Holmer Green Senior School. Behaviour for Learning Policy

Holmer Green Senior School Behaviour for Learning Policy June 2015 Behaviour for Learning Policy Statement of Principle In order for students to le...
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Holmer Green Senior School

Behaviour for Learning Policy June 2015

Behaviour for Learning Policy Statement of Principle In order for students to learn and reach high standards as well as enjoy their education, a calm, purposeful environment is essential. This is the case both inside and outside the classroom. Students are expected to follow the code of conduct which is summarised in the student’s planners and displayed in every classroom. Objectives 

Develop behaviour and an attitude to learning that enables learners to be independent and resilient.

Provide a safe environment free from disruption, bullying, physical aggression and any form of harassment.

Teach students behaviour for learning strategies both implicitly and explicitly.

Provide a framework (The Behaviour Toolkit) for rewards and sanctions that is communicated clearly to staff and students and applied consistently across the school

Have in place systems for identification of need and a range of strategies available for early intervention, to reduce the risk of exclusion.

Encourage positive relationships with parents/carers to develop a shared approach in supporting good student behaviours.

To reduce the number of fixed term and permanent exclusions

To develop relationships with a range of external agencies that can offer support to those students at risk of exclusion or offer alternative provision.

Behaviour for Learning Rules 1. Move around site quickly and quietly arriving punctually to lessons in full uniform. 2. Follow teacher instructions on first request. 3. Complete all class and homework to the best of my ability. 4. Come to lessons fully prepared (Planner, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, glue, round tipped scissors, PE kit, ingredients). 5. Respect everyone’s right to learn and be heard. 6. Show good manners and be polite to all members of the school community. Roles and Responsibilities Student Responsibilities All students are expected to take responsibility for their own behaviour. This includes following the Behaviour for learning rules. Students also have the responsibility to ensure that incidents of disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment are reported swiftly. Form Tutors Form Tutors are at the heart of our behaviour management systems. They are responsible for first stage monitoring of behaviour for learning and for ensuring that


strategies are in place for students to develop self discipline, a positive attitude to learning, reinforcing expectations and building resilience. Parents/Carers Parents / Carers are expected to take responsibility for the behaviour of their child, both inside and outside of HGSS. This includes working in partnership with the school to assist in maintaining high standards of behaviour and supporting the school in upholding sanctions. The Governing Body Will support the School in maintaining high standards of behaviour. Through the Appeals process they will ensure that statutory requirements have been met in cases of exclusion. The Headteacher Is responsible for making final decisions on exclusions based on evidence generated by The Learning Area Directors. In doing this the Headeacher is also responsible for making sure statutory requirements are met for both the DfE and Governors. The Senior Leadership Team The Headteacher, The Deputy Headteacher and The Learning Area Directors are responsible for the implementation and day-to-day management of the behaviour policy and procedures. They have a responsibility to ensure that all staff at HGSS take a consistent approach to behaviour management. Learning Area Directors have have an overview of the behaviour of the students in their tutor groups across all areas. They should ensure that they, working with Pastoral Managers and form tutors, track, monitor and intervene to support success. Heads of Department Heads of Department have a core responsibility to ensure that learning comes first. This means that as a priority they have to ensure that there are consistently high standards of behaviour in their subject areas. They ensure planning and resource preparation within lessons removes any potential barriers for learning. Pastoral Managers Pastoral Managers work with Learning Area Directors to support groups or individual students who, despite current support, are not responding positively or are at risk of significant underachievement. Pastoral Managers work closely with students, form tutors, parent / carers and outside agencies. They take an active role in ensuring appropriate changes to a student’s provision are carried out and monitored. All staff All staff are expected to follow and implement the behaviour management systems. All adults in the school can expect to be supported in carrying this out. Home School Agreement The school is keen to develop good relationships with the home and, to facilitate this, an agreement is found in the student planner. Students and parents are asked to sign this agreement within the first week of the Autumn term:


THE STUDENT I undertake to:          

Take responsibility for my own actions Obey the School Rules Respect all members of the school and wider community Attend school daily and all lessons punctually Bring my Planner and all the equipment I need, every day Wear correct school uniform and take pride in my personal appearance Complete class work and homework to the best of my ability Respect the school building and surrounding areas Be polite and helpful Keep my hands and feet to myself

Name _______________________________

Form _____________________

Signature ____________________________

Date _____________________

THE PARENTS OR GUARDIANS I/we undertake to:       

