Designing Virtual Classroom Using Product- Service System (PSS) and DICE Framework Approach

Designing Virtual Classroom Using ProductService System (PSS) and DICE Framework Approach Risnandar Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Ind...
Author: Francine Byrd
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Designing Virtual Classroom Using ProductService System (PSS) and DICE Framework Approach Risnandar

Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Subang, Indonesia (Tel : +62-852-2035-1122; E-mail: [email protected])

Abstract-The existence of which information current in various of media, then model learns teach in on-line even also can help students and teacher to carry out education in school that reside in rural. The problem of this research are the existence of facilities and basic facility are limit to support education in rural, has not yet been existence of utilization IT for Elementary School student community that reside in rural to improve better social life, the existence of gap of teacher quality in country side and urban, distance between teacher and student during learning process teach become resistance, limitation of teacher amount, and the existence of system difference improvement of student quality. Virtual classroom are looked effective to solve these problem, because teacher needn't resides in location to give knowledge to student and also direct interaction between teacher and student. The existence of e-learning in Elementary School of Cinta Mekar and MI Al-Huda, Sagalaherang, District of Subang that developed by Research Center of Information and Communication Technology-ITB team become reference to design virtual classroom in both school referred. Virtual classroom that will be designed have controller feature to student activity in school activity in class. Service System in virtual classroom is designed with approach Product-Service System (PSS). Software engineering as used in virtual classroom have the shape of prototype. Stage able plan Compilation (roadmap) by using DICE Framework (Duration, Integrity, Commitment, Effort). The result of these research are know eligibility level the usage of virtual classroom service that given to students, virtual classroom design success rate, and compilation recommendation roadmap for virtual classroom design matching with location of research place. Keyword: virtual classroom, Elementary School, PSS, DICE Framework.

I. INTRODUCTION Initially internet are used in urban area. Nevertheless, to improve rural society living standard, rural ICT very potentially if used in rural [1]. According to Peha [2], one-third resident countryside in Asia can not subscribe to internet because price out of reach. Whereas according to Horrigan et al. [3], in its research, 24% of society countryside in Asia can not subscribe to internet because service not available. Information Technology can help rural society in improving information based education [4] pass by

The 3rd International Conference on Chief Information Officer (ICCIO) 6-7 May 2010, Bandung Indonesia

membership utilization in the field of Information Technology for student community that reside in rural and can improve better social life [5,2]. Even, there is evidence early that internet fosters social interaction that can improve community countryside and lessen urbanization [6]. In global economy life, according to Gillet et al. [7] and Crandall et al. [8], investment for development of information infrastructure in the countryside bigger its opportunity is compared to in city, mostly has been fulfilled its service. Virtual Classroom offers some solutions in education problem like lessen gap of teacher quality in country side and urban, distance between teacher and student during learning process teach no longer become resistance, limitation of teacher amount can eliminated, and improve student quality [9]. Internet existence and e-learning in Elementary School of Cinta Mekar and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al-Huda in supported school activity in both school referred must be powerful pass by virtual classroom that have feature as the media for instructor and also teacher in controlling student activity in school activity in class. Service that will be designed determined base format, approach, and technique that presented will be adapted for lesson matter. Matter that will be presented referred have the shape of lesson instruction, question and answer, school activity, and interconnected discussion that subject. Whereas service that will be given to student have the shape of tutorial that can improve student achievement get with its in the case of practice, test, and academic activity other in school are referred. Virtual classroom are looked into effective because teacher needn't resides in location to give knowledge to student and also interaction between teacher and student and also on the contrary. This matter is considered necessary for built virtual classroom in SDN Cinta Mekar and MI AlHuda, Sagalaherang, District of Subang. Nevertheless, virtual classroom development requires correct service system. Because of that, service system at virtual


