Positive Behaviour Policy

Maltby Lilly Hall Academy

Review: Spring Term January 2016


At Maltby Lilly Hall Academy, we expect all members of the school community to maintain the highest possible standards of behaviour, however we understand that at times individuals may not reach the standards that we desire. This policy outlines the basic principles of behaviour we expect members of the school community to adhere to, the rewards available for those who demonstrate positive behaviour and sanctions which will be applied to those who don’t. More specific behaviours such as bullying and racism are covered in separate policies, but sanctions applied may fall within the measures outlined here.


The intention of this policy is to support learners in developing positive behaviour and understanding why it is important. It intends to ensure that children who maintain the high standards which are expected of them are rewarded, and that those who fail to reach and maintain those standards are subject to sanctions designed to encourage them into better behaviour.


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To ensure that all members of the school community clearly understand what is expected of them To foster a climate of mutual respect and personal responsibility To set high expectations for the level of behaviour children are asked to display To set clearly understandable hierarchies of rewards and sanctions to encourage positive behaviour To ensure that rules, rewards and sanctions are applied equally To ensure that children understand that they are accountable for their actions To ensure that all children at Maltby Lilly Hall behave to the highest individual standards possible


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To create a safe, happy and positive environment which enables children to be a happy, sociable part of the community To maintain a purposeful and positive teaching and learning environment To produce clarity of expectation and consequences To ensure that all children are aware of their individual responsibilities


The school should adopt the following ‘Golden Rules’. These are the basic principles by which the school creates a positive climate for learning and all children abide:

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We listen: We don’t interrupt We work hard: We don’t waste our own or other’s time We are gentle: We don’t hurt others We are kind and helpful: we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings We are honest: We don’t cover up the truth We look after property: We don’t waste or damage things

These rules are given high status in the school and form the basis of assemblies and class discussions. The rules are displayed prominently in every classroom and in public areas. They are also clearly noted on the certificates given as rewards and the notes of sanctions applied. It is made clear to children where they have followed or failed to follow the rules.

In order to interpret these rules, staff and pupils have rights and responsibilities which must be upheld if the community is to work together effectively.

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Rights To be safe To feel safe To have opinions respected To be heard To be treated as individuals To learn and develop professionally To have your talents recognised To be believed and trusted Physical comfort

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Responsibilities To behave appropriately/model behaviour to keep a safe environment To treat others with respect To listen To accept that everyone is different To take responsibility for own learning To recognise the strengths and talents of all To be truthful and honest To care for others

EXPECTATIONS There is an expectation that all members of the school community will exhibit certain standards of behaviour in different areas of the school: LUNCH HALL

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Queue sensibly Talk in a sensible voice Tidy up after eating Put chairs under the table Walk at all times Leave the hall sensibly


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Show good manners: hold doors etc Only be where you are meant to be Walk at all times


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Play sensibly/safely Make no physical contact with other children Use the toilets sensibly Only be where you are meant to be


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Listen and stay on task Do not prevent others learning Sit correctly without leaning back on chairs Line up sensibly when moving around school

In all areas of school, pupils are expected to show good manners towards staff and each other and treat all staff with respect.



Examples of use

To reward the development of effective learning skills, a skills set which will equip each pupil for lifelong learning:

Be motivated – organise themselves for learning  Self-organisation  Working independently  Saying when they need help  Plan their work before starting  Try again when things go wrong  Enjoy trying new things

Reward Our ‘Learning Skills’ Pathway to become a BETTER learner. Children travel along a pathway to get a bronze, silver or gold standard for displaying exemplary BETTER learner skills.

B- be motivated/ buy into their learning E- enquirers T- thinkers T- team workers E- effective participators R- reflective Each skills set will be awarded according to set criteria, up to three skills will give a bronze award four to five a silver award and demonstrating all six will achieve the gold standard within each term

Enquirers-work on their own  Ask questions  Find out answers  Show curiosity  Think about what they have discovered  Make choices and be happy in the choices they make Thinkers- think of exciting ideas  Use imagination  Work with others and share ideas  Embrace new experiences  Find alternatives and creative solutions Team Workers-work with others  Listen to others  Explain ideas  Explore ideas without falling out  Keep going and see things through  Show others how to do things Effective Participators- join in well  Take part in events to help  Think about ways to make things even better  Work with others  Listen to others’ ideas and talk about their own  Talk to people about things they find difficult  Think about next steps Reflective-think about their learning  Think about why they are doing things  Say what they need to do next  Show resilience in the face of challenge  Have a positive attitude  Think of ways to make their work even better

Amazing ‘Pathway’ Award Children who gain three Gold standards for being BETTER learners across the year will receive a special reward at the end of the year.

To reward consistent outstanding effort by a special treat at the end of the year.

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Consistent outstanding Learning throughout the year (termly Gold standard) Most improved throughout the year



Individual class rewards

Given in classes for small instances of doing the right thing.

Always Club and certificate

Held every week for the child in each class who always does the right thing in one particular area of school life and certificate presented in special mentions assembly.

Ethos Stones

To reward consistent outstanding teamwork based on the Golden Rules.

Whole school/class award. Children collect coloured beads/stones towards a whole school half termly treat.

Examples of use • •

Showing enthusiasm in learning. Imaginative responses.

