Devon Preparatory School

The Devon Dialogue volume v, issue ii | december 2013 Devon Preparatory School proudly publishing for five decades Turkey Bowl Devon Prep’s senior...
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The Devon Dialogue

volume v, issue ii | december 2013

Devon Preparatory School

proudly publishing for five decades Turkey Bowl

Devon Prep’s seniors battle for the championship spot in the annual “Turkey Bowl.” See Page 4

Sunny Trip to Florida The Senior Class takes a trip to sunny Naples, Florida. See Page 3

Open Arms

Devon Prep welcomes visitors and prospective students in its annual open house. See Page 2

The Light of Journalistic Endeavor Devon Prep students are inducted into the Quill and Scroll Society. See Below.

Music Society Scores

Passing the Literary Light

CJ Nave ’15

James Stanish ’14, Co-Deputy Editor-in-Chief

T he Devon Prep Music Societ y has been ha rd at work, pract ici ng a nd prepa r i ng for a l l t he wonder f u l t h i ngs it has i n store t h is school yea r. T h is was ev ident by t he wonder f u l Gra ndpa rents’ Day Concer t. Ja zz Ba nd played t he classic 1950’s t u ne “Ja i l house Rock,” t he a lways recog n i zable “Sta r Wa rs: Ma i n T heme,” a nd, to get ready for t he hol idays, a n encore of “Ji ng le Bel ls.” Chora l Tide sa ng “Do You Love Me” a nd “Ma mbo Ita l ia no” a mong ot hers, a nd R ip Tide wowed t he aud ience w it h its 3 a nd 4-pa r t ha r mon ies. St udent soloists A nd rew Loper ’15, CJ Nave ’15, Drew Brek us ’14, Michael Nicolas ’16, Er ick O’Br ien ’16, a nd Brenda n McGrat h ’17 a l l per for med wonder f u l ly for g ra ndpa rents, specia l ot hers, st udents, a nd facu lt y.

Ever y December, R ip Tide goes a rou nd to loca l elderly residences a nd per for ms Ch r ist mas ca rols i n a t r ue d isplay of g iv i ng back to t he com mu n it y. T he residents a lways enjoy t hemselves a nd of ten joi n i n to t hei r favor ite Ch r ist mas classics, i nclud i ng “W h ite Ch r ist mas,” “O Come A l l Ye Fa it h f u l,” a nd “We W ish You a Mer r y Ch r ist mas.” A f ter a l l, Buddy t he El f says, “T he best way to spread Ch r ist mas cheer is si ng i ng loud for a l l to hea r.”

On November 21, t he Devon Prepa rator y Chapter of t he Qu i l l a nd Scrol l Inter nat iona l Honor Societ y for Hig h School Jou r na l ists welcomed eig hteen new members i nto its ra n k s. For t he fou r t h yea r, aspi r i ng jou r na l ists were recog n i zed for t hei r stel la r work for The Devon Dialog ue. T he ceremony was led by Mr. Law rence T heuer as wel l as cu r rent members of t he Societ y a nd The Devon Dialog ue. Fou nded i n 1926 by renow ned pol lster George H. Ga l lup at t he Un iversit y of Iowa, t he Qu i l l a nd Scrol l Societ y seek s to recog n i ze t he outsta nd i ng jou r na l ist ic work of h ig h school st udents t h roug hout t he world. To date, t he Qu i l l a nd Scrol l Societ y has chapters i n a l l f i f t y states a nd for t y-fou r cou nt r ies. In order to be accepted i nto t he Devon Prep Chapter, a st udent must ma i nta i n at least a 3.00 GPA for t he last t wo semesters a nd cont r ibute at least t wo a r t icles to t he Dia log ue, as wel l as ga i n approva l

f rom t he E xecut ive Boa rd of t he Qu i l l a nd Scrol l. T he i nduct ion ceremony welcomed new members a nd honored its ret u r n i ng i nductees. A s y mbol ic ca nd le-l ig ht i ng led by t he ed itors of The Devon Dialog ue represented t he eig ht va lues of t he Societ y: t r ut h, lea r n i ng, leadersh ip, loya lt y, i n it iat ive, i nteg r it y, judg ment, a nd f r iendsh ip. New i nductees were awa rded cer t i f icates recog n i zi ng t hei r ach ievement a nd t he sen iors were presented w it h honor cords to be wor n at t hei r Com mencement Ceremony i n Ju ne. Once aga i n, t he Qu i l l a nd Scrol l Societ y proud ly recog n i zed t he ach ievements of Devon’s jou r na l ists. T he ceremony was a g reat success a nd i nspi red t he i nductees to f u r t her pu rsue t hei r jou r na l ist ic a mbit ions. The Devon Dialog ue cong rat u lates a l l its jou r na l ists for t hei r ach ievements a nd w ishes t hem wel l i n t hei r w r it i ng f ut u re.

Eighteen students were inducted into the Quill and Scroll Society, a Journalistic honor society that values the dissemination of truth, outstanding academic achievement, and high moral virtues.

Dialogue News


A Window into Devon Life Rieve Bule ’15

On Sunday, October 13th, Devon Preparator y School hosted its yearly Fall Open House for prospective students. This year’s Open House turned out to be one of the best Devon has ever had. A multitude of Devon students from ever y grade volunteered to come into school, give tours, and represent Devon Prep. This regular gathering of facult y, students, and fresh, interested families, however, was made more unique by a number of innovative ideas and appealing attractions. Immediately upon pulling into Devon’s campus, people were struck by the ideas and values put forth and taught by the school. The number of decorated signs displaying quotes from various students at Devon certainly made a

Council President Owen Phelan ’14. After the tours of the classes were finished, many families attended a gathering inside Calasanctius Hall. There was fabulous food prepared by Mrs. Kalivas and her staff, music played by talented artists Mike LaBella ’13 and Tim Crowe ’13 in the activities tent, and Devon parents grilling hot dogs and hamburgers for ever ybody outside in the garden. Of course, none of this would have Dan Azarian ’15 welcomes a prospective student. been possible w ithout the hard work of individuals such as Mr. Kane and Mrs. good impression on interested families Clementi. The nice weather allowed right from the start. The Open House ever yone to see the school in perfect continued to impress w ith inspiring conditions. Hopefully, next year’s Fall speeches from Mr. Iezzi, as well as from Open House w ill be as big a success as Devon students, including Student this year’s.

