(Fat-BURNING Shakes, Smoothies and Juices) FLAT BELLY & FAT LOSS COOKING 101 Quick & Easy Fat-Burning Recipes Designed With “Top Fat-Burning Foods” ...
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(Fat-BURNING Shakes, Smoothies and Juices)


101 Quick & Easy Fat-Burning Recipes Designed With “Top Fat-Burning Foods” Commonly Found In Nigeria… To Banish Your Boring "Fat Burning Diet" And Burn Fat FASTER!! By Dr. ELA MARIS (Nutrition Biochemist)


Copyright 2012 and Beyond. TLN Fitness Services All Rights Reserved

Retail Price: N5,500. This is NOT a free e-book. This report is for Total Fat Loss Program (TFLP) clients only.

You do NOT have resale rights to this product. No unauthorized reproduction or distribution is permitted. Copyright violation and illegal distribution will be prosecuted

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

A word from Dr. Ela Maris This Cookbook ALONE is worth all you invested for the entire 12-set Cookbook because drinking the “Veggie” Juices and Smoothies alone in this cookbook will accelerate the rate at which your body melts fat. If you can take these “veggie” Juices only twice a day, it will help you keep the fat off your body for good. Infact research confirms that drinking two glasses of veggie juice daily increased weight loss FOUR times over those who drank no juice. Very important for Belly Fat LOSS too. With these juices and smoothies you’ll be less likely to experience hunger signals that cause you to clean out the pot of food after dinner because your body was still starving for nutrients. Not only that, these Veggie Juices are so rich in antioxidants that bind to toxins and carry them off, detoxifying your body off the major source of weight gain – toxins and acids.

In addition if you are in need of a quick snack on the go, the smoothie recipes should be your go-to options. These are all filled with quality nutrients and will help support maximum fat burning in the body while also making sure to maximize your metabolic rate and provide a number of key nutrients needed for optimal functioning. Each of these smoothie recipes are made using Whey Protein shakes or Protein powders because they are an excellent source of lean protein for those seeking fat loss. Remember that taking an increased amount of protein is essential to fat loss. In heath, fitness, love of life and good food,

Dr. Ela Maris Nutrition Biochemist

08027262539 (Calls from 3pm – 6pm Weekdays ONLY)

Author – Total Fat Loss Plan www.TotalFatLossPlan.com

(SMS 24 hours)

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com


Quick list of the Top Vegetable Home-made JUICES

                          

Green Refresher Parsley Patch Anti-ulcer Cabbage Cocktail Anti-Viral Cocktail Have a Great Day Cocktail Anti-Aging Cocktail Ginger Cleansing Cocktail Natural Diuretic Tonic The Cabbage Patch Happy Colon Tonic Quick list of the Top Fat Burning Protein SMOOTHIES

Avocado Banana Smoothie (P+C) Chocolate Smoothie (P) The Napolitan Smoothie (P) Cinnamon Chai Latte Smoothie (P) The Thermoccino (P) Atomic Smoothie (P+C) Banana Split Smoothie (P+C) Key Lime Smoothie (P+C) Mochaccino Smoothie (P+C) Orange Creamsicle Smoothie (P+C) Apple Cream Smoothie (P+C) Tropical Smoothie (P+C) Pina Colada Smoothie (P+F) Almond Joy Smoothie (P+F) Choco-Nutty Smoothie (P+F) Pb & J Smoothie (P+F)

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Quick list of the Top Vegetable Home-made Juices For these juices, you don’t need to know the calorie content because they are made from free vegetables which you can eat as much as you like, no problems. You would need a Juicer for these recipes. You could use a blender but your veggies would waste. A Juicer or food processor works perfect for the Veggie Juices. Here is a quick list of Top fat-burning Vegetable Juices:          

Green Refresher Parsley Patch Anti-ulcer Cabbage Cocktail Anti-Viral Cocktail Have a Great Day Cocktail Anti-Aging Cocktail Ginger Cleansing Cocktail Natural Diuretic Tonic The Cabbage Patch Happy Colon Tonic

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Green Refresher INGREDIENTS  1 medium-large cucumber, peel the green back off.  1 lime or lemon, peeled, seeds removed DIRECTIONS Cut produce (cucumber and lemon) to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves one.

Parsley Patch INGREDIENTS  1 handful parsley (replace with water leaves)  1 medium-large cucumber, peel the green back off.  2 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 lemon, peeled, seeds removed DIRECTIONS Bunch parsley (water leaves) and cut produce (cucumber and lemon) to fit your juicer’s feed tube. © 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves two.

