Ind. Engineering Classes Move To New Locations

X-lll—Vol. XXXIII No. 23 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 2, 1949 Ind. Engineering Classes Move To New Locations Vandy Game Tickets Wi...
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X-lll—Vol. XXXIII

No. 23


Ind. Engineering Classes Move To New Locations Vandy Game Tickets Will Be Distributed From Sept. 19 to 24

/. E. Student Lounge Open September 7th By Hal Griswold

Tickets for the Tech - Vanderbilt Most of the classes of the School of Industrial Engineering were football game on Saturday, September transferred to the A. French Textile Building on Monday, August 22. When 24, will be issued on a first come - the move is completed, the entire first floor and the east portion of the first served basis, it was announced by ground floor of this building will be occupied by^the Industrial Engineering the Athletic Office today. 1 school to the lounge committee. The Rich Laboratories of Industrial Distribution will , begin Monday, Some of the more active members September 19, and will continue Engineering will also be housed in of the lounge committee were Berthis building. The equipment for through to the day of the game. I t nard Ulman, Jeff Macon, Wheeler will be necessary to present your these labs, which will consist of work Bearden, Al Shiver, Neil Avery, and simplification, motion and time study, student identification card or your Herb Eschen. Chivington, who acted last quarter's tuition receipt in order micro-motion study, and methods as a volunteer cash collector, deserves to establish concrete proof of your analysis, is now being procured and to be recognized for his services to should be set up in time for the fall identity. the committee. quarter. Faculty Changes Seniors Get Date Tickets Lounge Opening Mr. R. T. Staten has been promoted Seniors will be allowed to purchase At eleven o'clock on Tuesday, Sepdate tickets a t the cost of $1.20 and tember 6, t h e lounge for the I.E. to an assistant profressorship and Refresh- will replae Prof. Raymond E. Shafer there will be a list in the AA office students will be opened. Prof. of all seniors eligible to purchase ments will be served at this time with on the staff of the school. these tickets. —Photo by Bill Cheeley.

On the left above, Colonel Groseclose, Director of the School of Industrial Engineering, reviews the prospective layout of classrooms and laboratories for the Industrial Engineering School with Professor Donald B. Wilcox. This layout includes t h e plans for the Rich Laboratories of Engineering.

Tickets for the remainder of Tech's home schedule will be issued after the Vandy game with the upper classes having first priority.

State Education Leaders Hold Summer Conference

Seats Are Available

Miss Joy Mitchell acting as hostess. The lounge will be located in Room 106 which is a t the northwest corner of the main floor. The lounge will be completely furnished by t h e opening date. The color scheme is to be green and grey both for t h e drapes and upholstery of the couches. The lounge will be furnished as follows: three large couches, three card tables, one study table, and twelve chairs. A large radio, donated by Colonel Groseclose, will complete the furnishings. Large Donations

