Description Pilot Action

Developing transnational transversal youth strategies in regions with migration Jugendstrategien für Regionen mit Abwanderung Description Pilot Actio...
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Developing transnational transversal youth strategies in regions with migration Jugendstrategien für Regionen mit Abwanderung

Description Pilot Action

Pilot action: Pupils Research Center Name of the initiative: PILOTAKTIONS LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS Name of partner organisation filling in this form: INNOVATION REGION STRYRIA Name and Surname of the Pilot action coordinator: CLAUDIA KROBATH

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1. Name and category (1 - 4) of pilot action: Pupils Research Center

2. Address: Please include the postal address of the performing organisation or of the pilot action being studied if possible. Include the following information: Postal Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail:

3. Contact Person: Please provide details of a contact person so that other organisations can obtain information directly if they wish. Name and Surname: CLAUDIA KROBATH Position in company: MANAGING DIRECTOR Telephone:+43 664 477 0909 Fax: E-mail:[email protected]

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4. Name of support Agencies: Please provide the complete name of the organisation or organisations supporting the pilot action. If there is more than one, please indicate the 'leading' organisation. Lernwerk Binder GmbH Ansprechpartner: Johannes Binder Mitterdorfstraße 5 8572Bärnbach +43 664 3917714 BerufBildungszentrum Weiz, Ansprechpartner: DI (FH) Hermine Arnold Franz-Pichler-Straße 28 8160 Weiz +43 05 7270 DW 3304

5. Type of Organisation: Mark the legal status of the performing organisation with an “x”. If there is more than one, only mark the legal status of the ‘team leader.’ Local Administration Regional Government State Administration State-run company/Semi-independent state controlled company Non-Government Organisation (NGO) X Association university/non-university Research Institutes Private Company Others (please specify):

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6. Overview of the initiative: In the framework of the pilot action “pupils research center” as part of the Central Europe Project “YURA – your region, your future” together with the lead partner Ministry of Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt and six European regions, it is intended to initiate a out of school learning by experimental workshops for pupils. Based on the model of the work package leader District Adminsitration Burgenlandkreis (Germany), the Styrian Partner Innovation Region Styria, developed the “pupils research center” in Styria. In cooperation with the experts was the pilot action implemented. In the western part of Styria was the Lernwerk Binder involved. Besides the active implementation, they also developed the concept and the curriculum for the pupils research centre. In the eastern part of Styria, the BFI Bildungszentrum Steiermark with the Ausbildungszentrum Weiz implemented the concept with also in their youth training center. Both institutions are equipped with the necessary infrastructure (machines etc.) The PA has the following parts/steps, intentions and tools: Step 1 - analysis of pupils qualifications by a questionnaire (ability, wishes, possibilities, …) - analysis of companie’s needs (ability, wishes, possibilities, …) - transnational discussion(e.g. via internet) about results of analysis - matching the firms needs and pupils qualifications - discussion with firms and schools Step 2 - revision of the defined learning modules if necessary - formulation of the concept - transnational discussion of the concepts Step 3 set up the concepts and implementing the modules Evaluation by a questionnaire for getting feedbacks especially from the pupils and the companies. Step 4 presentation of intermediate results on regional and transnational level 7. Contribution to the project YURA:

All YURA regions taking part in Pilot Action 4 – Pupils Research Centre – are suffering from similar problems - young well educated people often leave the region (not sufficient perspectives) - companies don‘t find enough qualified workers and appropriate vocational trainees - staff is overage - decreasing birth rate - unattractive payment By implementation a pupils research centre in the YURA regions Pilot Action 4 intends a proposal to counteract social and spatial segregation

