KNOLLWOOD AT WORSHIP THE SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:55 a.m. To those who feel the need of light; to th...
Author: Arlene Morgan
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To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts; to those who need courage for their daily tasks; to those who feel lonely and friendless; to those who wish to give service; to all who, in faith, will support and involve themselves to the limit of their ability in the work of the Kingdom of God which this church undertakes; to all who want rest, peace, and happiness--this church invites you to the fellowship of Jesus.

KNOLLWOOD AT WORSHIP GATHERING FOR WORSHIP Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you!

THE CHIMES Three chimes are sounded, awakening us to the presence of God, alerting us to the voice of Christ, centering us in the embrace of the Spirit. As we gather, we present ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.”

THE OPENING SENTENCE ....................................................................... Kenneth A. Wilson One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

†THE PRELUDE “Morning Has Broken”..........................................................................................Dale Wood Henry Tysinger, organ

THE CALL TO WORSHIP ........................................................................... Kenneth A. Wilson One: We are here because God has called us to join in the dance of discipleship. All: We are here to lift up our voices in praise and devotion, and to dance like David before the ark. One: Yet we realize that this dance can be dangerous, discipleship involves risk, following Jesus means walking in the way of the cross. All: Still we come with a desire to dance, a willingness to take risks, a yearning to follow Jesus. May God be honored by all that we say and do here and by the manner in which we continue this dance in the routine of our everyday lives!

THE INVOCATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER ........................................... Kenneth A. Wilson *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN OF PRAISE, NO. 52 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” ....................................................................................ELLACOMBE


THE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) ............................................................ Jesse Sorrell Eternal God, we long to know and live your truth, But we are prone to listen to what is said loudly rather than what is said softly. We are partial to what is easy rather than what is right. We are easily seduced by voices that promise much but deliver little. Forgive our hardness of hearing and hardness of heart in listening for your Word.

THE SILENT CONFESSION THE ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: Hear the Good News of the Gospel! Jesus said, "If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:31b-32).

* Those who are able will stand. † Ushers will seat those waiting. Hearing aids and large print hymns are available from the ushers. 2


THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 .................................. Jesse Sorrell One: This is the word of God. All: Thanks be to God.

THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Ephesians 1:3-14................................................. Joe Long One: This is the word of God All: Thanks be to God.

Deacon of the Week

THE SOLO “I Need Thee Every Hour” ................................................................................Jan Sanborn Mary Ann Davis, soprano [Text may be followed at No. 538 in the hymnal.]

*THE GOSPEL LESSON: Mark 6:14-29 .............................................................. Diane Lipsett One: This is the Gospel of Christ. All: Thanks be to God.

*THE HYMN OF DEVOTION, NO. 49 “Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above”........................................................... AMSTERDAM We invite the children, grades 1st through 3rd to remain in worship with their parents. Children’s Church is on the first and third, fifth Sundays of the month. Worship Care for preschool and kindergarten is offered weekly.

THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ........................................................................ Diane Lipsett THE SERMON ................................................................................... Molly Brummett Wudel A BANQUET SCENE

THE CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION ....................................... Molly Brummett Wudel The Invitation to the Table The Sursum Corda Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Leader: Lift up your hearts! People: We lift them to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise! The Confession The Words of Institution Sharing the Bread and the Cup We invite the congregation to come forward for communion, beginning with the choir. Please approach the rail using the two center aisles, and exit down the side aisles. You may kneel or stand as you wish and receive the bread and cup. If you prefer to have communion served at your seat, please indicate with a raised hand and a deacon will assist you. The Bread and the Cup “Come to the Table” .................................................................... COME TO THE TABLE Mary Ann Davis, soprano Come to the table, all you who praise God. Laid in a stable, God’s gift of love; Jesus our Savior poured out his life’s blood. Our sins forgiven, God’s gift of love. 3

Come eat this bread now, my broken body. My vow remember: I am your Lord. Drink of this wine, the cup of salvation, for you are mine, and I am your Lord. All is now ready, like the first table. Pray for the Spirit; lift up your hearts. Christ has arisen, our Lord and Savior. With great thanksgiving, lift up your hearts.



If you desire membership in this congregation, you are invited to come forward and the pastor will greet you. If you prefer not to come forward, you may speak to one of the ministers after the service. As an open membership church, we honor your previous baptism in any other Christian community. If you have not made a confession of faith, we invite you to do so and receive Christian baptism. Church members are invited to commit themselves anew to God and to God’s service in the world.

*THE HYMN OF DISCIPLESHIP, NO. 776 “Let Us Break Bread Together ” ........................................................................... LET US BREAK BREAD

THE PASTORAL GREETING .............................................................................. Diane Lipsett THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION ................................................................................ Joe Long THE SERVICE OF GIVING The Receiving of Tithes and Offerings The Offertory “Amazing Grace” ............................................................................................ Gordon Young Henry Tysinger, organ *The Presentation and Doxology


*THE BENEDICTION ........................................................................... Molly Brummett Wudel *THE CHORAL BENEDICTION “Together Met, Together Bound”.................................................................DOVE OF PEACE Mary Ann Davis, soprano Together met, together bound by all that God has done, we’ll go with joy, to give the world the love that makes us one.

