CSE 105 THEORY OF COMPUTATION Fall 2016 http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/fa16/cse105-abc/

Today's learning goals

Sipser Ch 2

•  Define push down automata •  Trace the computation of a push down automaton •  Design a push down automaton recognizing a given

language •  Compare class of regular languages and class of CFLs

Context-free language

Sipser p. 104

The language of a CFG (V, Σ, R, S) is { w in Σ* | Starting with the Start variable and applying one or more rules, can get to w}

Notation: Terminology: sequence of rule applications is derivation

Regular languages vs. CFL Context-free languages

Regular languages

Designing CFGs

Sipser p. 104

Given a language L over Σ, to prove L is a context-free language need to build a CFG that generates it. How? •  Express L as union of simpler languages •  If L is regular, design DFA and convert into CFG •  Exploit any recursive structure in L.

Example Design a CFG recognizing the language {anbm | n ≠ m} On Thursday, we showed that the language {anbn | n ≥ 0} is a CFL. How can we use its CFG for this example? A.  Use the same CFG but reverse the role of variables and terminals. B.  Use the same set of variables, terminals, and start state, but reverse the RHS and LHS of each rule. C.  We can't use it directly: the two sets are not related. D.  We can't use it directly: the class of CFLs is not closed under complementation. E.  I don't know.

Example Design a CFG recognizing the language {anbm | n ≠ m} = {anbm | n > m} U {anbm | n < m} Simpler problem: Design a CFG generating the language {anbm | n > m}

Example Design a CFG recognizing the language {anbm | n ≠ m} = {anbm | n > m} U {anbm | n < m} Simpler problem: Design a CFG generating the language {anbm | n > m} G1 = ( {S1}, {a,b}, R, S1) with rules

S1à aS1b | aS1 | a

Example Design a CFG recognizing the language {anbm | n ≠ m} = {anbm | n > m} U {anbm | n < m} CFG generating the language {anbm | n > m} is G1 = ( {S1}, {a,b}, R, S1) with rules S1à aS1b | aS1 | a CFG generating the language {anbm | n < m} is G2 = ( {S2}, {a,b}, R, S2) with rules S2à aS2b | S2b | b

Example For {anbm | n > m}: G1 = ( {S1}, {a,b}, R, S1) with S1à aS1b | aS1 | a For {anbm | n < m}: G2 = ( {S2}, {a,b}, R, S2) with S2à aS2b | S2b | b What is CFG generating {anbm | n ≠ m} ?


G1 U G2 ( {S1, S2}, {a,b}, R, S1) with S1à aS1b | aS1 | a, S2à aS2b | S2b | b ( {S1, S2}, {a,b}, R, S2) with S1à aS1b | aS1 | aS2, S2à aS2b | S2b | b ( {S, S1, S2}, {a,b}, R, S) with S à S1 | S2 , S1à aS1b | aS1 | a, S2à aS2b | S2b | b


I don't know.

A.  B.  C. 

An alternative … •  NFA + stack

Sipser p. 109

Pushdown automata •  NFA + stack

At each step 1. Transition to new state based on current state, letter read, and top letter of stack. 2. (Possibly) push or pop a letter to (or from) top of stack

Sipser p. 109

Pushdown automata •  NFA + stack Accept a string if there is some sequence of states and some sequence of stack contents which processes the entire input string and ends in an accepting state.

Sipser p. 109

State diagram for PDA

Sipser p. 109

If hand-drawn or in Sipser State transition labelled a, b à c means "when machine reads an a from the input and the top symbol of the stack is a b, it may replace the b with a c." In JFLAP: use ; instead of à

State diagram for PDA

Sipser p. 109

If hand-drawn or in Sipser State transition labelled a, b à c means "when machine reads an a from the input and the top symbol of the stack is a b, it may replace the b with a c." What edge label would indicate "Read a 0, don't pop anything from stack, don’t push anything to the stack"? A.  0, ε à ε B.  ε, 0 à ε C.  ε, ε à 0 D.  ε à ε, 0 E.  I don't know.

Useful trick What would ε, ε à $ mean? A.  Without reading any input or popping any symbol from stack, push $ B.  If the input string and stack are both empty strings, push $ C.  At the end of reading the input string, push $ to top of stack D.  I don't know.

Useful trick What would ε, ε à $ mean? A.  Without reading any input or popping any symbol from stack, push $ B.  If the input string and stack are both empty strings, push $ C.  At the end of reading the input string, push $ to top of stack D.  I don't know.

Why is this useful? Commonly used from initial state (at start of computation) to record top of stack with a special symbol)… we'll see applications soon!