The White and Gold Club, sponsor of the flash card cheering section, announces t h a t there a r e 800 choice seats available in the vicinity of the " F o u r times as much money is spent by the American public on liquor 50-yard line for all those students annually t h a n on the education of its children," stated Colonel Leslie F . who wish to become members of the The A.I.I.E. Lounge Committee and ZsufFa, Georgia Tech public relations director, last week to 500 Georgia flash card section. Bill Dykes, president of A.I.I.E., have teachers meeting a t Jekyl Island. According to him, the educational outlay These tickets will be distributed stated t h a t they wish to express their for 1947 represented only iy2 per with regular season student tickets, appreciation to the officials of the cent of the national income as comand the upper classmen will have school for the assistance and cooperapared to 5 per cent in 1932. tion extended to them in regard to priority. If a sufficient number of the furnishing of the lounge. ConSponsored by the Georgia Educaupper classmen do not respond, these siderable furniture and a healthy tion Association, the four-day sumchoice seats will go to freshmen. cash contribution was made by the mer meeting brought together more than 500 educational leaders representing every phase of education in Georgia Tech's former one man the state. Among the items discussed special police force, Mr. A. L. Allwere plans for accrediting Minimum good, retired the other day after comEducation Foundation Bill, safety pleting 23 years of service to the education, tenure, teachers' retire- school. The majority of this period ment, public relations programs for was spent as Tech's only night By Jeff Powell the profession and educational stand- guardian. Mr. Allgood, who was the At a meeting held last Monday evening Alpha Phi Omega, campus serards. chief of the expanded campus police vice fraternity, announced the opening of the Student Book Exchange located In his series of four talks, Colonel force until his retirement from serat Room 202 Knowles Building on September 7th, 8th, 9th from 9:00 to 4:00. Zsuffa pointed out the need of a con- vice this summer, was honored a t a The reason for its opening a t the end of the quarter is to take in second hand tinuing public relations program to barbecue given at the Crenshaw Field books to be sold during the first p a r t keep the problems of education be- House. At t h a t time he was presented three days of school by members of of the fall quarter. Students a r e enfore the general public and the Gen- with a jeweled Georgia Tech key in the fraternity. Students who wish to couraged to bring in their books to be eral Assembly of the State of Geor- appreciation for his many years of contribute clothing to this worthy gia. To illustrate some of his points, faithful service to the school and sold at a good profit to them and to cause m a y leave their old clothing help their fellow students purchase he quoted from various government the student body. In attendance a t outside their rooms on these desigreports. One of these reports showed this function were Dean Narmore, second-hand books a t minimum cost. nated evenings if they are going out Seller Sets Price how in 1947 more t h a n 9.6 billion Executive Dean, Mr. Jenkins, head of or do not wish to disturbed. If a The books handled by the student solicitor does not call at your room dollars were spent on liquor while the Buildings and Grounds, and Mr. Book Exchange are sold a t the price for the clothing it m a y be left a t only 2.5 billion dollars were spent for Anthony, Comptroller. designated by the student and this the information desk in the adminieducation, a total of 1V2 per cent of The history of the Georgia Tech price is marked by the seller on a stration building or in the storeroom the national income. This last figure special police force is a long and int a g in the book. When the book is in the basement of Towers Dormitory was compared to the 8 per cent being teresting one. It started many years sold the student is notified by campus which will be open the last two days, spent in Soviet Russia on education, ago with Mr. Allgood as our only mail and the selling price is turned of the drive. which includes p a r t y indoctrination. I policeman. Due to the expansion of over to him less 10% which is given Received by Students During the meeting, Colonel Zsuffa the school's facilities during the w a r to the Student Union Building Fund The clothing so gathered will be conducted an informal survey among years the force was expanded to two less whatever expenses a r e incurred sorted, cleaned, and then shipped to these leaders of Georgia education re- men and then with the postwar inby the book exchange. New York. F r o m this point it is g a r d i n g their opinion of Georgia! flux of new students it was increased Stuttgart Clothing Drive placed under the charge of the AmeriTech. I t was almost universally stated to its present size and importance. Also a t this meeting it was an- can Military Government and is t h a t Georgia's only engineering in- The police force guards the entrances stitution is considered tops in higher to the campus and furnishes informa- nounced t h a t members of the fra- freighted to Germany and turned education and many teachers express- tion to visitors during the daylight ternity will visit every room in the over to Studenten Helfen an organied the hope t h a t their sons might hours and a t night maintains a con- dormitories to gather up old and zation on the S t u t t g a r t campus which be able to meet its high entrance s t a n t fire and security watch over unwanted clothing to send to Stutt- helps needy students to finish their requirements and enter this fine the dormitories and the expanded g a r t University. The drive will be education through the use of used conducted in the evenings of the last clothing, food and other necessities. plant facilities of Georgia Tech. school.

