Divisions of the Nervous system

Chapter 7 - Nervous System Overview; Neurons Nervous system: •  Provides rapid, brief responses to stimuli Endocrine system: •  Adjusts metabolic oper...
Author: Joanna Cummings
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Chapter 7 - Nervous System Overview; Neurons Nervous system: •  Provides rapid, brief responses to stimuli Endocrine system: •  Adjusts metabolic operations and directs longterm changes Nervous system includes: •  All the neural tissues of the body  Brain, spinal cord, nerves •  Basic unit = the neuron 1!

Divisions of the Nervous system CNS (Central Nervous system) •  Brain and spinal cord PNS (Peripheral Nervous system) •  Neural tissues outside CNS •  Afferent division brings sensory information to CNS from receptors •  Efferent division carries motor commands to effectors from CNS



Neurons - Schematic Neuron


Neuron Anatomy

Figure 7.2



Parts of a Neuron - Cell Membrane Membranes contain different types of channels

Leak channels

Gated channels •  Voltage-gated •  Ligand-gated (chemically-gated) •  Mechanically-gated

Na+/K+ ATPase pump

Not in current edition of text


Parts of a “Typical” Neuron

Dendrites (many) •  Receive information from other neurons •  Carry information towards cell body •  Do not typically generate nerve impulses (action potentials) Axon (one only) •  Connects to cell body at axon hillock •  Carries information away from cell body •  Initial segment generates action potentials



Parts of a Neuron

Telodendria •  Small branches at the end of an axon Synaptic terminals - ends of the telodendria •  a.k.a. axon endings, synaptic end bulbs, boutons, synaptic knobs •  Store neurotransmitter •  Release neurotransmitter in response to nerve impulses 7!

Neuron Classification Schemes Neurons are classified: •  Structurally (based upon anatomy) •  Functionally (based upon physiology)



Structural Classification - Unipolar Neurons •  Unipolar = one process attached to cell body •  Are sensory neurons •  Cell bodies in dorsal root ganglion •  Up to 1 meter long!!

Direction of information flow


Bipolar neuron •  Bipolar = two short processes attached to cell body •  Relatively rare Direction •  Sensory neurons of information •  Eye, ear, nose flow



Multipolar Neuron Multipolar •  More than two processes attached to cell body •  Most common type of neuron •  e.g. motor neurons innervating skeletal muscles

Direction of information flow


Functional Classification of Neurons Sensory = afferent neurons •  Carry information towards CNS Motor = efferent neurons •  Carry information away from CNS Interneuron = association = internuncial neurons •  Carry information within the CNS



Neuroglia or Glial Cells (that you should know about) Neuroglia = “nerve glue” A. Glial cells of the CNS: 1. Ependymal cells 2. Astrocytes 3. Oligodendrocytes 4. Microglia B. Glial cells of the PNS Schwann cells 13!

Ependymal Cells and Astrocytes 1. Ependymal cells: •  Assist in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production •  Assist in CSF circulation 2. Astrocytes - “star cells” •  Maintain blood-brain barrier •  Support neurons physically, physiologically •  Repair damage → scar 14!


Oligodendrocytes and Microglia 3. Oligodendrocytes = “few branches” compared to astrocytes •  Myelinate CNS axons (speeds up nerve impulses) •  Myelinate more than one axon at a time (in contrast to Schwann cells in PNS) 4. Microglia - “small” •  Phagocytic Remove cell debris, wastes, pathogens


PNS Glial Cells - 1

(Figure 7.3a)

Schwann cells (neurilemmocytes) •  Myelinate peripheral axons (myelin sheath) •  Myelination speeds up action potential •  Myelin sheath also important in axon repair



Schwann Cells - 2

(Figure 7.3b, c)



Membrane Potentials

Action Potential (“nerve impulse”) 18!


The Transmembrane Potential (1 of 2) •  Transmembrane potential = Electrochemical gradient •  “Potential” = voltage difference across a membrane •  Arises from chemical and electrical forces acting across the cell membrane •  Usually reported in millivolts (mV) •  Inside of membrane is negative compared to the outside of the membrane


The Transmembrane Potential (2 of 2) Factors determining transmembrane potential Flux = P • ΔC a.  Ion concentration differences [Na+] and [K+], inside vs. outside cell b. Membrane permeability differences for ions Membrane channel types: •  Leak channels •  Gated channels



Types of Potentials (1 of 2) 1. Resting (membrane) potential •  Voltage difference across the cell membrane for an unstimulated (“resting”) cell 2. Equilibrium potential (for a particular ion) •  Membrane voltage at which electrical and concentration difference forces acting on an ion are equal •  No net diffusion of the ion occurs at this membrane potential 21!

Types of Potentials (2 of 2) 3. Graded potentials •  Local changes in membrane potential due to chemical or physical changes in the membrane •  Do not self-regenerate or spread over long distances 4. Action potentials •  Self-regenerating changes in membrane potential due to chemical or physical changes in the membrane •  Spread over long distances (along axons) 22!


Resting Membrane Potential (1 of 5)

•  Concentration differences •  Na+/K+ ATPase pump •  Permeability differences •  Electrical potential difference across membrane •  Overall charges 23!

Resting Membrane Potential (2 of 5)

•  Concentration differences •  Na+/K+ ATPase pump •  Permeability differences •  Electrical potential difference across membrane •  Overall charges 24!


