Desingularization of two-dimensional schemes

Annals of Mathematics,107 (1978),151-207 Desingularization of two-dimensional schemes By JOSEPH LIPMAN' Section 1. Resolutionof analyticallynormalpse...
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Annals of Mathematics,107 (1978),151-207

Desingularization of two-dimensional schemes By JOSEPH LIPMAN' Section 1. Resolutionof analyticallynormalpseudo-rational singularities......................................... 2. Duality and vanishing.................................. 3. Reductionto pseudo-rationalsingularities ................ 4. Existence of good trace maps............................

156 175 188 194


We presenta new proofof the existenceof a desingularizationfor any excellent surface (where "surface" means "two-dimensionalreduced noetherianscheme"). The problemof resolutionof singularitiesof surfaces has a longhistory(cf. the expositoryarticle[25]). Separate proofsof resolution forarbitraryexcellentsurfaceswere announcedby Abhyankarand Hironaka in 1967; to date (1977) full details have not yet been published(but cf. [2], [12], [13], [14] and [15]). ActuallyHironaka's resultson "embedded"resolution are stronger than what we shall prove, viz. the followingtheorem (whichneverthelesssufficesfor many applications). Unless otherwiseindicated,all rings in this paper will be commutative and noetherian,and all schemeswill be noetherian and reduced. We say that a point z of a scheme Z is regular if the stalk 0,, of the structure sheaf at z is a regular local ring,and singular otherwise;Z is non-singular if all its pointsare regular. THEOREM. For a surface Y, with normalization Y, there exists a

desingularization(i.e., a proper birational map f: X - Y with X nonsingular) if and only if thefollowingconditionshold: (a) Y is finite over Y. (b) Y has at mostfinitelymany singular points. (c) For everyy e Y, the completionof the local ring Oy, is normal. (These conditions(a), (b), (c) are of course satisfiedif Y is excellent

[EGA IV, ? 7.8].)

0003-486X/78/0107-0001 $02.85 ? 1978 by PrincetonUniversityPress For copyinginformation, see inside back cover. I Supportedby the National Science FoundationunderGrant No. MCS75-08333.



The raison d'6tre of this paper must lie in its methods,whichrely on and so differmarkedlyfromthose of homology,duality, and differentials, Abhyankarand Hironaka. We now describebrieflythe basic ideas, assuming for simplicitythat Y is irreducible,normal,and properover a fieldk. The main pointis to show that: (*) Among all the normal surfaces proper over k and birationally equivalent to Y thereis one-call it Z-whose arithmeticgenus X(Z) = h0((D,) hl(OZ) + h2(OZ)is minimal.'

It was suggested by Zariski, in [35], that desingularizingsuch a Z shouldnot be too difficult.In fact the minimalityof X(Z) is equivalent with all the singularitiesof Z being pseudo-rational(cf. ?(1a)) (for if g: We Z is a properbirationalmap, the Leray spectral sequence gives X(Z)


.. X(W) -h(Rlg*Ow)


and in Section 1 we show that pseudo-rationalsingularitiescan indeed be resolved,even by successivelyblowingup points. The proofuses standard techniques;thingswork out pretty smoothlybecause of the followingtwo propertiesof pseudo-rationalsingularities: (i) (cf. (1.5)) If Xis a normalsurfacehaving only pseudo-rationalsingularities,and X' .-i X is obtainedby blowing up a point of X, then X' is normaland X' has only pseudo-rationalsingularities. (ii) (cf. (1.6)) The tangent cone of a pseudo-rationalsingularityis dein someprojectivespace by the vanishingof certain fined(ideal-theoretically) quadratic forms. *