classroom that will be designed need an approach Product Service System (PSS). Whereas software engineering as used in virtual classroom uses prototype model and plan compilation stage able (roadmap) by using DICE Framework (Duration, Integrity, Commitment, Effort). Virtual classroom design of development in SDN Cinta Mekar and MI Al–Huda, Sagalaherang District of Subang that has not yet used correct standard of service system product to measure successfulness of system scheme of work step. The formula of paper research internal issue these are : how classroom virtual system that base on service and how measure and prediction that design virtual classroom will succeed. Whereas its target and research output to design virtual classroom in SDN Cinta Mekar and MI Al–Huda, Sagalaherang District of Subang that base on service; to measure and predict virtual classroom design of success rate; and research output is design recommendation of roadmap virtual classroom design that adapted for condition of research location. Constraint of this paper is the virtual classroom that designed used for student of Elementary School third grade until sixth grade and not discuss to pedagogy system and user level are limited for user that have not yet can operate computer at all, user that has been become accustomed operate computer, and user that has been skilled use computer. II. THE THEORY A. Virtual Classroom Basically, virtual classroom is a virtual room for meeting [10]. But virtual classroom in this concept that offered here, have the shape of virtual classroom that students in Elementary School that exist in rural can follow participate in connective school activity between teacher and student at 4 conditions [10], that are location and time in common; location in common, but different time; time in common, but different location; and location and time different. Basically, virtual classroom here prepare students in a class room to conduct discussion of lesson matter, tutorial, homework or duty, and test that linked by teacher at different school location. That is virtual classroom can be defined as study process that relied on a system of study management constructively by ICT media [11]. B. Virtual Classroom Approach with Control System This paper discusses virtual classroom with approach that orientation at student in school activity in class. With this approach, every student have more flexible time in determining plan learns. In general a student will start by see lesson matter. Later, student concerned about lesson discourse uses Video On Demand (VOD). Student can learn according to topic in lesson discourse that got from lesson matter Video On

The 3rd International Conference on Chief Information Officer (ICCIO) 6-7 May 2010, Bandung Indonesia

Demand (VOD) referred. Student also take a hand in audio/video conference by teacher to discuss existing matter in discourse referred. The concept of control system was to student activity when school activity in class by using model FIFO (First In First Out) posed at Figure 1. following.

Fig. 1. Control System Logics of Virtual Classroom

Algorithm to apply control system was to student activity when school activity in class is shown by Figure 1. Students that wish start discussion/conference conducts request to part controller. Controller keeps request of each user into queue FIFO. Because discussion application/conference are used in virtual classroom, then instructor must discussion to control system. Students have 3 choices, that is Request floor control : student asks start conference/discussion with instructor (status On); Release floor control : student conducts conference/discussion/question and answer with instructor; and Quit conference : student asks terminate conference/discussion with instructor (status Off). If a user asks request floor control, then UserID will be enhanced to queue FIFO. When user wish request floor control to start talking, then controller sees first queue at queue FIFO is canceled. Last conference application permits that user to access resources that divided together (shared). If user asks exit from conference, floor control will abstract UserID that has been registered user is referred. C. Product-Service System (PSS) Before IT service implemented, it must consider consumer need that will accept IT service is referred, because of this matter, become responsibility of service system developer. Developer can conduct combination of some activities to be successful service system implementation is referred by undertaking a number of steps, like : planning, preparation, operation, observation, agreement, and life cycle of service system. Service is must defined beforehand to fulfill need user [12]. To represent IT service successfulness, then must conduct a couple of model Product-Service System. Goedkoop et al. [13] define service as an activity that conducted for others that produce a value. Whereas according Parasuraman statement [14], service is an activity or a couple of activity that can be factual (look/tangible)


