June 2013

Taipale, Joona Henrik Date of birth: Place of birth: Home address:

Office address:

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March 13, 1978 Espoo, Finland Ingemannsvej 28, st. 1964 Frederiksberg C Denmark Center for Subjectivity Research University of Copenhagen Njalsgade 140-142, 25.5.29 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark +45 35 32 86 82 (office); +45 50 53 38 79 (mobile) [email protected]

1. EDUCATION 2009 Ph. D. in Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki). Examiners: Prof. Steven Crowell, Prof. Anthony Steinbock, Prof. David Carr. 2004 M.A. in Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki) Minor subjects: Mathematics, Aesthetics, Comparative Religion 2003 B.A. in Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki) Minor subjects: Mathematics

2. ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 02/2013–03/2015 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 06/2011–01/2013 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER, research project European Rationality in the Break from Modernity. Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Funded by the Academy of Finland (project no. 1132050). Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki. [Leave of absence from 01/07/2012 through 15/01/2013.]


09/2009– 05/2011 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER, research project European Rationality in the Break from Modernity. Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics). Funded by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation (project no. 4701327). Department of Philosophy (as of 01/2010, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies), University of Helsinki. 10/2008–08/2009 DOCTORAL RESEARCHER, research project European Rationality in the Break from Modernity. Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Funded by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation (project no. 4701327). Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki. [Partial funding for 01/2009−03/2009 from the University of Helsinki.] 12/2007–09/2008 DOCTORAL RESEARCHER. Funded by the Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation. Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki. 01/2005–11/2007 DOCTORAL RESEARCHER, international research project Sexual Difference. From Ontology to Genealogy. Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki. Funded by the Academy of Finland (project no. 1210403). 11/200301/2004 RESEARCH ASSISTANT, research project funded by the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Helsinki, and the Academy of Finland. Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki.

3. RESEARCH VISITS 08/2011–12/2011 Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 01/2009−02/2009 Husserl Archives, University of Cologne, Germany 09/2006–12/2006 Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

4. ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS (a) Books authored 1. Phenomenology and Embodiment. Husserl and the Constitution of Subjectivity. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. (In press). 2

(b) Edited works 2. Fenomenologian ydinkysymyksiä [eng. Fundamental Questions in Phenomenology]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2010. (Edited with Timo Miettinen and Simo Pulkkinen). 3. Special issue of the Continental Philosophy Review: “Nordic Perspectives to Phenomenology”. Co-edited with Dan Zahavi. (Forthcoming in 2014). (c) Articles (in chronological order) 4. ”Transsendentaalinen henkilö ja vieraus. Minän käsite Husserlin geneettisessä fenomenologiassa” [eng. ”Transcendental Person and Alterity. The Concept of Ego in Husserl’s Genetic Phenomenology”], Ajatus 62, 2005, pp. 69-88. 5. ”Eideettisen fenomenologian periaatteet” [eng. ”The Principles of Eidetic Phenomenology”], in Edmund Husserl: Uudistuminen ja ihmisyys. Luentoja ja esseitä. Translated by Timo Miettinen, Simo Pulkkinen and Joona Taipale. Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2006, pp. 25–36. 6. ”Identiteetin fenomenologiaa. Husserl ja Merleau-Ponty persoonan yhtenäisyydestä” [eng. ”Phenomenology of Identity. Husserl and MerleauPonty on the Unity of Personality”], Ajatus 63, 2006, pp. 161-186. 7. ”Motivaatiot ja kausaatiot ruumiinliikkeiden selityksinä: Edmund Husserlin analyysi” [eng. ”Motivational and Causal Grounds of Bodily Movement. Edmund Husserl’s Analysis”], in Heta Gylling, Ilkka Niiniluoto ja Risto Vilkko (eds.): Syy. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2007, pp. 351-367. (Coauthored with Sara Heinämaa). 8. ”Perceiving the Other: Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on the Genesis of Intersubjectivity”, in Hans Reiner Sepp and Ion Copoeru (eds.): Phenomenology 2005. Volume IV: Selected Essays from Northern Europe, Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2007, pp. 735-763. 9. ”Ruumiinfenomenologia ja solipsismi” [eng. ”Phenomenology of the Body and the Problem of Solipsism”], Ajatus 64, 2007, pp. 261-282. 10. ”Kuvatietoisuuden fenomenologiaa” [eng. ”Phenomenology of Image Consciousness”], Tiede ja edistys 3/2007, pp. 193-200. 11. ”Ajallisuus ja usko” [eng. ”Temporality and Faith”], in Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Sami Pihlström and Pilvi Toppinen (eds.): Usko. Tampere: Juvenes Print, 2009, pp. 199-208. 12. ”Transsendentaalisen käsite ja kokemuksellisuus” [eng. ”Experience and the Concept of Transcendental”], in Tiede ja edistys 3/2009, pp. 225-232.