Campus Police Chief Retires from Service; Completes 23 Years

Book Exchange Offers Students Opportunity to Sell Old Books

(Continued on page 6)

Col. Thompson Takes Charge of Air Force ROTC Group Here By Mack Gregorie The Air ROTC Unit has announced the arrival of its new commanding officer, Col. James F . Thompson, A F . Col. Thompson succeeds Maj. Robert M. Lawson who will remain with the unit. Served at Command Level Since his r e t u r n from foreign duty in 1945, Col. Thompson has served in a number of important posts. F o r some time he was associated with t h e Organization and Training Division of the W a r Department, having his headquarters in the Pentagon Building. This association afforded him an opportunity to get an appraisal of the ROTC P r o g r a m from a command level since his duties were mainly concerned with the supervision of the nation's ROTC units. Stationed in Albany Immediately prior to his arrival a t Tech, Col. Thompson was assigned to the 31st Fighter Wing based a t Albany, Georgia. He served as the unit's executive officer. Observed Campaigns During World W a r II the A F head was Deputy Chief of Staff of the XIX Tactical Air Command of the 9th Air Force. In this capacity he witnessed a number of important engagements in the European Theater of Operations. Col. Thompson was the 9th A F air representative who rode onto t h e beaches of Normandy in the F i r s t Army's command ship. Later he served with General George Patton's Third Army, lending them the XIX's tactical support. While with General P a t ton he witnessed the famed AugustSeptember breakthrough. Commends Unit When asked if he planned any major changes in the Tech unit, he replied, "No, a t the present I anticipate no sweeping changes, but I would like to commend Maj. Lawson and the other officers and men of the unit for t h e job they have done." While a t Tech Col. Thompson will have t h e title of Professor of Air Science and Tactics.

FViHair A f i o v n n n n

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WGST Previews Friday, September 2— The new Imperial Emperor of the Knights of the Ku-Klux-Klans of America, Lycurgus Spinks, will hold his first public press conference during MutuaPs coast-to-coast " M E E T T H E P R E S S " broadcast tonight from 10 to 10:30 P.M. over WGST. The 64-year-old Thomasville, Ala., Klans head was inducted into his new office last Tuesday (Aug. 23). He succeeds the late Dr. Samuel Green. Drew Pearson, the noted columnist who has been a severe critic of the Klan and its activities, has accepted a " M E E T T H E P R E S S " invitation to be one of the four nationally known newspapermen on the interview panel. Mr. Pearson and Lawrence Spivak, editor, American Mercury magazine, are two of the interviewers already set. The broadcast will be moderated by Albert L. Warner, MutuaPs chief correspondent in Washington. The program will originate from MutuaPs Washington, D. C. studios.

* * *

Saturday, September 3— . Soprano Nancy Carr, singularly honored bn Aug. 20 when she was cofeatured with Lauritz Melchior for the 20th Annual Chicagoland Music Festival, will be co-starred with baritone Bruce Foote for MutuaPs "CHICAGO T H E A T E R OF T H E A I R " summertime concert broadcast tonight from 10 to 11 P.M. over WGST. Appearing as a "Career Performance" a r t i s t in his bid for national recognition as a singer will be Richard Harding Humphrey, a baritone, of Calumet City, 111. Mr. Humphrey has been in radio for many years as an announcer, but dropped t h a t career to devote himself to the concert stage. He was, too, a professional heavyweight boxer a t one time. Miss Carr and Mr. Foote, in addition to their solo numbers on the program, will sing a duet from Sigmund Romberg's "My Romance" and will join the "CHICAGO THEATER OF T H E A I R " chorus for the finale medley on the program, a group of popular spirituals. Henry Weber will conduct the orchestra and chorus. Col. Robert R. McCormick, editor and publisher, will be heard in another of his interesting discussions of current and past events.

Soprano Doris Doree and tenor Mario Berini will be the featured soloists for MutuaPs "SYLVAN LEVIN OPERA CONCERT" broadcast tonight from 9 to 9:30 P.M. over * * * WGST. Mr. Levin, MutuaPs musical director in New York, will conduct the 81-year-old Halsey W. Wilson, noted orchestra. printer and publisher, and t h e founder of the cumulative book index system for libraries which bears his name, will be the guest panelist for MutuaPs "WHERE THE GANG " L I F E BEGINS AT 80" laugh-packed broadcast tonight from 9 to 9:30 P.M. GATHERS" over WGST. He will join regulars Mrs. Ella Pomeroy, 81, Mrs. Georgiana Carhart, 84, John Drancy, 88, and Fred Stein, who recently celebrated his 81st birthday. Jack Barry, who admits being over 30, moderates. Corner of Third Street a n d