Ensure that my/our child attends daily, on time and properly equipped Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour Support all of the school’s policies and guidelines and sanctions Support my/our child in homework and other opportunities for home learning Respond to phone calls and letters from school Attend parents’ evenings whenever possible, and arranged discussions about my/our child’s progress Inform the school of any changing contact details by calling, or writing to, the Main Reception office

Signature ____________________________

Date ______________________

HOLMER GREEN SENIOR SCHOOL We undertake to:     

 

Foster the development of students’ sense of personal responsibility Give each student every opportunity to build good relationships Care for students’ safety and general welfare Give each student every opportunity to achieve his or her full potential as a valued member of the school and wider community Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to meet the individual needs of each student Keep parents and carers informed about their child’s progress Offer opportunities for students and members of the wider community to become involved in the life of the school


Students in the Community To help create positive links with the outside world, behaviour for learning should start with the behaviour of students on the journey to and from school. Students should:  

Remember that they are representing the school in the community Be polite and show good behaviour in and around the local area and when using public transport

 

Arrive at school by 8.50am and be punctual to lessons Wear correct school uniform


The Behaviour Toolkit The Behaviour Toolkit ensures a clear and obvious route for behaviour management for all staff. It gives clear routes for common issues which highlights ‘what happens if….’ and who deals with the issue. It also gives guidance on where to refer the issue if it is not resolved. All staff have the toolkit. The content is reinforced through the assembly program and is reviewed and updated termly.


Toolkit V2.1

Issued 7 May 2015




The Big Picture




Dealing with Disruption in class


Disruption Around the school


Form Tutor Checklist


Break or Lunch Duty


Setting and Running GREEN detentions (classroom teacher)


Setting and Running AMBER detentions (Head of Department)


Setting and Running RED detentions (SLT)


Students on report


1. The Big Picture Incident In Class

Traffic Light System

On Site


Verbal Reminder

Verbal Reminder


Verbal Warning

Report to duty staff

Final Warning and Green detention

Duty Staff set green detention or refer to SLT on duty for intervention.


Removal by Duty Leader Appropriate Sanctions, followed by Support. If there are 3 Incidents of removal by the Duty Leader, student goes onto one of 3 reports, dependent on severity of the issues. SEND review. Isolation or Exclusion if appropriate.

Data for tracking repeat issues will be generated weekly. Further Action decisions agreed by LAD through Connected Support Meetings.

Tutor Report

Report to tutor daily Student driven 2 Week period

LAD Report

PSP Report

Following an unsuccessful tutor report or significant incident. Student driven 2 Week period

YES, continue on PSP Report for 2 further weeks. Parental Review. Close PSP if appropriate.

Following tutor report, significant incident, inconsistent LAD report. Staff Driven (SIMS) 2 Week period (6 week monitoring in total)

PSP Successful at 6 Week Parental Review?

NO, OPTION to modify curriculum repeat with revised targets for 6 Further Weeks.

NO, OPTION to seek alternative provision.


2. Rewards

It is within the ethos of the school to encourage a positive work environment and to set high expectations for students to allow them to enjoy their time at HGSS. Rewards are issued to students on a daily basis to achieve this. This is done by using the same SIMS based points system used within behaviour management. Act Exceptional manners Supporting staff Supporting others Student of the lesson Helpful action Beyond the ‘call of duty’ Improving the environment Exceptional work Exceptional act Accelerated reading Accelerated learning

Points 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5

Attendance Rewards All students who achieve 100% attendance in the term are given a certificate for their achievement in their celebration assembly. All of the top attenders in each learning area will then be entered into a draw to receive an Eden voucher worth £20. The tutor group with the highest number of 100% attenders will be given a tin of chocolates to be shared amongst the tutor group.

Achievement Rewards Every half term the top five achievers in each year group will receive a letter home telling their parents / carers of their achievement. In each learning area celebration assembly the top 3 students in each year group will be given a certificate and go into a draw to be given prizes: 1. Top achiever - £25 Eden voucher 2. Second place - £10 Eden Voucher 3. Third place achiever – Tin of chocolates

There will also be an annual prize for each learning area. Anyone who has gotten a celebration certificate throughout the year (attendance or achievement) will be put into a draw to win a ‘big prize’. Prefects A group of year 11 students are selected each year to become school prefects. They are given a position of responsibility in the Sports Dinner school and can be identified by their ties. As a team they carry The sports dinner is an out break and lunch duties to assist staff to monitor behaviour annual event where around the school as well as organising school events. As a excellence in sport is reward for their duties and commitment to the role of prefect celebrated with prizes given they are rewarded each year with a school trip out to students in all year groups.


