Provisional version as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 Ap ril 2010)

Islamic Rep ublic of Afghanistan Independent Directorate of Local Governance DISTRICT DELIVERY PROGRAM

DISTRICT ASSESSMENT REPORT Behsood District, Nangarhar Province

Prepared By: Abdul Baqi Omari

Dat e: 12/5/2010

Provisional version as 0/15 April 1010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Table of Contents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

General Information . .. .. ... .. ... .. ........ ... . ............. . ...... . ................................ 3 Executive sulTUTlary ..... . ... ........................................ ................................ 3-4 Political Moderation ................... . ............ ... ...... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ......... 4-9 safe and Secure environment. .. ................................ , ........ . " ......... . ............. 10-11 Rule of Law ................................ ............ ... ..... .. ......... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... . 14- 18 Service Delivery ..... .. .... .. .. .. ... .. . ... ..... .......... ... . .............. .. ..... .. ................ 19-20 Conclusion .................. . ......................... .. ...... .. ......... ............ ... ............... 21 Recommendation......... ........... ............. .. . . ..... ... .. ... ... ...22 Proposed projects: ........................... .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. . ......... .......... ... ... ... .. ... 22



Provisional version as 0/15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

I. General Information: 1. The Be hsood District Assessment process was co nducted on 5th may through advisory mobile tea m assigned by IDLGjDDP .th is assessment was focused on four sections as follows: 1. Politica l moderation and stable governance 2. safe and secure environment 3. Rule of law 4. susta inable econo my 5. service delivery The purpose of assessment was to collect of necessary info rmation about the exist ing situations of district at above mentioned areas. Behsood is one of the central districts of Na ngarhar province located at the vicinity of Jalalabad city. At t he northern part distri ct is connected with koozkunar district (shewa), north east is enclosed with Kama district, south part is co nnected to rodat district, whi lst the eastern part is co nnected with Bati koot District, south east is enclosed with chaprahar and western part is co nnected with Jala labad city and Su rkhrood district Total area of district is 22km sq and height from ocea n is population is 250000, this district covering 52 big villages and 104 small villages. 11. Executive su mmary: District Develop m ent Assembly (DDA) is presence in Behsood, there is absence of di strict co uncil. DDA is cooperated w ith the Offi ce of District Gove rnor. Numbers of NGOs are wo rkin g in the secto r of Public health, Agricu lture, for the delivery of services in related parts but th ere is no perman ent presence of other non gove rnmental organization s and civil society's in st it ution s to represent popu lar interests, just traditiona lly in stitution s like tribal jirga is very popular. There is need for ASOP. Through community mob ili zation we can engage the community eld ers in ASOP activities; t hey wi ll support th e ASOP through th eir direct participation in governance and social and economic development also community participation in M& E process w ill improve the service delivery progra m . The capacity of DGO and line departments is not in a sufficient level to response to the people and residents' needs and req uirements .still there is no computers and internet system and also they don't have a properly filling systems and registration The whole areas of the district are under coverage of government control and important challenges are the shortage of police staff. The most important crimes in district are dispute between residents, traffic aCcidents, and robbery. The Hada village, joylO-l l, Naghloo and seracha villages located at the vic inity of Nangarhar airport is the most vuln erable areas. Majority of people in this district are engaged in the sector of Agricu lture and livestock . Du e to th e vicinity of district to city a numbe r of people have busin ess in ja lalabad city .the mai n loca l products are rice, vegetab les, wheat, corn and animal products. There is no drug produ ct ion and cultiva tion. Agriculture services are delivering through number of partner NGOs like Root of Peace, ADT, JICA and FAG. (16) Demonstration plots of different crops are established and is ongoing, train ing workshops for farmers are arranged by root of peace with focusing on production of industrial


Provisional version as of 15 April 1010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

crops, Ag.exte nsion services delivery program is not sufficient and is not based on standard guideline. The education program at district level is going on in accordance the national standard guideline throu gh government, th e non Gove rnm ent organizations also following t he mentioned guide .totally there are 29 schools in besood di strict .24 are male school s and 5 are fema le schools .number of stud ents are 42057. (28512) are boys and (13545) are girls .number of teach ers are 846, 706 are ma le and 131 are femal e. The pu bl ic he alth program s at di strict level is goin g on ba se of Basic Packa ge to health services and also all impl em enting non government al organization in this field are obliged to follow-up the sa me process und er the supervi sio n of MoPH. The presence health delivery syste m at th is district is not sufficient to perfectly respond to the people needs and requ ire m ents. The mai n portion (80%) of se rvice delivery in the sector of health is implementing throu gh non governmental organizations and the rest (20%) is deliverin g by government. Th e justice delivery system in Behsoud district is not goi ng ba sed on a standard guideline, th is syste m is composed of law department, police chief, Attorney and judiciary .service delivery is provided by these 4 entities .du e to the secure envi ronment in Behsood district there is no insurgent role in se rvice delivery. District Assessment Repot