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8. Objectives and target groups : Objectives: In the frame of Pupils Research Center the pupils will be offered interested students an extracurricular knowledge transfer. The expert Lernwerk Binder and the BFI Weiz, offering young people in the metal and electrical field experimental modules, in which they can acquire basic skills and get access to the technical professions. Based on small work pieces they can test their skills, new experiences and get first experience in the branches metal and electrical technology for their possible future profession or gather an inspiration for higher technical education. These activities should foster the interests of young people in technical and scientific fields. - The pilot action will initiate a “gluing-effect” of the youngsters in the region by visiting regional companies and making the firms interested in the young people by being surprised about their professional achievements after having passed the pupils research centre. The elaboration of the curricula and learning modules shall contribute to achieve this ambitious goal. The youngsters should obtain suggestions for an occupation or training in the companies. We try to bring the pupils with the companies together in a medium or longer period of time. Target groups: - grade 7 to 10 Indirect target group: - the pupils parents - the pupils teachers - the participating companies

9. Description of the implementation Procedure for setting priorities, objectives, measures to be implemented and results and outcomes In the project region Styria are the priorities in fields of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. This was based on the inquiries by the companies, because there is a lack of well skilled employees. The objectives are: Implementation process - Finding the experts for implementing the pilot action and creating a team - inquiry by questionnaires for pupils and enterprises determining the base for regional vocational fields - first elaboration concerning the styrian curricula in the vocational fields metal- and electronic techniques -harmonization of the curricula with local, regional and the project partner Burgenlandkreis

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- Recruitment of schools/ pupils and enterprises -Further elaboration of curricula in vocational fields on base of the proposal for table of contents concerning the specific regional character of YURA- region and harmonization with companies of the region -kick of meeting with schools and teachers -Implementation by testing the pilot action

Description of measures and actions In Styria there are 3 modules in the concept 1 MODUL BASIC in ELECTRICAL-ENGINEERING and METAL- ENGINEERING 1.1 Basics of Metals Technology 1.2 Basic of Electrical Engineering 2 MODUL PRODUCTION 2.1 Basis metal technology - machines 2.2 Welding Technology 2.3 CNC turning and milling basics 3 MODULE AUTOMATION 3.1. PLC control system design 3.2 Programming 3.3 automation The method of teaching is through lecture - experiment - discussion – practice The aim of the implementation of this measures will be, that each pupil will have at the end: 2 work pieces (a candle holder and a lamp with LED) By this the pupils pass experimental through all steps of the modul – planning of the work pieces, practical making/production and automation with lights. Total curriculum see annex

10. Description of the Outcomes Situation after launching the project The new situation after launching the project is at first, that schools and the participating teacher, as well as the companies foster new partnerships. Many contacts are made in the project which will be used after duration of the Yura project. Sustainability The implementation of a “Pupils Research Centre” was very well recognizes in the region and received and perceived also at the political level. There are already talks about future activities Page 6 / 18 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co -financed by the ERDF

for the PRC even after the project end and how it could be financed to ensure the sustainability.

Lessons Learnt It was paid special attention to respect the mentioned wishes and needs by the companies as well as by the schools. To involve the parents is also a recommendation for further projects. Pretty similar to this, is the work with regional actors / stakeholders. In this case, it should be paid very much attention to the fact not to involve some partners too much into activities and others not. Future Prospects

12. SWOT ANALYSIS Apply a SWOT analysis to the most important in-house and external characteristics affecting the pilot action while their implementation.



High level of enthusiasm among the students and teacher

It is still difficult to get girls for professions in “typical men jobs”

open for out of school learning Schools offer to use school hours in the frame of “handicraft”



long-term partnerships with an out of school certification in absolving modules in certain professions, it could be a beneficial by searching for suitable work

Often there are already many activities for students Long-term financing

13. Transferability of the Pilot action The YURA pilot action “Pupil Research Center” is basically transferable to all YURA partner regions and as well others, too. Of particular importance is the knowledge about the regional economic structure as well as the situation of the local labor market, since the instrument Page 7 / 18 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co -financed by the ERDF

“Pupil Research Center” is especially successful to implement if already first problems in these fields could be recognized. It is very imported to harmonize the activities and experimental modules with the regional companies.

