01 Sayfa 1

Konur, O. (2014) Özcan KONUR’un Türkçe Özgeçmişi, sürüm no. 2014/02, Nisabn 2014, 9 sayfa. (Ankara, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi). www.okonur.info. [...
Author: Ediz Başak
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Konur, O. (2014) Özcan KONUR’un Türkçe Özgeçmişi, sürüm no. 2014/02, Nisabn 2014, 9 sayfa. (Ankara, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi). www.okonur.info. [01.04.2014] Kardeş İngilizce yayın özeti ve atıfları belgesi: Konur, O. (2014) Ozcan Konur’s Publications: Abstracts & Citations, 2014/02, 374 pp., April 2014 (Ankara, Turkey; Ozcan Konur). www.okonur.info [01.04.2014].

I Kişisel Bilgiler: Ad, Soyad: Özcan KONUR Doğum Yeri: Fethiye, Muğla Doğum Tarihi: 01.01.1957 KPDS (Kamu Personeli Yabancı Dil Sınavı) sonucu: İngilizce- 93 puan/100, Mayıs 2007 KPDS sınavı dönemi. METU-EPE (Middle East Technical University English Proficiency Exam) 87 puan/100, Nisan 2011 Sınav dönemi. İş yeri: Öğr. Gör. Özcan KONUR, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ankara.  E-posta: [email protected]  Web sitesi: www.okonur.info

II Amaçlar Aşağıdaki akademik birim ve bölümlerden birisinde araştırma ve geliştirme ağırlıklı olarak çalışmak üzere öğretim görevlisi olarak görev almak Mühendislik Fakültesi Metalürji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Bölümü Nano Bilim ve Mühendisliği Biyoteknoloji Bölümü Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü

Özcan KONUR’un Özgeçmişi 2014/01

İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümü Eğitim Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Bölümü Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü Bilgisayar Teknolojileri ve Eğitimi Bölümü İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü İşletme Bölümü Finans ve Bankacılık Bölümü Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Siyaset Bölümü Hukuk Fakültesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü Sosyoloji Bölümü Psikoloji Bölümü Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü Rehabilitasyon Bölümü Sosyal Hizmetler Bölümü Tıp Fakültesi Dahili Hastalıklar Bölümü Halk Sağlığı Ana Bilim Dalı Turizm Fakültesi Turizm işletmeciliği Bölümü Konaklama İşletmeciliği Bölümü

III Eğitim Durumu: 1. Doktora. (Makina Mühendisliği) Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Ankara- devam ediyor 3. Lisans (Bankacılık ve Uluslararası Maliye) City University Business School London. İngiltere. 4. Yüksek Lisans (Metalürji Mühendisliği) Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Ankara. 5. Lisans (Metalürji Mühendisliği) Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Ankara. 6. Lise diploması ve ilkokul öğretmenliği diploması: Ankara İlköğretmen Okulu ve Lisesi [4 yıl, çift diploma]

IV Çalıştığı Kurumlar (İş Deneyimi): 8. Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Ankara. Öğretim Görevlisi. 7. Şırnak Üniversitesi, Şırnak. Öğretim Görevlisi. 6. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ: Öğretim Görevlisi

Sayfa 1

5. Muğla Üniversitesi, Muğla: Öğretim Görevlisi 4. City University London İngiltere: Öğretim görevlisi ve araştırmacı (Mali hizmetler, İşletme ve Yükseköğretim) 3. Imperial College İngiltere. Araştırmacı. (Kompozit Malzemeler). 2. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara: Araştırma Görevlisi 1. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara: Araştırma Görevlisi ve Bilgisayar Sistem İşletmeni

