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E-Mail: [email protected] DEGREES PhD Candidate, The University of Western Ontario, Canada - Education Studies, (2008 - 2012). MA, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil – Mathematics Education, (2004 – 2006). BA, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil – Mathematics, (1999 – 2002).


Research Assistant, Faculty of Education The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

2007 – 2008

Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics Sao Paulo State University, UNESP/SP, Brazil Sao Paulo State Foundation of Research (FAPESP)

2006 – 2007

Research Assistant, Faculty of Education The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

2006 – 2007

Instructor, Faculty of Technology Brazilian Centre of Applied Technology, Sao Paulo, Brazil

2006 – 2006

Instructor, Faculty of Mathematics University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil

2004 – 2006

Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics (GPIMEM) Sao Paulo State University, UNESP/SP, Brazil Brazilian National Ministry of Science and Technology

2003 – 2003

Instructor, Faculty of Engineering Municipal Teaching Foundation of Piracicaba, FUMEP/SP, Brazil

2003 – 2003

Teacher, High School Municipal Teaching Foundation of Piracicaba, FUMEP/SP, Brazil

AWARDS 2010 Western Research Forum – Award for Research Excellence – Best Oral Presentation in Arts and Humanities Presentation Title: How do student-with-graphing-calculators investigate the fundamental theorem of calculus?

SCHOLARSHIPS CAPES Foundation / MEC Brazil, Doctoral Research, 2010 – 2012. Western-FoE. Western Graduate Research, 2008 – 2012. FAPESP, Research Assistant, 2007– 2008. SSHRC / FoE-Western, Research Assistant, 2006 – 2007. CNPq Brazil, Master Research, 2004 – 2006. CNPq Brazil, Undergraduate Research, 2000 – 2002.


SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2000 – Present 2010 – Present 2009 – 2009 2005 – 2008 2005 – 2005 2004 – 2005

Researcher, Research Group on Information Technology, Media and Mathematics Education (GPIMEM, Department of Mathematics, Sao Paulo State University). Member (Information Committee Service / Faculty of Education), The University of Western Ontario. Councilor (Society of Graduate Students / Faculty of Education), The University of Western Ontario. Editor, GPIMEM Digital, Digital Journal in Mathematics Education, Sao Paulo State University. Advisor, Undergraduate Students - (GPIMEM), Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.

Scholarly and Professional Membership Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum (University of Toronto) Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education (SBEM) Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) Institute of Mathematics and Arts of Sao Paulo (IMA) Joy of X at

Scholarly and Professional Consultancy 2004 – Present 2010 – 2010

Editorial/Technical Reviewer, BOLEMA Journal. Reviewer, Encyclopedia Britannica.

Conference Reviewer/Chair 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME –NA 2011). 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME34, 2010). X Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática (ENEM 2010) [X Brazilian National Conferece in Mathematics Education].

GRADUATE COURSES (Instructor) Borba, M. C., Malheiros, A. P. S. & Scucuglia, R. (2009) Qualitative Research Methodology in Online Distance Education. In-service, Higher Education Instructors, Interactive Classroom Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006), Graphing Calculators and Mathematics Education, Inservice, High School Teachers Program, University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006), Calculators and Mathematics Education, Inservice, Elementary School Teachers Program, University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006), Graphing Calculators in Mathematics Education, Graduate Program in Mathematics, University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Ontario Ministry of Education / FoE-Western Faculty of Education – Western Faculty of Education – Western

