Contemporary political philosophy; applied ethics and jurisprudence

Jahel Queralt Lange Curriculum Vitae Ethik-Zentrum der Universität Zürich (EZEN) Zollikerstr. 117 CH 8008 Zurich [email protected] Professi...
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Jahel Queralt Lange Curriculum Vitae Ethik-Zentrum der Universität Zürich (EZEN) Zollikerstr. 117 CH 8008 Zurich [email protected]

Professional Appointments

2014- present: SNF Research Fellow at the Ethik Zentrum- Zurich University. - Coordinator of the research project “Entrepreneurial Rights, Human Rights and Legal Empowerment of the Poor.”

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Jan 2015- Feb 2015: Visiting Professor Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

2011-2013: Consultant at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) – Teaching Fellow at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

2010-2011: Visiting Researcher at the Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, Oxford.

2010- 2009: Visiting Postgraduate Student at the University of Oxford, Keble College.

2004-2008: Teaching Assistant at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).

2013-2014: Postdoc Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplificata – Goethe University (Frankfurt).

Education: 

Ph.D. Political Theory – Universitat Pompeu Fabra Dissertation: Justice and Responsibility (in Spanish), 2012.

M.A. Political Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2007.

B.A. Law, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2004.

Research Interests: Contemporary political philosophy with special focus on theories of distributive justice (domestic and global), conceptions of responsibility, human rights and economic development.

Areas of teaching competence: Contemporary political philosophy; applied ethics and jurisprudence.

Publications Books:


2014. Igualdad, suerte y justicia. Madrid: Marcial Pons. (authored) 2014. Por una Vuelta al Socialismo. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI. (edited

Journal Articles (* indicates peer-reviewed). -

* 2015. Justice and Well-Orderedness: Saving Rawls from Luck Egalitarianism. Ratio Juris. Forthcoming. * 2015. El Igualitarismo de la Suerte: Aspectos Clave y Problemas. Doxa: Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho vol. 38. Forthcoming. * 2014: Bosquejo de Dworkin: la imbricación entre el derecho y la moral. Isonomía vol. 41: 143-174 (with José Juan Moreso). 2015. El Derecho Humano a una Actividad Económica Independiente. Derecho y Humanidades. Forthcoming. * 2014: La igualdad de recursos de Ronald Dworkin: ¿Una concepción fallida? Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, vol. 30. 2014: El Filósofo Erizo. La Maleta de Portbou. Vol. 4: 105-113 (con José Juan Moreso * 2013: The Place of the Market in a Rawlsian Economy. Analyse und Kritik, vol.35 (1): 121-140. 2013: Las políticas del liberalismo igualitario: justicia rawlsiana vs justicia dworkiniana. Diacritica vol.27 (2): 41-65 2013: ¿Demasiado Pobres para ser Justos? Claves de la Razón Práctica vol 231: 20-30. 2012: Dos versiones de la democracia de propietarios rawlsiana. Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica, vol.13 (2). 2010: Igualdad y Comunidad en el Pensamiento de G.A.Cohen. Claves de la Razón Práctica vol.199: 60-63. 2008. Responsabilidad colectiva en las democracias: ¿qué se debe, lehendakari? En: Claves de la Razón Práctica vol.180: 22-30.

Book chapters: -


2015. A Human Right to Financial Inclusion. Gaisbauer, H. y Schweiger, G. (eds.) Ethical Issued in Poverty Alleviation. Amsterdam: Springer. Forthcoming 2015. ¿Qué Igualdad de Oportunidades? la historia reciente de un ideal. En: Gallego, J. (ed.) Igualitarismo: La Discusión Filosófica. Chile: Centro de Estudios Políticos. Forthcoming 2015 El Impuesto sobre la herencia: dos propuestas liberal igualitarias. En: Las Múltiples Caras de la Herencia. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Forthcoming



2015. La Financiación de la Agenda Post-2015: ¿responsabilidad de quién?. En Ramírez, G. Marín, M. (eds.) Metas y Nuevas Metas del Milenio. Colombia: Universidad Externado Colombia. Forthcoming. (con Hugo Seleme) 2014. Por una vuelta a Cohen. En: Queralt Lange (ed.) Por una Vuelta al Socialismo. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI (con Roberto Gargarella).