V Uzmanlık/araştırma alanları: 1. Enerji sistemleri mühendisliği eğitimi ve araştırmaları 2. Malzeme Bilim ve Mühendisliği 3. Nano Bilim ve Mühendisliği 4. Yenilenebilir enerjiler 5. Nanokompozit malzemeler 6. Mühendislikte sosyal çalışmalar: Ekonomi, Finans, Planlama, Etik, Yükseköğretim, İşletme, Politika, Hukuk, İletişim, Halk ve Çevre Sağlığı 7. Özel eğitim uygulaması, eğitim ve öğretim, ölçme ve değerlendirme, hukuk ve politikaları 8. Yükseköğretim uygulaması, eğitim ve öğretim, ölçme ve değerlendirme, hukuku ve politikaları 9. Engelliler uygulaması, hukuku ve politikaları 10. Sağlık eğitimi, uygulaması, hukuku ve politikaları 11. Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri uygulaması, hukuku ve politikaları 12. Ayrımcılık uygulamaları, hukuku ve politikaları 13. İş uygulamaları, hukuku ve politikaları 14. Avrupa politikaları ve hukuku 15. Bilimsel üretim değerlendirme ve ölçümü (Scientometrics] 16. Bilgi güvenliği 17. Deprem Mühendisliği 18. Terörizm 19. Din Bilimleri 20. Arkeoloji

araştırma (SCIE, SSCI ve AHCI atıf dizinlerinde yer alacak şekilde yurt dışı hakemli dergilerde yılda en yüksek oranda makale yayını). İlgili alanlar yukarıda verilmiştir. 2. Danışmanlık hizmetleri: Araştırma alanlarında danışmanlık hizmeti sunumu 3. Eğitim ve öğretim hizmetleri: Araştırma alanlarında eğitim ve öğretim hizmetleri sunumu: Yükseköğretim, hukuk, sosyal politikalar, kamu yönetimi, engelliler, rehabilitasyon, sosyal hizmetler, özel eğitim, eğitim hukuku ve politikaları, malzeme bilim ve mühendisliği, enerji sistemleri mühendisliği, nanokompozit malzemeler, ekonomi, bankacılık ve maliye bilimleri, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri, temel fen bilimleri (matematik, kimya, fizik), iş hukuku ve güvenliği, iş idaresi, işletme, muhasebe, araştırma metotları, istatistik ve ekonometri, sağlık sosyolojisi, sağlık eğitimi, e-eğitim, mali hizmetler 4. Toplum hizmetleri: Araştırma alanlarında toplum hizmetleri sunumu: Engelliler, eğitim, sağlık, mühendisliğin çevre ve halk sağlığı etkileri konusunda ve diğer alanlarda sivil toplum örgütleri ile ve Kamu kurumları ile ortak çalışmalarda bulunmak

VI Hizmet alanları 1. Araştırma ve geliştirme hizmetleri: Mühendislik, Sosyal, İdari ve İnsan Bilimleri alanında disiplinler arası ve karşılaştırmalı

Özcan KONUR’un Özgeçmişi 2014/02 Nisan 2014

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Table 1 Ozcan Konur’s research output [www.okonur.info] Point* A. Journal papers A. 1. International Journal Papers A.1.1 SCI, SSCI, AHCI-indexed full papers A.1.2 Full papers indexed by area indexes A.2. National journal papers A.2.1. Full papers in refereed journals B. Books B. 1. International books B.1.2. International book chapters C. Conferences C.1. International conferences C.1.1 Full-text published presentations C.1.2 Abstract only published presentations C.2. National conferences C.2.1 Full-text published presentations C.2.2 Abstract only published presentations E. Editing E. 1. International editing E.1.2. Editorial Board membership E.1.3. Editing in journal papers E.1.4. Editing in international conferences F. Citations F.1. International Citations F.1.1. Citations in journals indexed by the SCIE SSCI and A&HCI F.1.2. Citations in other international journals F.1.3. Citations in international books H. Teaching H.2.1. Teaching at the preundergraduate and undergraduate levels J. Administrative duties J.1.2. Graduate Institute Secretary, Unit Director J.2.1. University commission memberships Interim sum K. Working papers and abstracts K.1. Working papers K.2. Working paper abstracts L. Institutional studies L.1. Sirnak University L.2. Namik Kemal University L.3. Mugla University M Educational Materials N. Seminars

No Total % 68 1465 39.3 68 1465 39.3


22 545 14.6


46 920 24.7

15 15

0 0

15 15 15


1 15 0.4 1 15 0.4 1 15 0.4 35 425 11.4 30 385 10.3 17 255 6.8


13 130 3.5


5 3

40 30

1.1 0.8





15 5 5

72 380 10.2 72 380 10.2 2 30 0.8 68 340 9.1 2 10 0.3


596 1378 37.0 596 1378 37.0 186 558 15.0


184 368 9.9


226 452 12.1

1 1

15 15

15 15

0.4 0.4


5 2

7 4

0.2 0.1





Table 2 Ozcan Konur’s overview [www.okonur.info]

Citation date

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 Q. Citations in other publications Master theses 0 Research reports 0 Conference proceedings 0 Other sources 0 Interim sum 0 Overall sum *Sirnak University Academic Personnel Promotion Criteria. January 2012.