13. ”Edmund Husserl”, in online philosophical encyclopaedia Logos, January 2010. (Article available online: click here). 14. “Normalität”, in Hans-Helmuth Gander (ed.): Husserl-Lexikon. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010. 15. ”Johdanto” [eng. ”Introduction”], in Timo Miettinen, Simo Pulkkinen, and Joona Taipale (eds.): Fenomenologian ydinkysymyksiä. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2010. (Co-authored with Timo Miettinen and Simo Pulkkinen). 16. ”Intersubjektiivisuus ja normaalius” [eng. ”Intersubjectivity and Normality”], in Timo Miettinen, Simo Pulkkinen, and Joona Taipale (eds.): Fenomenologian ydinkysymyksiä. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2010. 17. ”Halu ja omatunto: Husserl ja Freud toiminnan normatiivisista rakenteista” [eng. ”Desire and Conscience. Husserl and Freud on the Normative Structures of Action”], in Klockars, Niiniluoto and Rolin (eds.): Oikeus. Tampere: Juvenus Print, 2010. 18. ”Fenomenologia, konstituutio ja ruumiillisuus” [eng. ”Phenomenology, Constitution, and Embodiment”], in Ajatus 67, 2010. 19. ”Twofold Normality. Husserl and the Normative Relevance of Primordial Constitution”, in Husserl Studies, 28/1, 2012, pp. 49–60. (Article available online: click here). 20. “Intersubjektiivisen maailman konstituutiosta” [eng. ”The Constitution of an Intersubjective World], in Jussi Kotkavirta, Olli-Pekka Moisio, Sami Pihlström, and Henna Seinälä (eds.): Maailma. Jyväskylä: SoPhi, 2012. (Article available online: click here) 21. ”Symbioosi ja erillisyys. Psykoanalyysi, fenomenologia ja itseyden juuret” [eng. ”Symbiosis and Differentiation. Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology, and the Roots of Selfhood”], in Ajatus 68, 2012, pp. 243–276. 22. “Husserl ja Freud toisten ymmärtämisestä” [eng. ”Husserl and Freud on Understanding Others”]. In Valtteri Viljanen, Helena Siipi, and Matti Sintonen (eds.): Ymmärrys [eng. Understanding]. University of Turku (Available online: click here). 23. “Olemassaolon tunne ja ruumiinkokemus fenomenologiassa ja psykoanalyysissa”, in Tiede & edistys 3/2012, pp. 243-252. 24. “Facts and Fantasies. Embodiment and the Early Formation of Selfhood”, in Rasmus Jensen and Dermot Moran (eds.): Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity. Dordrecht: Springer. (Forthcoming).


25. “The Bodily Feeling of Existence in Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”. In Heinämaa, Hartimo, and Miettinen (eds.): Phenomenology and the Transcendental. New York: Routledge. (Forthcoming). 26. Empathy and Transference: Encountering Others in Husserl and Freud”. (Under review). 27. “Beyond relationship? The classical psychoanalytic theory of fusional experiences in the light of phenomenological philosophy”. (Under review). (d) Academic book reviews 28. Review of Jaana Parviainen: Meduusan liike. Mobiiliajan tiedonmuodostuksen filosofiaa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus 2006 (260 pp.), in Tieteessä tapahtuu, vol 26, no. 3−4, 2008, pp. 67−70. (Available online: click here). 29. Review of Christian Lotz: From Subjectivity to Affectivity: Husserl’s Phenomenology Revisited. Hampshire: Palgrave, 2007 (169 pp.), in SATS – Nordic Journal of Philosophy, vol. 9, no. 1, 2008, pp. 151−157. (Available online: click here). (e) Academic translations 30. Waldenfels, Bernhard: ”Itseyden ja toiseuden ruumiillinen kokemus” [eng. ”The Bodily Experience of Selfhood and Otherness”], Ajatus 61, 2004, pp. 145–166 (translated from German with Sara Heinämaa). 31.