1. Political Moderation and Stable Governance District Development Assembly (DOA) is presence in Behsood, there is absence of district co uncil. DDA is very coo perated with the Office of District Governor. Numbe rs of NGOs are working in the secto r of Public health, Agriculture, for the delivery of services in related parts but there is no active presence of other non governmental organizations and civil society's institutions to represent popular interests, just t raditionally institutions like tribal jirga;s very popular. There is need for ASap. Based on interview with District governor and DDA chief, approximate ly 90% of rural population supported the government, the DDA and other rural popu lation wi ll support the DDP and also based on past experiences in district th at people are will ing to cooperate with imp lementers on t he way of district development and strengthened government, they are ready to support the ODP very enthusiastically, there is no any significant spoi ler gro ups. Good service delivery and implementation of projects based on population need cou ld be assisted to strengthen the pro-government group and neut ralize the anti government elements. The following problems could be brought to in ASap: • • •


Ca pacity bu ilding issue which is most necessa ry to increase the capa city of local staff Focus of community needs and requirements based on their population rate good service delivery that will ensure t ransparency and accountability

Provisional version as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

• Community em powe rment in decision making process. • Sa lary to the encourage of local staff • Social and economic development issue Through community mobilization we can engage the community elders in ASOP activities; they will support the ASOP through their direct participation in governance and socia l and economic development also community participation in M& E process will improve the service delivery progra m. A separate media channe ls at district leve l are not presence the central area's people have access to listen and wa t ch the jalalabad media information through TV and radios broadcasted from Jalalabad whilst the population of far vill ages are not afford to wa tch t he TV programs due to the la ck of electricity. Mul lahs of Mosq ues in different villages of district del ive ring so me important messages during Friday preachments in accorda nce the Islamic sharya and law. Women and men have access to info rmat ion through Nanga rhar and sharq Radio . Based on interview with releva nt di strict officials there is no specific so urce for the loca l st aff in capaci ty building. During last year 5 different workshops and sem inars we re conducted for local st affs t hro ugh differe nt orga nizations. The PRR process is not co mpleted for whole district staffs ju st the staffs of th e office of governor, department of justice and MAil passed the PRR process and th e rest departme nts are not came under PRR process and there was a shortfa ll in the sectors of Irrigation, attorney, communication . PRR st aff in Office of governor, MAIL, law departme nts are pa id the new pay grade .they are paid on regu lar base. The capacity of DGO and line departments is not in a sufficient level to response t o the people and residents' needs and requirements .still there is no computer and int ernet system and also they don't have a properly filling systems and registration .the most important capacity prob lem is the lack of modern management knowledge, comp uter skills. Most of the line departments induded police don't have a space for their office works .a ll of them are working in one building which has no sufficient rooms for each departments. They need immediately for a sufficient and suita ble building t o be hired for the longer time they nee d for their own building to be construct ed. Conducting profess ional workshops and seminars for their staff are most essential fo r im mediate and longer time based on their require ments. Based on interview with district governor and ot her re levant st aff there ;s no specific non govern menta l organ izations in the district.


Provisional version as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 Ap ril 2010)

Table 1 Indicators

Score (1-5)

Rep resentative governance Popu lar support to t he government (overall) District ce nter Rural areas Popu la r rea di ness to engage in development planning


2 2 3

Table 2 Score (1-5)

Mai n informat ion-channels (face-toface co mmun icat ion, Friday prayers, radio/TV, newspape rs, etc.)

l't chan nel

2nd chan nel

3' chan nel

By residence Dist rict center Rural areas

3 2

By gender Men Women


3 2


Radio &TV Face Face


Com ments

Provisional version

as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Table 3

Authorized tashkeel, No


District Governor's Office Supreme Court

Mo' Hajj/Religious Affa irs Education Communica tions Agriculture Energy & Water MRRO Justice Attorney General

6 6 2


No 5 6 3 2



100 100 100 100

5 6 3 2

26 2 6



2 5

2 5




2 3

2 2 5




Staff physically present No %

Staff on the payroll


100 100

Vacancy, No

Staff receiving benefits under the PRR/Pay & Grade Reform, No

1 0


a a


2 2 5

a a a a a a





Provisional version as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Tab le 4




District Governor's Office Supreme Court

MoF Hajj/Religious Affairs Education Communications Agriculture Ene rgy & Water

3 1

2 1 2 588 2 1

291 4 1

2 1 3






Incom pl



Justice Attorney General TOTAL



2 1

Years of relevant experience




formal educati






More than 10


1 1 1 9

Completed esc basic or advanced tra ining



350 02 1 1










2 1

1 1


Provisional version as of 15 AprilZOlO Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Table 5 Quality {15)

Item Physical infrastructure Office bu ilding Residence Meeting hall District Council building Guesthouse Wate r tank Septic tank Deep well Perimeter walls

Number (if app licable)





Guard t owers (4) Power supply Equipment Generator Veh icles


There is no residence bui lding There is no meeting hall There is no district counci l bu il ding There is no any kind of guest house There is no any kind of water tan k There is no any kind of septic Just one handle pump well There is j ust one pe rimeter wa ll constructed from raw materials Just one simple watch man room There is no regular power su pply There is no generator There is no vehicle in the office of