0 0

0.0 0.0

797 3725 100.0 238 0 0.0 138 0 0.0 100 0 0.0 98 0 0.0 21 0 0.0 58 0 0.0 19 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 2 0 0.0 337 0 0.0 352 0 0.0 26 0 0.0 74 0 0.0 30 0 0.0 223 0 0.0 684 0 0.0 1492 3725 100.0 Appointment and

Number of papers Number of total citations Average number of citations per paper H-index Adjusted Hindex


Web of Knowled ge

Web of Knowled ge-All


30.03.20 14 22

30.03.20 14 74

30.03.2 014 27

Goog le Schol ar 30.03 .2014 29









9.00 8.80

na na

12.00 11.78

8.00 7.86

VII EK: Seçilmiş Yayınları (Çalışmaları) A. Uluslar arası dergi yayınları A.1.1. SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI indeksli dergi yayınları 22. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the production of bioenergy from biomass. Biomass and Bioenergy 47, pp. 504-514. [Biomass Bioenerg]. 21. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the global energy and fuels research: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 30(1), pp. 613-628. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 20. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the biogas research: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 29(2), pp. 1277-1292. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 19. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the social sciences in Turkey: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(4), pp. 1893-1908. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 18. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the educational research: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(4), pp. 1935-1948. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 17. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the Arts and Humanities in Turkey: A scientometric approach. Energy

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Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 4(3), pp. 1603-1618. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 16. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the deaf students in higher education. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 4(3), pp. 1573-1588. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 15. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the students with ADHD in higher education. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 4(3), pp. 1547-1562. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 14. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the biohydrogen: a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 29(1), pp. 323-338. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 13. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the microbial fuel cells: a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 29(1), pp. 309-322 [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 12. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the bioethanol: a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 28(2), pp. 1051-1064. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 11. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the biodiesel: a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 28(2), pp. 1003-1014. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 10. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the biofuels: a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 28(2), pp. 903-916. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 9. Konur, O. (2012) Prof. Dr. Ayhan Demirbas’ scientometric biography. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 28(2), pp. 727-738. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 8. Konur, O. (2011) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the algae and bio-energy. Applied Energy, 88(10), pp. 3532-3540. [Appl. Energ.].


Konur, O. (2007) Computer-assisted teaching and assessment of disabled students in Higher Education: The interface between the academic standards and disability rights, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(3), pp. 207-219. [J Comput Assist Lear]. 6. Konur, O. (2007) A judicial outcome analysis of the Disability Discrimination Act: A windfall for the employers? Disability & Society, 22(2), pp. 187-204. [Disabil Soc]. 5. Konur, O. (2006) Teaching disabled students in Higher Education, Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), pp. 351-363. [Teach High Educ]. 4. Konur, O. (2006) Participation of children with dyslexia in compulsory education: Current public policy issues, Dyslexia, 12(1), pp. 51-67. [Dyslexia]. 3. Konur, O. (2002) Access to Nursing Education by disabled students: Rights and duties of nursing programs, Nurse Education Today, 22(5), pp. 1-11. [Nurs Educ Today]. 2. Konur, O. (2000) Creating enforceable civil rights for disabled students in higher education: an institutional theory perspective, Disability & Society 15(7), pp. 1041-1063. [Disabil Soc]. 1. Konur, O.; Matthews, F. L. (1989) Effect of the properties of the constituents on the fatigue performance of composites: A review, Composites, 20(4), pp. 317-328. [Composites].

