Cowlitz County Board of Commissioners Michael A. Karnofski, Chairman Dennis P. Weber, Commissioner Joe Gardner, Commissioner Tiffany Ostreim, Clerk of the Board Minutes May 17, 2016 Vol. 527 Commissioner Karnofski called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Weber and Commissioner Gardner were present. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Commissioner Karnofski. Approval of Minutes of May 3, 2016 and Consent Agenda of May 10, 2016–Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Minutes of May 3, 2016. The motion carried. Commissioner Weber moved to approve the Consent Agenda of May 17, 2016. The motion carried. Resolution No. 16-062 - Proclamation of May 23 – 29, 2016, as Washington State University Master Gardener Volunteer Week. Commissioner Gardner read the proclamation and moved to adopt the proclamation of May 23-29, 2016, as Washington State University Master Gardener Volunteer Week. Patricia Bosch, Longview, WA, Master Gardner for few years, celebrate work we do here in Cowlitz County. Programs include Saturday market every other week, education for children, veg program – garden boxes for needy families, and Tomato Palooza June 4th. Kris McElroy-Weber, Longview, WA, stated they also offer plant and insect clinic, science based research. The motion carried. Public Comment: Lloyd Hegdlin, 3320 Coal Creek Rd, Longview WA – spoke about no shooting signs at Coal Creek rock pit, danger trees on Hackett Road, Public Works removed trees in right of way, now waiting for response from Longview Timber Company regarding the dangerous trees on their property. Sole Source purchase for the Remanufactured Travel Motor for the Volvo Wheeled Excavator from Pacwest Machinery; estimated cost is $5,393 - Commissioner Weber moved to approve the Sole Source purchase for the Remanufactured Travel Motor for the Volvo Wheeled Excavator from Pacwest Machinery; estimated cost is $5,393. The motion carried. Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Granite Construction for the 2016 Countywide Pavement Overlay Project No. 2226 due to the addition of portions of Kalama River Road increasing the contract by $44,430, for a new contract total of $1,013,398. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Granite Construction for the 2016 Countywide Pavement Overlay Project No. 2226 due to the addition of portions of Kalama River Road increasing the contract by $44,430, for a new contract total of $1,013,398. The motion carried. Resolution No. 16-064 Revised CRP 724 and Call for Bids - West Side Highway Overlay Phase 2, Project No. 1884 which includes roadway excavation and reconstruction, rock excavation, culvert replacement, planning existing bituminous pavement, paving with hot mix asphalt, and associated work; Bid Opening to be held June 7, 2016 at 11:00
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a.m. Commissioner Weber moved to adopt the resolution for Revised CRP 724 and Call for Bids West Side Highway Overlay Phase 2, Project No. 1884 which includes roadway excavation and reconstruction, rock excavation, culvert replacement, planning existing bituminous pavement, paving with hot mix asphalt, and associated work; Bid Opening to be held June 7, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. The motion carried. Contract Completion with Tapani, Inc. for the Hazel Dell Road Improvement Project No. 1780; CRP No. 614-05(3); STPR-HSIP-T081 (002); FA TA-4264; cost $3,019,260.19. Brad Bastin Public Works stated savings in original bid, not one specific item, project was managed well, good contractor, and a successful project. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the contract completion with Tapani, Inc. for the Hazel Dell Road Improvement Project No. 1780; CRP No. 614-05(3); STPR-HSIP-T081 (002): FA TA4264; cost $3,019,260.19. The motion carried. First Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for completion of the 2015 West Main Revitalization project until December 31, 2016. Claire Hauge, Office of Financial Management, rural projects have been going on since mid-90’s, used for rural economic development projects, asking for extension to complete those projects. Steve Taylor and Tim Shell, City of Kelso, one successful bidder, taken to council tonight for acceptance of bid, completion in September. Steve Taylor stated convert old West Main into pedestrian corridor. Commissioner Weber moved to approve the First Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for completion of the 2015 West Main Revitalization project until December 31, 2016. The motion carried. Second Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for completion of the West Main Revitalization project until December 31, 2016. Commissioner Weber moved to approve the Second Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for completion of the West Main Revitalization project until December 31, 2016. The motion carried. Second Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with the City of Kelso to provide for an extension for the construction of the runway extension at the Southwest Washington Regional Airport to be completed on or before December 31, 2017. Clair Hauge, Office of Financial Management, Runway and airport extension. Steve Taylor stated they have consultants working on extension, delays and changes in scope of project, phasing starting stopway, FAA ruled stopway is not in current master plan so more environmental studies are needed. Future discussions will take place making this a runway working with FAA; hopefully getting more funding through FAA and WSDOT for 95% of total project. Commissioner Weber stated management issues, FAA has exhilarated the funding. Steve Taylor stated agreement was signed with Life Flight, parking their helicopter off North ramp, will generate $10,000 in revenue for airport, renogiated with Kelso Aviation for safety and maintenance services, back hanger revenue will come back to airport, have ideas for development to store additional aircraft. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Second Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with the City of Kelso to provide for an extension for the construction of the runway extension at the Southwest Washington Regional Airport to be completed on or before December 31, 2017. The motion carried. Richard Dreier, 2235 34th, Longview, stated important development, length of runway – does this changes the classification of airport; Commissioner Karnofski stated 4400 feet going to 5000 feet, local corporations currently fly out of the airport.