Bernau-käsikirjoituksissa” [eng. ”Time and Consciousness in the Bernau Manuscripts”], Ajatus 61, 2004, pp. 115–143 (translated from English with Sara Heinämaa). 32. Husserl, Edmund: ”Olemustutkimuksen menetelmä” [eng. ”The Method of Eidetic Inquiry”], in Edmund Husserl: Uudistuminen ja ihmisyys. Luentoja ja esseitä, Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2006, pp. 37–49. Translated from German. (f) Public appearances 33. ”Potilas-lääkärisuhde ei saa unohtua kustannusten ja teknologian paineessa” [eng. ”The Relationship between the Patient and the Physician in Times of Retrenchment”]. Scientific editorial in the Finnish Medical Journal (Suomen Lääkärilehti), 39/2012. Co-authored with Prof. M.D. Johannes Lehtonen and Prof. Anssi Peräkylä. (Article available online: click here).


5. ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS AND LECTURES 1. ”The Concept of Ego in Husserl’s Genetic Phenomenology: Transcendental Person and Alterity”. The 3rd annual meeting of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Bergen, Norway, April 22–24, 2005. 2. “Dynamic Identity of the Transcendental Person: Embodiment, Expression, and Style”. Annual meeting of the swedish association for philosophy, Filosofidagarna, Uppsala, Sweden, June 9–10, 2005. 3. “First Encounter with the Other: Bodily Expressions and the Origin of Personal Selfhood”. Conference Emotions, Others and the Self, Turku, Finland, August 25–27, 2005. 4. “Transcendental Person and Alterity: The Concept of Ego in Husserl’s Genetic Phenomenology”. Conference Transcendence And Phenomenology, Nottingham, England, September 1–2, 2005. 5. “First Encounter with the Other: Embodiment, Expression, and Intersubjectivity”. Conference The Other and I, Uppsala, Sweden, September 8–9, 2005. 6. “Transcendental Person and Alterity: The Concept of Ego in Husserl’s Genetic Phenomenology”. The annual meeting of Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 20–22, 2005. 7. “Transcendental Personality and Sociality: Husserl on Embodiment, Expression, and Intersubjectivity”. Congress Person and Society, Braga, Portugal, November 17–19, 2005. 8. ”Ruumiillisuus ja intersubjektiivisuus Edmund Husserlin filosofiassa” [eng. ”Embodiment and Intersubjectivity in Edmund Husserl’s Philosophy”]. The meeting of Finnish doctoral students in philosophy, Tampere, Finland, December 1, 2005. 9. ”Ruumiinliikkeiden syy: motivaatio vai kausaatio?” [eng. ”The Grounds of Bodily Movement”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Helsinki, Finland, January 9–10, 2006 (co-presented with Sara Heinämaa). 10. ”The Dynamic Unity of the Individual: A Husserlian Account of Personal Identity”. University of Tampere, Finland, February 14, 2006. 11. ”The Dynamic Unity of the Individual: A Husserlian Account of Personal Identity”. Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland, February 16, 2006.


12. ”Natural Attitude as Self-Forgetfulness. The Self in the Phenomenological Reduction”. The 4th annual meeting of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Reykjavík, Iceland, April 22, 2006. 13. “Sensibility and Selfhood”. Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 7, 2006. 14. ”Kuvatietoisuuden fenomenologiaa” [eng. “Phenomenology of Image Consciousness”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Tampere, Finland, January 8–9, 2007. 15. ”Normativity, Intersubjectivity, and Objectivity”. University of Helsinki, Finland, April 12, 2007. 16. “The Normative Tension Between Self and Other”. The 5th annual meeting of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 22, 2007. 17. “Normality, Intersubjectivity, and Objectivity: A Husserlian Account”. The annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 8-10, 2007. 18. “Usko ja todellisuus” [eng. ”Faith and Reality”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Helsinki, Finland, January 7–8, 2008. 19. “Intersubjectivity and Nature”. An International Symposium Crisis and Tradition: Phenomenological Horizons, Helsinki, Finland, March 27–28, 2008. 20. “A Human Nature? Bodily Experience and the Intersubjective World”. The 6th annual meeting of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Kaunas, Lithuania, April 25–27, 2008. 21. “Transsendentaalisen käsite ja kokemus” [eng. ”The Concept of the Transcendental”]. Ajattelun elämä – seminaari Merleau-Pontyn filosofiasta, Helsinki, Finland, November 12, 2008. 22. “Intersubjektiivisen maailman konstituutiosta” [eng. ”Remarks on the Constitution of an Intersubjective World”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Jyväskylä, Finland, January 12–13, 2009. 23. “Intersubjective Habituality and Primordial Freedom”. The 7th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Tampere, Finland, April 23−25, 2009.


