Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls of Two Disjoint Simple Polygons in Linear Time and Constant Workspace Mikkel Abrahamsen∗1 and Bartosz Walczak2 1

Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark [email protected] Theoretical Computer Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland [email protected]

arXiv:1601.01816v1 [cs.CG] 8 Jan 2016


Abstract We describe an algorithm for computing the outer common tangents of two disjoint simple polygons using linear time and only constant workspace. A tangent of a polygon is a line touching the polygon such that all of the polygon lies on the same side of the line. An outer common tangent of two polygons is a tangent of both polygons such that the polygons lie on the same side of the tangent. Each polygon is given as a read-only array of its corners in cyclic order. The algorithm detects if an outer common tangent does not exist, which is the case if and only if the convex hull of one of the polygons is contained in the convex hull of the other. Otherwise, two corners defining an outer common tangent are returned. This was not known to be possible in linear time and constant workspace prior to this paper. 1998 ACM Subject Classification I.3.5 Computational Geometry and Object Modeling Keywords and phrases planar computational geometry, simple polygon, common tangent, optimal algorithm, constant workspace



The problem of computing common tangents of two given polygons has received some attention in the case where the polygons are convex. For instance, it is necessary to compute outer common tangents of disjoint convex polygons in the classic divide-and-conquer algorithm for the convex hull of a set of n points in the plane due to Preparata and Hong [17]. They give a naïve linear time algorithm for outer common tangents, since that suffices for an O(n log n) time convex hull algorithm. The problem is also considered in various dynamic convex hull algorithms [8, 13, 16]. Overmars and van Leeuwen [16] give an O(log n) time algorithm for computing an outer common tangent of two disjoint convex polygons when a separating line is known, where each polygon has at most n corners. Kirkpatrick and Snoeyink [14] give an O(log n) time algorithm for the same problem, but without using a separating line. Guibas et al. [12] give an Ω(log2 n) lower bound on the time required to compute an outer common tangent of two intersecting convex polygons, even if it is known that they intersect in at most two points. They also describe an algorithm achieving that bound.

Research partially supported by Mikkel Thorup’s Advanced Grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research under the Sapere Aude research career programme.


Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

Toussaint [18] considers the problem of computing separating common tangents of convex polygons and notes that the problem occurs in problems related to visibility, collision avoidance, range fitting, etc. He gives a linear time algorithm. Guibas et al. [12] give an O(log n) time algorithm for the same problem. All the above-mentioned works make use of the convexity of the polygons. If the polygons are not convex, one can use a linear time algorithm to compute the convex hulls before computing the tangents [11, 15]. However, if the polygons are given in read-only memory, Ω(n) extra bits are required to store the convex hulls. In this paper, we also obtain linear time while using only constant workspace, that is, O(log n) bits, to compute the outer common tangents of two disjoint polygons. Abrahamsen [2] describes an algorithm for computing the separating common tangents of two polygons in linear time using constant workspace. He also gives an algorithm for computing the outer common tangents, but the algorithm only works when the convex hulls of the polygons are disjoint. In this paper we give an algorithm that works as long as the polygons are disjoint. There has been some recent interest in algorithms for geometric problems using constant or restricted workspace, see for instance [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10]. The problem of computing outer common tangents is of special interest because they only exist when the convex hull of neither of the polygons is contained in the convex hull of the other polygon, and our algorithm detects whether or not this is the case. Thus, we provide an optimal algorithm for deciding if the convex hulls of two disjoint polygons are nested. This was to the best of our knowledge not known to be possible in linear time and constant workspace prior to this work. A separating common tangent of two polygons exists if and only if the convex hulls of the polygons are disjoint. Thus, together with the algorithm from [2], our new result enables us to decide in linear time and constant workspace, for two disjoint simple polygons, whether the convex hull of one of the polygons is contained in the convex hull of the other, and if not, whether the convex hulls are disjoint or not.


Terminology and Notation

If a and b are points in the plane, then the closed line segment with endpoints a and b is denoted by ab. When a 6= b, the straight line containing a and b which is infinite in both directions is denoted by L(a, b). When a = 6 b, the ray starting at a and going through b is denoted by R(a, b). Define the dot product of two points x = (x0 , x1 ) and y = (y0 , y1 ) as x · y = x0 y0 + x1 y1 , and let x⊥ = (−x1 , x0 ) be the counterclockwise rotation of x by the angle π/2. Now, for three points a, b, and c, define T (a, b, c) = sgn((b − a)⊥ · (c − b)), where sgn is the sign function. If we consider the line L(a, b) as oriented from a towards b, then   if c lies to the left of L(a, b),  1 T (a, b, c) = 0 if a, b, c are collinear,   −1 if c lies to the right of L(a, b). Let LHP(a, b) denote the closed half-plane lying to the left of L(a, b), that is, LHP(a, b) = {c ∈ R2 | T (a, b, c) ≥ 0}. Similarly, let RHP(a, b) denote the closed half-plane lying to the right of L(a, b), that is, RHP(a, b) = {c ∈ R2 | T (a, b, c) ≤ 0} = LHP(b, a). A simple polygon, or just a polygon, with corners x0 , . . . , xn−1 is a closed polygonal curve in the plane composed of n edges x0 x1 , . . . , xn−2 xn−1 , xn−1 x0 such that the segments have no common points other than the common endpoints of pairs of consecutive edges. If a polygon P plays role of a subset of R2 in notation like x ∈ P , it is meant that the set P is

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak

Figure 1 The convex hulls are disjoint—separating and outer common tangents exist.

Figure 2 The convex hulls overlap—only outer common tangents exist.