*THE POSTLUDE “Song for a Joyful Day” .............................................................................. Gilbert M. Martin Henry Tysinger, organ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

TO OUR GUESTS We extend to you a sincere welcome and the hope that you will find your worship experience meaningful. You are invited to the narthex for a brief time of fellowship following worship where you can meet church members and clergy, and learn more about this congregation. We would ask that you record your visit by filling out the friendship pad in the pew; email addresses are especially helpful. To learn more about Knollwood Baptist Church, find us online at You can also receive our newsletter and email announcements by emailing [email protected], or just call the church office, 725-1343. Sunday School at Knollwood begins at 9:45 a.m.

KBC WELCOMING STATEMENT Knollwood Baptist Church is an inviting, inclusive family of faith open to all persons, whatever their race, gender, socioeconomic status, special needs, or sexual orientation, who want to walk in the way of Jesus. 4


Our pastor, Bob Setzer, is in Nicaragua with Mark Jensen and Beth Fields this week. They are investigating a possible missions partnership for Knollwood. ( We welcome today guest organist Henry Tysinger. Mr. Tysinger retired in 2012 after 25 years as Director of Music and Organist at Highland Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem. Previously he served churches in Michigan where he was president of the Detroit chapter of Choristers Guild. He is currently serving as secretary of the Winston-Salem chapter of the American Guild of Organists and as substitute organist in several local churches. Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you. Printed music used by permission of # A-724940.

FLOWERS The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in memory of Dr. T. W. Littlejohn II & Dr. T. W. Littlejohn III, by Hazel Littlejohn Willis and family.

ABOUT OUR BANNERS In the Bible and in church tradition, the dove and fire symbolize the Holy Spirit. According to the four Gospels, the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove at his baptism (Mark 1:10 and parallels). John the Baptist promised the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit “and with fire” (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). From Moses’ encounter with God by the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-6) to the tongues of fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), fire is a sign of God’s riveting, transforming presence. The Pentecost banner depicts the fire of God’s challenge and the dove of God’s gentle loving care. The artist who designed and painted the Pentecost banner is our own Bambi Setzer. The season of Pentecost begins with Pentecost Sunday and continues until the first Sunday of Advent.

FOR THE CHILDREN Worship Care is provided for children, infant - kindergarten aged on the first floor of Building B. Children’s Worship resumes this month for 1st through 3rd graders. It meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month. During the Hymn of Devotion, children meet their leaders in the narthex to walk together to Children’s Worship (B244). After worship, parents pick up their children from B244. Volunteers are needed to help chaperone the children during that time. If you are interested in volunteering one Sunday, please contact Amine Seifert, [email protected]. For the 2nd and 4th Sundays children are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families. Children’s activity bulletins and crayons are available in the narthex.

SUMMER WEDNESDAY GATHERINGS On Being Global Christians: Cool Topics for Hot Summer Nights • Delicious summer desserts will be offered with tea, lemonade, milk, and coffee. • We won’t provide full meals (as we await renovation of the church kitchen and dining room), but you are welcome to bring a to-go dinner for yourself or your family. • Infants and preschool children will have childcare in building B. You may sign in a child any time from 5:45 on. • Elementary children will enjoy desserts with all ages then have separate games and activities downstairs in Noffsinger or outdoors (depending on weather). Youth are invited to join the adults. JULY 29 – Partners in Learning & Service: AMOS Health and Hope - 5:45-7:15 p.m. Mark Jensen, Beth Fields, and Bob Setzer will discuss a key partner organization in Nicaragua -describing current conditions and investments along with future possibilities. Come listen, learn, and discuss as you enjoy desserts with chocolate or summer fruit. SIGN UP TO HELP WITH DESSERTS FOR WEDNESDAY SUMMER GATHERINGS Please help provide a dessert for our next night (or more than one if you like.) Bring it to Knollwood by 5:30 p.m. Each night features particular dessert treats. Sign up online: SIGN UP TO HELP WITH HOSPITALITY AND SERVING At each gathering, four volunteers have helped set up and serve desserts and drinks. Might you be able to help for our last gathering? Sign up online: 5


For those who would like to continue to meet on Wednesday evenings (when there are no programs offered) to share a meal, please join us at the K & W on Healy Drive at 5:30 p.m. For more information, call Peggy Mims at 971-0327.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday School for children and youth continues for the summer. For adults, many Sunday morning small groups are continuing, while others are taking a break until early fall. Two short-term summer adult electives will also help create connections for new folks, generate fresh summer conversations, and make it easy for hard-working teachers to take a break. Classes are held in Building A, Chapel. Sundays, August 2, August 9, August 16 Psalms that Reverberate: Catching Echoes of Ancient Poems, Songs, and Prayers (an interactive study of lectionary passages)


The Senior Adults are invited for a potluck luncheon at Brenda and George McSwain's home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Bring a covered dish to share, the meat will be provided. The bus will leave from church parking lot at 9:30 a.m. and return to church parking lot at 6:00 p.m. Please call the church office to let us know you are coming, 725-1343.