$630 $1,000 $500

Symposium Expenses Conference Expenses Conference Expenses



BOOK CHAPTERS Borba, M., Gadanidis, G., Dawson, A.J. & Scucuglia, R. (Accepted). Digital Media and Multimodality: Genres of the Performance Arts in Mathematics Education. In: Setati, M.; Nkambule, T. & Goosen, L. (Eds). Mathematics and language diversity. New York: Springer. Borba, M., Malheiros, A. P. S. & Scucuglia, R. (In Press) Metodologia de Pesquisa Qualitativa em Educação a Distâcia Online. [Qualitative Research Methodology in Online Distance Education]. In: M. Silva (Ed.) Sala de aula interativa [Interactive virtual classroom]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora 34. Scucuglia, R. (2010) Friends of HP50g: Emotional Design and Graphing Calculators. In Claudia L. O. Growenwald & Mauricio Rosa (Eds.) Mathematics Education and Calculators: Theory and Practice. (pp. 89-112). Canoas, RS, Brazil: Editora da ULBRA. Borba, M. & Scucuglia, R. (2009). Modelagem e Performance Digital em Educação Matemática Online. [Modeling and Digital Performance in Online Mathematics Education]. In Rita de A. Gonçalves; Julieta S. de Oliveira & Maria Alice Coelho Ribas (Eds.) Educação em Sociedades dos Meios Virtuais. [Education in Societies of Virtual Media]. Vol. 1, (pp. 153-172). Santa Maria, RS, Brazil: Centro Universitário São Francisco.

ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS Gadanidis, G. & Scucuglia, R. (2010) Windows into Elementary Mathematics: Alternate public images of mathematics and mathematicians. Acta Scientiae (ULBRA), 12(1). 8-23. Scucuglia, R (2008) An Experimental Investigation with Graphing Calculators about the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Acta Scientiae (ULBRA), 10(1), 74-92

PAPERS IN JOURNALS AND PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINES (INVITED) Scucuglia, R., Borba, M. C. & Gadanidis, G. (2010). prazer em fazer matematica [ Pleasure in Performing Mathematics]. Caipira Cinema Magazine, 21(1), 14-16 Scucuglia, R. (2008) Mathematics-for-teachers online: Facilitating conceptual shifts in elementary teachers' views of mathematics. Bolema: Bulletim of Mathematics Education, v.29, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. [Translation from English to Portuguese of Gadanidis, Namukasa & Moghaddam (2008)]. Baroni, R, Vieira, V, Scucuglia, R. (2005). IV Conference of Graduate Program in Mathematics Education - Bolema: Bulletim of Mathematics Education, v.24, 111-121– Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006). Investigation of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus using Graphing Calculators (Master Thesis Abstract). Bolema: Bulletin of Mathematics Education, v.23 – Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2005) Arquimedes, Pappus, Descartes and Polya. Four Episodes of History of Heuristics – Bolema: Bulletin of Mathematics Education, (Book Review) v.23, 123-126 – Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.

DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS (CO-EDITOR) Borba, M, Scucuglia, R. (2008). GPIMEM Digital V8: Proceedings of GPIMEM 15th Year Conference. ISSN 16796853. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Borba, M, Scucuglia, R. (2006). GPIMEM Digital V7. ISSN 1679-6853. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Borba, M, Scucuglia, R. (2005). GPIMEM Digital V6. ISSN 1679-6853. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.

OTHER (WIKIS) Scucuglia, R (2010) Theorizing the Curricula: A Digital Performance on Curriculum Studies. Available for collaboration at: Scucuglia, R (2010) Public Images of Mathematics (Book Review). Available for collaboration at:



