Prostate Cancer in TCM 中医治疗前列腺癌略论 Shulan Tang


Introduction 前言 Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Europe for males, and the third most common cancer overall, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the UK alone.

About 40% of males over 50 years of age suffer from prostate cancer to a small degree: 8% show significant clinical symptoms, 3% of cases are fatal. Prostate cancer is a slow developing disease, with some cases only showing significant symptoms after a few years, sometimes up to 20 years.

Some of them are diagnosed when cancer cells are transferred to the bones and lungs – This is usually advanced stage cancer. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of prostate cancer is essential in order to diagnose it at an early stage, and receive treatment without delay. It can be classified in TCM within the category of “Long Bi”, “Lin Zheng” and “Xue Niao”

Frequent Urination

Urgent Urination

Retention of Urination


Painful Urination

Intermittent Urination

Deep bone pain

Blood Tests PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels are one of the main signs of diagnosis and markers of improvement or the regression of prostate cancer. •

40-49 years of age: 2.5mg/ml

50-59 years of age: 3.5mg/ml

60-69 years of age:

70-79 years of age:

If PSA > 10.0mg/ml there is a 50% possibility of prostate cancer

Stage 1:

No clinical symptoms. Only found through pathological testing Stage 2:

Prostate membrane is still complete, and no cancer has been transferred to surrounding cells Stage 3:

Pathological changes travel through the prostate membrane and infiltrate the surrounding cells. High PSA levels. Cancer cells have been transferred to lymph, but not yet to the bones Stage 4:

Cancer cells have now transferred to the bones and throughout the body.

Within the field of TCM, the prostate is considered to be an extraordinary Fu organ, and is a gland that produces fluid that carries the sperm for the male. Its function is closely related to the Kidney and Bladder, and needs to flow smoothly rather than be tonified. In order for the prostate to flow smoothly, the Kidney Qi has to be sufficient and support the prostate’s function. The bladder has to also function properly in order to prevent stagnation within the prostate.

Lungs are the upper source of the water The Spleen has the function of transportation and transformation of water metabolism The Heart governs the blood circulation and houses the mind The Liver is soothing and regulating the Qi and emotional activity

It is clear that although the location of Prostate Cancer is in the prostate, the pathology is related to the Kidney, the Spleen, the Liver, the Heart, the Lung and the Bladder Etc.

Surgery: a. Removing prostate, for the stage one and stage two

b. Removing prostate and sperm bag, suitable for advanced stage c. Removing testicle to relieve severe pain in vertebra and back Radiotherapy:

Suitable for the advanced stage when prostate removal is not an option yet not much cell transfer Hormone therapy and Chemotherapy:

Suitable for prostate cancer that has transferred to lymphatic system

As the result of the causes and pathological changes of Prostate Cancer mentioned above, the rule of treatment is to strengthen the Qi of the Kidney and Spleen; nourishing the blood of the Heart and Liver; ventilating the Qi of Lung to regulating the water passage of the Bladder. Thus to strengthen one’s immune system

The Branch Treatment is eliminating dampness, clearing Bladder, warming Kidney Yang to transform Qi; clearing away toxic heat, soothing Qi and removing blood stasis. At early stage, most cases are excess type and advanced stage can be mixture of excess and deficiency type.

Chinese Herbal Medicine


Diet and exercise

Symptoms: Prostate cancer at early stage, difficult urination, dark and sore urination, discomfort in lower abdomen, constipation, red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, rapid and slippery pulse.

Treatment Principle: clearing heat; eliminating dampness, resolving lump and detoxicate.

Chinese herbal Prescription: Ba Zheng San and Shi Re Ning Wan Modification Ling Zhi 10g, CheQian Zi 10g, Deng Xin Cao 10g, Chi Shao 8g, Dan Shen 8g, Mu Dan Pi 8g, Li Zhi He 8g, Ze Xie 8g, Yi Yi Ren 10g, San Leng 8g, Er Zhu 8g, Xia Ku Cao 10g, Yin Chen 12g.

Acupuncture: Sp 6, Sp 9, S 28, S 29, Ren 3, B 54. External Use: Xia Pu Cha Ji

Symptoms: Prostate Cancer, frequency of urination or turbid urine, lower back pain, cold and tired, tongue is pale and swelling with white and slippery coating, pulse: deep and thready. Treatment Principle: warming Kidney Yang, Drying Dampness; distinguish between clear and turbid water. Chinese Herbal Prescription: Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan; Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin modification Ling Zhi 10g, Yi Zhi Ren 10g, Bi Xie 8g, Shi Chang Pu 8g

Wu Yao 8g, Gui Zhi 8g, Fu Ling 8g, Ze Xie 8g, Yin Yang Huo 8g, Rou Gui 8g, Chuan Xiong 8g, Wang Bu Liu Xing 8g, Xiang Fu 8g Acupuncture: Bl 23, Bl 24, Du 4, Ren 4, Ren 6, ST 28. ST 40, ST 36

External Use : Hui Xiang Cha Ji

Symptoms : Prostate Cancer. Difficult urination, oedema, swollen legs; fatigue, nauseas, bloating, tongue: pale with teeth marks; pulse: soft and thready.

Treatment Principle: strengthen Spleen Qi; eliminating dampness; resolving lumps.

Chinese herbal Prescription:

Shen Ling Bai Shu Wan modification

Ling Zhi 10g, Dang Shen 8g, Bai Zhu 8g, Fu Ling 8g, Yi Yi Ren 10g, Shan Zha 8g, Bian Dou 8g,

Ze Xie 10g, Dan Shen 8g, Chen Pi 8g,

Xiang Fu 8g, San Leng 8g, E Zhu 8g.


