Core Strength & Stability

Core Strength & Stability The primary function of core strength is to maintain dynamic stability of the body’s center of gravity. This is where all mo...
Author: Scarlett Carson
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Core Strength & Stability The primary function of core strength is to maintain dynamic stability of the body’s center of gravity. This is where all movement originates. To be functional for soccer, the movements must be multi-pane to include diagonal and rotational patterns. Beginner exercises should be selected early in a strength program and done at a high repetition (20-30) in a slow and controlled manner. Follow each category as a progression. Intermediate exercises should be selected during the strength phase of a strength program. They should be preformed at a 2-0-1 tempo. Advanced exercises are done at low receptions (10-15) and should be performed in a fast and explosive manner. Follow each category as a progression. Once mastered, move to the next level. Trunk and Hip Flexion: Beginner Abdominal Crunches: Lying supine (on the back), knees flexed to 90 degrees with feet planted on the ground, arms crossed over the chest. Contract upper abdominals muscles, lift shoulders off the ground, hold and slowly return to the ground. Ceiling Kicks: Lying supine with legs straight, lift legs up so hips are flexed at 90 degrees, contract lower abdominal muscles lifting the buttocks off the ground, kicking straight up. Intermediate Seated Row: Sit in an upright position, knees bent and feet off the ground. Straighten legs and lower torso toward the ground. When legs are straight and torso is approximately 6 inches off the ground, contract lower abdominal muscles and bring knees to chest. Raise torso to starting position. Straighten Leg Raise to Ceiling Kicks: Lift legs so hips are flexed to 90 degrees, then lift buttocks off the ground, kicking straight up. Return to ground in a controlled manner. Advanced V-ups: Start in a supine position with arms extended above head. With straight legs, flex hips to 90 degrees and lift your torso off the ground bringing the hands up meeting the feet in a V position. Return to ground in a controlled manner. Trunk and Hip Extension Beginner Superman: Lying prone with hands out in front of the body about shoulder width apart, lift arms, head and feet off the ground and hold for a two count.

Intermediate Prone Opposites: Same as Superman only lift single arm and opposite leg. Repeat with the other arm and leg. Hold for a two count. Advanced Prone Jacks: Lying prone with feet together and arms straight above the head, lift arms and legs off the ground, open both arms and legs like a jumping jack, return to closed position and lower the arms and legs to the ground. Trunk and Hip Lateral Flexion Beginner Pillar Bridge: Using elbows for stabilization while lying on your side, hold the body flat, straight position. Emphasize hips up, straight body position with only the feet and elbows touching the ground. Hold for 30 seconds and work toward one minute. Perform on each side. Intermediate Pillar Side Touches: From the pillar bridge position, lower the buttocks to touch the ground and return to starting position. Let the muscles of the transverse (side) abdominal muscles do the work. Advanced Pillar Side touches with Hip Abduction: Perform a pillar side touch and at completion, abduct top hip and thigh about 12 inches away from the body. Trunk and Hip Rotation Beginner Side Crunch: Lie in a supine position with one leg bent 45 degrees and resting on the ground, the other leg rotated with the heel resting on top of the knee. Hands are interlocked behind the head. Raise and rotate your torso so the opposite elbow rotates to the knee of the externally rotated leg in the up position. Reverse feet positions and repeat. Intermediate Seated Side Touches: Sitting upright with knees bent and feet off the ground, hands to the side, alternate rotation your torso side to side touching the ground as far behind as possible. Do both directions. Advanced Bicycles: Lying supine with knees and hips flexed at 90 degrees and hands interlocked behind the head, rotate your torso bringing elbow to touch opposite knee while extending the other leg into a straight position. This action is performed to each side in a bicycling motion. Core Exercise Program with No Equipment Beginner Crunches x30 Ceiling Kicks x20 Superman x15 4 way Pillar Bridge 30-60 sec Side Crunches x30

Intermediate Seated Row x20 Straight leg to Ceiling Kicks x20 Prone Opposites x10 Pillar Side Touches x15 each Seated Touches x20

Advanced V-ups x15 Prone Jacks x8 Bicycles x20 Pillar Side Touches with Hip Abduction x10