New Chemical Find For Colored Plastics Made by Dr. F. Cox More permanent and richer colors in plastic shower curtains, handbags, upholstery, and phonograph records are possible through a new chemical discovery. United States patent 2,478,862 for this discovery of color stabilization of vinyl plastics through the use of "alkali metal monosulfides" has just been issued to Dr. Fred W. Cox, assistant director of the Georgia Tech Engineering Experiment Station, and J. M. Wallace, a chemist of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. The discovery is based on research conducted for the Wingfoot Corporation of Akron, Ohio. Before coming to the Georgia Tech Engineering Experiment Station early this year, Dr. Cox, a native of Atlanta and a chemical-engineering graduate of Georgia Tech, served as group leader for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company at Akron, Ohio, and as head of the applied chemistry division of the Southern Research Institute a t Birmingham, Alabama. He received his doctorate degree in organic and physical chemistry a t the University of Wisconsin. deserts the footlights temporarily to become a guest panelist for the Mutual airing of the popular radio "animal, vegetable or mineral" game, " T W E N T Y Q U E S T I O N S " tonight from 8 to 8:30 P.M. over WGST. Carradine will join panel regulars Fred Van Deventer, Florence Rinard, Bobby McGuire and Herb polesie. Bill Slater pops the brain-teasing subjects. Sunday, September 4—

John Carradine, razor-voiced needlethin veteran stage and screen actor,

W e s t Peachtree

Sun, - Mon., Sept. 4 - 5 Betty Grable

Thur. - Fri., Sept. 8 - 9

Nightmares in color m a y be rare. But they weren't fpr a woman beachcomber who, with her husband, became involved in a smuggling plot and two murders t h a t necessitated MutuaPs "NICK CARTER, MASTER D E T E C T I V E " to break into a wellearned vacation to solve t h e "Case of the Rainbow D r e a m " during his broadcast today from 6:30 to 7 P.M. over WGST. The dreams had so terrified the. lady t h a t she called on police, who in turn called on "Nick Carter". His secretary P a t s y (Charlotte Manson) tried to handled the m a t t e r herself . . . via long-distance telephone calls to the vacationing Nick (Lon C l a r k ) .

Laraine Day as

* * *



In Technicolor — also — Color Cartoon - News Tues. - Wed., Sept. 6 - 7 Dorothy Lamour in





"MANHANDLED" F e a t u r e No. 2 Noah Berry, J r . Joe Sawyer in

Plus Companion F e a t u r e Charlie Chan in

S a t , Sept. 10




Plus Color Cartoon - Serial

Two conflicting affaires d'amour develop considerably more sides than the routine love triangle as a song writer double-crosses a novelist friend, and tries frame him for murder, to provide Mutuals' " U N D E R A R R E S T " drama for today from 5 to 5:30 P.M. over WGST. Police Capt. Jim Scott (Joe DeSantis) practically singlehandedly unravels the mystery . . . which led from marital quarrels to blackmailing and, finally, a homicide.







Friday Afternoon, September 2, 1949

Tech's Place as Third Largest Engineering School Maintained Enrollment at the Georgia Institute of Technology for the calendar year ending September 1, 1949, reached 9,581 students in all divisions, according to Registrar W. L. Carmichael. Of this number, 4,841, or more than 50 per cent, were veterans. The day division reported 6,203 students for the four quarters while the evening division had 2,941. The Southern Technical Institute, which was opened in March 1948 as a unit of Georgia Tech, reported an enrollment of 372 veterans and 65 non-veterans, or a total of 437. It is interesting to note the rapid growth of the Southern Technical In-

stitute, which in 18 months has an enrollment which was not reached by Georgia Tech, its p a r e n t institution, until 18 years after the latter's establishment. These latest figures indicate t h a t for the third straight year, Georgia Tech is maintaining its position as the largest engineering school in the South and the third largest in the United States and Canada. Despite its size, the institution has been able to improve the quality of its education and research as indicated by the fact that more of its courses have been accredited than ever before in its history.

