AIM OF THE POLICY Wath Comprehensive School aims to provide an opportunity for students to be taught within an ethos conducive to learning, enabling all students to become ‘able, active and qualified’. Students will be encouraged to uphold high standards and help create a sense of community throughout the school. Staff will consistently seek to adopt a positive approach to student discipline in ensuring a safe and secure environment in which learning can flourish and prosper. Parental involvement and interest in their children’s education will be actively encouraged through the use of Student Planners, SIMS, Parent gateway, Review Days, Student and Parent Consultation Evenings with subject teachers and the range of events for the community which take place at the school. We are committed to using other practical measures to promote good behaviour from students. The Rewards system is used to encourage: punctuality; attendance; high quality classwork and homework; and participation in the wider aspects of school life. The school recognises that some students experience difficulties in maintaining good standards of behaviour, therefore a support system is in place for these students.


Wear full school uniform smartly at all times Show respect for all property and equipment Treat others respectfully Eat in designated areas only and always place litter in bins Only use mobiles in social areas, at breaks and lunchtimes Keep to the left on corridors and stairs and follow the one way system in school.

In the Classroom         

Arrive to lessons on time Always line up quietly outside a classroom Be ready to learn with all required equipment Take responsibility for your own progress Show respect to the teacher and other students at all times Manage your own behaviour allowing yourself and others to thrive Contribute positively to lessons Take pride and care to complete all tasks to the best of your ability (including homework) At the end of the lesson wait to be dismissed by your teacher.


Behaviour at Wath Comprehensive School is the collective responsibility of all staff. Positive role model – meet and greet at the door, smile, be enthusiastic about working with the students and about the lesson. Give Praise - in all classrooms we aim for positive praise to outweigh negative comments. Aim for an 80/20 ratio. Be firm but fair - use a consistent approach with all students. Use powerful phrases, such as ‘what should you be doing ?’ State the facts when you describe behaviour and do not invite discussion by phrasing your comments as questions, e.g. “Why are you talking?” Rather, “I’ve asked you not to talk”. Ensure that students know it is your priority to maintain the pace of your lesson for the benefit of all students. Planning – plan lessons appropriately and share the learning objectives and learning outcomes with students. Make the work challenging and exciting enough to engage students in learning. Have appropriate resources readily available so that the pace of the lesson is maintained. Use a seating plan – annotated with data and context of student, to help manage the class on entry and during the lesson. Fresh start – each lesson should be viewed as a fresh start for each student.

STUDENTS’ CODE OF CONDUCT (negotiated by the students themselves) Always treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. We all have the right       

Not to be hurt physically, verbally or emotionally To be safe and secure both in school and travelling to and from school Not to have our school or school property vandalised and accept the responsibility to look after it To have our opinion respected both by adults and other students To be able to talk to a caring adult, who will listen to our opinions, worries, problems and concerns Not to be intimidated into doing things we don’t want to do To be able to work undisturbed. We all have a responsibility

   

To maintain the standards of behaviour expected by the school, while in school and while travelling to and from school To treat each other with respect and ensure that our actions or words do not cause physical, emotional or psychological harm to others To listen to the opinions of others and accept that people are allowed to have different views To respect other people’s property, including school property, ensuring that we do not cause damage, or stand-by while others do so, without reporting it To allow others to carry out their work without disturbing or hindering them.



Slow to sit down Poor entry into the classroom Low level disruption on entry to the room

Rule reminder

Chewing/Eating Not sitting properly

Late to lesson Continuation of behaviour (above) despite being given a ‘Rule reminder’ First negative behaviour Poor work rate

C1 Name on the board

Talking Not following instructions General low level disruption Second negative behaviour Get the student to think about their behaviour by asking the following; ‘What should you be doing ?’ ‘What were you told to do after getting a C1 ?’ Continuation of negative behaviour

C2 Name on the board. C1 and C2 are ticked. Student spoken to by Teacher – a private word, get down to eye level. This can happen inside the classroom, if this is not possible take the student outside the room.

C3 Name on the board. C1, C2 and C3 are ticked. Spoken to by Teacher and Teacher has offered a solution to help them correct their behaviour eg moving seats, setting time limits to complete work, adapting activity

Due to lack of impact of C1,C2 and C3 student’s behaviour is such that he/she needs to be removed from the lesson OR Student displays extreme behaviour which has Health and Safety implications, therefore he/she must be removed from the lesson immediately

C4 Name on the board. C1, C2, C3 and C4 are ticked. Student is sent to the nearest Removal room for the remaining part of the lesson. Teacher fills in and keeps the ‘Teacher copy’ of the Removal form. Student takes the ‘Student copy’ to the Removal room. Student to arrive at Removal room within 5 minutes. Supervisor in the Removal room will sign and record time of arrival on the Removal form, student to complete the Removal form and take it back to his/her teacher 5 minutes before the end of the lesson When student arrives at the end of the lesson, the teacher issues a C4 detention and records the incident leading to C4 on SIMs. ‘Action taken’ recorded as C4 detention

Student refuses to go to a Removal room, therefore ‘Call out’ is required Failure to arrive at Removal room within 5 minutes Failure to return to see Subject Teacher after being sent to a Removal room

C5 If students fails to return at the end of the lesson, Student is issued a C5 detention and incident is recorded on SIMs. ‘Action taken’ recorded as C5 detention