National Merit Scholars

Autumnal Harmonies

Graham Alabdulla ’15

Andrew Loper ’15

National Merit Scholarship is an academic competition that takes place in the United States. Every high school student in Devon Preparatory School is tested by the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®). The PSAT/ NMSQT® is a qualifying test designed to test each student’s competency at reading comprehension, writing skills, and mathematical skills. Every year, 1.5 million students in 22,000 high schools participate in the PSAT/NMSQT®. The students who are finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test have a chance at receiving $2,500 National Merit scholarships. The six seniors at Devon Prep who received special commendation for the 2014 National Merit Scholarship are Andrew Bright ’14, James O’Shea ’14, K. Michael McKenna ’14, Owen Phelan ’14, Patrick Shields ’14, and Kevin Sheng ’14, the latter four being semifinalists. Devon Prep is a laudable example of a private Catholic school that succeeds in academics, while retaining the study of Catholic teachings and morals.

In the Devon Prep Gymnasium/ Auditorium at 7:00pm on Friday, October 18, 2013, the 18th annual Oktoberfest commenced under the direction of Dr. Valentin Radu. The Jazz Band started off the night w ith “Jailhouse Rock” w ritten by Jerr y Lieber and Mike Stoller. The night rolled for ward w ith performances from Choral Tide, such as “Doctor Jazz,” “Mambo Italiano,” “Fift y States in Rhyme,” and “Do You Love Me”. The talented Rip Tide took on complex songs like “Carr y On My Way ward Son,” “She Is Evening,” and “I Feel Fine.” The icing on the musical cake was the solo performances. Drew Brekus ’14 beautifully played an etude by Chopin. “Georgia On My Mind” made famous by Ray Charles was sung by Andrew Loper ’15 and accompanied by CJ Nave ’15. CJ returned to the stage, singing and playing a “Yesterday” and “Blackbird” medley by the Beatles. The Jazz Band closed out the night w ith a jazzy

rendition of “Star Wars: Main Theme” w ritten by John Williams. After wards, the audience joined the performers for refreshments in Calasanctius Hall.

Student soloist Andrew Brekus ’14 performs a Chopin etude.

Devon’s six national merit scholars pose for a picture. From left to right: James O’Shea ’14 (commended), Andrew Bright ’14 (commended), K. Michael McKenna ’14 (semi-finalist), Owen Phelan ’14 (semi-finalist), Pat Shields ’14 (semi-finalist), and Kevin Sheng ’14 (semi-finalist).

Sun and Fun in Florida

Bookworms Dig In

Jonathan Liu ’14

Josh Lieberman ’15

At 7:00 a.m. on November 4, t h i r t yn i ne Devon sen iors made t hei r way onto a pla ne to Flor ida for a much needed brea k . No col lege essays to t h i n k about, no school work to wor r y about, just t he a nt icipat ion of a week of rela x at ion a nd f u n. A s t he pla ne lef t t he g rou nd, t here was on ly one t houg ht on ever yone’s m i nd: Let’s go! T he sen iors stayed at t he Ra mada In n i n Naples, wh ich was f ive m i nutes f rom t he beach. Each day, t he Class of ’14 ma rched onto t he sa nd a nd cla i med t hei r place on t he beach. T he sh i n i ng su n a nd t he hot weat her gave t hem l it t le doubt t hat Naples was t he place to be. Beach vol leyba l l, basketba l l, a nd ten n is were of fered to t he st udents as add it iona l act iv it ies. A g roup of sen iors a lso went f ish i ng T hu rsday mor n i ng, a nd each f isher ma n i n t he g roup was successf u l. On Sat u rday, t he Sen ior Class headed to t he Everg lades for a n a i rboat tou r. T he scener y was beaut i f u l, w it h t he occasiona l a l l igator bei ng spot ted. A f ter each long day,

d i n ner was ser ved at restau ra nts such as T he Cheeseca ke Factor y, Soph ia’s, a nd Long hor n Stea k house. A big g roup of teenage boys may seem l i ke a recipe for d isaster, but t he g roup’s stel la r behav ior resu lted i n a let ter f rom a not her customer of Soph ia’s, laud i ng t he class for t hei r conduct. A f ter d i n ner, t here were st i l l act iv it ies to do, such as t he ever i mpor ta nt Wa l-Ma r t shoppi ng t r ip, t he mov ies, m i n i gol f, a nd t he ma l l. Each n ig ht ended back at t he hotel w it h t he sen iors look i ng for wa rd to t he nex t day ’s advent u res. A n ea rly wa ke-up ca l l on Su nday mea nt t hat t he f ield t r ip was nea r i ng t he end. To beat t he chu rch g roup present at ever y a i r por t, t he g roup a r r ived at 5:00 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. f l ig ht. A lt houg h t he Sen ior Class had to get back i n t he r igorous academ ic m i ndset t hat Devon dema nds, t he members were able to look back, sm i le, a nd reca l l t he good t i mes t hey had toget her.


“Devon has a book club?” is a question probably a lot of students would ask. Though not the most populated of Devon’s extracurricular activities, the book club is an important intellectual outlet in which students with interest in the literary arts may go to read up on some of the best works of literature. Despite being a relatively new club, the book club has already read such works as Orwell’s 1984, Stephen King’s The Shining, and other books ranging from thriller novels to dystopian pieces. The small size of the book club is what makes it all the more intriguing and distinct. It allows for close conversation and critical discussion of themes and ideologies presented in the material. One couldn’t get lost in such a small group! This analysis of literature truly helps to stimulate inquisitive thought and critical reading capabilities that can help any student from high school to college and professional life. There is no doubt that there is nothing to lose from being in the book club, but there certainly is a lot to be gained.

The Jury is In Michael Nicolas ’16

The Senior Class enjoys a much-deserved break in Naples, Florida.