Children in U. S. S. R. Receive Minimum of Seven School Years A drive is under way throughout the Soviet Union to build enough schools to provide a minimum of seven years education for every child. As many children as possible will be given 10 years of schooling. The seven-year course is to be made universal in all r u r a l areas by September 1. In many cities and r u r a l sections, a ten-year minimum course has already been achieved—a standard which will ultimately apply to the whole country. The new regulation requires t h a t

Clothing Is To Stuttgart

Shipped Univ.

Congratulations to the Student Council. The clothing destined for S t u t t g a r t University was mailed August 31, 1949. A.P.O. will conduct the drive this quarter and in t h e future quarters but some method must be ararnged to pay the expenses involved.

adolescents who have had only four years of study are to be given an opportunity to r e t u r n to school for at least three more years. The shortage of school buildings must be overcome to make this possible. The district of Bliznetsovsk in the Ukraine has promised to erect eight new seven-year schools, to build dormitories for students, homes for the teachers, and to enlarge the school libraries, plagrounds and s c h o o l farms.

COX MUSIC SHOP Latest with the HITS on Decca, RCA-Victor, Columbia and Capitol VOICE AND PIANO RECORDING Sheet Music • Radio Repairs 161 Peachtree Street MAin 2378

The Prescott Restaurant 5 3 3 W . Peachtree St. N e x t to Nurses' Home AIR CONDITIONED 50c — O n e n e a t a n d t h r e e vegetables a n d drink — 50c Assortment of eight meats and fifteen vegetables 35c - BREAKFAST ANYTIME - 35c One egg, bacon or sausage, grits, toast and jelly, coffee

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Friday Afternoon, September 2, 1949




NEWS BRIEFS Co-op Club On Monday, August 29, the Co-op Club elected officers to serve as of the above date to the end of the summer of 1950. The officers elected and t h e retiring officers a r e : Johnny Pippin for President, succeeding Sam Carastro; Bailey Mundy succeeding himself; Klaus Putter, succeeding Johnny Pippin, and Dale Motsinger for Treasurer, succeeding Klaus Putter.

Graduate Club

Prof. Fred B. Wenn, left, presents the championship trophy to Van Moore and Dick Scheldt, winners of the I.M. Society Bulrymple Golf Tournament.

Moore and Scheidt Win I. M. Society Bulrymple Golf Classic Van Moore and Dick Scheldt a r e hole elimination tournament was playthe new champions of the 36-hole ed a t a recent outing 1 h#ld by the InBulrymple Golf Tournament. The 36- dustrial Management Society a t the home of Mr. John Werner near Sandy Springs. Bulrymple golf is a combination This coming Friday and golf, hockey, and obstacle game which Saturday are the last 2 was invented and perfected by ProfesWenn and Mr. Werner. The game days for Co-Ops to get issorplayed on a regulation 9-hole Bulrymple golf course, and is a test of their pictures made. the golfing and woodsmanship ability of the participants. , The golf match was only a p a r t of t h e day long activities in which 876 WEST PEACHTREE the members of t h e Industrial ManVErnon 0931 agement Society engaged. There were also horseshoe pitching and bull shooting contests. The outing was ended Atlanta's First Telephone around a barbecue pit where t h a t Equipped Service Truck eminent chef, Professor Wenn, prepared a delicious barbecue dinner.




4 1 4 T E C H W O O D DR., N . W . as the Nearest Telephone T,RE

AM n p n

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All Co-op students enrolled in summer school a r e requested again to have their Blue Print pictures made a t Gaspar-Ware Studios a t 876 West Peachtree Street. Tomorrow is t h e last day for having pictures made.