In the case of disruptive behaviour within a Removal room – ‘Call out’ to be used. Student isolated for the rest of the day and 1 hour after school




Late for AM Registration

C4 Other

Uniform – failure to wear blazer or tie around school, piercings, incorrect jewellery, 2 yellow cards from Tutor in a half term

(To be phased in)

Swearing Failure to follow instructions Inappropriate movement through school – pushing, running, not following the 1 way system

Truancy Smoking Failure to attend C5 detention Disruptive behaviour in C5 detention

C5 Isolation

Other extreme behaviour – arranged by SLT Link, Academic Year Leader or Pastoral Year Leader Detentions C4 detentions are 45 minutes in duration and will take place in accordance with Faculty detention days C4 Other detentions are 45 minutes in duration and are available at the end of each week day. C5 detentions have a duration of 1 hour and will run 2 nights a week. Although parental consent and 24 hours notice to Parents/Carers is not required, they will be notified of C4/ C5 detention by letter, phone call or text message. If a student misses a detention due to a valid reason, they will be automatically booked into the next available slot. It is the student’s responsibility to attend the detention otherwise it will escalate to a C5 detention. Failure to attend a C4 results in a C5 and failure to attend a C5 will result in a full day in isolation and 1 hour after school detention. Isolation Poor behaviour in isolation will result in exclusion.

Searching and Confiscation Staff have the statutory power to search students or their possessions, without the consent of students or parents, where there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the student may have any of the following items;  Illegal drugs  Alcohol. Legal highs  Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, Tobacco  Knives or weapons  Fireworks  Pornographic images  Any object/article which may be used to commit an offence or cause harm/damage to any person including the student  Any item banned by school When a student gives consent to a search, any member of staff can search a student by simply asking them to turn their pockets out or to empty their bags. In cases where students do not give their consent to a search, the Head teacher or any member of staff authorised by the Head teacher can do the search as long as the member of staff is the same sex as the student being searched and there must be a witness (also a staff member) and if possible they should be the same sex as the student. In circumstances where there is a risk that serious harm could be caused to a person, the search can be conducted by a person of the opposite sex and without a witness present. Prohibited items or evidence can be seized, as outlined below:  Drugs – must be delivered to the Police  Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Alcohol – must be disposed of by School  ‘Legal Highs’ - must be disposed of by School  Stolen items – must be delivered to the Police or returned to the owner (or may be retained or disposed of if returning to the Owner is not possible)  Fireworks - must be retained or disposed of by School  Pornographic images - must be disposed of by School  Weapons or items which are evidence of an offence – must be passed to the Police as soon as possible  Any item banned under school rules – Staff to use professional judgement to decide whether to retain it, dispose of it or return it to its owner.  Data, files or images on electronic devices used to cause harm, disrupt teaching or break school rules – must be erased by School and may be shown to Police. Parents and Carers should be informed where alcohol, illegal drugs or potentially harmful substances are found although this is not a legal requirement. Additional Sources of Information: 1. Searching, Screening and Confiscation – Advice for Headteachers, School staff and Governing bodies, February 2014 2. ‘Behaviour and Discipline – A guide for Headteachers and school staff’ February 2014

APPENDIX 1 Behaviour Flow chart to be used by Pastoral Team

Persistent and extreme behaviour may result in alternative provision


Behaviour panel – To be arranged by Deputy Headteacher


Fixed period exclusion (at discretion of the Headteacher)


Isolation – full day including 1 hour after school

Internal Isolation – full day including 1 hour after school (AYLs)




C5 Detention – 1 hour after school with SLT/CLT

Level 1 – KS Managers to monitor and oversee C5 detentions Level 2 – Isolation The Isolation Manager to lead on the day to day running of the Isolation unit, ensure appropriate work is provided for students and to contact the PYL office if there are any issues with students in isolation. Level 2 – Internal Isolation AYL and PYL to lead on Internal Isolation within their year group Intervention AYL and KSM will monitor behaviour points and number of visits to isolation to decide on the type of intervention required. Level 3 – Fixed period exclusions SLT link or KS Manager to lead on the exclusion and arrange and meet with Parents/Carers. Level 4 – Behaviour panel SLT link will monitor when a student requires a behaviour review meeting or a behaviour panel. Deputy Headteacher will arrange the behaviour review meeting or the panel. Both student and parents will be asked to attend on a particular day and time to meet with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, AYL/KS manager and PYL.

APPENDIX 2 To be printed on yellow paper

Removal Form – Teacher Copy Student name

Teacher Cipher

Removal room

Date and Period

Time left classroom

C4 detention

C5 detention

Tick appropriate detention box and pass slip to DSA (C4 detention) or PYL Admin (C5 detention)

Removal Form – Student Copy Supervisor to sign and record time of arrival. Student to complete all other sections of the form Date and Period Time arrived at Removal room Removal room Supervisor to sign

This section to be completed by the student in the Removal Room Name Tutor group



Which behaviour(s) was inappropriate and has resulted in you being sent to a Removal Room ?

How can you improve your behaviour in future lessons ?

Student to take this form to the class teacher 5 minutes before the end of the lesson. Class teacher to log the incident on SIMS and issue a C4 detention.

Failure to return this form to the class teacher will result in a C5 detention