782014 Demir }Oklemesinin plazrna bakJ r w yink> dOZe}'lerine etkisi; Se}men w ark DEMiR YUKLEMESiNiN PLAZMA BAKIR VE CiNKO DUZEYLERiNE ETKiSi* Ce·...
Author: Merilyn Randall
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Demir }Oklemesinin plazrna bakJ r w yink> dOZe}'lerine etkisi; Se}men w ark


Ce·rrahpa§a Tip Dergisi

Hakk1 Oktay SEYMEN, Murat MENGi, Dervif OZCELiK, Tevfik GULYA~AR, Pmar SEYMEN, GOnnur YiGiT Background and design.- The harmful effects of acute and chronic iron loading are well documented. Increased lipid peroxidation is an important expression of both chronic and acute iron toxicity. In the structure of some antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, the copper and the zinc are im.ulved. Our aim was to study the effect of iron overloading on the plasma copper and zinc levels. Results.- Adult male Wistar albino rats weighing 200-205g were used. The animals were divided into 2 weight-matched groups. Group 1: Control group (n=6) and Group 2: Iron overloading group (n=7). The rats of group 2 received intraperitoneal iron (Ferro Ill hydroxide polymaltose) at a dose of 250 mg/kg/day for 10 days. At the end of the administration period, the rats were killed under ketamine ariesthesia (50 mg/kg). Heparinized blood samples were obtained from aorta abdominalis. The plasma iron, copper and ziric levels were mesaured by atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer. The plasma free iron values for rats receiving iron were significantly (p d0ze}4erine etkisi; Seyren w erk.

7 82014

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• Anahtar Kelimeler: Oksidan stres, demir, baktr, ~inko; Key Words: Oxidant stress, iron, copper, zinc; Almdzgz Tarih: 28 Eyliil 1998; D~. Dr. Hakla Oktay Seymen, Bio. Murat Mengi, Prof. Dr. Giinnur Yigit: tO. Cerrahpa~a T:tp Fakiiltesi Fizyoloji Anabilim Dab; Dr. De~ Oz.yelik, Di-. Tevfik Giilya~ar: i:O. Cerrahpa~a T:tp Fakiiltesi Biyofizilc Anabilim Dab; Dr. Pmar Seymen: T.C. Haydarpa~a Nwmme Hastanesi 2. Dahiliye K1inigi Yazl§ma Adresi (Address): Dr. H.O. Seymen, tO. Cerrahpa~a T:tp FakOltes~ FizyoJoji Anabilim Dab, 34303, Cerrahpa~a, istanbul.'s2/99s2a1ft.htm




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