A.1.2. Diğer uluslar arası dergi yayınları 46. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Marmara Universities- Part 4. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 365380. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 45. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Marmara Universities- Part 3. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 349-364. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 44. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Marmara Universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 333-348. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 43. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Marmara Universities- Part 1. Energy

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Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 317-332. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 42. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Inner Anatolian Universities- Part 4. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 267-282. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 41. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Inner Anatolian Universities- Part 3. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 5(2), pp. 251-266. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 40. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Akdeniz Universities- Part 3. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 151-166. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 39. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Akdeniz Universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 135-150. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 38. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Akdeniz Universities- Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 119-134. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 37. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Ege Universities- Part 3. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 83-98. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 36. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Ege Universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 67-82. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 35. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research. The Ege Universities- Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 5(1), pp. 51-66. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 34. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Inner Anatolian Universities-Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D:

Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(3), pp. 137-152. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 33. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Inner Anatolian Universities-Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(3), pp. 165-178. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 32. Konur, O. (2013) The evaluation of the research on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): a scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 81-92. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 31. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric study of the global financial research. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 67-80. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 30. Konur, O. (2013) The evaluation of the research on the information security: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 55-66. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 29. Konur, O. (2013) The scientometric study of the financial research in Turkey. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 41-54. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 28. Konur, O. (2013) What have we learned from the research on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)? a mixed study. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 29-40. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 27. Konur, O. (2013) The evaluation of the research on the data protection and privacy: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2) pp. 13-28. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D]. 26. Konur, O. (2013) The evaluation of the research on the cryptography: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part D: Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 5(1-2), pp. 1-12. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-D].

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25. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Karadeniz Universities-Part 3. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 850-856. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 24. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Karadeniz Universities-Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 844-849. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 23. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Karadeniz Universities-Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 836-843. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 22. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Eastern Anatolian Universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 813-819. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 21. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Eastern Anatolian Universities- Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 794-802. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 20. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Southeastern Anatolian Universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 776-781. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 19. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Southeastern Anatolian Universities- Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 763-769. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 18. Konur, O. (2012) What have we learned from the citation classics in Energy and Fuels: A mixed study. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012 (Special Issue), pp. 255-268. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A].

17. Konur, O. (2012) 100 citation classics in Energy and Fuels. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 2012 (special issue), pp. 319-332. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 16. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the biorefinery research: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012 (special issue), pp. 347358. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 15. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the bio-oil research: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012 (special issue), pp. 379-392. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-A]. 14. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the research on the doctoral education: A scientometric approach. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 593-600. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 13. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The 2008 universities- Part 2. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 568-574. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 12. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The 2008 universities- Part 1. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 547-553. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 11. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research: The Sirnak University case. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 521-529. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 10. Konur, O. (2012) The research on the attitudes toward disabled people in the educational settings: a scientometric evaluation. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 250-257. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B]. 9. Konur, O. (2012) The policies and practices for the academic assessment of blind students in higher education and professions. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012 (special issue), pp. 240-244. [Ener Educ Sci Tech-B].

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8. Konur, O. (2012). The evaluation of the global research on the education: A scientometric approach. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, pp. 13631367. [Procd Soc Behv]. 7. Konur, O. 2012. The evaluation of the research on the terrorism; a scientometric approach. Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 4(3), pp. 113-144. [Soc Politic Ec Cultu]. 6. Konur, O. 2012. The gradual improvement of disability rights for the disabled tenants in the UK: the promising road is still ahead. Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 4(3), pp. 71-112. [Soc Politic Ec Cultu]. 5. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the students with learning disabilities in higher education. Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 4(1-2), pp. 1-69. [Soc Politic Ec Cultu]. 4. Konur, O. (2011) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the students with disabilities in higher education. Social Political Economic and Cultural Research 3(2), pp. 81-148. [Soc Politic Ec Cultu]. 3. Konur, O. (2002) Access to employment by disabled people in the UK: Is the Disability Discrimination Act working? International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 5(4), pp. 247-279. [Int J Discriminatio]. 2. Konur, O. (2002) Assessment of disabled students in higher education: current public policy issues. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 27(2), pp. 131-152. [Assessment Evalutio] 1. Konur, O. (1999) Disability Rights Task Force and its recent recommendations: enforceable civil rights for disabled people. Rehab Network no. 55, pp. 18-21.

B. Uluslar arası kitaplar ve kitap bölümleri B.1.2. Uluslar arası kitap bölümleri Konur, O. (2004) Disability and racial discrimination in employment in higher education. In: Law, I.; Phillips, D., Turney, L. (Eds.) Institutional Racism in Higher Education, pp. 83-92. ISBN-10: 1858563135, ISBN-13: 978-1858563138. (Stoke on Trent, UK, Trentham Books).