24. “Solitary and Intersubjective Normality”. An International Symposium Contemporary Topics in Phenomenology: An Encounter with Dermot Moran, Helsinki, Finland, May 21, 2009. 25. “Embodiment and the Intersubjective World: Paradox of Subjectivity Revisited”. The annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Arlington, Virginia, USA, October 29−31, 2009. 26. ”Halu ja omatunto. Husserl ja Freud toiminnan normatiivisista rakenteista” [eng. “Desire and Conscience”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Helsinki, Finland, January 7–8, 2010. 27. “Origins of Selfhood: Psychoanalytic Developmental Theories of Infantile Experience in the Light of Husserlian Phenomenology”. Phenomenological Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, April 22, 2010. 28. “Husserl and Freud on the Origins of Otherness”. Research Seminar in Phenomenology, University of Helsinki, Finland, March 5, 2010. 29. “Embodiment and the Birth of Selfhood in Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology”. An international workshop Embodied Subjectivity, Dublin, Ireland, May 25-27, 2010. 30. “Symbioosi ja erillisyys. Psykoanalyyttiset teoriat fenomenologisen filosofian valossa” [eng. ”Symbiosis and Differentiation”]. Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2010. 31. ”Empatia ja transferenssi. Husserl ja Freud ymmärtämisen rajoista” [eng. “Empathy and Transference. Husserl and Freud on the Limits of Understanding”]. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Finland (Suomen filosofinen yhdistys), Turku, Finland, January 10–11, 2011. 32. “Husserl and Freud on Experiencing Others”, Research Seminar in Phenomenology, University of Helsinki, March 4, 2011. 33. “From the Lived-body to the Body-ego: Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”. At the Limits of Trancendental Phenomenology: Meeting with Professor Rudolf Bernet, Helsinki, March 11-13, 2011. 34. “Mieli ja ruumis: fenomenologiasta psykiatriaan” [eng. ”Mind and Body: From Phenomenology to Psychiatry”]. Research Center for Child Psychiatry (Lastenpsykiatrian tutkimuskeskus). University of Turku, April 6, 2011.


35. “The Sphere of Ownness Revisited: Primordial Bodily Experience in Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”. The 9th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Reykjavík, Iceland, April 28−30, 2011. 36. ”Fenomenologian ja psykoanalyysin rajapinnassa. Tietoisuus ja tiedostamaton Husserlilla ja Freudilla” [eng. ”Husserl and Freud on the Unconscious”]. Workshop Psykologian filosofia – tietoinen ja tiedostamaton mieli. Jyväskylä, Finland, May 13, 2011. 37. “Embodiment in Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”. An international conference Phenomenology and the Transcendental, Helsinki, September 8-10, 2011. 38. “Incorporation and Other People”. Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 27, 2011. 39. “Empathy and Transference. The Constitution of Others in Husserl and Freud”. The 50th annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, October 19-22, 2011. 40. “Suhteen tuolla puolen? Psykoanalyysi, fenomenologia ja ruumiinkokemus” [eng. ”Beyond a relationship? Psychoanalysis, phenomenology, and bodily experience”]. Research Consortium of the Finnish Psychoanalytic Association [Suomen psykoanalyyttinen yhdistys], Helsinki, Finland, March 10, 2012. 41. ”The Dynamics of Inner and Outer”, University of Tampere, Finland, March 20, 2012. 42. “Phenomenological Reflections on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Early Interaction”. University of Helsinki, Finland, March 23, 2012. 43. “Intersubjectivity: A Phenomenological Account”. A Centre of Excellence “Research on Intersubjectivity in Interaction”, University of Helsinki, Finland, April 12, 2012. 44. “Olemassaolon tunne ja ruumiinkokemus fenomenologiassa ja psykoanalyysissa” [eng. ”The Feeling of Existence and Embodiment in Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”]. An interdisciplinary symposium, University of Helsinki, Finland, April 26, 2012. 45. “Kehollinen itsetietoisuus ja sen vääristymät: Fenomenologinen näkökulma” [eng. ”Bodily Self-Awareness and Its Disturbances. A Phenomenological Perspective”]. An interdisciplinary workshop on bodily self-awareness, University of Tampere, May 18, 2012.