Scucuglia, R., Gadanidis, G. & Borba, M. C. (2011). Lights, Camera, Math! The F-Pattern News. In: Wiest, L. R., & Lamberg, T. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1758-1766). Reno, NV: University of Nevada. Scucuglia, R., Gadanidis, G. & Borba, M. C. (2011). Thinking Collectives and Digital Mathematical Performance. In Setati, M.; Nkambule, T. & Goosen, L. (Eds). Proceedings of the ICMI Study 21 Mathematics and language diversity (pp. 348-355). Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gadanidis, G., Borba, M., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. & Burke, A. (2011). Sing me a good research story: Research dissemination and new media. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 384-390). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Scucuglia, R. & Richit, A. (2011). O Papel das Tecnologias Informáticas na Investigação do Conceito de Soma de Riemann. [The role of information technology on the investigation of the concept of Riemann Sum] XI Congresso Estadual Paulista sobre Formação de Educadores & I Congresso Nacional de Formação de Professores. UNESP. Aguas de Lindoia, Brasil. Richit, A., Richit, A., Scucuglia, R. & Tomkelski, M. (2011). Possibilidades Didático-Pedagógicas do Software Geogebra no Estudo do Conceito de Integral [Didatical-pedagogical possibities of Geogebra software on the study of the concepty of interger]. XIII Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education. Recife, Brazil. Gadanidis, G., Borba, M. C., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. (2010). Tell me a good math story: Digital Mathematical Performance, Drama, Songs, and Cell Phones in the Math Classroom. Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. PME34, 2010. v. 3. p. 3-17-3-24. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil: Federal University of Minas Gerais. Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. Tolley, S. (2009). Low Floor, High Ceiling: Performing Mathematics across Grades 2-8. In Swars, S. L., Stinson, D. W., & Lemons-Smith, S. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America Atlanta, Georgia 2009 5 593-600 Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia State University Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. (2009). Mathematics Leaning as Community Service In Swars, S. L., Stinson, D. W., & Lemons-Smith, S. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America (PME-NA) Atlanta, GA 2009 5 585-592 Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University Borba, M. C., Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. (2009). Digital Mathematical Performance & Students as Performance Mathematicians: Interlocuções entre Artes e Tecnologias Informáticas em Educação Matemática In X EGEM - Encontro Gaucho de Educacao Matematica / Educação Matemática: diálogos entre a universidade e a escola X EGEM - Encontro Gaucho de Educação Matemática Ijui, RS 2009 Ijui, RS: UNIJUI Scucuglia, R., Borba, M. (2007). Performance matematica digital: criando narrativas digitais em educacao matematica [Digital Mathematical Performance: Creating digital narratives in mathematics education]. IX Brazilian National Congress in Mathematics Education. University of Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2007). Um olhar inicial sobre performance matematica digital e formacao de professors. [An initial look at digital mathematical performance and teacher education]. II Conference involving undergraduate and graduate students in Education and Mathematics Education. Rio Claro, Brazil: Sao Paulo State University, Scucuglia, R. (2007). A investigacao do teorema fundamental do calculo com calculadoras graficas. [The Investigation of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus using Graphing Calculators]. VII Congress of research in Education of Southeast Region. Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2007). O teorema fundamental do calculo com calculadoras graficas. [The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with Graphing Calculators]. IX Brazilian National Congress in Mathematics Education. University of Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006). Experimentacao com calculadoras graficas: o teorema fundamental do calculo. [Experimentation with Graphing Calculators: the investigation of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus]. X National Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education. Federal University of Mina Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


Scucuglia, R. (2006). O teorema fundamental do calculo com calculadoras graficas. [The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Graphing Calculators]. VIII Sao Paulo Conference in Mathematics Education. UNICSUL University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2005). Experimentacao com calculadoras graficas: o teorema fundamental do calculo. [Experimentation with Graphing Calculators: the investigation of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus]. X National Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education. Federal University of Mina Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2005). Calculadoras graficas e o teorema fundamental do calculo. [Graphing Calculators and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus]. IX National Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education. Faculty of Education, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2004). Funcoes, calculadoras graficas e demonstracao. [Functions, Graphing Calculators and Demonstration]. VIII National Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education. State University of Parana, Londrina, Brazil. ABSTRACTS/POTERS IN REFEREED CONFERENCES AND PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS (SYMPOSIUM) Scucuglia, R. (Accepted). Experiencing surprises through students’ digital mathematical performances. 2011 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting. Scucuglia, R. (2011). Interpreting Zone of Proximal Development through the Ontological Quadrivium. 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME –NA 2011) Scucuglia, R. & Gadanidis, G. (2011). The Math + Science Performance Festival. 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME –NA 2011) Scucuglia, R. (2011). The Math + Science Performance Festival. II Education Research Symposium. London, Ontario: The University of Western Ontario. Scucuglia, R. (2011). Interpreting the Zone of Proximal Development through the Ontological Quadrivium. II Education Research Symposium. London, Ontario: The University of Western Ontario. Scucuglia, R. (2011). Lights, Camera, Math: Students becoming performance mathematicians. In Proceedings of 2011 Western Research Forum. London, Ontario: The University of Western Ontario. Scucuglia, R. (2010) How do students-with-graphing-calculators investigate the fundamental theorem of calculus. In Proceedings of 2010 Western Research Forum London, Ontario: The University of Western Ontario. Scucuglia, R. (2009). Digital Mathematical Performance In Proceedings of 2009 Western Research Forum London, Ontario: The University of Western Ontario. Scucuglia, R. (2009). Investigating the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with Graphing Calculators In Proceedings of 9th Annual Graduate Students in Education Symposium Kingston, Ontario: Queens University - Faculty of Education. Scucuglia, R. (2004). GPIMEM and Research. 20’s Conference of Graduate Program in Mathematics Education. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2003). Applets: One New Technology and its application in Mathematics Education. 10s Conference of GPIMEM. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2003). Functions, Graphing Calculators and Demonstration. 10’s Conference of GPIMEM. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2002). Calculadoras graficas: conjecturando um teorema a partir de um estudo investigative de funcoes. [Graphing Calculators: Conjecturing a Theorem through an investigating study of functions]. In V Symposium for Undergraduate Researchers. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. WORKSHOPS Scucuglia, R. (2010). Creating Video for the Math + Science Performance Festival. Workshop at MSTSE Community Evening - Math, Science, Technology, and Arts related to Society and Environment. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. Scucuglia, R. & Miranda, J. P. (2009). Mathematics and Moviemaking. Heloisa Marasca State Public School. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil.