14. Sustainability and Community value added Through the active cooperation of regional actors negative influences in terms of the demographic and social change, especially in structural weak rural areas, could be mitigated and as well regional collaboration strengthened. Under this circumstances, the YURA pilot action “Pupil Research Center” achieved a key requirement of the overall YURA project and shows a generally transferable approach on how to deal with problems of demographic change as well as the shortage of young skilled workers.

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15.Audiovisual material

Start up of the PRC 29.11.2011 with schools from the region

Start up first Module Basics

Begrüßung und Einführung

Planung des ersten Werkstückes

Erste Versuche

Die Schüler im Gespräch mit der Presse

Interview kanal 3 mit GF Lernwerk Binder

Vierte Klasse der NMS Köflach mit den Ausbildern

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Curriculum Styria – Lernwerk Binder

Berufsbilder im Metall - Elektrobereich: - Elektrobetriebstechnik - Maschinenbautechnik - Mechatronik - Metalltechnik – Blechtechnik - Metalltechnik – Metallbearbeitungstechnik

Occupations in the metal - electric range: - Electrical Industrial Technology - Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronics - Metallurgy - Sheet Metal Technology - Metal technic - metal treatment engineering - Technical drawing - Tool Engineering - Machine tools - machining

- Technischer ZeicherIn - Werkzeugbautechnik - WerkzeugmaschineurIn - Zerspanungstechnik

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Im Maschinen-, Anlagen- und Gerätebau spielen mechanisch-elektronische = mechatronische Systeme eine zentrale Rolle. Mechatroniker und Mechatronikerin planen solche Systeme, fertigen mechatronische Bauelemente, bauen mechatronische Baugruppen und gleichen sie ab. Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit sind verschiedenste elektrische, pneumatische und hydraulische Steuerungen. Sie programmieren und prüfen die mechatronischen Systeme, montieren sie in Maschinen und Anlagen und prüfen die Funktionsweise. Sie übernehmen die Inbetriebnahme der Maschinen und Anlagen und kümmern sich auch um die Wartung und allfällige Reparaturen. Fehlfunktionen sind manchmal knifflig zu finden, sie führen Tests durch, um den Fehler einzugrenzen und beheben die Störung. Sie beraten die Kundschaft auch zu Einsatz, Bedienung und Wartung der Maschinen und Anlagen.

Bei den Einführungsmodulen wurden auf Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten, die im Kern des Berufsbildes enthalten und notwendig sind. Für das Berufsbild des Mechatronikers überschneiden sich die Module teilweise

Für alle Module werden zu Beginn die notwendigen Sicherheitsunterweisungen und Verhaltensregeln in der Lehrwerkstatt durchgeführt.

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1.1 Grundlagen Metalltechnik

1.2 Grundlagen Elektrotechnik

2 MODUL FERTIGUNG 2.1 Grundlagen Metalltechnik – Maschinen 2.2 Schweißtechnik 2.3 CNC Drehen und Fräsen Grundlagen

3 MODUL AUTOMATISIERUNG 3.1. SPS Steuerungsaufbau 3.2 Programmieren 3.3 Automatisierung

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1 Grundmodul Metall



1.1 Grundlagen Metalltechnik – manuelle Techniken


Sicherheitsunterweisung Verhaltensregeln Lehrwerkstatt Umgang mit Rollmaß und Schiebelehre Anreißen

aims of training

method of teaching

Erkennen und Einsatz von:

- lecture

Messschieber, Rollmaß, Winkel, Streichmaß, - experiment Anreißnadel, Körner, Feilensatz, Handbügelsäge, - discussion Schutzbacken ) - practice Ständerbohrmaschinen, Reibahlen, Gewindeschneidsätze, Gewindebohrsätze

Feilen Sägen

Werkstück Kerzenleuchter

Bohren und Senken Gewindeschneiden von Hand Reiben von Hand Einführung Werkstoffkunde Grundlagen des technischen Zeichnens (Darstellungsformen, Bemaßung, Linientypen) Grundlagen der spanenden Formgebung (Einteilung, Schneidengeometrie)

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1.2 Grundlagen Elektrotechnik

