CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Test Number 8 present examination is given to help you continue to better understand your Bible. You are once again reading the eight-page QUESTION SECTION. It CONTAINS the INSTRUCTIONS and the QUESTIONS you will be asked. Note that there are 81 questions and that they are numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3 etc. Note also that there are four possible answers g i v a under each question. These are labeled A, B, c, D. ONLY ONE of these four other possible answers is the RIGHT one!-the three are false UNLESS S T A T E D OTHERWISE. YOU ARE TO SELECT THE ONE RIGHT ANSWER FROM AMONG T H E S E FOUR POSSIBLE ANSWERS. You are to repeat this process for each of the questions asked. This comprises your test. (Generally speaking, the incorrect answers are false ideas which are taught and believed about the subject.) As you select the ONE right answer to each question, you must MARK THE ANSWER, which you selected, ON the enclosed ANSWER CARD which accompanies this Question Section. You are to SEND ONLY THE ANSWER CARD in to us when filled out. Handle your answer card carefully a t all times. A SMOOTH CARD aids us in grading. GRADES: Our objective is to give all who have determination to know God’s Word the opportunity to understand the true meaning of the Bible. We need to know if you have this burning desire! If, by the answers you give to our examination questions, you show that you have this desire and are doing your best, that is all we want to know. We are here to aid just such people and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to do so. The final judge as to whether you know your HIS



Bible and are living by it will be God Himself. He is the One you had better seek to pleasenot us. It is He who is able to give you eternal life. Your eagerness to continue your study and to utilize every opportunity is what really counts. The exact grade you make is not too important to you or to us. Naturally, however, we expect a somewhat high percentage of correct answers from you. YOUR ANSWER CARD WILL BE or 89% GIVEN AN EXACT GRADE-95% or whatever it may be. IT WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU. Those who do not send in answers to the tests, or those who show by a very low number of correct answers that they are not particularly interested, will naturally be dropped from the Course. Answer as many questions as you can without referring to the previous lessons you have studied. If you find any difficult questions, then refer to the lessons. We expect you to do so! Notice that these questions are divided into four parts-corresponding to the last four lessons. We advise you not to cover more than one lesson a t a sitting. Take sufficient time to understand each question. Here are two EXAMPLES to show you how to answer the questions: Read the first question of this test. The right answer to select this time is “C.” Now look a t your answer card-observe the “X” in the square to the right of Question 1, and under C . It is already correctly marked for you! Here is the second example: Notice question number 2. The correct answer is r i B . r rAnswer ‘IB” is marked correctly for you! That is all there is to it! It is very simple and fast. The procedure for the other questions is the same. Now continue with question 3 in the same manner . . .



D. attempted


3Me TEST 8

Herbert W. Armstrong, publisher and editor Dr. C. Paul Meredith, director Sent FREE t o all who request it, as the Lord provides. Address all communicalions t o the editor, Box 1 1 1 , Pasadena, Calijornia 91109 @ 1964 Ambassador College 964 Rights Reserved


NOTICE: Be sure to notify us immediately of any change in your address. IMPORTANT!

Satan Originates World’s Day of Worship-Sunday!

God’s heavenly

this world who are in positions of authority? A. The underground leader of Fascist revival. B. Premier of Communist Russia. C. Satan, the Devil. D. No one. Men of good character are being elevated to positions of world power.

7. Has Satan given up his rebellion against

God? A. Yes, because he knows he can’t win. B. No. He is still determined to rule in spite

of God. He can no longer fight God because he is bound in hell. D. Yes, because the one third of the angels he led have deserted him. C.

8 . Which one of these four divine characteris-

tics did Lucifer lack? A. Everlasting life. B. Perfect character. C. Great wisdom. D. A beautiful, spirit body as bright as the morning star.

2. What was Lucifer like in the beginning?

A. He was human.

He was perfect and beautiful, God’s own anointed cherub. C. He was evil, and serpentine in appearance. D. He was one of God’s own family. B.

3. How did Lucifer and his angels originate? A. They originated at the Garden in Eden. B. God created them evil. C. They were only an imaginary evil force in the minds of ancient Jews. D. They were created perfect, but became evil.