For surfacesover fields,H. Matsumura has had for a long time a proof Decemof (*) based on the theoryof Picard varieties(private communication, ber 1967). I don't knowhow to generalizethisproofto the case of arbitrary surfaces. The approach to (*) taken in this paper is inspiredby results of Laufer [22, Theorem3.4]. Let f: X -- Y be a birational map of normalirreducible surfaces,both properover a perfectfieldk. Let K be the fieldof rational functionson X and Y. Let wx be a dualizing sheaf on X; wAcan be realized of K/kwithoutpoles on X. concretelyas the sheafof 2-forms(differentials) Duality theorygives isomorphismsof k-vectorspaces (i = O. 1. 2) (H't(XI cox' `) H`-(X1 Ox1) 1 (*) can be reformulated in numeroustantalizingways. It is equivalent,for example, space associatedwith is the Zariski-Riemann of H'(O0'R)where _5P to the finite-dimensionality Y (cf. [17]). It can also be posed as a statementabout certain Hilbert-Samuelpolynomials normallocal ring (cf. Remark(B), end of Section (la)). in a two-dimensional



(for a k-vectorspace V, V' is the dual space Homk(V, k)). Furthermorethe vanishing theorem((2.4), and cf. (2.3)) gives R'f *(wo,)= 0, so that we have an isomorphism H1( Y. f*wxf)"`, H'(X, (ox) There is an obvious inclusionf*Cw x C wywhosecokernelhas zero-dimensional support: fory e Y, thedimensionof the stalk (woy/f*(wx), is thenumber of k-linearlyindependent2-formswith no pole at y, but with some pole along a componentof f'`(y). Dualizing the exact sequence 0-

H0(f*,cw) = H0(wx) Hl(f*wox) = H'(wox)



> H0(wy/f*wx)


H'(Wys/f*ox)= 0,

we obtain an exact sequence 0
O for i = 1, 2, ***, r, and all the integers a, are < 0 (cf. [RS, middleof page 238, remark(ii)]). Setting 2 = Ox(E) _ Ox, and I = HO() (- HO(Ox)= R we have that I is an ideal of R with RuI of dimension? 0. The restriction of 2 to f'-(y) is ample (cf. e.g. [18, pages 318-319]),so 2 itselfis ample [EGA III, (4.7.1)], and after replacingE by nE (n > 0), we may assume that 2 is very ample. [EGA III, (] shows then that X = Proj($3",0I"), the blow-upof L Y as in the theoremexists. D. Assume that a desingularizationf: X f beingproper,f*Qris a coherent0,-module,and so Y = Spec(f*Qr) is finite over Y. The singularitiesof Y are to be found among the finitelymany



pointswhere the rational map f'-: YH X is notdefined. Thus we have the necessityof (a) and (b), and thatof (c) is givenby[RS, page 232,Remark(16.2)]. As for sufficiency, we can replace Y by Y, and then a simple pasting argumentshows that it is enoughto prove: if R is a two-dimensionallocal ring whosecompletionR1is normal, thenR can be desingularized by blowing up an m-primaryideal (m - maximal ideal of R). Now if thereexists a desingularizationf: X.-* Spec(R), then this desingularizationcan be obtained by blowing up an ideal I which is primaryfor nitR(cf. Remark C above); if f: X-p Spec(R) is obtained by blowing up the m-primaryideal =I I R, then,sinceR is flatover R and I IR, we have n -

Xk= X@RR, and it followseasily that f is a desingularizationof Spec(R) (cf. beginning of proofof the second Propositionin Section (lb) below; or just use [EGA OIV,(17.3.3(i)]). So to establish the theorem,it remainsto prove: THEOREM'. Let R be a completetwo-dimensionalnormal local ring.

Then thereexists a desingularization f: X - Spec(R).

1. Resolution of analytically normal pseudo-rational singularities

(la) (lb) (lc) (1d) (le) (if) (1g)

Pseudo-rationalsingularities............................... 156 160 Birationalstabilityof (analyticallynormal)pseudo-rationality. o..... 161 The tangentcone is an intersectionof quadrics......... An importantsubspace of in/nm2 o............. .......... *... 163 Proofof Theorem(1.2)...................................... 169 Proof of Proposition(1.28)................................... 172 Uniformizationof rank two valuations by blowingup and nor174 malizing.....................................