Physio or Swiss Ball Introductory Exercises The following are performed while seated. You should be able to comfortably perform these exercises before progressing. Obtain a neutral position, seated on the ball with feet on the floor, hips and knees flexed at 90 degrees. Maintain an upright t position by keeping the abdominal muscles tight and the lower back flat. Perform the range of motion exercise 20 times and hold the last repletion for 20 seconds. Hip shifts back and forth Hip shifts side to side Hip circles Lift one leg at a time Lift one leg and extend at the knee Lift one leg, raising opposite arm overhead Lift both legs and balance for 20 seconds Lying supine with feet on the ground Beginner Crunches: Support weight on the ball with lower back and buttocks; contract abdominal muscles lifting shoulders off the ball. Add medicine ball or weight plate to increase difficulty. Intermediate Alternate Leg Extensions: With weight supported at shoulders and legs bent 90 degrees at the knee, alternate knee extensions Advanced Supine Twists: Rotate hips so shoulders are perpendicular to the ball and weight is supported at shoulders, legs bent 90 degrees at the knee, arms straight over shoulders. Hold a medicine ball or plate to increase difficulty. Feet are stationary on the ground. Keep hips up. Repeat other direction.

Lying Supine with feet on the ball Beginner Bridge Position: Lying supine with shoulder on the ground, fee on the ball, lift buttocks off the ground so weight is supported by the feet (on the ball) and shoulders, holding a straight

body position.

Lateral Hip Rotate: Position ball underneath the buttocks with knees and hips flexed at 90 degrees, resting on the ball. Rotate hips to the sides, bringing the legs to the ground. Repeat other direction.

Intermediate Hamstring Curls: In bridge position, flex the knees and curl the ball underneath the buttocks, progress to one leg. Advanced Bridges with Alternate Hip Flexion: Assume bridge position, alternate leg/hip flexion and return to ground. Raise one leg at a time. Hi/Low Exchanges: Perform straight leg raises lifting shoulders off the ground, grabbing the ball with hands. Return to the ground and perform leg raises again to return the ball to the feet.

Lying Prone Over ball Beginner Back Extensions: Extend lower back while lying over ball with knees on the ground, hands behind head.

Intermediate Prone Opposites: Lying over the ball with weight supported by the midsection and feet on the ground, extend one arm and opposite leg. Repeat with other arm and leg. Shoulder Stabilization: Hold a straight body position with arms extended and hand on the ball (push up position). Advanced Prayers: On knees, support body weight on the ball with the elbows. Extend elbows forward and increase body lean to a flat position. Contract abdominal muscles and return to prayer position. To increase difficulty, elevate the feet on a 6 to 12 in box. Incline Push ups: Assume shoulder stabilization position and perform a push up. The closer your hands, the more difficult the exercise.

Lying Prone, Feet on the Ball Beginner Walkouts: Start with arms touching ball, use hands to walk out as far as possible and back.

Intermediate Push Ups: From walkout end point, perform a push up. Alternating leg Lifts: From walkout end point, alternate legs extending each hip. Advanced Knees to Chest: From walkout end point, lift up at the hips bringing knees under the body to the chest. Knees to Sides: Same as above position, except hips rotate so knees come to the sides.

Beginner Crunches x30 Bridges x20 Back Extensions x20 Lateral Hip Rotations x30 Shoulder Stabilization Hold for 30 sec

Physioball Mini Program Intermediate Hamstring Curls x15 Straight leg Raises x20 Prone Opposites x20 Push ups x20 Knees to Chest x20

Advanced Supine Twists x20 Bridges with Alt Flexion x10 Hi/Low Exchange x15 Prayers x15 Incline Push up x10 Knees to sides x20

Medicine Ball Start the program using a soccer ball to insure correct technique, then move to a medicine ball. As your core become stronger, progress from strength to power development. This is accomplished by increasing weight of the ball and changing speed of movement from slow to fast. To strengthen the torso, medicine ball exercise emphasizes flexion, extension, rotation, chopping, throw and catches. Functional Warm up Truck Rotations: Holding medicine ball at the chest, twist side to side. Trunk Rotations and Ball Transfer: Transfer medicine ball from one arm to the other. Trunk Rotations to a Planted Knee: Hold the medicine ball straight out and to the side; legs should be wider that shoulder with arms extended straight. Rotat ball and internally rotate, bringing the opposite knee to the ground and touching other knee with the ball. Recover and alternate leg.

