How much does SMARTech system cost?

How much does SMARTech system cost? 1. How much does an intelligent home system cost? With over six years of experience in construction of Intelligen...
Author: Mateusz Stasiak
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How much does SMARTech system cost?

1. How much does an intelligent home system cost? With over six years of experience in construction of Intelligent Home Systems we have done a value analysis of systems and services usually purchased by polish investors. Finally we can define an average cost level. It depends on the amount of living space and what the customer requires (prices below excluding VAT): - 50-65 EUR/m2 - the basic variant (lighting control) - 65-90 EUR/m2 - the typical variant (lighting and heating/roller blind control) - 90-125 EUR/m2 - the comfortable variant (lighting, heating and roller blind/air conditioning control) - above 125 EUR/m2 - the deluxe variant (lighting, heating, roller blind and air conditioning control +extras) * Prices include complete installation cost (design, cabling, switchboxes, EIB equipment, sockets, system start-up) without appliances (lamps, radiators, roller blinds etc.). Of course already the basic system provides unparalleled comfort in comparison with conventional installations and thanks to energy savings the system cost is refunded within a few years. It should be noted, that the prices of floors, windows, stone facings, or even of interior designers� services are on a similar level to that of a basic system. Thus, the SMARTech system can be considered as a typical element of a house. 2. How can one compare the costs of a traditional installation with an SMARTech (intelligent) installation? The comparison of both installation types is relative to the individual needs of the customer. If one should use an EIB system only for lighting control - one can ascertain that it will be more expensive that a conventional installation. However, when if one should requirement control of the lighting, roller blinds, heating, as well as power management and central and remote control - then an EIB installation offers a simple and inexpensive way to do this. Wanting to provide You with reliable information about the costs of a SMARTech system, below is a comparison with costs of a conventional installation in an example 200 sq m house. A comfortable set of functions was planned: 40 lighting circuits (4 dimmable), 16 roller blinds and 8 independent heating zones, as well as selected professional services (assumed Euro exchange rate is 4 PLN = 1 EUR). Instalacja tradycyjna Urządzenie lub usługa

Instalacja SMARTech EIB


How much does SMARTech system cost?




2000 zł


Projekt instalacji i systemu


Instalacja elektryczna


Instalacja TV, tel., PC


Rozdzielnica elektryczna


Gniazdka (230V, TV, Tel., PC) 100

30 zł


Montaż gniazdek


10 zł

Wyłączniki lamp


45 zł


How much does SMARTech system cost?




Montaż wyłączników


10 zł

Ściemniacze lamp


100 zł

Sterowniki rolet


492 zł

Montaż sterowników rolet


20 zł

Termostaty elektroniczne


400 zł

Montaż termostatów


20 zł

Przyciski EIB

Przyciski EIB z termostatem


How much does SMARTech system cost?

Siłowniki grzewcze (ze sterownikiem EIB)


Zasilacz i uruchomienie EIB

RAZEM netto :

40 732 zł


100 zł

66 472 zł

*You certainly will find companies that do not quote all costs honestly (e. g. design, assembly and start-up). There are also companies, which offer e. g. the design and start-up for free (or even a system without the design). It is then worth to reflect, whether we can be sure the system will be assembled professionally and with active (labour-consuming) cooperation with the customer.

3. I will pay more for a system by SMARTech than for a traditional installation. What do I get in return?

Porównanie możliwości powyższych instalacji

Sterowanie oświetleniem dowolnego punktu. Sceny (klimaty) świetlne. Wyłączanie światła przed pójściem spać lub przy wyjściu z domu. Automatyczne obniżanie temperatury po wyjściu z domu i przed pójściem spać (każdy 1°C to 7% oszczędności energii). Sterowanie roletą z dowolnego miejsca. Zamykanie wszystkich rolet przed pójściem spać, przy wyjściu z domu lub po zmroku (aby nie moż Możliwość przeróbki instalacji bez kucia ścian (większość budujących dom nie wie, jak im będzie wy Możliwość integracji z alarmem (aby np. migały lampy w domu i w ogrodzie, gdy pojawi się intruz, c Inst. tradycyjna Nie


How much does SMARTech system cost?

Nie Nie Nie Nie Nie Nie Nie

Inst. ElB Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak

Additionally, a conventional installation means extra costs associated with the time to choose suppliers and devices, transport, assembly, warranties from several different suppliers, costs of future reconfiguration in case of function changes, doubled risk of short-circuits (twice more connection points), lower aesthetics, and of course lack of the advantaged offered by a SMARTech EIB system.