Pseudo-rational singularities.

PROPOSITION-DEFINITION (1.1) (cf. [RS, page 212, ? 9]). Let R be a twodimensional local ring. R is said to be pseudo-rationalif R is normcal,and satisfiesthefollowing equivalent conditions: (i) For any projective birational map W-e Spec(R) thereexistsa proper birational map Z AW such that Z is normal and H'(Z, &,) = 0. (ii) For any proper birational map W Spec(R), the normalization = 0. W is finiteover W, and H'(W, (Dyp) (iii) The completionR is reduced (i.e. has no non-zeronilpotents)and for every proper birational map W Spec(R) with W normal, we have

H1( W, O(9) = 0.



Proof. Clearly (ii) (i). Conversely, if W- -Spec(R) is proper and birational,then (i) together with Chow's lemma [EGA II, (5.6.2)] gives us a properbirational h: Z --W with Z normal and H'(Z, &z) = 0; but then W= Spec(h*(0z)is finiteover W, and H'( W.Ow) =H'( W. h*(9z)_~HI(Z~ ez); thus (i) (ii). The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) followsfromRees' characterizationof "analyticallyunramified"local rings [28]. Remark. A two-dimensionalnormal local ring R is rational if there exists a desingularization



Spec(R) with H'(X, Ox)


0. If R is rational

thenR is pseudo-rational(cf. [RS, page 200, A) and B)]). Conversely,if R is pseudo-rational,and if R admits a desingularizationW- -Spec(R), then H'(W, (,) = 0, so R is rational. (As pointedout in the introduction (Remark D), if R admits a desingularizationthen the completionR remains normal; and we are about to prove the converse.) *



The presentSection 1 is devoted to proving that one can resolve "analyticallynormal" pseudo-rationalsingularitiesby successively blowing up isolated singularpoints. More precisely: We say that a surface Y has only pseudo-rationalsingularitiesif for each singularpointy of Y, the local ring0, y is two-dimensional and pseudorational. An iterated blow-up is a composed map Z Z



Y. _1


... *



-. Yo

Y of the form =


whereeach map Y[ Yi-1(0 < i ? n) is obtained by blowingup a finiteset of closed pointson Yi_1. -

(1.2). Let Y be a surface having onlypseudo-rationalsingularities. Assume that Y has at most finitelymany singular points, and thatfor each such singular point y, thecompletionof the local ring 0,,,,is normal. Then thereexistsan iteratedblow-upZ - Ywith Z non-singular. THEOREM

Theorem(1.2) reduces Theorem' at the end of the introductionto the following: THEOREM*. Let R be a complete two-dimensionalnormal local ring. Then there exists a proper birational map W - Spec(R) such that W has only pseudo-rationalsingularities.

(Any W as in Theorem*is a normalsurface(use the"dimensionformula" [EGA IV, (5.5.8)]), and W has only finitelymany singularities[EGA IV, since R is complete,thereforeW is excellent,so all (6.12.2)]; furthermore, the local rings w (w G W) have normalcompletion.)



Theorem*will be proved in Sections 2-4. The followingobservations will help to bringthe probleminto focus. Let R be a two-dimensionalnormallocal ring whose completionR is reduced. For any properbirationalmap Z Spec(R) withZ normal, let X) be the (finite)lengthof the R-moduleH'(Z, (z). We set -


= supz(\z)



the "sup" being taken over all Z as above. (1.1) (iii) states that R is pseudorational H(R) = 0. LEMMA(1.3). For a properbirational map g: We Spec(R) (R as above) with W normal, thefollowing conditionsare equivalent: (i) W has only pseudo-rational singularities (necessarily finite in number,see above). (ii) Xw = H(R).