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Fourth Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with the City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for the construction of the runway extension at the Southwest Washington Regional Airport to be completed on or before December 31, 2016. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Fourth Addendum to Interlocal Agreement with the City of Kelso to provide for an extension of time for the construction of the runway extension at the Southwest Washington Regional Airport to be completed on or before December 31, 2016. The motion carried. Oregon Teamster Employers Trust Subscription Agreement for the Cowlitz County Corrections-Clerical/Secretary/Cooks, Local 58 which addresses the right by the Teamsters to increase the contribution rates, eligibility rules, and other rights for the benefit plans. Sabrina Fraidenburg, Human Resources, stated this subscription agreement goes along with contract signed April 5th, aligned with Teamsters contract. Commissioner Weber asked cost vs. other insurance premiums. Sabrina stated premiums are lower than the county pays. Commissioner Weber moved to approve the Oregon Teamster Employers Trust Subscription Agreement for the Cowlitz County Corrections-Clerical/Secretary/Cooks, Local 58 which addresses the right by the Teamsters to increase the contribution rates, eligibility rules, and other rights for the benefit plans. The motion carried. Personal Services Agreement with Funtastic Shows, Inc. for the operation of a carnival at the Cowlitz County Fair for the years 2016, 2017, and 2018 (with a possible 2-year extension). Mike Moss, Expo Center stated this is for carnival service for years 2016-2018. Can generate 10% more revenue for county with this contract. Only received two proposals, previous vendor did not bid on proposal. Commissioner Gardner asked about % vendor guarantee Mike Moss stated standard language, guarantees county $45,000 in case of increment weather or other. Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Personal Services Agreement with Funtastic Shows, Inc. for the operation of a carnival at the Cowlitz County Fair for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 (with a possible 2-year extension). The motion carried. Continued Public Hearing – Res. No. 16-065 - 2016 General Purpose Grant for Lower Columbia Community Action Program for housing rehabilitation of 12 homes for low to moderate low income households and Res. No. 16-066 - 2016 General Purpose Grant for Housing Opportunities of SW Washington for housing rehabilitation and continue the public hearing to July 26, 2016 as needed. Nine Thirty a.m. was the time set for continued Public Hearing, Katrina Harris, Office of Financial Management, gave staff report. Notified in January through the CDBG grant, benefit low-moderate low income people, solicited in January 2016 and agency due April 1st, can sponsor 4 grants from each category, Had the hearing March 22nd, two grants one for construction category for Housing Opportunities of SW Washington, second is for housing rehabilitation program for Lower Columbia CAP. Construction project is for 4 Beechwood Units, managed by Longview Housing Authority, needed maintenance and improvements, available for low income residents. Improvements include exterior paintings, garage doors, interior and exterior doors, inefficient appliances, and removing large trees. Katie Bonus, Longview, WA – units are in Woodland, fully occupied, approximately 23 people in the households Commissioner Weber asked about important repairs to houses, why haven’t they maintained them? Katie Bonus, Longview Housing Authority, stated they purchased in 2013 knowing a lot of deferred maintenance was needed have done some of the maintenance. In 2014 upgraded windows, as cash
