REASONS WHY EVERY FAMILY WILL BE COOKING WITH THE DUPLEX FIRELESS STOVE IN A FEW YEARS 1. The Duplex actually cooks the entire meal, without having to pre-heat the food. 2. The Duplex is a reliable silent servant, that cooks the meals in your absence, without burning or over-cooking. 3. The Duplex lightens the work of cooking. 4. The Duplex diminishes the high cost of living by cutting down more than one-half the fuel cost, and a large per cent of the food cost by conserving the juices and all the nutriment contained in any article of diet. Enough will be saved every few months to pay for the most complete Duplex. 5. The Duplex will stew, boil, or roast a cheap cut of meat, making it tender and juicy and free from shrinkage. Fruits and vegetables keep their shape, retain all their flavor, making them not only more palatable but more digestible. 6. The Aluminum Lined, Steel Case Duplex Fireless Stove is made of practically indestructible material and with ordinary care will last for years. THE DUPLEX ROASTING AND BAKING DISKS Either stone or metal disks are furnished with Duplex Stoves. The Duplex stone disk is protected with an aluminum band around edge. The stone disk holds heat better than metal; however, the insulation in the Duplex Stove is so perfect that either the stone or metal disks may be used successfully for baking, roasting, steaming or stewing. The disks can be heated in 10 to 20 minutes over gas, gasoline, alcohol or oil flame sufficiently hot to cook the entire meal, or over the range, electric or wood stove, in a little longer time.

COOKING IN THE DUPLEX Every housekeeper has her own way of preparing and flavoring different articles of food and by following the Duplex directions for Baking, Roasting, Boiling, Stewing or Steaming, she can use her own recipes or recipes from any cook book and cook successfully in the Duplex Fireless Stove. BAKING IN THE DUPLEX Two hot disks are used, one at bottom of large well, on which the baking rack and pan with article to be baked are placed, and the other hot disk is placed on top of the baking rack. The steam vent in the Duplex stove Ed automatically releases the steam pressure. ROASTING IN THE DUPLEX Place one hot disk in bottom of large well, on which set cooking vessel containing the roast; the other disk is hung on the hook in top of the cooking vessel. No water is used and no basting is required, as there is no evaporation. When roasting, the steam vent in the Duplex stove lid automatically allows the excess of steam to escape and the meat will be roasted to a nice brown. Time required is about one-fourth longer than if roasted in an oven. BOILING, STEWING OR STEAMING Either pour boiling water over the article to be cooked, or set on fire until boiling hot. One hot disk may be used. When cooking one article of food it is advisable to cook in the top vessel and place boiling water in the lower vessel.

Galvanized Lining Outside: 14 in. high; 12 in. diameter Inside: 10Vz in. deep; 814 in. diameter Equipment—Two aluminum vessels; one 2quart and one 4-quart; Duplex Cook Book. Price, with Equipment, $4.50


Two pies may be baked at once in the Duplex Folding Baking Rack. (Note the aluminum band around edge of baking disk.)

Aluminum Lining

$8.00 with Equipment

Equipment — Two aluminum vessels, 6-quart and 3-quart; 2 large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book.


Aluminum Lining

$8.00 with Equipment

Equipment — Two aluminum vessels, 6-quart and 3-quart; 2 large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. 5


NOTE—The efficient and safe way the stove is insulated. NOTE—The great economy of space, giving the Duplex Stove a large cooking capacity. NOTE—The deep wells make it possible to cook a small quantity as successfully as a large quantity, because every article of food that is being cooked assists in cooking other articles of food placed in the same well. When one article only is being cooked, the lower vessel may be filled with boiling water, thus insuring enough heat units in the well to cook thoroughly, even if the quantity of food is very small. NOTE—The exclusive Duplex Construction is such that a whole meal can be cooked, either for a large or small family.

COOKING CAPACITY, 20 QUARTS 30 in. long; 15 in. wide; 19 in. high Large Well: 13^ in. deep; 10^ in. diameter Smaller Well: lS ^ in. deep; 8% in. diameter Automatic Steam Vent in Lid of Large Well Aluminum Lining Equipment—Four aluminum cooking vessels, one 12-quart, one 4-quart (deep) and two 2-quart; three large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. Price, with Equipment, $17.00 The Duplex Fireless Cook Book gives full directions how to cook over one hundred tried and tested recipes, FREE with all Duplex Stoves, or mailed on receipt of 25 cents in stamps. 1

COOKING CAPACITY, 18 QUARTS 28 in. long; 1314 in. wide; 19 in. high Large Well: 1314 in. deep; 914 in. diameter Smaller Well: 1314 in. deep; 8% in. diameter Automatic Steam Vent in Lid of Large Well Galvanized Lining Equipment — Three aluminum vessels, one 10-quart and two 4-quart; three large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. Price, with Equipment, $12.00 Fruits and vegetables keep their shape, retain all their flavor and are thoroughly cooked in the Duplex Stoves.

COOKING CAPACITY, 18 QUARTS 28 in. long; 13^ in. wide; 19 in. high Large Well: 1314 in. deep; 914 in. diameter Smaller Well: 1314 in. deep; 8% in. diameter Automatic Steam Vent in Lid of Large Well Aluminum Lining Equipment — Three aluminum vessels, one 10-quart and two 4-quart; three large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. Price, with Equipment, $15.00 A cheap cut of meat stewed, roasted or boiled in the Duplex will be tender and juicy; and free from shrinkage.


COOKING CAPACITY, 14 QUARTS 30 in. long; 15 in. wide; 16 in. high Two Large Wells: Each 10V in. deep; 10^ in. diameter. Automatic Steam Vents in Lids of Large Wells Aluminum Lining Equipment—Four aluminum cooking vessels, one 8-quart, three 1-3 round vessels, 2-quart each; three large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; folding baking rack; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. Price, with Equipment, $15.00 Food cooked in the Duplex Fireless is more appetizing in appearance, more delicious in flavor than if you had spent hours in preparing it in a hot kitchen over a hot stove. 2


CAPACITY, 6 GALLONS 22 in. high; 20% in. square in width Well 15% in. deep; 15% in. diameter Automatic Steam Vent in Stove Lid. Aluminum Lining Equipment—One 6-gallon, 12-gauge aluminum vessel; 2 large roasting disks, 2 in. thick, 12 in. diameter; disk lifter and Duplex Cook Book. The No. 40 Duplex Stove is adapted for use in hotels, restaurants, cafeterias and lunch counters. Price, with Equipment, $22.50 T h e D u p l e x deep w e l l cooking c o m p a r t m e n t has m e t w i t h such u n i v e r s a l f a v o r , t h a t large users are asking for c o o k i n g vessels of e v e n larger c o o k i n g capacity a n d the N o . 40 w a s m a d e to m e e t this d e m a n d


COOKING CAPACITY, 32 QUARTS 2 Large Wells: 13*4 in. deep; IOV2 in. diameter Smaller Well: 13% in. deep; 8% in. diameter Automatic Steam Vents in Lids of Large Wells Aluminum Lining Equipment—Six aluminum cooking vessels, 12-quart, 8-quart, 4-quart (shallow), 4-quart (deep) and two 2-quart; five large baking and roasting disks; disk lifter; two folding baking racks; Duplex Aluminum Mat and Duplex Cook Book. Price, Complete with Stove Legs, $25.00 The Duplex stove legs can be attached to the No. 3, No. 30, No. 50, No. 55 and No. 70 Duplex Fireless Stoves. Price, per set, $1.00. 12