W with Z normal, the

(iii) For any proper birational map h: Z canonical map H'(Wy ,Lz)

= H'(W, O~w)

H'(Z, Adz)

is bijective; equivalently,R'hOz = 0. Remark. Clearly a W satisfying these conditions exists if and only if H(R) < ao. So Theorem* states that H(R) < oo if R is complete. (Actually

I don't know any example of an R with H(R) =

Proof of (1.3). W being a normal surface (see above), R'h*O. has supportofdimension? 0, and so "equivalently"in (iii) followsfromthecanonical exact sequence (1.3a) 0


H'(W, Ow)


H'(Z, Oz)



> H2(W,

w) = 0

(where H2 vanishesbecause the fibresofg have dimension? 1: cf. [EGA III, opensubsetsand use Cechcohomology). (4.2.2)]; or else cover Wby two affine Similarly, for any proper birational maps Z Z' normal, H'(Z', Oz&)C H'(Z, Oz), and hence (ii)


(iii) (ii). For any properbirationalZ' mutativediagram of properbirationalmaps




Spec(R) with Z and

> (iii).

Spec(R), there exists a com-


Spec(R) where Z" is the reduced closed image in W x , Z' of the generic pointof



Spec(R) (Z" is the "birational join" of W and Z'). The normalizationZ of , Z" is finiteover Z" (since R1is reduced,cf. [28]); so by (iii) xw = 'X > and (ii) follows. regular local rings (iii) followseasily from(i), because two-dimensional are rational, hence pseudo-rational(precedingremark). (iii) (i). Let S be the local ring of a singularpointon W; S is twodimensionaland normal. Let g': W' - Spec(S) be a projective birational map.

There exists a projective birational map g*: W*~ oW such that .

g'-g* x wSpec(S) (cf. e.g. [EGA III, (2.3.5)]). iRbeingreduced,the normalizationZof W* is finiteover W*, so we have a properbirationalmap h: Z--W. By (iii), Rlh*(z = 0, and so H'(Z', Oz,) = 0, where Z' = Zx wSpec(S) is the Q.E.D. normalizationof W'. Thus by (1.1)(i), S is pseudo-rational. COROLLARY (1.4). Let R be a two-dimensionalpseudo-rational local ring with maximal ideal m and fraction field K. Let S be a normal local ring with maximal ideal rt,such thatR _ S _ K, m _ rt,S/nis an algebraic field extensionof Rim, and such that S is essentiallyof finite type over R (i.e., S is a localization of a finitelygeneratedR-algebra). Then S is twodimensional and pseudo-rational. Proof. The dimensionformula[EGA IV, (5.5.8)] gives dim.(S) S 2, while Zariski's"maintheorem"gives dim(S/mS)2 1 (unlessS= R); thusdim(S) = 2. Clearly there exists a proper birational map W -- Spec(R) such that = S @Owwforsome w e W; and (1.1)(ii) allows us to assume that W is normal. Then :\w= H(R) = 0, and the conclusion follows from (1.3). *


The followingtwo remarks,due essentiallyto Rees [29, page 21], will not really be needed elsewherein this paper. (A) (1.3) can be sharpened: Let R be as in (1.3), and let W-- Spec(R) be a proper birationalmap with W normal. For each closed point w e W, let el, be the degree of the

residue field of


over that of R. Then


H(R) (Proof. If H(R)
0 the ideal IP is integrallyclosed. For all large n, the length of the R-moduleRIP" is given by a polynomial + pe1(I)n + tt2(I)


where W is the (normal) surface with integers4cei(I).In fact, ,2(I) = obtainedby blowingup I [RS, (5.2) and (23.2)]. From this it can be shown that SW,




Thus, Theorem*says: if R is complete,then sup1(42(I))

< .c

(lb) Birational stability of (analytically normal) pseudo-rationality. This part (lb) and the next part (lc) bringout propertiesof pseudo-rationality whichmake a relativelysimpleproofof Theorem(1.2) possible. Let (R, ma)be a local ring. (The notationsignifiesthat mais the unique maximalideal of R.) A quadratic transformof R is an R-algebra whichis to thelocal ring0T,,Wforsomeclosedpointw e W= Proj(,.0UnVn) R-isomorphic (the R-schemeobtainedby blowingup m). For later application,the principalresult of (ib) is: PROPOSITION(1.5). Let (R, m) be a pseudo-rational two-dimensional local ring. Thenany quadratic transformS of R is again a pseudo-rational two-dimensionallocal ring. Furthermore,if the completionR is normal, then so is S.