Anfertigen eines Wechselschalters

Grundsätzliches Verständnis

- lecture

über der Wirkung und Einsatzes von Strom

- experiment

Hartpapierbearbeitung Schaltungsaufbauten

- discussion - practice


Löten (Lötkolben) Offener, geschlossener Stromkreis

Werkstück 12 Volt Phasenprüfer

Serien- und Parallelschaltungen Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes auf den menschlichen Körper Kennen lernen der elektrischen Größen und Einheiten Ohm’sches Gesetz Elektrische Wirkleistung

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2 Modul Fertigung



2.1 Grundlagen Metalltechnik – Maschinen


aims of training

Drehen: Aufbau der Drehmaschine (Schaudrehmaschine); Längsdrehen, Plandrehen,


Ein- und Abstechen, Zentrieren, Bohren und Senken mit Welle mit Gewindezapfen und Freistich (Teile Reitstock, Mini Schraubstock) Passungen drehen, Umgang mit Bügelmessschraube, Grundplatte Fräsen: Maschinenaufbau, Aufspannen von Teile Mini Schraubstock Werkstücken, Formatfräsen, Herstellen von Innen- und Außenkonturen,

2.2 Schweißtechnik

Welle mit Innendrehen

method of teaching

- lecture - experiment - discussion - practice

Passungsübung (innen / außen)

Inbetriebnahme Autogenschweißgerät Kennen lernen der Zubehörteile Autogenschweißgerät

Kennen der Geräte, Werkzeuge, Maschinen:

- lecture

Verschmelzen von dünnen Blechen

Autogenschweißgeräte (Gaslager mit Platzanschlüssen)

- experiment

Inbetriebnahme MAG Schweißgerät Kennen lernen der Schweißmaschine Einstellungen MAG Schweißgerät Raupen ziehen, Kehlnaht (Stumpf)

MAG Schweißgeräte ; WIG Schweißgeräte MIG Schweißgeräte Doppelpulsmaschine Werkstücke:

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- discussion - practice

Schweißtechnik im Überblick

Verschiedene Bleche verschmelzen und verschweißen , Kehlnaht, T Stoß

Grundlagen Schweißen Gasverbrauch berechnen , Werkstoffkunde 2.3 CNC Drehen und Fräsen Grundlagen

CNC – Allgemein (Steuerungsarten, Wegmesssysteme, Koordinatensysteme, Programmaufbau, wichtige Punkte an der CNC Maschine, CNC Bearbeitungsachsen, Werkzeugkunde, Arten von Daten,Werkzeugaufnahmen)

- lecture Übungsstücke (diverse Drehteile)

- experiment - discussion - practice

Programmierübungen (Geradeninterpolation, Kreisinterpolation, Verrundung, Fasen, Bohren, Werkzeugradiuskompensation, Einstiche, Werkzeugkorrektur, Schrupp- Schlichtzyklus, Einfache Programmierübungen in Absolutmaßangabe, Programmkontrolle) Abfahren (abfahren bereits programmierter Werkstücke und abfahren der selbst programmierten Werkstücke)

3 Modul Automatisierung

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Grundlagen der Steuerungstechnik 3.1. SPS Steuerungsaufbau Steuerungstechnik

aims of training

method of teaching


- lecture

Leichte Schaltpläne

- experiment


- discussion - practice

Binäre Verknüpfungen Bausteine 3.2 Programmieren

Laden von Programmen

Simulation von Programmabläufen

- lecture


Einfachen Schaltungen (und / oder Verknüpfungen)

- experiment

Simulation von Programmabläufen Aufbau, programmieren und Inbetriebnahme von einfachen Schaltungen (und / oder Verknüpfungen …) 3.3 Automatisierung

Prüfung des Programmes auf Funktionalität

Kennen lernen von GE Versa Programmiersoftware

Inbetriebnahme von Anlagen

Anlage in Betrieb setzen und auf Funktionalität prüfen

- discussion - practice

- lecture - experiment - discussion - practice

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