Du 20, ST 25, ST 36, ST 40, REN 4, REN 6, SP 10 LIV 3

External Use : Ai Ye Cha Ji

Symptom : Prostate Cancer. Discomfort in lower abdomen, overweight, difficult urination, tight chest; tongue: dark red colour with white or yellow greasy coating; pulse: slippery and taut.

Treatment Principle: Strengthening Lung Qi, resolving phlegm and lump Chinese Herbal Prescription: Er Chen Tang and Bei Mu Gua Lou San modification

Zhe Bei Mu 12g, Gua Lou Pi 10g, Tian Hua Fen 10g, Fu Ling 8g, Chen Pi 8g, Jie Geng 8g, Ban Xia 8g, Yi Yi Ren 10g, Dan Shen 8g, Xing Ren 8g, Lai Fu zi 8g.

Acupuncture: Lu 7, ST 25, ST 36, ST 40, REN 4, REN 6, LIV 3. External Use : Xi Xin Cha Ji

Symptoms: Dropping urination, and thin flow; finger press from anus can feel prostate node, as hard as stone. Irritable, abdominal distension, dark red tongue with purple spots and patches; taut and hesitate pulse.

Treatment Principle; Regulating Qi; Removing Blood Stasis; Broken stasis and resolving Lumps. Chinese Herbal Prescription: Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang Modification Ling Zhi 10g, Dang Gui 8g, Chuan Xiong 8g, Gui Zhi 8g, Xiao Hui Xiang 8g, Gan Jiang 8g, Yan Hu Suo 8g, Mo Yao 8g, Chi Shao 8g, Pu Huang 8g, Sang Leng 8g, E Zhu 8g, Ze Xie 8g. Acupuncture: SP 10, LIV 3, ST 25, ST 36, REN 4, REN 6, B 23, B 24, B 26. External Use: Ru Mo Cha Ji

Symptoms: Often seen in Prostate Cancer in advanced stage or after surgery: difficult urination, thin urine flow or anuria, tiredness, short of breath, poor appetite; thin body shape, swelling legs, back pain down to the legs, pelvis and rectum. Tongue: pale, thin coat. Thready and weak pulse

Treatment Principle: Tonifying Qi and Blood, Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis. Chinese Herbal Prescription: Ba Zhen Wan, Shi Quan Da Bu Wan Modification Ling Zhi 12g, Huang Qi 10g, Xi Yang Shen 10g, Bai Zhu 8g,

Fuling 8g, Ze Xie 8g, Dang Gui 8g, Chuan Xiong 8g, Rou Gui 8g, Shan Zha 8g Dan Shen 8g Acupuncture: Du20, K3, LVE 3, SP 6, SP 10, ST 36, Ren 4, Ren 6

External: Huang Qi Cha Ji

Symptoms: Often seen in Prostate Cancer at the middle stage, especially after the treatment of Radiotherapy or Chemeotherapy. Blood in the Urine, Tired, Hot, Thirsty, Sore Back, Irritability, Night Sweats, Dry Throat. Tongue: Red, no coat. Pulse: Thready, Rapid

Treatment Principle: Tonify Qi and Yin, Clear Empty Heat

Chinese Herbal Prescription: Ling Zhi 10g, Zhi Mu 10g, Huang Bai 8g, Sheng Di 10g Xi Yang Shen 8g, Tian Huo Fen 8g, Mai Men Dong 10g, Shan Yao 8g Da Ji 8g, Chi Shao 8g, Ze Xie 8g, Fu Ling 8g

Acupuncture: KID3 KID6 SP6 ST25 ST36 SP10 External use: Hua Fen Cha Ji

1. Early Diagnosis and Treatment is very important as prostate cancer doesn’t show significant symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, it is suggested that men over the age of 40 observe signs such as: Frequent Urination, Urgent Urination, Pain experienced during urination, even Blood in the urine. 2. If any of these symptoms are seen, one should go to the hospital for a check up.

3. If a man suffers from Prostatitis or an enlarged prostate, Qian Lie Kang Pian is effective. 4. Dong Ling Cao Pian is a modern formulae, which has the function of clearing away heat to subside swelling and resolving lumps. It can be used for cancer patients in both treating and preventing cancer. Especially effective for Prostate Cancer and also Breast Cancer.

5. Appropriate sexual activity can help in regulating the function of the prostate. By harmonizing Qi between the Kidney and Prostate, as Kidney Qi needs to be stored and Prostate Qi needs to be soothed. When both open and close properly, the result should be a healthy Prostate and Kidney.

Ling Zhi is a genus of polypore Mushroom that grows in the woods. 80 species, many from tropical regions. Ben Cao Gang Mu: •

“Essence of mountains river. Cloud and rain, four seasons, five elements, day and night. Yin and Yang has 5 colours of magic Zhi.”

“It grows in the high mountains and deep valleys, take it to become a supernatural being.”

“Black Zhi. Salty, Neutral, Non Toxic. Treats blocked urination.”

Regulate water passages, Tonifies Kidney Qi, Opens at the nine Orifices of the human body. Taken long term is Anti-Ageing and prolongs life. Ling Zhi has the functions of strengthening the immune system and is an anticarcenegenic, supporting radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.

Bitter, slightly cool, non toxic.

Treats: Evil’s in the Heart and Abdomen, Watery noise in the intestines, Cold and Heart Stagnation, Broken Zhen and clears Jia, Stops irritability and Fullness and Tonifies Qi. Zhen and Jia both mean stubborn lumps in the 'Huang Di Nei Jing,’ equivalent to cancer in Modern Medicine terminology.

Tian Hua Fen

Yi Yi Ren Ze Xie

Appropriate diet

Fresh air


Open Heart and Positivity

Thank You 謝謝 Prof. Shulan Tang 汤淑兰