3. Dealing with disruption in class

Disruption in class must be challenged by every member of staff at all times. Students must have the same boundaries and expectations of behaviour in every class they walk into. To achieve this, we must apply the traffic light system consistently. Good behaviour expectations must be made explicit to the class and returned to often. When using the traffic lights, please ensure all stages have been followed before calling for a Duty Leader to remove a student.

Low Level incidents – eg. not engaging, talking inappropriately, disrupting learning, defiance.


Verbal Reminder – Name written in the green zone, student told why their name is up.


Verbal Warning – Name written in Amber Zone, student warned of the consequences of reaching the Red Zone.

Traffic Light System

Final Warning, name written in the Red Zone, GREEN detention set by you to be served with you, recorded in SIMS. Consequences of further incident explained. Red

If the behaviour continues, send a student to reception for a Duty Leader.

At this point, the Duty Leader will attend and continue the process. If a student is removed by the Duty Leader, further sanctions will follow. The student will be removed to the HOD (or nominated department member) in the first instance.

High Level incidents – eg. Student or staff in danger, physical or verbal assault, swearing at staff, where urgent action needs to be taken.

Immediately send a student to reception requesting a Duty Leader, stating ‘urgent’.





Green Detention set

Detentions tracked

Disruption around the school Breaktime or Lunchtime

Anti Social Behaviour, unacceptable language, out of bounds.

Challenge the student and inform them they will receive a green detention. Record on ‘Duty Log’ if you are on Duty, if not, report it verbally to a staff member on duty. They will record it on their log with your initials. If no one else is around, please email [email protected] with the details.

Duty Log checked by Hub staff, recorded on database / SIMS. Form Tutors will be informed by the Hub that they need to set the detention in the planner. Out of class detentions are from 3.30 to 4.00 and take place on Wednesday in the dining hall (same as RED detentions) with SLT.

If a student has received 3 anti social detentions, or fails to attend the green detention, a week of internal isolation in the Hub at break and lunch will follow. Further incidents could result in isolation or exclusion from school.



Form Tutor Checklist

Before Students Arrive

-Ensure SIMS is open on your Laptop – Ready for registration at 8.55 -Ensure you have read your emails – for last minute notices and reminders -Know what is planned for today? Assembly, PSHCE, Literacy etc. -Collect (or pre plan a reliable student to collect on your behalf) the daily notices and tutor folder from the tutor pigeon hole near the medical room. -Any preparation or resources for in class tutor activity.

When Students Arrive

Welcome Students at the door Address Uniform issues on Entry – set green detention for uniform issues. Orderly entry and seating Register in silence, promptly – Challenge any lateness and record in sims. Read notices and thought for the day, check tutor folder, and any last minute reminders from your emails. Inform Students of the activity for this session.

Activities vary dependant on year group – please see published program for details.

PSHCE Literacy Numeracy


-Ensure a swift and orderly exit. -Escort your group to the assembly venue. -Supervise an orderly entry in good uniform and silence. -Sit with your group, monitoring behaviour. -At the end, monitor an orderly exit.

As Students leave

-Guidance and resources for this session has been provided, ensure you know where they are located. -Treat this as a short lesson. -Please review the subject content and feedback to the PSHCE coordinator.

Planners Reward / Behaviour Points Actions through tutor folder (from Tutor Pigeon Hole)

-Please check and sign planners weekly. -Visually Monitor homework, if there is a disparity between students recording homework, please inform the homework Lead (Claire Hawkins). -Monitor points, discuss as a group, encourage competition!

Send a reliable student to return the tutor pack to the pigeon hole. Positively set the tone for a productive day ahead. Ensure an orderly exit. Check uniform on exit.


6. When on Breaktime or Lunchtime Duty Prefects will collect your Duty Pack from the Hub. This will be given to you when you arrive on duty. It will include a duty log, radio, nail varnish removal pads, Duty Map.

Arrive in your Duty area at the start of the session. You will have a map with your duty area highlighted. This may change in light of different circumstances (wet break, exams etc.) At the end of the duty, please return the pack to the nearest prefect for returning to the hub. If you see any of the following, please challenge as follows…

Anti social Behaviour

Unacceptable Language

Uniform Concerns

Headphones or Mobile Phone


Verbal Warning. Record on the log, Hub to set green Detention, Form Tutor stickers the planner.