Resting Membrane Potential (3 of 5)

•  Concentration differences •  Na+/K+ ATPase pump •  Permeability differences •  Electrical potential difference across membrane •  Overall charges 25!

Resting Membrane Potential (4 of 5)

•  Concentration differences •  Na+/K+ ATPase pump •  Permeability differences •  Electrical potential difference across membrane •  Overall charges 26!


Resting Membrane Potential (5 of 5)

•  Concentration differences! •  Na+/K+ ATPase pump! •  Permeability differences! •  Electrical potential difference ! across membrane! •  Overall charges!


Equilibrium Potential – Important, but not difficult •  Membrane potential at which electrical and concentration difference forces on a particular ion are equal (Nernst equation) •  This results in NO NET MOVEMENT of the ion across the membrane. Eion= (-58mV) log [ion]inside = ? mV [ion]outside Equilibrium potential for K+ (EK+) = -90 mV Equilibrium potential for Na+ (ENa+) = +66 mV 28!


Changes in the Transmembrane Potential Membrane at rest = “polarized” Ions cross the membrane through: 1.  Leak channels - always open 2.  Gated channels - open or closed a. Chemically-gated (ligand-gated) channels b. Voltage-gated channels c. Mechanically-gated channels


1. Leak (Passive) Channels Always open •  Ions “leak” down their electrochemical gradients e.g. K+ leak channels, Na+ leak channels •  Size, charge, etc. determine which ion(s) can pass through a channel •  Determine resting permeabilities for membrane •  PK at rest 50 - 100x greater than PNa+ •  There are 50 – 100x as many K+ leak channels



2A. Chemically-gated Channels Open after binding a specific chemical (ligand) E.g. Acetylcholine receptor Binding of ACh changes shape of receptor. •  Channel becomes permeable to both Na+ and K+. •  Which ion will move most rapidly through this channel??? •  What will be the effect of this ion’s movement on the membrane potential??? •  Why??? 31!

2B. Voltage-gated Channels •  Channel opens and/or closes in response to changes in membrane potential •  Important in action potential conduction, neurotransmitter release from end bulbs •  E.g. voltage-gated K+, Na+ and Ca2+ channels

2C. Mechanically-gated Channels •  Open or close in response to physical distortion •  e.g. touch, pressure receptors



Depolarization and Hyperpolarization

Depolarization Inside more positive than at rest e.g. Na+ enters cell

Hyperpolarization Inside more negative than at rest e.g. K+ leaves cell e.g. Cl- enters cell 33!

Action Potential - Introduction A sudden major change in membrane potential Is an All-or-none phenomenon: Either an action potential happens or it doesn’t! •  Occurs when membrane reaches a specific membrane voltage called threshold •  Does not degrade over long distances •  Depends upon the presence of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels •  At threshold, voltage-gated Na+ channels open 34!


Membrane Potential (mV)

Action Potential Recording

(Goodenough, 2005)





-70! Membrane polarized



Action Potential - Resting Membrane Potential Resting membrane Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Closed Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Closed Chemically-gated channels •  Closed Resting Potential

Leak channels for both ions are open and are unaffected by the voltage changes to come. 36!


Action Potential - “Step #1” Chemically-gated Na+ channels open. Local current flow depolarizes membrane towards threshold, but threshold has not been reached. #1

Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Closed Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Closed


Action Potential - “Step #2” Threshold reached at -45 mV. Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Open #2

Na+ entry depolarizing cell membrane Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Closed



Action Potential - “Step #3” #3

Membrane depolarizes to about +30mV Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Closed Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Change in voltage causes these to open •  K+ efflux begins repolarization


Action Potential - “Step 4” Re- and Hyperpolarization Membrane potential greater (more negative) than at rest Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Closed #4

Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Open until voltage reaches about -90 mV



Action Potential - Back to Rest Back to resting conditions Voltage-gated Na+ channels •  Closed Voltage-gated K+ channels •  Closed Note that leak channels have remained open throughout this process Back to resting potential 41!

Action Potential Conduction Velocity Action potential velocity is influenced by: 1. Axon diameter •  ↑ Fiber diameter → ↑ velocity 2. Presence of electrical insulation (myelin) •  ↑ electrical insulation → ↑ velocity



Saltatory Conduction - Myelinated Neuron

. . . . . .

Action potential jumps from node to node. 43!

Chemical Synapses

Figure 7.6a



Information Flow •  • 

Action potential travels along an axon Information passes from presynaptic neuron to postsynaptic neuron


Information Processing (2)

Post-synaptic cell receives many inputs Effect of presynaptic cell activity on postsynaptic cell’s membrane = postsynaptic potential 46!


Postsynaptic Potentials Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential - EPSP •  Postsynaptic cell moved closer to threshold •  More likely to fire action potential Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential - IPSP •  Postsynaptic cell moved further from threshold •  Less likely to fire action potential


Summation Postsynaptic potentials are added together •  If initial segment reaches threshold → action potential •  If initial segment does not reach threshold → no action potential Temporal summation •  Single synapse active repeatedly Spatial summation •  Different synapses active at same time 48!


Summation Scheme

Temporal summation: Neuron A fires repeatedly Spatial summation: Neurons A and B fire at the same time 49!

EPSPs and IPSPs: Effects and Interactions




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