Proof. Let W be the normalizationof W = Proj(@",0 m"). Then W is finiteover W, and H'(O-) = 0, and so by [RS, (7.2)] we have m" = H?(M"(9i) forall n > 0. This impliesthat me is integrallyclosed (cf. e.g. [ibid., proof of (6.2)]), and hence [ibid., (5.2)] W is already normal(i.e., W= W). So (1.5) is a consequenceof Corollary(1.4) and the following: PROPOSITION. Let (R, ma)be a two-dimensional normal local ring with

K, mcnu fieldoffractionsK. Let (S, it) be a normal local ring with RCS_ over R S is a is ring of (i.e., and such that S essentially of finite type fractions of a finitelygeneratedR-algebra). If R is normal, thenso is S.



Proof. Let S*=





R. For any t > O,

S*/ntS* = (S/nt)?R R = (S/nt)?R/ t(R/mtR)= S/lt and so uS* is a maximal ideal such that the canonical map of S into the localT. Since R ization T - (S*)., induces an isomorphism of completions S = to be normal S T for over type finite of essentially T is and R, is excellent it is enough that T be normal [EGA IV, (7.8.3) (ii), (iii), (v)]. Since S is normal, and dim(S) ? 2 (by the dimension formula [EGA IV, (5.5.8)]), therefore S is Cohen-Macaulay, and hence so is T (since S= "T,for example). It will sufficetherefore to show that T> is regular for each heightone prime P of T. Note that if K is the fraction field of R, then S* C K mR, then IfPlR TICK.


R _ K, so that

;Tp2TRpnfl since R,,- is a discrete valuation ring, therefore T, = R, - and T, is regular. m. If PnR = ntR, thenQ = P nS is a prime ideal of S, with Q nR So the domain S/Q is essentially of finitetype over the field Rim, and therefore the completion S/QS is reduced. We have P2 QT = QTn


QS3n T

so T/QT (-S/QS) is reduced, P/QT is a minimal prime of T/QT, and hence Q T, is the maximal ideal of T,. Since the maximal ideal nTZ P, therefore Q # t, so SQ is a discrete valuation ring, and the maximal ideal (QSQ)T, of Q.E.D. T, is principal; thus T, is regular. Remark (not used elsewhere). In view of Remark (A) at the end of Section (la), the firstpart of the proof of (1.5) implies that in the process of desingularizing Spec(R) (R as (1.3)) by successively blowing up and normalizing, at most H(R) normalizations are actually necessary. (lc)

The tangent cone is an intersection of quadrics.

PROPOSITION(1.6). Let (R, m) be a two-dimensional normal local ring. Assume that thereexists a properbirational map f: W -e Spec(R) such that mOwis invertibleand H'(W, Ow)= 0 (an assumption whichcertainly holds if R is pseudo-rational). Let (z,, z1 ** , zj) be a minimal basis of m, and let

0: S = kAZO,Z,


Zj1 -> (k

,: m,/m+' = Gm R/m;Z0, *--, Z. indeterminates)

of graded k-algebrasfor which be the homomorphism 0(Zi)


canonical image of zi in m/m2

(O < i ?!))




Then the kernel of 0 is generated by Z(v- 1)/2 k-linearly independent quadratic formsQ, (1 < a ! v(v- 1)/2);moreover,if v ? 3 thenthek-vector space generatedby the linear forms

aQalaZi has dimension ?>


- 1)/2; 0 :!< j (1


+ 1.

2. (x, y) is part of a minimalbasis of m (otherwise,say, x e m2+ yR, whence ma+l =

(x, y)ma C-ma+2 +


so that (Nakayama's lemma) ma+1 = yma yR, which is absurd). The conclusionsof (1.6) clearly do not depend on the choice of the minimalbasis and correspondinglyset (Z0, *.e, z"), so we may assume x = z., zg,= yX = ZP-1, Y-=Z Now the basic point(to be proved below) is that in fact m2




y)m .

