Correlation to Language Arts Content. Listening and Viewing. Expressive Language: Expressive Language: Receptive Language: Reading Process

K.1.1 Identifies the setting for the scene or story. K.1.2 Adapts a space for playing out a scene or story. K.1.3 Recognizes the role of simple props,...
Author: Randolph Walker
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K.1.1 Identifies the setting for the scene or story. K.1.2 Adapts a space for playing out a scene or story. K.1.3 Recognizes the role of simple props, scenery, and costumes in classroom dramatizations. K.1.4 Imagines a variety of real and non real settings. K.1.5 Imitates real and imagined characters. K.1.6 Participates in and uses pantomime to show characters and events. K.1.7 Recalls the sequence of a story. K.1.8 Distinguishes play space versus audience space.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.

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K.2.1 K.2.2 K.2.3 K.2.4 K.2.5 K.2.6 K.2.7

Repeats dialogue to retell a story through guided practice. Participates in group decision making about artistic expression. Creates a personal portrayal of an improvised scene. Imitates the sounds and movements of objects, animals, and people. Listens and responds to directions and side coaching in dramatic activities. Dramatizes stories by pretending. Discusses stories to understand character relationships.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.

K.3.1 Uses music, sound, movement, dance, and drawing through dramatic play. K.3.2 Creates and/or use puppets in dramatic play. K.3.3 Begins to recognize that a variety of art forms are infused into theatre. K.3.4 Recognizes basic similarities and differences between art forms (visual arts, music, dance, and drama). K.3.5 Appreciates that a dramatization can be used to understand a concept from another discipline.



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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Restates characters, setting and plot through costumes, props, and visual aides. Retells stories thought guided dramatic play from text read aloud. Reviews sequence of events through verbal and non verbal communication. Recognizes that certain events happen in certain environments. Recognize that characters in stories have visual identities (cowboy hats, firefighter’s helmet, women’s scarf, etc.)

Expressive Language: Writing

K.4.1 K.4.2 K.4.3 K.4.4 K.4.5

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.


K.5.1 Experiences live theatre. K.5.2 Uses age-appropriate theatre vocabulary to analyze what he/she sees, hears, and understands (e.g. Did you understand the words; did the characters make you laugh; what did the scenery make you think of?) K.5.3 Listens to and demonstrates respect for the thoughts and opinions of others. K.5.4 Discusses the results of characters’ actions in a variety of literary forms. K.5.5 Recognizes the likes and dislikes of audience members. K.5.6 Recognizes characters, scenery, and events from formal and informal productions. K.5.7 Speculates on the meaning of a performance.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

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K.6.1 Recognizes theatre as an expression and record of the human experience told through stories, songs, and dances. K.6.2 Chooses costumes and props that support the portrayal of a character. K.6.3 Plans movement and vocal variety to support the portrayal of a character. K.6.4 Chooses scenery that conveys appropriate settings for a story. K.6.5 Recognizes and discuss cultural traditions in stories, fairy tales, fables, and nursery rhymes.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


K.7.1 Share the role of film and television in his or her own life. K.7.2 Identifies the role of imitation in drama. K.7.3 Recognizes different types of live presentations (film, television, theatre). K.7.4 Discovers what actors do and finds examples in the local community, film, or television.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.


K.8.1 Participates in creative drama. K.8.2 Role plays a variety of real and non-real characters through guided dramatic play. K.8.3 Knows various ways of staging classroom dramatizations. K.8.4 Tells how the use of visual aids, props, and costumes help in showing setting and expressing characters. K.8.5 Enacts roles based on personal experiences.



Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Kindergarten NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

1.1.1 Identifies characters and setting for the scene or story. 1.1.2 Arranges and shares the play space and materials for acting out a story. 1.1.3 Utilizes simple props, scenery, and costumes in the dramatic process. 1.1.4 Develops a variety of simple real and non-real environments. 1.1.5 Imitates or creates characters based on observation. 1.1.6 Expresses various characters, ideas, and emotions through gestures, movement, and voice. 1.1.7 Identifies the sequence or events in a story. 1.1.8 Defines personal space for use in dramatic activities. 1.1.9 Observes and discusses the appearance and characteristics of people, animals, and things. 1.1.10 Builds reading comprehension by using verbal and non-verbal communication.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Expressive Language: Speaking

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.