5. Which one of these four answers is true?

Lucifer never was ambitious. B. never let insurrection against God enter his mind. C. was perfectly content to rule this earth.


9. Did God create Satan as a sinful being?

A. Yes, to fulfill His master plan. B. Yes, to make salvation difficult for men. C. No. Lucifer became sinful through his

lust for power, and God then renamed him Satan which means Adversary. D. No. Satan has always existed. 10. Sin was first found in Lucifer when he A. became vain about his spiritual beauty

and ability. B. turned against his own Creator in battle. C. sought to establish himself as a god. D. became weak and didn’t apply himself to


4. What was the world like which was original-

ly given to Lucifer? A. It was beautiful-in perfect order. B. It was barren and hot. C. It was much like we see it now. D. It was in confusion.


6. Which one of these four statements is false? A. The wreckage of Lucifer’s warfare is visible in the heavens to astronomers. B. Lucifer’s appearance changed into that of a voracious dragon. C. Lucifer gained rule of the heavens as well as of earth. ,D. One third of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God.

1. Who is motivating all the wicked men of





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1 1.

Can perfect character be instantaneously created? A. Yes, by Almighty God the Creator. B. No. Perfect character is impossible. C. Yes, by God’s Holy Spirit. D. No. It is created through trial, test and experience which require time.

12. What is man’s present relationship to

gelic beings? A. Man is a little lower than angels. B. Man is higher than angels.




C. Man is stronger than angels. D. Man is equal to angels.

13. What is man’s future relationship to angelic

beings? A. Equal to angels. 6. Lower than angels. C. Subject to angels. D. Higher than angels. 14. What happened to the pre-Adamic earth

as a result of Satan’s rebellion? A. It became more beautiful, the result of

each fallen angel-demon-doing what he thought was right. B. It became ugly and confused, the inevitable result of sin. C. It didn’t change a t all. D. I t became a more suitable place in which to live. 15.

Satan A. doesn’t really exist. B. is not a personal arch-enemy to individ-


ual Christians. C. hates anyone who could become one of God’s sons. D. isn’t concerned with you if you can’t be deceived; --

16. Who is the God of this present world? A. Satan the Devil. B. Jesus Christ.

C. No such being exists. D. Almighty God the Father. 17. Satan wants to thwart God’s creative mas-

ter plan because he A. hates the master plan by which God is reproducing Himself. 8. wants more sons born into God’ Family. C. loves mankind.


own plan can substitute for God’s master plan.

D. believes his

18. Which one of these four statements is false?

Satan, now defeated, obediently guides men to shape this world according to God’s commands. 6. This present evil world agrees with Satan’s perverse and evil character. C. Satan considers man a usurper in his realm. D. Satan is strengthening our character without intending to do so. A.

counterfeit church service held? A. On the Sabbath of the Jews-Saturday. B. On the New Testament Sabbath-Sunday. C. On Satan’s symbolic day of the sunSunday. D. It is not important which day was observed in the Old Testament.

19. On what day was the first

20. What day pictures God’s completed plan?

Thursday. The seventh-day Sabbath-Saturdaywhich pictures God’s completed creation. C. The New Testament- Sabbath-Sunday -symbolizing the resurrection. D. Friday, which pictures Christ’s shed blood on the cross. A. 6.

21. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden acted

out the part of the majority of mankind in A. refusing to follow the dictates of Satan down through the ages. 6. successfully finding their way to eternal life, C. being willing to accept Satan’s way of disobedience instead of God’s truth. D. rejecting Satan’s line that man could live eternally in disobedience to God.

BEWARE of the DAY OF THE SUN! 22. Which one of these four statements is

false? A. Satan did not cause the destruction of the people who lived before the Flood. B. Satan tried to destroy Christ. C. Satan continually tries to destroy God’s true Church. D. Satan tries to destroy God’s creative master plan.