This implies that the kernel of 0 contains >(v - 1)/2-elements (O < i < j < v - 2) of the form Q-j

= ZZj

+ E`

(actjjZjX + bij6Z1Y) +


+ f%6XY +


gi jy2

(with aij6,bj, eijtfij, gij e k). The Qfjare linearlyindependent,and if v > 3, thenso are the v - 1 partial derivativesDQo;/aZo (1 < j < v - 2) and aQ1/,aZ,. Let us show then that the ideal I generated by the Qjj is the entirekernel of 0, i.e., the map j: S/I-f Gminducedby 0 is injectivo. Let S' =3), S, be the graded k[X, Y]-submodule of S generatedby


the v homogeneous elements 1, Z0, Z1,


Z,-2. Clearly the canonical map


S o-- S/I restricts to a surjection *r':S'-k S/I. So we need only check that 0d0 ': S' -+ G, is infective. But if o +' had a non-zero element of degree (say) q in its kernel, then an easy calculation would give, for n > q: dimk(m"/m"+')? dim,,(S.)




q + 1)



('n + 1) - (n = - 1)n + q,


so that e


+ 1)

< v - 1, contradicting (1.7).

It remains to prove (1.8). Let 5 be the invertible @,-ideal m@,. Since = (x, y)gP, and multiplying by 4-a gives =


m C ?()CH?(O,) =

y)ma, therefore

(x, Y)@w.

Note also that and 1 0 H0(?), so that H0(?)

ma+l = (x,



Now we have an exact sequenceof @,-modules

0 -)





where a and f8are given locally by

a(t) = tx@ (-ty), ,841 ) t2) = t1y + t2x .

Since the fibresof f have dimension < 1, H2 vanishes on coherent @w-modules ([EGA III, (4.2.2)]; or note that W can be covered by two affineopen subsets ...). 5 = (x, Y)@w is a homomorphic image of 02, therefore H'(5) is a homomorphic image of H1(02w)= 0, whence H%8) is surjective, i.e., H(g2)


(x, y)H'(?)


(x, y)m.

Since m2c H0(D2), we conclude that m2= (x, y)m.


Remark. The bijectivity of a o *' (see above) implies that for all n > 0 (1.9)

dimk(m"/m"+') 3fi-+ 1

(whence, in particular, H'( W, (X,) 0 for W = Proj(fDl">,m") [RS, page 253, (23.2)]). (1.9) could also be proved along the lines of [ibid., page 254, (23.3)]; (j o *' bijective), this would since (1.9) (e a') (1.8) (cf. (1.7)) and (1.9) give another proof of Proposition (1.6).

(1d) An importantsubspace of

We now review, in a decidedly ad hoc way, some techniques of Hironaka insofar as they are required for m/M2.



proving(1.2). In this context,Corollary(1.21) gives anotherconsequenceof whichsimplifiesthe resolutionprocess. pseudo-rationality We begin with some preliminaryremarkson quadratic transformsand embeddingdimension. Let (R, m) be a local ringwithresiduefieldkI= Rim, and let R' be a quadratic transformof R (cf. (lb)). Then mR' is invertible, say mR' tR' (t e mn).R'/tR' is the local ring of a closed pointon the closed fibre CR


rn/m"+). Let v + 1 be the embedding dimension of R

in symbol: (i.e., the dimensionof the k-vectorspace m/m2), emdim(R) = v + 1. A minimal basis (z., z1,


zk) of nmdefines a homomorphism of graded


6: k[Z] =k[Zo Zl, *.*., ZJ - D+ no r/w+' where the Z, are indeterminates,and 8(Zi) is the canonicalimage of zfin m/m2 (O g i ?i!'). Correspondingto 8, we get a closed immersionof 0R into the projectivespace P' Proj(k[Z]). So R'/tR' is a homomorphicimage of the local ringof a closed pointof P', i.e., of a regularlocal ringof dimension v; thus emdim(R'/tR') < a, and we conclude that


emdim(R') < v + 1 = emdim(R).