Anti-ulcer Cabbage Cocktail Scientific research has proven that cabbage juice is an effective treatment for stomach ulcers. INGREDIENTS  ¼ small head cabbage (green or white)  2 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  2 leeks with ends trimmed. DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1.

Anti-Viral Cocktail INGREDIENTS  4-5 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  ½ cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 garlic clove  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Have a Great Day Cocktail INGREDIENTS  1 green apple  1 handful water leaves  ½ cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  2 leeks with ends trimmed  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  ½ - 1 inch ginger, peeled DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Anti-Aging Cocktail INGREDIENTS  2-3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  ¼ green bell pepper

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Ginger Cleansing Cocktail INGREDIENTS  3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 beet with stem and leaves, scrubbed well (optional)  1 handful water leaves or parsley  1-2 inch ginger, peeled  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Natural Diuretic Tonic Cucumber, lemon, asparagus are all natural diuretics which help get rid of stored up water – a great boost to your fat loss program. INGREDIENTS  1 large ripe tomato  1 cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  8 asparagus (optional)  1 handful water leaves or parsley  ¼ green bell pepper  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

The Cabbage Patch INGREDIENTS  3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  ¼ head cabbage (green or white)  1 large ripe tomato  3 stalks celery with leaves (optional)  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Happy Colon Tonic Apples are a good source of soluble fiber, which is very good for colon health. There is soluble fiber in juice. INGREDIENTS  1 green apple  1 cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 handful spinach or green  1 handful parsley (optional)  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1.

Cran-Apple Cocktail INGREDIENTS  2 green apples  ¼ - ½ fresh or frozen cranberries  1 inch ginger  ½ lemon, peeled with seeds removed  ¼ cup water DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass, add water as need and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Gallbladder Cleansing Cocktail INGREDIENTS  1 cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  5 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 small-medium beet with leaves and stems (optional)

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1.

Gallbladder Rejuvenator INGREDIENTS  3-4 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  ¼ head cabbage (green, white or purple)  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  1-inch ginger  ½ green apple

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Garlic Wonder INGREDIENTS  1 handful water leaves or spinach or green  ½ cucumber, washed and green back peeled off  1 garlic clove  3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Twisted Ginger INGREDIENTS  1 handful water leaves or spinach or green  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  1 green apple  2 inch ginger  4 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Happy Mood Morning INGREDIENTS  ½ green apple  1 inch ginger  3 fennel stalks with leaves and flowers (optional)  ½ cucumber  1 handful spinach  4 -5 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Spicy Tomato INGREDIENTS  2 medium tomatoes  2 dark green lettuce leaves  1 handful spinach or spinach  2 radishes (optional)  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Immune Builder INGREDIENTS  1 handful spinach or spinach  ½ green apple  1 inch ginger  1-2 garlic cloves  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

The Morning Energizer INGREDIENTS  3 -4 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 cucumber  ½ green apple  1 small beet (optional)  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  1 inch ginger

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

You Are Loved Cocktail INGREDIENTS  3 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 cucumber  1 handful spinach  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed  2 celery stalks (optional)  ½ beet, scrubbed well, with stems and leaves (optional) DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Spring Veggie Tonic INGREDIENTS  1 tomato  1 cucumber carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 lemon, peeled with seeds removed DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Sweet Regularity INGREDIENTS  1 pear  1 green apple  1 cucumber © 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

The Ginger Hopper INGREDIENTS  5 carrots, scrubbed, peeled with tops and ends removed  1 green apple  1 inch ginger DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

Spicy Pink Morning INGREDIENTS  1 large pink grapefruit, peeled  1 inch ginger DIRECTIONS Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Pour in a glass and drink immediately. Serves 1-2.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

Quick list of the Top Protein Smoothies & Shakes

Here is a quick list of Top fat-burning Smoothies & Shakes:                

Avocado Banana Smoothie (P+C) Chocolate Smoothie (P) The Napolitan Smoothie (P) Cinnamon Chai Latte Smoothie (P) The Thermoccino (P) Atomic Smoothie (P+C) Banana Split Smoothie (P+C) Key Lime Smoothie (P+C) Mochaccino Smoothie (P+C) Orange Creamsicle Smoothie (P+C) Apple Cream Smoothie (P+C) Tropical Smoothie (P+C) Pina Colada Smoothie (P+F) Almond Joy Smoothie (P+F) Choco-Nutty Smoothie (P+F) Pb & J Smoothie (P+F)

AVOCADO BANANA SMOOTHIE (P+C) INGREDIENTS  1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder  1 ripe avocado pear  1 small/medium banana  2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice  5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 370 PROTEIN: 31% CARBS: 17% FAT: 10%

CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE (P) INGREDIENTS  1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder  1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 2. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 63 PROTEIN: 31% CARBS: 5% FAT: 2%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

THE NAPOLITAN SMOOTHIE (P) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein powder • 3 big frozen strawberries or any fruit of your choice • 1 teaspoon pure cocoa powder • 5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 235 PROTEIN : 43% CARBS : 9% FAT : 3%

CINNAMON CHAI LATTE SMOOTHIE (P) • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder • Pinch of cinnamon • 5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 133 PROTEIN : 30% CARBS : 1% FAT : 1%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

THE THERMOCCINO (P) • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1 cup of coffee • ¼ cup yogurt • Pinch of stevia or honey • Pinch of cinnamon • 5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 169 PROTEIN : 35% CARBS : 3% FAT : 1%

ATOMIC SMOOTHIE (P+C) INGREDIENTS • ½ scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • ½ cup yogurt • ½ cup water • 1 banana • 5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 309 PROTEIN : 28% CARBS : 47% FAT : 1%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

BANANA SPLIT SMOOTHIE (P+C) • ½ scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1 ½ cup water • 1 banana • ½ cup pineapple chunks • 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 358 PROTEIN : 31% CARBS : 54% FAT : 2%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

KEY LIME SMOOTHIE (P+C) • ½ scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • ½ cup lime juice • ½ cup low fat cottage cheese • 1 banana • 5 ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 302 PROTEIN : 44% CARBS : 27% FAT : 2%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

MOCHACCINO SMOOTHIE (P+C) • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1 teaspoon pure cocoa powder • ½ cup brewed coffee • ½ cup skim milk • 5 Ice cubes or 1 cup of water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 206 PROTEIN : 36% CARBS : 11% FAT : 2%

ORANGE CREAMSICLE SMOOTHIE (P+C) • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder • ½ cup yogurt • 1 orange • 1 cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 233 PROTEIN : 41% CARBS : 15% FAT : 1%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

APPLE CREAM SMOOTHIE (P+C) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • ½ cup yogurt • 1 cup water • 1 green apple DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 221 PROTEIN : 42% CARBS : 21% FAT : 1%

TROPICAL SMOOTHIE (P+C) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • ½ cup pineapple chunks • 1 banana • ½ cup mango • 1 teaspoon coconut extract (optional) • 1 cup water • 5 ice cubes DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 325 PROTEIN : 31% CARBS : 48% FAT : 1% © 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

PINA COLADA SMOOTHIE (P+F) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • ½ cup pineapple chunks • 1 cup coconut flakes • ½ cup skim milk • ½ cup water • 5 ice cubes DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 209 PROTEIN : 35% CARBS : 7% FAT : 8%

ALMOND JOY SMOOTHIE (P+F) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 6 almonds (Check Shopping Guide for this) • Dash of cinnamon (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1 cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 223 PROTEIN : 33% CARBS : 7% FAT : 7%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

CHOCO-NUTTY SMOOTHIE (P+F) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1 cup water • 1 handful groundnuts • 1 tablespoon of your favorite flavour of instant coffee granules • 5 ice cubes DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 300 PROTEIN : 34% CARBS : 5% FAT : 16%

PB & J SMOOTHIE (P+F) INGREDIENTS • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Whey powder (Check Shopping Guide for this) • 1/3 cup yogurt • ½ cup water • 1 handful groundnuts • 5 frozen strawberries or favorite fruit • 5 ice cubes DIRECTIONS 1. Blend and Enjoy! CALORIES: 237 PROTEIN : 39% CARBS : 9% FAT : 5%

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com

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Thank you for reading this amazing Smoothies & Juices cookbook. If you have any questions or comments, kindly send an email to me at [email protected] Or give me a call on 08027262539 (3pm – 6pm Weekdays ONLY). Visit our various products range like our Pregnancy Without Weights, PostPregnancy Fat Loss aka Lose the Baby Fat, Fat Loss Cooking, Belly Fat Loss Bible, Weight Loss One-on-One Coaching etc at www.weightlossnigeria.com/products

You can get the latest tips and weight loss advice particularly suited for the Nigerian environment on my blog at www.WeightLossNigeria.com To your Amazing NEW Body,

Dr. Ela Maris Nutrition Biochemist Author – Total Fat Loss Plan www.TotalFatLossPlan.com

08027262539 (Calls from 3pm – 6pm Weekdays ONLY) (SMS 24 hours)

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and TotalFatLossPlan.com