Yes, because it is God’s Church which will be born again as God’s spiritual sons. B. Satan’s greatest concern is not the few of God’s true Church. C. Satan is not now aware that God’s Church will one day replace him. D. Satan is satisfied with having the vast majority deceived.

23. Do Satan and his henchmen earnestly de-

24. Why must God warn Christians they are in

sire to destroy God’s true Church?


a contest for their lives against Satan?








A. The contest is between God and Satan,

and doesn’t directly involve men. B. No, once a person yields to God, Satan can’t tempt him. C. Christians can easily avoid him because he comes around like a “roaring” lion. D. Yes, because Satan is invisible-not detectable to any of our five senses. 25. Which one of these four statements is true?

Satan A. has no power today to suggest wrong but attractive customs to human minds. B. has ministers who appear to be ministers of Christ. C. deceives only atheists-certainly not ministers. D. works through the Jews to impose his mark of Sabbath-keeping on the world. 26. Does Satan actively influence church or-

ganizations to help him in his battle against God? A. Yes, but only small pagan-appearing sects. B. No. God doesn’t allow Satan to influence churches. C. Yes. Satan utilizes many large and small churches to disseminate his false doctrines. D. Satan is not interested in church members. 27. Which one of these four answers is false?

Satan’s churches A. are never affiliated with this world’s governments. B. appear like Christ’s but teach Satan’s lies. C. champion the goals of this world’s society. D. teach for doctrines the opinions of men about the Bible. 28. Whom do Sunday-keepers worship as their

god? A. Almighty God the Father who established

Sunday at Creation. B. Jesus Christ who established Sunday at

His resurrection. C. God’s true Church which has the power D.

to change God’s commandments. Satan the Devil, who is the god of this evil world.

29. How will Almighty God and His future sons

appear? A. They will have glorious spiritual bodies that shine brighter than the sun. 8. They will look much like we do today.


C. We can’t know what God’s sons will look

like. D. They will wear white robes and sandals

and have wings. 30. Is Satan substituting an idol symbolizing

himself for mankind to worship today? A. Yes, the image of Jupiter Olympus. B. No, Satan, doesn’t use idols in worship. C. Yes, the sun. D. No. Satan deceives men into worshipping him directly. 31. What is the mark of eternal death? A. B. C. D.

Sunday observance. Sabbath keeping. Commandment keeping. Human nature.

32. How did Sunday come to supplant the Sabbath as this world’s day of worship? A. By Christ’s authority at His resurrection. B. By Satanic deception. C. By the authority of God’s true Church. D. By men finding it more convenient to worship on Sunday. 33. Which one of these four statements is true? A. God originally inspired the names of the days of the week. B. Calling the days of the week after the names of planets has no religious significance. C. Satan’s vanity caused him to call the in very first day of God’s week SUNDAY honor of himself. D. Your answer card will have to be discarded because you will neglect to put your name on it and we will not know you wish to receive more lessons. FILL IN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS NOW-BEFORE YOU FORGET.

34. Has Satan used great men to promulgate Sunday worship? A. No, Satan can only control small, weak men. B. No, Satan does not work through human beings. C. Yes, but only those in religious authority. D. Yes, Constantine, a Roman Emperor, and a man of great ciuil authority. 35. Which one of these four statements is false? A. Satan has given power and cunning to four mighty world-ruling empires. B. Nimrod was the first after the flood to submit to Satan a n d become a great leader.



m. 7


C. Semiramis continued Satan’s control of

mankind by establishing a great false church. D. Nimrod chose to reject Satan’s ways and establish the first great human government.

36. Satan A. has guided only the ancient Babylonian Empire. B. has worked through men called “the Great” by historians. C. is unable to dominate mighty military men. D. has had no control of man’s governments since the Fa!: of Rome.

37. What will happen to those who refuse to


accept Satan’s mark voluntarily? They will be A. forced to observe Saturday. B. granted religious freedom. C. given an alternate day-like Thursdayto observe. D. forced to the point of death to observe Sunday. 38. Which one of these four statements is true? A. God will force Christians to choose His way. B. God promises He will protect you from Satan and his demons if you choose His way. C. God knows it is impossible for any Christian to choose rightly consistently. D. Satan will force Christians to choose His ways.