46. “Disturbances of Empathy in Narcissistic Disorders”. 10th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP), Oslo, Norway, June 7−9, 2012. 47. “Ruumiinkokemus ja olemassaolon tunne: Fenomenologian ja psykiatrian yhtymäkohtia” [eng. ”Bodily Self-Awareness and the Sense of Existence: Intersections Between Phenomenology and Psychiatry”]. Institute of Clinical Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (Psykiatrian klinikka, HYKS), Helsinki, September 11, 2012. 48. ”Mieli, ruumis ja häiriöt” [eng. ”Mind, body and disorders”]. Finnish Psychiatric Association (Suomen psykiatriyhdistys), December 3, 2012. 49. “Husserl and the Context of Empathy”. Moral Emotions – A Seminar with Anthony Steinbock, University of Helsinki, February 8, 2013. 50. “Limits of Empathy”. Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, March 19, 2013. 51. “Projection without simulation? Reconsidering the Husserlian account of empathy”. 11th annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP), University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 18–20, 2013. 52. “Embodiment and the immediacy of the other”. Phenomenology of empathy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 29–31, 2013. 53. “Phenomenology of expression”. Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, June 14, 2013.

6. TEACHING  SPRING 2014 M.A. course (full course): “Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. 1st Module: Introduction to Central Topics in Phenomenology and Recent Philosophy of Mind”. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen. Together with John Michael and James Jardine. 

FALL 2013 M.A. course (full course): “Husserl’s Ideen I”. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen. Together with Dan Zahavi.

FALL 2013 Guest lecture on the phenomenological method in an M.A. course “Introduction to Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind”. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen. 10

SPRING 2013 Guest lecture on the phenomenology of social cognition in an M.A. course “Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind”. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.

SPRING 2012 M.A. course (full course): “Mielen ja ruumiin fenomenologiaa” [eng. ”Mind and body in phenomenological philosophy”] (Fte270/Fte210/Fte340/Fte345). Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki.

SPRING 2009 Guest lecture on intentionality in an M.A. course “Kropp och själ, hjärna och medvetande” [eng. “Body and soul, brain and consciousness”] (Ffi251/Ffi281). Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki. (Responsible lecturer: Thomas Wallgren.)

SPRING 2006 Guest lecture on phenomenology in an M.A. seminar in theoretical philosophy. Department of philosophy, University of Helsinki. (Responsible lecturer: Riku Juti.)

FALL 2005 Post-graduate course (full course): ”Genetic Phenomenology” (in english). Department of philosophy, University of Helsinki. Together with Sara Heinämaa.


 

SUPERVISOR. Master’s thesis, Nicholas Edward Trethowan, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. (Undergoing). SUPERVISOR. Master’s thesis, Anthony Azubuike Udeji, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. (Undergoing). SUPERVISOR. Doctoral thesis of Riitta Linna, Aalto University, Finland. (Undergoing). EXTERNAL EXAMINER. Master’s thesis, Jarko Korpela, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2012.


SECRETARY/ADMINISTRATOR of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology (2005–2012) 11

REFEREE for Phaenomenologica (Springer book series) Studia Phaenomenologica (Journal) Science & Education (Journal) Journal of Media, Cognition and Communication (Journal) Perspectives (Journal) Topoi – An International Review of Philosophy (Journal)

MEMBER of o The Philosophical Society of Finland (SFY) o The Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP) o The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) o The research society “Subjectivity, Historicity, Communality” (2012 award-winner of the international research evaluation on scholarly work done in Finland) (SHC)


An interdisciplinary symposium Mieli, ajallisuus ja ruumiillisuus. Psykoanalyysin, psykiatrian ja filosofian risteymäkohtia [eng. ”Mind, Temporality, and Embodiment. Intersections between Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, and Philosophy”], University of Helsinki, April 26, 2012.

Phenomenology and the Transcendental, University of Helsinki, September 8–10, 2011.

Guest lecture by Professor Anthony J. Steinbock (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale), University of Helsinki, April 10, 2011.

Guest lecture by Dan Zahavi (Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen), University of Helsinki, February 17, 2011.

Phenomenological Symposium, University of Helsinki, Finland, April 22, 2010.

Contemporary Topics in Phenomenology: An Encounter with Dermot Moran, University of Helsinki, May 21, 2009.

Crisis and Tradition: Phenomenological Horizons, University of Helsinki, March 27–28, 2008.

Femininity and Embodiment, University of Helsinki, May 15–16, 2007.

Phenomenology of Spirit, University of Helsinki, October 6–7, 2006.

Chiasmatic Encounters, the annual meeting of IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature), University of Helsinki, June 2–7, 2005 (assistant).

Philosophical Reflections on Literature, University of Helsinki, August 57, 2004 (assistant).

The first annual meeting of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Helsinki, April 2527, 2004 (assistant). 12