From t he f irst of November to t he t hird, t he powerf ul drama “Twelve A ng r y Men” was performed at Devon Prep. Directed by Mr. Paul Recupero, t he Devon Prep cast and crew t ransported an audience of family, friends, peers, and many ot hers into t he 1950s jur y room hot w it h bot h t he summer sun and t he tension of t he case. “Twelve A ng r y Men” tells t he compelling stor y of t welve jur y members who must decide whet her a teenage boy is g uilt y of murdering his fat her. A unanimous vote of g uilt y from t he members of t he jur y would send t he

boy to t he elect ric chair. At f irst, all but one f ind t he accused g uilt y. However, as t hey delve deeper into quest ions of moralit y and t he idea of reasonable doubt, t hey beg in to realize t he more t hey learn, t he more uncer tain t hey are of t he t rut h. Each and ever y student par t icipat ing in t he drama prov ided his ver y ow n ident it y w it hin t he characters t hey played. The cast, be it juror, judge, or g uard, as well as t he crew, who operated t he lights, all did a g reat job and put on a fantast ic performance.

All Night Long Pat Blumenthal ‘15

On October 25, Devon boa rd ga mes l i ke Risk Prep ra ised over $2 4,000 a nd Monopoly. Fa m i l ies a f ter a not her successf u l of st udents donated Up For A Cause. Up For A food a nd beverages, Cause is a n a n nua l event i n demonst rat i ng t he wh ich each st udent ra ises a com mu n it y aspect of m i n i mu m of $175 a nd stays Devon. up a l l n ig ht to benef it Sa i nt Up For A Cause is one Jude Ch i ld ren’s Resea rch of t he ma ny f u nd ra isers Hospita l, a resea rch Devon Prep st udents a nd t reat ment faci l it y pa r t icipate i n on a ded icated to resea rch i ng yea rly basis. A s pa r t a nd t reat i ng ch i ld ren’s of t he Pia r ist m ission, d iseases. st udents a re ex pected Before t he event, to per for m cha r itable st udents spent t hei r t i me acts, a nd Up For A Cause ra isi ng money for St. is one of t he ma ny ways Jude as wel l as spread i ng st udents do so. Up For Devon raises $24,000 after another successful Up For A Cause. awa reness of ch i ld hood A Cause rei n forces t he d iseases. St udents asked brot herhood t hat Devon awa reness for ch i ld ren’s d iseases, relat ives, f r iends, a nd neig hbors for most notably ca ncer. St udents were Prep emphasi zes a mong its st udent donat ions t hat went d i rect ly to St. not a l lowed to use elect ron ics, a nd body. Devon Prep cont i nues to ra ise Jude. i nstead pa r t icipated i n f u n act iv it ies t housa nds of dol la rs ever y yea r to St udents who at tended stayed up such as footba l l, basketba l l, soccer a nd suppor t St. Jude i n its ef for t to help for t welve hou rs i n a n ef for t to ra ise dodgeba l l. Ma ny st udents a lso played ch i ld ren w it h d iseases.

Spread the Word, Speak Up!


Lucas Watson ‘15

Speak Up! is an organization that is committed to creating an open, nonjudgmental environment for teenagers and parents to communicate with one another. There are several Speak Up! groups all over the Philadelphia area. Devon Prep joins with Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, Villa Maria Academy, and Malvern Preparatory School to participate in their local Speak Up! event held every January. Devon Prep always has a good turnout of students and parents participating in this event. Each year, a few students from the respective schools come together as members of the Speak Up! Planning Committee. This committee chooses the opening speaker and the topics that are discussed on the night of the event. The planning committee is a good group to join for leadership roles, team building, and bonding with the other students.

James O’Shea ’14 states, “Speak Up! is a judgment-free forum where students go to articulate the issues they face each day, and where parents go to listen to other teenagers to understand what their child struggles with in today’s society. This type of indirect communication between parent and child is a unique facet of the communication between two generations, that doesn’t make an uncomfortable situation for either party.” One of the notable aspects of the event is the “breakout sessions,” which are sessions where parents and students gather to talk about topics selected by the planning committee. These topics tend to be Sex, Pressure, Drugs, Alcohol, Bullying, and Handling Stress. At registration, students attending the event select a breakout session they want to attend. In each breakout session, students, parents, and teachers discuss issues relating to the

topic at hand. Everyone leaves with a new perspective, mindset, and willingness to hear another’s opinion. Everyone leaves glad they could participate in the Speak Up! event. Speak Up! has proven to be an event that provides leadership, team work, and public speaking skills and a great place with a plethora of knowledge for students and parents alike. It is a delightful event for parents to attend to see what their son or daughter is going through by listening to what other teenagers like him or her are dealing with every day. For some this is a life-changing experience where before they saw the world with tunnel vision and now their eyes are open to the whole world around them. Also, don’t forget that the Speak Up! event is a great place to get Christian service hours and gain a wealth of knowledge. Hope to see you there this coming January!

Celebrating Grandparents

Turkey Bowl 2013

Landon Farnsworth ’15

Marco DiLeonardo ’14 & Jack Misko ’14

T ha n k sg iv i ng has come a nd gone a nd has g iven us t wo of a Devon st udent’s favor ite events: T ha n k sg iv i ng vacat ion a nd Gra ndpa rents’ a nd Specia l Ot hers’ Day. For fou r teen yea rs, on t he Wed nesday before brea k, Devon st udents have i nv ited t hei r g ra ndpa rents or specia l ot hers for a ta lent-f i l led show. Dr. Va lent i n Radu, Devon’s Musica l Di rector, orga n i zes t he ent i re event wh ich has become a Devon t rad it ion. T he event feat u res per for ma nces f rom Devon Prep’s ver y ow n Jazz Band, Chora l Tide, R ipt ide, and a va r iet y of i nd iv idua l per for ma nces. A n exqu isite bu f fet of brea k fast food was feat u red for g ra ndpa rents a nd specia l ot hers on a r r iva l. Once ever yone was seated, t he Ja zz Ba nd ca me out to play “Ja i l house Rock ” by Jer r y L ieber a nd Mi ke Stol ler, a r ra nged by Roger Hol mes. Im med iately a f ter, t here was a n i nd iv idua l per for ma nce by Drew Brek us ’14 fol lowed by Michael Nicolas ’16. A f ter t h is, R ipt ide had t hei r f i rst per for ma nce of t he day, per for m i ng “I Feel Fi ne” by t he Beat les. Chora l Tide t hen joi ned t hem on stage a nd per for med bot h “Doctor Ja zz” by Joh n Jacobson a nd Steve Zeg ree a nd