THE “MARK of the BEAST” BRANDS SATAN’S FOLLOWERS! 39. The Mark of the Beast is

obeying God’s commandments. P ---LSahhath keeping, saluting the American flag. A.

C. D. Sunday keeping.

40. Who made Sunday the official rest day of

the pagan Roman Empire? A. Constantine “the Great,” pagan Roman Emperor-a civil ruler. B. Peter, the first Pope-a religious ruler. C. Jesus Christ. D. The Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans.

43. The beast of John’s prophetic vision (Rev. 13) is the same as the 4th beast of Daniel’s vision because : A. it is the strongest of all. 6. it is last of all. C. it is a composite of the most destructive attributes of each of the three other beasts. D. It had conquered all the other beasts. 44. Daniel’s and John’s visions both actually

portray A. a succession of false churches. B. a succession of world ruling, Satan-dominated kingdoms. C. a number of small nations existing at the same time. D. the lost tribes of Israel.

4 1. Who instigated punishment for Sabbath-

keeping? A. The Roman Civil government -the “beast.” B. The Roman Catholic Church. C. The Teutonic peoples beyond the Roman Empire. D. The Jews brought it upon themselves for killing Christ.


Which one of these four statements is false? A. The Papacy claims attributes belonging only to God. B. The “little horn” was to seek to “change times and laws”-God’s Sabbath. C. The “little horn” of Dan. 7 was prophesied to speak humbly. D. The false prophet will actually claim that he is God.


The millennia1 rule of Christ A. began when He returned to the earth in the person of the Popes. B. began in 554 A.D. when Justinian, Em-

42. Who executed punishment upon Sabbath-

keepers? A. The Jews. B. The Roman Catholic Church. C. The barbaric hordes of infidels who at-

tacked Rome. Roman “beast.”

D. The







peror of the Eastern Roman Empire, acknowledged the Pope as Christ’s vicar. C. will begin when all nations accept one world government and give their power to the Papacy. D. will destroy the governments of men who seek to put themselves in the place of God. 47. Satan’s Roman Empire united with

A. the synagogue of the Jews. B. the true Church of God. C. the Roman Catholic Church, D. no great church system.


A. No, it has never been, nor will it ever be. B. Yes, during the Inquisition.

Yes, during the Dark Ages. D. No, but it began to worship on



The Roman system A. must continue until Christ, the Stone, destroys its final revival a t His second coming. 5. was uprooted by the Papacy in 554 h a C. ended with the Fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D. D. was followed by 10 kingdoms which existed in various parts of Europe a t the same time.

48. Which one of these four statements is false?

A. At this day most other nations do not

have a diplomatic representative a t the Vatican. 5. The Popes claimed the Millennium was during the “Dark Ages.” C. The Papacy-a two-horned beast-rules both a church and a political state in the Italian peninsula. D. The Popes claimed their government was the kingdom of God. 49. The symbolic “false woman” of Revelation

17 depicts

the church of Satan-the lic Church.

Roman Catho-

50. The Roman Catholic Church is referred to

5 1.

Heruli, Vandals and the OstrogothsA. never ruled in and over Rome. B. were destroyed when the Millennium was set up by Justinian in 554 A.D. C. were uprooted because they didn’t acknowledge the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. D. healed the deadly wound.

55. The destructive Roman Empire A. was completely destroyed in 476 A.D.

and it has remained dead ever since.

A. the “Holy” Roman Empire. B. God’s true Church. C. The Roman civil government. D.

54. The first three horns John saw-the

B. has had several successive Satan-domi-

nated revivals. C. has been abandoned as the ideal of Euro-

pean planners. D. will not rise again in our times.

5 6 . The breach caused by barbarian invasions

symbolically as the “image of the beast” because it A. is dominated by Satan the Devil. B. copied the forms and offices of Roman civil government. C. called itself by the same n a m e R o m a n -as the beast is called. D. has its headquarters in the same city.

of the Roman Empire was healed by the revival under A. Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini. B. Otto the Great, called the Ottoman Empire. C. Napoleon Bonaparte, called the Napoleonic Empire. D. Justinian in 554 A.D. called the Imperial Restoration.