Figure 3 The convex hulls are nested—no common tangents exist.

just the boundary curve as defined above, not the interior region determined by that curve. A subset of R2 consisting of a polygon P and the interior region of P is a polygonal region. Assume for the rest of this paper that P0 and P1 are two disjoint simple polygons with n0 and n1 corners, respectively. Assume further, without loss of generality, that the interiors of P0 and P1 are disjoint. (One polygon is contained in the interior of the other if and only if the total rotation of the latter polygon around an arbitrary corner of the former is nonzero, which can be easily tested in linear time using constant workspace.) Assume Pk is defined by its corners pk [0], pk [1], . . . , pk [nk − 1] for k = 0, 1. Assume further, without loss of generality, that the corners of P0 are given in counterclockwise order and the corners of P1 are given in clockwise order. (Again, the orientation of a polygon can be easily tested in linear time using constant workspace.) Finally, assume that the corners are in general position in the sense that P0 and P1 have no corners in common and the combined set of corners {p0 [0], . . . , p0 [n0 − 1], p1 [0], . . . , p1 [n1 − 1]} contains no triple of collinear points. Indices of the corners of Pk are considered modulo nk , so that pk [i] and pk [j] denote the same corner when i ≡ j (mod nk ). For a, b ∈ Pk , the chain Pk [a, b] is the part of Pk from a to b in the order assigned to Pk (counterclockwise for P0 , clockwise for P1 ). If i and j are indices of corners on Pk , we write Pk [i, j] to denote Pk [pk [i], pk [j]]. A tangent of Pk is a line ` such that ` and Pk are not disjoint and Pk is contained in one of the closed half-planes determined by `. The line ` is a common tangent of P0 and P1 if it is a tangent of both P0 and P1 . A common tangent is an outer common tangent if P0 and P1 are on the same side of the tangent, and otherwise the tangent is separating. For a simple polygon P , let H(P ) denote the convex hull of P . The following lemma asserts folklore properties of tangents of polygons. See Figures 1–3.

I Lemma 1. A line is a tangent of a polygon P if and only if it is a tangent of H(P ). Under our general position assumptions, the following holds: If one of H(P0 ) and H(P1 ) is completely contained in the other, there are no outer common tangents of P0 and P1 . Otherwise, there are two or more. There are exactly two if P0 and P1 are disjoint. If H(P0 ) and H(P1 ) are not disjoint, there are no separating common tangents of P0 and P1 . Otherwise, there are exactly two.


Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

Algorithm 1: OuterCommonTangent(P0 , P1 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

s0 ← 0; v0 ← 0; b0 ← false; s1 ← 0; v1 ← 0; b1 ← false; u ← 0 while s0 < 2n0 and s1 < 2n1 and (v0 < s0 + n0 or v1 < s1 + n1 ) vu ← vu + 1 if T (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ], pu [vu ]) = 1 if p1−u [s1−u ] ∈ ∆(pu [su ], pu [vu − 1], pu [vu ]) bu ← true if not bu su ← vu ; v1−u ← s1−u ; b1−u ← false u←1−u


if s0 ≥ 2n0 or s1 ≥ 2n1 or b0 or b1 return nested


return (s0 , s1 )




Let the outer common tangents of P0 and P1 be defined by pairs of corners (`0 , `1 ) and (r0 , r1 ) so that `0 , r0 ∈ P0 , `1 , r1 ∈ P1 , and P0 , P1 ⊂ LHP(`0 , `1 ) ∩ RHP(r0 , r1 ). Algorithm 1 returns a pair of indices (s0 , s1 ) such that (r0 , r1 ) = (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) or, if the convex hulls of P0 and P1 are nested so that the tangents do not exist, the algorithm reports that by returning nested. Finding (`0 , `1 ) requires running Algorithm 1 with the roles of P0 and P1 interchanged and with the orders of the corners of P0 and P1 reversed—each array reference pk [i] is translated to p1−k [−i] for k = 0, 1, and the returned result is (s1 , s0 ) such that (`0 , `1 ) = (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). The algorithm maintains a pair of indices (s0 , s1 ) which determines the temporary line L(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). Starting from (s0 , s1 ) = (0, 0) and advancing the indices s0 , s1 appropriately, the algorithm attempts to reach a situation that (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) = (r0 , r1 ), that is, P0 , P1 ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). At the start and after each update to (s0 , s1 ), the algorithm traverses P0 and P1 in parallel with indices (v0 , v1 ), starting from (v0 , v1 ) = (s0 , s1 ) and advancing v0 and v1 alternately. If the test in line 4 happens to be positive, then the corner pu [vu ] lies on the “wrong side” of the temporary line, witnessing Pu 6⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). In that case, the algorithm updates the temporary line by setting su ← vu and reverts v1−u back to s1−u in line 8, unless a special boolean variable bu is set, which we will comment on shortly. The reason for reverting v1−u back to s1−u in line 8 is that a corner of P1−u which was on the correct side of the temporary line before the update to su can be on the wrong side of the temporary line after the update to su , and then it needs to be traversed again in order to be detected. The algorithm returns (s0 , s1 ) in line 12 when it has traversed both polygons entirely with indices v0 and v1 after last updates to s0 and s1 without detecting any corner on the wrong side of the temporary line. That can happen only when P0 , P1 ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). See Figure 4 for an example of how the algorithm proceeds. In the test in line 5, ∆(a, b, c) denotes the filled triangle with corners a, b, c. If that test is positive, then p1−u [s1−u ] belongs to the convex hull of Pu , so p1−u [s1−u ] 6= r1−u . In that case, the boolean variable bu is set, and then it prevents any updates to su in line 8 until it is cleared after a later update to s1−u in line 8. It will be shown in the proof of Lemma 3 that such an update to s1−u must occur if the convex hulls of P0 and P1 are not nested.

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak


c h

b P0 f g

P1 e a d Figure 4 An example of how Algorithm 1 finds the outer common tangent L(c, h) of P0 and P1 . The start points are (p0 [0], p1 [0]) = (a, e). The gray dashed line segments are the segments p0 [s0 ]p1 [s1 ] on the various temporary lines. In the 11th iteration, an update makes (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) = (b, f ), so the temporary line becomes the dotted line L(b, f ). In the 19th iteration, u = 0 and p0 [v0 ] = d, so b0 is set to true. In the 28th iteration, u = 1 and p1 [v1 ] = g, and therefore b0 is cleared. In the 31st iteration, an update makes (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) = (c, h) and the outer common tangent has been found.

