Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

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Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

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Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes Released: January 30, 2015 Release Name: TE901B8 Hotfix#48IIS 

Software Issues Resolved Expense Plan Expenses Deltek Defect Tracking Number: 478674 Description: When approving charges, identifying the actual location was difficult when a custom location description was applied. To correct this, hover text was added to the Location field of expense authorization and expense report forms. Customers Impacted: This defect and correction apply to Expense module users. Workaround Before Fix: None. Additional Notes: None. Files Updated applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\ExpenseDetails.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\carrental\ExpenseDetails.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\lodging\ExpenseDetails.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\meals\ExpenseDetailsMultiDay.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\meals\ExpenseDetailsSingleDay.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\other\ExpenseDetails.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\other\ExpenseDetailsMultiDay.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\claimedexpenses\other\ExpenseDetailsSingleDay.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\expauth\plannedexpenses\ExpenseDetails.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\expauth\PlannedExpenses.jsp applications\TC\DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\ applications\TC\APP-INF\classes\com\deltek\tc\expauthoverall\plannedexpenses \ExpensesComponentDO.class applications\TC\APP-INF\classes\com\deltek\tc\exprptoverall\claimedexpenses \ExpensesComponentDO.class applications\TC\APP-INF\classes\com\deltek\tc\exprptoverall\claimedexpenses\ExpensesComponentDO $1.class applications\TC\APP-INF\classes\com\deltek\tc\exprptoverall\claimedexpenses\ExpenseInfo.class IIS Server: DeltekTC\com\deltek\tc\exprpt\

Other Applications Affected Location based Expenses on Expense Authorization and Expense Report. System File Dependencies

Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

More information about this release is on the following page.

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Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

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Custom Programs Affected: 6RPHWLPHVDQXSGDWHFDQFDXVHFXVWRPSURJUDPVRUVWRUHGSURFHGXUHVWRVWRSZRUNLQJDVH[SHFWHG%HIRUHDSSO\LQJ this update, consider whether you have any custom programs or reports in the application area affected by the update. If VRFRQWDFW'HOWHN&XVWRPHU&DUHDW before you install the update.

To Download the Cumulative Update: 1.From Internet Explorer, go to 2.Click Run Deltek Software Manager. 3.Log in using your Deltek Customer Care Connect credentials. 4.In the left pane of the Deltek Software Manager, expand your Deltek product. 5.([SDQGWKH+RW)L[HVIROGHUIRU\RXUSURGXFWDQGVHOHFWWKHXSGDWHWRGRZQORDG 6.Click Download at the bottom of the screen.

To Install the Cumulative Update:

Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

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Deployment Instructions for WebLogic Tier  Before installing any software update, you should first back up the files that will be modified. The files that will be modified during installation are listed in the Hot Fix PDF. The files are located in the \\Oracle\Middleware ?'HOWHN7([folder and the \\inetpub\wwwroot folder. You should either back up all files by making copies of both folders, or you should make individual backup copies of the files listed in the PDF.  ,QWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWKDWIROORZYHUVLRQQXPEHUUHIHUHQFHVDUHUHSODFHGZLWKDQ;LQILOHQDPHV

1. 2. 3.

Stop the Time & Expense service. Extract the Hot Fix zip file to ??2UDFOH?0LGGOHZDUH?'HOWHN7([folder. Start the Time & Expense with ESS service.

If the hot fix file contains a database Patch file, complete the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Go to Web Logic console (http://:7009/console). Log in as system/weblogic. Click Domains under Domain Structure. Select MASTER domain. Log in as SA if using SQL, or SYSTEM if using Oracle. Click Apply Service Pack. Type the password for the tc_0000 account. Click Execute. Wait for a "Process Completed Successfully" message. Navigate to Domains, and then select Sample domain. Click Apply Service Pack, and then click Execute. Wait for a "Process Completed Successfully" message. Continue applying the service pack to the rest of the domains (TC_0002, TC_0003, and so on) until they are all complete. Start the Time & Expense with ESS service.

If the hot fix has an associated IIS hot fix, complete the following steps:

1. 2.

Extract the Hot Fix IIS zip file to \\inetpub\wwwroot folder. Using the IIS Management console, restart the IIS service.

To Check to See if the Cumulative Update is Installed:

Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self-Service Hot Fix Notes

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WebLogic Tier 1. 2. 3.

Look in the \\Oracle\Middleware\DeltekTEx folder, where x is your version of Time & Expense, on your WebLogic server. Open the Hot Fix PDF that corresponds to the hot fix you installed. Note which files were supposed to be replaced by the hot fix. To verify that these files were replaced, confirm that the date and time on the replaced files matches the date and time on the hot fix zip file

Database Tier 1. 2. 3.

Log into Time & Expense. Click the "i" in the Global Options Area (upper right hand side) to display the About Time and Expense dialog box. Check that the database hot fixes are displayed in the dialog box.

IIS 1. 2. 3.

Look in the \inetpub\wwwroot folder. Open the Hot Fix PDF that corresponds to the hot fix you installed. Note which files were supposed to be replaced by the hot fix. To verify that these files were replaced, confirm that the date and time on the replaced files matches the date and time on the hot fix zip file