“Si ng” by A nd rew L loyd Webber a nd Ga r y Ba rlow. Soon a f ter, Er ick O’Br ien ’16 sa ng “New York State of Mi nd” accompa n ied by Brenda n McGrat h ’18 on t he pia no. Nex t, t he crowd was t reated w it h t wo songs by t he duo of A nd rew Loper ’15 on voca ls a nd CJ Nave ’15 on pia no. Toget her t hey per for med “Su m mer t i me” by George Gershw i n a nd “Don’t Get A rou nd Much A ny more” by Du ke El l i ng ton. A nd rew Loper t hen lef t t he stage a nd CJ Nave per for med a r ivet i ng rend it ion of “Honest y ” by Bi l ly Joel. Succeed i ng t h is was R ipt ide’s per for ma nce of “She Is Even i ng” by Vick i T. Cou r t ney a nd J. Pa rker, a nd “Ca r r y On Way wa rd Son” by K. L ivg ren, a r ra nged by R. Emerson. Once aga i n, Chora l Tide accompa n ied t hem to si ng “Ma mbo Ita l ia no” by Bob Mer r i l l, a r ra nged by Ji l l Ga l l i na, a nd “Do You Love Me” by Ber r y Gordy, a r ra nged by Ma rk Br y mer. T he per for ma nce was topped of f w it h t he Ja zz Ba nd’s per for ma nce of t he Sta r Wa rs t heme song by Joh n W i l l ia ms, a r ra nged by Ca rl St rom mer. Devon Prep is t ha n k f u l for a l l t he g ra ndpa rents a nd specia l ot hers who at tended t he event as wel l as t hose who were u nable to at tend.

Devon students celebrate their grandparents through music and food.

As is tradition for all Devon Prep seniors, the annual Turkey Bowl was held on December 3, 2013. Excitement was in the air, especially after two postponements, and the seniors were determined to make it the best Turkey Bowl yet. They were electrified with anticipation and could barely contain their enthusiasm as Mr. Aquilante explained the rules. Game one was a face-off between the two frontrunners, the Green Team and Red Team. Battle on the gridiron commenced! The final score was 5-3 Red featuring three touchdowns from Red’s Jonathan Liu. The Green Team tasted bittersweet defeat and were forced off the field and out of the running for the championship. Next up, the W hite Team under Nick Peters faced off against the Orange Team. After a hard-fought battle, the W hite Team suffered a tough overtime loss at the hands of a late touchdown reception by Peter Joseph Bilotti. Heartbroken, the W hite Team was forced to settle for the consolation game. The teams competing in the championship game then took the field. Tensions were high between the Red Team and the Orange Team, each thirsting for the sweet taste of victory. The Red Raiders surged ahead late in the game but then quickly fell behind at the hands of a momentum-shifting receiving touchdown by Max Smith, and Orange eventually emerged victorious. Even though there was only one winner, all involved will no doubt fondly remember their Turkey Bowl experience.

The Red team and the Orange team fight for the champion spot in this year’s Turkey Bowl.


Christmas Poll Favorite Christmas Song:

Favorite Christmas Movie:

“Carol of the Bells” 22% “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” 20% “Jingle Bell Rock” 20% “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” 18% “Here Comes Santa Claus” 12% “Jingle Bells” 8%

Elf 68% A Charlie Brown Christmas 20% Frosty the Snowman 6% It’s a Wonderful Life 6%

Moguls in the Making

Summing Up Mathletes

Pat Blumenthal ’15

Soham Bharne ’15

Among many of the new clubs this school year, The Investing & Virtual Stock Market Club has become one of the most active at Devon Prep. Members are involved in researching and discussing individual stocks, the stock market, as well as the current state of the economy. Events regarding current events in the economy or world are open to discussion. Club members participate in a virtual stock market game in which each individual is given $1,000,000 in virtual assets to put into stocks of his choosing. This offers an opportunity for members to experience the ups and downs of the stock market and learn valuable lessons while not losing actual assets. A key goal of the club is to help members

understand the economy and the importance of investing, how it impacts our everyday lives. Another objective is to explain key aspects of investing that help people in their everyday lives and help them to better understand how the world works. Club members receive an in-depth education about investing and finance, preparing them for making actual investments in a highly competitive market with many extremely experienced traders. Investing has become a key aspect of many people’s lives, whether it be in the form of a 401k, Roth IRA, or a personal investment account. The Investing Club gives students a head start in the world of investing and an introduction to making successful investments.

Cornucopia of Cans Jonathan Liu ’14

Thanksgiving is a time for, as the name suggests, thanks and giving. Every year, Devon’s Christian Action Program celebrates these two aspects of the holiday by organizing the Harvest Tide Food Drive. Successful once again, Devon’s generosity made it possible for many families to enjoy a cheerful Thanksgiving feast. For the weeks prior to the annual Thanksgiving Mass, CAP collected food stuffs to be donated. The student body gave plenty: canned vegetables and soups, apple sauce, peanut butter and jelly, uncooked pasta, rice, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and snacks.

During the Thanksgiving Mass on November 26, Father Shea revealed to us that 5,500 food items had been donated in addition to nineteen turkeys. He kindly blessed the food and sent it on its way to St. Elizabeth’s Community Center in North Philadelphia. Devon’s Harvest Tide Food Drive has been helping St. Elizabeth’s Project H.O.M.E Food Cupboard provide food for less fortunate families for years. Led by Mrs. Eshleman, James O’Shea ’14, Pat Rohr ’15, Andrew Kramer ’15, and Mike McKenna ’14, Devon’s Harvest TIDE Food Drive was once again a success, thanks to the generosity of all the students who participated.