Windmill Downward Toss, Alternate Arms: Start with ball at the side. In a windmill motions toss the ball to the ground. Repeat with opposite arm. Good Mornings to Overhead Press: With ball behind head and knees slightly bent, flex at the waist to the point where the chest is parallel to the ground. Return to standing and extend the ball with arms above the head. Deep Squat Press: With ball at the chest, perform a deep (below parallel) squat, press ball above head and return to starting position. Diagonal Lunge Step to Toe Touch: Hold ball at chest and take a lunge step out at 45 degrees bringing the ball forward to the toe. Return upright and repeat in opposite direction and lunge with other leg. Individual Exercises Crunches: Hold medicine ball between hands, contract abdominal muscles and lift shoulder off the ground. Then, straighten arms and press ball toward ceiling. Leg Raises: On you back, squeeze medicine ball between feet and lift it so the hips are flexed to 90 degrees. Diagonal Leg Raises: Turn hips at a 45 degree angle to the side. Alternate from side to side.

Medicine Ball Side Rotations: Perform this exercise while seated with feet off the ground. Rotate, touching the ball from side to side as far as possible. Partner Exercises Emphasize these exercised during the strength phase. Medicine Ball Sit Up Hand Offs: In sit up position, place a medicine ball over head, arm straight, partner standing on your feet. Do a sit up handing the medicine ball to partner. Pause, receive the ball back from partner and return to the starting position. One Legged Catches: Partner stands five feet away and throws the ball to one side of athlete, who is standing to the side on one leg. Athlete catches the ball, stabilizes, rotates, and then throws back to their partner. Repeat with opposite leg and receive from both sides. Medicine Ball Sit Up Throws: Partner stands 3 feet away and throw medicine ball to athlete who is in an upright sit up position. Athlete controls the ball, performs a sit up with the ball over head and come up forcefully throwing the ball back to their partner. Kneeling Side Throws: Kneeling on one knee with other leg extended, partner throws medicine ball to the athlete’s side at which knee is on the ground. Athlete catches with both hands, rotates back and throws to partner 5 feet away. Medicine Ball Power Emphasize these exercises during power phases. Can also be used with Plyometric Explosive Power Training Lateral Throw Downs: With ball over head, laterally flex the trunk and throw a medicine ball down to the outside of one foot. Catch the bouncing ball, take it over head to the opposite side and flex trunk. Repeat immediately. Rotational Power Throws with partner or to a Cement Wall: Stand with a medicine ball held at the side 10-15 years away from a partner or cement wall. Rotate and throw the ball to partner or wall. Perform this process to each side. Feet Pick Ups: With feet on each side of a medicine ball, flex knees and hips performing a tuck jump. Lift the ball off the ground and catch it in the hands. Throw Downs: Holding the ball with both hands, take it directly behind the head and forcefully throw it directly down to the ground. Force of the throw down should be strong enough to elevate feet off the ground. Catch the bouncing ball and repeat quickly. Soccer Throw ins: Perform a soccer throw in using a medicine ball. Alternate which foot leads. Chest Press Pass: With ball at the chest, extend arms explosively. Alternate which foot leads. Push Press Plyos: Lying supine with arms fully extended, partner stands above on a 3 -5 foot bench or box and drops a medicine ball. Athlete catches the ball, brings it to the chest and explosively extends the arms throwing the ball back up to the partner. Squat and Throw Overhead: With ball at the chest and from a deep squat position, explosively extend at the legs and throw the ball straight up. Forward Granny Throws: Start with ball and hands over head, feet wide apart and back straight. Drop down, bringing the ball between the legs reaching back as far as possible. Explode through the hips, throwing the ball forward.

Medicine Ball Program Individual Medicine Ball Exercises Perform 3 sets of each during the strength phase. • Crunches x20 • Leg Raises x20 • Diagonal Leg Raises x20 • Medicine Ball Side Rotations x20 Power Emphasize during the power and in season phases. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions. • Throw Downs • Lateral Throw Downs • Feet Pick Ups Partner Work Emphasize these exercises during the strength phase. Do 3 sets. • Figure Eights x10 • One Legged Catches x10 • Kneeling Side Throws x10 • Medicine Ball Sit up Throws x15 Partner Throws Stand 10-15 yards away from partner. Perform 2 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise and for each side. • Soccer Throw ins • Chest Press Passes • Squat and Throw Over head • Forward Granny Throws • Side Throws

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