Verbal Warning. LOW LEVEL (can be corrected on the spot) record on the log. HIGH LEVEL (Can’t be corrected) Record on the log and set green Detention

Verbal Warning. Confiscate Item. Record on the log. Inform student item will be in the safe for parental collection after 3 days.

Verbal Warning. Student to pick up the litter. Record on the log. Set ID detention. Non cooperation Record on log, call duty leader.

Verbal Warning. LOW LEVEL record on the log, Hub to set green detention, Tutor stickers the planner. HIGH LEVEL (physical) Record on the log and radio for Duty Leader

IF THE STUDENT PERSISTS, REFUSES TO COOPERATE OR REFUSES TO ACTION WHEN REQUESTED….. 1. Warn the student ONCE a duty leader will be called unless they cooperate. 2. THEN USE THE RADIO TO CONTACT THE DUTY LEADER The Duty Leader will try and remedy the situation at the point of incident AND set further sanctions. If it cannot be remedied at this point, the student will be escorted to The HUB by the duty leader for further intervention.


7. Setting a GREEN Detention A GREEN detention is set by the Classroom Teacher for a homework Issue or when on the RED traffic light. Set by The Form Tutor for 2 lates in a week Set by duty staff for anti social behaviour, with the sticker put in the planner by the form tutor. The form tutor will be emailed by Hub Staff if this needs to happen.

Green Traffic Light System

Verbal Reminder


Verbal Warning


Verbal Warning and GREEN detention set


No Homework Or Poor and clearly incomplete Homework.

Put a GREEN detention sticker in the students planner in the notes section of the week the detention is to be served. This is on a day to suit you. A green detention is after school from 3.30 – 4.00pm. Taxi students can be detained at lunch, unless this is a repeat issue. If this is the case, contact home must be made and an additional 48 hours notice given to allow the family to arrange alternative transport.

Ensure you have filled in the reason, day and date of the detention and the venue. You must clearly initial or sign so all parties know who has set the detention.

Ensure you have logged the detention on SIMS. This will enable us to track how many detentions a student is receiving. For anti social detentions, please enter a brief reason for the detention.

If the detention has been served satisfactorily, no further action needed. If the student did not attend – you must inform your HOD by email. They will set an Amber Detention and inform you of any further action.

PLEASE NOTE. If the detention has been set, DO NOT retract it. Even if work has come in late or behaviour improves, the detention was set as a consequence of their previous actions. You MUST ensure the detention sticker has been signed by the parent or guardian. If it is not signed, we do not know if parents or guardians are aware of the detention and we do not have permission to keep the student after school. They must be sent home and the detention reset through the HOD as though they have not attended.


8. Setting an AMBER Detention An AMBER detention is set by the Head of Department for… -A significant or repeat behaviour issue in a class in their department. -When a student has not attended a GREEN detention set by a member of their team. Or by a form tutor for 3 lates in a fortnight = amber detention

Green Detention set by team member has not been served.

Significant or repeat issue. OR

Request (by emailing the form tutor or class teacher) the student needing the detention is sent to you. Set as per bottom left instruction box.

Request (by emailing the form tutor) the student who did not attend the detention is sent to you at a time to suit you, with their planner.

Establish the reason for non attendance.

Not a Valid Reason? (forgot, didn’t get it signed, didn’t think it fair)

Valid Reason? (absent, clash with other detention or event) Refer back to class teacher to Reset the Green detention. If appropriate (to complete work, to repair or rebuild relationship or a repeat issue if an AMBER detention alone is not sufficient), refer back to class teacher to reset GREEN too.

Set AMBER Detention.

Detentions are set at a time to suit the HOD, 3.30 – 4.30.

Did not attend?

LAD to inform HOD of outcome and further interventions.

Refer by email to LAD. To Set an AMBER Detention. -AMBER sticker into the planner, fully filled in, record on SIMS.

Further Sanctions will follow after meeting with the student.

- If served satisfactorily, no further action.


PLEASE NOTE. You MUST ensure the detention sticker has been signed by the parent or guardian. If it is not signed, we do not know if parents or guardians are aware of the detention and we do not have permission to keep the student after school. They must be sent home and the detention reset through the LAD as though they have not attended.


