Cover and Ecological Capital Mapping in China

GOFC-GOLD East Asia Regional Network, 22April, 2005 ,Beijing, China Land Use/Cover and Ecological Capital Mapping in China Peijun Shi, Jing Li, Zude ...
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GOFC-GOLD East Asia Regional Network, 22April, 2005 ,Beijing, China

Land Use/Cover and Ecological Capital Mapping in China Peijun Shi, Jing Li, Zude Xian, Suying Zhang College of Resources Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University (BNU), Department of Research on Global Change and Sustainable Department, NRSCC, Beijing 100875, China Rural Social and Economic Investigation Office, National Bureau of Statistics of China


Contents 1. 2.

General Introduction Chinese Land Use/Cover Classification System Based on That of USGS/FAO

3. Technology System of Ecological

Capital Mapping in China based on the LUCC

4. Some Results of Ecological Capital Mapping in China

5. Further Studies

Project Background and Introduction

• National High Technology Research and Development Programs of China

– Technical System of Ecological Capital Integrated Measurement Using Multi-scale Remotely Sensed Data (2001AA136060) 2001.10-2002.12 – Application paradigm of ecological capital quantified measurement based on remote sensing data in western China (2002AA133060) 2002.7-2004.6

• Department – Beijing Normal University (BNU) – National Bureau of Statistics of China

1 General Introduction Criterion of land cover classification Remote sensing data Criteria scene of RS Image Criteria scene of relief map

Ecological capital assessment model

Land cover classification

Criteria scene of relief map

Ecological capital measurement

Criterion of Ground field measurement

Adminis tration unit

Ecological capital account

2 Chinese Land Use/Cover Classification System Based on That of USGS/FAO 2.1 USGS Land Use/Land Cover System 2.2 FAO Land Cover Classification System 2.3 IGBP Land Cover System 2.4 Chinese Land Use/Cover Classification System

USGS Land Use/Land Cover System Code Value Description 1 Urban and Built-Up Land 2 Dryland Cropland and Pasture 3 Irrigated Cropland and Pasture 5 Cropland/Grassland Mosaic 6 Cropland/Woodland Mosaic 7 Grassland 8 Shrubland 9 Mixed Shrubland/Grassland 10 Savanna 11 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 12 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest

Code 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24

Value Description Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Evergreen Needleleaf Forest Mixed Forest Water Bodies Herbaceous Wetland Wooded Wetland Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Herbaceous Tundra Wooded Tundra Mixed Tundra Snow or Ice


FAO Land Cover Classification System


IGBP Land Cover System

Code Value Description 1 Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 2 Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 3 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 4 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 5 Mixed Forest 6 Closed Shrublands 7 Open Shrublands 8 Woody Savannas 9 Savannas

Code Value Description 10 Grasslands 11 Permanent Wetlands 12 Croplands 13 Urban and Built-Up 14 Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic 15 Snow and Ice 16 Barren or Sparsely Vegetated 17 Water Bodies


Chinese Land Use/Cover Classification System (LUCCS)

Comparison between Chinese LUCCS and USGS LUCCS There are 25 kinds of land cover types in Chinese LUCCS, and 24 in USGS LUCCS. Wooded Tundra and Mixed Tundra are not included in Chinese LUCCS

Chinese LUCCS

USGS LUCCS corresponding

Chinese LUCCS

USGS LUCCS corresponding

Water Land



Inhabitant and Mine Built-Up Land

Urban Land



Traffic Land

Urban Land




Water Bodies


Water Bodies



Irrigated Cropland and Pasture Dryland Cropland and Pasture, Cropland/Woodland Mosic Irrigated Cropland and Pasture Deciduous Needleleaf Forest, Evergreen Needleleaf Forest Deciduous Broadleaf Forest, Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Mixed Forest Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Dryland Cropland and Pasture Dryland Cropland and Pasture



Bare Land

Water Bodies Herbaceous Wetland, Wooded Wetland Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Barren or Sparsely Vegetated

Salt-alkali Land

Barren or Vegetated

Permanent Frozen Earth

Snow or Ice

Dry Land Irrigated Land Needleleaf Forest Broadleaf Forest Mixed Forest Bamboo Forest Garden


Dryland Cropland and Pasture, Cropland/Grassland Mosaic Mixed Shrubland/Grassland

Sparsely Grassland


Artificial Grassland

Wetland Barren Rock and Gravel Sandlot


Color and texture character of TM(Band 4,3,2)

Preprocessing PreprocessingofofRS RS Data Data

RS Image judgment

Extraction Extractionofoftypical typical land cover character land cover character

Determine the basic geographical object feature Extraction of basic RS information features

Classification Classificationofof typical typicalland landcover cover

Cartography Cartography and and statistic statistic ofof land land cover cover

Extraction of basic geographical object feature classification Post-processing of basic feature classification