1.2.1 Creates dialogue for retelling stories in their own words. 1.2.2 Cooperates with peers and teacher in group decision-making about artistic choices. 1.2.3 Collaborates to create and present original stories. 1.2.4 Explores the use of sound effects and the voice to express character, feelings, and moods. 1.2.5 Listens and respond to directions and side-coaching in dramatic activities. 1.2.6 Dramatizes stories using improvisation and creative drama games. 1.2.7 Describes character relationships and behaviors within a story or scene. 1.2.8 Recalls stories about personal experiences.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

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1.3.1 Applies sound, movement, and drawing into dramatic play. 1.3.2 Creates and uses puppets in simple dramatizations. 1.3.3 Describes the ways other art forms enhance a theatre piece. 1.3.4 Discusses basic similarities and differences between art forms. 1.3.5 Uses theatre techniques to understand concepts from another discipline. 1.3.6 Uses pantomime in simple characterizations.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.

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1.4.1 Demonstrates setting, characters, and main idea using props and scenery. 1.4.2 Retells stories through guided dramatic play from an existing text. 1.4.3 Develops sequence of events through verbal and nonverbal communication in a simple drama. 1.4.4 Explains how and why certain events happen in certain environments. 1.4.5 Describes specific traits of characters. 1.4.6 Rehearses and revises a story through performance and feedback. 1.4.7 Distinguishes character dialogue in story narration.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.


1.5.1 Experiences live theatre. 1.5.2 Uses age-appropriate theatre vocabulary to critique what he/she sees, hears, and understands. 1.5.3 Listens to and displays respect for the thoughts and opinions of others. 1.5.4 Identifies the outcomes of characters’ actions in dramatic presentations. 1.5.5 Discusses the likes and dislikes of audience members. 1.5.6 Describes characters, setting, and events seen or portrayed in formal or informal productions. 1.5.7 Considers the meaning of a performance. 1.5.8 Discusses what makes theatre a unique activity. 1.5.9 Identifies strengths of peers and self.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

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1.6.1 Recognizes and discusses theatre as an expression and record of the human experience told through stories, songs, and dances. 1.6.2 Utilizes simple props and costumes to support a dramatization. 1.6.3 Utilize movement and vocal variety to support the portrayal of a character. 1.6.4 Builds simple scenery that conveys appropriate settings for a story. 1.6.5 Recognizes and discusses cultural traditions in stories, songs, fairy tales, fables, and nursery rhymes. 1.6.6 Uses family, school, and community resources to gather information about the characters and settings of a story. 1.6.7 Recognizes that art forms used in dramatizations come from all cultures.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


1.7.1 Shares the role of film and television have played in their personal life. 1.7.2 Discusses the role of imitation in theatre. 1.7.3 Lists qualities of various types of live presentations (film, television, and electronic technology). 1.7.4 Identifies what actors and other members of a dramatic production do and gives examples. 1.7.5 Tells elements of theatre in everyday life such as relationships (characters), clothes (costumes), locations (settings).


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.

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1.8.1 Participates in creative drama and experience informal presentations. 1.8.2 Constructs a variety of real and imaginary characters through guided dramatic play. 1.8.3 Creates various ways of staging classroom dramatizations. 1.8.4 Interacts through use of visual aides, props, and costumes to establish setting and express characters. 1.8.5 Enacts a variety of roles based on individual experiences. 1.8.6 Adapts character movement to include audience focus. 1.8.7 Replicates teacher-guided improvisation.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures First Grade NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

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Expressive Language: Writing

2.1.1 Identifies and describes the character, plot, and setting in stories. 2.1.2 Utilizes play space and materials for performing a scene or story. 2.1.3 Transforms objects into simple props, scenery, and costumes to support a dramatization. 2.1.4 Creates a variety of real and non-real settings. 2.1.5 Uses physical actions to depict a character. 2.1.6 Develops basic characterization skills to react and interact with others on stage. 2.1.7 Discusses the sequence of events in a dramatization. 2.1.8 Uses personal space in dramatizations. 2.1.9 Identifies the behavior of a person or an animal revealing specific movements and characteristics based on observation. 2.1.10 Builds reading comprehension by using verbal and nonverbal communication. 2.1.11 Builds skills to read with dramatic expression various simple scripts derived from poetry, short stories, fairytales, imagination and other forms of literature. 2.1.12 Makes spontaneous decisions in the dramatic process to support character choices.