The main effort in proving the correctness of Algorithm 1 lies in the following lemma, which is proved in Section 4. I Lemma 2. If the outer common tangents of P0 and P1 exist, then the loop in line 2 of Algorithm 1 ends with s0 < 2n0 and s1 < 2n1 . The above implies that the algorithm ends up returning (s0 , s1 ) in line 12 provided that b0 = b1 = false when the loop in line 2 ends (this will be proved in Lemma 3). To explain the role of the special variables b0 and b1 , suppose temporarily that the conditions s0 < 2n0 and s1 < 2n1 are omitted from the test in line 2. If we were making the updates in line 8 regardless of the current values of b0 and b1 , the algorithm could never end making updates to s0 and s1 even if the outer common tangents exist (see [2] for an example of such a behavior). In particular, Lemma 2 would no longer be true. On the other hand, if the convex hulls of P0 and P1 are nested, then one of the following happens: the algorithm never ends making updates to s0 and s1 , one of b0 , b1 , say bk , is true and the algorithm has traversed P1−k entirely with the index v1−k after last update to s1−k without detecting any corner on the wrong side of the temporary line. In both cases, taking the conditions s0 < 2n0 and s1 < 2n1 in line 2 back into account, the algorithm reports that the convex hulls of P0 and P1 are nested in line 11. I Lemma 3. If the outer common tangents of P0 and P1 exist, then the loop in line 2 of Algorithm 1 ends with b0 = b1 = false. Proof. We show a slightly stronger statement, namely, that at most one of b0 and b1 can be true at a time, and if one of b0 and b1 is true, then it will be cleared subsequently. Hence, the algorithm cannot terminate with b0 = true or b1 = true. Consider an iteration i of the loop in line 2 which leads to changing the value of b0 from false to true in line 6. By induction, we can assume that b1 = false. Since the test in line


Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

5 is positive, the edge P0 [v0 − 1, v0 ] intersects L(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) at a point x such that p1 [s1 ] lies on the segment p0 [s0 ]x. Moreover, P0 [p0 [s0 ], x] ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]), otherwise b0 would be set before. Let y be the first corner of P1 after p1 [s1 ] such that y ∈ / RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). Such a corner exists, otherwise P1 would be contained in the convex hull of P0 . It follows that the test in line 4 will be positive in the first iteration j > i where u = 1 and p1 [v1 ] = y. The edge P1 [v1 − 1, v1 ] intersects L(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) at a point on the segment p0 [s0 ]x, and hence the test in line 5 is negative in iteration j. Therefore, b0 is cleared and we again have b0 = b1 = false. The same argument shows that b1 will be cleared after being set. J I Theorem 4. Algorithm 1 is correct, runs in linear time, and uses constant workspace. Specifically, if the outer common tangents exist, then Algorithm 1 returns a pair of indices (s0 , s1 ) such that (r0 , r1 ) = (p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]), that is, P0 , P1 ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). Otherwise, the algorithm returns nested. Proof. First, suppose the algorithm returns (s0 , s1 ) in line 12. Consider the final values of s0 , s1 , b0 and b1 . Due to the test in line 10, we have s0 < 2n0 , s1 < 2n1 , and b0 = b1 = false, so the loop in line 2 has ended because v0 ≥ s0 + n0 and v1 ≥ s1 + n1 . After the last update to (s0 , s1 ), the test in line 4 has been performed for every v0 = s0 + 1, . . . , s0 + n0 and every v1 = s1 + 1, . . . , s1 + n1 and was negative—otherwise a further update would have been performed in line 8, as b0 = b1 = false. This shows P0 , P1 ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]). Now, suppose that the outer common tangents exist. By Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, the loop in line 2 ends with s0 < 2n0 , s1 < 2n1 , and b0 = b1 = false. Hence (s0 , s1 ) is returned in line 12. In view of the discussion above, this proves the correctness of the algorithm. It is clear that Algorithm 1 uses constant workspace. For the running time, note that if an update to (s0 , s1 ) happens in iteration i, the sum s0 + s1 is increased by at least i−j 2 , where j is the number of the previous iteration in which an update to (s0 , s1 ) happened or j = 0 if there has been no update before. By induction, we see that there has been at most 2(s0 + s1 ) iterations when an update to (s0 , s1 ) happens. Suppose first that s0 < 2n0 and s1 < 2n1 when the loop in line 2 terminates. There has been at most 4(n0 + n1 ) iterations when the final update to (s0 , s1 ) happens. Thereafter, at most 2 max{n0 , n1 } ≤ 2(n0 + n1 ) iterations follow until v0 ≥ s0 + n0 and v1 ≥ s1 + n1 , when the loop in line 2 terminates. Hence, there are at most 6(n0 + n1 ) iterations in total. Now, suppose that s0 ≥ 2n0 or s1 ≥ 2n1 when the loop terminates. By the same argument, the second to last update to (s0 , s1 ) happens after at most 4(n0 + n1 ) iterations, after which at most 2(n0 + n1 ) iterations follow until the last update to (s0 , s1 ). The loop is terminated immediately after the last update. Hence, we get the same bound of 6(n0 + n1 ) iterations. Clearly, each iteration takes constant time, so the total running time of the algorithm is linear. J

4 4.1

Proof of Lemma 2 Additional Terminology and Notation

For U ⊆ R2 , let F(U ) denote the set of compact subsets of U . By an interval, we mean a bounded interval of real numbers. We allow an interval to be closed or open at each endpoint independently. We shall consider functions defined on an interval I with the following sets (or their subsets) as codomains: R with the standard metric, R2 with the Euclidean metric, and F(R2 ) with the Hausdorff metric, a set S of functions with the discrete metric, and the power set 2S of a set S of functions, again with the discrete metric. The only purpose of these metrics is to have a suitable notion of convergence. We think of the domain I as

