Colon irrigation of the stoma. anal irrigation. Tapioca enema. Chantal Tielemans UZGent President of VLAS

 Chantal Tielemans UZGent President of VLAS  1924 Dudley Smith – First irrigation system Colostogator/R  Up to now distrust of irrigation tech...
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Chantal Tielemans UZGent President of VLAS

1924 Dudley Smith – First irrigation system Colostogator/R

Up to now distrust of irrigation technique

Complications – perforation (20 years ago)

Rectale catheter introducted 10 à 30 cm into stoma

Restrictions in sanitary and medical-technical factors

Not well known by stoma patient

Colon irrigation of the stoma

anal irrigation

Tapioca enema

1960 use of cone

Clysma of colon with tepid water

Expansion of colon by overfilling

◦ Introduced 3 tot 4 cm

Reservoir function largest in left colon

◦ Ensures closing, no reflux

Reflective peristaltic contraction

◦ Fits every stoma, 1 size is sufficient

Evacuation of the colon

◦ Dilating effect by exercising pressure

Functions as an anal enema

◦ Less no more perforations!!!

What if the function of the sfincter is insufficient after surgery? ◦ Anal irrigation

as a matter of routine

Only the left colostoma (colon descendens, sigmoïd)

Irrigation of a more highly situated stoma doesn’t make sense ◦ Only during a short time without stool ◦ Disturbs the electrolytes

48h free of stool

◦ Tapioca training ◦ Pelvic training ◦ Choice for definitive stoma?

Occasional colon irrigation

Stoma colon transversum

4h free of stool

Social aspect

Preparation of examination or surgery

When seriously constipated, e.g. food obstruction with ileostoma

Psycho-social Seksual Caring comfort Hygienic advantage Reduction of gas and odour Peristomal skin injuries


◦ Preventive ◦ Curative    

No evacuation impulses Wider choice of diet Social-economic aspect Diagnostic parameter

Irrigation as treatment Crohn’s desease, colitis ulcerosa (corticoïds, 5-ASA)

Pre-operative intestinal disinfection

For faecalomen, irrigation with Lysomucil

Don’t add salt, soap, laxatives without prescription!!!


Absolute counterindications Right colostoma Obvious stenosis Persistent diarrhea Crohn’s disease, colitis ulcerosa, familial polyposis in acute stage Acute bleeding Want of time and impatience

Relative counterindications

Peristomal hernia Ileostoma only when obstructed Stomaprolapse Serious cardial stress Serious kidney insufficiency Hypotension Bad short- term prognosis


Good accommodation

Irrigation set

Water-bag with measurement of each 500 ml

Little hook

Supply pipe with pilot clip or roller valve



Drainage bag or sleeve with clips or pegs

Irrigation pump

Biotrol Iryflex/R

Precise and shorter starting speed

Pilot lamp

No increase in intestinal cramps because of speed (1033 cm water pressure)

Indication of temperature

Disadvantage: no refund


15 to 20 ml/kg body- weight Volume dependent on what remains of colon 500 ml would be sufficient Irrigation of loop-stoma: max.500 ml Irrigation of ileostoma when obstructed- 30 ml physiological to inject slowly Irrigation with children - 15 à 30 ml physiological in the distal loop

Patient should never try to solve problems on his own

Ask professional advice

Pt is in condition of stress

Do a digital touch as a matter of routine


Before the irrigation


First irrigation with250 to 500ml

Cone against intestinal wall

Finish first irrigation

Second irrigation with 500ml

Intestinal stenosis 

Cleansing of lumen

Direction of entrance is different for each patient

Digital touch (lubricant and little finger)

Distal intestinal trajectory

Change position

Is sometimes question of a few mm

During irrigation: ◦ Close the pilot clip ◦ Not remove cone till cramps stop ◦ Breathe deeply (massage of midriff)

Check flow control

Check on kinks and twists

Check height of water bag

Use of pump



Stress of pt (certainly when first time)

Irrigation with too cold water

Too high pressure


Stricture of the intestine

Tumorous process

Stop the irrigation

Remove drainage bag in good time

Irrigation bag in water level

Irrigate calmly

Rinse between times

Spasms of stoma

Eliminate odour (e.g.Ecoclinic®)

Use of lubricant

Active process of disease

matchsticks Potpourri or aromatic stick Ground coffee on radiator

Leakage during irrigation

Drinking of cold water

Nausea and syncope

High-fibre diet

Diarrhea in spite of irrigation

Drink water sufficiently

Perineal pain

NO laxatives


Extreme fatigue – obstruction transit


Change position

Massage abdomen

Increase irrigation

Fecal incontinence

Disorders of the nervous system (difficult evacuation)

Damaged spinal marrow

Chronic constipation

Cf.colon irrigation stoma


To begin with on daily basis

Tepid water (37 tot 38°C)

750 to 1000ml

Sitting on toilet

Evacuation time 30 to 45’

Colonirrigatie de brug naar continente stomazorg/ Frans Meuleneire - Kluwer editoriaal British Journal of Nursing 2006, Vol 15, n°16, p.854-8 62 Productinfo:

◦ Cone ◦ Water bag ◦ Tepid water at body temperature

Freedom of movement is increased from 24 to 48h

Less harmful than laxation

Simple to learn at any age

Less loss of stool between times


Fill the large syringe with cooled down tapioca

Apply lubricant to cone

Connect syringe with cone

Introduce tapioca

Pt holds up the introduces matter as long as possible

Training of the sfincter

Tapioca boiled to glassy globules

Cool down

Not harmfull to mucous membrane

No inconvenience when not evacuated

Training several times a day

Increase time