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

2.2.1 Repeats or paraphrases dialogue from a story to create a drama. 2.2.2 Cooperates with peers in small group decision-making about artistic choices. 2.2.3 Creates spontaneous dialogue to express feelings. 2.2.4 Utilizes sounds and the voice to express character, feelings, and mood. 2.2.5 Recognizes the importance of listening to peers within the drama. 2.2.6 Explores different ways stories can be told. 2.2.7 Reads a short play and discusses the relationships and behaviors of its characters. 2.2.8 Identifies similarities and differences between simple monologues and dialogue within a story or drama. 2.2.9 Understands the role of the narrator in the dramatic process. 2.2.10 Collaboratively improvises and reenacts scenes based on personal and/or community experience.

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

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2.3.1 Incorporates music, sound, movement, dance, and design into a dramatic presentation. 2.3.2 Explores puppetry as an art form. 2.3.3 Implements another art form to create and enhance a dramatic presentation. 2.3.4 Recognizes different art forms within the community. 2.3.5 Creates a drama presentation that helps explain a concept from another discipline. 2.3.6 Uses pantomime to convey character, setting, plot, etc.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.

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2.4.1 Recognizes the differences between narrative writing and scripted plays. 2.4.2 Develops setting, characters, and main idea through visual and physical aids. 2.4.3 Develops guided dramatic expression to dramatize different forms of literature. 2.4.4 Recognizes the beginning, middle, and end of a scene or story for playwriting purposes. 2.4.5 Chooses appropriate explanation for the occurrence of certain events in certain environments. 2.4.6 Incorporates characters’ traits in script writing. 2.4.7 Rehearses and revises a script through performance and feedback. 2.4.8 Distinguishes character dialogue in script writing. 2.4.9 Dramatizes short stories using improvisation and theatre games. 2.4.10 Participates in teacher-guided playwriting of simple dramatic scenes. 2.4.11 Identifies how characters solve problems and resolve conflicts. 2.4.12. Makes predictions about characters, setting, and events based on the content of the story or scene. 2.4.13 Identifies basic elements of a script such as title, characters, and setting.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.

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2.5.1 Experiences live theatre. 2.5.2 Uses age-appropriate theatre vocabulary to critique what he/she sees, hears, and understands. 2.5.3 Demonstrates respect for others by listening to the thoughts and opinions of others. 2.5.4 Compares and contrasts the outcomes of characters’ actions in a dramatization. 2.5.5 Demonstrates responsible audience behaviors and responses in and about dramatizations. 2.5.6 Analyzes characters, settings, and events seen or portrayed in formal or informal productions. 2.5.7 Discusses the meaning of a performance of a play or story. 2.5.8 Compares and contrast the differences between live and recorded performances. 2.5.9 Describes the strengths of self and peers. 2.5.10 Interprets ideas during and after a creative dramatic activity.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

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2.6.1 Explores theatre as a reflection of the culture and history of communities. 2.6.2 Determines the need for simple props and costumes to support the cultural reality of a character and/or story. 2.6.3 Selects culturally appropriate movements and vocal varieties to support the portrayal of a character. 2.6.4 Builds scenery that conveys culturally appropriate settings. 2.6.5 Recognizes that art forms used in dramatizations come from all cultures. 2.6.6 Discusses how personal experience can be used as the basis for character choices.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Expressive Language: Speaking

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


2.7.1 Communicates the role of film and television in the community. 2.7.2 Develops the use of imitation in dramatizations. 2.7.3 Recognizes local theatre activities and how they add to the life of the community. 2.7.4 Identifies the various jobs people do behind the scenes: Light board operator, stage hands, etc. 2.7.5 Discusses elements of theatre in everyday life—relationships (characters), clothes (costumes) and location (setting). 2.7.6 Recognizes the many types of plays (comedy, drama, musical theatre, opera). 2.7.7 Discusses the role of technology and electronic media.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

2.8.1 Participates in and constructs creative dramatic presentations. 2.8.2 Explores thoughts and feelings of real and non-real characters. 2.8.3 Transforms a space and materials for acting out simple dramas. 2.8.4 Contributes to making artistic choices for the scenery, props, and costumes for a presentation. 2.8.6 Expresses various characters, ideas, and emotions through gestures, movement, and voice for an audience of peers. 2.8.7 Adapts character movement to include audience focus. 2.8.8 Enacts a sequence of events for peers that tell a story.