JOE BREINER in room 402—Smith Dorm

The Graduate Club of Georgia Tech honored Mr. G. W. Gilman with a banquet at the O.D.K. Banquet Hall last evening a t 6:30. About forty members of the club and faculty, their wives and dates were in attendance. Mr. Gilman, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of General Studies, is leaving Tech to spend a ye^ar of work on his Ph.D. degree. Professor H. E. Dennison, head of the Department of Industrial Management, was the guest speaker. At a meeting of the club held last Tuesday, August 30, in the A. E. lecture hall t h e Graduate Club ratified its constitution and made plans for their fall activities. An introductory banquet is in the offing in the first week of the Fall Quarter

Briearean Society Glenwood Springs was t h e scene last Saturday afternoon for a swimming p a r t y of the Co-op Club and the Briearean Society. The water was cold, but only served to make the swimmers move a little faster. The afternoon activities made for huge appetites and weiners were roasted to relieve the hunger. With renewed energy, the members and their guests then tried their hand a t jitterbugging on t h e concrete floor a t Glenwood. Later, everyone decided t h a t to jitterbug was kid stuff, and the p a r t y moved in on the squaredance held at Crenshaw Field House by t h e I.S.O.

Atom Course Three Georgia Tech faculty members have registered for t h e Modern Symposium to be held August 22 to September 2, 1949, a t the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Those attending will be Dr. W. H. Eberhardt, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Mr. W. T. Clary, Instructor in Electrical Engineering; and John W. Firor, Teaching Assistant in Physics.

College Conference

SENIOR FLUORESCENT, INC. 70 Spring Street, S. W.

Phone CYpress 2986

Robinson's Tropical Gardens NEW











Seven Foreign Students Are Guests of Commerce Excursion Beginning on September 5, when they will assemble at the University of Georgia, seven foreign students enrolled a t Tech will be conducted on a tour of the state sponsored by the Georgia Department of Commerce. Preliminary plans call for a visit to many points of interest in the state, i n c l u d i n g educational institutions, agricultural experiment stations, in- to the students, and several faculty dustrial firms, points of historical in- chaperones will accompany the group. terest, national parks, the southeast Tech students who will go on the tour Georgia beaches, marble and granite are: Nicholas Exarchou, E g y p t ; Zaveu quarries, and a final two or three day Touloukian, Turkey; H. P. Terkuile, stay a t a camp owned by Georgia Holland; S. Y. Poon, China; S. L. State College for Women a t one of Ho, China; F . W. Cheng, China; and Armas Laupa, Estonia. the lakes in northern Georgia. The Department of Commerce plans During the tour the students will to provide each foreign student a t present programs before various civic tending school in Georgia a chance to clubs in the towns t h a t a r e visited, make t h e tour while he is a guest in and the programs will depict some the United States. phase of the life of the foreign counMr. Roy Woodward of the Physics tries as well as the students' impres- Department is handling the reservasions of this country. tions and arrangements for t h e Tech The tour will be made a t no cost students.

APO Accepts Thirteen Pledges; National Treasurer Is Present Alpha Phi Omega, campus service fraternity, a t its meeting Monday evening, August 29th, initiated into its membership 13 new men. These new members were: Chasteen, Doyle W., McDonough, Georgia; Dorney, Andrew W., New York, New York; Friedman, Paul H., High Point, North Carolina; Gibson, Robert R., Gilberttown, Alabama; H a r t m a n , Donald M., Stuart, Florida; Lane, Joe C , Bainbridge, Georgia; Muroski, Walter G., Orlando, Florida; O'Rear, P a t M., Chattanooga, Tennessee; Smith, Thomas M., Atlanta, Georgia; Templton, Robert P., Chattanooga, Tennessee; Warren, William P., Forsyth, Georgia; White, Charles M.,

Rockmart, Georgia; Williams, Robert M., Henderson, Tennessee. Also at this meeting an election was held for the office of Co-op vicepresident for the Winter and Summer quarters. Paul Friedman was elected to this office. Guests who took p a r t in the initiatory ceremonies were Mr. F r a n k R. Wood, National Treasurer of Alpha Phi Omega, and Professor William N. Cox, chapter faculty advisor.

all the educators present and featured such speakers as Dr. Ralph Newton, Mercer University; Dean Paul Carroll, Georgia Teachers College; Dr. William F . Ogburn, University of Chicago; and Dr. Blake R. Van Leer, President of Georgia Tech, who spoke on UNEECO.