Cartography of land cover classification

Statistic of land cover classification

The whole design of land use/cover classification

land use/land cover classification Process Classification Process

Prior Knowledge TM Image Determining of typical land cover sparse vegetation land and non-vegetation land

Dense vegetation land

Water Bodies

Extraction of typical land cover feature


Artificial Grasslands Broadleaf Forest


Dry Land


Shrub and Grassland

Sparse vegetation land

Unusable land

Needleleaf Forest

Combine the types to produce the classification image

Results of the classification Cropla nds


Grassla nd




Unusable land

Obtaining the land surface cover spectral rule according to the sample data

Field Survey According to the Multi-Scale Sub-relief Map

1:250,000 sub-relief map and position

1: 25万地形图分幅及遥感影像位置 of remotely sensed imagery



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3. Chinese Ecological Capital Measure Technology System

3.1 Regional Ecological Capital Assessment Indices based on RS

3.2 Conceptual Model of Ecological Capital Measurement

3.3 Ecological Capital Measurement Technique Route Ground observation and statistic data

Meteorological data

Remote sensing image


Land cover types

Vegetation Coverage


Net Primary Productivity

Quantity of soil erosion

Surface soil loss reduction Nutrient recycle, including N, P and K

Water conservation

Market value approach

Organic matter production

CO2 fixation

Direct use value approach

Carbon tax approach

Bedload reduction

Market price of O2

Water and soil conservation

O2 release

Shadow engineering approach Energy fixation substitution approach

Soil fertility protection

Opportunity-cost Substitute expense approach approach

Ecosystem service value

4. Results of Ecological Capital Measurement 4.1 Ecological Service Value in Inner Mongolia 4.2 Ecological Capital Measurement in Yunnan Province 4.3 Ecological capital measurement in Huzhou City 4.4 Chinese Ecological Capital Measurement in 1992, 1995, 2000 4.5 EC mapper

Ecosystem Services Value in Inner Mongolia(Yuan/hm2/yr)

Ecological Capital Map Based on criteria Scene of TM(Yuan/hm2/yr)

Ecological Capital Distribution in Yunnan Province (Yuan/hm2/yr)

Values of Wetland in Huzhou City

Organic material production

O2 Release

Culture and Scientific Research

Soil Fertility Protection

Supply of Biology Inhabit

Pollution Decomposition

Self-restraint Water

CO2 Absorption

The rectified Forest Bio-diversity values in Huzhou City

Ecological Capital Distribution in Huzhou City in 2003

Chinese Ecological Capital in 1992 (Yuan/hm2/yr)

Chinese Ecological Capital in 1995 (Yuan/hm2/yr)

Chinese Ecological Capital in 2000 (Yuan/hm2/yr)

4.5 EC Mapper

EC Mapper

5. Further Studies 5.1 Impacts of Urbanization and Regional Land Planning 5.2 Green GDP System and Ecological Security Construction 5.3 Land Use/Cover Change Detecting and Carbon Trade 5.4 Global Change and Natural Disaster

5.1 The Impacts of Urbanization 1. Hydrology 2. Geomorphology 3. Water Quality 4. Habitat

Source: United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects, The 1999 Revision.

5.2 Green GDP System Rect i f i ed GDP by envi r onment f act or s

Tr adi t i onal GDP

Envi r onment al Val ue

Ecol ogi cal Capi t al

Val ue of Nat ur al Resour ce

Ecol ogi cal Cost

Envi r onment al Pol l ut i on Cost

Val ue of Ecosyst em Ser vi ce

Cl i mat e Modul at i on

Loss Val ue of Wat er pol l ut i on

Val ue of sel f r esi st ent wat er

Loss Val ue of At mospher e pol l ut i on

Val ue of Wat er - soi l mai nt ance

Loss Val ue of Sol i d Wast e

Val ue of ot her Ser vi ces

Loss Val ue of ot her Ser vi ces

5.3 Land Use/Cover Change Detecting

1. Investigation of land cover dynamics 2. Development and distribution of products 3. LULC in the study of Carbon Cycle and Global Climate Change 4. Developing tools and products to answer Carbon and Climate questions 5. Feeding into the assessment programs of national and international environmental agencies

5.4 Natural Disaster
















Disaster Monitoring Satellite Constellation

24 hours coverage by 4 optical satellites

24 hours coverage by 1 optical satellite

Disaster Monitoring Satellite Constellation

Payload—the first stage ¾ The optical satellite: ™ Wide field multi-spectrum camera ¾ four bands (0.43-0.52μm,0.52-0.60μm, 0.63-0.69μm,0.76-0.90μm) ¾ 30m resolution ¾ 360km*2 swath ™ Infrared scanner (on optsat1) ¾ four IR bands (0.75-1.10μm, 1.55-1.75μm,3.50-3.90μm, 10.5-12.5μm ) ¾ 150m~300m resolution ¾720km swath

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