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Second Grade NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

3.1.1 Develops the characters, plot, and setting in classroom dramatizations and/or formal productions. 3.1.2 Arranges the classroom to reflect the layout of a real or imagined place. 3.1.3 Experiments with the concept and role of technical theatre elements such as sound, props, costumes, scenery, and basic directing. 3.1.4 Participates in the artistic choices for the setting in a dramatization. 3.1.5 Uses body, voice, and imagination to portray characters or imply mood or setting. 3.1.6 Expands basic characterization skills to react and interact with others on stage. 3.1.7 Expresses the sequence of events in a dramatization. 3.1.8 Uses and designs personal space in dramatizations. 3.1.9 Discusses the behavior of a person or an animal revealing specific movements and characteristics based on observation. 3.1.10 Refines reading comprehension by using verbal and nonverbal communication. 3.1.11 Applies skills to read with dramatic expressions various scripts from poetry, short stories, fairytales, and other forms of literature. 3.1.12 Utilizes improvisational skills to make character choices in a dramatization.

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.

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3.2.1 Paraphrases dialogue from story to demonstrate different interpretations for use in dramatizations. 3.2.2 Demonstrates responsible behaviors such as sharing, flexibility and teamwork during dramatic activities. 3.2.3 Develops dialogue to express a character’s feelings. 3.2.4 Enhances character, feeling, or mood through the use of sounds and the voice. 3.2.5 Listens and reacts to others in a dramatization. 3.2.6 Identifies the various ways that a story could be performed. 3.2.7 Describes what characters think and feel during a dramatic scene. 3.2.8 Expresses the similarities and differences between monologues, dialogues, and asides in stories or dramatizations. 3.2.9 Utilizes the role of narrator in a dramatic scene. 3.2 10 Collaboratively improvises and reenacts scenes based on personal and/or community experience. 3.2.11 Experiments with character dialogue during the rehearsal process.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

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3.3.1 Composes simple music, sound, movement, dance, and design for a dramatic presentation. 3.3.2 Features puppetry and/or simple masks in simple dramatizations. 3.3.3 Incorporates two other art forms into the creation of a dramatic presentation. 3.3.4 Identifies different art forms within the community. 3.3.5 Creates and performs a dramatic presentation that demonstrates a concept from another content area. 3.3.6 Develops pantomime for use in simple dramatizations.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.


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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

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Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

3.4.1 Uses basic script writing to portray a sequence of events in a simple scene or story. 3.4.2 Creates character, setting, & plot through visual and physical aids e.g. props & costumes. 3.4.3 Expands expression to dramatize different forms of literature. 3.4.4 Plans the beginning, middle, and end of a scene or story for playwriting purposes. 3.4.5 Develops logical explanations for the occurrence of certain events within a dramatic presentation. 3.4.6 Examines character profile describing specific characteristics for inclusion in a script. 3.4.7 Rehearses and revises a script through performance and feedback. 3.4.8 Develops character dialogue in script writing. 3.4.9 Dramatizes stories and original pieces using improvisation and theatre games. 3.4.10 Participates in teacher-guided playwriting using simple characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. 3.4.11 Discusses how characters attempt to resolve conflicts. 3.4.12 Elaborates about characters, setting, and events based on the content of the story or scene. 3.4.13 Utilizes basic elements of a script such as title, character, and setting. 3.4.14 Develops basic creative dramatic vocabulary.

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.

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3.5.1 Experiences live theatre. 3.5.2 Uses selective criteria to critique what he/she sees, hears, and understands. 3.5.3 Respectfully listens to constructive criticism and reacts in a positive manner. 3.5.4 Recognizes that consequences and actions teach characters and audience members life lessons. 3.5.5 Demonstrates responsible audience behaviors and responses in and about dramatizations. 3.5.6 Suggests alternative characters, settings, or events after viewing or participating in a performance. 3.5.7 Interprets the meaning of the performance of a play or a story. 3.5.8 Makes subtle distinctions between live and recorded performances. 3.5.9 Builds skills to critique self and others in a respectful and constructive manner. 3.5.10 Communicates emotions and thoughts elicited by performances. 3.5.11 Justifies artistic choices related to dramatizations. 3.5.12 Conveys personal reactions to various performances.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