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allowed for smaller projects, low rents don’t generate income that allows us to put monies into reserves. Katrina stated the Second project is for Lower Columbia CAP, expanded services for 12 homes for low income households, weatherization projects, hazardous asbestos, faulty plumbing projects; plan is to rehab as many homes as possible. Ilona Kirby, LCCAP, Longview- targeted homes, about $18,000 per home, mostly roofs plus other items in each home, preserve housing stock, helps with quality of place, good opportunity to help with neighborhoods Commissioner Karnofski asked if owner occupied or renters. Ilona Kirby stated both. Have to sign off on period of affordability. Scattered throughout the county, number in Kelso, Ryderwood, Castle Rock, Woodland, Kalama, and Longview. Also working with South Kelso neighborhood for efforts to improve Kelso homes too. Commissioner Weber represents Board of Directors of LCCAP part of the master program, lack of growth in household incomes, these programs help feel the gap Commissioner Gardner asked how the homes are identified. Ilona Kirby answered all homes have been identified may have had energy efficiency homes, clients have come in and asked for help. Most recent 12 residents that have asked for assistance. Commissioner Karnofski stated these are state funds after solicited for projects Katrina Harris stated correct, these projects are sent to state for the $9 million available and these projects are scored and in competition with each other. Commissioner Weber stated Community House is in desperate need for plumbing upgrades. Katrina Harris stated they are in the City of Longview entitlement programs. Commissioner Gardner asked how many competitors are there. Katrina Harris stated last year they only have 27 projects that were turned in. Rick Von Rock, 400 N 7th, Kelso, what happens after the work is done, and they sale the house. Ilona stated agreement they sign, they might have to give monies back from upgrades from when the house sales. Would rather see owner occupied Katrina stated a 10 years investment. Requested the public hearing be continued. Commissioner Weber moved to approve the 2016 CDBG General Purpose Grant Applications for Lower Columbia Community Action Program for Housing Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $217,590; and 2016 CDBG General Purpose for Housing Opportunities of SW Washington DBA Housing Authority of the City of Longview for Construction Project of Beechwood Duplexes in the amount of $79,584 and continue the public hearing to July 26, 2016. The motion carried. Consent Agenda Call for Hearing Resolution No. 16 -063 Call for Hearing - Proposed surplus of equipment and sale to other governmental agencies or disposal by auction; Hearing to be held May 31, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. Agreements Resolution No. 16-060 Proclaiming May 15-21, 2016, as Police Week in Cowlitz County with May 15 being the actual Peace Officers Memorial Day. Resolution No. 16-061 Proclaiming the week of May 9th, 2016 as Jury Appreciation week. Correspondence Letter dated May 5, 2016 to Norm Krehbiel, Port of Longview; from the BOCC regarding the transfer of Willow Grove Park to the Port regarding the Boom Boat.
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Affidavit of Publication of Resolution No. 16-049 which authorized Emergency Road Project No. 744 - Storm Road Realignment Project to be accomplished by a combination of contract and county forces; estimated cost of $95,000. Affidavit of Publication of County Road Projects to be accomplished by county forces - Butte Hill Road, Chapman Road Intersection Improvement, and Modrow Road Slide Repair; total cost $170,577. Affidavit of Posting Resume’ of the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the month of April, 2016. Letter dated May 17, 2016 to Laura Yoder from the BOCC appointing her as a member of the Board of Equalization; three year unexpired term will expire December 31, 2017. Letter dated May 9, 2016 to the BOCC from Norm Krehbiel, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Port of Longview; in agreement regarding the “Boom Boat”. Letter received May 12, 2016 from Gary Chapin, President, Board of Director, KLTV: to the BOCC with an invitation to participate in a special focus group meeting just for local government on June 2, 2016 from 10:30 – noon at the Cowlitz County Expo Center. Vouchers The following vouchers/warrants are approved for payment Fund Voucher Numbers Amount Claims 481564 - 481883 $ 2,182,618.01 Claims 481884 $ 5,778.85 Claims 481885 – 482135 $ 1,689,138.51 Claims 482136 – 482289 $ 3,955.47 Salary 157509 – 157573 $ 886,178.44 The Cowlitz County Board of Commissioners adjourned at 9:55 a.m. to meet again Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. /s/ Traci Jackson______________ Traci Jackson, Acting Clerk of the Board
/s/ Michael A. Karnofski___________ Michael A. Karnofski, Chairman