A f ter com i ng of f of a successf u l prev ious season, placi ng second i n its d iv ision a nd second i n t he compet it ion bet ween t he top schools i n t he Ph i ladelph ia A rchd iocese, t he Devon Mat h letes tea m has sta r ted its season w it h g reat success. Led by t he cha i r ma n of t he mat h depa r t ment, Mr. Hol lowel l, t he Mat h letes tea m has a l most doubled i n si ze f rom t he prev ious yea r. Mat h letes is composed of si x d i f ferent i nterscholast ic mat h compet it ions w it h topics ra ng i ng f rom geomet r y to t r igonomet r y. On September 30, 2013, t he Devon Mat h letes A tea m had its f i rst compet it ion wh ich dea lt w it h geomet r y a nd scored a per fect 50/50, mea n i ng each member scored a per fect i nd iv idua l score a nd t he tea m scored a per fect tea m score. In November, a f ter ma ny hou rs of pract ice, t he Devon Mat h letes tea m went to its second compet it ion on factor i ng a nd i mag i na r y nu mbers, ea r n i ng a score of 47/50 wh ich placed t hem second i n t he whole a rchd iocese a nd on ly t h ree poi nts beh i nd t he f i rst place tea m. A lt houg h ma ny st udents were enjoy i ng t hei r day of f on t he f i rst Monday i n December, t he tea m was ha rd at work . Travel l i ng to Ca r rol l for its t h i rd match, t he tea m ea r ned a score of 46/50, t y i ng t hem w it h Bishop Sha na ha n for f i rst place. T he tea m look s for wa rd to its nex t match i n Ja nua r y a nd hopes for a ter r i f ic season.

Devon students and CAP coordinated to collect over 5,500 cans and nineteen turkeys at this year’s Harvest Tide Food Drive.


Running for Gold

Dialogue Sports

New Coach, New Philosophy Andrew Shannon ’15

Lucas Watson ’15

The Devon Prep cross country team ran confidently into the post-season with an impressive 7-1 record, upsetting two topranked teams—Jenkintown and New HopeSolebury— in the boys single A state division. The Wolf Pack went into the Bicentennial League (BAL) Championships and scored a respectable fifth-place team finish. Senior Jack Roth ’14 received a medal for placing eleventh overall. Jack Roth and Lucas Watson ’15 received the honor of 2013 BAL Cross Country second team. The following week, the District One Cross Country Championships were held at Lehigh University. It was frigid, but it wasn’t anything the Wolf Pack couldn’t handle. They had a tremendous race with captains Jack Roth, James O’Shea ’14, and Andrew Bright ’14 leading the team to an outstanding third place finish, the highest Devon Prep team finish since 2006. Despite being unable to compete due to a head injury, varsity runner Matthew McDevitt ’14 came to support his teammates and keep the team’s spirits high. In the meet, Devon had four runners run under eighteen minutes! Those runners were Jack Roth, Lucas Watson, James O’Shea, and James Enderle ’15. For a team to have even two runners with times less than eighteen minutes is a notable task, but to have four runners is an amazing accomplishment. This couldn’t have been done without the dedication and support of the team’s coaches, Mr. Paul Sanborn ’64 and Mr. Dave Evans ’08. The team had all fourteen of their athletes run personal bests that day. Jack Roth said, “There is no better way to wrap up the team’s season than to have the entire team run personal bests for the last race.” Congratulations to Jack Roth who finished fourth overall and qualified to run in the State Championship in Hershey on November 2. The Wolf Pack says good-bye to this year’s seniors and looks forward to a good season next year.

A new spor t s season beg i ns w it h severa l cha nges to Devon P rep’s basketba l l prog ra m. L ast yea r, Head Coach Bi l l Fr io a nd A ssista nt Coach Mat t W h ite ret i red, leav i ng Coach Da n Massi m i n i as t he on ly ret u r n i ng coach. Broug ht i n to t he coach i ng sta f f a re t he new Head Coach Jason Fisher a nd new coaches Kyle Fisher a nd Kev i n Ca r rol l. Head Coach Jason Fisher br i ngs a long h is ow n tea m ph i losophy– defense. Ot her i mpor ta nt words have been used by t he coach i ng sta f f such as “accou ntabi l it y,” “deter m i nat ion,” “com mu n icat ion,” “work et h ic,” a nd “u n it y.” Un it y is a n i mpor ta nt concept for t he Tide w it h n i ne upperclassmen on t he roster. Work et h ic is a lso a n i mpor ta nt va lue to t he new coaches. A not her aspec t about t he new coach i ng sta f f is opt i m ism. Not on ly is t he coach pla n n i ng on w i n n i ng t he up-com i ng basketba l l tou r na ment, but he a lso pla ns on compet i ng i n t he Bicenten n ia l At h let ic L eag ue (B. A .L .) Cha mpionsh ip ga me at t he end of t he season. CJ Koh lbren ner ’14 sa id it per fec t ly, “Coach ex pec t s us to w i n

ever y ga me, a nd i f he bel ieves it, we w i l l.” M ichael McKen na ’14, a ret u r n i ng va rsit y sen ior, com mented on t h is new d i rec t ion say i ng: “Defense is what t h is prog ra m has been lack i ng. Ma k i ng it ou r ph i losophy w i l l def i n itely f i x t he problem.” Ot her players a re on boa rd as wel l i nclud i ng ret u r n i ng va rsit y sen iors Mat t hew McSu rdy ’14, Mat t hew Sidor ’14, Ch r is Bauers ’14, a nd CJ Koh lbren ner. Ot her i mpor ta nt members of t he g roup – Gra nt L at ra n ’14, A nd rew Sha n non ’1 5, Jack Hega r t y ’1 5, a nd A nd rew Wa l hei m ’1 5—a re i n ag reement as wel l. Jack Hega r t y sa id “My legs were sore t he whole f i rst week of cond it ion i ng , but now we ca n r u n up a nd dow n w it h a ny tea m, no mat ter how fast, st rong , or phy sica l.” T h roug h t he f i rst t wo scr i m mages, t he Tide cr u ised past Un ionv i l le a nd foug ht t h roug h a toug h t wo poi nt loss to Ger ma ntow n Fr iends School, ma k i ng t he record 1-1. T he Tide’s new st rateg ies a nd tac t ics a re goi ng to decide t he fate of t hei r season. T h is leads to t he quest ion, “W i l l t he tea m br i ng a new ba n ner to t he g y m?”