3.6.1 Examines the dynamic relationship between community, culture, and the theatre. 3.6.2 Justifies the need for props and costumes to support the cultural reality of a character and/or story. 3.6.3 Selects and utilizes culturally appropriate movements and vocal varieties to support the portrayal of a character. 3.6.4 Conceives and creates scenery that conveys culturally appropriate settings. 3.6.5 Recognizes that forms of theatre are found in all cultures (e.g. storytelling in Native American cultures, puppets from Asian cultures, etc.). 3.6.6 Utilizes personal experience as the basis for character choices. 3.6.7 Examines the value of theatre as a means of integrating art forms, history, and cultures. 3.6.8 Applies information about characters’ traits found in text. 3.6.9 Identifies parts of a story that can be utilized as dialogue or narration.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


3.7.1 Examines the role of theatre, film, and television in the community. 3.7.2 Discusses how theatre adds to community life. 3.7.3 Discovers what designers, directors, and playwrights do in the theatre. 3.7.4 Applies the elements of everyday life to theatre—relationships (characters), clothes (costumes) and location (setting). 3.7.5 Discusses the many types of plays (comedy, tragedy, musical theatre, opera). 3.7.6 Justifies the role of technology and electronic media. 3.7.7 References stories or scripts to determine the technical needs for dramatic presentation. 3.7.8 Takes a backstage tour of a theatre.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Reading Process

Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression.

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3.8.1 Participates in and constructs creative dramatic presentations. 3.8.2 Assumes the role of a variety of real and imaginary characters. 3.8.3 Transforms a space and materials for acting out simple dramas. 3.8.4 Contributes to making artistic choices for the scenery, props, and costumes in a presentation. 3.8.5 Demonstrates ideas and emotions using gestures, blocking, and movement. 3.8.6 Adjusts blocking to include audience focus. 3.8.7 Identifies characters and casts roles from a variety of texts that include themes of citizenship and responsibility. 3.8.8 Creates dramatizations based on a variety of texts.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Third Grade NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

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Reading Analysis

Expressive Language: Speaking

4.1.1 Discusses and classifies character, plot, and setting in a scene or a story. 4.1.2 Conceives and builds a simple, imagined environment. 4.1.3 Collaborates and integrates the technical theatre elements of sound, props, costumes, scenery, stage management, and directing into dramatizations. 4.1.4 Participates in artistic choices related to all aspects of dramatizations. 4.1.5 Discusses the basic concepts of mood, time, space, and action in dramatizations. 4.1.6 Responds to and builds upon the ideas of others on stage. 4.1.7 Models the sequence of events in a dramatization. 4.1.8 References stories or scripts to determine the technical needs for dramatic presentation. 4.1.9 Constructs the behavior of a person or an animal revealing specific movements and characteristics based on observation. 4.1.10. Integrates body and voice to portray character and uses personal experience to connect emotionally to the character 4.1.11 Reads with dramatic expression a variety of materials. 4.1.12 Utilizes improvisational skills to make character choices in dramatizations. 4.1.13 Explores an age-appropriate character in a real-life situation. 4.1.14 Demonstrates the ability to concentrate and stay “in character” for short dramatizations

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.


4.2.1 Adapts dialogue from a story to show different interpretations. 4.2.2 Employs responsible behaviors such as sharing, flexibility, and teamwork during dramatic activities. 4.2.3 Creates and develops dialogue to express characters’ feelings. 4.2.4 Applies sound and movement to demonstrate character, mood, and actions. 4.2.5 Compromises with peers in decision making about artistic choices. 4.2.6 Performs stories or scenes in a variety of ways. e.g. narrative pantomime, readers’ theatre, story theatre, etc. 4.2.7 Justifies and displays characters’ thought processes during dramatizations. 4.2.8 Enacts monologues, dialogues, and asides within a dramatization. 4.2.9 Uses the role of narrator to guide, prompt, and assist actors. 4.2.10 Collaboratively improvises and reenacts scenes based on personal and/or community experience. 4.2.11 Utilizes rehearsal time effectively to brainstorm, experiment, and plan. 4.2.12 Expresses through characterization meaning inferred from a text.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

4.3.1 Composes and incorporates music, sound, movement, dance, and design into the dramatic process. 4.3.2 Incorporates the art forms of puppetry, pantomime, and mask making into simple dramatizations. 4.3.3 Explains the ways a dramatic performance is enhanced by the integration of other art forms. 4.3.4 Observes that different art forms reflect diversity of cultures. 4.3.5 Creates and performs a dramatic piece that demonstrates a concept from another content area. 4.3.6 Describes visual, aural, and kinetic elements in dramatizations. 4.3.7 Differentiates between acting for the theatre and acting for the camera.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.