Formal definition of PDA

Sipser Def 2.13 p. 111

Designing a PDA L = { 0i1i+1 | i ≥ 0 } Informal description of PDA: Read symbols from the input. As each 0 is read, push it onto the stack. As soon as 1s are seen, pop a 0 off the stack for each 1 read. If the stack becomes empty and there is exactly one 1 left to read, read that 1 and accept the input. If the stack becomes empty and there are either zero or more than one 1s left to read, or if the 1s are finished while the stack still contains 0s, or if any 0s appear in the input following 1s, reject the input.

Designing/Tracing a PDA L = { 0i1i+1 | i ≥ 0 } What are the contents of the stack after processing 001? A.  (TOP) $00 B.  (TOP) 00$ C.  (TOP) 0$ D.  (TOP) 100$ E.  I don't know.

Designing/Tracing a PDA L = { 0i1i+1 | i ≥ 0 } Which of the following strings are not accepted by this PDA? A.  0 B.  1 C.  01 D.  011 E.  I don't know.

Designing/Tracing a PDA L = { 0i1i+1 | i ≥ 0 } Which of these CFGs generate L? Assume V = set of variables mentioned in rules; Σ={0,1}, S start A.  S à ε | 0S1 B.  S à ε | 0S11 C.  S à T1 | 0S1, T à ε D.  S à ε | 0T1, T à ε | 0T1 E.  I don't know.

PDAs and CFGs are equivalently expressive Theorem 2.20: A language is context-free if and only some nondeterministic PDA recognizes it. Consequences -  Quick proof that every regular language is context free -  To prove closure of class of CFLs under a given operation, can choose two modes of proof (via CFGs or PDAs) depending on which is easier

Example L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } Which of the following strings are not in L? A.  b B.  abc C.  abbcc D.  aabcc E.  I don't know.

Example L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } To design a CFG that generates L… L = { aibjck | i=j, with i,j,k≥0 } U { aibjck | i=k, with i,j,k≥0 }

Example L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } To design a CFG that generates L… L = { aibjck | i=j, with i,j,k≥0 } U { aibjck | i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } S à Sc | T T à aTb | ε

Example L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } To design a CFG that generates L… L = { aibjck | i=j, with i,j,k≥0 } U { aibjck | i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } S à T | aSc T à Tb | ε

Designing a PDA L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } Informal description of PDA: How would you design an algorithm that, given a string, decides if it is in this set? -  What information do you need to track? -  How much memory do you need? -  Are you using non-determinism?

Designing a PDA L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } Informal description of PDA: •  The PDA pushes a $ to indicate the top of the stack, then starts reading a's, pushing each one on to the stack. •  The PDA guesses when it's reached the end of the a's and whether to match the number of a's to the number of b's or the number of c's. •  If trying to match number of b's with number of a's: PDA pops off a's for each b read. If there are more a's on the stack but no more b's being read, reject. When the end of the stack ($) is reached, the number of a's matches the number of b's. If this is the end of the input or if any number of c's is read at this point, accept; otherwise, reject. •  If trying to match the number of c's with number of a's: first read any number of b's without changing stack contents and then nondeterministically guess when to start reading c's. For each c read, pop one a off the stack. When the end of the stack ($) is reached the number of a's and c's so far match.

Designing a PDA L = { aibjck | i=j or i=k, with i,j,k≥0 } Formal definition of PDA:

Conventions for PDAs •  Can "test for end of stack" without providing details •  We can always push the end-of-stack symbol, $, at the start. •  Can "test for end of input" without providing details •  Can transform PDA to one where accepting states are only those reachable when there are no more input symbols. •  Don't always need to provide a state transition diagram!

Overview ???

Context-free languages

Regular languages

Other classes of languages? Are all strings context-free? A.  Yes, because every string is finite. B.  Yes, because the set of all strings is regular. C.  No, because the computation could get stuck. D.  No, because the type is wrong. E.  I don't know.

Other classes of languages? Are all sets of strings over fixed alphabet Σ context-free? A.  Yes, because the class of CFL is a strict superset of RL. B.  Yes, because the set of all strings is regular. C.  No, because we can apply the Pumping Lemma. D.  No, because the diagonalization argument applies again. E.  I don't know.

Informal intuition Which specific language is not context-free? A.  { 0n1m0n | m,n≥0 } B.  { 0n1n0n | n≥0 } C.  { 0n12n | n≥0 } D.  { 0n12m | m,n≥0 } E.  I don't know.

Examples of non-context-free languages •  { anbncn | 0 ≤ n }

Sipser Ex 2.36

•  {aibjck | 0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k }

Sipser Ex 2.37

•  { w w | w is in {0,1}* }

Sipser Ex 2.38

To prove… Pumping lemma for CFLs

Closure properties of .. The class of regular languages is closed under •  Union •  Concatenation •  Star •  Complementation •  Intersection •  Difference •  Reversal

The class of context-free languages is closed under •  Union •  Concatenation •  Star •  Reversal The class CFL is not closed under •  Intersection •  Complement •  Difference