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak

time. If f is a function with domain I and I 0 is a subinterval of I, then f  I 0 denotes the restriction of f to I 0 . For a function f : I → X, where X is (a subset of) one of the codomains above, a point in time t ∈ I is a discontinuity of f if f is not continuous at t. We write f (% t? ) to denote the limit of f (t) as t → t? from below, where t? ∈ I r {inf I}, f (& t? ) to denote the limit of f (t) as t → t? from above, where t? ∈ I r {sup I}. If the limits f (% t? ) exist for all t? ∈ I r {inf I} and the limits f (& t? ) exist for all t? ∈ I r {sup I}, then we say that f has one-sided limits. Each of the functions f that we consider has one-sided limits and finitely many discontinuities. Note that f has a discontinuity at a point in time t ∈ I if and only if f (% t) 6= f (t) or f (& t) 6= f (t). A function f : I → F(U ), where U ⊆ R2 , is monotonically decreasing if f (t) ⊇ f (t0 ) for any t, t0 ∈ I such that t < t0 . I Lemma 5. Let I be an interval and f : I → F(U ) be a function with one-sided limits and finitely many discontinuities, where U ⊆ R2 . Suppose f  I 0 is monotonically decreasing for every subinterval I 0 ⊆ I such that f  I 0 is continuous on I 0 . Furthermore, suppose that f (% t) ⊇ f (t) for any t ∈ I r {inf I} such that f (% t) 6= f (t), f (t) ⊇ f (& t) for any t ∈ I r {sup I} such that f (t) 6= f (& t). Then f is monotonically decreasing in the entire domain I. Proof. Let t1 < · · · < tn be the discontinuities of f . Let t, t0 ∈ I and t < t0 . If there is no i with t ≤ ti ≤ t0 , then f  [t, t0 ] is continuous, so it follows from the assumption that f (t) ⊇ f (t0 ). Otherwise, let i be minimum and j be maximum such that t ≤ ti ≤ tj ≤ t0 . If t < ti , then the assumptions yield f (t) ⊇ f (% ti ) ⊇ f (ti ), Similarly, the assumptions yield f (tk ) ⊇ f (& tk ) ⊇ f (% tk+1 ) ⊇ f (tk+1 ) for k = i, . . . , j − 1, and f (tj ) ⊇ f (& tj ) ⊇ f (t0 ) if tj < t0 . Thus f (t) ⊇ f (t0 ). J


Continuous Interpretation of the Algorithm

Let m denote the number of iterations of the loop in line 2 performed by Algorithm 1. For i = 0, 1, . . . , m and k = 0, 1, let vk (i) and sk (i) denote the values of vk and sk , respectively, after i iterations of the loop. In particular, vk (0) = sk (0) = 0. For x ∈ R r Z, let pk [x] denote the interpolated point (dxe − x)pk [bxc] + (x − bxc)pk [dxe] on the edge Pk [bxc, dxe]. For our analysis, it will be convenient to imagine the execution of Algorithm 1 in continuous time and to extend the functions s0 and s1 to the real interval [0, m] accordingly. This is achieved as follows. We imagine that the ith iteration of the loop in line 2 starts at time i − 1 and ends at time i, and during that iteration vu grows continuously from vu (i − 1) = vu (i) − 1 to vu (i). Thus we define vu (t) = vu (i) − i + t for t ∈ (i − 1, i). Suppose that the update in line 8 is to be performed in the ith iteration. If su (i − 1) = vu (i − 1), then all of the edge Pu [vu (i − 1), vu (i)] is in LHP(p0 [s0 (i − 1)], p1 [s1 (i − 1)]). We therefore imagine that the update happens at time i − 1 and then su grows continuously together with vu up to vu (i); thus we define su (t) = vu (t) and v1−u (t) = s1−u (i − 1) for t ∈ (i − 1, i). If su (i − 1) < vu (i − 1), then the edge Pu [vu (i − 1), vu (i)] intersects the temporary line at a point pu [vu (t? )] where t? ∈ (i − 1, i). We therefore imagine that the update in line 8 happens at time t? and then su grows continuously together with vu up to vu (i); thus we define su (t) = su (i − 1) and v1−u (t) = v1−u (i − 1) for t ∈ (i − 1, t? ], su (t) = vu (t) and v1−u (t) = s1−u (i − 1) for t ∈ (t? , i), and we say that su jumps from su (t? ) to vu (t? ) = su (& t? ) at time t? . Finally, in either case, we define s1−u (t) = s1−u (i − 1) for t ∈ (i − 1, i). The functions s0 , s1 : [0, m] → R thus defined are nondecreasing, have one-sided limits and finitely many discontinuities, and are



Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

left-continuous, that is, s0 (% t) = s0 (t) and s1 (% t) = s1 (t) for every t ∈ (0, m]. We have also defined functions v0 , v1 : [0, m] → R, but we are not going to use them any more. I Observation 6. At any point in time during the execution of the continuous version of Algorithm 1, at most one of s0 , s1 is changing. The temporary line L(p0 [s0 ], p1 [s1 ]) either is not moving, or is turning continuously counterclockwise around p0 [s0 ] (when s1 is changing), or is turning continuously clockwise around p1 [s1 ] (when s0 is changing). The following is trivial if sk (t) = sk (& t) and otherwise is a direct consequence of the test in line 5 and of the fact that the update in line 8 is only performed when bu = false. I Observation 7. If t ∈ [0, m) and k ∈ {0, 1}, then pk [sk (& t)] ∈ R(p1−k [s1−k (t)], pk [sk (t)]) and Pk [sk (t), sk (& t)] ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 (t)], p1 [s1 (t)]).