4.4.1 Uses appropriate writing styles—narrative and scripted plays. 4.4.2 Creates a short dramatic scene from a narrative piece of writing. 4.4.3 Devises the beginning, middle, and end of a scene or story for playwriting purposes. 4.4.4 Applies logical explanations for the occurrence of certain events within own dramatic writing. 4.4.5 Investigates and creates characters and plots from a variety of sources. 4.4.6 Rehearses and revises a script through performance and feedback. 4.4.7 Applies playwriting skills by writing monologues, dialogues, and short scenes. 4.4.8 Dramatizes stories and original pieces using improvisation. 4.4.9 Participates in and contributes to small-group playwriting. 4.4.10 Creates dialogue where characters attempt to resolve conflicts. 4.4.11 Applies research to the process of developing a simple, dramatic scene. 4.4.12 Utilizes basic script structure in writing scenes (e.g. gives Time, Place, At Rise; simple stage directions, etc.). 4.4.13 Expands upon and uses creative drama vocabulary.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.

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4.5.1 Experiences live theatre and observes skilled actors. 4.5.2 Incorporates selective criteria to critique what he/she sees, hears, and understands. 4.5.3 Respectively listens to constructive criticism and reacts in a positive manner. 4.5.4 Explains how consequences and actions teach characters and audience members life lessons. 4.5.5 Demonstrates responsible audience behaviors and responses in and about dramatizations. 4.5.6 Articulates what changes he/she would suggest in a performance. 4.5.7 Interprets the meaning of the performance of a play or a story. 4.5.8 Analyzes live and recorded theatrical events. 4.5.9 Employs skills to critique self and others in a respectful and constructive manner. 4.5.10 Communicates emotions and thoughts elicited by performances. 4.5.11 Justifies artistic choices related to dramatizations. 4.5.12 Correlates personal experiences to stage experiences. 4.5.13 Realizes that the character and the actor may have different personalities. 4.5.14 Recognizes and responds to the unique qualities of the theatre experience.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

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4.6.1 Uses culturally appropriate material for dramatizations. 4.6.2 Designs and builds scenery that conveys culturally appropriate settings. 4.6.3 Recognizes that forms of theatre are found in all cultures (e.g. Japanese Kabuki, Indonesian shadow puppets, etc.). 4.6.4 Examines the value of theatre as a means of integrating art forms, history, and cultures. 4.6.5 Adapts and uses information to support character traits. 4.6.6 References culturally diverse forms of literature other than scripts to support dramatic presentations. 4.6.7 Observes that different art forms reflect upon the diversity within heritage and culture.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


4.7.1 Discusses the role of theatre, film, and television in the community. 4.7.2 Explores the way theatre can be used to understand the history of New Mexico and its people. 4.7.3 Identifies various opportunities in theatre-related careers both on and offstage. 4.7.4 Explores the importance of lighting, costumes, sets/scenery, props, sound effects and makeup to dramatic presentations. 4.7.5 Takes a backstage tour of a theatre and discusses what he/she observes.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.

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4.8.1 Performs short informal dramatizations for invited audiences. 4.8.2 Utilizes vocal expression to explore thoughts and feelings of real and non-real characters for an invited audience. 4.8.3 Transforms a space and materials for acting out dramatizations for an invited audience. 4.8.4 Makes artistic choices for the technical elements in a dramatization for an invited audience. 4.8.5 Expresses ideas and emotions through gestures, blocking, and movement. 4.8.6 Employs blocking techniques to accommodate audience focus. 4.8.7 Participates in dramatic activities that deal with conflict and emotions. 4.8.8 References stories to determine and justify technical needs to support the dramatization (e.g. props, costumes, sound, lights, etc.).

