Dolphins by Abbey. Dolphins are mammals that live in the sea

Dolphins by Abbey Dolphins are mammals that live in the sea. They have blow holes to breathe through. They can jump out of the sea. Dolphins talk usi...
Author: Percival Perry
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Dolphins by Abbey

Dolphins are mammals that live in the sea. They have blow holes to breathe through. They can jump out of the sea. Dolphins talk using clicks I like dolphins because they give us lots of fun and we can go for a ride on them

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals A dolphin is a mammal. They can’t breath under the water like fish can. They have a strong nose to attack sharks. Dolphins can jump out of the water and are fun to watch

By Tiago

Sharks A shark is a sea animal. Sharks can smell 2 km away. A tiger shark can eat anything like a wheel and rubbish bins. A shark can smell blood.

My conclusion is sharks are in danger from oil and people.

By Thomas

Turtles Turtles live up to 80 years. They live in the sea and on the land. They live and eat and rest a lot. Turtles are in danger from people

By Summer

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals They are mammals. Dolphins eat baby sharks. Dolphins live in the sea. Dolphins are nice and good at tricks

By Stuart

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals

By Scarlett

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals There are 36 different kinds of ocean dolphins. Dolphins eat fish and squid. Dolphins stay under water for up to 15 minutes. Dolphins are a cool sea animal

By Savannah

Sharks Shark are a scary sea animal The tiger shark likes to eat almost anything including other sharks and seals. Sharks don’t breed very often. Some mother sharks lay eggs. I think sharks are good not bad.

By Sam

Turtles Turtles are sea animals. Turtles are hunted by us to use for their leather. Turtles get caught in fishermen’s nets. Foxes and birds also eat the little baby turtles. I like turtles they are dying out because people are killing them.

By Reef

Dolphins A dolphin is a playful sea animal Dolphins travel together in pods for company. Dolphins give birth to babies. Dolphins have a blow hole to breath through. Dolphins are sea mammals. I like dolphins because they do tricks.

By Nathan

Dolphins A dolphin is a sea animal A dolphin can do tricks. It can hold it’s breath before coming up for air. They are playful animals. They are playful and fun to look at.

By Mia

Marlin Sword fish are very big Girls are bigger than boys. They live for up to 27 years. They have very big sharp noses. Marlin are smaller than sword fish. I like sword fish because they are really hard to catch

By Luka

Dolphins A dolphin is a playful sea animal Dolphins are mammals that have babies. Dolphins have a blow hole to breath air through. There are different types of dolphins like the Hector dolphin and common bottle nosed dolphin. I think dolphins are nice mammals because they do tricks and are friendly to us.

By Kyra

Turtles A turtle is a sea animal that has 4 flippers. There are 270 different kinds of turtles. Turtles can live for more than one year without food. My conclusion is turtles are cool

By Josh

Turtles Turtles live in the sea Sea turtles eat sea grass, algae, crabs, and sponges. About 1 of 7 types of sea turtles are endangered. The largest sea turtle is the leather back turtle. Sea turtles are excellent swimmers and divers. I think that turtles are cool swimmers and they have sharp beaks.

By Jake

Dolphins A dolphin is a playful sea animal Dolphins are mammals that give birth to babies. Dolphins have a blow hole to breath through. Dolphins travel together in pods for company. Dolphins travel in cold water.

Conclusion: I feel excited when I see Dolphins

By Ethan

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals Dolphins swim in groups called pods. Dolphins breath air through their blow hole. Hector dolphins are special to New Zealand. There are only about 800 Hector dolphins left. I think that dolphins are friendly and can do tricks

By Emma

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals Dolphins are mammals. There are different kinds of dolphins. 1. The bottle nose dolphin 2. Hectors dolphin 3. Common dolphin My conclusion on dolphins are that they are special and we need to help protect them.

By Emily

Sharks A shark is a scary sea animal, it has rough skin They are so scary they scare people to death. The whale shark is found in New Zealand and barks like a dog. The great white shark is the most fierce shark in the world.

My conclusion is they are scary to swim with.

By Danny

Turtles A turtle is a hard shelled animal that can live in the water and on land A turtle can lay lots of eggs on land. Turtles swim a long way. Turtles need to come up to breath air. I feel that turtles are in danger from people

By Cameron

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals

By Anton

Dolphins Dolphins are playful sea animals Dolphins are mammals that have babies. Dolphins have a blow hole . Dolphins travel together in pods for company. I like it when dolphins take you for a ride

By Alex