What has happened t o those who would not worship the “image of the beast” or “receive his mark”? A. They were received with religious tolerance. B. 50,000,000 were murdered by the “Holy Roman Empire” during the Middle Ages. C. They were permitted to worship on the day of their choice. D. They were forced to return to Palestine and worship with the Jews.

57. The Roman Empire ascended out of the

52. Was God’s true Sabbath-keeping Church

ever totally stamped out?


symbolic “bottomless pit” in A. 1870 with Garibaldi’s unification of Italy. 6. 1914, the beginning of World War I. C. 1939, the beginning of World War 11. D. 1814 with Napoleon’s defeat a t Waterloo.

58. The most recent-the

9th-“head” of this destructive Romish government was dominated by A. Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini. 6. Napoleon. C. Charlemagne. D. Kaiser Wilhelm.

9 *,



5 9 . A final, world-dominating, Romish govern-

ment to rule in your own lifetime A. will be a union of the United States of America and the Roman Catholic Church. B. will be composed of the united countries of Fascist EGrope and the Roman Catholic Church. C. will be led by Communist Russia and the powers of world atheism. D. is impossible in our day.



No, when Luther broke away from Rome he abandoned all false doctrines. B. Yes, by their own frank admission. C. It was God who established Protestantism as His true Church. D. No, because Protestants believe in democracy. A.


60. Has

Protestantism remained irrevocably bound to the false “mother” Roman Catholic Church by retaining Satan’s deadly mark-Sunday?

The day of the sun pictures A. God’s Millennium of peace and plenty. B. Christ’s resurrection. C. the destruction of the wicked in the Lake of Fire. D. the rule of God’s sons whose bodies will shine like the sun. ~

Beast to ENFORCE SUNDAY--“MARK” AGAIN! 62. The revived Roman Empire will be centered

Soon-coming enslavement and martyrdom will befall the A. Jews only. B. Protestant churches only. C. people of non-Christian religions in Africa and Asia. D. people of America and Britain.


A. among English-speaking peoples. B. in Continental Europe, the area of the

ancient Roman Empire. C. inside the Iron Curtain. D. in darkest Africa.

63. Which of these four is not an admitted goal of Roman Catholicism? A. WorMdomination throu&-religioj. B. World domination through politics. C. Enforcing Roman Catholicism on the entire population of the world. D. Playing a minor role in world politics. 64. What will the Pope claim is the reason for

the existence of the Roman church-state union? A. “World peace.” B. Religious persecution. C. World-wide discrimination. D. The destruction of all his enemies. 65.


What does the Papacy need to promote Sunday worship? A. The support of World Communism. B. The encouragement of the World Council of Churches. C. The leadership of the Western democracies. D. Military power to compel people to observe Sunday.

What great mistake did the Western allies make a t the end of World War II? A. Executing Germany’s war criminals. B. Dropping the atomic bomb. C. The rebuilding of Nazi-Germany with U. S. aid to protect the West from Communism. D. Not attacking Russia.


68. Which of these four is not an obstacle to

the Roman Catholic plan for “world paee”? A. Western democracy. B. Fascist European nations. C. Sabbath keeping. D. Protestantism. The first step the Roman Catholic, Fascist German combine will take to ensure permanent world domination is A. the conversion of China. 8. the uniting of all the world’s religions. C. the conversion of Russia. D. the destruction of the Western democracies-the United States and Britain.


70. The sixth head of the Beast of Revelation

17 was A. the rise of the British Commonwealth. B. the rise of Premier Stalin of U.S.S.R. C. the sixth emperor of ancient Rome, before 554 A.D. D. the insignificant, short-lived rgsurrection

of the Roman Empire under Hitler and Mussolini. 71. How many kingdoms will compose the

Beast’s final revival (Rev. 17)? A. Three. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Ten.