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fourth Grade NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

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5.1.1 Classifies and explains character, plot, setting, and theme in a scene or a story. 5.1.2 Creates an imagined environment. 5.1.3 Collaborates and integrates the technical theatre elements of sound, props, costumes, scenery, and basic directing into dramatizations. 5.1.4 Develops and plans for artistic choices related to all aspects of dramatizations. 5.1.5 Employs the basic concepts of mood, time, space, and action in dramatizations. 5.1.6 Responds to and builds upon ideas of others on stage. 5.1.7 Implements the sequence of events in a dramatization. 5.1.8 References stories or scripts to determine the technical needs for dramatic presentation. 5.1.9 Improvises monologue and dialogue to tell stories. 5.1.10 Integrates body and voice to portray character and chooses appropriate emotions for character. 5.1.11 Reads plays to examine character dynamics and relationships. 5.1.12 Refines improvisational skills through dramatic exercises. 5.1.13 Explores an age-appropriate character in a real-life situation. 5.1.14 Utilizes the ability to concentrate and stay “in character” for dramatizations.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student utilizes essential skills to communicate character (acting, costumes, makeup), mood and locale (scenery, properties, lights, sound) in classroom dramatizations.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 1: Learn and develop the essential skills and technical demands unique to dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts. Topic/Skills: The student discovers and develops essential skills in acting, directing, and technical work for classroom dramatizations.

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5.2.1 Adapts and performs dialogue from a script to show different interpretations. 5.2.2 Utilizes responsible behaviors (e.g. collaboration, flexibility, acceptance, etc.) to build the concept of ensemble. 5.2.3 Articulates dialogue to express characters’ feeling. 5.2.4 Integrates sound and movement to demonstrate character, mood, and actions. 5.2.5 Compromises with peers in decision making about artistic choices. 5.2.6 Justifies and displays characters’ thought processes during dramatizations. 5.2.7 Enacts monologues, dialogues, and asides within a dramatization. 5.2.8 Collaboratively improvises and reenacts scenes based on personal and/or community experience. 5.2.9 Utilizes rehearsal time effectively to brainstorm, experiment, and plan. 5.2.10 Expresses through characterization meaning inferred from a text. 5.2.11 Recognizes that diversity within a group contributes to artistic growth.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student independently and/or collaboratively plans and prepares improvisations and selects acting, movement, music, and/or visual elements to share ideas.

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 2: Use dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts to express ideas. Topic/Creativity: The student designs and plans improvisations and classroom dramatizations to express ideas.

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5.3.1 Adapts and incorporates music, sound, movement, dance and design into the dramatic process. 5.3.2 Incorporates the art forms of puppetry, pantomime, and mask making into dramatizations. 5.3.3 Justifies the ways a dramatic performance is enhanced by the integration of other art forms. 5.3.4 Observes that different art forms are infused in theatre. 5.3.5 Creates and performs a dramatic piece that demonstrates a concept from another content area. 5.3.6 Applies visual, aural, and kinetic elements in dramatizations. 5.3.7 Differentiates between acting for the theatre and acting for the camera.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student describes theatrical elements (visual, aural, oral, kinetic, ideas, emotions, and mood) and compares them with other art forms and content areas.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 3: Integrate understanding of visual and performing arts by seeking connections and parallels among arts disciplines as well as all other content areas. Topic/Connections: The student constructs understanding of connections and parallels within theatre, dramatic media (film, television, and electronic media) and other art forms as well as other content areas.

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5.4.1 Uses appropriate writing styles—narrative and scripted plays. 5.4.2 Adapts a narrative piece of writing into script form. 5.4.3 Devises the beginning, middle, and end of a scene or story for playwriting purposes. 5.4.4 Applies logical explanations for the occurrence of certain events within a dramatic piece. 5.4.5 Investigates and creates characters and plots from a variety of sources. 5.4.6 Rehearses and revises a script through performance and feedback. 5.4.7 Applies playwriting skills by writing monologues, dialogues, and short scenes. 5.4.8 Dramatizes stories and original pieces using improvisation and theatre games. 5.4.9 Participates in and contributes to small-group and partner playwriting. 5.4.10 Creates dialogue where characters resolve conflicts. 5.4.11 Applies research to the process of developing dramatic scene. 5.4.12 Utilizes basic script structure in writing scenes (e.g. gives Time, Place, At Rise; clear stage directions, etc.). 5.4.13 Expands upon and uses creative drama vocabulary. 5.4.14 Uses the role of narrator only to guide, prompt or assist the actors.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student, individually and in groups, refines and records dialogue and action and creates characters, environments, and scenes that bring about tension and suspense.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the creative process. Topic/Playwriting: The student exhibits an understanding of the creative process by planning and recording of improvisations and using script writing.

