Datapath With Control

ECE232: Hardware Organization and Design Part 10: Control Design Adapted from Computer Organization and Design,...
Author: Angela Cobb
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ECE232: Hardware Organization and Design

Part 10: Control Design

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson & Hennessy, UCB

Datapath With Control

ECE232: MIPS Control 2

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


R-Format Instruction: add $t1, $t2, $t3

Instruction RegDst ALUSrc R-format 1 0 ECE232: MIPS Control 3

Memto- Reg Mem Mem Reg Write Read Write Branch ALUOp1 ALUp0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Load Instruction

Instruction RegDst ALUSrc lw 0 1 ECE232: MIPS Control 4

Memto- Reg Mem Mem Reg Write Read Write Branch ALUOp1 ALUp0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Branch-on-Equal Instruction

Instruction RegDst ALUSrc beq x 0 ECE232: MIPS Control 5

Memto- Reg Mem Mem Reg Write Read Write Branch ALUOp1 ALUp0 x 0 0 0 1 0 1

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Simple combinational logic Instruction R-format lw sw beq

RegDst 1 0 X X

ALUSrc 0 1 1 0

MemtoReg 0 1 X X

Reg Write 1 1 0 0


be q

Mem Read 0 1 0 0

Mem Write 0 0 1 0

Branch 0 0 0 1

ALUOp1 1 0 0 0

ALUp0 0 0 0 1

In p u ts O p5 O p4 O p3 O p2 O p1 O p0

O u tp u ts R -fo r m a t


R e gD st A LU S rc M e m to R e g R e g W rite M emRead M e m W rite B ra n ch A LU O p 1 A LU O p O

ECE232: MIPS Control 6

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Single-Cycle Machine: Appraisal  All instructions complete in one clock cycle (CPI = 1)  Some instructions take more steps than others • lw is most expensive (5 steps, vs. 4 for R-type and sw, 3 for beq)  Clock cycle must cover longest instruction ⇒ inefficient • suppose mult is added? • 32-shift/add steps ⇒ would delay every other instruction

ECE232: MIPS Control 7

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Cycle time and speedup computation  Assume: • 2ns for instruction/data memory • 1ns for decode/register read • 2ns for ALU and • 1ns for register write  Single-cycle datapath clock period = 8ns  Assume an instruction mix of 24% loads, 12% stores, 44% R-format, 18% branches, and 2% jumps  Assuming a variable-cycle datapath, average clock period = 8*0.24+7*0.12+6*0.44+5*0.18+3*0.02=6.36 ns  Possible Speed-up = 1.26

ECE232: MIPS Control 8

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Multicycle Implementation (MIPS-lite v.2)  Want more efficient implementation  Each step will take one clock cycle (not each instruction) [CPI > 1] • shorter clock cycle: cycle time constrained by longest step, not longest instruction • simpler instructions take fewer cycles • higher overall performance  More complex control: finite state machine  Versatile (can extend for new instructions: swap, mult-add etc.)

ECE232: MIPS Control 9

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Clocking: single-cycle vs. multi-cycle Single-cycle Implementation clock


waste beq $t0,$t1,L

add $t0,$t1,$t2

Multicycle Implementation clock

add $t0,$t1,$t2

beq $t0,$t1,L

Multicycle Implementation: less waste=higher performance ECE232: MIPS Control 10

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


How fast can we run the clock?  Depends on how much we want to be done per clock cycle • Can do: several “inexpensive” datapath operations per clock • simple gates (AND, OR, …) • single datapath registers (PC) • sign extender, left shifter, multiplexor • OR: exactly one “expensive” datapath operation per clock • ALU operation • Register File access (2 reads, or 1 write) • Memory access (read or write)

ECE232: MIPS Control 11

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass

MIPS-lite Multicycle Version

Multicycle Datapath (overview)




Instruction Register


Read Reg1 Read Reg2

Instruction or Data

Read data 1


Registers Memory Data Register


Write Reg

Read data 2





• One

ALU (no extra adders) • One Memory (no separate IMem, DMem) • New Temporary Registers (“clocked”/require clock input)

ECE232: MIPS Control 12

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Multicycle Implementation  Datapath changes • one memory: both instructions and data (because can access on separate steps) • one ALU (eliminate extra adders) • extra “invisible” registers to capture intermediate (perstep) datapath results  Controller changes • controller must fire control lines in correct sequence and correct time ⇒ controller must remember current execution step, advance to next step

ECE232: MIPS Control 13

Adapted from Computer Organization and Design, Patterson&Hennessy, UCB, Kundu,UMass


Datapath + Control Points RegWrite MemRead IRWrite RegDst IorD MemWrite P C

M u Address x


Read Data Write Data


Read Reg1

Read A Read data1 20:16 Reg2 M Write Read B 15:0 15:1 u data2 1 x Reg IR Regs M Write M u Data D x R Sgn