DGO Radio Telephone

No Radio With out private mobile phone there is no any kind of telephone. No internet facil ity No computer No printer No fax machine No ph oto copy ma chin e Just a limited number of cabinets which are ve ry old

Internet Compute rs Printers Fax machine Photocopy machine Filing cabinets/book shelves Table 6 Type of nongovernment organization Cultural Religious Professional Women's Youth's Economic Cha r ity and welfare Others



Approximate membe rsh ip



Support t o the Government


- ---

- --


Provisional version os of 15 April 2010 Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

2. Safe and Secure Environment The whole areas of the district are under coverage of government control and important challenges are the shortage of po lice staff and existence of the broad geographica lly areas for instance the highway between toorkham and jalalabad is passed from this district often need to oversee the events of crime along the road. The Hada village, joylO-ll, Naghloo and seracha villages located at the vicinity of Nangarhar airport is the most vulnerable areas which are parts of be hsood district .attacks mostly happened in hada and airport areas . Government offices, airport and 'house holds around the mentioned places are also vulnerable targets. People have access to all public and private institutions in behsood district. The government official can easily visit officially from all parts of behsood district. Table 7 Score Government control (overall) District center Rural areas Freedom of movement for civil servants (without armed escorts, overall) District center Rural areas -- -- Tab le 8


Afghan National Police (checkpoints and other installations) Government buildings Schools (tota l) Girls' schools Healthcare facilities (clinics, hospitals, etc.) Infrastructure objects (irrigatio n, electric power, communication facilities and systems, etc.) Private businesses (banks and others) Individual government officials Prominent local leaders 10


No of attacks (1388)



5 4 5

5 4



Average per month Wint er mont hs

Summer mont hs

Area(s) where most attacks took place Airport area


There is significant attack


Provisional version as 0/ 15 April 1010 Version 2 las of 15 April 2010)

Table 9

Institution Schools (male) Schools (female) Healthcare facilities (male) Healthcare facilities (female) Banks Markets Government institutions Others



Degree of popular access

28512 13545 70301 90000


Provisional version as of 15 April 2010 Version 2 (as of 15 April 20l0)

3. Rule of Law The most important crimes in districf"are dispute between residents, traffic accidents, and robbery Based on interview 90% people are inte rested to solve their problems t hrough governmental organizations .th e primarily provid ing dispute resolution services provided by justice department (Huqooq) at district level .formal mechanism is existed ,they are working .the traditional system is also existing named Jirga,it is also working in rura l areas . . People have trust on police .attorney department, justice department (haqooq), national security departments are the other law enforcement alternatives that peopl e are proportionally rely on them.but they are not acted most effectively and independently. Table 10 Total

Crime Viol ent crime Terrorism Murder

Forcible rate Robbery Aggravated assault Property crime Bu rglary larceny-theft Motor vehicle theft Arson



Area(s) where most crime took place


Hada,aiport area Zangoee,tangee khoshk,bahrabad,Mowlaee family,khyalee khaJis qala,farm-ehad a, bi neega h, puI-isaracha,ka keran,ka riz - ighondee

2 11


Khosh gonbad,saracha




Khosh gonbad



Table 11


District ce nter Rural areas

121 :.1;,(1.

Public confidence in the police {score, 15) 4


Public confidence in the state judici.ary (score, 1-5)

Proportion of disputes resolved through the alternative justice systems

3 2




Provisional version as of 15 April 2010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Table 12

Sector I. Government

Provincial govemor's office District governor's office Municipality Provincial Council District Development Assembly (or other representative body at the district level) Police Courts Prosecutors Educat ion Healthcare


Types of corruption 1

Level of corruption (l5)




Social tole rance (1-5)

Factors contributin to corruotion Other Economic Social

Provisional version as of 15 April 2010 Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

1. Sustainable economy Majority of people in this district are engaged in the sector of Agricultu re and livestock. Due to the vicinity of district to city a number of people have business in jalalabad city .the main local products are rice, vegetables, wheat, corn and animal products. There is no drug production and cultivation. Due to the lack of drug cultivation there is no any kind of corruption about t he concerned issue. Based on interview with different layers of district there is exi sten ce of corruption at different level of district authority but due to the lack of exact data we could not acquired the necessary information in t his regard, following are the main causes of corruption: i-salary low scale 2-n o respect to rule and regula tion 3-weakness rule of law 4-low capacity ofthe law enforcement institutions 5-interferences of some high governmental officials in the enforcement and justice orga nizations



affairs of law

Provisional version as of 15 Apri' 1010

Version 2 (as of 15 April 2010)

Tab le 13 Type of crop

Total area under cultivation Oareeb or hectar)

Percentage of fanners producing this crop

Percentage of farmers who simultaneously produce poppy

Input sources (seed, sapling, agricultural chemicals)' % on'" ::l. 3