CPI Lesson Plan Template Target Students:  middle school students  high school students Target Proficiency Level: Novice-Low to Novice-Mid Lesson Topic: 哪個學生最受歡迎? Lesson Objectives: using adjective words to comment on a student, (他很帥也很酷) Conversation on who is popular and why (誰是最受歡迎的學生?為什麽) Learning Outcomes: the students are able to perform the objectives as teacher perspective. Standards:  interpersonal communication  interpretive communication  presentational communication  cultures  connections  comparisons  communities Designed by: Jane Kosinski & Osmund Liang Purpose/Time Setting the stage/ review (5 minutes) 
 Comprehensible input (8 minutes)

Procedure with detailed description and examples/questions 1. Review the previous lesson, (你覺得我這麼樣?) Teacher and student demonstrate simple conversation

Props/Notes/ Reflections Picture

1. Use power point slides to teach the new words’ meaning by the pictures, use comparison sentences and classroom activity to show what is: 誰最受歡迎,受歡迎,不受歡迎. Teach all new adjectives, which describe the person’ personal appearance and characters, such as, 帥, 笨, 聰明,漂 亮,etc. use the slide show and teacher’s personal demos to allow students to comprehend the meaning of the words 2. Repeat the words again with teacher, emphasize the students’ tone whether they read correctly. 3. Make a short conversation to allow students to know why this students is 最受歡迎。

Guided practice (15 minutes)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Teacher demonstrates how to the new words and sentences. Handouts 1 Have students to follow it. Two pairs of students demonstrate. Competition is conducted. Two groups will be formed. All pictures including the previous class and this class are shown. Ask students to read out the words when they see the pictures. Ask students to describe their peers by using all adjectives they have learned from previous class and this class. Check the students’ answers by asking the questions.

Application and extension (15 minutes)

Assessment and wrap-up (5 minutes)

Homework/ preview (2 minutes)

1. A teacher demonstrates how to apply adjective words to the person who is your friends or family members. Let students comment on others in group or pair activities. 2. Guiding students to apply questions and answers to the sentences A competition activity is conducted. Divide students into two groups, give the two different paragraphs in English which describe the person’s personality and characters, to show why one person is popular while another is not. Ask students to translate them in English. Teaching two new writing words and asking them to write several times for correct order of strokes as their home work.

Handouts 2


Lesson 108-40

• 哪个学生最受欢迎?něi ge xuésheng zuì shòu huānyíng? • Who do you think is the most popular person in our school?

生詞 shēngcí • • • • • • • • •

1 shòu to be received 2 huānyíng 欢迎 to welcome happy-to meet 3 Shòu huānyíng popular 4 shuài 帅 handsome 5 cōngmíng 聪明 intelligent 6.bèn 笨 stupid 7 zhēn 真 real 8. gāoshǒu 高手 expert 10. lālāduì 啦啦队 cheerleading

Lady Gaga

zuì shòu huānyíng?

hěn shòu huānyíng

Susan Boylier

North Korean Leader

bùshòu huānyíng



zuì shòu huānyíng Hěn shòu huānyíng bù shòu huānyíng





帥 Tom Cruise





漂亮 Piào liang Ziyi Zhang


IQ :180




想一想: Which animal is

zuì cōngmíng?

Which animal is zuìbèn?


Lālāduì lālāduìyuán

Group Competition 美國隊 == 中國隊

Look at each picture, read it loudly in Chinese. Each picture for one new word we have learned today. Which group give the correct answer quickly will get points. Remind: you need to read it with correct tone, or you won’t get the point if the tone is not correct.

酷! kù

bù shòu huānyíng



xi ōn g



Taylor Lautner



zuì shòu huānyíng


IQ : 50


shòu huānyíng


Game Finished!

Which group win the game?

shēngcí Gāoshǒu 高手 Expert


yùndòng gāoshǒu

diànnǎo gāoshǒu



Play boy

Teacher Liang

? gāoshǒu

? gāoshǒu





Gāoshǒu Expert Ask students: nǐ shì shénme gāoshǒu?你是什麽高手? Ask the person next to you who is good at, tell us about the person tā shì shénme gāoshǒu?

Describing peers by all words we have learned so far. Teachers’ Example

shòu huānyíng de Teacher Liang 受歡迎的梁老師

Guess who is that person 猜一猜,他是誰?Cai yicai, ta shi shei Pick one person from your peers, describe this person as much as possible about this person’s appearance, personality, and so on. So we are able to guess this person’s name according to your description. If we get the right name of the person you have described, you will get three points, or you will get zero point. Discuss with your peers for 3 minutes before we will start the game.

Culture Issue--class leader: 班长 ban zhang 學習高手

xuéxí gāoshǒu

Group Competition (brainstorming) Each group will read the different person’s description. Please read the following paragraph, then tell us about it in Chinese with your group members. Each group brainstorms for 5 minutes. When one team gives answer, another team will judge whether the answer is correct or not, if you correct them, your team also get points.

中國隊 “Mrs. Wrong has long hair, and she is tall. She looks pretty and smart, but we don’t like her very much. she is always mean to us. she is very strict and ask us to do too much homework, and not allow us to have a break. We think she is the most unpopular person in our school.”

美國隊 “ Mr. Right is handsome and cool. He is good at playing basketball. He is very smart with sense of humor. He likes to make jokes and make us laugh all the time. We all like him. He is the most popular.”

學寫中文: 客氣