or unreal (not look/intangible) that happened in an interaction between customer and service provider and/or physical resources or goods and/or service provider system that reserved for overcome customer problem [15]. Whereas definition that primary factor prescriptive service quality shall be as follows [14]: Reability, cover two fundamental matters, that is [job/activity] consistency (performance) and ability for trusted (dependability); Responsiveness, that is willingness or readiness of employees to give service that required customer; Competence, that means in a company haves skill and knowledge that required to give certain service; Access, cover amenity for contacted and met; Courtesy, such as manner attitude, respect, attention and sociability owned by contacts personal; Communication, that means informational to customer in language that can they comprehend and hear suggestion and sigh; Credibility, that is downright characteristic and can be trusted; Security, that is safe from danger, risk or doubtfulness cover security in physical, security financial and secretes; Understanding/knowing the customer, that is effort to comprehend customer need; Tangibles, that is physical evidence from service, have the shape of physical facility, equipments utilized, physical representation from service. Goedkoop et al. [13] also define product as the reality commodity (tangible) that produced to implemented to user. Whereas system is set of from elements (product and service and social values, culture and economy) entered dependability between elementary body referred. So, Product-Service System (PSS) can be interpreted as a group of product and services that jointly can fulfill user needed [13]. D. Prototype Model Prototype model by the start of need gathering. Developer and user meet and define objective of entire from software, identify all of need known, and define marginally for the of “quick design”[16]. Design of focus quick at presentation from software aspects referred that will be presented for user. Quick Design also lead in toes construction a prototype. Prototype is referred evaluated by user and weared to filter software development needed.

Fig. 2. Prototype Model [16]

Prototype model by the start of need gathering and repair, quick design, prototype forming, user evaluation to prototype, prototype repair, and end product [17]. The explanation more its detail as follows : reaction early from user, started by present a prototype system, then saw reaction was from user when work with prototype hit system features at prototype referred. Reactions is referred can be collected in observation sheet, interview, and questionnaire [17]; user suggestions is result of user interaction with prototype presented (user evaluation) that is input for repair, distorting or ‘stop’ prototype so it's can fulfill user need eminently[17]. Innovation is previous new system abilities there is no when user interacts with prototype. Prototype innovation if succeed will be a part of result system become[17]. Plan revise, prototype depicts system in the forthcoming. Plan revise help identify priorities that will prototyped hereinafter[18]. E. DICE Framework DICE (Duration, Integration, Commitment, Effort) Framework is models that applicable to verify and validate successfulness of IT project before service implemented to the user [19]. The important aspect that considered is Duration: old project TI are run; Integration: togetherness of project team in running project TI; Commitment : dedication and commitment from project team TI; and Effort : effort that conducted project team TI for one way of working extra. Basically this DICE Framework uses international scale model that show distance between one data and data other and have wight in common, until statistic analysis that used is parametric statistic test [20]. III. METHOD A. Product-Service System (PSS) Method Product-Service System (PSS) method, it's one of methodologies that used to verify and validate an Information Technology product and services. The

The 3rd International Conference on Chief Information Officer (ICCIO) 6-7 May 2010, Bandung Indonesia


processes performed within Product-Service System (PSS) method shall be as follows :


Fig. 3. Product-Service System (PSS) Method

Figure 3, part of testing consecution define testing target, and in turn will refer to testing environment that depict system under testing. Testing was with PSS method must passed by step of card test that cover : define test bed : complete description testing environment; user profile (user): expounding level end user; and service profile : existence of service functionality that can differentiate level end user in the case of ability use service. Whereas combination of card test fully depicts all environment aspects that will test test bed. So, testing step at PSS can be conducted with testing technique to validate virtual classroom activity as follows : verification before system are operated; simulation that based on modeling; statistic analysis; and validate when system is operated. B. Prototype Model Prototype model as the model to solve the problem software engineering that will be developed in virtual classroom. In ideal, prototype model as a mechanism identify software needed. If prototype will be built, developer must utilizes existing program fragments or apply conducive mountings program that work for peeped out quickly. Though various of problems can happen, prototype can become effective paradigm for software engineering activity. The key is defined rules played when early, that is user and developer, its second must agree that prototype is built for functioned as the need mechanism [21].


