Drugs In the USA, 2.7 million people admitted using illegal drugs. The pie chart shows the percentage of these people using different illegal drugs

Questions Q1. Drugs In the USA, 2.7 million people admitted using illegal drugs. The pie chart shows the percentage of these people using different il...
Author: Claire Jordan
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Questions Q1. Drugs In the USA, 2.7 million people admitted using illegal drugs. The pie chart shows the percentage of these people using different illegal drugs.

(a) (i) Calculate the number of people who admitted using marijuana illegally. (2)

answer = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . million people (ii) Suggest one reason why the information in the pie chart may not be reliable. (1) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Marijuana is often smoked with tobacco. Suggest why combining tobacco with marijuana makes it more difficult to give up smoking marijuana. (2) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. (i) Which of these drugs is a stimulant? Put a cross (

) in the box next to your answer. (1)

A alcohol B caffeine C LSD D morphine (ii) Explain how stimulants affect reaction times. (2) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

Q2. (a) The graph shows the percentage risk of developing lung cancer for 75-year-old men who gave up smoking tobacco at an earlier age.

(i) Describe the trend shown in the graph. (1) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. (ii) State the percentage risk of lung cancer for a man who gave up smoking at 50 years of age. (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .% (iii) For a population of 500 000 men, how many would be likely to develop lung cancer if they stopped smoking at the age of 50? (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .men (b) (i) Explain why smoking tobacco increases the risk of developing lung cancer. (2) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................

(ii) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer. Smoking tobacco reduces the oxygen carrying ability of the blood because it contains (1) A carbon monoxide B carbon particles C nicotine D tar (c) A chemical in tobacco acts as a stimulant. Explain how stimulants affect neurotransmission. (3) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. (Total for Question = 10 marks)

Q3. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide. Explain the effect of breathing in carbon monoxide on the function of the blood. (3) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Q4. Marijuana is often smoked with tobacco. Suggest why combining tobacco with marijuana makes it more difficult to give up smoking marijuana. (2) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. Q5. (i) Explain why smoking tobacco increases the risk of developing lung cancer. (2) .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. (ii) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer. Smoking tobacco reduces the oxygen carrying ability of the blood because it contains (1) A carbon monoxide B carbon particles C nicotine D tar

Mark Scheme Q1. Answer (a)(i)



(c)(i) (c)(ii)

substitution (1) 2700000/100 or 27,000 evaluation (1) 27000 × 56 = 1.512 (million people) / 1.5 not every person was questioned / not all people questioned would give a correct answer /be honest / people may have taken more than one type of drug / reference to date so may not be relevant Any two of the following points • tobacco contains nicotine (1) • is addictive (1) • it acts on receptor sites in the brain to make you crave more of the same drug (1) B caffeine An explanation linking the following points • stimulants reduce reaction times/increase the speed of reactions / speed up reaction times (1) • by increasing neurotransmission (1) • acts at the synapse (1)

Acceptable answers give full marks for correct answer, no working Accept 1,512,000 (2 marks)




(2) (1) speed up neurotransmission (2)


Q2. Answer (a)(i)

(a)(ii) (a)(iii)

the later that a person gives up smoking/the longer you smoke for the higher risk of lung cancer 9 (%)

= 45 000 (1)


(ii) (c)

Acceptable answers

ORA (1) (1) 2 marks for the correct bald answer if value other than 9 (2 – 14) inserted into correct equation ecf applies if calculation is correct

An explanation linking two of the following: • tobacco contains tar (1) • tobacco/tar contains carcinogens / causes mutations /is cancer forming (1) • nicotine in tobacco is addictive which makes it difficult to give up /causes people to smoke for longer (1) A carbon monoxide An explanation including three of the following: • (stimulants) act at the synapse (1) • more neurotransmitters (1) • so speeds up neurotransmission(1)



(2) (1) Accept increases neurotransmitters Accept decreases reaction time/speeds up reactions/ speeds up brain activity


Q3. Question Number


Acceptable answers


An explanation linking three of the following points • carbon monoxide binds with red blood cells (1) • containing

accept blood for red blood cells Accept oxyhaemoglobin less oxygen is carried in the blood Accept references to


haemoglobin (1) • this reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (1)



Acceptable answers

Any two of the following points • tobacco contains nicotine (1) • is addictive (1) • it acts on receptor sites in the brain to make you crave more of the same drug (1)

Answer (i)




Acceptable answers


An explanation linking two of the following: • tobacco contains tar (1) • tobacco/tar contains carcinogens / causes mutations /is cancer forming (1) • nicotine in tobacco is addictive which makes it difficult to give up /causes people to smoke for longer (1)


A carbon monoxide


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