Auxiliary Structure on the Polygons

In this subsection, we introduce some auxiliary concepts which will be used later to prove Lemma 2. The concepts themselves are defined in terms of the polygons P0 , P1 only and are independent of the algorithm. Assume for this entire subsection that the convex hulls of P0 and P1 are not nested, so that the outer common tangents exist. Let the two outer common tangents be given by points `0 , r0 ∈ P0 and `1 , r1 ∈ P1 such that P0 , P1 ⊂ LHP(`0 , `1 ) ∩ RHP(r0 , r1 ). Let L = `0 `1 and R = r0 r1 . Let E be the polygonal region bounded by the chains P0 [`0 , r0 ], P1 [`1 , r1 ] and by the segments L, R. Since P0 is oriented counterclockwise and P1 clockwise, the interiors of P0 and P1 lie outside E. I Lemma 8. Every segment xy such that xy ∩P0 = {x} and xy ∩P1 = {y} is contained in E. Proof. The set E r (P0 [`0 , r0 ] ∪ P1 [`1 , r1 ]) separates P0 and P1 in LHP(`0 , `1 ) ∩ RHP(r0 , r1 ), so it contains a point z in common with the segment xy. If z ∈ L or z ∈ R, then xy = `0 `1 or xy = r0 r1 , respectively, so xy lies in E. So suppose z is in the interior of E. The segment zx cannot cross the boundary of E at any point other than x, and zy at any point other than y. This shows that xy lies in E. J Let q0 ∈ P0 and q1 ∈ P1 be fixed points such that at least one of q0 , q1 is a corner of the respective polygon P0 or P1 . Let S = q0 q1 . We consider the segment S as oriented from q0 to q1 , so that we can speak of the left side of S, LHP(q0 , q1 ), and the right side of S, RHP(q0 , q1 ). A door is a subsegment xy of S such that xy ∩ Pk = {x} and xy ∩ P1−k = {y} for some k ∈ {0, 1}. By Lemma 8, every door is contained in E. A fence is a subsegment xy of S such that xy ∩ Pk = {x, y} and xy ∩ P1−k = ∅ for some k ∈ {0, 1}. Exceptionally, when S contains an edge xy of Pk , we call the whole edge xy a fence. Since at least one of q0 , q1 is a corner, the latter is possible only when x = qk or y = qk . Let D be the set of all doors. See Figure 5, which also illustrates the following lemma. I Lemma 9. The doors in D can be ordered as D1 , . . . , Dd so that if Di ∩ P0 = {xi } and Di ∩ P1 = {yi } for i = 1, . . . , d, then the order of points along P0 [`0 , r0 ] is `0 , x1 , . . . , xd , r0 (with possible coincidences), the order of points along P1 [`1 , r1 ] is `1 , y1 , . . . , yd , r1 (with possible coincidences). The doors partition E into polygonal regions E0 , . . . , Ed such that E0 is bounded by L, P0 [`0 , x1 ], D1 and P1 [`1 , y1 ] (it is degenerate when D1 = L), Ei is bounded by Di , P0 [xi , xi+1 ], Di+1 and P1 [yi , yi+1 ], for i = 1, . . . , d − 1, Ed is bounded by Dd , P0 [xd , r0 ], R and P1 [yd , r1 ] (it is degenerate when Dd = R).

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak




r0 E5





P0 `0





P1 `1

Figure 5 The doors are the five fat gray segments on S = q0 q1 : D4 , D5 , D3 , D1 , D2 in the order from q0 to q1 . The weights of the doors are 2, 1, 1, −1, 0, respectively.

Proof. Suppose there are doors xy, x0 y 0 ∈ D such that x is strictly before x0 on P0 [`0 , r0 ] while y 0 is strictly before y 0 on P1 [`1 , r1 ]. It follows that the clockwise order of the four points along the boundary of E is x, x0 , y, y 0 and no two of these points coincide. By Lemma 8, both xy and x0 y 0 lie in E, so they must cross at a point different from their endpoints, which is a contradiction. This shows that the order of endpoints of the doors along P0 [`0 , r0 ] agrees with that along P1 [`1 , r1 ], which proves the first statement. The second statement is a straightforward corollary to the first. J From now on, we use D1 , . . . , Dd to denote the doors in their order according to Lemma 9, and we use E0 , . . . , Ed to denote the regions defined in Lemma 9. Recall that we consider S as a segment oriented from q0 to q1 . Every door inherits that orientation, so that we can speak of the left side and the right side of the door. We classify each door Di as a left-door or a right-door depending on whether the region Ei−1 connecting Di to Di−1 (to L if i = 1) lies to the left or to the right of Di , respectively. If L is a door, then it is classified as a right-door. I Lemma 10. Consider a chain Pk [a, b], where k ∈ {0, 1}. If Pk [a, b] ∩ S = {a, b} and Pk [a, b] ⊂ RHP(q0 , q1 ), then all doors contained in the segment ab occur in pairs of a left-door followed by a right-door, consecutive in the order on D. Proof. Consider the polygonal region F bounded by the chain Pk [a, b] and by the segment ab. It follows that F ⊂ RHP(q0 , q1 ). Each of the regions E0 , . . . , Ed lies either inside or outside F , where E0 and Ed lie outside F . Each region Ei lying inside F connects the door Di , which is therefore a left-door, and the door Di+1 , which is therefore a right-door. J So far we were considering q0 and q1 as fixed points. Now, we allow them to change in time. Specifically, let I be a real interval that can be open or closed at each endpoint independently, and consider q0 and q1 as continuous functions q0 : I → P0 and q1 : I → P1 . This way S becomes a continuous function S : I → F(R2 ). Furthermore, suppose at least one of q0 (t), q1 (t) is a corner of the respective polygon for every t ∈ I, so that S(t) can contain at most one other corner. Let X(t) denote the set of intersection points of S(t) with P0 ∪ P1 . In the exceptional case that S(t) contains an edge of P0 or P1 , we only include the endpoints of the edge in X(t). The points in X(t) are changing continuously except that an intersection point appears or disappears at a point in time t ∈ I when S(t) sweeps over a


Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

corner whose both incident edges lie on the same side of S(t). Note that since the corners of P0 and P1 are assumed to be in general position and one of q0 and q1 is a corner, at most one point can appear in or disappear from X(t) at any point in time. The doors are changing continuously except when one of the following door events happens as a point appears in or disappears from X(t): 1. a fence splits into two doors, 2. two doors merge into a fence, 3. a door splits into a smaller door and a fence, 4. a door and a fence merge into a larger door. Specifically, every door D can be represented as a continuous function D : ID → F(R2 ), where ID is a subinterval of I (open or closed at each endpoint independently) such that 1. if t = inf ID ∈ ID , then an endpoint of D(t) is in X(t) but not in X(% t), 2. if t = sup ID ∈ ID , then an endpoint of D(t) is in X(t) but not in X(& t), 3. if t = sup ID ∈ / ID , then an interior point of D(% t) is in X(t) but not in X(% t), 4. if t = inf ID ∈ / ID , then an interior point of D(& t) is in X(t) but not in X(& t). At any point in time t ∈ I, the set of doors D(t) consists of the doors D such that t ∈ ID ordered according to Lemma 9. The following observation, a straightforward consequence of Lemma 9, summarizes how D(t) and the order on D(t) are changing in time. I Observation 11. The set D(t) and the order on D(t) are constant in time intervals where no door event happens. A door event at time t makes the following change to D(t): 1. if a fence splits into two doors D and D0 , then D and D0 are added to D(% t) as consecutive doors to form D(t), 2. if two doors D and D0 merge into a fence, then D and D0 are consecutive in D(t) and they are removed from D(t) to form D(& t), 3. if a door D splits into a smaller door D0 and a fence, then D is replaced by D0 in D(% t) to form D(t), 4. if a door D and a fence merge into a larger door D0 , then D is replaced by D0 in D(t) to form D(& t). In case of door events 1 and 2, the two doors D and D0 are, in their order in D(t), a right-door followed by a left-door if the edges incident to w lie to the right of S(t), a left-door followed by a right-door if the edges incident to w lie to the left of S(t), where w denotes the corner that triggers the event (i.e., the corner that appears in or disappears from X(t) at time t). In case of door events 3 and 4, the door D0 keeps the left/right-door status of D. The left/right-door status of every door D remains constant over the entire time interval ID . Now, consider q0 and q1 in their order according to induction, as follows: ( 1 if D1 is a W (D1 ) = −1 if D1 is a