conditionfor The followingsimpleobservationgives a useful sufficient strictinequalityin (1.10). LEMMA (1.11). With precedingnotation,let h e k[Z] be a homogeneous

polynomial with 6(h) = 0, and let H C P" be the subschemeh = 0 of P' (so thatCRC Hi= Proj(k[Z]/h)). Let ~ e CRbethepointwhoselocal ring is R'/mR'. If 5 is a regular point of H then emdim(R') < emdim(R). Proof. R'/rnR'= R'/tR' is a homomorphicimage of the regular local ring 0,,C, whose dimension is ]

(notation as in (1.13))



and consequentlydimk(Vx)> v - 1. Furthermore,if V is any k-vector subspace of k[Z], such that K2 1k[V], then V = V,. Proof. For K2C-k[ V] it suffices,by (1.13), that dimk(VI) 2 v - 2; but this inequality is trivial if vi!< 2, and if v ? 3 the last assertion of (1.6) even 2v - 1. z gives dimk(VI) Since K2 C k[ Van]and dimk(K2) = (v- 1)/2 (cf. (1.6)), we must in fact have dimk(Vj) ?>:v- 1 for any v. The proof of the last assertion is similar to the proof of (i) in (1.13). *


With the notation and assumptions of (1.18), since K2 generates the kernel of 0 (1.6), it is clear from the definitionof VRthat (1.18a)


Van)= Va -

As before, we set z-R= codimension of VR in rn/rn2. (1.18) and (1.12) now give: COROLLARY(1.19). Let R be as in (1.6). Then VR? 2. If zrR= 0, then for every quadratic transform R' of R, we have emdim(R') < emdim(R). Under suitable conditions the inequality VR< 2 of (1.19) can be improved: the following generalizes somewhat a remark of Hironaka communicated to me by Wahl. PROPOSITION(1.20). Let (R, m) be a two-dimensionalnormal local ring of embeddingdimension v + 1 > 4, let W be the normalization of W= ml"), and assume that W is finite over W and that Hl(Sw) = 0 Proj(,,,0 (assumptions whichcertainlyholdif R is pseudo-rational"'). Then ZR < 1. Before proving (1.20) we note:

COROLLARY (1.21). Withassumptions as in (1.20), thereis at mostone quadratic transformR' of R such that emdim(R') = emdim(R). If such an R' exists, thenit has the same residue field as R. 0 use (1.19). If VR = 1 (i.e., dimk(VR) = 2) let (x, z1, .* *, z.) be a generating set of m such that VRis generated (as a k-vector space) by the images of z1, * , z, in m/r2. By (1.12), if emdim(R') = emdim(R), ? i.'); hence R' must be the then mR' = xR' and zijx is a non-unit in R' (1i localization of R[z1/x, ..., zl/x] at the maximal ideal generated by x, z1/x,*.-, zp/x,and our assertion follows.

Proof of (1.21). If

Proof of (1.20).

VR =

To begin with, our assumptions imply that W is

or even if R is reducedand H(Ow,w)= H(R) 1, then by (1.19) VR = 2, i.e., dimk(VR)= -1. Choose a generatingset (z., z1, *.., z,) of m such that the k-vectorspace VRis generated by the images of zo,z1,*.., z,2 in rn/m2.Since the kernel of 0 is generatedby v(Q- 1)/2 independentquadratic forms Qa e k[V,] (cf. (1.6) - 1 (remarkpreceding(1.19)), we and (1.18)), and dimk(V>) diMk( VR)= must in fact have kernelof 0


(ZjZ;)k[Z0, AYZo ..






f 41-2 )2k[Zoy ... y Z.].