9. Setting a RED Detention An RED detention is set by The Senior Leadership TEAM because... -A significant or repeat behaviour issue has been raised by a Head of Department. -A student has not attended an AMBER detention set by a Head of Department. -A Student has been removed from a number of lessons by the duty leader. -As a consequence of failing to complete a HUB or PSP report satisfactorily. By a form tutor if more than 3 lates in a half term = red detention

AMBER Detention set by Head of Department has not been served.

Request (by emailing the form tutor) the student who did not attend the detention is sent to you at a time to suit you, with their planner.

Establish the reason for non attendance.

Not a Valid Reason? (forgot, didn’t get it signed, didn’t think it fair) Set RED Detention. Detentions are served on Wednesday 3.30 – 5.00 in the Dining Hall, staff as per rota. Register to be generated by SIMS print off, will be present in the detention box. Register returned to Detention box in HUB at the end of the detention.

To Set a RED Detention… -RED sticker into the planner, fully filled in, record on SIMS. - If served satisfactorily, no further action.


Significant or repeat issue.


Unsatisfactory Report

Request (by emailing the form tutor) the student needing the detention. Set as per bottom left instruction box.

Valid Reason? (absent, clash with other detention or event) Refer back to HOD to Reset the Amber detention.

If appropriate (to complete work, to repair or rebuild relationship or a repeat issue if a RED detention alone is not sufficient), refer back to HOD for follow up.

Did not attend? Refer by email to LAD. Further Sanctions will follow after meeting with the student. LAD to inform SLT (NG) of outcome and further intervention

PLEASE NOTE. You MUST ensure the detention sticker has been signed by the parent or guardian. If it is not signed, we do not know if parents or guardians are aware of the detention and we do not have permission to keep the student after school. They must be sent home and the detention reset through the LAD as though they have not attended.


10. Students on Report. A student’s behaviour may need to be monitored more closely if behaviour is of concern or a pattern occurs. There are 3 levels of report. Form Tutor Report – Paper based, monitored daily by the form Tutor, reported to Hub weekly. LAD Report – Paper based, monitored daily by a LAD, Reviewed after 2 weeks PSP Report – SIMS based, part of a larger monitoring process to The Hub where a student is at risk of a serious sanction or exclusion. In all cases, appropriate sanctions will follow unacceptable incidents whilst on report. This could include loss of break and lunch or same day detentions.

Form Tutor Report – A student may be placed on a daily report if aspects of their behaviour or achievement are causing concern. Eg. More than 3 pieces of missed homework, low effort scores, 3 or more detentions in a 2 week period. The report is issued by the Tutor and discussed daily during tutor time or break time with the Form Tutor. At the end of the week, the report is scored and submitted to the Hub. If the report is satisfactory or better, repeat for one further week. Submit this second report to the Hub, if satisfactory or better, this is the end of the process. If unsatisfactory, the report will transfer to The relevant LAD for intervention and further monitoring.

LAD Report – A student will be placed on a LAD report if a Form Tutor report is unsatisfactory or if a significant issue has occurred eg. First fixed term exclusion, missing HOD or SLT detentions, repeat issues not addressed by the form tutor. The report is issued by the LAD and discussed daily before registration with the LAD in the Hub. At the end of the week, the report is scored. If the report is satisfactory or better, repeat for one further week. If this report is satisfactory or better, this is the end of the process. If unsatisfactory, the report will transfer to The SLT responsible for behaviour for further intervention. This intervention is likely to be a Pastoral Support Program (PSP).

PSP Report – A student may be placed on a PSP report if a LAD report is unsatisfactory or if a significant incident has occurred eg. Second fixed term exclusion or repeat significant issues not satisfactorily addressed by the LAD. The report is issued by the SLT responsible for behaviour and discussed daily before registration with the Mr Golding in the Hub. It is essential that this SIMS based report, accessed through the register, is completed at the end of every lesson. At the end of the week, the report is scored. If the report is satisfactory or better, repeat for two further weeks. At this 2 week point, the family will be invited to attend a review meeting. If unsatisfactory, the provision for the student will be reviewed and a further 2 week monitoring period will take place. At the end of the 6 weeks, there will be a review to consider an alternative provision if appropriate. If satisfactory or better improvements have been made, the PSP will close and the LAD will monitor for a further 2 weeks


To be ratified at Full Governing Body July 2015

Police due for review: June 2017