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On August 27, Lloyd W. Chapin, Dean of Faculties, and Robert S. Scharf, of the Department of Social Sciences, left for Clayton, Georgia, to attend the four-day summer conference of the Georgia Association of Colleges. Dean Chapin is SecretaryT r e a s u r e r of this group. The program for t h e conference included many addresses of interest to

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Friday Afternoon, September 2, 1949

The Position of the Graduate Today's college graduate holds a great responsibility. " T h e South's Liveliest College Newspaper" Telephone ATwood 9160—Monday through Friday lp. m. to 3 p. m.—Saturday 10 a. m. to 11 a. in. Entered at the post office in Atlanta as mail matter of the second class. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1106, Act of October 2, 1917, authorized April 3, 1922.

Puhlished weekly by the Btudents of the Georgia Institute of Technology as an expression of student news and opinions only. Letters to the Editor and signed articles represent the views of th$ir writers and not necessarily those of the editor.

Subscription rates $1.00 per quarter

OUR SUMMER SWAN SONG Once again we bring a close to our summer


With this issue of the South's Livliest College Newspaper, the Technique brings to a close another summer of journalistic endeavor. We have attempted to do our best in reporting the meagre happenings upon the campus during the summer months and, in many instances, we have been forced to fill the paper with stories from our contemporaries throughout the nation, with editorials from our worthycolleagues around and about the South, and with m a n y off-campus notes. We realize only too well t h a t the summer Technique has not been up to p a r with t h e paper of the regular year, but, of course, you can't report news where no news occurs. In our defense, however, we again pledge to bring to the students t h e best possible coverage of campus-wide news and activities. The Technique will revert to a semi-weekly newspaper with the first fall edition early in October in order to make our material more complete and up to date t h a n would be possible with a weekly edition. In the fall edition also, we will resume our coverage of the athletic fortunes of the reknown Golden Tornado of Tech. Although the preseason prognosticators have overlooked the Jackets in their annual guessing, our own Bobby Dodd has never let us down yet, and


we feel sure when t h e final whistle has sounded come Thanksgiving day, the wearers of the White and Gold will once again be near the top in the SEC standings. Whether it be New Orleans, Knoxville, Gainesville, Birmingham, or here in the Flats, the Technique will be on hand to report t h e games as they happen along with many interesting sidelights of the battles. As we sing our swan song for the summer, we would like to offer thanks and bid farewell to a pair of lads who were invaluable assets to the paper this summer. To Walt Miller, who leaves now via the graduation route and to John Huskisson, whom we reluctantly give back to the Blueprint, we offer our appreciation for a job well done. As Associate Editor, Walt has handled all feature writing as well as the exchange work this summer, and has performed a worthy task. In the capacity of News Editor, "Long J o h n " has worked like a beaver tracking down all the news that, to a casual observer, really didn't seem to exist. In closing, speaking of Mack Gregorie and myself, we would also like to thank all the other staff members whose names appear in the small type below for their untiring assistance in enabling us to publish a successful Technique. —LSF.


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THE ATLANTA COCA-COLA BOTTLING C O . © 1949, The Coca-Cola Compai

1 I



Youth Camps in Europe Give Students Sight-Seeing Chances Thousands of young men and women from all over the world, and of all creeds and political beliefs, are working together in Europe this summer in special camps set up to aid the reconstruction of war-stricken countries. Some of these young people will reconstruct homes in a bombed-out town, while others, hundreds of miles away, a week — and then to cultural acwill build a youth hostel on a mountivities, trips to places of interest in tain road or lay a section of railroad the camp vicinity, and to the estabtrack. In many instances, they will lishment of friendly relations with do it without pay. Volunteers from the local community. In between one country may work for two or working days, such topics as interthree weeks until their vacations from national affairs, the problems of peace their own jobs end; then they a r e reand war, and the cultural patterns placed by other men and women fiom of various nations are thrashed out other countries. at round-tables discussions and inIn most cases, volunteers in inter- formal meetings. national work camps receive free Thus, despite differences in lanboard and lodging, but they usually guage and outlook, each volunteer demust p a y their own travel expenses. velops a spirit of understanding and Camp life is devoted to the work itcooperation. self—generally from 30 to 40 hours To help this movement, UNESCO has published a handbook entitled, "Organizing International Voluntary Work Camps". In ninety-five pages, it outlines the general structure and VE. 6 3 9 6 5 3 N o r t h A v e . administration of the camps, with emphasis on small organizations but Richard A l e w i n e , M a n a g e r devoting a special chapter to large Ladies' Watches Repaired camps where hundreds or even thousAlso Men's Chronograph Repeaters ands may work together. The handand Strikers and Regular Watch book gives a short history of the work camp movement, then discusses in Repairing detail such problems as work projects, Reasonable Rates camp finance, visa facilities and publicity.