again as fixed points. Recall that D1 , . . . , Dd denote the doors Lemma 9. We define the weight W (Di ) of every door Di by

right-door, left-door,

W (Di ) =

( W (Di−1 ) + 1 W (Di−1 ) − 1

if Di is a right-door, if Di is a left-door,

for i = 2, . . . , d. See Figure 5. The following is a direct consequence of Observation 11. I Observation 12. When q0 : I → P0 , q1 : I → P1 are continuous functions, every door D : ID → F(R2 ) maintains constant weight over the entire time interval ID . Furthermore, the function W ? : I → Z defined so that W ? (t) is the weight of the last door in the order on D(t) is constant over the entire time interval I.

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak




r1 E0

q0 y0




P0 `1


Figure 6 The situation from Figure 5 where the boundary polygon of the primary region E 0 has been drawn with thick lines.

I Lemma 13. For any fixed points q0 , q1 , there is at least one door with weight 1. Proof. The statement is obvious if q0 = `0 and q1 = `1 , because in that case there is just one door L, which is a right-door by definition, so it has weight 1. To prove the lemma in general, let I = [0, 1] and (abusing notation) consider arbitrary continuous functions q0 : I → P0 and q1 : I → P1 such that q0 (0) = `0 , q1 (0) = `1 , and q0 (1), q1 (1) are the points q0 , q1 fixed in the statement of the lemma. By Observation 12, the function W ? : I → Z is constant over I, so W ? (1) = W ? (0) = 1 as observed above. This shows that the last door in the order on D(1) has weight 1. J For any fixed points q0 , q1 , let the primary door D0 be the first door with weight 1 in the order on D. Such a door always exists due to Lemma 13. I Observation 14. The primary door D0 is a right-door and is not preceded by a left-door in the order on D. Let y0 and y1 denote the endpoints of D0 so that y0 ∈ P0 and y1 ∈ P1 . Let Y0 = P0 [y0 , r0 ] and Y1 = P1 [y1 , r1 ]. Finally, let the primary region E 0 be defined as the polygonal region determined by D0 , Y0 , R and Y1 . See Figure 6. I Observation 15. If D0 = Di , then E 0 is the union of Ei , . . . , Ed . In particular, E 0 contains the doors Di+1 , . . . , Dd . It follows from Observation 14 that the region E 0 meets D0 from the left.


Back to the Algorithm

We recall the functions s0 , s1 : [0, m] → R describing the execution of Algorithm 1 as explained in Subsection 4.2, and we define functions q0 : [0, m] → P0 and q1 : [0, m] → P1 as follows: q0 (t) = p0 [s0 (t)],

q1 (t) = p1 [s1 (t)]

for t ∈ [0, m].

They have the property that at least one of q0 (t), q1 (t) is a corner at any point in time t ∈ [0, m]. Some other objects that have been defined in Subsection 4.3 based on fixed points q0 , q1 now become functions of time t ∈ [0, m]: the segment S, the primary door D0 , the points y0 , y1 , the chains Y0 , Y1 , and the primary region E 0 .


Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

The functions q0 and q1 have finitely many discontinuities—the points of time t ∈ [0, m) when the respective sk jumps from sk (t) to sk (& t). It is also clear that they have one-sided limits, since the functions s0 and s1 are bounded and piecewise monotone. It follows that the functions D0 : [0, m] → F(R2 ), y0 : [0, m] → P0 , y1 : [0, m] → P1 , Y0 : [0, m] → F(P0 ), Y1 : [0, m] → F(P1 ), and E 0 : [0, m] → F(R2 ) also have one-sided limits and finitely many discontinuities, which arise from discontinuities of q0 , q1 and from door events in between. The following lemma is the heart of the proof of correctness of the algorithm. Informally speaking, it asserts that the primary region E 0 can only shrink in time, since the primary door D0 always sweeps continuously into or jumps into E 0 . I Lemma 16. The functions Y0 and Y1 are monotonically decreasing. Proof. First, we let I be an arbitrary subinterval of [0, m] in which q0 and q1 are continuous, and we prove the lemma for functions restricted to I: y0  I, y1  I, Y0  I and Y1  I. Following the convention from Subsection 4.3, we consider doors as continuous functions D : ID → F(R2 ) with ID ⊆ I and, for t ∈ I, we let D(t) denote the set of doors D such that t ∈ ID . Accordingly, we redefine D0 (t) to denote the function D : ID → F(R2 ) that is chosen as the primary door at time t ∈ I. By Observation 12, every door D : ID → F(R2 ) maintains constant weight over the entire time interval ID . By Observation 11, the only possible changes to D and to the order on D over time interval I are that doors are being added to or removed from D. Therefore, any change to the choice of the primary door can only occur at a point in time t ∈ I when a door event happens; moreover, the primary door D0 (t) must participate in that event, that is, if D0 (t) = D, then t = inf ID or t = sup ID . Consider an interval I 0 ⊆ I over which the choice of the primary door remains constant, that is, there is a door D : ID → F(R2 ) such that I 0 ⊆ ID and D0 (t) = D for every t ∈ I 0 . Since D is a continuous function, so are the functions y0  I 0 , y1  I 0 , Y0  I 0 and Y1  I 0 . Furthermore, it follows from Observation 6 that the segment S is constant or is sweeping continuously to the left at any point in time t ∈ I. By Observation 15, D can only be moving towards the interior of E 0 in time interval I 0 . This shows that E 0  I 0 and hence Y0  I 0 and Y1  I 0 are monotonically decreasing functions. In view of Lemma 5, to complete the proof that Y0  I and Y1  I are monotonically decreasing, it remains to prove that Y0 (% t) ⊇ Y0 (t) and Y1 (% t) ⊇ Y1 (t) whenever D0 (% t) 6= D0 (t), for t ∈ I r {inf I}, Y0 (& t) ⊆ Y0 (t) and Y1 (& t) ⊆ Y1 (t) whenever D0 (& t) 6= D0 (t), for t ∈ I r {sup I}. We consider the kinds of door events as identified in Subsection 4.3, looking for events happening at time t ∈ I that result in a primary door being added to or removed from D. 1. A fence splits into two doors. Since S(t) can only be sweeping to the left, both polygon edges incident to the corner triggering that event lie to the left of S(t). Therefore, by Observation 11, the two doors are a left-door followed by a right-door in the order on D(t). Consequently, by Observation 14, neither of the two doors can be primary. 2. Two doors merge into a fence. If D0 (t) is one of the two doors, then the choice of the primary door changes to some door D ∈ D(& t) ⊂ D(t) that is after D0 (t) in the order on D(t). By Observation 9, the endpoints y0 (& t) and y1 (& t) of D(t) lie on Y0 (t) and Y1 (t), respectively, so Y0 (& t) ⊆ Y0 (t) and Y1 (& t) ⊆ Y1 (t) as required. 3. A door splits into a smaller door and a fence. It follows from Observation 11 that the door added to D(t) maintains the weight of the door removed from D(% t). Therefore, assuming D0 (t) 6= D0 (% t), D0 (t) is the door added to D(t) and D0 (% t) is the one removed from D(% t). Let w ∈ Pk denote the corner that triggers the event, where

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak

k ∈ {0, 1}. It follows that y1−k (t) = y1−k (% t), so Y1−k (t) = Y1−k (% t). Since w = yk (t), we need to prove that w ∈ Yk (% t). Let D = D0 (% t) and let t0 be a value in ID ∩ I such that t0 < t and no door event happens in time interval [t0 , t). For every t0 ∈ [t0 , t), let ϕ(t0 ) be the point on D(t0 ) closest to w. Since D moves continuously, ϕ is a continuous curve. Since ϕ(t0 ) ∈ E 0 (t0 ) and E 0 (t0 ) ⊂ E 0 (t0 ) as shown before for every t0 ∈ [t0 , t), ϕ must be contained in E 0 (t0 ). Since w ∈ D(% t), we have ϕ(% t) = w. Furthermore, E 0 (t0 ) is a closed set, and hence w ∈ E 0 (t0 ). The interior of E 0 (t0 ) is disjoint from P0 and P1 , so w must be a corner on the chain Yk (t0 ) = Pk [yk (t0 ), rk ]. Since w = yk (t), it follows that Yk (t) ⊆ Yk (t0 ). By letting t0 approach t from below, we get Yk (t) ⊆ Yk (% t). 4. A door and a fence merge into a larger door. Again, it follows from Observation 11 that the door added to D(& t) maintains the weight of the door removed from D(t). Therefore, assuming D0 (t) 6= D0 (& t), D0 (t) is the door removed from D(t) and D0 (& t) is the one added to D(& t). Let w ∈ Pk denote the corner that triggers the event, where k ∈ {0, 1}. It follows that y1−k (t) = y1−k (& t), so Y1−k (t) = Y1−k (& t). We make an argument similar to the one in the above case to show that Yk (& t) ⊆ Yk (t), but using reversed time. Let D = D0 (& t) and let t0 be a value in ID ∩ I such that t0 > t and no door event happens in time interval (t, t0 ]. For every t0 ∈ (t, t0 ], let ϕ(t0 ) be the point on D(t0 ) closest to w. Since D moves continuously, ϕ is a continuous curve. For every t0 ∈ [0, m], let F (t0 ) be the polygonal region bounded by P0 [`0 , y0 (t0 )], the primary door at time t0 , P1 [`1 , y1 (t0 )], and the segment L = `0 `1 . Thus F (t0 ) is a sort of complementary region to E 0 (t0 ) in the region E. Since E 0 is monotonically decreasing on (t, t0 ] as shown before, F 0 is monotonically increasing on (t, t0 ]. Therefore, since ϕ(t0 ) ∈ F (t0 ), ϕ must be contained in F (t0 ). Since w ∈ D(& t), we have ϕ(& t) = w. Furthermore, F (t0 ) is a closed set, and hence w ∈ F (t0 ). The interior of F (t0 ) is disjoint from P0 and P1 , so w must be a corner on the chain Pk [`k , yk (t0 )]. Since w = yk (t), it follows that Pk [`k , yk (t)] ⊆ Pk [`k , yk (t0 )]. By letting t0 approach t from above, we get Pk [`k , yk (t)] ⊆ Pk [`k , yk (& t)]. Hence, yk (& t) is on the chain Yk (t) = Pk [yk (t), r0 ] and therefore Yk (& t) ⊆ Yk (t). Now, we return to the general case of functions y0 , y1 , Y0 and Y1 defined on the entire interval [0, m]. Consider a point in time t ∈ [0, m] that is a discontinuity of qk , where k ∈ {0, 1}. That is, sk jumps from sk (t) to sk (& t) at time t. We shall see that the jump of sk has no effect on the choice of the primary door. By Observation 7, the point pk [sk (& t)] = qk (& t) lies on the ray R(q1−k (t), qk (t)) and the chain Pk [qk (t), qk (& t)] belongs to RHP(q0 (t), q1 (t)). Let D(t) and D(& t) denote the sets of doors as defined for the segments S(t) and S(& t), respectively. We shall prove that the primary door with respect to D(t) (i.e., defined for S(t)) is the same as with respect to D(& t) (i.e., defined for S(& t)). Suppose qk (& t) is on the segment S(t). It follows that S(& t) ⊂ S(t), D(& t) ⊆ D(t), and D(t)rD(& t) is the set of doors on S(t)rS(& t). Since Pk [qk (t), qk (& t)] ⊂ RHP(q0 (t), q1 (t)), it follows from Lemma 10 that the doors in D(t)rD(& t) occur in pairs of a left-door followed by a right-door, consecutive in the order on D(t). Therefore, the weights of every door D ∈ D(& t) with respect to the sets of doors D(& t) and D(t) are equal. By Observation 14, none of the doors in D(t) r D(& t) can be primary with respect to D(t), so the primary door is the same with respect to D(t) as with respect to D(& t). Now, suppose qk (& t) is not on the segment S(t). It follows that S(t) ⊂ S(& t), D(t) ⊆ D(& t), and D(& t) r D(t) is the set of doors on S(& t) r S(t). An argument analogous to that for qk (& t) ∈ S(t) above shows that the primary door is the same with respect to D(& t) as with respect to D(t). To conclude, let t0 = 0, t1 , . . . , tn−1 be the discontinuities of q0 or q1 ordered so that t1 < · · · < tn−1 , and tn = m, and consider the closed intervals Ii = [ti−1 , ti ] for i = 1, . . . , n.