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5.5.1 Experiences live theatre and observes skilled actors. 5.5.2 Incorporates selective criteria to critique what he/she sees, hears, and understands. 5.5.3 Respectfully listens to constructive criticism and reacts in a positive manner. 5.5.4 Analyzes consequences and actions that teach characters and audience members life lessons. 5.5.5 Demonstrates responsible audience behaviors and responses in and about dramatizations. 5.5.6 Formulates what changes they would suggest in a performance. 5.5.7 Interprets and evaluates the meaning of a play or a story. 5.5.8 Compares and contrasts live and recorded theatrical events. 5.5.9 Employs skills to critique self and others in a respectful and constructive manner. 5.5.10 Communicates emotions and thoughts elicited by performances. 5.5.11 Evaluates artistic choices to understand the dramatic process. 5.5.12 Realizes that the character and the actor may have different personalities. 5.5.13 Recognizes and responds appropriately to the unique qualities of the theatre experiences.

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Reading Analysis

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student discusses components of dramatizations (acting, story, staging, scenery, etc.) using appropriate terminology, and explains personal and emotional connections to the dramatic piece.

Expressive Language: Writing

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 5: Observe, discuss, analyze, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Topic/Evaluation: The student observes, discusses, analyzes, and constructs meaning with regard to classroom dramatizations and other theatrical performances.

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5.6.1 Uses community and culturally appropriate material for dramatizations. 5.6.2 Designs and builds scenery that conveys culturally appropriate settings. 5.6.3 Researches a form of theatre from a culture different than his/her own (e.g. Japanese Kabuki, Indonesian shadow puppets, etc.). 5.6.4 Explains the value of theatre as a means of integrating art forms, history, and cultures. 5.6.5 Adapts forms of literature other than scripts to support dramatic presentations. 5.6.6 Discusses that different art forms reflect upon the diversity within heritage and culture.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Process

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student communicates information about diverse people, events, times and places using dramatic skills.

Reading Analysis

Correlation to Language Arts Content

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 6: Show increased awareness of diverse peoples and cultures through visual and performing arts. Topic/Cultural Diversity: The student displays an awareness of diverse peoples and cultures while researching information to support classroom dramatizations.

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Pilot group members also found connections to the Social Studies Standards.


5.7.1 Describes the role of theatre at different historical times. 5.7.2 Employs the use of imitation and personal experience in dramatizations. 5.7.3 Uses theatre to present historical events of New Mexico and its people. 5.7.4 Identifies a variety of professions that incorporate the training/talents of actors such as commercials, voice-overs, public relations, etc. 5.7.5 Discusses the importance of lighting, costumes, sets/scenery, props, sound effects and makeup to dramatic presentations. 5.7.6 Takes a backstage tour of a theatre and discusses what he/she observes. 5.7.7 Examines various dramatic genres (comedy, tragedy, melodrama, and farce).

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Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student uses stories and dramas to identify and compare historical aspects of theatre including characters, situations, and settings, and discusses how theatre reflects life.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 7: Demonstrate knowledge about how technology and invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression. Topic/Historical Aspects: The student demonstrates an understanding of the history of theatre and its role in daily life.


5.8.1 Performs dramatizations for invited audiences. 5.8.2 Utilizes vocal expression to explore thoughts and feelings of real and non-real characters for an invited audience. 5.8.3 Transforms a space and materials for acting out dramatizations for an invited audience. 5.8.4 Justifies artistic choices for the technical elements (e.g. props, costumes, sound, lights, etc.) in a dramatization for an invited audience. 5.8.5 Expresses ideas and emotions through gestures, blocking, and movement. 5.8.6 Employs blocking techniques to accommodate audience focus. 5.8.7 Creates and participates in dramatic activities that deal with conflict and emotions. 5.8.8 Identifies characters and casts (assigns) roles from a variety of scripts.


Receptive Language: Listening and Viewing

Expressive Language: Speaking

Expressive Language: Writing

Reading Analysis

APS District K-5 Benchmark: The student imagines and assumes roles for an audience that clearly demonstrate characters, their relationships, and their environments using his or her acting skills and knowledge of technical elements of costume, makeup, scenery, etc.

Correlation to Language Arts Content

Reading Process

NM Drama/Theatre Standards and APS Measures Fifth Grade NM Content Standard 8: Contribute to communities by sharing expertise in dance, music, theatre/drama, and visual arts and by participating in the activities of cultural institutions. Topic/Performance: The student contributes to school and community by acting, completing technical work, and/or directing formal and informal productions.

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