` CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD ( Registered charity, Number 1142481) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30th April 2012 Contents Trustees' annua...
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CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD ( Registered charity, Number 1142481) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30th April 2012

Contents Trustees' annual report

Page 2-3

Independent examiner's report


Receipts and payments account


Statement of assets and liabilities


Notes to the accounts


CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Trustees' annual report for the year ended 30th April 2012 Full name Conversation Club Sheffield Registered charity number Trustees Ralph Hancock John Baker Richard Chessum Myra Davis Brian Helsdon Qais Aryan Christine Barltrop Hannah Wellington Abigail Taylor


Chair Treasurer

Appointed 25 November 2011, resigned 29 February 2012 Co-opted 13 March 2012

Principal Address 29 Park House Road Lower Pilsley Chesterfield S45 8DG

Bankers The Co-Operative Bank Independent Examiner Judith Harrison FCCA employee of Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accounting Service The Circle 33 Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW

Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service


CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Trustees' annual report for the year ended 30th April 2012 Governance and management The Charity is operated under the rules of its Constitution adopted 26/11/2010 amended on 27/05/2011. The Charity registered with the Charity Commission on 20 June 2011. Summary of the objects of the Charity 1) the promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit among people who are refugees and asylum seekers in Sheffield and its environs who are socially excluded on the grounds of their social and economic position, by: a) providing education and training in the English language and in vocational skills; b) providing social and recreational facilities and events involving the local community; c) raising public awareness of the issues affecting asylum seekers and refugees, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion. 2) Such other charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine. Summary of the main activities undertaken for the public benefit When planning the activities of the Charity the trustees have had regard to the guidance issued by the Charity Commission on public benefit The club held regular meetings Wednesdays and Fridays, where the members were enabled to meet with volunteers from the general public and from students at the two universities. Various activities and games, such as painting, drawing, poetry, and music, were available during those meetings. Informal language classes were provided, as well as ESOL classes funded by the City council. Other events were either organised, or attended by the members, which enabled them to join in local cultural and other activities in the region. In particular, two coach trips were organised taking the members to further afield. The club was considerably involved in the Sheffield’s “City of Sanctuary” activities in the summer. As much publicity and contact with the general public as was possible was encouraged, in particular through the “City of Sanctuary” activities and through the website.

Summary of the main achievements during the period In addition to our normal activities the trustees sucessfully registered the Conversation Club as a charity on 20 June 2011. The main benefit of charity registration for the Conversation Club is that additional sources of funding will be available to us. The club continued to grow with both the number of members and volunteers from the general public and from the students of the two city universities increasing. Most activities from previous years were again organised and some activities increased. Funding was found for further ESOL classes, and the website was further developed. The charity's policy on reserves We do not normally have any financial obligations and our only essential need is to pay the rent for our Friday meetings. Our reserve policy is that we should have enough funds to enable us to pay our rent for the next 6 months, which is just under £1,000. This would normally be found in a dedicated Restricted Fund topped up by the Unrestricted Fund if necessary. As at 30 April 2012 our unrestricted or "free" reserves were £1,670.

Signed on behalf of the charity's trustees;

Signed ______________________________


Name, position

Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service


CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Independent Examiner's report to the Management Committee of Conversation Club Sheffield for the year ended 30th April 2012 I report on the accounts of the Conversation Club Sheffield for the year ended 30th April 2012 which are set out on pages 5 to 7. Respective responsibilities of the Trustees and the examiner The charity's trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity's trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent examination is needed. It is my responsibility to:  examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act;  follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission (under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act; and  state whether particular matters have come to my attention. Basis of independent examiner's report My examination was carried out in accordance with the general Directions given by the kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a "true and fair view" and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below. Independent examiner's statement In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention 1)

which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements:  

to keep appropriate accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the 2011 to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to comply with

have not been met; or 2)

to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

Signed:____________________________________ Judith Harrison FCCA Employee of; Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service The Circle 33, Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service



CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Receipts & payments account for the year ended 30th April 2012 Unrestricted Restricted fund fund Notes £ £ Receipts Grants Collections and donations Book sales etc Sundries Bank Interest Other income

Total 2012 £

Total 2011 £

5,323 1,077 38 97 2 6,537

2,189 3 376

1 2

Total receipts Payments Room hire Stationery and postage Newsletter Volunteer training Insurance Trips and activities Accountancy Miscellaneous EGM Funding shared with Northern Refugee Centre Walk 18 May Food for parties and Wednesdays Summer of sanctuary 2011 Website

2,350 1,077 38 97 2 3,564

2,973 2,973


363 321 218 588 100 89 4 850 22 177 158 75

2,047 92 274 -

2,410 413 218 588 100 89 4 850 22 177 432 75

1,855 164 400 1,994 217 1,000 75 137 -





Net receipts/(payments) for the year





Total funds brought forward Transfers between Funds

973 98

1,552 (98)

2,525 -

5,799 -




Total payments

Total funds carried forward


Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service



CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Statement of assets and liabilities as at 30th April 2012 2012 £ Cash assets Balances at bank: Current account Cash in hand Total

2011 £

3,650 34 3,684

Liabilities Room Hire Accountancy & independent examination

2,476 64 2,540

2012 £

2011 £

210 210

300 75 375

These Financial Statements are accepted on behalf of the charity by; Trustee

Dated ___________

PRINT NAME____________________________________


Dated ___________

PRINT NAME____________________________________

Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service


CONVERSATION CLUB SHEFFIELD Notes to the accounts for the year ended 30th April 2012 1 Receipts & payments account Receipts and payments accounts are statements that summarise the movement of cash into and out of the organisation during the financial year. In this context "cash" includes cash equivalents, for example, bank accounts where cash can be readily withdrawn to pay for debts as they become due. 2 Grants & donations Unrestricted funds £ 2,350 2,350

Digital Switchover ESOL Evan Cornish Foundation Sheffield City Council Summer of Sanctuary Grant

Restricted funds £ 550 2,000 423 2,973

Total £ 2,350 550 2,000 423 5,323

Transfers between Funds £ (58) -

Closing balance 30-Apr-12 £ 1,958 -

3 Restricted funds

Funder ESOL Evan Cornish Foundation Sheffield City Council Refugee Week Grant Sheffield City Council Room Rent Grant Sheffield City Council Summer of Sanctuary Grant South Yorkshire Community Council

Opening balance 1-May-11 £ 58 -

Receipts £ 550 2,000

Payments £ (550) (42)







115 1,454






1,609 1,552



(1,609) (98)



4 Trustees' remuneration Trustees received no expenses, remuneration or benefits in this period. 5 Glossary of terms Restricted funds: These are funds given to the organisation, subject to specific restrictions set by the donor, but still within the general objects of the organisation. Advance receipts: These are amounts received by the organisation in the accounting period, for use in a future period. Liabilities: These are amounts owed by the organisation, but not paid during the accounting period. Debtors: These are amounts owed to the organisation, but not received in the accounting period. Prepayments: These are services that the organisation has paid for in advance, but not used during the accounting period.

Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service