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Other Colleges


Alabama Worried About High Scores;J SMU Students Planning Radio Station;: stapling them. Hour after hour he By Walt Miller picked up and stapled. The CRIMSON-WHITE of the University of Alabama seems to have "About the third day the boss stop-. mis-interpreted our changes in the grading system. In their exchange ped by and inquired, 'How're you column they report—"At Georgia Tech t h e AA and E have been deleted coming, son?? How's the work dofrom the grading system, making a 4.0 the minimum grade average." ing?' " ' I t ' l l be all right, I guess,' replied' phone rings, the nearest girl picks up SMU students are making plans the student dryly, 'as soon as I learn for installing a ten watt Frequency the receiver and says, "This is Ester. to handle the responsibility.' " Modulation radio station on their Who in the hall do you w a n t ? " * * * * * * campus. The cost of t h e station will Student gambling in the student LSU students can now take a range between $1,700 and $2,500 and is in accordance with FCC regula- course in Russian foreign policy and union building at SMU has caused public policy in the Soviet Union. the officials to close the doors to their tions for educational institutions. This course is being offered for the gameroom for the remainder of the * * * summer. "Until I heard the doctors tell the first time and is being taught by a new instructor and a former member Even foreign students from tropithe dangers of a kiss cal countries a r e complaining about I had considered kissing the nearest of the staff a t Yale University. the heat in Iowa. Wonder what they * * * thing to bliss But now I know bacteriology and Texas Technological students a r e would say if they came down this sit and sign and moan. helping the school officials to beautify way? Six hundred million microbes! their campus. Classroom discussions, And I thought we were alone!" dormitory sessions, and between-class (Stolen from the Auburn Plains- banter seem to point to the fact t h a t man who stole it from the U. of the students realize t h a t with a small (Continued from page 1) Akron Buchtelite) amount of effort and cooperation by all, the conditions surrounding the Shafer has resigned to take a post a t * * * the University of West Virginia A friendly smile, a hearty hand- campus can be greatly improved. where he will be in charge of the * * * shake, and a slap on the back a r e three of t h e greatest tonics in the Undergraduates a t the University Industrial Engineering Department. world according to the U. of Alabama of Akron have a new fad. I t conMr. R. W. Maguire, who has t a u g h t publication—they can d r y tears, in- sists of counting the ah's per class as a g r a d u a t e assistant, and Mr. R. still confidence, and take the curve period emitted by instructors to G. Carson, who is on leave from 1 out of a spine. punctuate, stall for time, etc. The Clemson, a r e to be instructors on the Charles * * * electrical engineers have perfected a staff for the fall quarter. APO a t Auburn is considering recording ah-meter to cut down t h e O. Fiveash, J . L. Morrissey, and , weekly polls of student opinions on enormous waste of pencils and paper. Ralph C. Rogers will be g r a d u a t e problems directly concerned with the The latest results show t h a t one in- assistants during the fall quarter. campus. The results of these polls structor is leading the field with t h e will be published weekly in the amazing record of 820 ah's in one Plainsman. class period.

/. E's Move

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Friday Afternoon, September 2, 1949 _



* * *

At Ester Hall—a business girls From t h e Summer Reveille—"Redormitory in Centerburg—the tele- cently a student applied for a campus phone is located in the dining room. job, got it, and started work. His The Plainsman reports t h a t when t h e daily chore consited of taking paper from each of three stacks and

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