Dashing Through the Snow Michael Lawrence ’14

A s t he days g row shor ter a nd become bit terly cold, ma ny st udent s become let ha rg ic a nd u n mot ivated; however, i n t he m idst of a n excit i ng new season, Devon’s W i nter Track tea m is i n f u l l s w i ng. Head Coach M r. Dave Eva ns ’08 has a n excit i ng season i n store for Devon at h letes, i nclud i ng a meet i n New York Cit y at t he A r mor y Track, one of t he la rgest i ndoor t rack s i n t he world. Field Coach L loyd H i l l is ret u r n i ng to Devon for h is

second season to work w it h t h rowers, a nd spr i nt Coach Ti m McNa l ly is beg i n n i ng h is f i rst season work i ng w it h Devon spr i nters. O ver t he cou rse of t he nex t few week s r u n ners w i l l face br uta l weat her cond it ions to t ra i n for upcom i ng compet it ions. T h is ha rd work w i l l hopef u l ly pay of f du r i ng t h is season’s f ive schedu led meet s. A nyone i nterested i n joi n i ng Devon’s W i nter Track tea m shou ld contac t M r. Eva ns for f u r t her i n for mat ion.

Rolling Over Expectations Sean Bevan ‘14, Associate Editor

The Tide’s varsity soccer team is on a roll. The team had a record-setting season and the third best in school history with a total of twelve wins and six losses. It started off the season strong by defeating Haverford High School for the first time in nearly a decade with a score of 1-0. The team continued to have success throughout its season, eventually claiming the league title and a spot in the district playoffs. The team clinched its third consecutive playoff spot with a 7-0 win over Calvary Christian and was seeded fourth overall in the district. Its first playoff match was held at Devon against the Church Farm School, a team they had played twice during the regular season with each team taking one game apiece. With the Pit in attendance, the team came out of the gate firing. With just seconds left in the first half, the score was tied one to one. Then,

Andrew Shannon ’15 let go a seemingly impossible shot which ricocheted off of two opposing players and went in the goal, putting the Tide ahead two goals to one. The team then switched its formation and dug in, fending off the onslaught of attacks launched by the Church Farm School. When the final whistle blew, the score

Andrew Shannon ’15 slides past defense and fires at the goal.

stood at 2-1, and the Pit stormed the field to congratulate the victorious players. The varsity team had won its first playoff game in nearly a decade. Unfortunately, the Tide’s season came to an end about a week later with a loss to the top-seeded Faith Christian Academy at Souderton High School. With such a young team, many questioned whether the varsity team could surpass the work done by the teams of the previous two years. However, with practice, hard work, and passion the team pulled it together and exceeded expectations. Next year’s team will be even stronger with eight of the starting eleven players returning. The sky is the limit for next year’s team, but it will face the same question, “Can the players win it all again?” With its continued success, the varsity soccer team has the makings of a Devon Prep sports dynasty.

Congress Collapse

Dialogue Editorials

Pat Blumenthal ’15

W it h a de b t l a r g e e nou g h t o w r a p one dol l a r bi l l s a r ou nd t he E a r t h 6 7,0 0 0 t i me s , it i s no w onde r w h y C on g r e s s’s a ppr o v a l r at i n g s r e c e nt l y r e ac he d s i n g le d i g it s . T he g o v e r n me nt s hut do w n— w h ic h l a s t e d f or s i x t e e n d a y s a nd c o s t t w e nt y-f ou r bi l l ion dol l a r s , w h ic h on l y a dde d t o t he Un it e d St at e s e x i s t i n g s e v e nt e e n t r i l l ion i n de b t—i l lu s t r at e s one of t he m a n y pr oble m s t he Un it e d St at e s g o v e r n me nt h a s f ac e d i n r e c e nt mont h s . O n O c t ob e r 17 t h of t h i s y e a r, a f t e r hou r s of he at e d de b at e , C on g r e s s f i n a l l y a n nou nc e d t h at t he y r e ac he d a n a g r e e me nt on t he de bt c e i l i n g . T he y de c ide d t o p a s s t he C ont i nu i n g A ppr opi at ion s Act, 2 01 4 w h ic h s u s p e nde d t he de bt c e i l i n g u nt i l Fe br u a r y 7 t h , 2 01 4 , a nd a l s o f u nde d t he g o v e r n me nt u nt i l Ja nu a r y 1 5 t h , 2 01 4 . T he C ont i nu i n g A ppr opi at ion s A c t , 2 01 4 s e r v e s a du a l-pu r p o s e: it r e s ol v e s t he Un it e d St at e s f e de r a l g o v e r n me nt s hut do w n a nd e x t e nd s t he de bt c e i l i n g . Ho w e v e r, t h i s ac t ac c om pl i s he d it s g o a l s on l y a f t e r s i x t e e n d a y s of de l i b e r at ion . D u r i n g t he f e de r a l g o v e r n me nt s hut do w n , hu nd r e d s of t hou s a nd s of g o v e r n me nt w or k e r s w e r e w it hout p a y or w or k . C on g r e s s me m b e r s r e c e i v e d a n e x c e pt ion , ho w e v e r, a nd r e c e i v e d f u l l p a y, de s pit e ac c om pl i s h i n g l it t le b e s ide s pr olon g i n g t he de bt c r i s i s . O v e r t w o hu nd r e d a nd f i f t y l a w m a k e r s a n nou nc e d t he y w ou ld ref use p a y du r i n g t he s hut do w n joi n i n g t he ot he r 8 0 0,0 0 0 g o v e r n me nt w or k e r s w it hout p a y. Ho w e v e r, s ome l a w m a k e r s w e r e v o c a l a b ou t h a v i n g done q u it e t he opp o s it e . I n r e s p on s e t o w he t he r he w ou ld k e e p h i s p a y, R e p. L e e Te r r y of Ne br a s k a r e pl ie d , “D a n g St r a i g ht .” R e p. R e ne e E l l me r s a l s o at t r ac t e d at t e nt ion i n a n i nt e r v ie w b y A B C a f f i l i at e W T V D w he n s he s a id , “I ne e d m y p a y c he c k . T h at ’s t he b ot t om l i ne .” T he de b t c e i l i n g i s not t he on l y bi g t h r e at t o t he e c onom y. Ne w pr oble m s l i k e t he Q u a nt it at i v e E a s i n g Ta p e r, or QE Ta p e r, a s it i s mo s t c om mon l y r e f e r r e d t o, w h ic h w i l l b e de c ide d i n A pr i l of 2 01 4 , w i l l a l s o h a v e a d r a s t ic e f f e c t on t he e c onom y. W it h a c ou nt r y s e v e nt e e n t r i l l ion i n de bt , a n u ne m plo y me nt r at e of 1 4% , a nd a n i nc r e a s i n g s o c io - e c onom ic g a p, t he de c i s ion s of C on g r e s s w i l l hold t he f u t u r e f or t he e c onom y of t he Un it e d St at e s a s w e l l a s it s r ole a s a w or ld p o w e r.