C. Konferanslar

C.1. Uluslar arası konferanslar C.1.1 Bildiriler (tam metin) 17. Konur, O. (2014) State of the research on the Kurds. Presented in: Turks and Kurds in the Historical Process: International Symposium, January 2014. (Ankara, Turkey, Turkish Historical Society). 16. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric study of the financial research in Turkey. In: International Istanbul Finance Congress 2012, 13-14 June 2012, Istanbul Okan University Tuzla Campus, Istanbul. (Istanbul, Okan University). 15. Konur, O. (2012) The scientometric study of the global financial research. In: International Istanbul Finance Congress 2012, 13-14 June 2012, Istanbul Okan University Tuzla Campus, Istanbul. (Istanbul, Okan University). 14. Konur, O. (2012) The evaluation of the global research on the education: A scientometric approach. In: Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research, February 08-12, 2012, Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus. (North Cyprus). 13. Konur, O. (2011) The evaluation of the research on the terrorism; a Scientometric approach. In: 3rd International Terrorism and Cross-border Crimes Symposium, 9-11 December 2011, Antalya, Turkey (Ankara, Police Academy). 12. Konur, O. (2012) The analysis of the research on the financing of higher education. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 2(X), pp. 1142-1147. P-ISBN 978-975-7912-43-9. E-ISBN 978975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 11. Konur, O. (2011) The scientometric biography of a leading scientist working in the field of bio-energy. In: Karakoc, T. H.; Midilli, A.; Turan, O.; Orman, E.; Tunca, F.; Yazar, I. (Eds.) The 6th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-6) Proceedings. ISBN: 978-605-89885-3-8. (Eskisehir, Turkey, Anadolu University). 10. Konur, O. (2011) The scientometric evaluation of the research on the biofuels. In: Karakoc, T. H.; Midilli, A.; Turan, O.; Orman, E.; Tunca, F.; Yazar, I. (Eds.) The 6th International Green Energy Conference. ISBN: 978-605-89885-3-8. (Eskisehir, Turkey, Anadolu University).

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9. Konur, O. (2012) The analysis of the international research on the Bologna process. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 1(VII), pp. 646-651. P-ISBN 978-975-7912-43-9. E-ISBN 978975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 8. Konur, O. (2012) An analysis of the international research on higher education. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 2(VIII), pp. 705-711. P-ISBN 978-975-7912-43-9. E-ISBN 978975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 7. Konur, O. (2012) The international research performance and ranking of the foundation universities in Turkey. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 3(XIII), pp. 1775-1782. P-ISBN 978-9757912-43-9. E-ISBN 978-975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 6. Konur, O. (2012) A case study on the processes of academic evaluation and quality improvement in Turkish universities. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 2(IX), pp. 856-861. P-ISBN 978975-7912-43-9. E-ISBN 978-975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 5. Konur, O. (2012) Global policies and practices on the access to higher education by students with disabilities. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 3(XIV), pp. 1923-1927. P-ISBN 978-9757912-43-9. E-ISBN 978-975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 4. Konur, O. (2012) International recognition of the research on higher education carried out by Turkish researchers. In: Gunay, D.; Oztemel E. (Eds.) International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues. 2(VIII), pp. 751-757. P-ISBN 978-975-791243-9. E-ISBN 978-975-7912-39-2. (Ankara, Turkish Council of Higher Education). 3. Konur, O. (2003) Access to higher education by disabled students and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In: Proceedings, Joint UK & USA Conference on the Scholarship of

Teaching and Learning (SoTL). (London, City University). 2. Konur, O. (2002) Access to e-learning in higher education by disabled students: current public policy issues. In: S. Banks; P. Goodyear; V. Hodgson; and D. McConnell (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Networked Learning 2002), pp. 406-414. (Sheffield, University of Sheffield and Lancaster, Lancaster University). 1. Konur, O. (2001) Transition from further education to higher education for disabled students, paper presented at the Widening Participation. In: Widening Participation in Higher Education for Disabled Students: Training for Excellence Conference Report, pp. 14-25. (Coventry, Hereward College of Further Education).