No advance sign-ups required. Wear loose clothing and bring a yoga mat if you have one. Classes are held upstairs in the Noffsinger Bldg. Tuesdays 6 - 7 p.m. Mondays 11 a.m. – 12 Thursdays 11 a.m. – 12 with Judy Iannuzzi, RN/experienced yoga leader with Jennie Schwartz, certified yoga instructor No charge $12 per class

PROPS AND DECORATIONS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This summer Knollwood will be transformed into Nazareth. The VBS Planning Team needs your help in gathering decorations/props to help us set the scene: blankets or small rugs old sheets terra cotta pots (think Nazareth-inspired patterns plastic fruit faux plants/greenery/trees baskets pop-up style tailgate tents Bring items to donate or lend to the Agape Classroom Sunday mornings in July, or drop them in the church office M-F. To have your items returned at the end of VBS, please fill out the tag provided at drop-off point. Thanks for helping us create a truly immersive experience for the kids at VBS this summer. ~VBS Planning Team: Amine Seifert, Phyllis Tate and Jonna Yarbrough

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 Ages 4 – 5th grade completed Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid

KICK-OFF - Sunday, August 2, 4-6:00 p.m. Fun for the entire family VBS ACTIVITIES - Monday-Thursday, August 3-6, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon The KBC Children’s Ministry and Through-the-Week School are coordinating VBS and TTWS Summer Fun Camp and are offering a concurrent program for infants through 3 year olds. Registration for VBS here: Summer Fun Camp info here: ministry/2015-vacation-bible-school

BOLTON/KNOLLWOOD PARTNERSHIP This summer three Bolton families are coming to Knollwood each week to pick up a box of fresh vegetables. The families are participating in Farm Fresh, a collaborative program with the WFU Medical Center and Knollwood. Each week the program provides a box of produce grown at Harmony Ridge Farm to the participants for a nominal fee per family. Our Knollwood missions budget supplements the cost of the produce to these families. At times there will be fresh eggs in the boxes and egg cartons are needed to transport the eggs. Please help by saving your empty egg cartons to donate to the farm. Place them in plastic collection bin in the narthex. 6

COMMUNITY GARDEN WORK DAYS We share our individual and community garden harvests with local food pantries. We’re in need of Knollwoodians to weed, water, and pick, and drop off produce from our community garden in June, July and August. You can come at any time on the day(s) you sign up for working. Sign up here: or by calling the church office, 336-725-1343.

GOLD AWARD PROJECT – COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR CHILDREN My name is Andrea Strauss. I am earning my Gold Award, which is the highest and final award in Girl Scouts. I am partners with Knollwood Baptist Church, Clemmons Moravian Church, Bolton Elementary, Ward Elementary, and other organizations to expand each school’s Backpack Program. With your generosity, we will collect enough school supplies for these children to lessen the stress on their families and decrease the amount of supplies teachers provide on their own. All donations are appreciated. Supplies requested: Box of 24 crayons Hand Sanitizer Notebook paper (wide ruled) Glue sticks Solid color 2 pocket folder Pencil Pouch (zippered/ box) #2 pencils Erasers Composition/spiral notebooks (wide ruled) Tissue Boxes 3 ring binder (1 inch) Printer Paper Thank you for your support. Collection bins have been placed in the Narthex, Lower Parlor and Foyer B.


Knollwood Cares, the congregational care ministry of our church, would like to know of specific needs in our congregation. You may complete a request card found in the narthex and in other areas of the church, or email your need to Linda Massler, Knollwood Cares Director, at [email protected].

MONDAY MEN Monday Morning Men will be on hiatus until September 14. Monday Evening Men meet at 8:00 p.m. at Foothills at 638 West Fourth St.



9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:55 a.m. Worship Service

CALENDAR The full church calendar is online at Click on the lower left calendar icon.

There is a recycle bin in the narthex. We hope, however, that you will take this information home for future reference, and then recycle.


330 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104 (336) 725-1343

Pastor Minister of Music Children’s Ministry Associate Minister of Youth and Community Interim Minister of Faith Formation and Education Music Ministry Associate and Organist Minister to Sr. Adults & Weekday School 8

Dr. Bob Setzer, Jr. Dr. Kenneth A. Wilson Mrs. Amine Seifert Rev. Molly Brummett Wudel Dr. Diane Lipsett Mrs. Lauren Winkelman Rev. Lucrecia Norman

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