Scucuglia, R. (2009). Mathematics and Digital Performance. Heloisa Marasca State Public School. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2009) Math Performance. Week of Mathematics Majors. UNIFACEF, Franca, Brazil. Scucuglia, R.; Jackson, M. & Gadanidis, G. (2008). Imagine This: Adding imagination to mathematics. Workshop at MSTSE Community Evening - Math, Science, Technology, and Arts related to Society and Environment. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. Scucuglia, R., Borba, M. (2007). Performance matematica digital: criando narrativas digitais em educacao matematica [Digital Mathematical Performance: Creating digital narratives in mathematics education]. IX Brazilian National Congress in Mathematics Education. University of Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2006). Graphing Calculators. Course of Degree in Mathematics Day. UNIP University, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2006). Graphing Calculators in High School. Program of Continuing Education- Web of the Knowledge. University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2006). Calculators in Elementary School. Program of Continuing Education - Web of the Knowledge. University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2006). Didactic and development of mathematical concepts: Graphic Calculators. Graduate Program in Mathematics Education. University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2005). Graphing Calculators. First International Symposium of Educational Languages. University of Holy Heart, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2004). Notions about Geometricks Software. Workshop for undergraduate students in mathematics. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2004). Graphing Calculators. Second Week of Studies in Mathematics. FAI University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2004). Notions about Graphing Calculators. Workshop for under graduate students in mathematics. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2002). Notions about Graphing Calculators. Workshop for under graduate students in mathematics. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.

INVITED SPEAKER Scucuglia, R. (2011) Teaching Experiments and Video Analysis in Mathematics Education Research. Federal University of South Frontier. Erechim, RS, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2009) Digital Mathematical Performance, ULBRA, Canoas, RS, Brazil Scucuglia, R. (2009) Digital Mathematical Performance, URI, Erechim, RS, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2009) Digital Mathematical Performance, UNIFACEF, Franca, SP, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2009) Digital Mathematical Performance, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2008). GPIMEM’s Coordinator interviews GPIMEM’s Researchers. 15’s Conference of GPIMEM. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (2007). Blogs, Wikis and Digital Stories: Infusing new media into your program. Presentation for teachers. Courtice Secondary School, Ontario, Canada Scucuglia, R. (2006). Graphing Calculators and Mathematics Education. Undergraduate mathematics majors seminar. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2002). Graphing Calculators and CBR. Mathematical Seminar for under graduate students. Sao Paulo State University, Brazil. Scucuglia, R. (2002). Graphing Calculators: enunciating and proving a theorem based on an investigative study about functions.. Mathematics Symposium for under graduate students. Institute of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