C.1.2. Bildiriler (özet) 13. Konur, O. (2003) Explorations of the game of research into sexual harassment in higher education. In: Sex/Sexuality and Relationship Education Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London, the UK, 29 May 2003. (London, University of London). 12. Konur, O. (2002) Emerging public policy issues from a quarter century of the Race Relations Act’s application to staff in higher education for access to higher education employment by disabled people. In. Institutional Racism in HE Conference, 3rd July 2002. (Leeds, University of Leeds). 11 Konur, O. (2002) Scholarship of teaching, learning and assessment of disabled students in higher education. In: Second UK & US Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), 23-24 May 2002. (London, City University, University of East London). 10. Konur, O. (2001) Participation of visuallydisabled students in Further and Higher Education: Current public policy issues. In: ABAPSTAS Annual Conference, University of Manchester, Manchester, 31 August 20012 September 2001. (London, ABAPSTAS). 9. Konur, O. (2001) Disabled students in Higher Education: current legal and policy issues with regard to teaching and learning. In. Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Annual Conference, ILTAC 2001, York, 4-6 July 2001 (York,

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Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education). 8. Konur, O. (2001) Disabled students and scholarship of teaching and learning. In. First Annual Joint UK & USA Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), London, 6 June 2001 (London, City University; University of East London). 7. Konur, O. (2001) Disabled students and assistive technology in further and higher education: Current legal and policy issues. In. J. Bound, R. Coleman (Eds.) (2001) Include 2001: International Conference on Inclusive (Universal) Design and Communications, 18-20 April 2001, (London, Royal College of Art). 6. Konur, O. (2001) Disability and higher education: Current legal and policy issues. In: Association of University Administrators Ninth Annual Conference: Promoting Excellence in Higher Education Management, University of Exeter, Exeter, 10 April 2001 (London, AUA). 5. Konur, O. (2001) Students’ Unions: Current legal and policy issues. In. Association of University Administrators Ninth Annual Conference: Promoting Excellence in Higher Education Management, University of Exeter, Exeter, 11 April 2001 (London, AUA). 4. Konur, O. (2001) Disabled students in higher education and quality: Current public policy issues. In: Sixth QHE Seminar. The End of Quality? Birmingham, 25–26 May, 2001. 3. Konur, O. (2000). Research Students in Arts and Design. In: Research Degrees in Arts and Design Institute, 20-27 September 2000 (London: London Institute). 2. Konur, O. (2000) Disabled postgraduate students: current legal and policy issues. In: 11th Annual National Postgraduate Committee Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 20 August 2000 (London, National Postgraduate Committee). 1. Konur, O. (1999) Higher education and the disability research process: the role of the literature review process. In. 5th Postgraduate Education Discussion Group Conference: Read it All about it: Literature Reviews in the Research Process, Keele University, Staffordshire, 27 November 1999.

C.2.1. Bildiriler (tam metin) 3. Konur, O. (2008) A preliminary study on the publication behaviour of the academic staff affiliated with Namik Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture. In: Yardimci, H. (Ed.) Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Serial Publishing 2. Editorials Workshop [Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Süreli Yayıncılık 2. Editörler Çalıştayı], pp. 107-130. (Ankara, TUBİTAK-ULAKBIM). [Turkish]. 2. Konur, O (2008) Rules and journals regarding the papers published by the Faculties of Medicine of Turkey In: Yilmaz, O. (Ed.) Serial Publishing in Health Sciences- 2008, [Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık-2008], pp. 127-131. (Ankara, TUBİTAK ULAKBİM). [Turkish]. 1. Konur, O.; Ankara, A. (1986) The relations between the extent of the post-cure and moisture absorption in epoxy matrix composites. In. Fourth Metallurgical Congress, November 1986, Ankara, Turkey, Proceedings, pp. 861-868 (Ankara, Turkey, Metallurgical Engineering Society). [Turkish].

C.2.2. Bildiriler (özet) 2. Konur, O. (2011) The access by disabled students into the teacher education programs. In. 20th National Educational Sciences Convention. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey, 8th-11th September 2011 (Burdur, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University). [Turkish]. 1. Konur, O. (2006) An analytical look into the discussions about academic freedom and accountability in higher education. Kamu Yönetimi Forumu Kayfor IV; Kuramdan Uygulamaya (Yönetim ve Reform), Mugla, 810 Kasım 2006, Mugla (Mugla, Mugla University). [Turkish]

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