Fig. 4. Trouble-shooting Prototype Model

C. Phase of Recommendation Measurement with DICE Framework (Duration, Integration, Commitment, Effort). Assessment Factor at scale 1 to 4, growing low score, then one the better. That is, score 1 indicates that factor is referred very maybe can to IT project successfulness and score 4 mean that very not possible at IT project successfulness.

Fig. 5. Measurement of DICE Framework

The formula of DICE Framework shall be as follows: DICE = D + (2 x I) + (2 x C1) + C2 + E a) Score between 7 and 14 (Win Zone), project TI very maybe to succeed; b) Score higher than 14 but rather low from 17: (Worry Zone); c) Score more than 17, project TI high risk; If score project more than 17 and under 19, IT project very high risk. Above 19 (Woe Zone), IT project not possible succeeds. IV. RESULT PSS approach can be conducted when verification and validation of system. Questionnaire are conducted to 45 responders, either student or teacher of both school of research place. The score of verification process and virtual classroom validation shall be as follows : TABLE I SCORE OF VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION OF VIRTUAL CLASSROOM WITH PSS

Whereas ideal score to count choice : Very Good : 5 x 45 = 225 Good : 4 x 45 = 180 Average : 3 x 45 = 135 Bad : 2 x 45 = 90 Worst : 1 x 45 = 45 Base score result at Table 1, then project requirement as used in Product-Service System to determine roadmap classroom virtual development can be described as following :

Fig. 6. Score of Project Requirement for Roadmap Virtual Classroom

Base on Figure 6, then quantitative analysis result indicates that project requirement as used in ProductService System to determine roadmap classroom virtual development as a whole will walk properly. Testing Result from questionnaire 45 responders

The 3rd International Conference on Chief Information Officer (ICCIO) 6-7 May 2010, Bandung Indonesia


indicate that project requirement that use model Product-Service System (PSS) to determine roadmap classroom virtual development as a whole will walk properly and competent for run. This condition are proved with score roadmap model PSS for code of A = 178 (average), code of B = 179 (average), code of C = 182 (good), code of D = 181 (good), code of E = 186 (good), code of F = 183 (good), and code of G = 180 (good). Whereas base verification result uses DICE Framework with formula DICE = D + (2 x I) + (2 x C1) + C2 + E, where component Duration (D) value is 2, Integrity (I) value is 2, Commitment from top management (C1) value is 1, Commitment from user (C2) value is 1, and Effort (E) value is 3 will produce point of 12 that it is at position Win Zone that mean development project Virtual Classroom very succeeds run.

[3] Horrigan, James and Smith,




V.CONCLUSION Base performed within research this paper, then can be concluded as follows : 1. Base research result with approach Product-Service System and DICE Framework, then virtual classroom design in Elementary School of Cinta Mekar and MI Al–Huda, Sagalaherang, District of Subang that base on service very competent used by student grade of 3 until 6 of Elementary School for user of beginner level, user that become accustomed operate computer, and skilled user operates computer. 2. Virtual classroom design success rate in Elementary School of Cinta Mekar and MI Al–Huda indicates that base verification and validation process to virtual classroom system that base on service, then classroom virtual design must concerned about combination between system element, project requirement, and testing result at virtual quik design system classroom. Base testing with approach DICE Framework depicts that project design Virtual Classroom very succeeds (Win Zone), because it is at point of 12. Compilation of recommendation roadmap virtual classroom project design that adapted for condition in research location is relied on testing result from questioner 45 responders indicate that project requirement by using model Product-Service System (PSS) to determine roadmap classroom virtual development as a whole will walk properly and competent for run. REFERENCES [1] Horrigan, J. and Murray, The estimate penetration of internet in rural homes with internet access, Jurnal Michigan State University, 3, 2006. [2] Peha, Jon M,Bringing Internet to Unserved Comm unities. Discussion Paper,Brookings Institution, The Hamilton Project, 2008.

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The 3rd International Conference on Chief Information Officer (ICCIO) 6-7 May 2010, Bandung Indonesia

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