In Memoriam: Nelson Mandela

James Stanish ’14, Co-Deputy Editor-in-Chief & Patrick Shields ’14, Co-Deputy Editor-in-Chief

O n De c ember 5, S out h A f r ic a n re v olut ion a r y, ph i l a nt h ropi s t , a nd pre s ident Nel s on Ma ndel a pa s s e d aw ay at 95 ye a r s old . Ma ndel a i s mos t wel l-k now n a s t he f i r s t bl ac k S out h A f r ic a n to be ele c te d to t h i s of f ic e, a s wel l a s for h i s gover n ment ’s oppos it ion to t he le g ac y of apa r t heid a nd i n s t it ut ion a l i z e d r ac i s m . L et ’s t a k e a look bac k at Ma ndel a’s l i fe a nd h i s le g ac y mov i ng on . Ma ndel a w a s bor n i n S out h A f r ic a i n Ju l y 1918, a nd g re w up i n w h at i s tod ay it s E a s ter n C ape prov i nc e. I n 19 4 4 , he be c a me an e x e c ut i ve c o m m i t t e e member of t he A f r ic a n Nat ion a l C ong re s s Yout h L e a g ue, a budd i ng w i ng of t he A f r ic a n Nat ion a l C ong re s s (A NC), m a rk i ng his f irst re a l i nvol vement w it h t he or g a n i z at ion . W it h ne w apa r t heid le g i s l at ion broug ht i nto l aw i n 19 4 8, Ma ndel a a nd t he A NC be c a me more voc a l i n t hei r def i a nc e, a nd Ma ndel a w a s a r re s te d mu lt iple t i me s due to h i s out spok en oppos it ion to apa r t heid, e vent u a l l y le ad i ng up to h i s 1962 a r re s t a nd l i fe s entenc e for c on spi r ac y to over t h row t he s t ate. A f ter a n i nter n at ion a l c a mpa ig n for h i s rele a s e, Ma ndel a lef t i mpr i s on ment i n Febr u a r y 1990, to t he c elebr at ion of t he w orld . From h i s rele a s e to 199 4 , Ma ndel a w ork e d w it h S out h A f r ic a n pre s ident F.W. de K lerk to end apa r t heid a nd en ac t mu lt i r ac i a l ele c t ion s i n 199 4 , le ad i ng to Ma ndel a’s ele c t ion a s pre s ident . I n h i s ter m a s pre s ident , w h ic h l a s te d f rom 199 4 to 1999, Ma ndel a c ont i nue d to c on f ront t he rem n a nt s of apa r t heid s t i l l pre s ent i n S out h A f r ic a . He a l s o i s s ue d a ne w C on s t it ut ion of S out h A f r ic a . Ma ndel a s teppe d dow n f rom t he pre s idenc y a f ter one ter m, a nd del i vere d h i s f a re wel l spe e c h on Ma rc h 29, 1999. Upon ret i r i ng , Ma ndel a be c a me ac t i ve i n s oc i a l i s s ue s a nd fou nde d s e ver a l or g a n i z at ion s i nc lud i ng T he Ma ndel a R hode s Fou nd at ion, w h ic h prov ide s pos t g r adu ate s c hol a r s h ips to A f r ic a n s t udent s, a nd t he Nel s on Ma ndel a C ent re for Memor y. He a l s o be c a me ac t i ve i n t he f ig ht a g a i n s t H I V a nd A I DS , spe a k i ng at nu merou s e vent s a nd lend i ng h i s n a me a nd s uppor t to m a ny g roups f ig ht i ng to er ad ic ate t he d i s e a s e. Ma ndel a w a s a f re quent c r it ic of We s ter n m i l it a r y ac t ion, pa r t ic u l a rl y t he I r aq Wa r a nd NAT O i nter vent ion i n Kos ovo. I n 20 0 4 , he “ret i re d f rom ret i rement ”, c it i ng h i s a ge a nd f a i l i ng he a lt h .

T houg h ret i re d, Ma ndel a rem a i ne d a n ic on of S out h A f r ic a . He c ont i nue d to spe a k at for u m s t h roug hout t he w orld a nd me et w it h i mpor t a nt w orld d ig n it a r ie s. I n 20 0 7, Ma ndel a, a long w it h A rc hbi s hop De s mond Tut u a nd ot her w orld le ader s, fou nde d T he E lder s, a g roup de d ic ate d to c ont r ibut i ng t hei r w i s dom a nd le ader s h ip tow a rd m ajor w orld i s s ue s. Ma ndel a a l s o pl a ye d a l a r ge role du r i ng t he 2010 World Cup i n S out h A f r ic a, u lt i m atel y m a k i ng h i s f i n a l publ ic appe a r a nc e du r i ng t he C los i ng C eremony. O n De c emb er 5, 201 3, Nel s on Ma ndel a pa s s e d aw a y at a f ter su f fer i ng f rom a prolonge d re spi r ator y i n fe c t ion . H i s de at h w a s a n nou nc e d b y S out h A f r ic a n P re s ident Jac ob Zu m a a nd w a s i m me d i atel y met w it h a w orld w ide out pou r i ng of g r ief . Fol low i ng Ma ndel a’s de at h, S out h A f r ic a de c l a re d a per io d of mou r n i ng for ten d a y s. A rou nd t he w orld, f l a g s w ere f low n at h a l f s t a f f, i nc lud i ng at t he Un ite d Nat ion s, I nter n at ion a l Ol y mpic C om m it te e, a nd t h roug hout t he Un ite d St ate s. World le ader s, b ot h s e c u l a r a nd rel ig iou s, e x pre s s e d t hei r s or row for h i s pa s s i ng a nd t hei r remembr a nc e of h i s le g ac y. Pope Fr a nc i s, t he Da l a i L a m a, a nd A rc hbi s hop De s mond Tut u a l l of fere d t hei r c ondolenc e s to t he pe ople of S out h A f r ic a, a s d id P re s ident Ba r ac k Oba m a, Br it i s h P r i me M i n i s ter Dav id C a meron, a nd ot her he ad s of s t ate. For mer P re s ident s Bi l l C l i nton, a not able f r iend of Ma ndel a’s, a nd G e or ge W. Bu s h a l s o pr a i s e d h i s le g ac y. O ver eig ht y he ad s of s t ate, a s w el l a s nu merou s roy a l d ig n it a r ie s, at tende d h i s f u ner a l . Nel s on Ma ndel a w a s a le gend a r y f ig u re, a nd h i s c ont r ibut ion s a s a c i v i l r ig ht s ac t i v i s t to t he c ou nt r y a nd t he pe ople of S out h A f r ic a a re w it hout e qu a l . He w i l l b e g re at l y m i s s e d, a nd h i s ac h ie vement s w i l l b e rememb ere d b y h i s pe ople a nd a l l pe ople s a rou nd t he w orld .