Thus in R we have zizj En m,3 i.e., withI = (zo, *.*, we have relations (1.23)

(O ?i ? j

Zj Z,2)R,

Gij(x, y)eIIM2

and z,1 = x, Z, =Y (O z

j 3 we can choose 1 = i with0 ? 1 ? v - 2, and then,by (1.23),

c m5; z1Gij(x,y) - ziG1j(x,y) e I2rn2 so if G is the natural image of G in k[U1,U2],we have Z1Gij(Zp.l,Z.)


ZiG1j(Zl, Zj) e kernelof 0

and since 1 / i it followsat once from(1.22) that Oij = 0, i.e., all the coefficientsof Gij lie in m. This impliesthat W is not normal (contradiction), as follows: Let R' be a quadratic transformof R. Then R'/mR'is the local ring of a pointof the subscheme of PL definedby the ideal (Z0, .**, Z1-2)2. Hence the images of the zi (0 ? i ? v - 2) in M/m2 vanish at R', so the principal ideal mR' is generated either by x or by y, say nR' = xR'; and if I' = (z0/x, *.., z_2/x)R', then VxR' = (I', xR') / xR' .

(1.23a) From (1.23) we get

(zj/x)(zj/x) - xGij(l, y/x)E xI' .

of Gij lie in m C xR', we deduce that Since all the coefficients (II)2

XI' + x2R'.

It followsthat for any valuation ring R, _ R', we have I'R, C xR,, and so (I'/x) ( integralclosure of R' . Since I'


xR' (1.23a), R' cannotbe normal.




(le) Proof of Theorem (1.2). We are now readyto proveTheorem(1.2). With Y as in (1.2), let y1,y2, *.*, y, be all the singularpointsof Y, and (1 ? i _ n)

vi + 1 = emdim(O0,,) ( Y) = max1l1i,(vi)

(=1 if Y is non-singular). Assume that v(Y) > 1. Choose i such that pi = v(Y), and let Y' - Y be obtainedby blowingup yi. Then (1.5) implies that for each singularpoint y of Y', the local ring 0,,, is two-dimensional and pseudo-rational. Y' has at mostfinitelymany singular points(use [EGA IV, (6.12.2)] and the fact that Y' is a normalsurface). Furthermore, V(Y') ? V(Y) (cf. (1.10)) . Now repeat the procedurewith Y' in place of Y, to get Y" *-. Y', etc. Theorem(1.25) below obviouslyimpliesthat after a finitenumberof steps we obtain a surface Y* withv(Y*) < v(Y), and fromthis Theorem(1.2) follows at once. A quadratic sequenceis a sequence(finiteor infinite) of homomorphisms of local rings R (1.24) Ro R2 such that for each i > 0, Ri is a quadratictransformofR_1,R, --+R, being the canonicalmap. (Often,but not always, themaps will just be inclusions.) THEOREM(1.25). Let (R, m) be a non-regular two-dimensionalpseudorational local ring with normal completionR. Then there exist only finitelymany quadratic sequences(1.24) for whichR = R0,Ri is an R-subalgebra of thefractionfield of R for all i > 0, and emdim(R0) - emdim(R1) = emdim(R2) =

(In particular, the numberof membersof such a sequenceis boundedabove by an integerdependingonly on R.) Proof. Keep in mindthat for any quadratic sequence as in (1.25), all the R, (i > 0) are two-dimensionalpseudo-rationallocal rings withnormal completions(cf. (1.5)). We have ZR ! 2 (1.19). If ZR = 0 then the assertion is trivial (1.19). Suppose next that zR- 1. Then if R1 exists at all, it is uniquely de-

terminedby R (proofof (1.21)). Set R1 = R' (assumingthat R, exists). Let

k = R/m, and let (x, z1, ...,

z) be a minimal generating set of m such that the k-vectorspace VRis generatedby the images of (z1,*. , zr) in M/nt2;then .

we have (cf. proofof (1.21)) mR' = xR', the maximal ideal m' of R' is gen-



eratedby (x,z',


zp) wherez' = zi/x (1