72. We know the ten horns of Revelation 17

are the same as the ten toes of Daniel’s dream image (Dan. 2:28) because A. the number is the same. B. they all have one purpose-world domination. C. both symbols picture the kings who rule over the revived Roman Empire at Christ’s second coming. D. they all rule a t the same time. 73. The final revival of the Roman Empire A. may endure longer than the other re-

vivals. B. will have already ended before Christ

returns. C. will be the signal that the return of D.

Christ is very near. will stick.together like glue.

74. Which of these four was the beginning of

a new Roman union? A. The American Nazi Party. B. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. C. The European Economic Community. D. The World Council of Churches. a U n d e r which supreme authority can all the differing nations of Europe unite? A. Protestantism. B. The Papacy. C. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. D. The European Economic Community.


(f6)Which one of these four statements is false? r A . The nations in the territory of the old Roman Empire desire world peace. ’ B. Ten European nations may federate without the Pope. C. The coming united “Roman Empire” may well be called “The United States of Europe.” D. The people of the European nations are ,b not now all Catholic.



77. Who will motivate the Fascist civil leader A. B. C. D.

and the great false religious leader? Satan the Devil. Jewish financial interests. L, Atheistic Communism. The votes of the majority of people under them.


78. Which one of these four answers is false?

The Pope will demand on pain of death that all people must A. worship the Beast-the revived Roman Empire. B. worship the Image of the Beast-the Roman Catholic Church. C. keep God’s seventh-day Sabbath. D. worship on the Devil’s day-Sunday. People who do worship the Beast and its image, and observe Sunday will , A. be martyred by Sabbath-keepers. B. suffer the Seven Last Plagues of Almighty God’s wrath. C. be permitted to escape to a place of safety. D. receive the blessings along with the Pope.


80. To escape both of these seemingly inescap-

-$f able punishments you should A. flee to the mountains and hide. B. turn to God quickly for His divine protection and obey Him. c. flee from all centers of population to escape hydrogen bomb destruction. D. build a fall-out shelter.

81. Which one of these four statements is f a k e ? A. God will not deal harshly with you even

if you don’t repent. B. God will not protect any person He

doesn’t rule. Lazy Christians will suffer a coming martyrdom. D. Lukewarm Christians will suffer in the tribulation just ahead.


FINAL INSTRUCTIONS You have now completed another test in this Course. MAIL YOUR ANSWER CARD BACK T O US. DO NOT FOLD OR W R I N K L E YOUR ANSWER CARD UNNECESSARILY! -it will help us immensely to speed up the grading of the thousands of tests. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING ELSE with your answer card.

KEEP T H I S EIGHT-PAGE QUESTION SECTION. Note that it has three holes punched

at its margin. File it in your notebook a t the end of the lessons it covers. REVIEW these questions now and then. Why? Because the review will give you the opportunity to impress the true answers more firmly upon your mind. Also, a review of the three false answers given here for each question will aid you to realize more clearly some of the false ideas which you may have taken for granted. You will thereby grasp and retain the truth much better when it is presented to you.

Answers to Test 8: 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-B 9-C

10-A 11-D 12-A 13-D 14-B 15-C 16-A 17-A 18-A

19-C 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-A 24-D 25-B 26-C 27-A

28-D 29-A 30-C 31-A 32-B 33-C 34-D 35-D 36-B

37-D 38-B 39-D 40-A 41-B 42-D 43-C 44-B 45-C

46-D 55-B 64-A 73-C 47-C 56-D 65-D 74-C 48-A 57-A 66-C 75-B 49-D 58-A 67-D 76-B 50-B 59-B 68-B 77-A 51-B 60-B 69-D 78-C 52-A 61-C 70-D 79-B 53-A 62-B 71-D 80-B 54-C 63-D 72-C 81-A

Grade Yourself: Simply count the number of questions you missed. Your grade will be next to that number below: 1 - 99 2 - 97 3 - 96 4 - 95 5 - 94 6 - 92 7 - 91 8 - 90

9-89 10-87 11-86 12-85 13-84 14-82 15-81 16-80

17-78 18-77 19-76 20-75 21-73 22-72 23-71 24-70