The Freedom of Tradition Andrew Bright ’14, Editor-in-Chief

The leaves are falling off the trees, the days are getting colder, and the Christmas songs are beginning to play on the radio. We know once again that the holiday season is upon us. This brings with it family gatherings, presentbuying, and time off from school. Yet, there is more to the holiday season than gifts and free time. There is a meaning that transcends consumerism and comfort, calling us on to a unique reverence. The holidays unite us in tradition. The ritual of a Thanksgiving feast, sitting around a plump turkey before an array of dishes—mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, yams, apple pie and pumpkin pie, croissants and cranberries, foods of all sizes and colors—unites us in communion. The act of sharing a meal along with stories and traditions gives us a deeper understanding of our family, allowing us to pass down a piece of ourselves. Similarly, the Christmas season brings us happiness and peace. For many of us, Christmas is a time of both giving and receiving. Christmas morning still calls to me, whispering a forgotten song of childhood. I still feel inclined to rush down the stairs to see the presents under the tree and wonder what lies beneath the shiny outer wrapping of the rectangular box. However, beneath this surface of giving consumer products lies a giving of spirit and comfort. The act of giving a gift, rather than the gift itself, is where the true power of Christmas lies. Just as the holiday season reminds of what we have, it also reminds us of a not-so-distant past when the fate of our liberties hung in balance. In 1939, a fascist government in Germany had disrupted the balance of power, dragging Europe into a long, brutal war. In the Pacific, an imperialist government in Japan, hungr y for land, had begun taking over territor y throughout Indochina and China, subjugating the native people and draining the land of resources. In Januar y of 1941, in a bold State-of-the-Union address to the nation, President Frank lin D. Roosevelt outlined his vision of a world based on democracy and four inalienable freedoms, the antithesis of t yranny represented by the Japanese and Nazi governments. It was during this time of turmoil and uncertaint y that Norman Rock well reminded the American people of the precious liberties which were in danger. In what has become a masterpiece of American art, Rock well’s Four Freedoms collection manifests the ideals outlined by Roosevelt, creating an outpouring of color and emotion into pure “Americanism.” These paintings depict scenes from daily life. Beneath the surface of simplicit y, however, the paintings radiate idealism. Rock well encapsulates the mundane aspects of American life into something powerful. The things we take for granted ever yday—the act of eating a filling meal or the abilit y to enjoy a restful night of sleep—are liberties passed down from generation to generation. His first painting, Freedom of Speech, depicts a working-class individual proudly articulating his views. Arguably, the most striking aspect of this painting, and a testament to the artistic talent of Rock well, is the perfectly captured expression on the middle class audience’s faces, one of genuine interest and meditation. The individuals in the audience, despite being of an apparent higher economic standing than the working class speaker, value his opinion. It is a great privilege to be allowed to share one’s thoughts without Freedom of Speech fear. The freedom of thought by Norman Rockwell and opinion is integral for

simple aspects of the holiday season, from Christmas songs, to the promulgation of the Christian religion itself. In Freedom to Worship, Rock well shows a group of individuals coming from multiple races and both genders bent over in prayer. Inscribed upon this painting are the words “Each according to the dictates of his own conscience.” The freedom of religion granted by the First Amendment in the Constitution allows for people to exercise their religion without restraint. This allows for a multitude of religions and cultures in America, strengthening “melting pot” aspect of American societ y. However, this freedom extends past worship to ideas themselves. Each person is entitled to an opinion according to his own logic and moralit y. This freedom of thought allows for dissenting opinion and creates a f lourishing of culture and progress. Freedom from Want represents a family united together for a meal. This painting characterizes the abundance we have in our modern world, a fact which many of us take for granted. In many areas throughout the world, food is scarce, medical supplies are almost nonex istent, and education is a privilege restricted to a select few. Freedom from Want by Norman Rockwell

Rock well’s Freedom from Fear shows a mother and father tucking their children into bed. The father’s attention is focused on the children rather than the newspaper he is holding describing the horrors of war. Rock well juxtaposes this symbol of childhood innocence with atrocit y. Ever y night, we are much like this child. We go Freedom from Fear to bed with no fear. The thought by Norman Rockwell that we may not wake up in the morning never crosses our minds. Ever y thing we have has been given to us. Through peace and bloodshed, knowledge and ignorance, negotiation and barbarianism, the human race has moved for ward, sometimes at great leaps and sometimes inch-by-slowinch. These freedoms are the greatest gift we have been given, passed down by our parents and their parents before them. People gave their lives to gain them, and others, their lives to defend them. The most important tradition of the holiday season is these freedoms, for we are able to enjoy them in all their splendor and glor y. So, this holiday season, remember the great abundance around you and be sure to pass it on. Editorial Board

© 2013 Devon Prep

Editor-in-Chief: Andrew Bright ’14 Deputy Editors-in-Chief: Patrick Shields ’14 & James Stanish ’14 Photography Editor: Michael Lawrence ’14 Digital Editor: Kevin Sheng ’14 Faculty Moderator: Mr. Lawrence Theuer Associate Editor for Entertainment: Jefferson Toro ’14 & Jon Liu ’14 Associate Editors for News: Michael Horbowy ’14 & Soham Bharne ’15 Associate Editor for Editorials: Jackson Misko ’14 Associate Editor for Sports: Sean Bevan ’14 All photos, unless otherwise noted, taken by newspaper staff or Ms. Rose Lombardo, for Devon Preparatory School. Special thanks to Fr. Shea for his tireless assistance and guidance.

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