ORGANIZATION OF CONFERENCES, ACADEMIC MEETINGS, AND MATH FESTIVALS Et. Al. & Scucuglia, R. (2011). 2nd Annual Research in Education Symposium. Faculty of Education. The University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario. Canada. Scucuglia, R. & Borba, M. C. (2010). II Performance Matemática Festival. Heloisa Marasca State Public School. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil. Scucuglia, R., Borba, M. C. & Miranda, J. P. (2009) Math Performance Award. Heloisa Marasca State Public School. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil. Scucuglia, R. & Borba, M. C. (2009). I Performance Matemática Festival. Heloisa Marasca State Public School. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil. Borba, M. C., Franchi, R. H. O. L., Scucuglia, R. (2008). Conferencia GPIMEM 15 Anos. Sao Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. (2008) Free Math Concert @ Alderville First Nation Community. Rice Lake, ON, Canada. PGEM, R. C., Scucuglia, R. (2004). Conferência 20 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática da UNESP/Rio Claro. Sao Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Borba, M. C., Scucuglia, R. (2003). Conferencia de 10 anos do GPIMEM. Sao Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.

RECENT ATTENDED CONFERENCES AND PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 2011 ICMI Study 21 – International Committee on Mathematical Instruction 2011 Research in Education Symposium - Western 2011 Western Research Forum 2011 Western Research Day 2011 Ontario Education Research Symposium 2010 MSTSE Community Evening - Math, Science, Technology, and Arts related to Society and Environment 2010 PME34 - Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 2010 Western Research Day 2010 Western Research Forum 2009 Western Research Forum 2009 PME-NA Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America. 2009 X EGEM – South State Brazilian Conference on Mathematics Education

DIGITAL MATHEMATICAL PERFORMANCES Scucuglia, R. (2011) My Mistake. Scucuglia, R (2010) Cell Phone Math. Scucuglia, R (2010) CBR Speed Car. Scucuglia, R (2010) The Series will come to us. Scucuglia, R & Petrela, G (2010) The Mathematics of the World Cup. Scucuglia, R (2010) Odd Numbers. Scucuglia, R (2010) The F-Pattern News. Scucuglia, R & Miranda, J.P. (2009) Sooner or Later: Mathematics.


Scucuglia, R (2009). L-Patterns: The Movie. Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R (2008) Alderville First Nation Project. Gadanidis, G. & Scucuglia, R. (2007). I am Too. Scucuglia, R (2007). Flatlan except 2. Scucuglia, R & Borba, M. (2007). The Waiter. Scucuglia, R & Borba, M. (2007). The Problem of The camels. Scucuglia, R & Borba, M. (2007). Origami: an Interview. Scucuglia, R (2007). L-Patterns: The song. Scucuglia, R (2006) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Collaboration in Digital Mathematical Performances Gadanidis, G. (2010) Joy of X: The Math Band Live @TVDSB. Gadanidis, G. (2010) Math Lust Gadanidis, G. (2010) The Big Bad Wolf Gadanidis, G. (2009) Joy of X: The Math Band Live @UWO. Gadanidis, G. (2009) Joy of X: The Math Band Live @UOIT.

Research Projects (Collaboration as a Research Assistant) Project


Funded by

Principal Investigator

Performing Research Ideas

2011 - Present

SSHRC, KNAER, Fields Institute, Faculty of Education/Western

Dr. George Gadanidis

Image of Mathematicians

2011 - Present

Faculty of Education/Western

Dr. George Gadanidis

Math + Science Performance Festival

2008 - Present

Esso Imperial Oil, , Western Research, Faculty of Education/Western, Canadian Mathematical Society, Fields Institute

Dr. George Gadanidis

Students as Performance Mathematicians

2008 - 2011


Dr. George Gadanidis

Windows into Elementary Mathematics

2009 - 2010

Fields Institute

Dr. George Gadanidis

Digital Mathematical Performance

2006 - 2008


Dr. George Gadanidis

TIDIA-Ae: Electronic Learning for Advanced Internet Development

2007 - 2008

FAPESP, Brazil

Dr. Marcelo. C. Borba

Effect of Applets

2007- 2007

Faculty of Education/Western

Dr. George Gadanidis

Virtual Center of Modeling: Internet, Projects, and Mathematics Education

2005 - 2008

CNPq, Brazil

Dr. Marcelo. C. Borba

Calculus and Graphing Calculators

2004 - 2006

CNPq, Brazil

Ricardo Scucuglia

New Technology in Mathematics Education

2000 - 2003

CNPq, Brazil

Dr. Marcelo. C. Borba

Current as of October, 2011.