Caroline Plodzien, Thomas Podgorny, Roman Poniatowski, Raymond Prybil, Dolores Ptasnik, Theodore J. Ptasnik, Joe Pulizzano, Mary Ann Pulizzano, Eleanor Purciarello, Eileen F. Redding, Stephania Rosa, Sylwester Rosa, Virginia Rozmarynowski, Stanley Sadej, Mary Sarlo, Eugene Sendlak, Peter Schroeder, Janina Sikora, Laura Smith, Janina Sroka, Helena Starzynska, Dorothy Taylor, Nancy Samp, Judith Wolff-Stenzel, Dorothy Struck, Helen Surdey, Dorothy Taylor, Janis Taylor, Cecilia Walega, Christine Wasowski, Mary Widelka, Anthony Wiorski, Irene Wlezien, Edward Wnek, Julia Wojtanowski, Paul Wyncott, Francais Riley

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host—by the Divine Power of God—cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Contact Us… Option Line is a 24/7 Call center for those experiencing needing help finding a Pregnancy Help Center in their area. Phone: 800-712-HELP (4357) 9

General information Baptisms:

How to Become a Catholic:

1:00 p.m. on the First and Third Sunday of the month, (in English), Second and Fourth Sunday of the month (in Polish) Baptismal Prep Class: Will be confirmed at time of Registration of the Baptism. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a Baptism.


The Pastoral Guidelines for Marriage Preparation for the Archdiocese of Chicago ask that a minimum of 4 months be set aside for personal preparation for marriage. Couples should refrain from setting a firm date or making any other arrangements until after they have met with a parish priest or deacon to discuss marriage plans. Please note that Weddings do not take place during Lent.

Adults or teenagers interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist) or those who are interested in the Catholic Faith should call the Parish Office for more information about the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).

Homebound/Communion Visitations: St. Thecla Church has several ministers of care who can regularly take communion to those in need. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for communion for yourself or a homebound loved one.

THANK YOU, BULLETIN ADVERTISERS Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be e-mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office by 10:00 a.m. on Fridays (8 days prior to publication date). Holidays subject to longer lead times. Please e-mail articles to [email protected]. Note - articles subject to editing. For more information call Kathy at (773) 792-3077. website: www.saintthecla.org

This bulletin is subsidized completely by those companies whose advertisements appear on the last two pages. If you have the opportunity, you may thank them in the name of our parish by using their products or services. Should you desire to participate as a sponsor of our bulletin, you may contact J.S. Paluch Company at 1-800-566-6170.

Want to Register as a Parishioner? Call the Parish Office for more information at 773-792-3077.

Taste of Thecla