Reviews: -

2010. Una Teoría de la Injusticia. Reseña del libro de Amartya Sen “The Idea of Justice.” En: Revista de Libros, vol. 163-164: 15-13. 2009. Justicia Ideal en Circunstancias no Ideales. Reseña del libro de G.A. Cohen “Rescuing Justice and Equality.” En: Revista de Libros, vol. 154: 25-27

Work in progress: -

Political Liberties and Equal Social Status (with Iñigo Gonzalez Ricoy). Protecting the Entrepreneurial Poor: A Human Rights based approach.

Presentations in Conferences -

2015 “A Human Right to Financial Inclusion,” Finance Taxation and (Global) Justice, Ethik Zentrum (Zurich) 23-24th September. 2015 “Protecting the Entrepreneurial Poor,” Annual Conference of the Society of Applied Philosophy (Edinburgh) 3-5th of July. 2014 A Luck Egalitarian Society Won’t be Well-ordered,” Meetings of Ethics and Political Philosophy, U. do Minho, Braga (Portugal) 15-16th of May. 2013 “Well-orderedness: the forgotten rawlsian ideal,” Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica, Universidad Carlos III Madrid, 11-14th of September. 2013 “Igualitarismo de la Suerte y Buen Orden,” XV Seminario Internacional de teoría del derecho, Universidad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina) 24-25th Oct. 2013 “The Politics of Liberal Egalitarianism,” Meetings of Ethics and Political Philosophy, U. do Minho, Braga (Portugal) 20-21th of May. 2012 “Should a Rawlsian Society be a Market Economy?” Workshop on Property Owning Democracy, Ethik Zentrum (Zurich) 30-31th June.

Invited talks (selection) -


2015 “Political Liberties and Social Status,” (con Iñigo Gonzalez Ricoy), Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional de México, 9th of April. 2015 “La protección de las libertades económicas de los pobres,” Universidad de Chile, 17th of March. 2015 “Igualdad y Suerte,” Centro de Estudios Políticos, Chile, 17th of March. 2015 “Autompleo informal y derechos humanos,” Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 29th of January 2015.


2015 “Entrepreneurial Rights as Human Rights,” Kompetenzzentrum Menschenrechte, Zurich, 16th of January enero. 2014 “A Rawlsian critique of Luck Egalitarianism,” University of Mainz, 24th of April. 2014 “Responsibility and Well-Orderedness,“ Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg (Frankfurt) 23th of January. 2013 “Igualitarismo de la Suerte y Buen Orden,” Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), 1st of November. 2013 “Democracia y Principio de la Diferencia“, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, 30th of October.

Grants: - SNF grant for the project “Entrepreneurial Rights, Human Rights and Legal Empowerment of the poor.” (co-aplicant with Francis Cheneval). - Beca la Caixa – Postgraduate studies grant given by Fundació la Caixa (merit based). - Graduate Student Travel Grant – Spanish Ministry of Education. - FPU – Phd research grant given by the Spanish Ministry of Education (merit based). Professional Service: Academic -

Referee for: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Ethical Perspectives, and LEAP (Law Ethics and Philosophy).


Conference Organization: - 2014 “Global Economic Justice” – Annual Justitia Amplificata Conference (10-11 July) in Bad Homburg (Germany) co-organized with Elisabeth Kahn and Jiewuh Song. - 2015 “Finance, Taxation and (Global) Economic Justice – Ethik ZentrumZurich University (23-24 September) co-organized with Juri Viehoff - 2015 “University of Barcelona Political Philosophy Conference on Economic Justice and Political Action” in Barcelona (Spain) co-organized with the members of UB Political Philosophy Seminar (Oct. 2015).

Non-academic -

Researcher at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI) in Berlin (AprilAugust 2014) for the projects:

- “The Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogue” - a process for civil society organizations in the European Union and the United States to provide input into the EU-US Development Dialogue on policies addressing the security and development nexus, particularly around fragile states, peace- and state-building. - “Forgotten Crises and Underfunded Sectors in Humanitarian Action: How Can Germany Make a Difference?” – a report focused on identifying solutions for different unjustified biases in the distribution of humanitarian aid. - Conference organization: - Finding Common Ground on the Security and Development Nexus – Potsdam (Germany) July 2013 – co-organized with Alexander Gaus and Wade Hoxtell.

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