Outer Common Tangents and Nesting of Convex Hulls

Fix an index i and consider the restrictions q0  Ii and q1  Ii . Only one of them, say qk  Ii , is not continuous, and the only discontinuity of qk  Ii is ti−1 . As we have shown above, if we redefine qk (ti−1 ) by letting qk (ti−1 ) = qk (& ti−1 ), the primary door D0 (ti−1 ) does not change, but then qk  Ii becomes continuous. Therefore, what we have proved for restrictions of Y0 and Y1 to subintervals I ⊆ [0, m] such that q0  I and q1  I are continuous implies that Y0  Ii and Y1  Ii are monotonically decreasing, for every i = 1, . . . , n. The assumptions of Lemma 5 are satisfied for Y0 and Y1 , so Y0 and Y1 are monotonically decreasing in the entire domain [0, m]. J We are now ready to prove Lemma 2. Using the continuous interpretation of the algorithm, it can be rephrased as follows. I Lemma 17. For any t ∈ [0, m], we have 0 ≤ s0 (t) < 2n0 and 0 ≤ s1 (t) < 2n1 . Proof. We only present the proof of the bound on s0 (t). That for s1 (t) is analogous. Let c0 (0) be the unique real in the interval [0, n0 ) such that y0 (0) = p0 [c0 (0)]. Let cˆ0 be the unique real c0 ]. By Lemma 16, for t ∈ (0, m], there is in the interval [c0 (0), c0 (0) + n0 ) such that r0 = p0 [ˆ a unique real c0 (t) ∈ [c0 (0), cˆ0 ] such that y0 (t) = p0 [c0 (t)], and this defines a nondecreasing function c0 : [0, m] → R with one-sided limits and finitely many discontinuities. Obviously, 0 ≤ s0 (t) and c0 (t) ≤ cˆ0 < c0 (0) + n0 < 2n0 . It remains to prove s0 (t) ≤ c0 (t) for t ∈ [0, m]. We first prove that for every t ∈ [0, m) with s0 (t) ≤ c0 (t), there is ε > 0 such that s0 (t0 ) ≤ c0 (t0 ) for all t0 ∈ [t, t + ε). Let t ∈ [0, m) be such that s0 (t) ≤ c0 (t). First, suppose s0 is continuous and either constant or strictly increasing on some interval [t, t + ε) with ε > 0. If s0 (t) < c0 (t), then the statement is clear, so suppose s0 (t) = c0 (t). If s0 is constant on [t, t + ε), then the statement is clear, as c0 is nondecreasing. If s0 is strictly increasing on [t, t + ε), we either have c0 (t0 ) = s0 (t0 ) for t0 ∈ [t, t + ε0 ), for some ε0 ∈ (0, ε], or c0 jumps at time t to a higher value, that is, c0 (t) < c0 (& t). In both cases, the statement holds. Now, suppose s0 jumps at time t, that is, s0 (t) < s0 (& t). By choosing ε > 0 small enough, we can assume that s0 is continuous on the interval (t, t + ε) and that the points {p0 [s0 (t0 )] | t0 ∈ (t, t + ε)} are a part of one edge e of P0 , which also contains the point p0 [s0 (& t)]. By Observation 7, we have P0 [s0 (t), s0 (& t)] ⊂ RHP(p0 [s0 (t)], p1 [s1 ]). This and the facts that p0 [c0 (t0 )] ∈ S(t0 ) and S(t0 ) ∩ RHP(p0 [s0 (t)], p1 [s1 ]) = {p1 [s1 ]} imply c0 (t0 ) > s0 (& t), for every t0 ∈ (t, t + ε). We conclude that for every t0 ∈ (t, t + ε), either c0 (t0 ) = s0 (t0 ) or p0 [c0 (t0 )] is on an edge of P0 other than e, in which case c0 (t0 ) > s0 (t0 ). We now return to proving that s0 (t) ≤ c0 (t) for every t ∈ [0, m]. Suppose the contrary, and let t? = inf{t ∈ [0, m] | s0 (t) > c0 (t)}. By the above discussion, we must have s0 (t? ) > c0 (t? ). Then t? > 0, because c0 (0) ≥ 0 = s0 (0). By the definition of s0 , we have s0 (% t? ) = s0 (t? ) > c0 (t? ) ≥ c0 (% t? ). This contradicts the definition of t? . J


Concluding Remarks

Together with the algorithm for separating common tangents due to Abrahamsen [2], the algorithm described in the present paper demonstrates that it is possible to compute all common tangents of two disjoint simple polygons in linear time and using only constant workspace. An important implication is that we can decide in linear time and constant workspace whether the convex hull of one of the polygons is contained in the convex hull of the other, and if not, whether the convex hulls are disjoint or not. A natural open question is whether it is also possible to compute an outer common tangent of two polygons which are not disjoint in linear time using constant workspace.

Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak

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