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Child who is always polite Child who always works hard Child who always tidies up Child who always listens Child who is always kind and helpful

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Being kind/helpful Being polite Working together Listening well Being an outstanding role model Working hard Telling the truth Looking after our school


While there is an expectation that for the vast majority of the time children should achieve the highest standards of behaviour, occasionally children will inevitably fail to meet the standards which are expected of them. In these cases the following sanctions can be applied. Each level of sanction is accompanied by the types of behaviour for which it can be applied; this is not an exhaustive list, but rather an indication of the severity of behaviour for which it can be used.


This is to be mainly used for in class sanctions, but can also be applied to incidents outside:

Contact Parents/Sent home

Severe behaviour

Head rings home and invites parents in for a meeting to discuss behaviour/incidents with possibility of exclusion.

Physically hurting someone with malicious intent/running off and refusing to listen/being abusive/constantly repeating severe behaviour.

Red Card

SLT/Pastoral Leader

Persistent offenders

Can be instant or hierarchical.

Red slip sent home to be signed by parent/carer.

Build-up of continuous inappropriate behaviour e.g. answering back, shouting out, classroom disruption, refusal to take part.

Purple Card Can be instant or hierarchical.

Phone call home to report incident. Ring parents/carers of all concerned to explain behaviour/incident.

Instant red card for hurting someone or damaging property.

If behaviour is consistent, place on a behaviour plan. This may mean staying with an adult during break and lunch times or doing a responsible duty.

Orange Card

Lose all of break

Hurting someone’s feelings


Orange slip sent home to be signed by parent/carer.

Damaging property Stealing

Made to go to large hall at break time to sit in silence with Pastoral Leader.

Persistent disruption

Yellow Card

Lose 5 mins break

Name calling


To go to large hall to sit in silence with Pastoral leader.

Telling lies Disruption in class

White Card

Verbal warning

Not working hard

After 2 initial warnings

With explanation that next incident will be an instant yellow card.

Not listening Disruption in class

Break times (Yellow/Orange card) – Children missing part/whole of their break time have to sit in the old/large hall in silence with the Pastoral Leader. Children are given a Yellow/Orange token on their way to break which the Pastoral Leader has to initial to ensure the sanction has taken place.

Children on a red card must report to Pastoral leader at break times and lunch times (with a red token) to be given their responsible duty. After the first warning, each of the levels of sanction carries a loss of break time and is intended as a supplement to other classroom management techniques. It should not be the only classroom management strategy used, and it is assumed that a range of positive behaviour strategies should supplement and support it. Warnings are given to alert children to the impact that their behaviour has/is having on the ability of those around them to learn effectively. Warnings may be given for repeated incidents of low level, disruptive, behaviour or one-off more serious incidents. Eg.

Child repeatedly talks to another next to them in a discussion. Child shouts across the classroom.

Children can also go straight to an Orange, Red or Purple card, these would be more serious one off cases, such as physically hurting someone or something. The head teacher must be informed immediately of any Purple cards awarded. The children return to the bottom of the ladder each day. There is no buy back system. A Red Card leads to the loss of all privileges for the day and attendance of after school clubs needs to be considered. Other sanctions can be applied at the discretion of the teacher such as sending the child to work in another class or with an SLT member, or requesting support from the Pastoral Leader (children should not be sent out of class to work with the Pastoral leader). These incidents should be reported to the Pastoral Leader. These sanctions should be used where the poor behaviour is preventing the other children in the class from learning – removing THEIR right to learn.

THE BEHAVIOUR MONITORING SYSTEM This part of the behaviour system is intended for those children who have demonstrated particularly serious incidents of poor behaviour or persistent low level disruptive behaviour which has had an impact on both their own learning and that of others. Children enter this system on the receipt of a Yellow Card. Sanction


Yellow card

Child given Yellow Card slip which shows how they have broken the Golden Rules. This is taken home for parents to sign/comment on.

Given for

Name calling Telling lies Disruption in class

Orange card

Child given Orange Card slip which shows how they have broken the golden rules and is annotated with a brief record of the incident/behaviour. This is taken home for parents to sign/comment on.

Hurting someone’s feelings Damaging property Stealing Persistent disruption

Red card

Child sent to SLT/Pastoral leader – A child receiving a red Persistent offenders card loses all privileges in school. This includes Serious one-off behaviour representing school teams, choir, monitors etc. A

Purple card

phonecall made to all parents involved. Child given Red Card slip which shows how they have broken the golden rules and is annotated with a brief record of the incident/behaviour. This is taken home for parents to sign/comment on. Child may be put on a behaviour plan.

which, while it does not put others at risk, does seriously go against the spirit and letter of our Golden Rules

A phonecall home to parents to invite them to a meeting where an agreed behaviour plan/chart/praise book put into place or a discussion about a fixed term exclusion.

As above repeatedly

A final report which is used in close consultation with parents and is considered a final step before official fixed term exclusion.


To follow LA statutory guidance.

One off incidents of behaviour which are so serious that if they were repeated, exclusion would be the only option. of the golden rules.

A last resort where trust between the pupil and school have broken down.

It is intended that the harsher sanctions outlined here should be used only infrequently, however, records will be kept of what reports etc are given for within the Behaviour monitoring file, this will enable any inconsistencies in how they are awarded to be identified.


The intention of the behaviour policy is to support positive behaviour and encourage pupils to improve their behaviour. However, there will always be a small number of children in school who have specific reasons why they do not respond to the structured approach which works for the majority. For these individuals an individual behaviour plan is put in place. This is an individualised plan which is designed to meet the needs of these individuals in terms of support but also the sanctions which will be applied and how. IBPs are always designed around close parental contact and regular contact between school and parents should be built into the plan, alongside termly reviews. Pupils on IBPs will earn privileges by meeting the targets built into their plans.